Investigations, this Move Signals Prosecutors could be nearing the completion of their probe. Theyre looking into whether the Trump Organization misled lenders and Insurance Companies about the value of properties on one side, Inflating Income there, and deflated income to reduce their tax burden. Cnns Senior Legal Affairs correspondent paula reid here to help walk us through all this. Paula, theres a lot we know and dont know. The grand jury has been convened. We dont know what comes out of that. What do we know about the time frame . This grand jury has been impaneled for at least six months. There is a mechanism to extend this. This is an incredibly powerful tool for prosecutors. They can use this to continue to build out their case and test it before a group of randomlyselected citizens, usually up to 23 people. The fact they have convened this grand jury two years into the investigation does suggest that prosecutors believe they have evidence of a crime, and they can use this now to issue subpoenas, to gather more evidence and then bring that evidence, bring those witnesses before the grand jury. What makes this different from a Courtroom Trial is the fact that its just the grand jurors, the prosecutors and a court reporter. Theres no defense represented, no public and no journalists. In order to follow whats going on, we need to rely on our sources. We know from our sources that the focus for this grand jury is whether the Trump Organization lied about assets. As you noted, were they telling banks they had more than they did to get bigger loans and were they telling the government they had less than they did to pay less taxes. The potential crime there being fraud. In order to bring charges of fraud, you need documents, you need witnesses. Thats really what theyre going to be focused on. This is very much an ongoing and active investigation. The fact theyve convened this grand jury, it does not guarantee that the former president or anyone else will be charged. Very important to note. Thank you, paula. Lets get right to cnn reporter gabby orr. What are he and people in his inner circle thinking . Hes shooting this down and saying its all politics and a witch hunt. Reporter right, poppy. The former president put out a statement tuesday evening in response to this development calling this a witch hunt, a refrain weve heard him use before to describe impeachment and numerous other investigations into him and into his allies. Hes also taken it a step further and is trying different tactics to shift the attention away from this investigation as it intensifies. In that same statement tuesday evening, he claimed that new york prosecutors are neglecting to focus on rising crime rates in their state, and instead spending their resources trying to target him and his allies. He has also are surfaced former comments by new York Attorney general Letitia James in which she claimed he was an illegitimate president , to suggest the entire investigation is tainted against him. Hes once again been teasing a comeback president ial bid in 2024, using that as a sort of way to rally the troops behind him, get his base excited at the prospect of him making a return to the political stage and to do anything he can to essentially distract from this investigation in mann as it closes in on him and his team. Basically a Greatest Hits of trump defenses. Gabby orr, thank you. Joining us former prosecutor ellie hoenig. This is a former president out of office a few months here, a grand jury impaneled. The prosecute verse a lot of Docu Documents from the Trump Organization. They also have one or more cooperators, in a Michael Cohen, allen weisselberg. Youve prosecuted a lot of cases here. Tell us what you might be advising the president as to the seriousness of this at this point . Its a series step, but it does not mean an indictment of donald trump is certain or imminent. What i read is prosecutors have solid foundational building blocks, the types of evidence you talked about, testimony from Michael Cohen about the general way the Trump Organization was structured and sfungsed. They have a lot of financial documents. We know they have Donald Trumps tax returns. Beyond that, though, i dont see one clear piece of Smoking Gun Evidence. Lets remember, its not enough to indict donald trump to just show, well, the Trump Organization itself was involved in fraud. You have to be able to prove specifically that donald trump or any person you may want to indict knew about it and authorized it. Its not enough as a prosecutor to just say, oh, come on, of course he must have known about it, of course he said it was okay. You need specific proof. Im not aware in the Public Sector of there being any specific piece of Smoking Gun Evidence at this point. Theyve got a lot of power, six months, three days a week, and they have Subpoena Power. They can bring in folks to answer their key questions here. Yeah, and thats vital, poppy. The fact that the two main things a grand jury can do is issue