In gaza or north, our enemies. We dont assess them as such. And we dont target them as such if they were obviously the situation in gaza would be totally different. We are trying to do the right thing. We are trying to evacuate civilians in order to minimize the risk for them. Meanwhile to israels north and 11 non israels army says it killed several terrorists trying to cross the border. Lebanons has beloved a militant group back by a round. Has said it is prepared to join its ally, how mass in fighting is real. Fears or mounting that the conflict between her mouth and israel could spill over across the region are correspond atanya kramer is close to the is really bore with gauze reporting. And i asked her earlier, if there was a sense that a full scale ground defensive is imminent. It was this is, of course, a big question that i dont think they will tell us. You know, when the exactly move in, there will still be this moment of a surprise, but i mean what theyre trying to do now, what theyve been saying since yesterday is to call on the people in northern garza, which includes garza city, the heart of gauze, over over 1000000 people are in this area and have to move a down south. They said that they have these 2 main roads. So theyre usually the main roads. When youre in garza, youre traveling from the north to the south that people should take those. And these are some kind of safe quarters to travel to the center of causa or to the south. This is at the moment what theyre telling people there to move. Because as a a, one of the, the army people, they said they would have hit hard and theyre calling on people to move. But its very, very difficult to hear. And also from the, you know, human to terry inside. I mean, its not so easy for people just to move south and, and in this moment, that huge concerns from the un and from international a groups there about a humanitarian catastrophe in gaza. What can you tell us about the conditions inside . As of right now, i mean, i know theres 22, okay. I to very few people. Its very difficult of communication and you know, some of them are actually moving from place to place in the past days looking for a safe space. I mean, those people have to move now to the center, but there many, many others. They can, i mean if you dont get elderly people, so or if you dont have a car or something, you know what, what do you do . I mean, if its just the, the situation is a lot of confusion of what to do. I mean, be hearing from the humanitarian organizations. How died. The situation is also you have to understand, you know, the electricity uh, at least it, then it just, it comes from israel was cut off. That has also consequences, of course. Then the main power plant because no fuel is coming in has a cutoff. So theres many, at least for the civilian population. There, all these problem said, how are the hospitals, of course then have problems for the generators. The water problems have problems. So, i mean all of this together, but i think the main issue right now for people in this area is and also in the southeast that have things still as strikes. So is to define some kind of safe space, but that is basically no safe zone. And gaza, youre basically trapped and, and i think this is a psychologically also, its a, its a very difficult situation from what im hearing to from, from people. Absolutely. Tell us a little bit more about military operations on, on friday. We know the israeli army said it had conducted raids into gaza, both of battling militants there and also looking out for information about hostages. What can you tell us about what the Current Situation is like at the border of the . Well, were here near the goal is a board and its been 2 areas where, you know, theres a build up of tags of the infantry mainly here. I mean, at the moment then not moving. I think theyre waiting now for the next step for, for the orders as to what comes next. Of course you have still. We had also, rockets are ours is coming out in the past half an hour. So from garza, of course, is also the navy around cause in the mediterranean. You have to attend a re from here the strikes on garza, so the war is going on. And of course, everybodys waiting now to see what happens after this 4 oclock deadline might be a bit flexible. What will happen next . Or we dont know. We just have to, to see what the next hours here are. We bring. We will be keep me posted here. On dw, thank you so much, tanya. For your reporting, it is our course on it tanya kramer near the border which tells us and shayna lowe is with the norwegian refugee council, which has been working. Hows people working in the gaza . I spoke to her earlier and asked her what she was hearing from her colleagues working in the territory. We have 52 palestinian staff who are from and live and work in gaza. I mean the stories that they are telling us of what they are experiencing, what they are seeing. We have no capacity right now to even be able to, to uh, give the humanity providing humanitarian response. Because our staff needs to focus on themselves giving to safety. Weve heard stories from staff about challenges after this order to, to lead to the south in finding vehicles fuel in order to make that way. Some of our staff are, are trying to get to the southern part of god just by on foot. And the situation is dire, theres no electricity there, except for what people can muster from either the unlimited fuel that remains for jim, readers, or solar panels. Connectivity is difficult, in terms of people communicating