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Ive been visible and woke up a spanish and g. O says the ship with desperately needed aid ready to head to guns that is just putting on the finishing touches. The open arms is loaded with 200 tons of food. It will be the 1st to use and youve maritime cardo from the port of lanika inside 1st the European Union and United States of working with us to deliver food medicine and emergency shelters. In the last few hours, the us army has dispatched the ship as well with equipment to help build a temporary piano to offload aid. The. Im sorry about the technical difficulties there. Lets move on to rosie. Budget out corresponded in cyprus, whos at the port of monica. I asked her why it took so long to say to help this the route. Well, i think theres potential for a delivery by the to have a, a big impact. But our concern is that its going to take 30 to 60 days to set up this a temporary port according to the United States government. And quite simply, the people of god do not have that time to wait. Already there have been reports of 20 children dying as a result of starvation and dehydration in garza and starvation as quickly spreading famine is, is looming. And, and we need to be getting eat in as quickly as possible. And the most efficient way to be getting a to in is through the crossings that already exist. And that have the capacity to have many more trucks that are currently going in there. Hundreds of trucks waiting on the, on the junction side of the border just to enter and, and provide a to, to desperate palestinians and garza so shut out. We told you about one of the same thing here. This port that the us, the floating port that the wife wants to set up and the access card or across from cypress uh, from the you as well. I think theres been some confusion already. Would we have not gotten clarity on how that uh, those are. The aid is intended to be unloaded and offloaded into gaza. The sea water is 2, is too short. There isnt an operating point that has the capacity currently to offload any significant amount of aid. So i think were still waiting on clarity on what exactly are the use isnt having to do and how that able actually get in to gaza. The other thing im interested about was the fact that this was talked about close to the start of the war. Why has it taken this long to set up a humanitarian c kartel . I really dont know, but it seems that the International Community has really been dragging its feet in terms of, of recognizing the severity they put the critical, the nature of this crisis in gaza. For months. Weve been warning about moving them. And for months weve been warning that israel siege was preventing necessary aid from reaching the balance demands for months. Weve been warning that uh, starvation is brent of diseases will lead to a humanitarian catastrophe in gaza. So i, im really not sure why its taking so long for the International Community to act. And im still, and were still frustrated by the fact that the, the easiest mode of getting an aide through trucks, through the crossings that exist, have not been pushed further. It is, this is united from china low, mid norwegian refugee council. Thank you very much for being on the top of giving us as that interview. Sorry, it was from yesterday will bring you more in the efforts to provide a to counselor by see next down. First, caribbean nations have called an emergency meeting to end spiraling, Gang Violence in hazy, criminal groups of step down for the tax on the capital. Driving residents from their homes, the gangs want the Prime Minister to resign. He was out of the country when the violence began and isnt back yet. Acts of arson, committed by armed gangs in haiti. Forcing many families to flee their homes. They came with big guns. We have no guns when we can defend ourselves. All of us, the children are suffering these displays people have moved to shelters and are now grappling with shortages of food and water. For me, even when our families send us 30 or 50 us dollars, we cant get it to all the banks are closed. Nothing is functioning. Theres no food and no water. With desperation going, many haitians are crossing the border into the Dominican Republic to access the essential supplies and the bi National Market alarming neighboring countries and prompting the Caribbean Community to go for a special meeting on monday over the crisis. The heads of government of the Craven Community remain engaged in deep discussions with the various vehicles in haiti and 5 minutes. The honors are acutely aware of the arts of need for consensus. Why calls for bees are growing louder, gangs of for assisted in their violence. They said that they would not back off onto the Prime Minister aria andre steps down. This is a look at some of the other stories making headlines, police, and tell it we have again used for the cabin to dispose of protest as they were demanding the resignation of his by the Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. Several people were detained. The demonstrators also called for a ceasefire with homeless and swift action to free the hostages helping cancer nigeria 15 most students have been kid. Thats just the days of the abduction of nearly 300 Pupils School stuff in northwest. And so cultural state, se gunman still in the village at night on friday, nigeria sent troops to search for the children taken in neighbouring doing estate kidnappings for ransom. A comment in the region. Indonesians living in malaysia is capital re costing the boats in president ial elections. Of to allegations of fraud on the is the city with the managers number of indonesian, both as a broad, several officials a suspected of tampering with that list. In februarys poll, most irregularities and both malian ballots, building 60000 people need to read costs. They thoughts a boat as an island to projected reforms to the constitution. And jewel referenda proposals wouldve widens the definition of a family and changed wording regarding womens roles in society. Despite support from the governments and opposition, some voters said the language was unclear and the reforms bully explained. Ukraine says 3 civilians were killed on saturday and russian and shelling residents have found themselves in the firing line from the start of rushes invasion building. 