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The sense each ways dellingers town online, but in the oceans as well. Why that having a devastating impact on marine life like carl, well find out why beecher on logistics of in time and deal on the on. So okay, welcome to a Program United States as well. In the old of gauze that is not facing style, patient secretary of state, anthony, blinking made the remarks as he prepared to head back to the middle east is used to meet the officials in saudi arabia and egypt to try and broke a sci fi. And to increase a deliverance to gaza. Thats been growing unease amongst israel allies about the human cost of its war against a mass which was provoked by the radical islamist groups. October 7 tara attack. These children are waiting to receive a portion of food being prepared by volunteers in rafa. This could be the only mean for some dozens in days. We have no option but to come here with them guys especially we have no money and were living in tents. The charities providing us with food because Food Shortages are becoming more acute every day. The World Health Organization has accused israel of provoking and imminent famine. This is completely man made and its, its affordable we need. Busy for to come simply on one hand because of the facilities, there is no a way of reducing fluid inside gaza. Secondly, there is a restricted access, simply what is getting game is not you know, a game of getting things wrong. Garza is complicated because of the level of destruction, of, of infrastructure. Along with the accusations that is real is blocking humanitarian relief into gaza. Is really nice the claim, blaming agencies for the distribution. Only a trickle was allowed to enter gaza city on monday night. Famine is particularly looming in the northern parts of the strip people there are surviving in mid shift bands with barely any food. A new un report saves the acute nutrition is accelerating. Here. Best secretary of state antony blinking, expressed concern about the Food Shortages 100 percent of the population and gaza is at severe levels of acute Food Insecurity. So thats the 1st time an entire population has been so classified. We also see again, according to this case, the United Nations a 100 percent. The totality of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance. In the midst of mounting goals for an increase and aid fears of widespread malnutrition, across the strip rising as israel say, is that the still preparing to launch a ground assault and rough uh, in the south lighthouse, as described by the times for a ground attack on rough as a mistake, but despite those reservations from his countrys biggest bacca Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears under to think of income. We have cause to share this desire to allow and all of the excess of the population and the provision of humanitarian aid to civilians. We have been doing this since the beginning of the war, because i made it very clear to present joe biden and our conversation that we all determined to complete the elimination of these homeless battalions in rafa. And theres no way to do it except by going in on the ground. So because it is a lot the construct of great journalist of alex the dean in kind of a youve told me about the splitting views of these writing public to the Prime Ministers approach to this will as well. Definitely, there are mixed reactions about the same whole issue of dealing with the war by the private and stuff is reputation. And thats in the all day. You know, be we list on the right. The people on the right would say the whole is actually doing the right thing by say no to the americans, even if they are israel, level one, the l y. Because its really a security concern is rails only of the the biggest writing should be the only ones who call the shots here and not even their number one on the left would say that of course there should be a consideration of the, the advice from the the us about the corporation and rough, im also about the aid it getting in and also today lease from the friends and security. Can we see that the was the presence in is telling us more information about this disagreement between is rather the by him administration or specific leaving us in the all government as the buttons, ministration. Nothing else saying that there is no disagreement between israel and you asked about eliminating how much because he is a rough up rather. But the way to do that, the operation, itd be highly been city rough up the just moments ago. Well, thats any all saying that the ministers, profess strategic affairs, uh, driven, is that going to, to leave of travel to the u. S. As early as next week in order to inform the americans about new peroration, how is going to be held . Thatd be exactly way sions, of the civilian population. Rough uh, before the groups can be a best on what a very humanitarian crisis thats uh and the blank and has disgusting such graphic terms. Is that making headlines . The yes. Well, we can say that the, these really media in general doesnt show what the whole world is seeing inside. Because i was more concerned about the uh, the uh, the soldiers of the troops and their corporations inside describe more than they are concerned about showing the human. Is there a crisis inside because of uh uh we can definitely say that this exchange accusation between israel and what have the agency that also be posted. The warranty, on the other hand is somehow its somehow um, it doesnt show the features the, because the truth is somewhere in between. Theres definitely a logistical difficulty to get the truck from the south of gov, the to the district. Were talking about hours of driving in a more zoom full of people that are considerably striving. So this has been, goes out to me that even it lands as families, the people are literally savvy. Each other lets me see this. Bradley comes back of incidents around the truck a bought the house is also open to most of the for a, for example, the air is prostate, which is from israel from the name of the district. And theres a different, theres definitely a political difficulty with the government because right, we have a line there of boasting, living in a inside got down there, but reagan, of the hell be