Constituents before the needs of other interests. From what i have seen bipartisanship is not working. There is no bipartisanship. You have to get rid of the filibuster to get the policies we need passed. Manchin said hes not going to do that. Right, thats why we are here. This is narrowing to an unavoidable choice for democrats. Mcconnell already said publicly that hes 100 focused on stopping joe biden and his actions speak louder. Another white house meeting with a group of senators of stalled talks. Biden moving the curve of gun violence through Executive Action that dont require any gop votes. The department is announcing as i just did of the major crack down. We have an opportunity to come together now as democrats and republicans, as fellow americans of our democracy to keep each other safe. This should not be a red or bluish. It is an american issue. We are not changing the american constitution, we are enforcing it. Progressives are calling biden to go faster and harder and bigger without republicans if need be. Joining me now is danielle and howard dean and National Affairs correspondent is joan walsh. Joan, i am going to start with you, well talk about the republicans in congress. I have got to play you this clip of matt gaetz getting owned by Secretary Lloyd austin when it comes to issues of Critical Race Theory. I want your thoughts on the other side of this clip. We are still working on the clip. Joan, right now it does not appear that the democrats have many chances to get this right. They have six months until the end of the year, they figure out something with Voting Rights. Whats your suggestion for the best strategy going forward, for a Democratic Party that seems to be fighting themselves as much as they are fighting the opposition . I am glad to see progressives digging in. I am moved to see Reverend Barber and jackson out there getting arrested. I would like to see more democratic lawmakers to be honest if it is too much to ask and have republican lawmakers. I concluded in the article that democrats dont have many options. They cant do filibuster reform with 48 votes. Thats what they have right now. With 50, they can add Vice President harris and they can get it done without Getting Manchin and sinema to go along with it. I watched all day on cspan was democrats doing a panic performative strategy. That was a tinie tiny victory. Manchin walking out of the vote, we saw what republicans were doing and said he still for the filibuster and protects democracy. I dont think so, i dont know if joe manchin has some kind of people like joe biden, excuse me, he should be whipping them. How is he going to whip them . What can he hold over manchins and sinemas head. There is too many demands on biden so he can simply snap a finger and get them into line, hes not doing that. There is a presumption that joe biden can wave the magic wand and everything is going to be okay. He does not have that power and majority. Well switch, i have switched the cups around a little bit. Okay, we dont have the clip, well move ahead. Daniella, i got to ask you, this ises the other part that confuses me of the current fight that democrats seemed to be having. What about current protests thats going to end up making a difference. I can understand if you are dealing with a mayor. You can go to the Mayors Office and complain to him her, i want you gone and i want you to do something. These protests that are happening right now. Is it going to move joe manchin, a guy that i made really clear that i dont think will get reelected. And sinema does not seem like shes going to move either. What do you think of the values of these protests . It is valuable to show that there are people passionate about this issue. The American People support the bill and Voting Rights and support something getting done. Just because right now joe manchin believes that he can somehow support something. We have republicans actually showing us who they really are. The majority of the American People want this done. I think it is important for people to go and protest and make sheer voices heard. Yes, yesterday was a little performative but i am putting my optimistic hat today. This had to be done in order to show manchin and sinema if you cant show us where you get those republican votes from, well have other options. Democrats have limited of time to get things done. I hope they understand that. Of all the sorting hats, the optimist hat i have not worn. Governor dean, i have a clip for you. This is Mitch Mcconnell of what he is and about to do. 100 of my focus is stopping this new administration. I want to make joe biden a onehalf term president. I want to do that making sure they no longer have house, white senate white house. When you have an Opposition Party that whole position is well do nothing. How do you use this to your advantage . Clearly this is not moving joe manchin or sinema. How do democrats work with this when Mitch Mcconnell says i am not moving. The Republican Partys loyalty is themselves and not to the country. Thats why it is so discouraging about this. Mcconnell says the same thing about president obama. I disagree with you, i think manchin will be reelected. Manchin is in the most republican state in