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Hardly any International Aid is arriving with fuel food and water running. Sure, the library golf is good to have you with us on this friday. Israels military says that it is expanding its activity in gaza after carried out more ground operations and airstrikes and gaza overnight. The attacks, unsuspected tomas militant positions are said to be to prepare the battlefield for an expected land invasion. The rate involved troops, tanks, jets, and dropped, is really forces have been bombing garza since the almost terror attacks of october 7th, which killed around 1400. 00 people. A mazda says more than 7000 palestinians had been killed since a journalist savvy circle joins me now from jerusalem. Send me so is Israel Defense forces have said that they are expanding the operations to night. What more do we know . Yeah, so so not only have they said that theyre expanding the ground, the operations, but we have now reports from the ground from the north of the gaza strip. That is really things are rolling in into the gaza strip. And there is also a how much, how much flight does there that are confronting them so. So this is like the most recent development 30 or this evening as it was a boom, bonding of the gaza strip. The people in the gaza. Strippers saying that this has been the worst bombardment since the beginning of these really a campaign is one has been the both from the air artillery. Im from the see, the extent of this the bombing is, is around the rest of them who live in communities outside the gaza strip. Have been reporting get their houses, have been shaking, and some of the windows have been shattered. As a result of this bombardment that is taking place in the gaza strip. We also know that the strikes hit a jet wide, which is the, the leading tennessee and telecommunications company. It hits their facility and now with the gaza strip, there is no internet. And this situation, a of course is very great, and it said me, i just, i just wanna make sure we can confirm that youre saying that the, the is really military is saying that its forces are encountering him, awesome militants inside gaza. So this is the urban warfare that weve been warned about, correct as well. We still dont know the scope of this. We still dont know whether its similar to what weve seen in previous evenings, or whether this is something of a larger scale. But we are, is rarely, thanks now in the northern. It goes a strip. And what can you tell us about claims by the Israel Defense forces that v l ship a hospital is being used by a moss militants inside garza del. Today, the idea of the spokesperson is booked to a 4 in media and told them that as her moss, a headquarters, the military headquarters and the, the, she felt house. But the, that she for hospital is being used by how much fighters that the condos that are leading, and connecting to between them under the hospital, to the network of a mazda condos in the gulf stream. I mean, of course, how much has the united they, they showed the statement in which they deny this and the clearly by making these kinds of statements, israel is signaling to the world that it regarding this hosp. But then as a legitimate the target. Yeah. Yeah. And it will, we have to remind our viewers, we cannot verify these claims that are being made by the military. But it, if it is true, it does fall in line with what weve been hearing from is real. All along that from us uses civilians civilian areas as human shields. Right. So yeah, i mean, this kind of argument is something that weve heard it over the years, but you have to remember that the garza street is a very crowded area, is 2300000 people are living in the gaza state. And the clearly the how much the fighters are located in the gaza strip. Um, i would also say that in this room, you have also military facilities and military presence in civilian areas. So this is not something which is unique to how much, but this is a point that is where it has been raising again and again at to justify the kind of come pay that its waging against the leaders and commanders over how much in the gulf has a strip and explaining why they have been so many civilian casualties as throughout this air campaign journalist and sent me. So ill go with the latest developments tonight from jerusalem. Family, thank you. So meanwhile, the situation for the more than 2000000. 00 and the few bakeries, it was still a producing a fraction of what they went before. The crisis began with no other options. This woman is resulted to using what type of paper she consigned as fuel to bank. Bank on the streets the hand weve gone to good floor under bombardment from the deceased area. And weve brought firewood from the streets and were risking our lives looking for paper out of time on the huffman for. So what are some look up the the fresh water is also in short supply many and got a non queueing up for the bottles and kind of stuff is unsure of. And the next delivery might make it through because of how society is willing to the hospital is the breaking point lacking medicine and fuel to carry out essentially operations. Humanitarian situation on the ground is a key increasingly bleak. This woman, unable to breast feed her baby unlocking access to milk affairs, to west orange. I need the slice, my son skin is gradually turning yellow due to the lack of breast feeding. What is he done wrong . What does this say be done wrong . This man noticed the day is his wife, an 8 months old baby boast were killed and it is right extract despite totally