each day. It seems that our ability to even do something as simple as a head count, to make sure that our staff are okay is becoming more and more difficult because the situation is so dire, which is rings total blockade total cj on the guards and strip as your correspondence mentioned and preventing fuel, electricity, food and water from entering. And then of course of the announcement from thursday night at midnight, calling on our residents of northern gauze of to, to flee to the south. It was p, terrifying. So you have your own people working for you, for you, for their lives unable to really administer a to others who need it. Are you aware of other organizations who have been able to help supply a there right now, while its most needed . I know that the when is continuing to provide as much support as it can and other organizations that are involved in Emergency Response like doctors without borders. But i think most of the humanitarian sector right now or frozen because we, we cannot ask our staff to be responding to a phrase this when they themselves are victims of back braces and need to focus on getting their family to safety. Yeah, now the norwegian refugee council, a secretary general, we should say has demanded a reversal to the israeli militarys demand that more than a 1000000 civilians relocate from the north a to the south of gaza. Can you tell us a little bit more about what is in this demand and really more about what is at stake here . If this is not heated, i mean its impossible for palestinians from, for 1100000 pounds demands from the north. To flee to the south, there are not facilities able to accommodate that. Number of people moving quickly in northern garza was really the center of economic and commercial life. And whereas the minority people in garza lived and, and there just arent facilities available. Additionally, weve heard reports of, of palestinian too were trying to lead to this as being killed. I was trying to escape to the south. And on top of that, there are no assurances that when people do flee to the south, that they, that they will be protected, the bees will be safe zones that will be targeted. And so we need assurances that if people are going to be evacuated, that it needs to be done in a way in which transport can be arranged and accommodated. That doesnt cause widespread panic and chaos. And that allows for, for one the combination of, of the inputs of people, but also assurances that once hostilities and that those people are able to return to their homes. Thank you so much. Shay, now we really appreciate it and that is shayna low from the norwegian refugee council. And was 5 in a little deeper with some more news around the conflict. Perky has been gone sending to mandatory an 8 intended for gaza to turkish air force. Planes are brought food and medical supplies into egypt, the roof of Border Crossing and southern gauze, that is the only point where aid can be delivered. Egypt and israel have agreed to let us citizens leave because of strep through the roof of crossing. The only entry point to the territory, not control by israel. These really army struck the crossing early this week and says any use of it into egypt will be in coordination with israel. As an artist, hillary strife has killed a journalist and injured 6 others in southern lebanon. As some of the Reuters News Agency was covering classes on the border with israel un secretary general antonio guitars for the attack highlights the risk of the conflict. Spelling over israel has called up some 360000 reserve us and mass troops and tanks along the border with gaza. Cause has been under caesar and your constant ground and air bombardment. Israels, as a senior from us military commander has been killed in the air strikes. Israel believes to be planning a major ground offensive as weve heard. Although no such decision has yet been announced. Because we want to get more insight into israels military planning. And for that less bringing i the ideas come back major he is. He has declined to provide us with his full name and goes only by r e o r l. A. Welcome. You may have heard in our show, there has been strong criticism from 8 organizations that israel to order to evacuate. People from northern gaza is impossible. And well worse than what is already in humanitarian crisis. Um, can you tell us more about how you plan to ensure that a 1000000 people more than a 1000000 people are able to get out safely before israel goes in on saturday morning, last the last week we woke up to a terrible morning where more than a 1500 terrorist, i use a service for most service attack. Im utilize citizens babies inside is really and this is really villages along the gaza strip. Yes. You minutes area and my disgusting of. There we go. Sorry. I have to jump in there that theres no question. This is a disgusting attack on his really civilians, but im asking about your response now in the gaza strip. And im wondering what your plans are to make sure that there arent more innocent civilians killed from gaza, as israel begins its ground, defense of as well as a bank from us is responsible for everything that happens inside the gaza strip. Is really uh, idea of will do anything to bring back uh, the security to those citizens are on the go around the villages. We lost it and i, i, once these really army were prepared to do whatever is needed, there has not been anything declared, but we have nothing against the citizens of guys that we have somebody a good. Im us, who was good decided to pick up