Bracy and other officials who died in a Helicopter Crash on sunday night. We discuss, right. You sees hard line legacy and we ask, what comes next . The library golf view is watching on tv as in the United States and to all of you around the world. Welcome. At least one person has died after a passenger jet hit, severe turbulence, flying from london to singapore. Dozens of others were injured. Flight data suggested the plane, a boeing triple 7 drop to some 6000 feet in just 5 minutes. Witnesses say those who were not wearing their seat belts were launched to the ceiling . The jet was forced to make an emergency landing. In bangkok, images, passengers are carried off the single pool line slide by medical stuff off and buying colt absolute the where they receive immediate treatment and some taken to hospital passengers have spoken now to about the hora when the plains suddenly plunged. It was a long way so sudden theres no want, it gets old. And i ended up picking my head on the ceiling. My wife dates some poor people Walking Around and up doing somersaults. It was obviously terrible. This animated graphic shows the plane traveling on its intended flight path from london to cigna pool before it hits about to severe turbulence and dropped more than 1800 meters around 6000 feet from its cruising altitude. It was then rerouted to land band cox main airport that have well started to use a still piecing together what exactly happened on board that a preliminary investigation to indicate that the deceased suffered from one hot condition. He was a 73 year old. But these national, however, they stood in the next stage of the old toxic process. As the investigation continues, several of the passengers who felt well enough to continue the journey forwarded, another plane bound for a single pul, the julian bree is an aviation expert from cambridge in the u. K. I spoke with him early. Yes. First of all, condones is to the family and joel. Those are being injured. This is a very unusual a car, because uh, the buying triple 7 is the state of the art buying. It spills or carbon fiber and use the turbulence that only affects the mainframe of the plane, and also all the other perils that weve seen today. But it does on the line. The fact that if you do fly on aircraft today because of the changing climate, weather conditions, everything else, heres your diet, you keep your seat belts on just like around the lap, but just make sure it is actually buckled. So you called be thrown out of your chair and i hit the ceiling, which apparently you have to acquire a number of people. And they additional just saving panels. And some of the infrastructure came down, exposing pipes and everything else. So there was a message and another message should be that in future it should be hand baggage of the in cabins or an old cases have to go into the hole because that is the place folded. Yeah, because you know, mr. Brade today, there are more people that ever fly, and people are trying to fly by carrying on as much luggage as possible. Do you think that this incident and others hopefully that we dont have that are blanket but this engine is going to force airlines to change their policy about carry on. So i think its going to have to because the fed, as you say more people sign. So theres more luggage in cases, i know the cases based on youll see for the for just say uh, movable objects at all. So tied down. And so the best place sold and easy to hold. And people say yes, but we want to get off quickly. But if there is a really emergency and then you have shoots to slide down, then people waiting to get the cases will delay the real rescue procedure. When these things do happen. So were lucky that the plane managed to make an emergency landing. And everybody, everybody else goes off, apart from the injured and the ambulances were waiting. Do we know mister bray, what the pilots, what they were encountering when, when this happened to me that they were, they were flying a boeing triple 7 and we know the, the route that they were following. But can you maybe give us a birds i do if you will, of what maybe the pilots would have encountered it and had to do a slow yeah. So nicole, so they have all the latest navigational lights and also radio, which is very important. Because on multiple infrared the doppler radar, you can actually pick up the traces of turbulence. So you all for a while and in some cases, but apparently i may close is going to be a mass of investigation. Now to find out what did happen. But they, they would always know that the type is it says. So they might have seen clear as a clear incident, i know there was nothing showing they went straight into it normally. Yeah. Across sly over clouds and around the storms and the way from bad weather areas. But unfortunately it does happen. You get to get these some pockets and you have to admit theres been some very Strange Weather events around the world like they for example, do by slot things i havent said nobodys ever seen before. And so i think we have to take account of changing climate conditions, changing rather patterns, and we had to be ready for it. So i think we kind of help ourselves if we keep those seat belt buckles buckled up where we slide. Yeah. And when we fly, were always told to do that. Do you know if you are seated . Please keep your seat belt faster and but the pilots is this something that the pilots are aware of that they could fly into a pocket of turbulence . Wind shares. What have you with, with no warning and media . Is that a reality that we as passengers need to be aware of . I swear, yes, its always been a reality and the pilots know full well what the weather conditions are going to be because they do have a way to follow cause i am a weather bracing before they take off and then they have the insight instruments without you tell them what weather is coming out, where it is all so they will be warned by a traffic control. The Traffic Controllers will also make up points that its a hiring for