Weekdays on dw the, the rom of vast country, and the cradle of civilization from the persian gulf to the caspian sea, from snow kept mountain ranges, burning deserts. The land by turns barren and 1st heil defines the culture and the live style of its 85000000 inhabitants. The the population in bodies any wrong that is both traditional and changing the boston, the stuff of fantasy yet rarely explored. T, ron is home to an ancient culture that even today, colleagues this with a plurality of life styles, traditions, and religion. The mountain ranges, desert plateaus, coastal plain, seen from above, the spectacular landscapes tell a story that goes back to thousands of years revealing the identity of an entire people the the around in Central Plateau comprises vast deserts and arid landscapes. Its special climate and geography. Explain why only a small portion of this territory is habitable for humans. From the motor on job desert, we pass over caution is for han, and he us oasis cities built in irrigated zones along the main strategic and trade routes in the Western Province of farce. The ruins of per separate let stand as reminders of the zenith of the persian empire. Almost one 3rd of the country is composed of desert or semi desert areas, with sand dunes up to 470 meters high. The ear temperatures can vary by more than 60 degrees celsius between day and night. The with its golden sand dunes, the mar on job desert is one of the rons most beautiful regions. The yet 1st century travellers have always taken a guide along to brave it. Thats because belief in the gym, evil spirits said to haunt the desert, has long kept caravans away. Deeply rooted, both in ancient legends and in the koran. The superstition is still very much alive today. But to explore this unique landscape, todays desert adventurers have traded in their camels for cars, the located some 300 kilometers away from the capital to ron. The motor on job offers visitors, stunning nights, guys on spoiled by light pollution. The next to this desert lies no mock lake with itself cross under which only a few species of plants manage to survive. During the hot summer months, the lake dries up entirely. Then its large salt crystals turn it into a rons biggest natural mirror. And the modern day caravans make their way south with trucks carrying the salt markets, income and cushion. Since water is rare in the ron, the mountains act as reservoirs for the cities. They are linked to one another by a huge network of underground channels called cannot. The oldest ones were built more than 2500 years ago. The this, the regression system allows crops to be cultivated here, even though 80 percent of the territory suffers from drought. Thanks to the underground aqueducts, the water is protected from evaporation and distributed to wells. Doug, along the can not. In the mid 20th century, some 50000. 00 cutoffs were still in operation and the wrong over a total length of 380000 kilometers. The distance between the earth and the moon, the today, thousands of channels still supply one or 2 we rons most area, the areas and cannot are employed and many other countries in the middle east. The caution is the 1st of the major oasis cities on road 71, which connects to ron to the persian gulf, the its a testament to the iranians, expertise in water transportation, a prerequisite for life and the desert. Described as a paradise on or bog, a theme like many gardens in iran is located outside the city, surrounded by a wall and 4 towers. Its water channels are a source of refreshment and life. The, the traditional water system enables plants and people to thrive despite the sweltering heat. Its symmetrical proportions and irrigation system provided inspiration for many european gardens, including the palace over side in france. The outside cause shown, the air is filled with a center of roses carried by the wind from the surrounding fields. The roses grown here incomes are benefit from the same water source that supplies the garden, the bog, a theme. The International Reputation of these flowers. This bill to produce rose water goes beyond the perfume murray moslems use comes our rose water to wash the blackstone of the color in mecca. The mode as our nazzo rece family has been extracting this essence for generations. Mazda bought, so youre buying good. A jewish you said yeah, oh destiny has always been linked to us flowers. All sort of husker mount rose cultivation goes back to the time of the center. Were not going to have pretends of all region have grown roses and produce rose water for more than a 1000 years. Were in the regions of caution and comes side of them known for producing the gross. Oh, theres so much so that we have a ritual. The which you know, we also to role in flower so not to go look out of toner, the colors as how babies are covered in the flowers. I want to keep them life on protection and get her studies on as you buy associates name. Again, the home by 16 childhood, you might say, you know, it was like this to me to give a life to those flowers. I always thought it was my parent, this my grandparents. Im the roses. I didnt machine the to me, ill find them all for that was a good one. What i was looking for that im not carrying on the Family Tradition at all. All calls will be shut off times. Only do not. I havent gone no the the rose bushes grow at the foot of a mountain that protects the valley from the burning heat. A 1000 meters high. It helps restrict the temperature variations to around 10 degrees