this attack, the terrific attack, which i myself to part of defending the defense in the city of case you in the village a piece of fame. I mean, the things i saw with, with my own eyes i, ive never seen in my, in my entire life. Like i said, the ground defensive now in response is imminent, correct me if im wrong, theyre in such a densely populated area. You know where you have elderly people and women and children who may not have gotten out over the last day, i want to know how you will be able to launch operations that distinguish between civilians and militants. What is this . This is a been our challenge for, for many years from us as a Service Organization when bed itself inside of population, we call for the, for the people, the city of guys or to evacuate. We understand that it takes time. We have nothing against the citizens. We only have those who are, are protecting from us, and those werent eating them. And the hiding the hostages that were taking into gaza. So that is why we give that we give we did give the opportunity, were giving the opportunity. We are only looking out for how must service we have to change the situation. We cannot go back before the situation in this area is changed. We cannot live alongside such an humane terrorist organization. No one, none of our citizens can live with that. And that is our main goal in this operation. Like you said, there has been no uh order, but we are ready to do whatever its needed. Whether in the south or in the north. Uh, we are ready. Yeah, yeah, that is my question. Um, by which metric will you measure a successful military offensive here . What is the end goal and when will it has been met . The situation to the security situation needs to change. Weve been suffering from these terrace for many, many years. Our civilians suffer them. The risk attack on saturday was the high points which situation needs to change a must cannot keep on ruling about area and letting out a text on our people and sending messiahs into densely Populated Areas like tell of eve and etc. This yeah. Which ways and will change. Thats what i can say. So yeah, my question is, what were already bunch. The idea of has hit him us many times since israel unilaterally disengaged in 2005. And then im also still there still carrying out these gruesome attacks. And why will this time be different . What is the plan as well . But for the last attack we saw on the saturday was something we havent seen ever before. We saw it in small quantities, but this was Something Else we need to change is how much cannot cannot be written. Power in that area cannot have the, the military power to attack. And its threatening our people from the people of israel. So it needs to change if we need to go in attack every single terrorist in the gaza strip, thats what we do. But our aim is the terrace is there are because capability capabilities the rockets or anything else they use to the, to, to murder the dis, destroys families to burn them live in their home. Anything they use, any one that was part of it. And the other goal is to get those where i have been kidnapped into gaza. Im on the made, i swim. Dont see clearly how this is going to be achieved. Im also curious about whenever this does and what kind of assurance is israel can provide to the people that have been told to leave their homes to evacuate from the north. What assurances can you get that they will at some point be able to go home or, or to whatever is left of them . Well that, that question they will have to, uh ask uh how much or only insurance is it right now or for the people of israel that we will protect them and do anything we need to do. So they can go back to their homes. We have nothing against the population thats not our aim or any more terrorist. And if we can make us also a better place for those for evacuating now, we will have most of the terrorist organizations not only towards is rarely but also towards the palestinians. So thank you very much. Are you all for joining us . That is arial from the idea is very much appreciate your time. Thank you very much. Or relatives of german citizens being held hostage by home. Ill say they are desperate for any information about their loved ones. The german 4 administer and elaina bare balkan that several of the families in israel. Shes also visited the site of a homeless rocket attack that killed several is released, are arriving in israel and letting them be about hated to see him off as destruction for himself. We are standing alongside who is riley counterpart, the p. A survey displaced in home near the guys a border. The 3 people died. Yeah, after it was hit by how most rockets fairbanks trip is the show of solidarity with israel and the optimize of the attacks. Visiting a crisis seem to she can dim thomas and job to support israel with what ever it needs. In this horrible days, we the people of germany, a standing with you. Were feeling with you. We all ease re lease the space. So i would like to convey our deepest solidarity from the government of germany. But also from the people of germany to people of israel. Deborah colson, i met with families of german citizens, held hostage and gaza. Desperate for information, having heard nothing since they were kidnapped last saturday. In 4 oclock afternoon, i eventually saw a video which i recognized my wife and 2 daughters getting on to some kind of vehicle and getting kidnapped the hutch, which in many can use its International Clout to help recover the hostages. We met with the foreign minister of