presidential election against current leaders diable so narrow brazil's prosecutor general says he will appeal the decision and brazil from 2003 to 2011. an explosive interview with britain's prince harry and his wife meghan has sent shock waves around the world the pair lifted the lid on life inside the royal family including allegations of racism against one unnamed member megan also revealed intense pressure caused her to have suicidal thoughts the couple quick written for california last year this is d.w. news from berlin there's more on instagram and twitter at d w news or at d w dot com. one year ago this week the corona virus outbreak was declared a full blown pandemic while much of the world began shutting down women when into overdrive drafted to be at home teachers at home workers at the same time 24 hour mothers wives cooks the list is endless on this international women's day our world is all about her and him sex power politics and the prince the princess and a royal retreat i'm bringing off in berlin this is the day. world are you getting really good just being blown. and angry to the point of pulling over. a wall of just to watch this interview 2 hours long can one drama in it and sell it the soap operas on oprah winfrey's own network this is a 2 hour trash athol overall rule family is supposed to sit here. and see that we're the company. that ain't done nothing wrong and i think it's time for us to all the fun and games are cowed it is probably one of the last media situations that there was a famine in this case and emphatic a long time. also coming up the legions of female nurses denying the coronavirus permission to rob us of our humanity the ones always helping us to hold on to life and often the only ones to hold the hand of a dying patient. the hardest thing is that thing of taken someone away from the family and think and in upcoming you know the not coming out and the saints you with i see them again and you think no i don't think you owe. it to our viewers on p.b.s. in the united states and to all of you around the world welcome we begin the day with a royal retreat that is front and center yet again one year ago britain's prince harry and his wife meghan stepped down as working royals and they moved to the united states yesterday sunday was the 1st time they had spoken publicly and that hands the world talking and wondering if buckingham palace plans to do the same in a sit down interview with oprah winfrey the duke and duchess of sussex spoke candidly about family money and race meghan who has a white father and black mother revealed that while she was pregnant a member of the royal family voiced concern over which skin color their son could possibly have she said the intense pressure of wife is a royal drove her to suicidal thoughts and that when she mentioned mental health care the palace said not for her prince harry added that the royal family has cut them off financially and that he feels let down by his father prince charles before the royal family the interview has created a combustible situation there are comparisons to the plight of harry's mother princess diana there are questions about the timing with harry's 99 year old grandfather queen elizabeth's husband still in the hospital we're going to go to london in los angeles to discuss that in just a moment but 1st here is part of that explosive interview i've advocated for so long for women to use their voice and then. i was silent. were you silent or were you silenced the latter but i knew that if i didn't say it that i would do it and i i just didn't i just didn't want to be alive anymore my biggest concern was history repeating itself and i've said that before on numerous occasions very publicly so when i asked the question why did you leave the simplest answer is lack of support and lack of understanding prince harry raised in a palace in a life of privilege and literally a prince how you were trapped within the system but the rest of my family all my father and my brother they all tromped. well this is a transatlantic story and we have coverage from both sides of the atlantic tonight in london my colleague charlie chosen field is following the story for us and from los angeles on the u.s. west coast intertainment journalist k.j. matthews joins us to both of you welcome charlotte me start with you all day there has been speculation how and when will the queen respond and has there been any reaction from the royal family. well obviously anticipation brant about this interview was fever pitch before it was ad but the palace had expressed to newspapers that it wasn't going to respond to any of the claims that have been made that would be made i think it's fair to say that even in many people's wildest dreams this interview was a lot more explosive than was expected and some of those allegations the argument is are going to be in need of a response from the palace so far there has been no response yet but you have to bear in mind that the interview in the u.k. was only jus to air this evening this is a story that is going to keep going on and on as the british public really get a chance to watch this 2 hour interview in full and really get a sense of what the message that how we have meghan are trying to get across that. this was one of the year's most anticipated media moments it has become just there in the united states has been. oh my god there was so much anticipation leading up to this interview and boy did oprah deliver we never thought we would have so many bombshells dropped in a 2 hour interview but we got an inkling that it was going to be slightly explosive when we learned that the network that was airing it c.b.s. had gone from an hour and a half interview to 2 hours so we knew that they apparently had a lot to say and we couldn't wait to hear it but you know so many people here in america are just so