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Unrest returned to the lebanese city of tripoli on thursday after overnight clashes between Security Forces and protesters that left one man dead Security Forces fired tear gas and crowds angry at the lack of compensation for workers during the coronavirus lockdown the protests started in the city on monday and are spreading to beirut and other areas. A court in germany has found a neo nazi guilty of assassinating regional politician. In the town of castle 2 years ago and sentenced him to life in prison newco was a member of Angela Merkels c. D. U. Party and had spoken out in support of refugees. This is the news from by lynn followers on twitter and instagram at news of visit our website w dot com folks. Ask yourself who among your family and friends has taken on more responsibility more work more burden since the coronavirus emerged well the answer for most of us women its estimated that one year of the pandemic has wiped out 10 years of job gains for women in a recession that some are renaming the she session the coronavirus has exposed gender inequalities like never before we have a vaccine against the virus is there a prescription for gender parity for a world where he and she see. Im bored golf in berlin this is the day. No country in the world yet achieved full gender equality and that wolf started home by example and i am fine i remain 50 french and. I will mention full gender equality in my College Admissions and into him since being a woman and politics there are plenty of woman kept up greet me present powerful our cultural lation we want our pm. Also coming up he is the neo nazi who pulled the trigger in the 1st murder of a german politician by the far right since 1945 hell be spending the rest of his life in prison without parole this is not a court had determined that the accused stephan a different had basically acted out of right wing extremist and racist motivation and it also dunstall previously since the fall of the 100 tut. To our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and to our viewers all around the world welcome we begin the day looking at the pandemic not as the scourge of the century but rather as the opportunity of a generation the virus has exposed societys ugly underbelly of inequality from Front Line Health Care workers to home schooling to keeping everyone same within the lockdowns these are roles that women more often than men have taken on thats 20 hours per week of additional work for women according to the World Economic forum labor unions say once the pandemic is over the gains women have made in the labor force will be more like 2011 instead of 2021 a decade of progress in gender parity wiped out. In the last year tonight youll hear the case for not neglecting women as the World Economy recovers a rethink yes but not reinventing the wheel we begin with a look at one woman whose rise to power is yielding all kinds of dividends for men and women. Kama harris grew up here a quiet neighborhood across the bay from San Francisco her mother raised her to be strong and to prove herself through her work she studied at the historically black Howard University in washington d. C. Then got her law degree in San Francisco her career ascent began in california in 2003 she was elected as San Franciscos 1st female District Attorney and 2011 she became californias attorney general or she oversaw the states legalization of gay marriage in 2017 harris was elected to the u. S. Senate she quickly gained a reputation as a tough question or a grilling facebook c. E. O. Mark zuckerberg and Donald Trump Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh im not remembering but if you have something youre one of the im just trying to think do i know anyone who works that firm i might know that if you had thats not my question my question is have you had a conversation with anyone at that firm about that investigation its a really specific question. In january 29000 she announced her run for the white house. Even though. I stand before you today to announce my candidacy. Harris dropped out but then became joe bidens running mate she proved to be an avid campaigner and debater. Pariss father is from jamaica and her mother was born in india that makes her the 1st black and the 1st Asian American Vice President hopes are high we dont youre going to change. Right and. Things that. Im sure not things. Doctors want to think of it. Its been a long way to the vice presidency but america has spoken and harris is now headed for her place in history. And my 1st guest tonight says neglecting women is a losing Business Model even more so as we come out of the pandemic im happy to welcome lor loose wood to the program lore is the secretary general of the council of women World Leaders she joins me tonight from washington d. C. Its good to have you on the program or id like to get your thoughts on the role of Vice President harris in turning this pandemic into a prescription for gender parity. Well thank you for having me tonight. I think it 1st and foremost the very fact that we have a woman its highest level highest level weve ever had in the United States as Vice President that in and of itself. Will help ensure that questions around gender and gender parity and around womens issues will be raised its not that men would necessarily race but we can pretty well be assured that college harris as a woman will ensure that these issues get raised so i think thats 1st and foremost the most important thing shes at the table with a strong voice is is harris is she picking up where the on go americans of the world are soon to begin exiting the holes of power. Well i think that that she will certainly i think operate in the tradition of someone like angle and marrow who has you know been such an extreme strangely strong leader for germany so i think she will take her position you know in a role she obviously is not not president so she doesnt have those powers but we know that President Biden has indicated that she will be a an equal partner to him in Decision Making he always