subpoenas and ultimately vote on indictments. The Subpoena Power is very important. These are criminal subpoenas, taken very seriously by the courts. Weve seen, for example, donald trump casually blow off congressional subpoenas in the impeachment hearings. These are different. Courts are much more likely to compel witnesses to come in and testify, compel people to turn over documents an emails. Thats an important investigative tool prosecutors have here. I think theyll use that to flush out the case and find more evidence. And possibly present others with the possibility that they could face charges, that evergoing effort to get folks to flip. The president is raising, once again, in his flurry of statements on this the idea that he will run again. You hear from folks in his circle and others who cover him, that thats part of his defense, to say, well, im a candidate for office, so clearly this investigation is politically motivated. From a legal standpoint, would that be relevant, him running or holding out the prospect of running . Only tangentially. There is a Legal Defense called selective prosecution. It is raised fairly frequently. It succeeds almost never. What you have to show as a defendant, i was singled out and treated differently than other similar people who committed similar acts because of my politics or for political reasons. Its a defense ive seen raised a handful of times. It almost never succeeds. I think what donald trump is trying to do here is set the stage to make that argument, to say i was singled out. Hell be able to point to, for example, attorney general let tisha james statement that shell go after donald trump. Hes trying to pad that defense, i may run thnext time so this i extremely political. Grand juries are supposed to be extremely secret, not supposed to leak. Often they dont, elie, but sometimes they do. Is it just were not going to know a lot for a long time . I want to be clear here. The grand jurors themselves, cannot come out and make public statements and the court reporter, the stenographer. However, if somebody receives a grand jury subpoena, they can bring it here on cnn and put it in front of the cameras. That is not a requirement of the grand jury. The secrecy only applies to the players. I think it will be a combination of witnesses may say, hey, i received a grand jury subpoena, and our reporters, people like paula, will be successful in keeping a finger on the pulse here. Elie, explain the Legal Standard here. I know these things are hard to prove and you have to prove intent. If they have his tax returns, could it not be a fairly simple calculation, and business records, as to what actual income was and what reported income was . Yeah. Jim, you would think it would be in black and white. You have to show knowledge and intent. Lets say there is such a disparity in the records. You would have to show donald trump was aware of that disparity. You would have to show he intended to defraud. What happens in a lot of cases is you get an advice of counsel or advice of accountant, where theres a piece of paper in the lyle where some lawyer, some accountant said, i blessed it, its okay to do it this way. Thats not necessarily a Silver Bullet defense, but it can help a defendant like this a lot. Isnt there a should have known . You should have known . Not in the criminal context. Its not enough to say should have known. If you can show whats called Willful Ignorance or he said, dont tell me, i dont want to know. Ignorance is bliss. Exactly. If you can show intentional, Willful Ignorance, dont tell me, i dont want to know, im going to bury my head in the sand. Just being sloppy or negligence is not enough. The other thing is, if you can show that accountant or someone bloke the law by the way, youre going to jail. You really want to protect the big guy . Thats part of the back and forth. Thanks, elie. Thats the key player. Thanks guys. How does the grand jury news impact the former president s political playbook . What weight, if any, does it carry for the gop ahead of the 2020 midterms . Can you honestly tell me in all the states that no ballots from people that are already deceased were not filled out and sent in . Wait until you see this interview our kyung lah did with the lawmaker in charge of arizonas socalled election audit. Kyung and her team found her. You do not want to miss this. Facebook issues a new report highlighting which nations are the top sources of disinformation. Its going to surprise you who crazy, remember its a Business Dinner not a Costume Party. On a spotty network this is what she heard. Just wear something crazy, remember its a Costume Party. A Costume Party . Yes anybody want to split a turkey leg . Lactaid is 100 real milk, just without the lactose. So you can enjoy it even if youre sensitive to dairy. So anyone who says lactaid isnt real mk is also saying mabel here isnt a real cow. And she really hates that. A republicanordered socalled audited its not an audit by any measure, at least a real audit, 2. 