the country right now. His people like that and sinema will lose in a primary. Sooner or later but, that is really major problem. I think as usual, democrats have gone into a fight with republicans using ak47s and we have a swiss army knife. This is not going to work for the country. We got to get a lot tougher. I think biden is playing it quite well. The reason Raphael Warnock is in the senate is georgia voters decided this was disgusting on the part of republicans. I think well pick up three or four seats in the senate in the ohio election. Ohio and North Carolina and wisconsin and pennsylvania. These are all things we should pick up and then the question is what happens in the house and i am not familiar enough of where the races are. The American People are disgusted of republicans and the polls show it. I not quite sure of your optimisticism. Ohio, pennsylvania, all these different kinds of places. If Voting Reform is not passed and some variation of the john lewis act is not passed, the chance of actually being able to win those races is diminished. Are you saying you think democrats can pick up seats next year even if they cant get any reforms done . I do think so. The spring suburbs dont like these kinds of stuff. This Republican Party is treacherous, they do not value the United States of america as it is now. They want to run autocracy. Instability and dictatorship is not a good formula in a capitalist society. I expect legal reprodepressions, georgia reinstated jim crow. Thats shocking. Georgia is one of the most advanced states in the south. People do not want this kind of stuff. They are tired of extremism and the republicans stand for nothing pu except stopping joe biden from being president. It really worked well for them and lets see how it will work with biden and the democrats. Well go baek to the original clip. We found it. We went through all the archives. Well play the original clip and get your thoughts on the other side. I dont know what the issue e of Critical Race Theory is, we do not teach Critical Race Theory. We dont embrace it. I think it is a spurious conversation. I trust my leadership from top to bottom that theyll give me fair and balanced and unvarnished input. For you to say that people are telling me what i want to hear . I get it, but i am smart enough. You know maybe theyre telling you what you want to hear. So he pretty much laid the smack down on matt gaetz. Joan, i will start with you. The Republican Party stands for stopping Joe Biden Zrs screaming issues about critical race issue. How effective do you think this is and the republicans making a head way going after the military like this . Well, they did not today. We saw lloyd austin and mark millie also as a white person i always enjoy it as a white person when somebody says i want to know about white rage. Why did the thousand of people stormed the capitol . To see thesis two Military Leaders stand up in ways that democrats dont and say this is garbage. It was so brazen and encouraging. I hop they lend a spice to come democrats. They are eating our lunch like this. This is a whole school that we should not not join this argument. It is ridiculous but it is hard for me to say lets look away. I want more people to stand up hike twoes two Military Leaders and say this is garbage. Danielle, when i look at this, i dont give too mf of these arguments attention but from an organizing standpoint, it could be effective. Critical race theory is the local prank at your school board becomes a political leader. When he and she can make up nose and end up viral, thats a recruiting tech unique. This is this something that democrats need to take seriously at the same state level . Well, there are definitely going to be another fake issue. We can guarantee that. Local leaders need to be prepared to smack it down the way those two Military Leaders did. Other issue just right across the border here in las fortin county. There was a rocket, people got arrested a t a local school board meeting. I think it was around issues sos so yes, democrats and progress progress you have to meet force with force. In a vacuum, people who are not paying attention or do not understand what some of these boogie man, it is important to have a response. Daniel and john. Thank you so much. News tonight, i will talk to a special guest who worked in the das office. A major breakthrough in the Capitol Riot Probe involving the far right. A Blasting Explosion over the campaign of the big Voting Rights. Stay with us. Stay with us. Na go where Everybody Knows your name and theyre always glad you came welcome back, america. It sure is good to see you. Oh are you using Liberty Mutuals Coverage Customizer tool . Welcome back, america. So you only pay for what you need. Sorry . Limu, youre an animal only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis. Or psoriatic arthritis, little things, can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. 