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I must run helpful for as a site that have been multiple casualties. The, im ok, welcome to the program. Now the free. No offense, thats the verdict, western capital as of delivered as of russias president ial election. The country Selection Commission sidebottom and fruits and had been being activity by 27 percent of the votes. The pole was held following a truck and down on the political opponents. So meeting mister folks in face no meaningful opposition. It was a try and send flooding the pollutant who took to the stage a day of to being re elected russian president s in the land slide. When the victory coincided with celebration, smoking the 10 Year Anniversary of the annexation of crimea natural, you know, flying by the other election candidates whod been allowed to stand against him. He sang his supporters, for when most had predicted the earlier, he claimed his victory was rooted in democratic principles and you most, its for them when the, the source of authority and a nation which is the russian people that i knew you, that i see scheme that will, while most most divides willing to talk express the support for to said there was some public discontent. There is my hope that the other candidates would have better results. Or i dont expect any particular changes in their bulletin about that. There were no candidates, my life, and so i voted against them all. I would like you trained to be free and the troops to be withdrawn from their germany called the vote. A pseudo election with voting, taking place in occupied. You cried. Violating international law. The violent the election in russia was an election without the choices. The election process not only shows hootons nefarious behavior towards his own people, but also violates the charter of the united nations. I try to find nazi when washington also pointed out, the lack of democratic choice state to it would not congratulate food to this was an incredibly on democratic process. And certainly him being president of russia. It does not excuse him, of is of about time, per se for its allies, including china, north korea, and venice zabeda did congratulate the russian president with the victory, grunting putin and not the 6 year to his net quarter century in deva, towards the tough proceed. Themes and stuff will a professor sell . Okay. I got jenco teaches at the Henry Kissinger center for Global Affairs at the Johns Hopkins school of advanced international studies. I asked him why Vladimir Putin felt even needed on the election. Well, dictators liked to do that. Decatur, like to stress the they have uh, dimension to the people, but their rules, their power does not necessarily come from god. Although of course, claims that connection as well. So the Russian Orthodox church, but from the public mandate, i mean the even style and have elections for this matter in the ussr. So its not whole, not surprising to that. People like who would want to be the electives in quotation marks again on the human rights. Im just entering by who he needs to impress. Give them that hes. Hes grateful. Empower appears to be absolute. Well if you know who did the style of the warranty press when he had his elections, when he will see or a number of schools still the general secretaries. So they, they like go the legitimacy that comes from public boat, the vote of Public Confidence in them even though the balls may be red. Um, its just not all that unusual in rock minnes stanford. In the 1990s they have the same thing with the leaders getting 99 percent of the vote. A surgery event center from Johns Hopkins university explain to me on a lot of the russians election, loomed lodge and brussels, while European Union Foreign Ministers have been holding tools, they use Foreign Policy. Chief joseph burrell, sent the apollo had been based on what he called repression and intimidation. Ministers also endorsed afresh sanctions against russia. In response to the back of opposition lead alexei and the founding. So who those ministers going to target with those sanctions . I asked corresponding to in brussels, christine moved to your pin. The union had made it to you that it was going to be a targeting, specifically individuals who they deem to be involved in, in the persecution as they would coordinate. And beginning of alex a in the pony, we know that this individuals and entities are in this group of targets. They will likely be targeted with, with a set of freezes, as well as travel bands. We know that the Foreign Ministers here unanimously agreed upon taking this decisive step. It was pretty clear that the European Union felt that it had to respond to this. So we will get more details in the coming days. But we know that these individuals are in and sees, particularly in the judicial system. So in the court system of the prison systems, the people who would have been involved in, in, like i say, the persecution as being by the European Union off the rest of the lights, a russian opposition the to alex and developed. There was also a agreement on sanctions against extremely settlers and in the occupied the westbank. Tell us more about that. Thats right. This has been a Long Time Coming in a way in that the European Union has been trying to to sanction extreme. Is settlers in the west bank for, for attacking palestinians for a while, but theyve been facing opposition from hungry. And of course, this decision needs unanimous approval and hungry has really been opposing that in the positive diplomats tell us and all that hungry has changed. Its dawn, so we now know that the European Union has now got that unanimous agreements to targets. Theres some settlers within the west bank. They will also be targeted with asset freezes as well as trouble bands. It will also be full vision for you. You citizens, to do any business with these particular individuals. Um, once the legal present process, in terms of ratifying that decision has, has gone through those, the names of these individuals will be published and made known to everybody. But again, its just one of those steps that, that you