ahead with just under a quarter of the vote he'll need to form a coalition with at least 2 other parties. the european union has set out plans for a vaccine passed to allow people to travel during the pandemic the green certificate would show proof of vaccination or recovery from covert 19 the digital document would be shown at airports and border crossings most member states are still in forcing strict controls. this is news from berlin you can find much more news analysis by heading to our website that's d w dot com. spring is just beginning but already europeans are thinking of summer and summer holidays the european union today announced plans for a coronavirus passport a ticket to travel despite the pandemic and how is that supposed to fly most people have not been vaccinated and months of poor planning supply shortages and one too many vaccine scares have left the europeans running short on time and even shorter on confidence that the vaccines will help more than they will hurt i bring gulf in berlin this is the day. it is getting worse we see the crest of the 3rd wave forming in member states almost a month about to be astra zeneca vaccine suspension doesn't mean mistrust on the contrary this it could do this on a decision could actually increase trust increase trust that the vaccines we are using are good. and we know with that we need to accelerate the vaccination rates so anybody who is offered that same should take whatever is being offered by the program it will certainly be all those who astra zeneca that i would be happy. also coming up a new u.s. intelligence report says russia trying to sway the outcome of the 2020 alexion in favor of donald trump it didn't work for the new u.s. president there is unfinished business now between him and the man in the kremlin you know vladimir putin you think he's a killer. or do so what price must he pay the price she's going to pay will you will see shortly. what you our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and to all of you around the world welcome we begin the day still wait. to be vaccinated most europeans were expecting to be vaccinated with the astra zeneca corona virus shot that is until half of all e.u. countries suspended use of the vaccine on fears of blood clots tomorrow the european medicines agency will meet and is expected to again say there is no risk of blood clots and that the vaccine remains safe precious time to inoculate the public has been lost and governments in germany france and italy have provided no evidence supporting their decision to halt the vaccine the european commission president today provided little clarity either when she once again pointed the finger at astra zeneca for not delivering the vaccine doses on time even if vaccinations across the e.u. resumed this week on friday the damage has already been done more people are now hesitating saying they have less trust in any of the vaccines europe is now in the 3rd wave of the pandemic the chances tonight better than ever for a 4th wave. vaccinations with astra zeneca were starved in mid operation in germany on monday some facilities had to close even earlier like this one in the state of thuringia unfortunately we've had to cancel all of our appointments at the vaccination center in ghana and we can't get any more out earlier this year just resenting the vaccine had been praised for its cost effectiveness and its easy to store features many hope the new drug would give much needed impetus to the global vaccine program the 1st shot outside trials was given in the u.k. and the beginning of generally 2021 but the much anticipated british swedish tech scene started to lose support early on in mid january came the announcement of supply shortages and production problems that affect the re in belgium that would delay deliveries to european union countries there were also concerns over divot scenes a fact of nurse 76 percent compared to the 90 plus percent sufficiency of the modern and biotech pfizer vaccine shortly after the european medicines agency approved on the 29th of january germany together with several other european union countries advised against the use of the vaccine for people over 65 those restrictions were later relaxed now more than a dozen countries have suspended or pause the use of the vaccine over fears that the drug can cause blood clots it's own and then. to keep up confidence in this vaccine we now have to give our experts in germany and the european union time to review these recent cases they must also clarify the question of whether the benefits of vaccination continue to outweigh possible risks and says. the european union's drug regulator will release its findings on thursday its results will have implications for the entire new facts in asian strategy. well my 1st guest tonight has been on the frontline of reporting on this pandemic the public health policies and the research behind the vaccines i'm happy to welcome back to the program science journalist cooper schmitz kite's good to see you again the picture that people have on the outside looking at this situation is that people are not getting shots and they don't know when they will get their shots the european union can't seem to fix that but it can issue passports for summer travel does that seem odd to you well i think it's difficult to look at all of these things together right what i find surprising is that some countries have to fight it to relax restrictions in a situation where we have rising cases and we're not really managing to vaccinate enough people i think the question of what happens during the summer and you know what happens in the summer holidays is a different one and i think thinking about how to deal with vaccinated people for the future is something that should be done i don't think that that immediately kind of. tells me that there's something going on or let me ask you then what do you expect the european medicines agency to announce after its meeting tomorrow. why united cantelli of course what they will do i can tell you what i what i hope they will do which is that they will give a you know a clear decision and that they will very clearly lay out the evidence on which that that fission is based. and i mean i can't know what exactly the decision