1 million passed in arizonas Maricopa County is moving forward this week. It comes amid a growing fight between republican county officials who are calling the audit a sham. Thats right, republican officials there, and Arizona State senators who order it and continue to defend it. So Arizona StateSenate President karen fann is the key elected official behind this controversial, to say the least, audit, and someone who has spread disinformation about it. She declined dozens of requests for an interview by our colleague kyung lah, but kyung tracked her down. Watch. I dont know whats legit, what isnt legit. But why wouldnt we want to answer those questions. Youre questioning democracy. No. Im questioning the integrity of the election system. Which is the backbone of democracy. Thats right which means we should have full 100 confidence in our democracy and in our election system. If youre talking about trying to disprove conspiracies. If i have to, yes. Why wouldnt we . If somebody says something is out there, i would love to be able to say thats not true guys. Arent you raising more questions by giving rise to these Conspiracy Theories if. No. Im answers questions. Okay. Let me ask you a question. Are you 100 confident that every vote that came in in arizona or any other state, or can you say emphatically 100 that no dead people voted, that ballots werent filled out by other people, that the Chain Of Custody from the minute people voted, their ballots, that the Chain Of Custody was accurate and on target the entire time . Can you tell me that . I can say that what the data shows us no, no. Is there was no widespread fraud. I didnt say there was fraud. You said Chain Of Custody, dead people. These things are all fraud. Well, i asked you a question. Can you honestly tell me in all the states that no ballots from people that are already deceased were not filled out and sent in . I can tell you what the data has shown overwhelmingly, that this was the most secure election in american history. Okay. You cant answer that question either, can you . Im answering it. No. Youre telling me what the data says. Data is what we should be driven by. First of all, when we talk about transparency, from day one, the entire process has been Live Streaming on oan with cameras controlled by oan. Are you saying oan is not a credible news source . Yes. Okay. Ill remember that. Cnn is saying oan is not a credible one. Were paying the 150,000, some of the security and the cost of the coliseum. Were paying for our fair share. I know from the getgo there was a lot of grassroots people. I have been told there are people sending in 10, 50, 100 because they want to see this audit done. Do you believe this is helping democracy . Absolutely, absolutely. Will you do this every election . It will be a lesson in democracy that we answer peoples questions, and i want the people i dont care if youre in arizona or any state across the nation. If we have those kind of doubts, we owe it to them to answer their questions. This will be the basis of a gold standard. Listen, no one in a position of power republicans in that state, deny that. Whats interesting, poppy, as you watch it, that claim about all these dead voters, its not new. Trump said the same thing about losing the popular vote in 2016 and set up a commission which found nothing. Its a standard goto play when he loses votes. Oh, they must all be dead people. I think the scariest part of that kudos to kyung and her team for asking the important questions and getting her to answer some, she indicated its going to keep happening. This is what weve got as long as shes Senate President in arizona. The other piece of this is beyond feeding the big lie and feeding doubts. You do have a good half of Republican Voters who buy the lie about the election. Partisan legislators can overrule those unbiased that, if you want to call them that, Election Officials of any party in the state. Thats in the law. They can do it if they dont like the result. Certainly in georgia, thats a big part of it, too. Our thanks to knung. Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer is holding a key vote tomorrow where senators will decide whether to send the january 6th Commission Bill to a final vote. Whats happening is Senate Republicans will filibuster a bipartisan plan for a bipartisan investigation. To overcome that, you need 60 votes, therefore, ten republicans. Cnns man no raju on capitol hill. A lastminute effort here. Susan collins suggesting changes. Based on your reporting, is it going to get to ten . No, its not. Those changes shes suggesting, in fact, have gotten resistance from the most powerful man in the senate, Chuck Schumer himself, who is concerned about what shes suggesting. The concern she has is the staff on this commission, if enacted, would be democraticleaning. The new Democratic Appointed Chairperson would have undue influence over that staff. Nevertheless, they may not get to the point where they can amend the bill