Foreign Policy chief was pleased to announce in the sense that the, your opinion has been trying to do that. But facing stiff opposition from behind. Gary is who are very close ally of israel just again. Its along the lines of each Member States that all most of pro israel versus those that are more pro palestinian. But we can expect that the discussion around that will continue also have to point out that in the discussion, what additional sanctions full have mass. We expect that those would also be announced in the coming days, and well go hand in hand with the announcement of exactly who of those is raining, such as have been targeted in the west back. Okay, how does that Christine Christine . Wonder in brussels . A laser, how has name they, how much come on the it says it counts during the right that to guys the cities. Ill see if a hospital psych altima who was has of the medicine to is members groups, internal Security Department as well as intelligence services. He was responsible for coordinating tara attacks had been hiding in a building in the hospital. Complex is trying to release these images of the right, the only claim, thomas medicines, 5 of them from the hospital, gauze, as homeless around Health Ministries reporting multiple casualties. People have been seeking shelter at el cheapo census, thoughts of the world, the gotten in response to the almost her attacks of october the so i just saw me suckle in jerusalem told me more about these randy hospital. Right . Yeah. First of all, this is the she saw hospital that these really military rated already 4 months ago, took over those hosp, but the way she can pay the gains to hamas, the fighters, and then we drew from this place. So now it seems that even though is really losing control, so it says of the safety of the northern part of the gods of st. How miles has managed to come back to this a complex and then be able to even see 2 30 in the morning. Hes really forces entering the house, but the complex i did, it was the exchange of fire. And the is really, is up talking about more than a flipped house the fighters kias rodney is really soldier to and i can tell you that also a journalist from a judge 0 who was covering these events was arrested and taken by these really forces together with many others who are in this a complex and theyve been taken to be question a by these are in the military. So certainly somebody sako and jerusalem will say, find the ghost h as in cat ta have resumed. Israels Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu, who is also have agreed to send a delegation to washington, to discuss his plans for the ground defensive in rafa. More than a 1000000 displaced the public statements and sheltering. Mister netanyahu is facing growing criticism over his handling of the war abroad and at home. On sunday, the families of hostages were being held in gauze and protested in tel aviv. They accused the government of not doing enough to bring their relatives home. No, i file fine is a former Territory Defense intelligence director. He joined us from dow. Huh. And i asked him how far apart to israel on how mass off from each other at the moment . Well, thank you for having me. So to be honest right now, things are very lucky on the situation in gaza because weve got this new incursion into the um, shift the hospital and the threat of, uh, in reading a land or stand on and off or uh, now obviously the category and american negotiators, the sponsors of these negotiations play this very close to the rest. So theyre not, not thought of the details. But if we seen what happened in the past, the categories remain optimistic. They remain hopeful that before the each celebrations, which will be in 3 weeks. That they may be a resolution to the situation right now, and hopefully i cease fire. And what do you think the israel wants to get it as hostages back through diplomatic means rather than military state . Ive seen speculation that the Prime Minister would prefer to get the hostages button militarily, rather than buying negotiation because a military victory would defeat him off. Where a negotiations hosted return would allow how master rail as well that it is confusing. Uh, to be honest, because on that uh the attempts by the idea to rescue is ray. The hostages have yielded more of hostages to been rescued. Yes, there were some attempts that i had succeeded, but on that again, both can then rescued. On the other hand, the negotiations have released tokens over a 100 of the hostages, so it is confusing to see that uh, continuing to endanger the civilians um the hostages in gaza seems to be the order of the day with the i guess. It probably may be driven by internal politics rather than global washing um to end of the war and save the hostages and rescue all his themes in the midst of indian. So right now, and the numbers in front of me over 51000 killed and over 70, or 3000 wounded. This is really a dire situation, and its not confusing. Now, massive cost is looking for the withdrawal of is ready troops from casa, the release of prisoners, from israel. How likely by to get what they want . Well, what i can say is, what has been already mentioned by for since the consolidate negotiators. Todd is pushing both sides. Both these really is im from us urging them to be up to negotiation, negotiating table and to read and to reach out a solution. Not for any political goal for you, the policy bucks for the safety of the hostages and the civilian population of casa. Now, theyre all calculations on both sides of that. I think the ultimate goal must be something that all parties interested should push forward. And thats what the controllers have been doing and the amount of times for sponsoring again, these negotiations. Okay. Good talking to you. Thank you so much for joining us for ma, katasha, Defense Intelligence director. And now ive, ive been talking, thank you. So take a look at so most doors making headlines around the world. Almost off in spain where hundreds of people have taken positive protests. Okay, its a killing of civilians in gaza. The events in the city of son sebastian