us and treasurer. Thats why the but the point is that the turbulent is usually way down on that is a more fridays out of those thunder storms and storms and things like that. And when sheer, i try to balance over over the years, its been quite that low contrib refund and so its just not the main factor for an accident or for an incident. Any age and security expert julian, brian. Mr. Berry is always we appreciate your time in your analysis tonight. Thank you. Thank is russia it says, and it has begun Tactical Nuclear weapons drills close to ukraine. Versus Defense Ministry says the drills will test its readiness to deploy the weapons. The exercises are taking place in rushes at Southern Military district and all that includes parts of ukraine under russian occupation. The kremlin says that the exercises come in response to what it is calling threats by certain western officials. Russian officials pointed to reason comments by frances president. He said that nato should not rule out deploying troops to ukraine. But the military analysts, maureen, of a role enjoys me now from the stony and capital tallying. Its good to see you again. Talk to us a little bit about what exactly what these weapons their brush is, testing, what are they a good evening brand. Its good to be here again. Well, what do i have to understand . There is a substantial difference between Tactical Nuclear weapons and strategic Nuclear Weapons. Um, so Tactical Nuclear weapons or rise of warheads, they have a much lower yield. So from one killer on up to about 50. So the destructive power is much less. And then they can be fitted on the friend missiles that russia has, for instance, the caliber missiles or is those of the is calendar m complex, meaning that the range is also limited. So essentially, here were talking about the exercise of deploying those tactics. Busy Nuclear Weapons given the much for the range in battle field conditions, rather than what one would expect using International Guy in continental, im sorry, i see beyond me to target the likes of the United States. Marine. Why is Vladimir Putin . Why is he playing up the Nuclear Threat now as well . We have to go back a little bit. And remember that from the very beginning of the invasion of ukraine put in has been shaking, has nuclear saber. And every single time the west was trying to supply and creating with some weapons, put in would refer to a potentially use of Nuclear Weapons. And i think that has a role with is a trend power of at the strategic Nuclear Weapons for russia. And now russia has reached a moment where it needs to re establish that strategic power. If its Nuclear Weapons, however, its not old black and white. And he has found this gray area meetings of Tactical Nuclear weapons. And basically, which could be used in the response to europe and countries deploying troops to ukraine. And specifically, this is related to statements made by a french and british officials. We know that no country is use Nuclear Weapons since the us atomic bomb attacks on japan almost 80 years ago. What do you think it would take for Vladimir Putin to break that taboo now . Oh, the Russian Military doctrine is not very clear on the threshold when it comes to using Tactical Nuclear weapons. So that is an interesting point because obviously their destructive power is not as great as those of strategic. However, put in still has to give his ok for these weapons to be used. So even these are used in battlefield conditions or a special communication equipment and so forth and has to communicate at the end to give his ok and they things a threshold for their use is much lower. And i think there is a possibility that that might be considered. However i, i dont know, but within might think. But if he sees that russia might be losing in ukraine because natal decides to deploy troops and especially fried me or comes under attack. And there is a potential rush and lots of crime. Yeah. I think that he might just as well order the use of Tactical Nuclear weapons. So what kind of of Nuclear Scenarios would you say that ukraine and nato . What kind of scenario should they be preparing for . Well, in this case, i think that the Nuclear Weapons might be used in battlefields conditions. I do not believe that put in would try using Tactical Nuclear weapons against natal members. But again, this is just an assumption. And i think that native should be well aware of this, even if the possibility of their use is very slim. What would need to response be . What trends to use . Its Nuclear Weapons as a response. So i think it is necessary to calculate that possibility into the whole scenario with ukraine and also perhaps to actually see how need are comes out of this. Um, a scale of tory lateral were putting is now raising the stakes. Our parents to go one step further on, so that would be the question for me that need to planners. Yeah, its a step of course that everyone hopes never has to be taken military analysts, marina maroney, joining us tonight, maureen, as always, thank you. Thank you for having me. A quick look. Now at some of the other headlines this, our germanys and for administer unrelated, bare bulk, says the world needs to do quote, way more to support you crate. And its fight against russia during a meeting with you brains, president and keith bare bach said. A Global Initiative has raised nearly 1000000000 in europe to supply ukraine with air defense systems. But you said even more is needed. Australia and new zealand are repatriated in hundreds of their citizens from new caledonia. Evacuations come a week after y interrupted in the French Overseas territory, killing 6 people french president emanuel macro, and well meet with elected officials on the island this week to discuss the voting reforms which sparked the protest. Israels, as its revoked in order to shut down a live video feed showing northern gauze it broadcast by the associated press, the countries Communications Minister said hes ordered that the return of the news