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a whole step further and make it clear that what is legally possible is not necessarily acceptable for us we need a code of conduct that clearly states that it's not possible or acceptable under any circumstances to benefit financially from ditties that members of parliament carry out as part of their job. up your. the allegations of sleaze or force the cd you want to the defensive health minister against bond has felt the need to publish the names of all bundestag members who spoke with his ministry about the provision of protective masks and party leader in lash it in his job for less than 2 months sounds increasingly worried by what's been dubbed the mosque scandal. this gate neil i am focused on modernization over the next few years i don't want to allow this major project to be scuppered by individual members of parliament and think about nothing but making money with. us before modernization could take off the conservatives popular for so long and angela merkel will need to show they retain the voters trust 1st chance to do that will come a teach state elections this sunday. too is an hour which has been making swift progress in its covert vaccination campaign account it has the highest vaccination rate per person in the world that's only for its own population and not palestinians living in the occupied west bank and gaza strip this week though the government bought international criticism began immunizing palestinian laborers who work in israel correspondent tanya chroma filed this report. a vaccination center at an israeli tech point between the west bank town of bethlehem and solution here only palestinians holding a permit to work in israel or in settlements are vaccinated by israeli authorities . as a young person and a palestinian worker i can take the vaccine but at the same time i think of my father and mother who didn't get it yet i'll feel better when all my family members have been vaccinated. israel aims to vaccinate about a 100000 workers who cross over from the occupied west bank to israel every day the country has faced criticism abroad and at home for not providing that seems to more of the palestinian population so maybe not this is interest it's clear in order to open the economy and return to normal we need everyone who is moving around inside israeli borders to be vaccinated and safe. but in the israeli occupied west bank ordinary people are still waiting for broader vaccination out in the home alone is it tough has only a few vials to minister to have fellow medical colleagues. the modena vaccines were part of a one time delivery by israel a small amount but still seen as a relief for those having to deal closely with patients but about an action that the really really that we as doctors and nurses are on the front line i wish that everybody would get back soon aided like this so we will be protected and have to capability to move on and fight the disease had a lot of the palestinian authority says it has procured vaccines from different companies but it has come under public criticism for delays delivery in february 10000 doses of the sputnik vaccine arrived from the russian government that seems through the kovacs program providing vaccines for low income countries are also expected. situation he is deteriorating in palestine but also as in several countries around the world as a result of the later arrival of the vaccines that feed a discrepancy in administering the vaccines does not bode well in bringing the end of the pandemic and he closer. about 2000 doses of the sputnik vaccines were sent from the hamas controlled gaza strip after israel approved to transfer the blockaded territory also received about 60000 vaccine doses from the united arab emirates for a population of 2000000 and its crucial infection rates in the west bank have sort and recent weeks in this private hospital on the outskirts of from a long medical staff has seen a sharp influx of serious cold bit 19 cases attribute to 2 virus variants and more pressure until 15 days ago the corona ward was half empty and we were emptying the department suddenly huge numbers started coming to the hospital all of a sudden the hospital became fun for christians for titan. once again and the west bank recently that curfew on weekends and night was already in place to curb the pandemic want to wait for more thanks continues. and here are some of the other developments in the corona virus pandemic india is blaming a resurgence in the western state of maharashtra for its worst single day case increase since late december it registers more than 23000 new infections thailand has joined several european countries and suspended the astra zeneca vaccine over worries about blood clotting a range of health authorities around the world are insisting the job is safe and the un chief has called the global vaccination campaign the greatest moral test of our times and tony a good terrace criticised vaccine nationalism and hoarding as well as countries side deals with vaccine manufacturers which he said undermine access to all people in the world in the united states gun and ammunition sales spiked at the beginning of the pandemic a year ago and set a new record in 2028 much of the increase is down to 1st time gun buyers especially women and african americans reacting to ongoing racial tensions in the country t w met up with 2 women who said 2020 was the year they got serious about protecting themselves. and always in a kind of person is like oh no let's let me when i still ride i would peace and everything but there were it was going is not that is not passable. kirsten and her friend keisha dennis still said carrying guns not because their jobs are dangerous is a makeup artist and done to his stylist but because life as an african-american woman is frightening if god was lost you when racist marlon's police brutality and protests against that took over the streets of america including the city new orleans the 1st purchase life firearm was actually i was saying many of 2020 so just just less than a year ago and i purchased it because i recognized as the most of what's happening in my neighborhood and also around the country and yes there were over and i didn't want to be a sitting duck she's not alone so many in the us guns are the only answer to the few african-americans and women accounted for a large spike in gun