the enemy. And also the volume is to be honest. The bully is not a one of the stand the or why would we lose a in a long at least the most of these are still here with the, with the insights of okay, thank you for taking assessor that joe. Lift up alex with the intent of a look at some roles towards making headlines around the world of the Us Supreme Court has allowed a controversial texas low to take effect, giving state police the power to arrest people suspected of crossing the mexico border illegally by the administration, which republicans blind for hi immigration numbers says border policing is a master for federal far as his opponents out warning, a racial profiling and Rights Violations that former us President Donald Trump has filed a Supreme Court brief arguing that he should be immune from prosecution for trying to overtime is 2020 election loss. Is a painting, a lower courts rejection of this thing request. Mr. Trump is the 1st of for me, us president to be criminal prosecution. Former brazilian president jaya balls not has been formally accused of falsifying his coping 19 approximation states as the indictments invitees. The enter the false information into a Public Health data base to make it appear that he and several others if this had been documented. And this is the 1st of several possible indictments and in baffled fight leader could face attitude ukraine, which is preparing for renewed russian assaults along its front line. Thats according to a report from the u. K. Administrative defense fortifications and likely to include anti tact obstacles, treasures and mine feels their thoughts as you try and stole counter offensive last year was forced into military onto a more defensive forcing. A cool pianist in the hockey region was occupied in the 1st days of russias full scale invasion, but it was liberated after almost 6 months. Dw has been to the town to see, have residence, of preparing for the threat of another russian invasion to read sirens or parts of everyday life. For the 3 and a half 1000 people, remaining inconvenienced before russias invasion, were 10 times as many people here. This hospital is the only intact medical facility in the town, but much of it has been destroyed on the 5th of the doctors remain and are forced to work and it can provide conditions more special. We have relief for the patients. We have flipped through the delta patient for people with lifting basement inquiry doors on the floor when there were showing with most we didnt leave, we could use sweet lit well. And as long as there were rockets, a more tar so, but when the bumping started, we werent a friend to the to the government believes that the Ukraine Armed forces will hold, could be on which he is ready to leave. If the finding intensifies, shes afraid to live through another occupation them members of the search and rescue group bruises on the hand to evacuate people from the front. There are more than 60 volunteers in the roses on the hand team. They do not receive a salary for their work and most hold down full time jobs, as they say theyre motivated by the desire to help despite the risk to their lives. So before we came up with the we had a big inflection, summer, and early autumn, the d. My niece, its going to come on the banks and each team would take 150. 00 to 200. 00 people per month for tell them your piece. But then there was some kind of decline, which always sort c o now is showing has started again, but her ability and a lot of people know every day, someone nice or even several people. When you have continued to the rumors of an attack, have started to spread the thoughts april. So thats why people are leaving more often from will be just yourself which and i appreciate that on the outskirts of could be on alexander sees of nadia in autumn. She moved to the city from the village of pet deposit, which was almost completely destroyed. Now shes afraid to stay and could be understood on those who was but this was the reason for my son said mom li feet is going to be headed here. Oh my god, he said, there will be a said good enough discuss if you ever took i didnt think so. Look, i was thinking okay, maybe god will take us away. You bring everything for nadia and others like her life from the front line has become too dangerous. The travelling further from the russian border in a desperate search for safety as the war drags on germany ace, to provide a further 500000000 euros administrator for Ukraine Defense. But its about his historians made the announcement on the sidelines of total between ukraines ministry back as of the us advice that launched dining gym. And he said the us remains of a lot of upon that just by refusal of congress to pacify the ukraine, spending us defense. Secretary lloyd often promised whose countries continued backing. Your brain wont break down and neither will United States. So our message today is clear, the United States will not let you brain fail. This coalition will not let your brain fail in the free world will not let new grain for you. Well, how much county are crying, and indeed you are to rely on lloyd austins will was given the parties on politics and congress and the potential trump presidency. I asked rachel rizzo whos from the Atlantic Councils in europe center. Well, i think its become increasingly difficult for us leaders to go to europe to go to major out uh, organizations like nato, or can beginnings like the munich security conference, or the Ukraine Defense contact groups with the message that the us is still committed to supporting ukraine for as long as it takes, because i think that that sort of flies in the face of the reality of whats happening on capitol hill, which is that this 60 1000000000. 