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I am a public corruption prosecutor, majority of the lead state senate prosecuted two mayors, one for bribery. I load the team for the misconduct of the trump foundation. I go where the facts go. The facts show prosecutors closing in on trumps circle. Now executive Matthew Calamari used to be his body guard. Calamari knows all. He knows a lot. Hes been with trump through thick and thin, every single move that trump made matthew knows. He may not know anything financial but he probably was sitting around trump has denied any wrong doing but the heat is on trump, alan weisselberg, who was reportedly going to trump tower and not yet cooperated with prosecutors. Weisselberg is playing Russian Roulette with prison time. That former prosecutor joins me live to break it all down. We are back in just 60 seconds. We are back in just 60 seconds yea, that look of pure terror. No, no, the smile. And that second right before the first tear comes. What . pizza on a bagelwe can all agree with that. 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The da has gone to Great Lengths of fighting the battle for tax records, subpoenas, in court all the way up to the supreme court. All charges had been about his children and whether taxes were paid on gifts or apartments . The da is going to pull the trigger and indict him as part of the investigation to get trump. Theyre going to indict him on crimes that by everything we know involves trump. We are talking about tax fraud, insurance fraud, falsifying Business Record and bank fraud. If hes charged with that, hes just dead wrong and thinking. Hes going to get away with just a slap on the wrist. All of this prosecution pressing weisselberg, i want to play you some sound from trumps deposition. Well come back on how you think trump will respond on the increase heat on somebody like weisselberg. I dont have any glasses with me. The witness cant read the language. It is very small writing. I can make it out. Do you want me to try . I see this and this to me is trump basically acting like uncle junior and the sopranos, i cant read or confuse in order to avoid prosecution. Looks to me that trump is going to play dumb or any person who tries to turn evidence on him. Are these people being loyal that they think at some point trump is going to help them . Listen, thats been the Million Dollars question for years an years. Why in heavens name do people willing to give their life and morality for donald trump. I am going to bet if he decides to play the tough guy and not cooperate, he has this deal that there is some honor in it and he does not want to do anything to hurt the person who bought his silence. Hes wrong because i think we have seen time and time again trump will sell you down the river like that. He can spend the rest of his life in jail. So when the time comes, i am willing to bet dont be so quick to assume that hell not cooperate. If not cooperating already. Joyce, i want to ask you this. All these other names have came out, now we got kalamari and weisselberg. Kalamari is a former body guard. Lay out to our audience whats the significance of yet Somebody Else who supposedly directing the money being under investigation, is that a real change or just a standard prosecution at this point . They intentionally engage in fraud and they had knowledge of fraud and prosecutors were entitled to use circumstantial evidence. The best evidence you can get from these cases is someone working with the defendant and talk about what they did on a daily basis and what they privately acknowledged. It is no surprise that prosecutors are looking at people who would have been all around trump. Like robert, i am a little diagnostic and suspicious of this reporting that says weisselberg is not already cooperating. Of course thats possible but it is actually possible that prosecutors are using investigative tools that make them disincline perhaps to focus on who they may already have cooperation from. You can never have too many witnesses of someones state of mind. The more the better. No one knows it better than the man presumably becomes the District Attorney for manhattan after cy vance steps down for the year. I am going to follow up with that. When you get into the District Attorney who comes up with a case this big, is there a delay . Well give you a stack of paper, and here you go . Has he already been briefed on this process and well see a smooth transition. As we have seen the Justice Department and some other areas, a new attorney may have a different strategy or perspective that may slow down the investigation. Well, you dont brief people up on cases before they take the Oath Of Office for a lot of reasons. Right. There is a difference between having a new sheriff coming to town and having a new lead prosecutors being dropped in on a case. Here you got the new boss for the office, someone who certainly whos going to review and take a look at things. Hell leave the Prosecution Team intact and whatever Charging Decisions they made while he may want to take a look at them, hell let them move forward with the process thats already underway. Joyce is absolutely right. This has been and now a joint investigation involving manhattan da as well as the new York Attorney general. I agree, i dont foresee hes going to uproot and change the course of this investigation. We are not going to be done with this. It is such a corruption. Robert gottlieb and joyce vance, thank you so much for your time. Big news of the january 6th insurrection probe. The first rioter inside the courtroom. Neal katayal on that, next. Katt stay restless, with the icon that does the same. The rx crafted by lexus. 