celsius between day and night. Providing an ideal climate for mohammad, the or damask roses list, geographical anomaly has turn to comes our into the biggest rose water Production Center in the middle east. Every year in april in may, hundreds of women pick the flowers with great tear and harvest some 26000 tons of petals. The call us to go to my home. I did get a hold of jose to book today. This rose is mainly used to make perfumes that hobbies, traditionally, its essence was coveted for a small, remarkable policies. Home in the woods at the post, sewed opposite the cart and also a business to fathom the mystery of the product of much hiring me without any. Theres also gonna sort of show a lot of pressure at his comes our lab in copper. Advance mode is are known as a re makes healing. Roosevelt, according to tried and tested production methods, there is no high tech equipment here, just to traditional craftsmanship passed down from generation to generation. That helps them extract an exceptional product. Thats good, good. Ill go for that. Why do you see learning toddler, who have a center himself designed in the setup . The 1st still to extract rose water and thought launched the industry. Put them on how much on the side of the my how much a rose is a pound for the world but it 10 kind of go down as a energize here. Im chasing away the depression or box stress and anguish unsure of time makes people happy that all of to digital to get any phone your initial in the box. You the whole house to the use it for as many medicinal problems a year to ask variables in hospice and so they frequently put a bit of rose essence and the humidifier that the speed up the patients recovery. That was uh the for sure. By adding other residences to the rose water mode, as our nozzle re creates dozens of therapeutic elixirs that attracts new clients. The life and cushion may have been made possible by that cannot be underground water channels. But it was a river. This island, a route that made is for han, a magnificent metropolis. The former capital of persia was a major stop on the silk road. Without the river and its life giving water, the city could not have been built here. Though its bad runs through is for han, the river itself flows through the city just one month a year as its waters are diverted up stream to irrigate the surrounding fields. Though it was destroyed several times as for hon is now 2500 years old and boasts some 2000000 residence in the evening sun. The cod you bridge with its 23 arches, offers a glimpse of the architectural and Cultural Diversity of this city. Once called the pearl of persia, the illuminated at night, the 17th century ali got blue palace reveals its full architectural beauty. Its large cupboard balconies served as a royal tribune during events that took place on the square below. The monarch and his guests would watch polo matches, archery demonstrations and wild animal fights. The royal mosque is one of the most beautiful any ron. Unlike many mosques which have been transformed over the centuries, it displays a remarkable unity of architecture and ornaments. The knock should go home square is the heart of his foot hon. Its surrounded by the most important historical buildings of this of fall weed era. Notably the royal mask, the damaged in the 1980s during the iran iraq war. The mosque is undergoing a seemingly endless restoration the pock delve. A family of craftsman who have passed on their knowledge from father to son for decades are helping to repair this architectural masterpiece. Amount of time when that carried out with love, organizations have no limit its over a 100 or 2 through come on the line i found. The name is mandy puck. Amys, im in charge of the restoration of the royal most of the east. She saw the house, ive been working at this site for almost 6 years from the guy with gods help will be done in 2 years. The. The dome is only one part of this huge renovation project, given the size of the building and its hundreds of thousands of mosaics. The task is in mens. The splendid file and style decor mix is plant motifs with chronic calligraphy. In the persian tradition, yellow is associated with the sun and divine light. While blue and turquoise symbolized the sky, the who do the hot of 50 a have done him alone is covered with some 200000. 00 pieces that we have to put together and look at positive. Doing well. As i think clearly seeing this huge job, i can only admire the artists of the past and pay tribute to, to the doctor told him, i want to go back to list them on top of others just now here we are in the process of dismantling all the ceramic tiles, how could i could show me the each piece is numbered out of out of it. You name busch, bend down in the workshop. Were going to piece the postal together to identify the dummy sparks and replace them talking about mr. For the show. Hot fix issue, then well bring them all back here and then well kind of put them as they expect together. And just 6, the according to the original topic has to be because you want more than likely to be the is behind is the cradle of arts, any ron and home to many artisans to this day, most of its artist, some craftsmen were born here and fly their trade in the hundreds of workshops around enough shape. Johannes square the opposite. The mosque is the city bizarre to stalls offer hand crafted items made on site. This abundance of architectural and hand crafted wonders attracts to wrists from around the world to this city. In the middle