germany and the she was very confessing and understanding. And i expect germany to bring back home her german citizens, not only german citizens, to babies, my babies, and my wife, my whole world. Germanys government is promising to do everything i can to find its missing citizens. The need to bring them home, growing increasingly urgent for more or less bringing dw Senior International correspondent funding for char, joining us from jerusalem funding. Weve seen these preparations being made for a possible ground defensive. Have you been able to glean any further information about when exactly it might start of the thats the big question really because these reading government did not elaborate on when theyre going to start the ground defensive. But also once they started how long its going to last, so everybody can just speculate on it and we do not want to do that, but rather look at the indications here what may be the next step. And one key indication of that that ground offensive appears to be quite immune. And its just the very fact that theres a massive to build up is really and to build up very close to the gospel. Second, theyve been for the 1st time. In fact, already hes really and sold us on the ground in gaza, trying to take out they say, how much admitted to it, but also trying to find some sort of an evidence with a whole stitch as all estimated 150 people have been abducted on a saturday last week, exactly one week ago by how about submitted as well, but no one has to imagine that the local re, that apparently took place in the miles is just if you can meet this from the city. Sense of from guys, a city that again is of the main base to say, so the boss liberates a, on the ground for m. S militants and the food indication that a ground defensive a p as quite likely very soon, is a basic fee that is well keeps repeating ordering a people policy the us to move from the north through the south is speaking here about the half of the population in gaza strip about 1000000 people that are supposed to leave go to the south, which of course makes the impression if at the same time that the south is safe. This is not the case, have been several is tried since today. Hundreds of them from east side to make constitute garza. But through me, the strong response with individuals i. So taking those points a into consideration that ground defensive is just a matter of time, a people to expect that its going to be some sort of a surprise when thats going to take place. Obviously not to give a information to people uh to the how much militants in gaza strip. And youve mentioned that its not just a matter of when it begins, but also how long it lasts in a rear television address. We heard Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu emphasizing that this is, quote, only the beginning that would you think with this is addressing how mazda or is this a message to, is really that they can expect this to go on for a long time. I think by that hes really addressing up several entities to say, so 1st of all is addressing people here domestically is really so by the way, as were speaking at a 100, a rather in leap on on a. And theyve been a lot of exchanges of a little fight between a southern live on and nobodys drug already. So they have potentially another phones starting at the same time. Prime, it is 10 to 10, you know, since he just wants to appear strong, wants us to understand before all this started in such a days if and must have demonstration see on the street of israel demanding change of it comes to these where the government, the been a little protest rebuilding around the controversial judicial reform. So now prominent students and you always trying to display unit, teen israel. And he needs that you did to, he needs people to support him and wants to come and nobody exactly just knows what the cons expense is, what the full lot is going to be of that next step forward by israel in their undertaking, as they say to vote as Prime Minister in antonios says to crush, hama, and funny, just before i let you go, you mentioned its now been a week since those attacks by hum us. Do you think a tragedy of this magnitude is going to portend some kind of major change and is really society i think is really too early to say uh, as i say the, even though there is a unity building up here and people are really sticking together how to help each other, how to help the people, these really and people who have been displaced from, alongside uh the, from the villages which are close to the guy is a buddhist and such a day. Everybodys trying to be to get a not really get involved too much into is really and politics and domestic politics. Whether thats going to bring any changes really too early to say. As we just simply do not know how this entire situation is going to continue and how it is going to evolve. But one thing we can say for sure, most people here have more questions than answers or whats going to happen. Funny for char, thank you. So much for your reporting, we really appreciate us us and that is your news update as this our thank you so much for joining the. Shes the trail blazers, Classical Music, offensive pizza from south africa. The 1st woman to own and conduct and orchestra. With the roaring success message for all queens, the c max next on d w. We love us. We love does us the t. N a no mountain is too high. The road is too long. In such a fee sold, mary. We owe this specialist of lifestyle 009. In 60 minutes on d w. The votes, people have to say the thats why we listen