on the floor because the first test vote tomorrow is to open up debate on the senate floor to break a filibuster, they need 60 votes to do that. They dont have ten republicans willing to break ranks, just a handful. Its unlikely to grow beyond that. This proposal, if it were to become law, would be models after the 9 11 commission. They would have to have a report done by the end of the year. Republicans are very clear that theyre concerned that this could become an Election Year issue, it would hurt their ability to take back control of congress. Mitch mcconnell said clearly yesterday, he wants the 2022 elections to be about looking forward, not relitigating donald trump, and the concern is, even though this would be an evenly divided commission, that this could bring the issue back into the forefront here. Theres no path for democrats. Theres talk about once the republicans filibuster this, perhaps theyd change the rule to allow the bill to move forward on a simple majority vote. Theres resistance from namely joe manchin of West Virginia who reiterated to me yesterday that he would not agree with any efforts to blow up the senates filibuster in order to get this passed, even though he does support the commission going forward. The end result here, guys, the Senate Republicans are going to block this tomorrow. The democrats are going to have to take matters into their own hands, potentially setting up a select committee in the house to investigate things on their own. They would lead the investigation. It would not be a bipartisan one as this legislation proposes. Remarkable use of the filibuster after members of gop leadership called for a Commission Like this in the aftermath of january 6th. Thats quite a change. Manu raju, thanks very much. Reports that a Special Grand Jury has been convened as part of a probe into the Trump Organization. What could the political fallout be for the former president . Di. Never settle for 25 . Always go for 100. Bring out the bold™ i had the nightmare again maxine. The world was out of wonka bars. Relax. You just need digital workflows. They help keep everyone supplied and happy, proactively. Lets workflow it. Then you can stop having those nightmares. No, i would miss them too much. Whatever you business is facing. Lets workflow it. Servicenow. Keeping your oysters Business Growing has you swamped. You need to hire. I need indeed indeed you do. 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With us on the political side of this big development, amanda carpenter, Political Columnist for the bulwark. You saw the response from trump calling it a witch hunt. What im interested in is what this means for the republican party. It seems like another diverse and clearly trump is going to want them to rally to his defense. Yeah, and i dont think it will be that difficult, poppy. I think for a lot of Republican Voters, trump supporters, this has the air of, well, here we go again. Theres a lot of investigation fatigue. You have to remember, weve been through the mueller investigation, impeachment one, impeachment two, talking about a January 6th Commission, this investigation. Theres another parallel one in new york. Theres going to be one in georgia coming up with the recount. It all sort of blurs together. This is hard to follow i think for a lot of americans going about their Daily Business because its happening in the dark. Grand jury, Tax Avoidance, this doesnt really sound like a big deal. While this is going on, i think, if this is going to stick at all and matter and put republicans in a difficult position, someone has to be explaining why tax evasion matters. Whats the difference between that and Tax Avoidance . Why isnt he a good businessman for evading taxes . Theres a lot of work to be done to beat the argument that this is just another witch hunt. Forgive me, amanda. Fraud is fraud. If they find evidence of fraud, thats defrauding the government. If you reach an indictment, you need to reach a certain standard to reach an indictment i hear you, trust me. Each of those previous investigations i suppose you can say the impeachments did reach an indictment. Thats, in effect, what the impeachment was but he was acquitted in the senate. If youre facing a criminal indictment, youve got to show up in court, right . You cant just say im not showing up in congress. Yeah, and no one plays the victim better than donald trump. Weve seen that. This is why im saying there has to be a lot of education about why does fraud matter . Who pays the cost . Why should donald trump have to pay his taxes . It feels like Groundhog Day to me. Trust me, i think these things are extremely important, but i also understand public messaging in that it has to be made to deal with the lies of the every day person and why it matters. These arguments dont make themselves. How many times have we waited to see like, oh, Well Donald Trump will do this and then people will understand and republicans will pay the price. No, that doesnt happen in a