surprised at all the bombshells that she she levied i think we love the royal family we thought we knew a little bit about them but i think what she did was pull the curtain back and tell the inner workings of what she called the firm or the institution surrounding the royal family and that has left us here in america very shocked. are americans interested in the family dirty laundry of 2 out of work royals you know because they tell people think that they are telling the truth here in america and we just don't get to hear anything about their personal lives unless it's a very very tabloid much of what has been said about meghan marco and prince harry has been said by other people we know they move we know that she was pregnant we know they got married we know that they have been unhappy but other people have been telling their story we haven't even heard from her mother it's always been promised father or step sister finally we got to hear what they were thinking and what was happening leading up to the wedding after the wedding when they moved to canada and finally when they decided to recite here in southern california we've been waiting for that we've been waiting for her to open her mouth and tell us how she felt and finally we got to hear it as she did definitely do that charlotte talk to me about how this is being viewed where you are this obviously hits closer to home in the u.k. than it does in the u.s. . you know i think a.j. put it really nicely when she said that this is this was about pulling back the curtain on the royal family and you have to bear in mind that even for her royal watches very little is known about the inside workings the personal relationships in the family indeed the mantra has always been never complain never explain and in not interview harry and meghan did both now i want to refer you to a poll that come out about the british public's response so far to this if it's that they saw her in the media earlier today about 3040 percent of people in britain because it was inappropriate that the couple has even given me into even that that had sympathy and that has none and i think that that doesn't really point to the fact that this is not being considered. the trust of the british public have been in everything that harry and meghan have said isn't isn't total i mean they're detractors aren't you done this is a very poorly timed this interview if nothing else they say shouldn't have been a while perry's grandfather phillips was in hospital there were also claims that we heard them at the top of the show that i have read and meghan are essentially trading on their royal status on their heritage their background you know what it's to make money in the united states so there are a lot of people who are very angry that this interview has gone to s. saying these people they stepped back from royal life to avoid the publicist see and hear they all in one of the most publicized interviews in decades that's very good for you let me ask you both about the issue of race in this interview versus take a listen to what was said last night. and also concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he's born. what and who who is having that conversation with you. it's called a hold out there are several conversations a conversation with you with harry about how dark your baby is going to be potentially and what that would mean or look like fools. but how is this resonating in the u.s. you saw that look on oprah's face there he really didn't know where to go she didn't know where to go after that answer that's exactly how all of us in america felt i mean many black americans were just stunned we never really thought a 1000000 years that anybody any member of the royal family would have the audacity to say that in the 21st century you know if that was in fact say it is just really shocking and really just despicable to hear because you know why we have thought that she had been welcomed into the royal family everybody knows that megan marco has a black mother and a white father this is new so why all the sutton was there a concern about the color of his skin when you knew exactly what she was more than a year ago before they even got married let alone when she got pregnant so that was a bit shocking and also because so many people that we saw in the british media or the british press have been saying so long that this was not about race and megan was making it about race it was about her behavior and about how she was acting and that's the only problem that they had with her that they did not have a problem with the color of her skin and now we're hearing allegedly from megan that they did have a problem with the color of her skin and surely it is important to know you're there we do not know who made the comment about our g.'s skin color i mean so that's close to casting the entire royal family in a racist why does the queen does she have to address racism in her pellets no. well clearly this is an extremely damaging allegation as you said harry and meghan went off one draw on who exactly it was that made this comment they simply said that it would be very damaging to that person about information was revealed what we have since heard from oprah winfrey who did that interview was that it was neither the queen nor prince philip but as you say that doesn't mean that the questions are going to end. they said it was a member of the royal household so i'm sure the public will want to know exactly who that is the questions will continue so indeed i'm sure there will be a lot of pressure on the queen to to respond to these allegations as i'm sure they will continue to rumble on into the weeks ahead now we've known from harry and meghan that they were stepping back because they felt that there was racism and races overtimes in the british press that something that they reiterated again in another