be the last person in the room to make decisions and as we know Vice President peres is not shy about stating her position and understanding the issues so i think we can rest assured that she will she will be a powerful voice. In the issues both domestically and internationally swedens foreign minister who was speaking at the World Economic forum this week and said and im quoting here in crisis the gender perspective is often the 1st thing to be disregarded why is that. Well i was in iraq i was on that campbell with a Live Performance of sweet and i think what she was referring to was the fact that so many people they see gender and gender issues as somewhat secondary and so which i think she was referring to was that you know you get these crazies and people then just focus intensely on that rather than a more holistic view of how to solve these problems and clearly we have to have a gender perspective during a crisis during this particular crisis for example to help solve the crisis itself i mean women are such a major part of the Health Care Systems from plant workers that it until unless we do include them were not going to have the kind of solutions that the diversity of the perspectives brings and certainly men we men realize the burdens that women are carrying shouldnt we be the ones to insist that women have a policing leadership but they have a place at the boardroom table. Well love your perspective rep. And if that were the possibility if that were happening i would be applauding it because youre absolutely right right now women you know based on some mckinsey studies and others you know theyre doing 3 times the amount of work that men are doing at home elder care child care educating people interviewing the children so the burden is just proportionately falling on women and youre absolutely right lucian is going to come with gender parity thats when the work parity means and so you know i applaud it and would say lets hope that can happen because that really will be the ultimate answer to some of these issues lets talk a little bit about concrete measures to change the calculus here you are in favor of quotas for women in politics and business why. Well you know i often joke that because im just getting a little old and wanting to see. What i call hurry history because at the rate were going into a World Economic forum at the rate were going its going to take about 200 plus years to get to that kind of gender carry on are talking about well thats to slow that the world cant tolerate that level of speed so for me quotas are Circuit Breakers they will break up in broome favoritism and closed social networks they will have the possibility of making sure that theres a Critical Mass of women at the table you know in all the research now is showing that the women who do. Come to these positions of power are equal to the men in their positions and equal to them in experience and education and so i dont think we have to worry about heat in the back kind of issue anymore and you know at this point perhaps you know over 100 countries have some sort of affirmative mechanism in place. Particularly likely and certainly for boards of directors youre beginning to see quite quite impetus for that because we know that you know women and other historically underrepresented groups bring a different perspective they allow for additional ways of looking at solutions so you know if we dont have some sort of affirmative mechanism in place i worry about how long its going to take you know we hear a lot about the new nor. Are women better suited to lead in managed business in politics as we enter the post pandemic there are. Well there is some argument to be made very out women and other again other startling underrepresented groups often bring a different set of leadership skills to the workplace to politics to Senior Leadership and that might include being more inclusive being bringing different people to the table ensuring that listening is being done and then people are being hurt and its not that you know men cant do go out they could but historically that hasnt been the set of traits that we prize for leadership now what were saying is well we need a broader way of being leaders we need differing skill sets during these times and women do so the way they are raised the way they are in society will often exhibit those types of skill sets so to me in truth the best leaders are the leaders that incorporate both the skill sets that men of the store at and the skill sets that women bring so i think youre absolutely right that we ramp up you know let me ask you about the 22 year old American Woman who enchanted the world last week im talking about the Poet Amanda Gorman who resigned did the hill we climb at the job i didnt come over here its inauguration what do you see when you look at and listen to her oh my gosh you know for one thing i see inspiration. As a dry house speaking. And oh oh what happens when we when we are a country that embrace is everyone that ensures that everyone has an opportunity because. We all know certain skills and certain talents and creativity and she was just amazing. I just think its one of those what i call power the mirror me able to see that kind of straight out for me. For this with with the council of women World Leaders laura it was good talking with you we appreciate your time in your insights tonight thank you thank you. It was the 1st assess a nation of a politician in germany by the far right since 19452 years ago a neo nazi murdered a regional politician who had a trying to detention and controversy for his poor refugee stance bolton was a member of the chancellors conservative party he was shot in the head outside his home by stephane ants today and was sentenced to life in prison. It was a trial which brought the specter of far right by lance in germany into sharp focus once again defended stefan and stuarts charged with murdering an elected politician. And stock a signal this verdict sends a strong signal a signal that the state can defend itself and will vigorously pursue a political assassination