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Neighboring burkina. Faso and molly are backing new jersey. New military leaders also coming up ukraine permits new troops to its counter offensive, which has so far been advancing slowly against the dove in russian forces. The really, its good to have you with us. Youre, the nations are organizing flights to evacuate their citizens from these theyre following the cool against the elected president s. The 1st french flight has already to part of the who does ruling neighboring, malia and broke. You know, fossil are backing is years new military rulers and are threatening to use force to defend them if necessary. West africa as Regional Defense block echo was, is preparing to meet in nigeria to address the situation from social stark warning from dont tell leaders of 2 neighboring countries. A good monday talk to you soon. The transitional governments have berkey know fi. So and molly here by warn that any military intervention against new share would be tantamount to a declaration of war against burkina faso. And molly, nobody knew shares knew who can tell. Leaders claim that the toppled government had formerly authorized france to carry out strikes on the amazed president ial palace to free and reinstate the post. President mohammed assume frances foreign minister denied the claims. Friends says it only recognized by zoom as an easier, legitimate authority. Meanwhile, orders from paris came through to evacuated citizens and other e. U. Nationals who want to leave with new jersey, aerospace closed and all commercial flights canceled. The only way out is on evacuation flights. Youre on to the point we were asked to take just a small bag with the essentials because we cant take a suitcase from the 11. The eu has condemned the crew calling it a threat to new years democracy and stability house has. But so far, there is no plan to pull out, all staff knew was a little bit therapy on union has decided to offer you personal in the may the possibility to leave the city on a voluntary basis after the cool new year. At the moment, we havent issued a formal evacuation order, the you will keep its presence in the country. No less than that. You is monitoring the situation with the threat of a regional escalation, hanging, evacuation orders can come any time. Earlier we spoke to alex lines, the director of the Africa Program at the Chatham House think tank and asked him how worry the countries in the style region should be by molly and burkina faso aligning themselves with a cool leaders. An easier way to know. I think its a reflection of just how it concerns the youngsters are and what to do. Good. The current capital of booking, of fossil around didnt buy a car, the capital a lot of money because suddenly they found that the Regional Economic community equal was, might well intervene in, in, in these. Yeah, thats not something theyre expecting on coast thats. Thats a boring precedent for them. And so thats why i think theyve made this announcement today, but theres a lot of diplomacy going on at the moment. The, the preferred plan a is to convince the, the jump to need to ship. And in these you have to step down that theres a 7 day deadline that the eco was summit guys on, on sunday to them. The African Union has given them 14 days, i think the read, the realistic scenario is that it will take a bit longer and its, it, it is also evident that of a mediator has now been sent in a to to, to these. Yeah. For example, the salt salt and us socrative is a traditional lead of a full much military man. Socrates who is the, is the region just neighboring news. Yeah. In nigeria. And so clearly the eco watches, the heads of government are hoping that he might convince the purchase that they need to step down a co as cast out on a European Union Mission Training these years armed forces to deal with instability in the region. Germany is part of that operation, but the punch is calling berlins involvement into question. Germany one stores of need. Yeah, under the form of government to president mohammed by zoom is one of its most reliable toughness in this a hell region. During a visit to the country last year, chancellor felt so have jim and soldiers were helping train new jazz policies and the of the board. With molly a region which is both a key route for migrants heading to europe and also a Battle Ground for islam is tara griggs. But the seizure of power by a new military lead government means jim and he will need to re think its role in these. Yeah, early in his suspended on the financial and Development Support from the im a until further notice that is considering for the measures the gym and defense minister says that watching the situation closely. Do you me to deal with it is um uh, military cooperation is suspended as long as it is not clear where we are going in. We have still on site to the base that we operate for us. And for our forces in molly, there is nothing else to say at the moment. All the situation is still, im clear and it is much too early to say whether they will be Close Military cooperation in the future. Im going to go skip this state for me to an inch done. So besides the training role, germany operates an air transport hub in these areas. Capital nia may, with around a 100 boom dispatch, soldiers has germany polls. Its Un Peacekeeping falls out of neighboring molly. That bass was due to play a key part. But new jazz and a space is currently closed. If the situation remains unstable, using it for the withdrawal from molly may be difficult to could, could also affect him and his involvement in an e u. Military support mission in these. Yet, the concern is that more on ras could force europe and countries to lead reducing their influence. Perhaps for many years that the, those, the, tara groups have become a drive the migration away from countries like needs. Yeah. Ultimately adding to the instability in this route will till one region spring after the date on some of the other stories making news around the world today. Man mars civilian liter um science, which she has been pardoned on 5 criminal charges but still faces several others and will remain in detention. The military ousted su, cheese, elected government, and a crew in february of 2021. The arms manufacturer, alignments. How it will build a new factory in the west of germany to manufacture parts for the us. F 35 fighter jet, starting in 2025. Berlin will buy 35. 