vacuum. Just switching gears to the vote thats going to happen tomorrow on an independent commission to investigate the insurrection at the capitol on january 6th. You wrote about this about a week ago, i reread it this morning. Theres a line that i think is so relevant as we head into what looks to be a deadonarrival bill because of a republican filibuster. You wrote, referring to the former president s comments about election fraud, et cetera, just because something is stupid doesnt mean it cant also be dangerous. So what is going on in your party that theyre not going to look deeper into this . I think it comes down to the fact that they dont want to cross the trump base. I hate to think this, but i think its true. Voters arent willing to sacrifice. This gets to the Marjorie Taylor greene thing as well because she represents them. They arent willing to sacrifice those voters. They dont want to look at the January 6th Commission because its going to blow back on them. I want to end on things that im hopeful for. Even if the senate does taint this, i think nancy pelosi has a huge opportunity to move forward with a select committee On The House Side and involve those republicans that voted for it. Bring liz cheney into the fold, bring anybody that wants to help, because our country needs to know, there are some republicans who are not okay with this. So please bring them into the fold, use them, because this matters a whole lot more than politics. Its a good point. A lot of folks that were floated as republicans members of a Bipartisan Commission are former lawmakers who might very well still volunteer to join such a commission. An interesting idea for sure. A great idea, amanda. Lets see if we can get beyond politics and see Something Like that happen. Thanks so much. Thanks. Were heading into what is going to be a really busy travel season and travel weekend, the busiest of the pandemic. Masks still required on airplanes, but with so many states ending mask mandates, whats it going to mean at your nations airports. Way for you to sell your car. Whether its a year old or a few years old. We wanna buy your car. 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We wouldnt be here without our wonderful customers. Were really thankful for all of them. [female voices soulfully singing come on in] we have this sad and alltoofamiliar Breaking News in america today, news of a shooting near downtown san jose, california, south of San Francisco there. Police are responding to it. They say that it is still an active scene there. We have no confirmed information yet on the number of casualtyie. That, an aerial view of the site of the shooting. Police responding, saying it is still active. Cnn is sending a team there. As we get information on the number of victims, the status of the shooter, we will bring it to you. A familiar headline in america. Its about 7 30 in the morning there in san jose, jim. So this would be like key commute time. You see all of the official vehicles lined up there. This is obviously a pretty densely populated area in san jose, just about an hour outside of San Francisco. As our Team Obviously is headed right now to where theyre putting the press, which is at younger and first street in san jose. As soon as we have more reporting, well bring it right to you. Meantime mask violations, unruly passengers, even assaults on tsa officers and flight attendants, these are some of the growing problems as more and more people are traveling again. Over this Memorial Day Weekend Airports are expecting to see the highest number of travelers since the pandemic began. How is the faa handling it . Cnns aviation correspondent pete montoya. This is around the complications around these Simple Health care measures here. Its becoming a big problem. A bigger problem over time . These incidents are getting worse, jim. The number of people flying is going back up, creeping what it was before the pandemic, and the number of unruly passengers is also going up along with it. The tsa still requires masks across the Transportation System even if youre fully vaccinated. Thats planes, trains, buses, boats, also here in terminals. The tsa says its investigating 1,300 cases of folks violating that rule. Thats are just the number of investigation, not the number of reports. So this could be actually much larger than whats been reported so far. These numbers are also pretty serious from other federal agencies. I want you to look at this. The faa says its got 2,500 cases of unruly passengers since january. 1,900 of those it said involved those violating mask rules. The tsa says 60 of its workers have been assaulted over all of this. Federal agencies says this is not the time to act up when traveling as we head into this busy Summer Travel season. We will not tolerate behavior that violates the law, violates the guidance and es special behavior that is assaultive to the individuals who are trying to protect the American Public and allow them to enjoy the resumption of travel safely and securely. Reporter people are coming back to traveling in a big way. The tsa screened 1. 