to this story. The ritual every weekend on d. W. Fast fashion as an environmental night. A clothing graveyard, immature land desert. This is where things wealthy industrial nations no longer need and light us textile ways get stranded fashion. Watch now on youtube. The fence in the commercial have of south africa, a lively neighborhood, famous for its business take to, to cells. And of course, the song things painted and now adding a bit of creativity in the thriving hot spots is on the history of the new that positions itself as an imaginative cultural platform. But 1st, we learn about the beautiful art form of gimme a call and go in rwanda find out more about the 18th the vendors architectural Vietnam League from lives the local. Then we tried to open a p. C. The 1st black female conduct to, to own an orchestra, well balancing life. As an architect, i am having them tenga, and your watching as 3 megs of the if it are you insured, tuned a multi disciplinary visual artist who expresses his design philosophy through most studios which explores the themes of oddity in spaces and objects, enjoy doing shorts and these designs do challenge conventional norms by purpose, theories known for making life is very t v. Pods like designs, they dont see every the, like i say like around here i read 3 or 4 more than right . So kind of like mean make it like make more like meaning bodies like forms or designs of like does ritual like objects kind of thing. It all started with the missing chair, and the ticket chair remains the fed dues, trademark to date, the piece is made to order each time you and is truly unique. How just needs a table for myself. Though scribes excited adults are the same and i need the kids or each other to go with this, right. And my 1st thought was to go for a to go to write us because like office chair, uh like, man, i want done nice based on i dont think that would be like a nice much for this like cable, which im very excited about. I mean, i just like designed and i, i dont know what size. So i came in by exact people i, im like you, im good thing because its like inspired by the shape of a bicycle. So i do its middle to mahogany and thats hardwood. So hes like a very, very like strong for them. Like to drink that very firmly done so very well done. This is the 2nd piece of on need and also hes designed to look to look nice. Like its cultural. Right. So yeah, kind of was like a sculpture of i also know just look nice also like um you know, kind of on writes but also coffee table you said doing these work straddles between art and design with some influence of them in the mountains. And he also incorporates a lot of odyssey in his creations, making him a non conformist when it comes to design its on expense as an artist was like as a someone to create stuff, being able to like teeth like whats people cold like . Oh, cool. Be interested in as opposed to being actually like seeing you. This is why i want you to do good. So thats why its the good expense. Im very like, specific about like my work or even like how, how i push my work cuz i dont want push it from like a peel view of like im trying to is like, fits into like peoples like perception of me or of what like an ox has to be so just johns for me is like a very strong driving force. After having studied architecture and Environmental Design at the university of lagos, if i doing found it almost studio in 2019 the goal of exploring the design and execution of spaces and objects that embrace or the his love for the art in art began early at a young age for, you know, for the kids i used to be like into, like, like, or cartoons and stuff like that for like most of ours and that kind of stuff. Do you see why boys just like stuff that i always drawn to. When i decided i wanted to become an artist, id say that like i, i wasnt going, i was just going to need it, you know, some into stuff like just based off like what people expect to see the fist started his career as a paint or, and drawing sketches in 2019, he found it almost studio which focuses mostly on creating od furniture pieces and many sculptures from clay to these on need from the on get me from key on the fired. So when you find in disagree makes them feel more like good mix them, most solid makes them feel more like a mixer on his clay sculptures show effects expression as a multi medium party. And his emphasis on odyssey which exhibit his imagine native creativity artistic inspiration is not about play incense, but creating fresh ideas that draw attention and pushing boundaries. The internet of life is business, have a popular, entertain the ad. Businessmen Say Something is adding a bit of culture into the city with us history of a new that is passionate about 2 ratings. Dispos experiences showcasing the best instead of classics musical and the chicken odd. J. Lovely to help you announcing that you make nissan. So cool, you all the, tell me you are the lead thing. Got and because and then tripping. Yeah. And youre right. Why did you choose this particular venture . You know, artistry is a, its a cultural platform in art. I did it behind it was to create a platform that we could celebrate that we could showcase that we could preserve peoples stories. So this place was, is here to, to celebrate the arts and to bring people together as a community. Well, thats okay. Well, and which leads me to my next question. Why did you manage in particular cinematic to call musical and calendar yachts here as you dive into the industries you see so many of the Young