of the desert, the timeline im going through your call back, so to speak, a little. The outline is the most a complete a number you should have. Im interested in, we cut and paste it onto a tile on the volume grades. You can see there was a different color nearby sort of course. So we paced the pace of how come all the top this one, the image, and then we size them proud, are shared, recorded in the item, you know, and those are a foggy care home to care for the family dog. Nashville, it was the paper patterns, pumping pasted on them. My know doing it besides the tiles, according to the pattern showing, tell me no, because she asked me trustworthy doesnt mean anything. Im taking one of them and when i dont have the title to my brother, pieces it together with the others or that i me them. And then when they can tell her shes the sure the, the bob, the honey show motor or, you know, we put all the pieces together according to the number to them or me. Sure. A couple of sofas and attach them with cost to insure pushers, jobs. The expenditure india shows are almost color equal. And by this time what you see here is a red pick around one section of the dont misses, very precise nature. Very soon. The touch was like cutting a melody. Its a 16 equal pieces. Some of the hair cuts down to the minimum of minus 4 more scan to read on machine the. And so my, i tried the finish day with the most as you created these works of the angels sent to us for the day when the old and re human be proud of the or the not with the more than 250 kilometers of desert, separate as for hon, one of the most beautiful cities and the as law make world from just which lies further south, it is frequently hit by sand storms, so ingenuity was required to adapt to the merciless desert. The job is located between the deserts of dosh, because here in the north and dusty loot in the south where surface temperatures can reach 70 degrees celsius in the summer. Just as also one of the world oldest cities. Built for mud bricks and clay, its traditional neighborhoods with their old oak or colored houses are still intact. They are designed to protect their inhabitants from sand, storms and extreme heat, the to sustain life, and one of the worlds hottest climates. The citys architect, built by dears, 4 winds, the cataracts, some of the worlds oldest air conditioners, the wind rushes down through these towers to a Water Reservoir that cools it down. While the hot air inside is expelled through an exhaust system, the Gigantic Network of underground channels, the famous cannot transport water from the mountains to fill the cistern. In the afternoon, the crushing heat empties the narrow streets on the outskirts of yalls to lie the dock from us or towers of silence. The circular structure is used during zoroastrian funeral rights. As dead bodies were considered in fewer priests would leave them here to the vultures, so as not to contaminate the soils the to this day the fire temple of just testifies to the presence of zone the last 3. And as im the 1st monotheistic religion of ancient e, ron, it has influence to judaism, christianity, and through them as long since time immemorial, yall has been a city marked by spirituality, the ahmed cash who lie lives in this ancient city known for its respect for ancestral traditions several times a week after work. He goes into the old city to meet with friends that are just your boss on your chart is funny. As with any name came out of the way the people of yaz are simple and pure. Are attracted to the spiritual values. The 1st session must be me funny as we do, but at the end, gymnasiums known as their economies men gather to practice by study, rons iconic, traditional sport as theyve done for centuries. The athletes work out with wood in clubs and whirl around in circles to the rhythm of sacred chance. The poly bonds, or heroes in persian, to take part in this ritual, are said to possess the souls of nights, and a great sense of honor. Typically that right, as you also need to increase to me is not just the 900 year old traditional and religious practice. It all the above. Oh, its a philosophy of life and she okay, im back and forth. So this the only discipline that could be practiced together by Young Children and 100 year old masters to be at the visual not the both a sport and an art. Lars as a bus dunny also transmits value, such as respect for elders by bringing all the generations together. Some combined of your dish, the dish not to those who would like to try it. Most understands on the kitchen or most of the humility and toner and the model values that are more important than the mere physical performance. Lets say assignment that has a lot of the trouble that shows the rain so that i dont know whether the 100 percent or the to is this experience accumulated over the years old as it was through contact with the champions. And the elders not been us allows us to improve. So net all that outside of tradition of bethany has been post down through the generations to show them youll enjoy a pilot not on media. The sports ones used to train warriors, its architectural jewels and the vestiges of ancient religions. Yeah, thats great store on preserving its cultural heritage, the at the southern end of dashed, a lute and care mon province lies the city of a huge oasis, surrounded by arid land. Water from the ship, all by red mountains, naturally feeds the seasonal past a rude river which runs by the city of bomb. Its under Ground Water Networks make for a huge expanse of fertile soil, the more than 1000000. 