cost $46200.00 believe itis. that $16000.00 believe it is more than the minimum wage in venezuela. on the street they call it the diets of anything but i like it and yet their mode of labor so. lovely and i'm a little. i'm glad to hear them a little bit hold it all i'm. seem insincere and we ended up with. a country i want for my children is the country of my own childhood. in light of current conditions i ask myself movie really doing so badly before 998. people. socio economic problems prompted venessa whalen's to choose the political solution that seemed the most expedient and painless. death. charges isn't visioning a revolution if. he wants to reconcile a new constitution with structural reforms that work on for much longer that chavis wanted to do away with the past he wanted to give the country a new name a new flag and even a new time zone chavis was now quite literally dictating the course of time he also had the constitution amended in his favor. to put it make it a particular party and simply disappeared into thin air but there was no resistance or you know what it was a total capitulation of. the parties may have surrendered but the people did not resist tense formed amid the flood of reforms women were the 1st to turn out on the streets in large numbers. and soon enough a general strike was called for by pedro carmona head of the venezuelan federation of chambers of commerce. but there was no stopping chavez and his steamrolling reforms he then also took control of this state owned oil company paid of a set. of paid of acer to term and what it needed and what it paid to the government to convert the oakum with the state within a state something charges could are committed. and also go on also once again. on all the silat they did to seal their. debts against the person. who breaks it they know that's where people realize that he was an autocrat worse than anyone before him. and he had absolute rule also over television it was no regard for existing laws against the. oh. my hasty firings led to an escalation and protests menace away last sank into chaos but what developed next is still disputed and interpreted differently today. we have a credit here there were many justified demonstrations. but there was also a conspiracy is you know you were part of the there were various political parties church groups and industry figures who used these popular protests to try to overthrow the government which led to the events of april 11th. really why i do mean one of the many demonstrations in this case headed for the presidential palace government snipers shot at the crowd. the at the city police returned fire a couple of hours later there were 18 people dead and 70 injured when you like her were i senior military officers called on their troops to resist orders in order to avoid a bloodbath chavez eventually surrendered and was arrested. pedro carmona was named interim president dissolving parliament and dismissing governors mayors and other officials the constitution was suspended while the new government was appointed. it was far more authoritarian than what chavez had 3. and going which is why it was unsustainable out there who the coup leaders were ultimately opposed by their own armed forces. i don't would be. many so wellens again took to the streets this time calling for the old constitutional order to be restored. part of the opposition and the army to challenge the new government the subsequent counter-coup brought chavez back to power. it was typically venezuela and the other completely improvised way the coup and counter-coup were carried out i'd say that for us venezuelans improvisations is a method a bruise as you're going to make though a party going to be following the 2002 coup charges started looking for other options are she realize that he would be unable to change venezuela this way. go up i mean to be able to look. at it see it as a military man in charge has always believed in a strategy of counterattack and on. the attempted coup in 2002 had enabled him to purge the armed forces. and now go lisita he used the oil industry strike to take control of the oil company but they're all going rogue you know in order for you know this. this was precisely the time when the destruction of the page of a said the again because it was its demise not the drop in oil prices that led to the current to cover you that. companies need to be starved by ex-pats down to the very last american president more money and pay to face his foundation was whipped up from under it. i know what sorry in 2003 hugo chavez was halfway through his term as president. and he was facing a referendum. on a. cold predicted he would lose. and that's when cuba came into play. for. cuba and venezuela had a previous history 3 weeks after coming to power and how lana in 1959 feet out castro was given a hero's welcome in caracas the new cuban leader had become patients and was wasting no time with his plans to spread his model for revolution across central and south america decades later their leader maximo sign ally in chavez a man who could help them realize his goals. in 1904 he gave the field to just the kind of reception normally reserved for heads of state. i. didn't custer was in a difficult situation. you know the collapse of the soviet union meant he no longer had anyone to support his stay. until that point had been a little like a woman living off her wealthy husband. and now travis was to take the place of the soviet union. almost 10 years later the relationship with the come a solid partnership when chavez asked his mentor for help or to consolidate his power into cuban leader did have a solution. proposed mission buddy who intends to a social welfare program but it had a very positive impact on the money the image of the venezuelan state and with the help of the cuban doctors provided better health care to the poorer neighborhoods. it's not true that venezuela had no doctors before it's just that they were made to work in rural areas deprived communities the entire thing was propaganda. the barrier you identify the program the construction of thousands of new health care center with 30000 medical professionals treating patients later there were similar programs in the education and