2 years ago, thousands of people are officially classified as missing in ukraine of to rush to attacked, villages and cities across the country. Their relatives can only wait and hope they are still alive. 2 years ago, brenda shaw occupied disability generic eve. Many yeah. What if dr. Gilbert and then buried in secret 31000 ukrainians are listed as missing board soldiers and civilians. Among them lead the son, judy that the so the he said his scar had a broken wheel. Oh no 10. He was going to get it fixed. Who did it . He never came back. So these didnt tell me you would. He could not have left the village wasnt actually because the only door outside the direction occupied, someone had been close enough to. Its not knowing what happened to him and searching for those missing is a completed process. You created a part, these are 15 to thousands of cases. Sort of what that there was for seen. All work never ends. Lets see it for months. Once we get information that someone is being held prisoner. Sometimes this information comes from a relative who has seen a photo of video. And then our investigators follow up these leads to inform what somebody must. But i shouldnt say that its lydia refuses to give up on her son. And a few months ago, her hopes werent east nobody to movies because the police came and said he would be home in 2 days. Like know, i spent 2 days looking out of the window. There was nothing my, you know done. Hes not here. This is the tardy or, and hes still not here. The lead the younger product, the result of some missing like the ends of posing for further ukrainian mothers and fathers by husbands and children for the month of ramadan is the balance of stock at the time of worship and reflection for most limbs. But in war torn human scarcity is overshadowing the holy time with food prices soaring and wages dropping. Many families are struggling to avoid a for the basics. But the government says theres literally can do to break down costs. So mirror invests a lot of time looking at goods and their price is at the store as a mother of 11. 00 children purchasing these goods is a burden she lives in the city of ties in yemen. Her husband works as a daily wage, labor earning 30. 00 a day, securing basic goods before the month of ramadan has become a challenge for you. How many women and then this been. Yeah. And then we buy what we can afford, like passed a necessity on the face of the sound. We cannot afford to buy expensive items. We buy whichever is cheap, no dates, for example, because they cost a lot or the time the how does the warranty am and, and the conflict and the red sea has sent the many currency, the re l plunging. This has resulted in a 15 percent increase in food prices. A leader of oil costs 2. 00 and a kilogram of flower more than 1. 00 in a country where the average monthly income is 60. 00. As ramadan approaches young men, these are trying to secure necessities for their families. Either of them to so far, weve not done anything before ramadan, but we will resort to securing our needs, but revisit the markets and see the reduced prices. Will then proceed to purchase the donaldson and we have reached a point that no one can afford to buy a kilogram of flour from making falafel or looking over almost broad was initially by 500. 00 or 600 grams each day. Go to some of the flags here, specifically prices to come in saying that the 4 people are those with moderate incomes can only afford the necessities. Were not looking for luxuries, only the essentials authorities and ties cannot control the rising prices. But Officials Say theyre doing everything in their power to alleviate the crisis for citizens. What else of the having is that is a garden instability in Exchange Rates prevents us from setting fixed prices. You have many low mandates, price declarations, extruding items like flour and gas. So we fix prices around the flow of ramadan will be different for samira and most human needs. This year, the struggle to secure necessities may lead many to for get the extra touches that usually accompany the fasting month and give it a special flavor. And the final touches are being put in place for the biggest nice in hollywood. The also, cuz as i work here live in to release them, i just received the 3 l. A historical drama oppenheim a is expected to stack many of the most coveted prizes, including best picture director and act that it goes into the event with the teen nominations. The use highest grossing movie. Bobby is also likely to play a starting role in the show, despite being seen as an outside and outside of bets for any of the major. Whats your role of leap . I literally go nowhere without them. Reminded our van top stories, the spanish and g o says the shipment of desperately need a date is ready to set, sail for kansas. Open arms is carrying 200. 00 tons of food and will be the 1st to use. And youve maritime cardo from cyprus. As people in portugal are taking part in a general election today, 5, right. Shake of party is expected to pick up a significant number of votes. Mainstream politicians have ruled out working with it in any future. Couple of they should bring throughout the day to on the whole we will use on dates as old and up next out. So if youve entry has a look at the top of the shape and how it shape rounded. The european view of africa. People jacob uses next out here the floating away when its 40 degrees celsius in the shade can be deadly during times of climate change. How do rising temperatures change out the report . The internal heat, march 15th on dw, and now we are being chased. The

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