00 of the aircraft using a special funding set up to boost the German Armed Forces following the invasion of ukraine. Of moscow high rise building has been struck by a drone. For the 2nd time. In 2 days, russia accused ukraine of carrying out the drone attack. Ukraine has not directly responded. Meanwhile he brings president , said one person was hurt, and the russian drones struck har. Keith, an empty student dormitory and Sports Facility were destroyed. Whole into sending more troops to its border with bellows after claiming to bela ruth and military helicopters violated his Aerospace Defense officials, set the violation to place and the b. I loved the shop area at a very low altitude full and is a nato member. And it said the alliance had been informed of the incidents of roost has to 9 years based violation and says, poland is trying to justify deploying its troops. To the bellow, rosie, and border, the presence of wagner, refiners in bella. Ruth, as prompted poland to send more soldiers to the east in recent weeks. Green says it is now pouring its reserve troops into its counter offensive, against occupying russian forces. This comes after months of training by western countries, which will also send modern weapon systems. The boost and troops could be pivotal to ukraines advance, which so far has made only modest gains. This is whats left of a liberated village start home my oscar, reduced to rubble. After a fierce 10 day battle by Ukrainian Forces to dislodge russian occupiers. A rare piece of good news. So rare that present info to me is the landscape mentioned at alongside much bigger bottles from last year, giving voice come the can on spit pass on. Now you know liberation of style, mileage. Got it there. My ssl. Ukraine claims to have liberated over 200 square kilometers of territory. But the front line has only moved a few kilometers in the nearly 2 months that ukrainian troops have started pushing, south and east are trying to break through mines concrete barriers and trenches that have slowed their advance and costs many ukrainian lives as well as western equipment the ukrainians have hundreds of tanks and troop carriers from germany. The u. K. France and the us Bradley Fighting Vehicles challengers leverts their indispensable in breaking through front lines. But many have reportedly been destroyed. And the russians have adopted new tactics using drones to help pinpoint artillery strikes and remotely dropping mines into areas the cranium said already cleared. Meanwhile, ukraine is sticking to one part of their strategy that hasnt changed. Theyre trying to get their native source artillery and rocket launchers, inter range of russian ammunition, depos, blowing up the equipment in the rear. So russians cant use it at the front. Drone attacks have also become more frequent on russian territory in border areas. And assaults that have little military value, but for us, russia to divert resources and on the russian occupied crime in peninsula an important staging ground. Every village that is liberated provides a boost to the beleaguered ukrainian side. But the cost is steep and ukraine only has a certain amount of troops and tanks that can lose in what looks less and less like a lightning offensive. And more and more like a long grinding slog heavy rain from Tropical Storm duck, sorry, as killed at least 20 people in northern china. Tens of thousands have fled their homes in the capital basing and neighboring jose province authorities or warning. There could be more extreme weather on the way of these residents struggling through badging, flooded streets with day to day life at a standstill in parts of the capital one who this is one of the worst floods in china is how they province and use the past so we have transferred and resettled all the households and danger and persuaded all the tourists to return home wells. Thousands of people have least hundreds of thousands of still trapped. These frontline, were cuz theyre trying to get as many people as possible to safety. But its a big task, puts in the north of china a severely affect it. And who hans . This respond as saved a man who had been trapped in his cuff after it tumbled in flood waters. Casualties are increasing in other cities. The aging, especially is on high alert and thousands of people still missing as it pauses. Non stop transport facilities here in the capital, a slowly being disrupted. And here and elsewhere in the region, rivers, a threatening to base the banks, which could cause more people to get stuck. The the have the womens world cup, group diaz come to a close england put in a dominant performance and there 61. 00 win over china. Linus is have one, all 3 groups, stage matches, and so meant that their claim, as one of the tournament favorites, england dominated right from the start. Just 4 minutes in, lets see. A russo opened the scoring 26 minutes in the lower and hand co sign of defense, nothing to make it to nail. Then this cleverly taken free kick was put in the back of the net by lauren james to make it 3 know for the line. And this is showing one converted a penalty of to 57 minutes to get signed a some hope thoughts that hope wouldnt last long. Lauren james with another stunner. The 3rd goal of this world count contain and england werent, im, theyre slowly telling you would be easy tap in after telling us goalkeeper ms. Jobs to bowl. And finally, right . So daily scoring have 1st goal of the match to cielo 61 when and let the celebrations begin. Men grew even netherlands, needed just a when to guarantee progress and to the knockout stages spots, they smashed 7 goals past vietnam. The 2 best strikes both came from as me branch who scored twice from outside the box with long range strikes. Either side of the half 20 year old is playing or 1st world cup and help her side to a 7. Now, when and we seem to have some technical difficulties and couldnt bring in the pictures, but stay with us. And after the break, im sure there will be some moving images, not about the worlds capital, much about the latest news in the world since business and at the top of our colleagues will have more news for you by the can you hear me . We are all set we are watching close to the to bring you the story behind. They knew your own about unbiased information for free might so do to name

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