housing sector which would soon be branded by the cuban as they did the ideology of the revolution. they returned for that support the castro regime was supplied with venezuelan oil much needed lifeline. venezuela sent around 100000 barrels of oil per day to cuba and its workers that's worth about 5 or $6000000000.00 per year. putting that in context venezuela's highest annual food imports amounted to $9000000000.00 so venezuela gave almost as much oil to cuba as the worth of the food imported in a record year for us and our economy i mean i did so on your break or it led to. this was the total capitulation of a country it's unprecedented in human history a small country voluntarily surrendering its sovereignty and even paying to be controlled. they print our i.d.'s and passports are in charge of the police and intelligence agencies it's total submission. one of many many i know young man out. travis's health care and welfare programs made him a hero of the slyness whose residents were dependent on him as the price of oil continue to rise this enjoyed his growing control over his people and the elections with ideas the issue with feel with any checks many people were able to vote twice and there were even cases of dead people being registered to vote the election body was run exclusively by chavez supporters voting became electronic and many feared no longer a secret ballot plus officials were afraid of losing their jobs and the authorities also organize buses to bring residents from the areas that had benefited from the welfare programs to the polling stations in 2006 was reelected and the one man show continued. joy are a donkey. you are a donkey merrifield although this hour. on dollar store lit up and leaves. george w. . what are you good charges identify his enemies including bankers the media business people and of course the united states so. it's a case it is sides in a whole range of media outlets. there were countless disputes and in 2007 they coleman aided in radio caracas television losing its license to broadcast . that. made up. a gun in the internal photo we started mobilising when we got the feeling that something was being taken from us you know why a t.v. station would want to be they were taking away our right to choose which channel we wanted to watch or to express ourselves through media that lit a fire under us you know my cheap. once again the opposition parties were being overtaken by a brave young generation i admire. do too well and let me live with. what about that i would love a lot going disillusionment was reflected in a referendum defeat for chavez it intended to amend some $69.00 articles in a sweeping constitutional reform among the proposed changes for the developing venice where large would be in a socialist state and allowing the president to stand indefinitely for reelection the people said no among those voting against was chavez says ex-wife simone on minute dogs. and then on the. the army forced chavez to accept his defeat and soon enough he was facing his next challenge and economic one. charge as government nationalized entire sectors of the economy it wasn't about structural reforms or financial cuts they took a very radical approach they took control of banks supermarkets and millions of packer's of land. and those moves basically destroyed the domestic market and the idea of individual initiative among citizens some people say today that there's not even toilet paper left in venezuela it's a bit of a cliche but there is a bit of truth in it because nobody's making it anymore there's no private sector production the market is no longer functioning. unfortunately the nationalization program was based on political not economic factors. there was no real strategy. the expropriation became an end in itself that. you're welcome out on someone you don't they are evil. easygoing and i mean every going to leave it at that moment on them from this year not only in our homes and i do not settle that totally. yet but you know you know when you come in normally i'm not a very political thanks how does use the media to make himself the president sometimes with rambling speeches lasting hours on a show called president he was also the 1st head of state to use twitter chavez seemed more interested in his own image than the country's economic problems his popularity stemmed more from his charisma than political achievements with the nationalized companies now run by incompetent military officers the country's infrastructure sector has problems like. that. the reality that one entrepreneur is increasingly left to set up shop abroad the young generation continue to fight for democratic principles. and progress was made the new opposition parties secured a 3rd of the seats in the national assembly but events would take a final unexpected turn. i get cold feet in my room like see things more upset. come but since you're the center rest can city and us. society you're. going to. get better life starts. at. the president's cancer diagnosis at 1st kept secret then used to dramatic effect became a defining factor both politically and socially rumors and medical reports concerning the president who was then re-elected in 2012 became part of the daily news cycle for venice sohail and. his final rally is really interesting the good it has a very religious feel. there are moments in history where you think. did that really happened or was it staged. i think it was almost a case of deification because you're being in. charge this wanted an epic tale he made these bellicose speeches but had no story to back them up you know that he didn't come down from the sierra maestra he didn't overthrow some dictator or set up some grillo force but he talked as if he were che guevara or castro. in reality all he done was win an election in an oil rich country. has a sickness spurred on a new narrative and a religious dimension to his character it began with that election campaign and ended with his death his resurrection fire the media added a new chapter as well as that still present in venezuela today this would. be exact circumstances surrounding his death remain unclear when although chavis died and 2013 at the. age of 58 many in the country mourn for a man who became a legend. i