Artists that have these massive dreams. And i think that that was the, as verizon was about, how do we create a platform that can be a platform from where you can come with your art and get it, get an opportunity to showcase it in a very unique way. Obviously, from a corporate perspective, you know, it also allows itself that the venue allows itself to, to create a cool experience where people can host they own web shops, meetings, love that within the space. What made you move into the Company Received . Actually just an on trump and yeah, and i think one of the things that makes life interesting for me is the curiosity around our capabilities. You know, and you know what, i know you all passionate about food. When i actually what your story is with your families, when you actually come up with the rest of the fees on the spot, i love that. Yeah. What are you going to catch up a little bit later on . And i want to experience that wont be at home. Me call go is traditional rwandan od featuring 5 in june metrics, patches painted on wooden boards using natural pigment and code. Yes, this is it. Did you know that cold and can be tended to beautiful and meaningful works of art . Thats exactly what theyre on. These do with the art of amy going good times. You know, i started by sending by so send them for women for making them. And we have a bullying and then bringing them via cookie. Got him out. Nice eat our gosh. Ive done this idea or that to can start from cup to them. Absolutely. Yeah, definitely interested in 2013 or something. I didnt cooperative of q, the hey, that makes me go to a condo is an ancient twenties on the phone that has its origin to the eastern part of rwanda. These exquisite geometric designs are a 6 inch of fee change on these are. And while it may not look like its in the end, they start out as a rather unusual role material called what must be good. Hi, because the when youre making the illegal, you take the ash possible to remove the activities because it is after that, as is been mixed. Back in the workshop, the co done begins its transformation from waste product into us. I have just mixed count done with the ash so the system involves down is remove the mixing done with the ash it becomes sticky. So when i stick it on the piece of board, it actually has when the next step is to think about the design, i will create the design on the peaceful board that were not scared to. Then start to creating us. You know, we put too many wheeler here, andrew, i learned that well, every time you make a design order is make sure that the piece on the board that you use to create your design design would have to be centered. So the north side is over sized sized because the next you will draw 2 lines, communicate the design of the housetop that the so im, yeah, the right now. I can start applying the code on the, to be prepared. You know, as soon as you know who, who you have to put the pressure on it to ensure that when the sun shines, its not going to affordable. Im guessing that you have to that to make sure that you have with 2 fingers so that you can smooth them to down the moist, told its wonderful. 49 is that what am i please do you want magic patch and such as zig zags . Spirals or squares us to none, and most with amy gumble and hold cultural significance. Some patents represents prosperity, facility, protection, or gratitude. Others may depict historical events of the run these heritage after giving us to the who is an invention that was made for this time of the king of the Eastern Region court. He wanted to pump the to deal with his fathers house. So he did this using count done. Gosh, unless the move of a pleasure to i never ended up no person to do it less than when i went inside the house and started to make different designs. And every time i dont use it at times it up with its up to that he started exploring how he can use colors or something to do. What do i do understand . I used that quote in black or english that we used at the time to finish the interior in order to apply the white color and full ting. Tinker. Cadillac used in eugene, not the painting, the black or color that you found or to quote a little button, but it got to dont mixed up call. You can do that. So i found joe cool raffle. Thats who the movie color is used in canada. When done in a, me go mean, for example, kind of what kind of time is someone to soon as the crown wouldnt even be, like many traditional art pieces in jolanda. The finished amy going to pieces are made by a group of artisans organized into cooperative. They are as a welcome source of livelihood for them and their families the age lives out of me going, who has moved over a few 100 years from a during the hucks of the past to the striking interior deco pieces the ox a day. Never the less they continue to send to the secret symbolism of the co, considered a central part of run. These culture and life are also seeing that our form it is a definite, must have no j as a performing artist yourself. Where would you say African Music is right now in terms of influencing into national college. Susan james, we had a point where not only of people taking notice a lot more of what his hours, but i think we also are in a space where we are feeling so proud and so confident in what is ours. So that we showcasing that i have come to know you as a person who is interested in the calendar re space as well initially music, but now colored every space. Youve gone to have a cookbook yourself. Been on various tv shows, how just that experience