sales during the trauma that was 2020. there's been a huge uptick in like 5 like you know firearms owners because we have been target for so long and we're sick and tired of it we're just sick and tired of it there's no resolution for us we can't rely on on anyone really it's just different as in our backs where ourselves. a lot of black men are not allowed to own guns partially because they've been incarcerated so their rights have been taken away. and there is a lot of single hones in the black community so you have to take their selves and their kids. with guns don't always protect from guns 3 people died in an incident at a nearby shooting range just a day before we visited last year and firearms resulted in more than $40000.00 deaths in the u.s. a record. having a gun alone is not going to save you and sometimes they can be the worst because you have it in the n.r.a. you think that will probably get you share faster than not having it at 0. then this is going to follow have friend becoming an instructor one had a gun and knew how to use it she decided to help others handle them safely. honestly i feel that the real question should be. why are people making us feel threatened. what will we bring to the table that threatens other people. and until they can answer that question we are going to keep getting aren't going to keep defending ourselves are going to keep educating ourselves this is our thing now. tennis great roger federer's comeback has already ended for now the 39 year old swiss has pulled out of the upcoming a.t.p. event in dubai after being away from tennis for longer than a year due to injury federer reconsidered his return because he said he was getting tired easily the last of the qatar open quarterfinals on thursday the former number one on the went to need surgeries in 2020 you have planned to return for last month's australian open but he skipped the grand slam and says he'll now play in events that will help him regain fitness before wimbledon. a collage of digital images has sold for almost $70000000.00 in a world 1st for a major auction house the work by a contemporary artist people exists only as a j. pic file and was 13 years in the making people said the price tag which makes him one of the it's most expensive living artist in the world was unfathomable the winning bidder is now the owner of the digital asset known as n n f t or nonfunctional token the sales of any of teams have risen. you're watching t.v. news coming up next indeed have you news asia india begins running operations to refugees from miramar preparing to hand them back to the very military they tried to escape from. china unveils the world's 1st vaccine passport law and citizens to resume international travel others will have to wait. and we'll take you to the place that's promoting homegrown food in the coronavirus spend. and here's a reminder of the top stories we're following for you had to do with news authorities in nigeria say gunman have seized the group of students in a raid on a forestry college in the northwest of the country witnesses said rob $33.00 male students were abducted it's the 4th mass kidnapping from a school in nigeria since. decide. that's it for me so i'll have more world news for you after the talk of the opt outs and blend from your living. fico indeed. from point i did with a massive. mega nayak recycle sars which in india sometimes only worn once for special occasions. she has one goal in particular a chance to distract people from the mind disciplines are using. in 60 minutes on d w it's time to save face the budget quickly because i want to feel your job. and he was but maybe the last few years have been quite o'brian. and learned on the home but when it comes to be is not enough also would look right in the eyes for a chance perhaps the biggest on the new line i'm going to refer to i'd love to be in the news better person that ever comes but when you feel the giving you realize that culture is just another way of living are you ready to have and enjoy to be right just do it. to go beyond t.l.c.'s. take on the. oldest. the stories that matter to you. please. we are here is actually on fire. this is the wus a show coming up today. back to the prosecutor. in the midst of a major crackdown in myanmar india has. reduced to send back to the country if yes is the average legal rights group the timing and the legality of the plan moves. the walls fast in fact seen. china digital past providing. information. to a crisis singapore was already growing it's now the president has given a fix to these efforts. i'm going to welcome to news asia that you could join us india is facing criticism for planning to deport refugees from its territory to myanmar some 170 rohingya have been detained by police in the northern city of jumble ahead of their planned deportation some 40000 lives. in india having fled to me and now over the years to escape persecution since tried to 14 after prime minister narendra modi's hindu nationalist government came to pa there have been increasing calls to expel the rohingya who india sees as a security threat and as illegals. once again their being forcibly moved scores of roe hanging who fled the violence the beat down by myanmar security forces being made ready to return to the hands of that same military it's happening in the indian state of jammu and kashmir already some rohingya have gone missing which we cannot from ation on our neighbors you can see you know where they are they said they were taken to jail. do you know what happened. i called some who were taken but now their phones are gone we can't speak with them and their children are left behind with nothing to eat. up to $170.00 rohingya have been rounded up so far police say more of india's estimated $40000.00 rohingya refugees are to be detained and deported fearing for their lives the rohingya are pleading with the indian government not to send them back rights groups have joined that chorus but many hindu nationalists backed by india's ruling b j p party say the muslim rohingya are illegal immigrants and a security risk. found that on there yes yesterday when i was away at work the police came and took my wife away and she hasn't returned my small children have been crying we're leaving we have no choice. we handle you go there you didn't get on. india's latest moves against the rohingya muslims highlight the united nations view of the