of this kind for 4th. Was a well liked local leader who defended on the american policies on migration it turned him into a target for right wing extremists stefan and recorded this video at a meeting where a look at face far right hecklers to this it is these folks you have to stand up for certain values anyone who doesnt agree with these values is free to leave this country thats a freedom every german enjoys. Russian. For years later looked at was assassinated at his home in june 29000 his body discovered by his son. 2 weeks afterwards authorities arrested stefan and sed during the trial he confessed then retracted and later confessed again this was the 1st time in postwar german history that a representative of the state had been killed by a right wing extremist this is not a test the court determined that the accused steffane had acted in principle out of right wing extremist and racist motivation and had also done so previously for 100. 00 tut however the court did not find the other defendant marcos h. Guilty of assisting in the murder one of the loop because Family Lawyers says that is disappointing but added that the family found this trial important for a different reason the from media of old immediate on the go as a call plaintiffs the family wanted to set an example against hate and violence and hate speech in our society whose words then lead to deeds at the. Top and. Thats about you that was very very important for them to be they wanted to advocate the values that evolved her look advocated his entire life and which are also the familys values. Lucas killing is one of several attacks linked to the extremist far right in germany in recent years casting a spotlight on the dangers extremists pose to democracy. Always bring in emily says shes a freelance journalist based here in berlin shes also a fellow with the institute of current or of affairs was she writes about german politics and the rise of populist far right parties across europe really its good to have you back on the show what did you make of todays sentencing. 5 think that the idea of the life sentencing is is largely what was expected in the days beforehand this was as as the report weve just aired said and as has been discussed over the course of the day this was very much intended to send a signal at a time when right wing extremism the right wing extremist violence is causing very legitimate problem in a legitimate fear here in germany we know that the alleged accomplice was acquitted however we do understand that there is that mean that the murderer stefan and does it mean that he acted alone well from what we can tell the court was not able to prove that that the accomplice wasnt involved but there are still questions about that and the family has as we heard was disappointed with the response but at the moment all we know is that the court wasnt able to determine that and this this murder is being described weve also described that way as the 1st right wing political assassination in germany since the 2nd world war was it. When were talking about in elected official in a politician whos an elected office then yes thats some from my understanding yes that is the case but i think the idea that this was a wake up call for for german politics and society about the threat of violence sort of ignores the fact that there has actually indeed been quite a lot of foreign violence over the last few decades the estimates that there are out there in terms of the number of people who have been killed as a result of our experience violence perhaps maybe not as high profile a politician as as well to look at i mean its nearly 200 people and so you know you look back to the history of for example the National Socialist underground which was discovered in 2011 a series of murders all also perpetrated for the same sort of far right extremists but weve you know this is something that its not unfortunately new in germany but this this case was something that sort of dropped sort of should draw new light on the issue and if it drew new light on that issue then has the state changed in its response to the threat thats posed by being streamed right. I think theyre starting to i think theres at least a recognition that more needs to be done youve seen the interior minister of ministry for example pledged to best massively in new staffing new support and new programs to fight back against the extreme right but i think it is you know there is a theres a recognition at the very least that for example germanys Domestic Intelligence had had kind of a blind spot when it came to our extremists they were much more focused on on the left wing of the spectrum and so oftentimes nys things that they really shouldnt have and so i think at the very least there is a recognition of the scope of the problem and whether the governments current efforts and the new attention to invest more money and staff into that has an effect i think remains yet to be seen turn alist emily short house here in berlin and really we appreciate you taking the time to help report this story tonight thank you thanks for having me. Clashed with Security Forces in the lebanese city of tripoli for a 4th night the latest arrest comes after the death of a 30 year old protester on wednesday the crowds are angry at strict coronavirus law and an economy that is in crisis the situation in tripoli appears to be spiraling out of control the protests are nell spreading to other parts of the country. Protest is out on the streets of tripoli again for the 4th day running demonstrations appear to be intensifying in lebanon 2nd largest city. Many residents have been struggling with extreme Economic Hardship for some time but the country in a deep recession. The lockdown imposed earlier this month to halt a surgeon covered 19 is too much for many to bear. The life im living is horrible i came out to die and so i dont have to live through this horror enough poverty and hunger the lebanese people are living in pain and. Thursdays protests came just hours after the funeral the man who was killed the night before. The 30 year