agencies, camera equipment. Now the white house had pressured for this. You turn, it came just hours after is real accused the ape violating a new media law. The United Nation says that it has suspended Food Distribution in the Southern City of roughly due to safety concerns and the lack of supply. It says its made agency for Palestinian Refugees unreal and the World Food Program can no longer access their warehouses in rafa because of israels ongoing military operation. It was the us secretary of state and to be blinking. Its called the International Criminal courts. Moved to request arrest warrants for his really leaders quote, a pro family wrong headed decision is real denounced the icpc on monday after the courts chief prosecutor requested a warrant for the rest of israels Prime Minister and the defense minister over the war and gossip. Now in a statement a sponge. First thing for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged quotes, nations of the civilized, free world to oppose and condemn the decision. Several of israels other western allies have also criticize the courts move saying that it equates israels actions in gaza with how mazda is october 7th terrorist attack. Well, im doing now by louis moreno ocampo, the founding prosecutor, the 1st chief prosecutor of the International Criminal court. Mr. Copper, its good to have you with this. I wanted to start by asking you, what did you think yesterday when the chief prosecutor with mister card, when he announced that he is seeking a rest warrant for his really and time. Awesome leaders were, im great for that. The we have the International Community called because a or is thing to do is to these, to, in addition to the best thing about doing his job. Now to judge it will review the evidence in some way. Do or there know the lloyd, the little no one you want to commit. What crimes of crimes against humanity and someone do it that the how to do the district is intervening. So i think its really nice provide me an order the, the case that the chief prosecutor wants to build against and thats in yahoo. And these really defense minister go lot. Mean if you read through through it, its talking about attempts to starve the people in gauze and start asian. It is not an accusation of genocide and thats a correct read. Right . Yeah, he did not judge outside. Hes just war crimes, crimes against humanity, but a very serious charges. No, i know. And so the reaction to that, what weve seen of the last 24 hours us president by he has called the move by the chief prosecutor outrages saying were talking about the false equivalencies here. If youre putting is really the same basket as a moss. Now i understand that the chief prosecutor said of an interview with cnn christie, on on for yesterday that he made the announcement yesterday in an attempt to be fair and balanced. That means including him off and the israeli leaders in the same announcement was that the right decision in europe . It was the environmental being is a political opinion. But its interesting because prince invited no states that a patient that wipers him by the building a port to provide food i want to in got that. So what he said, i went there and assistance. They proceeded the c. Okay, is it more crime of probation . That simple . Um i would say best, but the good the trash. Its almost always what a prompt and kind of get to mind the rain pulls that its on and then different crime for me centers on. Yeah, hold on me to god, but the email saying they have the right to go to port. So this the beginning of the process. A different email. Same but its very important and let things live. Jumped into work now that yeah, i was just gonna say mister, i cant but but what about the optics of this . No one is disputing, perhaps the facts on the ground. But the optics having this announcement include the report, the is rarely leaders and the homos leaders of can one can argue that maybe it was the right decision considering what the Public Opinion is at the moment in gods west. What, when, when you want to be actually present, you started with these eyes, you whatever you do, if, if its like time for us to go to jeff thomas, probably what would say or how you think . No, no, no, no. He jumped. Probably what i would say, father, no, no, almost. He works with both of the same time. Oh, why do these com . Hes doing his job. It is important that he says its a very strong case. Something very important. He did. He requested a group of vide solos to check projects, including fewer meet on who is he was a victim of the not through the gene. He was in the label. Come, he was, it was because of bytes of it, right . So you can not believe a few of them met on is on pacific. So we have talking about International Law even though thats what they are doing. But do you think a comment on political comments . Yeah, this is very poor. You know, have to be respected. I also wanted to get your thoughts on what weve heard from washington, the republican lawmakers, they have threatened to sanction the i c. C. At the same time, secretary of state blinking have said that he will work with congress to formulate what he has called an appropriate response. Should the court be worried about any type. Busy act by the United States to punish it for this decision. As well for me is the watching to be worried that one country is threatening to press a use judges or prosecutor for doing the job. I think that is worry mr. Ok, but we appreciate your time tonight. Looks like weve lost the signal there, but we appreciate thats Louise Moreno ocampo, the 1st the chief prosecutor at the i c. C. Thank you mr. What happened . All right, to iran now where the 1st of several funeral ceremonies for president , abraham are easy. Thats taking place. Crowds of mourners filled the streets of the city of top. Reese near the sides, where, where you see and his entourage died up, their helicopter went down in heavy fog. On sunday, later, a funeral procession brought the coffins through the holy