culminated in protest is lying on the ground to symbolize the dad around to baba, inspired by precautions, frames on people painting, guns, place in power. Cyber stepped up security in the suburbs of bass and angry mom attacked the Police Station front 50 use held the amount of comp towels and fireworks of the building. And we suppose the death of a teenager whos killed when hes moped collided for the police con 9 people are arrested Us Government studies find no evidence of brain injuries amongst diplomats and Embassy Officials who frequented symptoms of circles have found a Central Research as that there was no cognitive differences between the sufferers and the control group, headaches and cognitive problems. The fest reported by Embassy Workers in cuba in 2016 of Un Human Rights Council in geneva. Well, today, finishes discussions of the results of its Fact Finding Mission into rounds bonded repression and protests. The mission says a uncovered motors, torture on false disappearances, that amount to crimes against humanity investigates has focused on errands, responds to mass protests of the day 15 and also, i mean, i many in 2022 that i say died from physical violence winding custody since then women in the rond have continued to speak up and clearly this women seen in a hospital clinic that demanded that the coverage delete such as hed taken with us. I had coverage. Another woman who spoke out against him, i need it with ours is i have to flee the country and these down here been valid seeking treatment from for an eye injury. She says she suffered at the hands of evading and Security Forces. Just about that, as miami went to meet her, she screamed and said, go away or ill shoot you an e i. The one you saw, he targeted my eye with this evil smile on his face. And then he shot me intentionally any i get how much rain, how frequently i love him. I have been thinking about the whole thing across the city and wondering why he shot me. What have you as phone . Most co sorry. If the car, it was part of uranian uprising labeled women life freedom, she was blinded in the right god during one protest. She eventually made her way to berlin, to sneeze after hardy is 24. She had been a student in tehran and a theater performer questionnaire. My son, me, me to the killing of gina mazda. I mean, the sparked the protest movement against the Islamic Republic a little after i heard cause to protest by joining them on october 12th to oh, good good. Should i tried last week . I had horrible anxiety. When i reached the sidewalk, i found out they had blocked it. My heart was racing. And i was scared of the Anti Insurgency forces. How some of youre going to have is just the last time i was moving. I wanted to pass by these forces and i had my huge job down on my shoulder. Once i got closer, one of them pushed me from behind the screen, just me a shot me completely, intentionally in the eye with an evil smile. Today i heard people, and at the same time i was hearing whistling and my ears. Protesters were chanting, one Security Force member had just shot me in the i the, the mom we took a taxi and looked at my face in the mirror. I was bleeding from my face and my eye was swollen. Carmela i didnt want to believe that im the person that i was seeing was me going to own my own chair, make it well. I know that im leaving. Im a co star after. How are you had lost the site in her right eye and with a warrant out for her arrest, she fled to your rocky curtis den then to germany. Thanks to a humanitarian visa, a small. How . Yeah. As i how me. I know how you i covered the mirrors in my house with newspapers for months after it happened. But i didnt want to see my face with the injured eye. I spun uh, but actually during those days that i was suffering spiritually and psychologically all that i was thinking that my i as a mark of the crime and the cruelty committed by the Islamic Republic. But it had to show you bush, wherever i go, call this. I will be living proof of the violent depression and around a more before they can finish at about that. Im so i was suffering a lot of pain but was thankful to god. I was chosen to show the criminality and terrorism in these logic republic in that total it is that a new chapter has begun in co star. If the car is live, a chapter she already believes is a bright one. Lets pick up some of those points for me. Thank you. So near whos an International Criminal. Im human rights lawyer on board, chair of the or on human rights documentation center. She joins us from los angeles. Welcome to the w. What goes, will this un fact finding admission into the repression of irans protest do . Do you think as well, its so critically important. It is the only International Independent investigation that is currently happening about the crimes of the Islamic Republic of the ron and the report, the 20 page mandated report that came out and that was presented today at the Un Human Rights Council. Strongly suggested justice through 3rd state, an opening structural investigation. So because the possibility of bringing cases in iran is so limited and so restricted the mission is now recommending that that happened elsewhere where there are are laws to support that. And they made a finding of crimes against humanity, which is critically important to engage with work crimes units across the world that could look into these prosecutions. Right, and around presume it is an a is a signature, a to, to the, to the, the convention that established the, the un human rights of a court. Because i cant say the wittingly Attorney Office signed. All right. How about that . Yeah, this is actually not through international court. So the idea is that courts in germany, courts in france, courts in the netherlands and other places that can support prosecution for individuals that have committed crimes elsewhere against victims were located elsewhere. That they can do that much in the same way that has happened with the syrian conflict and the range of trials that weve seen in german domestic chords that a hold, those perpetrators and the syrian conflict accountable. So were very much looking