of his riley assurances, the southern guardsman would be spared. It seems no way of its safe in the street. And fears about escalation will only be exacerbated by the sheer scale of the humanitarian crisis. Beloved join now by some of her de, shes the head of advocacy, communications and media at the norwegian refugee camps when she joins us tonight from the jordanian capital. Amman, its good to have you with this, you know, we have been warned that this would happen the un relief and works agency for palestinian refugees, says it will be forced to halt its operations in gossip. What does this mean for the more than 2000000 people in need and let me ask you, will your organization have to do the same as well . It means an absolute catastrophe for over 2000000 people in garza because sued is running out water is running out of medicine is running out and the aid that has come through is just not enough. Its nowhere near and off, and fuel is not being allowed to be delivered into gaza. Hospitals need fuel to keep operating. Water pumps require fuel bakeries require fuel. So its an absolute catastrophic situation. And the events to night in, in gaza. A terrifying gauze of right now is on the a full communications blackouts. And with the announcement that the is really government has launched and a ground operation, we feared for the worst. Yeah, i mean, i just want to be clear, are you saying that your organization is also going to have to hold its operations in garza . Well, weve had to uh, scale down operations because of the environment and the lack of safety for our colleagues on the ground. Weve continued to deliver cash assistance to support civilians and families to buy basic food items and other items on the market. The aid relief is nowhere near enough to meet the growing needs on the ground. The main. We need an urgent scale up of 8 old crossings. Need to be opened. These really government has to list its cj oscar of garza. And what about the situation in terms of medical care . We know there are reports that many about a 3rd, if not more of the hospitals in gaza and basically shut down our our things improving as aids slowly begins to trickle into the territory. I think there was a report that what 10 european doctors have arrived, the medical uh, equipment and supplies that are coming through a simply not enough and hospitals right now need few. They need fuel and electricity to keep running so that they can treat people with the right medical supplies in care. And this is just not happening right now. And with this escalation in violence with a is really ground operation being launched into garza, we will see widespread civilian bloodshed and even more destruction to civilian infrastructure. So ill lead to the International Community is to in this horrific suffering. Coal for a ceasefire. Enough is enough, was this catastrophe is on folding and gaza will lead as a still debating over a ceasefire at the united nations. Its simply not good enough and they must step up their efforts. Miss, i did want to ask you what youve been hearing from your people on the ground in gone. So you know that the is really military says that a moss is using at least one hospital as, as its headquarters. Were civilians where patients are also be housed a senior people. Can they confirm claims like that . Have your people encountered a mos militants on the ground . These claims cannot be concerned. And what weve seen over the past few weeks is indiscriminate. Is really bombardment of a gauze as a has a hit civilian infrastructure, has led to civilian casualties on a wide spread scale. A south thousands of children have lost their lives on the is really bombardment. So we need the International Community to really focus on ending the suffering and preventing further bloodshed. They really do need to step up and called for a ceasefire. Somebody from the norwegian refugee camp. So we appreciate your time tonight. Thank you. Thank you. All of the branches have long been regarded as a symbol of peace, but now there are also a source of conflict between palestinians and israelis. Palestinian olive farmers and the occupied west bank of accused is really settlers of blocking access to their olive groves and even damaging the tree. Mohammed l. Sue ha, is picking olives with his grandson. I appreciate that. And no one like talking to call the sting. So close to the occupied westbank barrier comes with risks. Its pretty much i can i yeah. Sometimes the thing is riley forces come into expel the problem is from the land that posts through here with on the vehicles. And if i see people that tell them to leave the filter, if they are 20 meters away from the wall, they expel them and dont allow them to harvest that on the kitchen. Since the wilbur account between israel and is the most militant great promise and garza, the situation has become even honda for palestinian farm is in the westbank some say as well as denying them permits that they would usually get to this time of year, which would allow them to cross the barrier and gain access to all the land making it was so thing when i was one of those inside the west bank, very young can most of the sense us that my to moving them or take some uh official we only have outlined here and on the other side with the battery, i mean this is kinda new, but we cant reach it. Oh, we dont have permits because of the rule, the athens how to. So how do we just office outlined here in a little conflict has led to increase tensions between israelis and palestinians in the west bank. This protest in the blues is one of the several recent demonstrations in the west bank supporting the palestinians and goes the intention to blow dave into violence. Dozens of palestinians have been killed in the west bank since the war began in cautious with this rarely minute trio settlers. The tradition, the festive activity of olive harvesting is this you overshadowed by mounting hostility. Jewish organizations here in berlin, held in event in solidarity with the 220 hostages, were taken by a mazda terrorist. On the 7th of october, a table with 220 empty seats was set up in front of the Jewish Community center. Today, in judaism, it is traditional to welcome shabani on friday evening with a communal meal. The dw simon young has more to night from central berlin to 120. 