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Com a little preparation will make you and your family safer in an emergency. A weeks worth of food and water, radio, flashlight, batteries and First Aid Kit are a good start to learn more, visit safetyactioncenter. Pge. Com a major Legal Development in the maga riot investigation, today the first guilty plea from a member of the far right oath keeper. Conspiracy as in the preplanning of the insurrection. Young agreed to cooperate as part of his plea deal. This is huge, reportedly of 15 other members. How much he cooperates could be the key. The first January 6th Rioter was sentenced. The 49yearold woman entered the capitol and was given three years of probation and 500 fine. The judge reputed gop lawmakers down playing the in signature signature insurrection. The doj is releasing new videos. Another showing them storming past Police Officers on a stairwell into the capitol. I want to note any editing on this video was not done by nbc. Joining me now is neal katayal. I am going to start with this. I cant contain my disgust of annoyance that the first person sentenced from this got community service. This is a fine of somebody who got caught Burning Park Benches after their team won the championship. This woman was involved and attempted coup. Can you explain to us why this woman got such a light sentence . The sentence and hearing itself is quite interesting. I will talk about the sentence in a second. The hearing, only one Sentencing Hearing that the defendant did not even participated in the violence and yet we have already seen a federal judge cast Congressional Republicans for their rhetoric of january 6th. It is going to be a Long Hot Summer for the capitol riot. Republicans are going to be debunked by the rioters they had been lying about with their defense. The sentence is too lenient. She only entered the building and didnt kill anybody. But someone breaks into my home, i kind of think jail time is appropriate. The law called for six months of her sentence. I was a little surprised. She does not have known ties to extremists but i dont think it was the right call. What the judge says it is an easier case because she accepted her responsibility. She only accepted her responsibility after she got busted. She went the Sheriffs Office to get a gun permit. She tweeted of going to the capitol. Are we ever going to have acceptance of responsibility from the steal caucus in congress. Who would have guessed the perpetrator of the riot who are most vocal about its violence, the perpetrators are not the people in congress. It is just a really important job. It is ridiculous. Every time i hear and i am going to always apply what i call the crystal mason standard. If a black woman can be sentenced to five years in jail for voting in texas, thats the minimum i am going to look at every one of these insurrectionists. I want to move to the oath keepers. You got several members which is a farright organization like a lot of these groups are and like the proud boys, you now have members and leadership basically saying all right, i will flip and give information and what i am curious about is how much can one leader of an Organization Ratting out everybody else can really do if everyone else says hey look, i was operating independently. How strong is that kind of delivering information from leadership . It is huge and thats whats going on. He fell duped by the group in court. I have a feeling that young is not the only one felt duped. The others will be talking about donald trump. Jason, here is where the conspiracy doctrine that goes Back Hundreds of years. I wrote a blog about it. It is all about flipping and extracting information and using it and linking together one defendant to another. I think whats going on here and if you read these indictments, thats what the Justice Department trying to do. Theyre trying to use conspiracy doctrine to get information. Some of the leaders of this group reaching in crypted information. It is interesting also and the number of these leaders who are doing the same thing. You have a lot of leaders in these organizations the moment they got hot, suddenly theyre flipping evidence on everybody. As you are getting this kind of information from oath keepers and proud boys and other organizations, is there going to be a moment or do you expect us to finally hear that smoking gun moment where somebody in the organization admits to or providing that somebody in congress has helped. The level of sophistication for the attack, it is hard to envision that this was done with a couple of tours and checking Schoolhouse Rock of how the capitol looks. There were real concerns that staffers or members of congress help. Do you think well hear that soon from the leaders of these organizations who were apart of the planning process . I would say two things about that. Even if you dont have a smoking gun or anything, the members of congress. In direct support, thats already in the record, now there is a no unknown, thats beyond that. The