will be because i haven't seen yet wouldn't that they have but the communication has been so crucial in all of this and i think it's been handled pretty badly informed cases and so i think what we really need on thursday you know whether whether it is a warning whether it is you know just getting back to vaccinating people maybe with some additional information about possible side effects anyway it will only work if the communication is very clear and if the evidence of laid out i think yeah you bring up a good point there the european medicines agency the world health organization and even astra zeneca itself they've all said that the astra zeneca vaccine is safe and that it's not linked to blood clots do we know why then the public health authorities in these 12 or 13 e.u. countries including germany why they decided to suspend use of the vaccine. i think we are gaining a much clearer picture of why that happened and i mean we should have had a much clearer picture from the beginning again that goes back to communication but we're not simply talking about blood flow we're talking about a very specific type of luck cloth which is called a cerebral venous thrombosis of sally rare type of from both has that happened in the in the vein that drains the brain that drains the blood from the brain basically and that can often be fatal and it's fairly rare and what happened in germany i can i can speak to germany i talked yesterday to the head of the german regulatory agency the pi and what happened here was that we had on friday i have cases have been reported to 2 that agency of the cerebral venous thrombosis which already seemed quite a lot but didn't yet trigger quite the alarm and then on monday they had a report of another 2 such cases by people who have been vaccinated which brought the number to 7 and then what they do is something called an observer is expected analysis which means they look at normally in a certain amount of people in a certain amount of time how many of these particular promotions would you expect and they came up with a number one so you know in 1600000 people which is how many people were vaccinated with astra zeneca in the space of 14 days you would expect one person normally to have such as from both and now they've got 7 which is why they then brought in outside experts and asked whether there was a pattern here whether a link to the vaccine was at all plausible and the experts i am told were unanimous in their in their view that there seemed to be some kind of pattern here that should be looked at and that led to the recommendation to suspend vaccinations for the moment i have to say personally you know you can make that decision either way i think you know even if you see a safety signal you can still decide that we are in the middle of a pandemic and you will keep vaccinating while you look into it exactly it is a hard decision to me. yeah i mean also what's interesting is on monday when we had these announcements coming from germany for example you know immediately after the announcements came we heard from astra zeneca but also from the w.h.o. saying that the vaccine is safe so what was going on there i mean are they working with 2 different sets of data or are they just not communicating with each other i think i think you have to be very careful there in that of course this information takes the certain time to be aggregated into travel so you would expect the national of parties to be the 1st to kind of like have some kind of idea of how many cases and what exactly that feeling in that country the w h o's you know committee on the safety of vaccines got to get that yesterday looked at the data they haven't actually come up with their announcement yet so the position of the w.h.o. for the moment is the position from data from from older data in a sense so you know i'm not saying that that will change but you have to accept that as the data kind of trickles upwards almost some people might come to different conclusions if indeed they evaluate the data the kind of just isn't it it just it appears irresponsible though if an organization let's say the w.h.o. in this case if they're working with odor data to come out immediately and basically contradict what public health authorities in germany for example have decided that seems incredibly irresponsible. well i mean everybody has been very clear that they are working with the data that they have and i mean b.m.a. as well can only say based on the date of that we have we think this vaccine is safe. and visit no they now need to evaluate that they they are getting data from you know more than a dozen different countries and they have to put all of that together and then look at it i think the most likely scenario is still that we're going to get back to vaccinating with this next scene possibly with some kind of safety signal just stuff to look out for in very rare occasions of side effects and you have to realize that the risk of the virus is so big that even if there is you know significant side effect it might still be worth that but the question here is just in when you see a safety signal do you you know do you stop for the moment or not and i can see i would have decided to just let it go for the moment but i can see why people felt you know they had an obligation at this point to say ok let's wait a few days and evaluate yeah it's a it's a tough situation to be and either way you go kind coopersmith science journalist here in berlin kinds always good talking with you with sharing your insights with us thank you thank you. he was president joe biden says russia will soon pay a price biden strong words follow a u.s. intelligence report on foreign interference in last november's elections the report says russian president vladimir putin approved a campaign of misinformation aimed at sowing discord among the voters moscow has denied any involvement just as it has also denied meddling in the 2016 vote which saw all of the 3 for donald trump on a.b.c.'s good morning america the host asked president biden if he thinks his russian counterpart is a killer take a listen. you know vladimir putin you think he's a killer. or do so what prince must he pay the proceeds going to pay well you'll see shortly. you'll see shortly ok we've