rohingya as the most persecuted minority in the world. for more i'm joined now by food robinson deputy director of the asia division of human rights watch or joins me now from bangkok fairly how do you see the timing of this planned move by the indian government it's extremely bad i mean you should not be sending refugees back into harm's way expression when you have a military government that ask a control and is shooting people in the streets of myanmar to send people back into that kind of situation is actually irresponsible and you know the indian government should be providing protection to them and they should be providing access to the un refugee agency to help these people rather than incarcerating them and threatening them with returning to a situation which is very very bad what do you think is motivating the indian government's actions. well i think india has a couple different reasons 1st of all the government itself tends to be anti refugee it is seen a phobic 2nd of all these hate to say it these these these refugees are muslim and there is a bias in some ways against muslims by parts of the indian government and 3rd this is a situation where you know india feels like it's besieged everybody is coming into their country they're trying to claim it back for themselves and this is an easy group to go after expression in a sensitive area like john woo kashmir where there is of course an ongoing. situation which is very sensitive for the indian government strictly speaking actually legally speaking is the indian government violating any laws with this plan deportation well it would be violating u.n. refugee convention which is international humans were rights law that's international customary law that if you don't send refugees back into a situation where they will face persecution. you know it's it's it's the height of irresponsibility so quite clearly this is indeed. the tension lee violating a major international human rights standard something that countries around the world are expected to abide by and at the same time that about $100000000.00 monash modes including 8 police officers who flipped to india to escape the military dictatorship mean mama want india to hand these please post the men over what is in desperate sponsibility in these circumstances. well under no circumstances should india abide by that myanmar request they shouldn't act allow these people to make asylum claims to u.n. h.c.r. for it and where they could you know go through refugee status germination process and and be protected quite clearly these are police officers who have refused orders to shoot people they have actually been saying that to the media very clearly you know what they were expected to do and they're refusing to do it and so if they were sent back to myanmar they would face a very dire situation with their old units they could probably certainly would lose their jobs at a minimum but probably face persecution and worse for some really even there at the time time being but thank you so much for joining us thank you. yes and saddam over 1000 a global pandemic china has introduced the world's 1st so-called vaccine pos port essentially a digital impost the provides vaccination and testing information about the bus and it is intended to allow easy travel across borders as the united states and the european union are considering some of the pulses but sofa the chinese version is available to chinese citizens. the digital health check in it's a requirement that every public space in china and now a part of the daily even hourly routine and the check in has worked it's helped curtail the pandemic here so well in fact that this use of technology to track and trace coded 1000 carriers has overshadowed concerns over privacy. we used to enter a place without doing anything but now we need to show the health code i've got used to it. so it's time the government figures for the next step of travel certificate an international health passport that will look like this to tourists and business travelers immigration officials and the people taking your plane or train ticket to their q.r. health codes and their tracing application are required everywhere to enter a public place so people are already used to it and this has or should just be an extension to get out of the country but for the rest of the world the situation is different anti covert apps face trouble and gaining acceptance especially in europe on the open. china is not europe of course and the chinese are not europeans i don't think concerns over this personal information safety are necessary 1st you need to control the epidemic then you can worry about other things. the chinese foreign ministry says the travel certificate like those being launched in other countries will facilitate safe travel as well as protecting personal privacy. but the check in apps already gathers data on the user's phone number their contacts health risks and locations visited the health passport for travel adds at the very least the holders of vaccine status and coronavirus test results. but for a country that imports 90 percent of its food from abroad food security is an important issue in singapore even before the pandemic hit the government was already working towards reaching 30 percent of home grown capacity by 2030 but amidst the supply chain uncertainties of the pandemic home grown food production has acquired a new focus. these seedlings need a gentle touch explains tan so yuk she's growing can come also known as water spinach in the corridors of her building and that's not the only vegetable cultivated here mrs tan and her neighbors have a passion for gardening. and there is a very surprising ways see them grow big care a bit you know pick one. and then. so be with you see you know the goal. singapore is experiencing a green wave from the high rise covered or it's spreading everywhere. between buildings and on top of them things are sprouting and blossoming like these bananas the government distributes seeds free of charge and it's creating space for cultivation as always in singapore it's part of a bigger plan once a pandemic that happens and you can see the news well why how every car just is there to think it raises awareness on how everyone here all is creating such a sustainability right you see. all those singapore is densely populated with nearly 6000000 residents the city is already very green but it