extracts of the interview this is the 1st time these allegations of being leveled at the royal family themselves and it's shocking let me ask you both here we've got about a minute left what is the perceived intention of this interview and they didn't have to see anything publicly but they did give you 30 seconds because everybody spoken for making markel except making markel that's why making markel want to come in set the set the record straight and because we know that there was no letting up of stories about her she hasn't lived in the u.k. for more than a year and guess what the stories haven't stopped and so according to her she felt that if the stories were going to continue and she felt that they were going to be negative or just outright lies then she should be part of changing that narrative by telling her own story ok charlotte. yeah she said in that interview that she felt during her time in the palace that she had been silenced this is was a chance to now have a voice but i think one of the most telling keys to this was prince harry when he said that he did not want to see history repeat itself we all remember what happened with his agression died in a car crash in 1007 pursued by the proper out see harry very concerned that the same or the same harassment of his wife would continue he wanted to take her out of that situation and that's why now they're trying to set the record straight charlotte tells until in london t.g. matthews in los angeles to both of you thank you vance in a discussion. countries around the world are international women's day the past year has been particularly difficult for women due to the long list of extra burdens tied to the pandemic u.s. treasury secretary janet yellen the 1st woman to hold that job says the pandemic has had quote an extremely unfair impact on women's income and job opportunities the isolation and stress of lockdowns has also led to a global spike in domestic violence which again mainly affects women we asked women all around the world to share their pandemic experiences with us and i think it was even more because. i think that. because i think. the media aha for members. how much of what they do. i think that even though they had. it is on the suffering. that. it is what it does. many of alice. might have a difficult. and know yet it didn't. quote on all can or cannot lead by woman can you in germany and. from you. as a phone. and. it was the fall of even. more women make up the vast majority of caregivers looking after the young in daycare the old in nursing homes and the sick in hospitals in most countries including here in germany most nurses are women it is gender and its pay that they usually have in common seem male nurses often earn significantly less than their male colleagues we spent some time with nurses recently and we tried to learn more about how they have experienced this pandemic. here in the hospital there is a strict protocol when it comes to putting on your protective clothing but that's been back and it has become a routine she is one of the many female nurses who have been pushing their limits day and night for years now taking care of coronavirus patients. as a secret knowledge about the physical strain is an enormous working in this kind of is exhausting but the psychological component plays a big role too we always have to take care of critically ill patients that's part of our job but now we have seriously ill patients can also endanger us that is really stressful. stressful is also how to describe her last year she it works as a nurse in an old people's home and person in a pandemic made her job even harder and again the burden of carrying full society's elderly was mainly on women. luckily men i increasingly interested in being and my husband does also work but otherwise it's mainly women probably because of the pay if it were a male domain then women would also a very different set of aries i want to ask for. more than 90 percent of the people fighting the daily battles on the nursing front are women and they are up to 10 percent less than their male counterparts according to the german federation of trade unions the chances of promotion are slim and they often work nights says she appreciated the gesture when people around germany stood at their windows at the beginning of the pandemic and applaud at the nation's nurses and carers but it was no more than a gesture now she says women also need to play a role in changing how society treats them it would i'm afraid if. my wish for women in this profession is that they stop put. themselves down and that people are aware of that contribution people need to understand that we are not just not clean and wife is that the world only goes around when we all work together as a team and for that one of us can't get by without the says and i now for one and another mish. katz went back and knows that too after what she likes to go for a walk in the woods to switch off the 2 that is important to support people who walk in can't fall and i want. them on and on top of light as i can for when i may be here to stay and we need to develop strategies we need enough stuff enough equipment and whatever else it takes to help us do the jobs to stand on his own us heels and fidelity. both nice aside greed these improvements have to come and they have to come soon. or the pandemic has ended so much of our daily lives how we work how we shop and also how we talk a year of the corona virus has spawned a new generation of the cabul larry but it appears the german language has been enriched more than any other linguists say that has to do with germans ability to combine words into a new one it is truly remarkable and you don't have to speak german to understand or appreciate this we've got a few examples for you the word corona vehicles would not see ohms go beat and that means a is a new