often wonder today what it is that defines us as a country country where what really matters is the people not the individual and rights as opposed to responsibility. venezuelans have gotten used to shortages and restrictions at 1st they assumed they would be temporary but now they've simply become a part of life people have learned to be resourceful. they are. also just so much less. everything was different when charges was still president. back then the country had everything chavez was a man who made a difference he had an alternative vision. my guru is my duro a completely different kind of politician he had everything but failed to take advantage of that what are we venezuelan supposed to do. if the politicians fail to come to agreement this country will face further growing up the beast was. prior to his death chavez appointed one of his closest allies as interim president nicolas maduro was subsequently confirmed into office in the april 23rd tina lection a former bus driver who had attended a political training school that had ana my dural was alleged to be a pawn for a cuban regime eager to maintain any of the wins over the country. in 2014 street protests raged against the maduro government and work put down which deadly force. 2015 saw the opposition assume the majority in the national assembly 2 years later by dural stripped the parliament of its legislative powers which were now transferred to pro-government loyalists. the protests continued on may 20th 2018 my dural won a 2nd term in office albeit in an election that critics call farcical. anti continue to block any humanitarian aid to the country. but they love these young women who are part of my duros mission is to protect chavez's legacy that's why chavez chose him. now everyone's talking about my duro nobody's talking about charges anymore not my daughter or basically took care of all the dirty work like in the church he's like a priest who says he'll take responsibility for everything to me he never said or that was the previous government's fault a consequence of charges as policies in the child or no. none of the representatives i approached from adorers regime ultimately agreed to an interview a few did it 1st but only for a fee which i refused to pay. after 17 years of chavez same money when all of that is and one of why don't your elected to the national assembly as deputies representing the state of our that's a feat that nobody had believed in anymore you have to any of us you know our generation took up the challenge of resurrecting belief in politics it's out for us chavez was the result of anti politics and your party and an anti sr all sort of we grew up on the charges and we're too young to remember the country's democratic era child was 12 when he came to power but still we believe in politics is the be and to. menace away life has traditionally been a country that welcomed others with open arms today people are fleeing the country for other parts of that an american. i met the gross secretary general of the organization of american states on the kuta bridge connecting venice whalen and colombia. he was among the 1st to alert the international community. if the british. yes the fundamental problem with this presidency either from just the repressive structures set up in minister raila over the last 15 years. to lead to possibility of a cup of any change of power. or. this is also supported by external factors. for example roe kustra thanks to the $20000.00 plus cubans yacking might do though in venezuela. then you have colombia's national liberation army the e.l.o. n. the presence of hezbollah and iran plus the mexican cartels. skinner not sure what that is do or keeps himself in power not because of his strength but because of his weakness if moderate forces he would mark the end of a setup where a number of players have been hoping for a revival of the cold war. some same a duro has the backing of the military although perhaps he is capitalizing on fear and terror the regime was devouring its own people. my husband is an army commander and was in charge of one of the highest profile battalions in venezuela we don't know us a single one monday they arrested 6 commanders who had complained about food shortages for their true. does this they were charged with conspiracy. the torture included a lead club around the head to increase pressure until they faint at their word they would be sent on the back of their legs with a hot pipe and so a lot of them had broken ribs. how are we to get rid of a dictatorship or with ties to organized crime. and as for restoring human rights. that won't happen by emphasizing them in countless speeches when i completed production of this one why don't was recognized by over 50 nations as the legitimate interim president of venezuela he didn't back down what would be a marathon undertaking. where that journey ends as unclear as a rational as it might sound i have to believe in him and the hope he instilled in us. kickoff. ghost town atmosphere means listless play stuff from the. looks of guns and the mentalist fights the sensible. non-stop excitement of the final match to. the series comes to. 30 minutes on d w. they're fleeing poverty only to end up in german brothels women from eastern europe forced into sexual slavery. for them help is hard to come by but in the southern german family of mankind there was even support from a committed women's rights activist exploiting the form closer. on t.w. . more than a 1000 years ago europe witnesses a huge construction boom. christianity for we established it so. both religious and secular leaders or eager to display their power. to dress began to. create the tallest biggest and the most beautiful structures this is how massive churches were created. conscious the cathedral xfce starts april 12th on d. w. . this is day w news and days are out top stories people around the world have been marking international women's day with a special focus on the challenges women face from the coronavirus according to the un the pandemic has subjected women to more unpaid work job losses and increased domestic violence. a brazilian supreme court judge has a knowledge of criminal convictions against former president louise inacio lula to .