00 places laid at the ship about table to draw attention to the hostages held in, goes up by a mass. This is an event similar to those held in other cities to which brings close to the suffering of families in israel. At the same time, its a demonstration by the Jewish Community here in the lane that they hope for the solidarity of the wider gym and society. Many are concerned about a rising 90 semitism at a tax on jewish institutions. They want to feel safe again, and they want the hostages brought home safely, as it was some young reporting there. Here in berlin, leaders from the European Union have wrapped up a, somebody in brussels with a declaration calling for humanitarian pauses. So that aide can reach the people of gossip. They also accepted a proposal from spain to hold a peace conference between israel and hamas within 6 months that we use jack peer. It has more on agreement despite the deep divisions between the leaders that brussels summit, the quote to lead efforts to arrange an International Peace conference, to try to find a way to violence in the middle east. Includes this size and its a good sign because its now about using diplomatic possibilities to my to, to not preparing them is not without its physical based on that has to be said as a result, because ok, and its widely agreed that the, how much terrorist group wouldnt be invited to such a Conference Following their attack on israel, which you need is of university condemned, also expressing the support of israel, the rights to defend itself. But with pressure from countries like spain and ireland. The lead is also agreed to cool for humanitarian pools is to allow aid into gaza funds went one step further with the plan to club together, e u. Countries who want to do more for the humanitarian situation. Because i know we are going to build a humanitarian coalition with several european countries, the particularly cypress, which will serve as a base for the humanitarian c corridor mining team. The lead is also discussed the plan to renegotiate the you budget to provide an additional 50000000000 your age in economic support, the ukraine, but tongue gary and prime minister, big to old, on, recently photographed shaking hands with russian president Vladimir Putin in beijing veto the plan the moment i mean that everyone knows, but they dont dare say it out loud that their strategy has failed. Its obvious that this wont work. The ukrainians will not win on the front line phone number. Were going to use that straight to the its all just with the e u position. And lead is will pressure hungary to drop its vito in the months between now and the gathering hearing brussel was just before christmas as the junk parent reporting there. We want to go back now to the war in the middle east and the repercussions that it has had around the world in the united states. The conflict in israel and gauze him as was jewish, and palestinian American Communities on edge experts or warning of a rise in anti semitism. And as well, my phobia demonstrations on both sides of the conflict have broken out across the country, especially on college campuses. The diabetes in his poll has spoken to jewish and palestinian americans in the us capital, washington dc. No non resident has never been this worried Walking Around campus at georgetown university. The past couple of weeks, hes seen protests which launched into hateful tyrants. He says he received threats of wine and himself, and the people tried to find his home address. We watch a video for riley at the university of pennsylvania, but demonstrators can be heard calling for genocide against you. Its extremely unsettling to see the calls for genocide to see the calls for one state with no using it to see them walk right by and right in front of jews on campus. It takes a toll, but you have to show up and you have to do what you have to do. Otherwise they, when would nolan has done is called found a group of jewish law students whose support is right now. The group wants to take a stand against what they describe as growing and just submitting an anti is were rather rich in the us. The fear is mounting them on the palestinian American Community to chicago. This little boy was killed and then the alleged hate crime authorities said 6 year old idea all for you me was a tag for be muslim. And the tensions over the conflict in the middle east lead to the killing beer ramadan, she now we work doesnt have to pays no consultants in the palestinian American Community. She would only talk to us in the park as she fears her office may become a target to the 6 year old boy who was murdered in the chicago area from my home town. House calls a lot of anxiety and a lot of here and parents who are making sure that their kids are being safe as well. My daughter and she text me from work and she was