00 date palms that grow here account for a 3rd of the rons total date production. The dates have been grown in the region for thousands of years, yet cultivation of bombs, famous mazda thought the date known as the pearl of a ron only began here in earnest, some 200 years ago. The mars, the age of 40, was born and fall off. She has a special bond with her city, especially with the trees that are the symbols of its resilience. Ended up, going to get it by the end of the tunnel. Mandy, this ancient and sturdy palm tree used to produce small but very nourishing dates on the other. One of the staple foods of the people of the great citadel of bomb dates back 2700 years. But on december 26th, 2003. It was raised to the ground in just 7 minutes by a devastating earthquake, a and bomb 26000 people were killed and tens of thousands more were injured. The slide shows that the peach care visit with you then to night of the earthquake, who i talked to every thing was over and that wed never recover from it has joined. And everywhere you looked, you saw the body of a Family Member or a friend. How do you. Busy and thats in the district certainly gave was to visit it if i was 21. 00 at the time from 21st. And id been coaching my own Girls Soccer Team since i was 16 to do it. Hold on, but do stuff on the web by me. Chevy can visit us a after the catastrophes above the one player was left to to get out. The rest of them are not the one that was valid. Tell them about your fortune. The then of the how much will Title Insurance at the time of the quick destroyed homes and killed toms people. The dates, homes remain standing straight and proud. Both have i to be to him that you called at youtube mall. Its worth recalling that here in bottom of the unit we used to count date homes. Is the individual be just as if either one worries human being that i do business yager date palms are strange, dreams us up root them and they dont die. Suddenly transplant them and theyll survive dc and then jump off their tops their leaves, the reset and theyll die. Thatd be like a headed person. He just said, is gods visit the legal im gathering dissatisfied imaginable mind because when i meet people in the town, they could see how complete my room, despairing and lonely, they lost on a show that they lost everything you had that already keep. Was that realization that pushed me to take up soccer again to hear my the field was that you want us to play with to goes i do move on, i get a lot of with god. Okay. As you wish, take away the 2 yellow and get to have by the most you look at. And so we started over the course the we some bruise who had coped a bit better with the situation when we started to play soccer again. But again, thats doable. Its best to get the matcher who quoted me going to and by choice, its at times when im training the new players, such as the new girls who joins my team. Sure, yeah. Memories of the faces of my former players returned to hook it up there being an image show the thing that makes me happy and push for them is as if theyve come back as if im still coaching the same team. I do a lot of that emotional part of the bible is unfortunately, the bomb city center has been rebuilt and the citadel is also being returned to its former glory, employing the same techniques and materials used in its original construction. The today over 90 percent of the restoration of the citadel has been completed using traditional craftsmanship shows the 16 years have passed since the clinic and weve reconstructed bombs, historical city center. We also rebuilt our team for 6 years running. We were the undefeated women soccer champions in around palm is emblematic of the country itself, which has throughout history risen again from the ashes of natural disasters and invasions while preserving its cultural heritage. To the west is the province of fars cradle of the persian empire. And home to the ruins of per sep list and to the city officials about the these desert landscapes still bare the traces of ancient civilizations and provide a habitat for nomads. For the last 1000 years, the cash guy have ranked among the worlds largest, nomadic hurting peoples. They roam the iranian step with their herds, following the rhythm of the seasons the but over the last decade, Climate Change has made life more difficult. For this community of several 1000000 people. Increasingly the nomads are being forced to settle the layla. How these up a is one of the cash. Kaiser few female klan sheets, a status she owes to her strength of character and her enterprising spirit. She decided to settle down in this Desert Valley to open a small business, dedicated to tourism and to communicating her culture. To i show you this tough funding tab that tribal life is hard. I show you the needs and the you have to be able to cope with cold weather and living intense audit, sending he has gets, which are the same that he has to. Its never easy and its a very different existence from that of city to im traveling because of the month. But actually ive always enjoyed living and the conditions i have with them. Ive always loved the challenge. The bunch of bath never seem as you phone with us before the 24th. We had no electricity, only lantern cool because it had no access to water either and had to travel from the mountains to another. To find some pretty much world within the south dakota time would be better for the showing how much how much that. C would that touch, i dont know the exact, fortunately, after so many rough years. I know weve had electricity for about a year now, and we receive deliveries of Drinking Water 2. 