68 Million People at airports across the country. That is a new record of the pandemic. Industry groups say planes are mostly full, between 90 and 95 . It sounds cliche, but right now, especially, you have to pack your patience. Jim, potty. Pete muntean, we appreciate the reporting very much. Were also following this Breaking News of a mass shooting near downtown san jose. You see the aerial images right there. Were just getting information from the police. Well have more for you right after this. [sfx kids laughing] [sfx bikes passing] [sfx fire truck siren] onstar, we see them. Okay. Mother and child in vehicle. Mother is unable to exit the vehicle. Injuries are unknown. Thank you, onstar. My son, is he okay . Your sons fine. Thank you. There was something in the road. Its okay. Youre safe now. In business, its never just another day. Its the big sale, or the big presentation. The day where everything goes right. Or the one where nothing does. 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The Police Department also says in a tweet this is still an active scene. Theyre asking everyone to stay out of this area while they try to get a handle on it and conduct the investigation. Our team of reporters heading to the scene right now. Well bring you more when we have it. So sad to see that once again. Facebook is out with a new report this morning, highlighting which countries are the top sources of disinformation. In it the Company Sites russia and iran as the top two. But do you know who is in fourth place . The United States as a source of this. Whats notable, the company says during the 2020 election season, domestic actors were just as engaged in spreading false information as those from russia and iran. Joining me, christopher krebs, former director of the cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency within the department of homeland security. Chris, good to have you back on. Thanks for having me. Good to see you. The u. S. Remains the top target of this disinformation, but its ranking, which well put on the screen here, now as the number four source of disinformation, number four in the top five after only russia, iran and myanmar. Does this show that disinformation is now equally or perhaps even principally a domestic problem in this country . The joke ive made at least recently is disinformation is probably the worlds third oldest profession. We all know what the first one is. Intelligence operations is the second and propaganda or disinfo is the third. Its a tool, one more tool our foreign adversaries have used. Now that the playbook is out there pretty broadly, were now seeing this emergence of disinformation as a service. If you look at the organizations conducting these organizations domestically, its pr firms and Media Relations firms. Its one more front that i think corporations and governments need to think about, not just cyber threats, but Disinformation Threats to their operations. The trouble is they have allies in this disinformation, domestic allies, a former president who lies repeatedly about the election and others now doing the work for him, or if not actively promoting it, standing by while it is promoted. I just wonder can the u. S. Effectively counter that Disinformation Threat if you have domestic if you have americans aiding and abetting. Theres certainly some structural changes that need to happen. Were taking a look at that at the aspen institute, im cochairing the commission on information disorder. Were looking at governments, social media companies, academia, traditional media, steps they can take to shore up some of the disinformation thats actively undermining democracy. And working, right . You have 50 of republicans who buy the big lie on the election. The senate is going to reject a bipartisan investigation into january 6th. For you who served in a role where your job in the Trump Administration was to protect the country against this from sort of outside threats, how do you feel watching it when you have a fifth column, you have an internal threat now . Its not just happening in washington, d. C. You look at, across the country, the various states that are enacting legislation that are stripping the authorities away from Election Officials. Brad raffensperger in georgia, the senate proposing an audit, proposing taking away power from secretary katie hobbs. This is a Man Northwestation of the base thats transforming an entire Political Party into a cult of personality and a group of extremists. Those legal changes will give partisans the chance to overrule, in effect, results they dont like. I want to talk about another threat, the cyber attack we saw play out a couple weeks ago on the Colonial Pipeline with deep consequences. Now dhs plans to issue a security directive, requiring companies to report this, not make it voluntary. Given that we now know colonial paid a 4. 