like, mom, i feel anxious. I dont know why. And we talked about it and it was about everything i was going on and she said she feels paranoid about going out tensions in the us are so high that president ial bite and has spoken outs to address the issue with most without equivocation denounced. And i semitism, we must also without equivocation denounced as lama phobia. And all you heard is your, your heard. I want you to know. I see you belong. Im a growing divisions. There are instances of jews and arabs coming together. This rarely was organized by jewish voice for peace. Ok, thats critical of is really policy. And i need to Say Something i need to do something. Weve been the victims of genocide before. And i cant sit by and watch my people now do that and others. So hoping to be here and hope and collectively we can send a powerful message as a jew, its important to me that my grease not be weaponized in this moment its. Its a beautiful thing that there are so many jews because i think isnt very appropriate representation. Of what its like back all the People Like Us as well. Its not really about the religion at the end of the day. Its about humanity. It doesnt matter what you believe and it doesnt matter what you look like. It doesnt matter where youre from. The, i hope frances has led a prayer vigil for peace. In st. Peters basilica in the vatican. The positive said that he was praying for countries and regions at war saying the world is in a dark hour since the start of the is really how much more francis has appealed for the release of hostages in gaza and for humanitarian aid, to be delivered to civilians declared friday a day of prayer and fasting, and invited people of various christian denominations and other fates to take part of the on monday. Lets go now to martin, gac youve got ethics and religious affairs. Correspondence. Martin, the pope has been vocal about the middle east conflict, what shes saying with this day of prayer and penance. And i think that to some degree is obviously uh, the way to concentrate the attention of the Catholic Community across the world on conflict. But i think its also an expression of support for the Christian Community in the area which has been at the receiving end of a lot of the violence, mostly the bombing of guys. So now were at church with phones and were furious, which was, its actually was an orthodox greek church, but theyre also sort of small, but significant number of got to look at leaving casa, and theres been really enough tick uh, throughout the last couple of years, especially where the far right government, which has been very supportive of settlers in israel, of you know, harassment and violence against the Christian Community easterel itself. There is a confrontation brewing between creased, you know, tardies including got to the coast, tardies and protest into authorities. And really can know tardies as well in uh, essentially nice rail and a sort of the government because the creasing community amys trailer has been very vocal about stopping the word, stopping the bombing guys and recognizing the human cost. Whereas the teacher has taken a much more cautious approach, which has mostly to with the fact that their budgeting is actually very much involved in diplomatic conversations with both sides. That said, uh, the logic, any snow to a new position that seems to be much more open against the bombing of casa. Yeah, and i was going to send you the prayer. That is something to be expected. Im wondering though, to what extent is the bad to get involved in this conflict, diplomatically particularly behind the scenes do we know as well, and we dont have it for a very clear picture of the time of the conflict. But usually a couple of months later, we begin to care really how Much Movement there was on the ground. And we do know that title leaves himself essentially the phlegmatic boss of the vanity can, has met with thanks really and by search with about you can. And there, there has been a lot of movement of greece in communities, but particularly the cut to the community, east road in conversations with the, with the sort of government of the boat, very early, directly after the attacks of the date of the 7th of october came out demanding the released of its really hostages that were held in gusta. But as soon as divide, you can started to talk about sort of a policy cultural tease that actually of course, to switch the type or ethics and religious Affairs Correspondent martin jack martin as always, thank you. Youre, are you watching the w news live from berlin . Heres reminder of our top story. Israels military says its expanding its ground operations and gaza that its intensified air strikes as it moves closer to launching a full scale round invasion. You watch any w to use, ill be back at the top of the hour with more rolled news followed by the day i hope to see you then the go now for the highest organic standards, and thats the here in africa. The theme safety is training his fellows is gone and fires bio dynamic agriculture. It gives them access to global organic export market. Its a pioneering project, but also combat climate change. The code for next on d w, the be a own house, advocates by turning into your own ex best with your country without any fiction and with no surprise, be active away. In good shape on dw guardians of truth. This time excelled jim. This chimed in. Dar meets the voices of a free turkey alter as the other one had to flee into exile. I knew the police would search my house. 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