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Where he faced no meaningful challenges he uses. The result was based on repression as an exhibit ation at home comments, legislature, response debates on a National Security though that would eliminate many of the territories remaining freedoms. Previous attempts, posit weve met with mass products, the ive been visible and welcome you as President Joe Biden has repeated his deep concerns of it as well as plans for ground, defensive and profit. He made the comments on the phone to as well as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The 1st such cole in a month. Its around one of the half 1000000 people at sheltering in rafa. Its the main entry point for aid that yahoo insisted there is a plan to evacuate people. And hes promised to let him all right, but hes refused to roll back plans for a round operation there against thomas, which carried down the type of 7 attacks in is well, joe biden has asked a yahoo just send a delegation to washington to discuss the run 5 fans if his us National Security advisor jake sullivan. Our position is that how i should not be allowed to safe haven in rough or anywhere else. But a major ground operation, there would be a mistake. It would lead to more innocent civilian deaths, worse than the already dire humanitarian crisis. Deep in the anarchy and gaza and further isolate israel internationally. More importantly, the key goals israel wants to achieve in rasa can be done by other meetings, on the call today present and 5, and asked the Prime Minister to send the senior Interagency Team composed of military intelligence and to mandatory and officials to washington in the coming days to hear us concerns about israels current raffle planning and the layout and alternative approach that would target t, how much elements in rafa, and secure the egypt because of border without a major ground in beach. We asked for the us and ben, so the general to find stein to balance the price of the waste is putting on the use way the later think that clearly the administration is extremely concerned about the potential you might have to her and catastrophe. If the as rallies follow through on the threats to go in, its a rough uh theyve been signaling consistently for weeks now that they dont believe that the as roys have put in place the means to protect the civilian population there. Uh and to uh, to target hum us operative so that are still in the rough area until how they do that until there is some clear understanding between washington and jerusalem about how to go forward. I think that were going to see the administration continuing to emphasize the risks. And there is an increasing view of, particularly among the democratic members of congress that you review. I semester ations needs to be more explicit. And telling israel to stand back off of thousands are experiencing catastrophic hunger according to a you went back report, unless there is urgent intervention. A bones famine is a minute, as well as facing increasing pressure from its allies around the world to allow mo, right into the boat on territory. Huge crowds of guidance gather to receive aid at the shelter run by the United Nations agency for palestinian refugees. Amid an increasing hunger crisis and the gaza strip, where aid has only been trickling in since the beginning of the war. The people are dying. We are asking the era people to press for a ceasefire in god. So we are exhausted in dying. The United Nations has published the slightest report warning that gaza is on the brink of famine. The you in humanitarian coordinator and gaza says that hes working with israel to open up more land routes for 8 shipments. As soon as the goods come in, the 200 drops a day or whatever the case may be, is not enough to satisfy the, the numbers that we have to address. And so as soon as goods come in, they dont get stored anywhere very for very long unless we can put significant supply increases into those areas. Those people who can shop catastrophic levels of a ammonia, attrition or food insecurity, will at face. We will see these problems. The use top diplomat, joseph bro, believes israel is using famine as a weapon of war and gaza. We on know long gone on the bidding of, i mean as we are in this stage of, i mean affecting was enough people. We can not stand by and watchable justine and stuff. What that will be going to do because this is this, i mean theres not a natural disaster. Its not a flaw. Theres not the hes. Quake is entirely mine made my home. Thats what they have to say it. My home. Well in each shipment arrived in garza from cypress and some countries have sponsored air drops. Agencies say that this is nowhere near enough and cannot replace the aid delivered via land crossings. For dozens of humanitarian aid trucks, a weight permission to reach people in garza. Some of the world use headlines theyll, Japan Central Bank has scrapped its negative interest rates, and other longstanding policies intended to stimulate the economy. Is depends 1st, rate hiking 17 use up will stay around 0 for now. Police and nigeria say gunman have kidnapped at least 87 people from a village in the northwest. Residents of the village. Near the jewelry and cardona state said the bandits arrived undetected because they had pots they motor bikes far away. Hundreds of people had been kidnapped recently by games, demanding ransom payments. Donald trumps lawyers say he comp post a bonus covering his 454000000 dollar fine for fortunately, inflating is wealth with the phone. The president is trying to challenge is conviction in a new york civil court. That 1st needs to put off the money over an appeal bunch if he doesnt and the court could begin seizing his assets by next week. Or are you, in fact, finding Mission Reports that the death of a rainy in gina must . Mimi was unlawful and caused by violets. This in a rainy and Police Custody in 2022 spunk mass demonstrations. The un mission found that many of the violations uncovered after a government cracked down on the protests were on, piled with crimes against humanity. Wasting capitals have condemned russias president ial balance as need a fair