a volcano to blow its top and finally put an end to weeks of troublesome tremors. thank you so much for your company everyone well we begin our broadcast of with the european union regulators saying they are firmly convinced the benefits of astra zeneca corona virus vaccine outweigh the risk of any possible side effects more than a dozen e.u. countries stopped using the shots after reports of some people suffering blood clots after being inoculated on the european medicines agency now is investigating possible side effects of the vaccine and will issue its report later this week the regulators insist however that reported incidents remain rare and they are encouraging people. to keep getting vaccinated and the agency's director m.r. cook says there is no evidence that the astra zeneca vaccine has caused blood clots there was no indication that the nation has called these conditions they have not come up and clinical trials and they're not listed as known arse or expected side offense with this vaccine in clinical trials both about the native people on the people who are thieves that her thiebaud have shown small some very small numbers of plot talked about months. we don't know the number of trouble and balika bends overall in the vaccinated people seems not to be higher than the seen in the camera population and that was the m.a. director speaking a little earlier let's go straight to brussels correspondent garrick motus for more on this all important story the european union medicines regulator we just heard says there is no indication that astra zeneca vaccines are the cause of reported blood clots so is this the final word yes and no liasing must be the answer or no because they are launching an investigation they're looking seriously into the matter and that was one of the main messages she wanted to get across yes it is somewhat final word as well and in an effort to to calm the tense mood in the european union to stop maybe even member states from further member states one must say after several of them suspended the use of that vaccine to stop them from doing that by making clear that there is no established link between the blood clots that have been found and that particular vaccine at astra zeneca that is the message so for the moment it's safe to use and on top of that the message is it's certainly safer than contracting the virus itself how much.

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Iceland ,Brussels ,Bruxelles Capitale ,Belgium ,Berlin ,Germany ,Icelanders ,Astra Zeneca ,Astrazeneca Corona ,

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