got team coverage here with our correspondent in really sure when he's in moscow oversell what on the other side of the awaiting in washington to both of you good evening emily let me start with you says he considers putin to be a killer strong words there in the reaction from the kremlin well brant as you might imagine that hasn't gone down too well here in moscow the russian foreign ministry has now recall the ambassador to the u.s. the russian ambassador to the u.s. for consultations about the future of the u.s. russian relations and we saw a rather sober statement from the spokesperson of the foreign ministry who usually has a bent towards kind of dramatic statements she said that the reason why u.s. relations are in such a bad way is that the u.s. has boxed them into a dead end and she also warned about the fact that worsening relations could be a risk perhaps a hint at the fact that both countries are nuclear power so kind of a sober but also a bit of a threatening statement there you have to imagine that this is a personal insult against putin in a country where putin is kind of letting their position is kind of considered untouchable on the political landscape even his critics usually just level accusations at the kremlin or at the government but not at pushing himself really when joe biden says that is a killer what exactly is the u.s. president referring to. well during the near putin's time in power there has been a fairly long list of deaths or assassination attempts of kremlin critics that of course his critics blamed on vladimir putin himself or at least on the system that he created just a few examples are for example the murder of opposition journalist on the put it cost in 2006 the murder of opposition politician buddies himself in 2015 and the failed assassination attempts of russian spy city in the u.k. and last year of opposition politician saying now vineet out those are all attempted murders or murders that were blame squarely on the kremlin the kremlin has always denied that and investigations have always have never found a direct link of course to vladimir putin himself but biden could be talking about those own. intelligence you poor just published blames moscow for meddling in us to what extent did russia trying to sway the vote. well certainly not a very flattering report branded alleges that vladimir putin the russian president directed at ford's to help donald trump win the 2020 election and particularly the reports cold war operations to influence people that were close to donald trump so some analysts believe that one of the persons they targeted there could have been a rudy giuliani doll charmes personal lawyer out the timing was not mentioned but if you remember giuliani during the election campaign pushed those baseless claims off corruption of all joe biden and his son hunter biden involving the ukraine and that narrative also was pushed by russian intelligence and if that sounds familiar to you then yes of course it does because just as a reminder of the same happened or a similar happened in 2016 special counsel robert mahler then concluded that putin was behind a very similar effort so very much looks like history repeating itself yeah a lot of repeating going on here you know we expected the kremlin to reject accusations of election interference this time just like you did after the 2016 elections and has there been more of a reaction that they've repeated their rejections of election meddling both 420162020 the kremlin spokesperson called this new report wrong baseless and unsubstantiated today and kind of pointed again to the fact that the west is constantly hitting russia with sanctions there is very much a narrative here that that is part of a russophobe a campaign on the part of the west in november president biden he's threatening russia with consequences and how serious skin these consequences be considering that he also says he wants to continue working with runs sure were necessary i think he said you know we can walk and chew gum at the same time. well certainly a typical biden approach number one of course he stands for the return of diplomacy that's something that he has reiterated many times since he took office at the same time he promised a tougher stance on russia in part because of course he wants to distance himself from donald trump who benefited a lot from russian support throughout his presidency and now if you see the 1st steps if you will off a tougher stance u.s. just expanded export restrictions on russia that are from last month as a result of the poisoning all fell opposition leader election of on the there reportedly the u.s. is just preparing some new sanctions that could be put in place as soon as next week so a very different stance a very different rochelle policy under joe biden donald trump refused to talk negatively of old russian public and now you have biden calling putin a killer so on of course he is it looks at least like he is very serious there is zones that we know that this white house is certainly not the trump white house it's not the obama white house there's no reset being sought after here by president biden is moscow hunkering down for tough times to come. well i think actually moscow kind of had gash hopes when it comes to the donald trump administration surprisingly enough they expected more from trump and as a result they didn't have high hopes at all for the biden and administration and in a way today's statement kind of confirms that but i did do think that they did hope that the u.s. and russia could have a kind of barebones working relationship on certain issues for example on arms control on the iran nuclear deal which both want to work on and i think this statement today kind of does come as somewhat of a blow and not sense this personal insult certainly isn't a good start for those relations which are already at a pretty low point yeah i think there will be more reasons for us 3 get together and talk again in the future and really sure when you must go over sell it in washington to both of you thank you. there are many words to describe them and what they do the men and women in the gig economy the people burning the candle at both ends in the hustle economy they all describe people who work but these