5 million ransom. Should private companies be barred from paying those ransoms, given it must encourage these kinds of attacks . It certainly puts a sticker on their forehead that says theyre suckers and will pay for these things and they dont have the defenses. I think youre seeing shifts in the ecosystems. You see a French Insurance Company declare theyre not going to pay out ransom demands anymore. I think there are a number of other Insurance Companies that are going to follow. I think there needs to be a Policy Conversation about making paying out ransom a last resort. It should not be an option. Its interesting you note the insurers. The hackers look to see who is insured for how much and went after them and said, hey, your insurance is going to cover this. They know what theyre doing. Chris krebs, you know it well. Thanks so much for joining us. Thank you. We are following this Breaking News of a shooting right near downtown san jose, apparently at a light rail yard. Much more ahead. Hi. So youre the scientist here. Does my aveeno® daily moisturizer really make my dry skin healthier in one day . Its true jen. Really . this Prebiotic Oat Formula moisturizes to help prevent dry skin. Impressive aveeno® theres interest you accrue, and interests you pursue. Plans for the long term, and plans for a long weekend. At thrivent, we believe money is a tool, not a goal. To learn more, text thrive to 444555, or visit thrivent. Com. Ill be observing your safedriving abilities. Play your cards right, and you could be in for a tasty discount. [ clicks pen] lets roll. Hey, check it out. One time i tripped on the sidewalk over here. [ heavymetal music playing ] [ snoring ] and a high of 89 degrees. [ Electronic Music Playing ] ooh ooh who just gives away wood . The snapshot app from progressive rewards you for driving safe and driving less. Theres an app . [ chuckles ] beth. Save money with progressive. [ tires screech ] well, that came out of nowhere. We are continuing to follow the Breaking News. Reports of a shooting in downtown san jose, california. Police are responding to the scene. San jose pd say in a tweet this is still an active scene. Police are asking everyone to stay out of the area while they conduct this investigation. From the air, you can see a number of Police Vehicles deployed. We saw two to three ambulances moving away from the area slowly. Cnns Josh Campbell joins us. Josh, these things move quickly. What are you learning . Massive Police Presence. Were waiting for details from Law Enforcement on what specifically transpired here. We dont have information right now on the number of victims. We are hearing from police that they responded to reports there of shots fire. This location is near a Valley Transportation Authority light rail station, and we just got a statement in from the Transportation Authority saying they have reports of an active shooter. It is our light rail maintenance yard there. Still, we have no information on the actual shooter, but getting more information on the location there. Were also told that some of the businesses and other locations around there are taking precautions to include one Middle School thats just two blocks away thats now in a state of lockdown. Interestingly, where this shooting took place is just around the corner from the sheriffs department. As you mentioned, ambulances coming and going as well. Were trying to get details about the victims as well as the shooter. More of that to come. And its also early in the morning. Its just before 8 00. One would assume that people that are going in to work, there would be a lot of them out, especially at a light rail transportation hub. Thats right. A busy station servicing that area thats near downtown san jose. There are also Office Buildings in and around that area as well. Obviously, whenever theres a shooting, we try to look at what is the landscape like, what are these different locations. Too soon to tell what particularly may have been the target here we know weve seen that flooding of Police Officers coming in. One other thing thats interesting, whenever these happen, we have so much experience with this, you try to look at aerial images to see the posture of Law Enforcement. Were not seeing Additional Police units come in. Not seeing that emergent posture, but certainly a heavy Police Presence as they try to deal with things there. Josh campbell, thanks very much. The headline there, were following reports of a shooting near downtown san jose, california. Police say its an active scene. Cnn doesnt have details on the number of casualties. Well bring you the details as they come. Thank you for joining us. Im poppy harlow. Im jim sciutto. At this hour with kate bolduan starts right now. This is cnn Breaking News. We do begin with Breaking News. Right now we are watching a situation unfolding in san jose, california. Police are investigating reports of an active shooting at a rail yard near downtown. Were showing you live aerials from the scene. Weve been watching them for the last