no free. The Election Commission says Vladimir Putin was re elected with 87 percent of the vote. The poll was held following a crack down on political opponents bidding post and faced no meaningful opposition. It was a try. Im send applauding the poor 10 who took to the stage a day of to being re elected russian president s in the land slide when the victory coincided with celebration, smoking the 10 Year Anniversary of the annexation of crimea. Natural, you know, flying goes by the other election candidates whod been allowed to stand against him. He sang his supporters for when most had predicted earlier, he claimed his victory was rooted in democratic principles to use it for them. When the, the source of authority in the nation is, which is the russian people that i knew you dates, i ceased, you know, while most most divides willing to talk, express the support for peace and they will some public discontent. There is my hope that the other candidates would have better results or i dont expect any particular changes in your bulletin about there are, there are no candidates my life. And so i voted against them all. I would like you create to be free, and the troops to be withdrawn from their gym and he called the vote a pseudo election with voting, taking place and occupied. You cried, violating International Law the violent the election in russia was an election without a choice. The election process not only shows shootings nefarious behavior towards his own people, but also violates the charter of the United Nations caught out if i not see one. Washington also pointed out the lack of democratic choice state to it would not congratulate food to this was an incredibly un democratic process, and certainly him being president of russia. It does not excuse him, of is of his talk or see the press allies, including china, north korea, and venice. A beta did congratulate the russian president s with the victory, grunting putin and not the 6 year 10. His net quarter century in depth towards the top proceed, seems unstoppable. The legislators in hong kong appear on the verge of passing a controversial security, little long, criticized for being at human rights. The law has been demanded by china is Central Government didnt by ging, which is associated so formerly on the territory massive street protests in earlier use stumps. The government from implementing the law known as article 23 for a provision in hong kong constitution. But with many opposition activists in jail, lowering the x, so its expected to pass through parliament easily is a look at what it entails. Article 23. 00 requires hong kong to suppress the sentence rates to the government. And the usual contains broad provisions against treason, insurrection, and espionage, as well as disruptive activities endangering National Security and external interference. Human rights advocates say it dramatically undermines due process and fed file rights. The moment that changed everything, july 1st, 1997 when britain handed over hong kong to china, which promised to respect the principle of one country to systems. That meant that hong kong ers could enjoy many of the democratic freedoms theyd had under british rule. Under hong kong its own mini constitution. But in 2003, beijing tried to introduce security laws under article 23 of that mini constitution. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets and protest, and the proposal was withdrawn. In 2014, a Civil Disobedience Movement arose, pushing for more democratic government. Organizers feared that the police might crack down. Everyone has to stay, highly alert. Riley has been peaceful, but now to your guys and plastic bullets have been transferred to the government headquarters. The us a soon after the police forcefully cleared protest caps and the government did not relent. Setting the stage for future classes with democracy activists. 5 years later, another series of widespread protests sparked by a proposal to extradite criminal suspects. The Mainland China was met with a harsh police response. No one is the upgrade. 6 we have more and more angry. You never know what the government will put on there. And im just worried about the problem. Rather than answering the protesters, demands the following year, beijing impose the new National Security law. The defined many Anti Government efforts as the session and some version of assigned life sentences for many of those so called crimes. That was it for many of Hong Kong Pro Democracy activists. Dozens of opposition leaders were arrested, along with journalists and ordinary citizens. Others went into exile. Independent media was silenced, phasing signal that it had fully taken over in 2022 when jesus and ping arrived in hong kong to swear. And john lee, as the territories chief executive or the ceremony happened on july 1st 25 years to the day after the british hand over the service, lee has said that the new security legislation is a priority and with the opposition vanquished, hes likely to get his wish he came to love came of francis color very well. Has been revealed that the annual mission, the guy, the boards, much less not is one of the most procedures on it as a restaurant to receive. The c, 2 french restaurants managed to achieve the highest distinction of 3 stars. Like ill play in paris and attempt to do custody in the 7th of august region, a total of 62. 00 restaurants for boarded at least once the most joining the mission, the ranks for the 1st time. As a reminder of our top story, this out us President Joe Biden has one of these wales private is the Benjamin Netanyahu against carrying out a ground offensive in the kansas city of rafa. More than one and a half 1000000 people at sheltering the yahoo approved plans for the soul last week. But Details Remain unclear. Now youre up to date dw program her this time looks at discrimination against women in employment and education. I paid for zillow and ill have multiple things for you next down here on the cost cost about why does that mean . I think a lot now im lisa and the new host. Join us for an exciting exploration and everything in between

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