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Green golf is good to have you with this on this friday. It is a vote reflecting growing International Solidarity with the palestinians. Today the Un General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of a palestinian bid to become a full member recommending that the Security Council reconsider the matter. A 143. 00 nations supported the motion, which grants the palestinians significantly more whites to participate in General Assembly sessions, but not regular voting rights. The us, you may remember be towed a Security Council resolution last month that would have paved the way for that. Ahead of todays vote, israels ambassador to the un shredded at the un charter saying that was what countries who support colors, fines did to join the you were doing. So thats why i asked our correspondent Benjamin Alvarez group in washington. What this vote by the un, what it really means, its important to clarify that this vote does not give the palestinians full un membership, but recognizes them as qualified to join. As you said, 143 members voted in favor 9 against it, including israel and the united states, and 25 countries of stained in this policy and membership. It will now be forwarded it to the un Security Council asking you to reconsider the matter. And the result of this vote does not come as a surprise that it was widely believed that the resolution would easily achieve the necessary 2 thirds majority in the General Assembly. Also because there is no b to ride in the 193 member body in the us has been opposing a this and also in april, vetoed a proposal recommending the admission of the state of policy and to full membership in the United Nations. It isnt resolution, it would grant new rights and privileges. What exactly are the this is thats right, this passed a resolution gives the palestinians a right to participate in the United Nations into the National Conference is convinced by the us. And that means that they have the right to make statements and submit proposals. Amendments also to co sponsor a proposal to raise a procedural motions, but the state of policy and does not have a right to vote. What is also interesting here is the diplomats told us media before this vote that they original draft of the Assembly Resolution was changed significantly to address concerns not only by the us that india and also voted against it along with other countries, but also by russia and china because, well, both countries, a strong supporters of paul assigned to you and membership. They are concerned according to the sources that granting a certain type of rights and privileges could set. A precedent for other would be un members with russia being concerned about the costs of a in china about taiwan. So this and passed a resolution widely supported resolution to move on to the security accounts the where i bid police send a membership pay less than a month ago up to the us used its vito and veto to the resolution. Yeah, thats right. It, it looks like the us has planning to do that yet again, with this resolution, the w as Benjamin Alvarez group are with the latest from washington to benjamin. Thank you. Where you individual say more than a 100000 people have now fled to the city of rough up for other parts of gauze. A heavy fighting between its really troops and homeless militants on the citys outskirts. Has basically stopped aid from getting into the city. Food and fuels supplies are critically logan side, rasa. So 1300000 palestinians, and salt refuge in the city. Thats over half of gauze as population. We now many are packing up to leave. Again, Officials Say the World Food Program supplies will run out by saturday unless more aid or ros. Sam rose works in raw for for own road. Thats the human agency for palestinian refugees. He told us more about the situation for the people on the ground there they face an impossible dial them a money. They owe money and stuff on the rest of many working from god. So theyve been displaced by 10 times already. So theyre that faced with this and possible dynamic theyve been through before whether and todd eunice got to say c o l slash. So either either they wait uh oh oh they go now how do i then wait and hope that nothing happens . Oh oh, they go now and if they weigh, the conditions can be worse when they go because the opportunities to move when they want. So when they, when, what they they want to bring will be, will be at a more difficult. But its also conditioned by where they are going that being pushed out into some jews are difficult to provide services. Evers, for wally, overcrowded conditions or else that being shared by whole and so into con eunice, which is a safety, this sustained, savage, on the bottom of the century, been raised to the grounds. So on the side of june is all the room it is. And on down the buildings, and then both of those places very difficult at any 8 agencies to reach them out. Of course, make more difficult Night Impossible by the fact that no materials enough people are coming in right now. It is. It was, sam rose from unreal speaking with his earlier because a quick look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world. Chads military ruler, mahatma debbie, its no has been declared the winner of this weeks president ial election. The results have been contested by countries opposition. The election in the North Central african nation was delayed due to 3 years of military rule. And top political Opposition Leader in india has received a rapture with welcome from supporters. After being granted a temporary bill by the Country Supreme Court deli chief minister, arbin capable to now campaign in the current election lives the crises arrest on corruption charges saying it was a political knew by Prime Minister in the range remotely. Ukraine says that russia has launched a new ground defensive on the countries northeastern border advancing about one kilometer inside the country. Officials say that there was massive showing in the town of vogue johns, youre the city of her keith. Ukraine has rushed reinforcements to the region to show up the local defenses. Ukrainian forces are evacuating residents. At least one civilian we understand has been killed. In the show and grades, president zalinski says that the military had anticipated this attack. He says a quote, fierce battle is underway or keep your chief economy. He told us more about the fighting in the harkey freed of the front. Its really difficult to get a handle on the situation. The geography is pretty complex. Youve got some fighting going on near of of chance, which is about 71, which is northeast of kind of give just on that russian frontier but use a half a pulse of fighting directly north of kind of give in the kind of village along the board of this which, which are about themselves 50, comes away as the crow flies from of chance. And then reports of some, some of the village is also effected slightly further away. So this is a big area. This is a reminder, the ukraine has a very, very long border, but a 1000 kilometers