city of calm. No, youre rainy. And state media said that the crash was the result of a technical failure. The army says that it has launched an investigation. Im joined now by a rush as easy as an author, an expert on rainy politics and foreign relations. You joins me now from new york. Its good to have you. Where this of the late president , right easy was widely seen as the main candidate to succeed, the Supreme Leader. Will his death in your opinion, will it stir live or reason long . Hardliners who would like to be the next spring leader. He was seen as one of the possible candidates for the Supreme Leader. And although the truth is you dont really know how seriously his candidacy was. But he certainly was one of the, you know, one of the possible candidates up to his desk, which for sure affect the Succession Process whenever it comes. Of course, this will comment onto a hominy whos not 85 dies. It will affect it in a couple of ways. First of all, obviously hes not bad or any worse of hes taken out of the contention. Most of a hominy, for example, sort of hominy is in other figure that is often a spoken off as a possible candidate so he will have more chance and also others contributors like arrow key or 100 bomb odd. And these are not very well known periods, but others will have more chance. But the, actually, the more important way in which you will affect the adventure of a succession crisis, is that we have to see who the presidency will pass on to. Because the truth is, well, vent harmony is defined, any arrive was sitting present at the time, is going to be very important for the process of succession. And also uh, you know, whoever is the president was going to have a new president , june 28th. And well have some time to a mass power and then use it for his own, the faction, and you know, so he will, if the race is death has altered the balance of different functional as sort of public politics. It is not the public. I mean, thats a will also affect the eventual succession issue. Yeah, but lets talk about who could possibly be the next president. And i should say, who could possibly be a candidate to become the next president. That will be the final decision for the getting the list of candidates that will follow to the Supreme Leader as well, correct . As well technically address the guardian council, which is the body of 12 people, 6 jewess and 6th periods, all of whom are peaks directly or him directly and by the Supreme Leader. But effectively they, they listened to hominy. So yes, it is. He wants to make a decision decision, and basically, of course, no one thinks theres an extra theyre going to be free and fair. Vast majority of iranians and vast majority of political opinions will not be any very, you know, a well come near divided bucks. But the real question is, is, does he does . How many want to hold a close to the election in which the results are pre ordained . Like the one in 2021 in be tracy, was elected that, you know, he thinks the candidate, every other major candidate is thrown out and effectively that candidate is quarter. Uh, you know, coordinate it. Or does he want to open it up a little bit perhaps to some centers, perhaps to some other hard dryness . Perhaps the ones have done everything conservatives to find it out and read each other. Its, its very the likely that its the, thats, you know, its probably the former basically thats how many does not want to any source of competition. But he still has a very hard time because each of the major, conservative but hard to find candidates had the problem. Ive been still on figures like funny about the carcass because the parliament side jelly a former national executed compromise. Yeah. You know, each of them come with their own providence and so its a tough job for accommodate the site. Yeah, we know that the Supreme Leader also is looking at voter turnout, which has been dropping in to the last few elections. And that is an issue for him as well as has been reported to be mr as easy. We appreciate your time and your analysis tonight. Thank you to and before we go, now here is a quick look at the top story that were following this hour. At least one person has the item does, has more than been injured during severe turbulence on a flight from london to single for the single port airlines. Boeing triple 7 was diverted to ban cox and commit by emergency services. There were 211 passengers and 18 crew members on board. Youre watching the w twos after a short break. Ill be back to take you through the day stick around. We will be right back the way every car tires drive deforestation. 70 percent of the worlds river harvest goes to the tire industry. Massive terrain. Tire makers are turning towards cycling and using alternative raw materials. A real change of heart for just more green washing. Most of in 45 minutes on d, w, the this shadows these costs and video shed light on the dog is devastating. Colonial har is infected by germany across and he employed to score farms and destroyed lights. What is the legacy of this wide spread races, depression, today . History. We need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. They passed into our ears whenever they feel like i dont themselves feeling a fashion and most to pieces in the sky. The beds have most of many ons, including the us have survival. To do they do is the secret lives of the inside dogs may 22nd on dw the the 1st and funeral ceremony for the wrongs president abraham re easy took place tuesday on the 1st of what will be 5 days of National Morning where you see his 4, administer, and other top government officials died sunday and a Helicopter Crash right. You see was a hard line or a lawyer list of the Supreme Leader his time, and the judiciary marked by refreshing and executions. Those who hated him called him the butcher of tehran, who will be the next president. And what name will the people give him on board golf and berlin . This is the day the

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