direct materials support that you are talking about. It would not shock me given all the lengths which republicans are going and block the January 6th Commission. They must have something to hide when the peoples house have been attacked and blood have been spilled in the capitol and theyre afraid to have an investigation. They must be hiding something. I dont know what that is. Thats why i think this Justice Department investigation is being done in a meticulous, careful way. If that evidence exists, the American People should have it. If it does not exist, the American People should have absolute confidence and no stones is left unturned. They looked at everything and decided that was the piece of evidence. One last thing on this, as you said you have republicans in the house and senate and some in the house voted for the January 6th Commission and all republicans didnt vote for it. Now that we have heard nancy pelosi is like look, well investigate this. Do you think that investigation theyre going to have on the house side, does that help or harm these individual prosecutions happening around the country with the people involved in the insurrection . They sometimes have the possibility of harming because sometimes you get immunity or Something Like that in congress and it could mess up the criminal prosecution, that is whats happening. At this point in time, these rules and laws are pretty well baked into things and House Investigaors have to be careful and not to step on the toes of criminal prosecutions that is are ongoing. It is a shame that republicans were afraid to do this in a bipartisan way. Lets not let the truth go undiscovered. Neal, thank you very much. Vice president harris says the Voting Rights fight is not over. What can be done . We have the perfect guest whos organizing on this, next. The pe organizing on this, next if you have moderate to severe psoriasis. Or psoriatic arthritis, little things, can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable. With reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis,. Otezla is proven. To reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla Prescribing Information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an. Increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts. Or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. 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But thats not all youll find here. There are hundreds of goodpaying jobs, with most new workers hired from bayviewhunters point. We dont just work at recology, we own it, creating opportunity and a better planet. Now, thats making a difference. Now to the grass roots pressure campaign. Progressives calling on joe biden and joe manchin to get more pressure on Voting Rights. The call started to come from Progressive Democrats and congress. Congressman jones toll biden to get more on Voting Rights. In response, biden just sort of stared at me. I take it that you dont think hes done enough . He had tremendous amount when he came in. Yes, i think he needs to to more on this issue. The white house says biden will have more to say next week. Joining me now is cofounder of indivisible. Thank you so much for being here. I am going to start with a video in 2017 of what it was like when republicans trying to shut down healthcare for million of americans. I want to get your comments on the other side. You work for us. My question is in the past when you are talking about healthcare, hey, defend this policy and republicans you cant gut it and hold your ground and etcetera, etcetera, really whate looking at right now. Weve got a situation where i am as critical of joe biden as the next person, but his hands are kind of tied by two senators. So where do you target the protests on two senators who dont seem like they want to move on the issue . Yeah. Well, i just first of all get chills watching those videos. I love those memories of seeing people show up and making their voice heard. What they were showing up is to prevent the repeal of the american care act. People showed up. They need their voices heard. They scared their own representatives. Their representatives were worried there was going to be political repercussions for not doing it and they backed off. It was successful, this Grassroots Pressure in its finest. Now what we have is i would say the opposite side of that coin. We have a democratic trifecta and again talking about the top legislative priority but instead of it being repealing the Affordable Care act, it is protecting Voting Rights. It is taking political power away from billionaires. It is Injecting Ethics into our politics and making sure our elections are secure. That is what the for the people act is about. I think there is too much attention focused on one senator manchin or senator sinema or any individual actor. Were talking about the entire political system needs to come together and say weve got to get this done. Its got to happen. The answer to that isnt just what happens in West Virginia or arizona or any other particular state. The whole system needs to feel it. So were organizing with over 100 partners nationally these deadline for democracy events all across the country, every single state. The