with rushes. So even away from the front lines, theres little Search Engines to be controlled, and they have been expectation that something might happen because especially was building up troops in that part of the country. And you just a couple of hours ago, we seemed like maybe theyd be rolling in and trying to take kind of give them credit, 2nd city. That doesnt seem to be the case. Now. Weve actually had her full recently from the Regional Government saying that russia has to be able to take any church and theyve been pushed back. We know opposite choice. That is the conclusive also theres those reports are basically worse than separate to groups. Crossing the border and operating kind of classically behind the brand new lines, lots of questions and you french know how that was possible. Why this board was not better closed off. Why they wouldnt mind fields what it was across. And it just really kind of reminds us of the chaos last summer when you had you bring it back, rushed next. All groups doing the same thing on the russian side. The board, it really seems like its going to catholic, got a border rate situation and we cant really tell whats going for now. Yeah, we know that you creating forces are already struggling to hold the line in the eastern part of the country. This could look like it tipped by russia to start a 2 front board. But as you say, we dont know. I mean, could this then be the major russian assault that ukraine has been bracing for . Of the i just came back from the front lines in the east a couple of weeks ago. And when youre off people where they are, the soldiers that are with the locals. Are you expecting some big russian adults some push they say to you . Its already started. Its been way more intensive in the last couple months since ukraine started getting less than the way of west to weapons and the russians so that charles, so they didnt really see much shots from all. But certainly there is, and is reputation of this could be about diversionary tactics. Rush to try to force ukraine to send troops to the fact give region to weaken those defensive. These especially want to wait for those 60000000000. 00 of usa to reach the front lines. And we have seen lots of tools in versus state media about basically so i think kind of give trying to kind of create product. And most of the populations try to pull people to leave that city to give up and to basically move further away from the russian border. So theres definitely, since the russians wont be able to be scared, they have busy amount space in a way that they wouldnt really have if this was just about the military side. And for now it is a very different situation. Theyve had basically be an air raid alarm for the best part of 10 hours. The so it is expedited to for the locals. And those people who are closer to the border, not missing, hug city itself because the border are definitely packing the cases and even these the economy delays tonight from keith ukraines nick as always, thank you for earlier. Nick filed the report for is on a new threat, emerging for troops on the front line russian glide box. You looked at how ukranian troops are learning to live with this growing threat. Russian blood booms tearing, 3 ukrainian hanger early in 2024. At least thats according to Russian Ministry blog is, russian and ukrainian. Social media has been full of these kinds of images in recent months. But seeing it on the screen, but it doesnt quite prepare you for seeing the impact these weapons can have your own noise. This is the damage done by the smallest kind of like pump currently used by russia to almost 50. 00. Just a small pot of big lot going through it just this was a 250 kilogram. Glad pump it up to give you a sense of scale. Im to make this tool degrading you so just know to well what it feels like to be the receiving end of russian glad bowman text. They tell us they 1st came up against them about a year ago. Recent months theyve been getting bigger and more frequent. Im so glad problems make a hissing sound. Did you hear that sound . And soon enough theres an explosion. Youve got debris flying around and then the shock way for you to send you a song. Right now its the russians go to weapon to force out infantry out of theyve got screw, supposedly giving you. It says im glad to flatten everything up. It doesnt matter how did you do your trenches at one help. This will is the 1st to seek live bones, use a widely into such effect that the Technology Behind them isnt completely new. This is a hybrid weapon. Some blood bombs that just conventional dumb bombs. They have turned into precise smart bombs with the addition of special wing kits and satellite navigation systems. Crucially, they can fly up to 70 kilometers. These are thank you. Or that means russian pilots can launch these guy comes out of range of most ukranian air defenses. And by re purposing soviet era booms from its foss, dont biles, russia can produce these weapons at speed of follow it costs than any equivalent me. So see what the, what are these, these russian bombs at cheaper than anything the us has endorsed. They use the simple list mechanics and a very primitive wing cases. I want to keep going with the whole thing cost less than 20000. 00. And why do i say this is the lady was not only complex comparison, even the cheapest christmas owls russian as far ukraine are estimated to cost around a 1000000. 00 each to produce personal items, often failed to designate the ukranian troops the challenge to better understand the weapon that they face showed theyve put together crudely, but theyre effective. Do no damage. Theyre not hillary winning gradients of almost where the country doesnt try to build its own, like bombs producing these weapons, isnt the problem the most most safely is russias s 400 Defense Systems come down. Ukraine, your planes up to 200 kilometers away. The gradient, experts and soldiers agree, theres a new one realistic onset to rest his life problems. And thats matching rushes capacity to shoot down the planes to can carry these booms. Ukraine has already proven that its possible. You can, youre forced to say they shut down more than a dozen russian planes to february alone. Most experts believe that was down to west and supplied patriot Defense Systems. That is until the much the Russian Forces were able to destroy to ukrainian patriot launches sustained. Ukraine has kept his handful of patriot systems away from the front lines preferring instead to protect the countries big cities. Until you can get some more of these Defense Systems can again afford to take risks. Russian planes kinda like bombs, will have little to fear you what you need to be in use. Ill be back at the top of the hour with more world news. I hope you can forward is that the, the innovation green, the green revolution global. So listen to a whole lot of crime would probably be better to see if the care of subscribe to those channels to subscribe to plan. Its a good an archipelago in the middle of the atlantic capes the

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