wants to become even greener so the government has set out some clear guidelines if you want to build you also have to plant if you put down concrete you have to create green spaces to . plants help cool buildings and improve the climate indoors and of course plants are also a source of food. a lack of space fosters creativity vertical farming is the buzzword growing food inside buildings the goal is to increase in-house production from 10 percent to almost 30 and to make singapore more independent of imports in other words more crisis proof the care. in less space something like this just to put things into perspective. of purposeful but event is farm is equivalent to about $400.00 acres of produce from a traditional farm so more from less. inside there are tree conditions no soil no pesticides no bacteria the supply of nutrients is automated the closed irrigation cycle saves water but the line means high electricity bills agriculture is an economic endeavor and in singapore it's one with some real growth potential. and. that's a bit of a there's more on. a sure we'll leave you to do with images of. the world's 1st with a live audience during the ever of this year's edition future sustainability as its theme. of 1st objective is. to keep you safe from looking better and. for. the fight against the corona virus. as the rate of infection been developing what does the latest research. information and contacts. on a virus update. on w. . how does a virus spread. through the. if you would like. to really check out our podcast. podcast. maybe completely. a link to how. the coronavirus that's what scientists are saying. thousands of years ago. some of the genes help them fight infection. different story. and the coronavirus. a good topic for a friday see any similarities. not that hairy but a serious note researchers from the max planck institute suggest that. the risk of getting severely ill and we can blame the prehistoric for that as with copies of the chromosome from both parents could face an even higher risk this sequence of genes. people from some regions of the world and if you are of south asian descent you've got a much higher chance of carrying. from africa the chances of it is the end of the continent it's not. say that this. can also carry benefits when it comes to coated. well we have the pleasure to have teabag on the line he discovered a link and he's a medical doctor and what's for germany's max planck institute in lights as well as the katherine linsky institute in stockholm so tell us how did you actually manage to discover this. so in that part of the big kind of original scientists across the globe. tried to find 4 the gene variants that people have read this in code might to. also work with the genome for the last couple of years and we discovered one big genetic risk factor for cohen mounted and i decided to compare it to none of those you know 20 surprise it was a perfect master you know what made you think to compare that to. just top of my head was one of those cases for it or just stumbled on something because it was a nice surprise so what's this genetic link with the neanderthals actually mean for us it is the torah says this is. the interbreeding without a thought i've tried the consequences have also been hospitalized and in a diet that apparent but there's also an upside to this i believe not not only does it mean for some people that coded is most of via there's also a positive to this i believe is that right yes you're absolutely correct so when they discover this a can marry and actually protects against kobe bryant. it doesn't protect as good as the about wanting this is the risk we actually have to bear is far from the influence the outcome of a coat. and why is that why there are 2 very different opposing variants. breast health is such a big surprise it's refined. both positive and negative variance approximately hotter than the other times you don't scatter. people with ruth outside africa but it is surprising that we have 2 variants in france think arithmetic how many people are we actually talking about who have this gene and where in the world. so that the bad variant risks are around 16 percent in europe so why is 6 for care of this area and is out is a process of the hall for all the people curious about this isn't usually much for being a doubt about it is missing in africa 6 and it's missing the station the good variant on the other hand is present the possibility of a 3rd of people outside of africa because it is this explains why we've seen such a different reaction in different parts of the world i mean africa for example was so untouched early on in this pandemic yes it is based on roles in genetics plays a role we should remember that or important risk factors are most important risk factor many countries have done good demographics than in europe but i do think you know this place and grow in this so just explain to me and our viewers how your research could be useful in fighting this pandemic and also in the future and future pandemics so the thing is going to use this 2 ways so one way it will be time to end up risk and this is very important. it might also tell us something about the disease and that's important for future drugs so i think pretty isn't information and in many ways does it make you feel a bit more positive about how we're tackling this whole pandemic. i think rationally very humble and happy to sit and most scientists a lot of us have shifted focus going into the race. around it and i think that is very encouraging who teabag thank you very much for being on the show today a pleasure to have you along he works for germany's max planck institute in lives as well as the collins kate institute in stock and thank you. the world health organization says there's no reason to stop using the astra zeneca vaccine thailand bulgaria added to the list of countries delaying the rollout on friday over suspicion of severe side effects in a tiny minority of cases that was among the 1st to announce a delay after reports of severe blood clots no definitive link between the jab and the clots as you've been proven but the european medicines agency said it will continue to monitor the use of the vaccine closely. because stevens joins us from outside states to tell us more about this very complicated story can you just break it down for our viewers 1st of all it is net so one batch of the astra