point of that is, sure, pressure on arizona senator and pressure on california senator who said some stuff we dont like, pressure on West Virginia. Thats important. But its important its everywhere. You need it everywhere so that when those politicians come back to washington, d. C. , in july, they arent saying, eh, okay, well move on to reconciliation and move on to bridges. Theyre saying, oh, my gosh, weve got to do something about this because im getting yelled at back at home. So, ezra, this is what occurs to me about this. I loved your tweet. Theres a tweet that you did earlier about all the things that previous president s have done. You had president obama and he would have debates over the aca with the whole republican caucus. Bill clinton gave tons of speeches and bush did things for tax cuts. What is joe biden doing . And thats the thing. I am concerned when i hear the president say ill get back to you in a week. Ill concerned when i only hear snippets of comments here and there. If you were sitting in the white house right now, what would you be screaming from the top of rafters that joe biden and Vice President harris need to be doing right now . Not next week, not next thursday, right here right now with the bully pulpit that they have . Great question. So i wouldnt be screaming, i would be respectful and i would advise him to use the full force of his office to actually make this a priority. We know what that looks like because the president has done it before. He did this on covid relief. He did this on the recovery plan. Hes doing it right now on infrastructure. But look, you cannot tell me that the crisis of crumbling bridges or roads that need to be paved is a bigger crisis than the crumbling of our democracy. You cannot convince me of that. And the president himself says that. If he believes what hes saying, i would say use the force of your bully pulpit. Drive the media attention. Go to texas, go to florida, go to georgia, hold a rally in front of the white house, give a speech from the oval office. It isnt rocket science. This is done by every successful president. This is how they move their agenda. I think youre exactly right. I worked my butt off to get joe biden to become president of the United States. Leaders across the country did this and they did it because they wanted him to fix what was wrong with our democracy. Theyre counting on him. So i have not been happy with what hes done so far. But look, this is his moment. This is the time for president ial leadership. It has failed in the senate just this week. Mitch mcconnell says were not even going to discuss it. Now is the time for the president to say, huhuh, we are discussing it. I am going to demand that we discuss it and im going to talk about nothing else but democracy until we get it done. I honestly think that if President Joe Biden and Kamala Harris just stood in line with some voters for two and a half hours and had cspan cover them, that would be the biggest message they could give about why we need some electoral changes. Ezra levin, thanks for your time. Thanks for having me. Live from the doj, its donald trump. You wont believe what he asked the department to do about Saturday Night Live when we come back. Y night live when we come back. Pay for what you need. Hot dog or. Chicken . Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. The new citi custom cashâ„  card, a different kind of card that Rewards Rashida and dan where their spending is trending. Just ask fifth class this week rashida. Rashida dan, no pain, no gain. Okay . Dan yeah i know, its just. Hello . Claire, what . Fire . Or always road tripping on empty dan. Rashida i told you this would happen. Dan the light was not even on. No, it was on. Dan what . 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Trump wanted his Justice Department to stop Saturday Night Live from mocking him. The daily beast Reporting Trump asked his advisers what the doj and other federal agencies could do to probe the show. Lets just stop and think about this. The president asking the Department Of Justice about a legendary Sketch Comedy Show known for political satire. Heres what got under his skin. Send in steve bannon. Former social Media Influencer donald trump is that Robert Mueller . Sadly, i had to fire him because he knew all my secrets. I had to pull a Little Obstructionay of justicejay. Trump called the report total fake news. You can judge for yourself whether this sounds like something trump would do. Because it does. That does it for me tonight. The reidout with joy reid is up next. How are you . Good to see you, jason. I would like the Justice Department to look into why i havent gotten a chance to host Saturday Night Live. I mean if donald trump can be on there, investigate. Keenan, give her a call. Joy, she really needs to do that. I can do this. Im ready. Thank you, jason. Have a good evening. Good evening, everyone. We begin the reidout with a rallying cry. Its been roughly 24 hours since every Senate Republican joined together building the wall, as it were, to block debate on the Voting Reform bill, the for the people act. And what should be Crystal Clear to you at this point

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