for a similar pattern to happen on a ron and for the victims and survivors any wrong to get the justice that they so desperately want. Right . So this is the application of this so called universal jurisdiction. So anyone who can guess either gets out them and puts them on trial indeed, and this Fact Finding Mission report is so important because the details, the arbitrary detention, the sexual assault, the, the underlying acts that support this finding of crimes against humanity, which is the basis on which will be able to build the foundation for these prosecution. So we think its incredibly important. There are still many victims and survivors in the country who wish to share information with the Fact Finding Mission and those who have fled the country. So we also need a one year extension of the mandate of the Fact Finding Mission and the members of the Human Rights Council can vote on that next month. And so how was iran reacted to this . Because as you imagine not well, they have said that they have conducted a sort of domestic inquiry. But the thing into the protest violence that happened beginning from september 2022. But many of the victims and survivors that were in touch with and not to take to social media to talk about their experiences have not been consulted by that domestic inquiry. That inquiry has not really shown a lot of progress in terms of finding anything independent or really undertaking a serious investigation. So we are grateful that there is an International Independent body that has its power through un member space to really look at what is happening in that situation. Because unfortunately, the government has decided not to do that. And so how has life changed for women in iran since the gene and massa, i many protests began in 2022 as well. The interesting thing was that right after the start of the protests and we saw sort of an increase in International Scrutiny of what the Islamic Republic of iran was doing to women and girls. And for a time period, we saw that the authorities decided not to enforce mandatory the job laws that strictly, unfortunately after the one year mark of her tilling and after global attention has shifted to other crises in the world, we see that those nomic republic has again ramped up the repression, theyre now used using facial Recognition Technology to police who is, quote, unquote, improperly wearing their head job and theyre putting massive financial penalties in conjunction to that. So unfortunately, when global scrutiny decline, right, we see that the authority is presume their behavior. Thank you so much for joining us on outlining that so clearly International Criminal on human rights lawyer, i guess a decent idea. Thanks for having me. Well, take a look at some old stories from around the world. The most daunting nigeria where police i government have came out to these types of 7 people from a village in the northwest, president s of the village near the control room and could do an estate side. The bandits arrived and detected because they pack that most of bikes far away. Hundreds of people of pain came out recently by gangs demanding run some payments. In australia has agreed to pay more than 163000000. 00 euros to satellite Class Action Lawsuit board by tax the operating system drive as low as for the groups, i have a Tax Industries been decimated since the costs of highest Service Begun authorizing that as a reminder of our top stores at base, our specialty Election Commission says Vladimir Putin has been be elected in a landslide victory. Taking 87 percent of the vote. He attended a Victory Valley in red square on monday way time to simpletons. Israel says it has killed by how may i ask amanda and arrival in one of gods as large as hospitals is randy ami said more than 20 minutes since had been killed. Right. The dont forget, you can always get data, but even news on the go just download from google plan from the apple app. So ill give you access to all the latest news around the worlds most push making stations. But any of breaking news, lots of scrolling, business and entertainment use as well, lots of analysis and background correspondence around the world, the country that you are up to date. Ill be back at the top of the hour and also back in just a moment to take through the day today, taking a closer look at 2 things. Election, victory, mocking time here since russia inside it. And i know part of ukrainian region of crime thats quickly ok in the day in just a minute here on data the, the the floating away when its 40 degrees celsius in the shade can be deadly during times of time to change. I asked where hers, what was the most difficult part of their job . Uniformly, they spoke about heat being the most difficult part of their jobs. How do rising temperatures change in fennel, heat . In 45 minutes on d, w, the this shadows these costs and video shed lights on the dog is devastating. Colonial har is infected by germany across up and he employed a score tactic farms and destroyed lights. What is the legacy of this wide spread races . Depression today, the screen we need to talk about here, the stories, shadows of german colonialism. I tried several times. I went one on 6 times to greece. Is that all i have to spend life from 500 to 600. The current g, more people than ever on the move worldwide. In such a progress in life, you know, is a very difficult journey. And one is very hard. They beat you everything. Audio stuff, find out about some on storage, info, migrant, reliable news to migrate. Wherever they may be. Especially the villages have given the president the vladimir approach it another 6 years in office. The results of the weekends election supplies these no want of course, victorious count that is just promising. No surprise, theres just more well on ukraine. Im hostile bluster. Im to the west. Western reactions on surprising either with dismissal as of a shot vote criticism. The fusions madras cried down on domestic components and the promise of more sanctions and feel go invalid. And this is the day the need say

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