zeneca vaccine is being investigated by the european health authority now it cites one death in denmark to somebody who had the vaccine and a very small number of cases of that clubs as well as people had the vaccine now we're talking very small numbers so 30 cases out of 5000000 people who have been vaccinated in europe so does that mean people should be worried about taking the astra zeneca job i mean there are a lot of people around the world who are getting it right now yeah look i mean my mom had the job so like everyone i'm going to be watching the news on this but we really have to think about ning links here you know there is no i link proved in the u.k. it's given the job 1011000000 people and it's not it's not planning on pulling it and it says that that's that's just what we'd expect not truly pairing the population anyway you know when you vaccinate millions millions of people statistically those people are just going to have things that have big caring anyway in the general population that's why we have health authorities to look into this for us so tell us what's astra zeneca saying so it's saying that it's looked at the safety extensive can connect with the facts being the source i published this recession pair if you gentles which is the gold standard in science one thing i would add is that the a.m.a. has been advised countries should postpone the vaccine on the astra zeneca vaccine ok so it's a country by country choice and the yeah yeah because they've been thank you very much for coming in today. williams time now to answer your questions on the coronavirus keep sending them in just leave message on our you tube channel. how to the spanish flu pandemic and even without treatment or a vaccine the influenza pandemic that began hammering the world in 1918 is the ought to have infected around a 3rd of the global population in the space of a couple of years though it's impossible to pin down exact numbers most calculations estimated claimed between 50 and 100000000 victims now that's as many or more as those later killed in the 2nd world war then by 920 the spanish flu seemed to fade away the pandemic just trailed off and nobody at the time could really explain why epidemiologists and historians know believe the beginning of the end of the flu pandemic occurred ben because in the absence of vaccine that's how long it took to achieve a measure of global herd protection through infection but it came at a horrendous price a disease killing the same percentage of people today would take hundreds of millions of lives. an interesting aspect of this historical narrative is that experts say even though the pandemic ended in the early 1920 s. the virus that caused it didn't disappear instead it looks like immunity and large parts of the population drove it to mutate into a less virulent form in fact researchers who analyze genomes of modern flu viruses have identified genetic traces linking them to the original 1918 virus which has been sequenced from century old lung samples so in a way the pathogen that caused such devastation back then is still with us today it's just evolved into less virulent forms that occasionally then evolve further back into deadlier variants and strains those so far never as deadly as its ancestor and many experts project something similar could occur with sars could be to. that this place behind me not that long ago and it looks very very different with countries scrambling to administer the vaccine every possible space is being turned into a vaccination center in the u.k. even westminster abbey has become a kind of sacred walk in clinic. this is the view ordinarily seen by millions of tourists a year but this is something different and timely the royal church at the heart of london is doing its bit as part of the vaccination drive so charles dickens is buried just behind me geoffrey chaucer is a bit there as these people who look down just after they've been vaccinated they'll get oh no look at it is. it's an example of the lengths the u.k. has gone to and the success is showing. you let me know what it is when you vote so don't say over a 3rd time brits have got their 1st job far ahead of european neighbors i didn't feel a thing it was extraordinary until to do it here westminster abbey the nation's great great seat of coronations and goodness knows what else was in the sights of oscar wilde and john dryden wrote browning and poets corner for brits praying for lockdown to be over soon they certainly come to the right place. and frank thanks for watching say safe see you again it's a. beautiful . blue. blue. blue. eco indian. from buoyant i did it with a message. mega nayak recycle service which in india sometimes only worn once the 1st special location. she has one goal in particular chante distract people from the mind of the numerous an. eco. 30 minutes on t w. o bored whole. by 2050 more the hostile world will be living with limited water resources which. haven't had to think about our water or worry about. i think that era is over this is the crisis of our time it's a financial product like any other financial we live in a competitive world is disk old it's cool it's blue cold water used to be free but the world is changing the most important commodity junkers going to come be free slavens a water city or commodity starts march 22nd on d w. w's crime fighters are back africa's most successful radio drama series continues. this season the stories focus on hate speech the mention of sustainable charcoal production. all of a sow's are available online and of course you can share and discuss on africa's facebook page and other social media platforms. crime fighters tune in now. it. every day counts for us and for our planet shmuck. blog light is on its way and to bring you more conservation play how do we make see the stream earth how can we protect habitats what to do with all our waste to a place we can make a difference by choosing smart new solutions overstrained said in our way same playboy geo subliminal series includes 3000 to dublin and online. the to. play. this is the wu news live from berlin more students are kidnapped in nigeria dr large group of teenagers from a college in the northwest police say they're joining forces with the army to track them down. coming up. serious charges against the country's military. crimes against protesters.

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