or journey influence how you to rates at the risk to on part of this feeling you at the heart of everything, even within the music. Im just curious person thats trying to explore the things that i love. So a lot of what you each year uh, specifically at the restaurant is from my house. Its a lot of this stuff to my wife and i dig during and then we bring it yet. So our team and we kind of creatively conceptualize everything and then try apparently you have an interesting story of how you found your shift. Yeah, well a lot, a lot of my team i would say like nearly 90 percent of my kids and come from my instagram and these are people that have been following what ive been doing that. Uh, i guess to an extent, if i may say, inspired by what im doing. We know you as a musician, so it wouldnt be a right to in this without having a Little Something from you. Im going to be a backup dancer back up. Done. So scared away. Get away. Get away. Is so low on the bill. A little kid are way with you. Oh, very c. J. Thank you so much for the time. This is such an incredible space. Thank you. Thank you for giving me your time. You know, i always say the time is our most precious resource. So its, as you say, she did says, and i think thats the 18th venus architecture via non a address building in times of Climate Change and was to rate is by could, may, in scottish architect lives the local who transformed it into an architectural future laboratory advocating for radical rethinking the q rate of the 18th architecture being late in venice. Leslie, the code has set the stage for african architecture as this he is event to me. I think it has always been the place of the future has always been the testing ground for the future in a way. And again, it comes back to the point that we are really, were simultaneously the worlds youngest continents on the worlds oldest continents. Even everybody on this planet came from africa at one point. So we have this quite complex relationship close to the past, then to the future of the hop, the participants from africa and the african diaspora. Very challenging. What is traditionally considered a european event. Ready its also exposing exclusive isnt and Structural Racism with no explanations. The right wing and telling government denied entry bases to 3 gun named q raiders who were invited to participate in the be you know, a little teams that equal to the team based and across who were denied jesus to attend the next submission to which they have contributed that time, ideas work and labor for almost the 1st time in my life, words fail me. Leslie loca was born in done the and grew up in both gonna and scotland. Shes to divide to time between gun and europe. Those coaches influence her work and views. 20 years ago, she designed her residency in a crow, made hotly with clay bricks. Even then it was the head of its time. Depending really on the way you live, you have to a less oh, great to extend control over your environment. And i think the trick for many, you could have modernizing african cities is how to adapt a way of life, a way of working a way of living that was really designed for different kinds of climate. For this one, mostly lack of believes africa can achieve this, the content and suffers from instability. But its also undergoing rapid change, perhaps because the effects of Climate Change have forced people to react. Mario issue for tomorrow is chairwoman, for architect to heritage and sustainability at the edge of Derek University in switzerland, coming from new jersey. She is acutely aware of the importance of tradition for the future of building in a country where its 45. 00 degrees celsius. When you build in cement, its 50 degrees inside of the building versus if i use earth, which is abundantly available. So cheaper number one. Number 2, it means that inside one is 45 degrees outside. Its 35. Thats just common sense. Established names like the book you know, of age and then start architect, debate, or fancies. Can they have let the way the principal architecture prize lower yet works on projects around the world, but mostly in africa where he empowers communities always using local resources to him. The challenge lies in the ability to adapt because i think the scene just as an architect, i think its great because i see it as an opportunity to create something different. And its a song be in lieu of architecture is the creative hub for new ideas and approaches before being appointed curator of the 18th event, as the non layer of architecture in 2021. Leslie loco had just the co found that the African Futures Institute in, across these 2 a closely linked in terms of values and ideas based on providing for the community. Even though it headquarters in gone at the moment. The idea is that it will spread that they will be institutes across the continent. Im interested in architecture as a real engine for society and training people who can think about society and culture in the environment. And really interesting way, leslie narco is not only an architect, but also a world wide, best selling alter, to writing and designing a building. Not separate calling. It being an architect, say to me is a right to is somehow being ali is the perfect bringing together of to, to wells growing up and gone as my 1st window onto the rest of the world was 3 books. While listening, like i may not have the time to plan building so self anymore, views on architect to emphasizing the african perspective are exemplary position at the venice b, natalie has enabled her to