00 to 3. 00 times. So one of 55 is the for the recording the the, the sound quite a few miles on its own, but then maybe now i can do the hardest work along with the man. Oh yeah, sure you see it. It helps me to better understand my communitys problem. Do you me to what im about to be on the side of the down house. Im enjoy that a day. I think about my son whos turning the point of at my g state to help me. But he also goes to school in the city, the body of it. Sometimes its tough for him and i tell him again, thanks to his efforts, hell have a better life one day, then a year or so when he has as i let us to say that gosh, why without the range of the call, i mean dont have grown up among the coast guard at no time, hazel, and deeply attached to this land, the herds, this wild landscape that correlates peaceful here. Thats kind of push out the, the site um, uh, as long as i want to pursue my studies. But i also want to stay here before i try it. I really like this place, else i wouldnt want to do it out of the, the last on miscible stop on this journey through historical and contemporary. Iran is the countrys largest island cash and due to a strategic location. In the strait of hor, moves the island fell into the hands of many different powers over the century. It has retained the large arab population. Cash and also has a unique ecosystem classified as a biosphere, reserve, the higher mangrove forest drive, and this tropical coastal region. The higher ed tree, or grey mangrove is resilient to extreme weather and salt water. These mangrove also provide a sanctuary for fish. The cache them is home to several fishing villages and a few ship yards that still make the traditional boat, the land, the the boundary people here are attached to their ancestral culture. The boundaries, literally the port people mainly live along the coast of the persian gulf. Once a major part of the maritime soap road, the news shall jose me. To run, stylus travels to the island to find the expertise she needs for her creation. She works with boundary women who still practice the centuries old tradition of gold work embroidery. You just choose a kid, a tab ya team. John. Im really attracted to the nature of this region on the way were shoot. One of the reasons is the beautiful reflection of this done on the waters of the person go, try to attend the silver glint of the fish that swim. And thats crystal clear. So to me on the in global tide, how you mean i had him on the motif to use the yeah. Shapes of fish cartridges of trees is how does that seem inspired by what you can see in the village . I hear you to all that clearly, these motifs with pos, from generation to generation, uninspired by this printer and home i did read the level of the yawn and each region of the ron has any code dying that you mentally typical was, was that ok . And because the women of this region on not submit to the very talkative, really, you know, i felt that maybe i could convey their voice through their ok. So number, who she had a sliding scale, the space between the peacock and the judges to do an audit. Yes. But more than that, well, move in that cash. Im due to sign on the thread. How many tele, when you make, i got to go want to do you prefer to use just one shot 100. You know me out of the tell you ive asked the girls that one branch and well see if it looks good. Well do all the branches with the same color out. Assume youre cleaning behind me and im in a chevy fee is the wife of a bond. The re fisherman. She finds inspiration for her embroidery is in the world around her the course to the most. And i that host susie is a customer craft that the women of the island do at home united card. It allows them to, or maybe though their own money in the host do 0 is no padre island because had a, we dont draw any outline of the most piece on the fabric before digital as the ideas come naturally from our minds our heart and we switch them right into the fabric new quarter. Im john mcgee, the sure kid made a new so far, no news. His last order goes back to the start of the year. Mayor of the rooster had just begun. So i know who is what im do stuff and she asked if we could stitch wrister most again me. She was the perfect occasion to come up, tied and with a completely new line you did have the flu say have said that stars flowers on you know we can embroider them all with our eyes closed. But the rooster was a 1st floor. Was he to the girls manage to come up . I can elaborate store and delicate design would get back to her and dont die on the call. I mean, the mother in mass we where is called a board. Good lisa. And its a very, with the tradition that concerned ive had to this day and i did. The study is the log in. You can see marian, the girls where the mask to show me that they are now when i did to get in to get their hands had it completes our his job. So its a very important, hey job, last 2 pieces, the, the head who studies, and yet the story as on cash. And each village has its own shape for good or bad. The almost that thats the on send the easy an older women get, the larger the mass in the more face it covers when applied, behavioral sad mutual groups has always been like that have with the whole issue now to initial bottom into the mask. Also protects us from the

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