word that means an area where coronavirus mutations are likely or prevalent and then there's the word guy still. which literally means ghost vent of this refers to public events like soccer games with no spectators and this one this one really caught our attention gives this condo which translates as face condom it is a synonym for face mask but we dare say the image that it conjures up in your mind has little to do with anything you put on your face. well it has been more than 3 years since the hash tag me 2 movements all women across the world come forward with their stories of sexual abuse tonight one of the united states' most prominent politicians new york governor andrew cuomo is facing growing calls to resign 3 women including former assistants to the governor have accused him of inappropriate behavior cuomo a democrat championed some of the toughest legislation to protect women from sexual harassment he was widely praised for his initial handling of the pandemic but now he's in damage control apologizing but also refusing to step down i was elected by the people of the state i wasn't elected by politicians. i'm not going to resign because of allegations anybody has the ability to make an allegation in democracy and that's great but it's in the credibility of the allegation well an independent investigation is now underway for more on the story i'm joined tonight by reporter amy briton from the washington post she coauthored a recent report looking at what former aides to governor cuomo describe as a toxic workplace culture amy is going to have you on the program many of our international viewers 1st got to know governor cuomo as the face of new york's pandemic response but you have found out that he hasn't always been such a nice guy to work for tell us more. i mean i think you're right in the sense that he became a national and international celebrity at the start of the pandemic who was widely beloved especially year ago at this time and the really fascinating thing about taking a look at his record as an investigative reporter is that we're kind of looking at it with fresh eyes at this point and when you go back and you start reading clips and speaking to dozens of people who have worked for him over the years there's kind of a why and that point that a lot of people tend to make is that he has allegedly fostered a culture of a workplace environment because very toxic can be virtually abusive and we heard that from a number of people that we spoke to and the really surprising thing ringback is that many of these people have said that this behavior per se is stiff and even thrived in open environments or with yours you know that is surprising especially for international viewers governor cuomo he has issued an apology of sorts saying that he regrets that his actions made women feel bad but he insists that he did nothing illegal take a listen to what he said. i never touched anyone in appropriately i never knew at the time that i was making anyone feel uncomfortable and if i ever did make people feel uncomfortable which. i now understand that i have i apologize for i mean you know in the wake of the hash tag me too movement that was the governor's line of defense coming across i mean he's not a 15 year old. he's certainly resolute in the sense that he's saying that he's not going to resign and that he wants this state investigation to be done and he wants to wait out to see the results of that investigation i can just tell you from speaking to a number of former aides who watched it and they communicated to me that it made them very angry to see him say publicly that he never knew that his behavior made people uncomfortable and that was a moment in fact that in talking to people in some cases made them inspired to come forward with their accounts rather on background or on the record because they felt that his public statement did not sink up with the actions that he showed toward his staffers every 3 years and we've got about 30 seconds what are the chances of him staying in office versus him resigning. you know at i don't know what to tell you and that's and so i mean at this point 5 women have come out to more came out over the weekend just a total of 5 now because that is that they believe that he acted inappropriately towards them 4 of those women used to work for happens at this point he is he is firm in the sense in saying that he is not going to resign but as each day passes there seems to be more and more prominent democrats in new york who are calling for him to resign so he is definitely an embattled governor at this moment at any briton from the washington post amy we appreciate your time in your reporting tonight thank you so here. well the day is almost done but the conversation continues online you'll find us on twitter either in the news or you can follow me at brant golf t.v. and remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day it will see you they never got. the world gold council because you got to feed ability. because they want to protect their environment. because in many ways about nature. women are dealing with. kooks. my country is one of the richest countries in latin america. my country is one of the most devastated countries in the world. my country what has. a filmmaker searches for answers venezuela the bitter legacy to hugo chavez. in 45 minutes on detail. they were forced into nameless mass. their bodies and your tools. the history of the slave trade is of africa's history. describes how the greed for power and profit plummeted an entire continent into chaos and violence. this is the journey back into the history of slavery. our documentary series slavery routes starts march 10th on t.w. . this woman is helping her but you've lost to medicinal plants and knowledge this woman is an polity indigenous women in mumbai is adi forest and this woman is working.