challenge traditional western architectural views on how to build sustainably in the future. The lives the local or 10 inches, the down into waste and perspective in architect to aiming to shape the future by incorporating the innovation and agility of the african continent or offensive pizza and architect from to hand. This vague is a trail blazer, not only you see the 1st black woman to own a classical orchestra and choir. She is the youngest person to achieve this remarkable feat. The offensive b t is a true Blazing South african woman who is participating her way to great success. Crowned by a composition fit for queen the my career highlights so far as in working with a global orchestra female players. And then we doing a re imagination of alicia keys is if i and got you for a big metrics Global Program which has cleaners on it. So i mean it was important because again, Queen Charlotte and again of the 1st black queen. So it was very important for me to do not only musically, but as a photo. Just remind enrollment of who we are, which is we all queens and not only is offensive the 1st black woman to conduct and own a classical orchestra and choir. Shes also the youngest person to do it, is that i started getting say the trunk said when i was 12 years old. And then that just evolved in my life for orchestra. Quiet is and then the evolution of that as we subsequently wanting to stock my own kaya and then just putting some musicians together. And then one day i just had an interesting piece orchestra that i had to learn how to conduct the my journey. Again, as a young girl growing up in albany, and then i was always taken to try. So my mom would take me to, to our new choice meetings that she would have. And then i just want it to be one of the boys cuz growing up in the salvation army, you see a lot of brass bands and all that. So one day i just store a bunch of musicians and then thats when it hit me. I was like, okay, the has to be someone whos going to conduct us, but ive never seen anyone who looks like me. So i was like, okay, if its just me whos going to do this, then i have to learn how to do it very well. The guy comes to see it down and im you know, deal a lot of conductors that i was following at the time. Right. So this is like facebook, instagram, most of were said no to me and some did not even respond, right. So it was carbon groups and who is the head of the you for the orchestra . And hes also one of the best conductors in africa. So i just reached out to him. It was like this. And this was my story. Can you please teach me how you to do this thing . And then i met him one day and then he has told me everything that i know. So i have a very great, im conducting mentors, told me everything that i need to know. A lot of clients that we have seen this, i dont know if it gets to us being it gets cold a whole be in for some of us. Its really difficult because extension or problem. So if i get into quiet the dont pay. So and consumptive really open dose was because we get paid very well. The Classical Music in architecture wouldnt usually make sense as disciplines that strengthen each other, except for this extraordinary mind. Architecture is probably the only korea that requires you to break something apart in order to put it together. So they use an ounce of you have to constantly work in a space that you constructs before the construct stripe. So in music i looked at my musical career with my musical world like that where they so many things that are often not well put together. Right. And thats how im able to, to rate the music that im able to create. Because i looked at it as its not well put together so offensive joined us in 2017 and offensive solicit us with building a to scale models of the building which we lays across. We have a nice across a at our office space. Um, so she was part of that process to kind of take this massive space that we standing in, bring that down to a kind of tangible and hold the full size the i spend. Because i dont use the same principles that they use in the task with music space. So that allows me to have like a limitless mindset and limitless like creativity because im not really doing what youve done in school. So hands why i break all of these various because i always check suppose the world of cas cool music, whats very, as well as pop, hip hop and jazz. So yeah, it, it really comes in how and because of, and this architecture that allows you to break things apart in order to put them together. Since a b p has conducted a way to the supreme disciplines of architecture and Classical Music to enhance representation and open doors for other black women in previous be white, male dominated space. Thats it from us today. We hope you enjoy todays show as much as we did. Dont forget to take us out on d, w dot com, forward slash at re max for more until next time. Good 5, the the we love your diversity. Anything. No mountain is too high. The road is too long in search of faith, ordinary we have a specialist of lifestyle 009 in 30 minutes on w. Diamonds is almost the earliest thing, 5 year old boy from the warehouse prison is by terrorists from the circles, islamic states move in 2 years. Hes had to learn to be child again, but hes full of a place in 75 minutes on d w. The dw, sure. On fix all the info. Every day the world crashes. Are your texas to work for free, or just because we can take the different w call, the world unpack, pulse of your info is in all the input u, v w story. 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