people have never been cold workers until now starting to dig the $70000.00 drivers for the ride healing company in britain must be treated as workers instead of contractors now that means guarantees them a minimum wage and paid holidays it is a major u. turn for made possible only by a ruling in the british supreme court. it was the day the baseness model came to a sudden stop driver celebrating victory over the right hailing platform at the u.k.'s top court last month after judges ruled that a bar must provide workers' rights to thousands of drivers. i'm just so delighted thrilled and relieved that this day has arrived and we've got the right judge. no one has implemented that ruling offering to pay minimum wage holiday pay and pension contributions today is an important day for all drivers in the u.k. and the reason for that is because from today any driver who on the platform and that's over $70000.00 drivers in total will be able to be paid for holiday time they'll be enrolled in a pension and they'll be able to earn at least a national living wage as a floor and not a ceiling. critics however say the benefits are based on time driver spend paired with a customer not time spent waiting for work despite this from the court the judge would also owns the funding of employment but for the purposes the legislation the claimants working turn was not limited. to periods when they were actually driving passengers but estimation it also included any period when the driver was locked into view in the room of the church or. analysts say the ruling could have huge ramifications for the exploding gag economy not just drivers but cyclists too not just the u.k. but farther afield as governments wrestle with the distinction between workers and contractors. for now though it could be taking a trip back to court soon over claims its new changes still don't comply with employment law. a damning report in the u.k. has blamed the english football association for failing to protect hundreds of young players from sexual abuse by pedophile coaches the report says there were significant institutional failings by the governing body once it became aware of decades of abuse dating back to the 1970 s. among those listed as failing in their duties top tier clubs such as chelsea and manchester city. it was a former youth player at the football club crewe alexandra who put the spotlight on the sexual abuse of young players police reopened investigations and charges were filed but this was years decades after the fact. that the player was andy woodward who in 2016 inspired dozens and dozens of others to finally speak out as well oh that was the year attorney clive sheldon was commissioned to independently report on the f.a. the football association there was an institutional failing by the f.a. they acted for too slowly in developing that child protection of maintenance. of child protection being a problem within the school and they should have done more to keep children safe this man barry but now was among the predators he coached young people for clubs like crewe alexandra stoke and manchester city from the 1980 s. he's in prison now but wasn't banned from football after his 1st conviction and release from prison it took until former players like andy woodward spoke out against him the football association and clubs from the lowest tier to the top have since then worked to make amends and protect the youth. we have to hold hands up and apologize for the mistakes of the posse make sure we don't repeat them but that's not to say that football is. involvement it is some abuse victims say the report on the football association could have been stronger in tone but the f.a. will be watched at every step by those who suffered over the years. well i hope you are wearing green today it is st patrick's day the cheer of this day muted this year in ireland centerpiece of the festivities despite the pandemic has been a big tackler drone display in the skies over the capital dublin a swarm of 500 unmanned aircraft traced some of its history and pageantry traditional green of course naturally the brightest shoulder in the show the walk down the course continues just as it did one year ago today. the day is almost done the governor say she continues online we will see you tomorrow. on the phone. after. going through the conflict so far a thoughtful lean republican party in the us almost from the last the last throes of those election flight business week or she can still pull the republican new make up on chimp alone as a why do so many 42 to a bad loser mean break the law if and what kind of party is the g.o.p. becoming. conflicts of. the float next fall t w. come to australia's little paradise the torres strait islands. it's an idyllic life for the few 1000 people who live here on the vast expanses of the stream islands far from the flood of tourists. the only down side it's impossible to get around without a boat. in 45 minutes on d w. in many come. crazy education in philip privilege comedy is one of the main concepts some young children lacking mind trusts instead of going to class and do just kind of 10 times is coming right after he finished making. millions of children only for the world to have to go to school. we ask why. because education makes the world more just. make up your own mind. g.w. made for minds. the republicans already absolutely as the nail through january 6th violence part of you never used to be that forgiving of loses bit they won and they played by the rules but he was right to spare a thought for the republican party in the us normal from the last the last presidential election but he refuses to go quietly or even with all in fact he still claims against bill.

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Moscow ,Moskva ,Russia ,Australia ,United States ,United Kingdom ,Iran ,Washington ,Tanzania ,Manchester ,Kremlin ,Mississippi ,Ukraine ,Germany ,Khas ,Az Arbayjan E Sharqi ,Netherlands ,Belgium ,Ghana ,Italy ,Ireland ,Berlin ,Britain ,America ,British ,Russian ,Tanzanians ,Astra Zeneca ,Andy Woodward ,Joe Biden ,Cooper Schmitz ,Crewe Alexandra ,Joe Biden Donald ,Clive Sheldon ,Robert Mahler ,Vladimir Putin ,Rudy Giuliani ,Astra Zeneca Corona ,

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