Dynamic Signal Signs CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™ Pledge
Dynamic Signal Signs CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™ Pledge
SAN BRUNO, Calif., Jan. 27, 2021 — Dynamic Signal, the leading Employee Communication and Engagement Platform, today announced they have joined the world’s largest CEO-driven initiative to advance diversity and inclusion within the workplace. Dynamic Signal CEO Eric Brown has signed the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion™ pledge, signaling a material commitment to D&I efforts at the organization.
Dynamic Signal’s award-winning mobile, desktop, and web applications are creating a more connected, inclusive, and engaged workforce where all people—from factory workers and field employees to knowledge workers across time zones— feel valued and empowered to be their best. For over a decade, the platform has built aligned, productive, actively engaged communities and employee advocates for hundreds of companies across industries. Now, they are leveraging their people-focused expertise to work towards a more equitable workforce for all.

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