00 package, this ukraine. Supplemental funding has been stalled for months. And its true that this is sort of a, a small cautery, a very loud and boisterous right wing republicans that are holding this up. But it still is holding it up. And meanwhile, ukraine is continuing to fight. And its really hard for the europeans to come to the level of support that the u. S. Is able to, to provide. So it sounds like youve got this blockage in congress as more than just business being done. This is, this is more serious than just the usual washington policy can to i think so, and i think the problem that has happened is that ukraine has become very highly politicized in us political circles. You know, theres a lot of people on the right wing of the Republican Party to say, wait a minute, we cant secure our southern border. This is an overstatement, obviously, but they say the us cant secure its southern border. So why are we spending money sending military equipment to support ukraine instead of focusing on what we need to do at home . So the hope is that the more center, right portion of the Republican Party will be able to eventually pull this more right wing faction along. But again, it has been months at this point. Its been since december that ukraine has gotten military equipment from the us. We were able to find you a 300000000. 00 in procurement savings. Wow. This past week to send to them. But its, its on, on defense. And this isnt a sustainable solution. This a bill does need to get passed and the hope is that it will sometime soon. Right to good. That was going to be my next question. Do you think that this will get resolved all as we approach and the election is, is it and get them end up just being tied up in this years election campaigning to well, this is the difficult part of this whole thing is that the longer this goes on the closer that we get to november and the harder it becomes to push this pro ukraine message speaker of the house, Michael Johnson has said hell find a way to get this through. But of course, hes sort of stymied sort of held hostage a little bit by this. A group of right wing republicans in, in the house in congress. Other Republican Leaders in congress on the senate. And the house said that we need to get this past for the help is, but it will indeed get done. But weve been saying for months it will eventually get done. And right now its sort of difficult to tell when exactly that will happen. So were listening to leaders and theyre saying that it should come at some point. The question is when and what happens in between now and then on the battlefield and ukraine, thats the most important thing to keep in mind. Ok, thank you so much for joining us. Rachel visit from the Atlantic Council of the runs top human rights official, has expressed consent of to hong kong lawmakers approved a controversial new national security. And all the legislations and extension of the law passed in 2020 and gives the government great to powers to suppress dissent. It may be as low as in mainland china, it was the mind of chinas communist government invasion, which has been increasingly asserting it so far. As here on the territory form, a home called lawmaker and activist bay, from the law is now in exxon in london and told dw, what they said change wouldnt me. Of this law is and other pets of national security. Little off the implementation of the 1st round of it in terms of time, see a really pockets foreign nationals and home call. A full re in organizations operating a home call and also hong kong organizations overseas. And it also poses also affects to journalists and all those People Society im stakeholders because for example, in the article says to um, a state secrets, it doesnt define clearly what these they see. Chris of an investigative journalist could fall into these big attract easily if they discover anything that the government wants to hide. So um, in general, it is another set of laws that allows the governments to crept down to Civil Society and increases the power for the government. For example, to arbitrarily arrest people to break into peoples homes without a warrant. And also really strengthen the penalties of a numerous different charges. So the hunk hello may can access vista. Nathan know, well take a look as the most doors making headlines across the board. Well start here in germany. My media reports in the countries issued an entry bad against the austrian fire. I took stream this mountain seller. Doesnt sound like a keynote speech of the meeting last year. A fall right groups in germany, which laid out plans for the mass, the for taishan of foreigners. Its boston nice kind of demonstrations, gauged wide right with extremes of french Prime Minister and manual macros told residents of a sudden such as must say that the mind is committed to cleaning the cities. Drug problem was speaking, after reviewing the progress made by an Ongoing Police operation, which is trying to tackle Drug Trafficking and criminal networks in the 60 runs. Northern code is done region has been hit by flooding after a half days of heavy right. Coatings and local, before so far as the urging people to stay in those regions around to hook switching has been hottest to face with at least 10 fatalities requisite Global Temperatures. The Greenhouse Gas emissions and ocean aint what broke and last year, as, according to a new report from the winds, will meet your logical organization. They say they sled to 90 percent of the worlds oceans, experiencing think twice. On other things, these aquatic gateways lead to carl bleaching, which devastates a marine ecosystems and causes economic losses in coastal communities, volunteers in the india and coastal invasion of go and try a different way to give each stress to carl a new lease of life. A short dip into the ocean, but not for fun. These marine biologist. Some volunteers have a mission to kathleen, move fragments of goes in tact. Carl, re re plump them the full, the last 50 or 60 percent of the quote in the world way to have gone and then are coming back as many more under threats. Rice and Global Temperatures are increasing ocean heat waves. One impact is coral bleaching, which tends carl white and puts them at risk of dying off completely home to around a quarter of own marine space to use carl reef a crucial for sea life. Bunker ton conservationists that contest shar lou and his team moved the car up to more habitable waters, a laborious and costly job. To finance this, they decided to get tourists and locals on board. We just said, lets start the program and its a one year adoption period where we give them a certificate of an option. We give them the photograph of the corner fragment. We give them the sizes were the problem is that were going to give them a fresh photographs. The end of one year with the increased sizes of m t kamicia is one of the project supporters or regulus sutton diverse she often spends her time in the waters here in 56 years of dining. My says, ive seen the decline of, of, of the color of the card and for example, and that hurts. Its nice to be able to do something, even if its just a little bit. Katasha and his team have replanted more than 500 carls to date. Its painstaking work, considering the size of the ocean and how many carls have been destroyed. Of antique it is realistic about the challenge that she believes the adoption project will do more than just raise money. Because i think its really cool. Its, theres really going very to create them. But because when you make people feel like the on something and when the news that it hurts that much more, a hutch, you can afford cross support around 1000000000 people. 3 food and income for tourism and fisheries. Essential for life in the sea or and beyond the well how to handle is i delegate to the you and Climate Change conferences on bank climate and policy being such a at Stanford University in the usa. I asked her what the world would look like in 20 to 30 years if we continue on our current path. I think based on current projections, what were really preparing for is destruction to happen times lots of flora and fauna and on little well conditions in many parts of the world. You know, weve seen heat waves increased in intensity, duration and frequency. Were seeing tropical psych loans, increase and intensity, and a greater proportion of them in category 4 and 5. Were seeing, youve talked about the Mental Health impacts of Climate Change. A really interesting study was done just a couple years ago serving 10000. Youve been 10 countries, and here we have said that our feelings about Climate Change affects their daily lives. So this is not a pretty picture. And the w mode just came out with a report recently showing that pre pandemic levels of food and security have dramatically increased in the past year, up to more than 300000000 people experiencing Food Insecurity due to Climate Change. So this is a really grim picture and i think its high time that we get governments involved to actually get a grip on it like that. But grim picture is a familiar one. Why . The thing thats given that we all know whats going on, why isnt Climate Change being compensated faster . Or, you know, i think the messaging is really key here. One of my favorite quotes from steve jobs, the founder of apple, is when he said that the story teller is the most powerful person because based that the vision, the agenda and the values of the future. And when we think about Climate Change, how are we actually telling that story . Are we to bane and in a sort of distant disconnected sense . Are we actually highlighting the real economic and Health Impacts that are affecting people in the here . And now, you know, its been projected that coastal flooding will lead to one trillion dollars. One truly narrows worth of losses just affecting europe. So thats huge. But are we actually conveying those realities in a way that people feel connected to it in their data. They live, so i think we have a lot of work to be done on that message and confront it. So you, i think you publish the statement as requested. All youre saying that were not doing sufficient to, to put that message across. Basically, it seems to me you as you can barely turn on the tv these days without saying someone getting flooded or someone having to drive on this river, having dried up, whether its in your old bond, glad actual or any way. Just so i think unfortunately in the past year, those effects have come to peoples doorsteps. And were actually seeing more and more people being directly impacted by Climate Change. And really feeling that in a way that i actually think could end up capitalizing more action. For example, this week stop, sudan is actually shutting down school is due to a heat wave expecting to last for the next 2 weeks. Weve seen it 2 years ago in the u. K. Row its, were buckling under a really devastating heat wave. And this number of july 2023. So i think as these impacts unfortunately come to the doorstep of people, theyre going to feel it more deeply. But what i had hoped for is that people wouldnt have to view it so deeply for that messaging to really had that governments and, and policy exports be to a better job of articulating these challenges for the crisis actually had. Thank you so much for joining us. I have had a handle from Stanford University. Thank its without your lot, todays in just a moment and ill be about to walk through the big stories of the day in the day today, looking at american promises to europe. Im to the philippines. Im glad that they can beat us in just a moment here on the data, the tax us the rich and do it. Now. Thats what multi millionaires are demanding. This isnt a joke. Many of the super rich one to tackle income, any quality. And they know that one of the solution is in their bank accounts, addressing any quality the millionaire is wanting to pay wealth taxes in 45 minutes on d w. A. Why does that and this . Because now im leaving the new host. Joining us for an exciting exploration and everything in between the most is a video and audio production by d w. I hope that you will tune in if we speak to somebody on which service from kind of try some country. How do we become different ours discrete logic. One of the people in just a 100 days. My power is because of my pharmacy. What killed the im on a journey to find out about the roots of the 19 are to put you on the side for games for to see the rhonda. My name is some way to ship. Im assuming, reshaping history. Our documentary stops april 6th on d. W. As the us Congress Continues to hold a to ukraine, hostage to the southern us border germany today im out as an extra 500000000000 euros in funding on top of the 5000000000 a great by e u countries yesterday. So it was ukraines and military allies meeting germany to discuss the next tom shift combine support for ukraine. Paper on the table must be wondering how much they can trust american promises of support. Im feel galion by then and this is the day the our allies and partners are here

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