old reportedly sustained a bullet wound on wednesday when protests turned violent with demonstrators trying to storm the citys government building. Witnesses and local media say police fired live rounds hundreds of protesters were injured. Lebanon is currently struggling with a massive surge in coronavirus cases hospital intensive care units are reportedly nearly full and the country is seeing record breaking daily fatalities nevertheless many say around the clock curfew is just not possible in lebanon. To close the country then you have to provide for people its not acceptable to lock people in their houses and leave them hungry theyre a day laborers there are people who have lost their jobs there are people who cant earn a living or even enough for the bare essentials that. The government is providing some Financial Assistance 2230000 families but with half of the population estimated to be living below the poverty line the protests are likely to continue for some time. Well who says good guys always finish last the french sale to stop and has won the prestigious van de globe round the world he didnt cross the line 1st but he was given a time bonus for helping another solo sailor whose boat sank. Around the world in 80 days with a bit of heroism thrown in. French sailor yannick best event came into port in western france as the winner of the von de globe round the world race despite not crossing the line 1st. The 48 year old finished in 80 days 13 hours 59 minutes and 46 seconds he was behind 2 compatible but received a time bonus of 10 hours and 15 minutes helping to rescue a novice sailor 2 months ago. For those of you are i feel like im living a dream hallucinating its bizarre we go from total solitude to this. I thought. He was one of 4 skippers asked to find a scot here who was rescued in heavy seas off the cape of good hope he had waited more than 11 hours after his yacht broke into. There was also drama for boris helm on the 1st german to enter the prestigious event was happy after avoiding a crash with a container ship earlier in the race but he then hit a fishing vessel while in 3rd place close to the finish ending his hopes of glory. Well the day is almost done but the conversation continues online to find us on twitter either at the news you can follow me of brant goff t. V. And remember whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day see you then everybody. Sits in jail and. Everywhere. The russian Opposition Leader is a man is a mass protest. Despite Shocking Police violence young people especially are protesting corruption and state despotism theyre now taking to the streets everywhere across russia the focus for. Many places not since apparently. Its being sold as a clean all round as the Energy Source of the future Many Industries are very interested in the seal to control the field. But what potential does it really can. Meet in germany. 60 minutes. D. W. People looking for her. There are many answers. There are many reasons. There arent many alternatives. To. Make up your mind. Made for minds. Welcome to focus on europe we are glad to have you with us there are dramatic scenes unfolding in of russia at the moment people across the country are taking to the streets protesting against president putin and demanding the release of his biggest critic Alexei Navalny but some of them are being brutally beaten down by the police. Many have been injured several 1000 have been detained but the demonstrators are not giving up these are protests on a scale russia has not seen in a long time. One of the demonstrators is 19 year old and for most of her life she has known only president Vladimir Putin and his policies her protest is mixed with the anger about the brutal treatment of the opposition and the suspicion that putin might be enriching himself without measure for many young people in the stars just hometown of norcos netsky this is the 1st time they are taking part in a political protest. Was disgrace disgrace and we are the power the people chant in the center of no coups knits siberia here answering the call of the arrested Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny. Among them 19 year old activist and as yet but stephen. You met or the next day at the police with a protest was held in the city park of new york whos near its. She says she protests against restrictions on freedom of speech perspective and the poor standard of living in russia. Yet which was a cigar you have wishes for your son when you were i took to the streets for myself or my family im afraid of the police and the injustice in our country i live in a russia that wants to stop us from speaking out. And just as you are echoes the sentiments of tens of thousands of other protesters. The weekend demonstrations swept through over a 100 cities and 11 different time zones. In the far eastern port city of boston on the sea of japan demonstrators demanded away with putin in the Industrial City you can remember at the annual mountains protesters were beaten back by the police and in St Petersburg as many as 10000 protesters swarmed over the city showcase boulevard nifty presby it was aleksey in the founding himself has been in custody since his return from germany in mid january cut off from direct contacts with the outside world but the kremlins vocal critic can still influence political life shortly after his arrest sympathisers release an explosive to our video. It presented a palatial mansion on the black sea coast i maintain that it was built for the russian president and paid for with ill gotten gains but this movie gives him a welcome within just a few days. The video had racked up over 90000000 views it may well have been the match thats the theme of dissent against president putin all across the country as here in moscow. So to continue the video shows how crazy our leaders are and proves these people must not be allowed to hold their power any longer ask the passing lane which meant is that only cold. I live with my family in a tiny flat honest people not thieves but all around us are people who are enriching themselves illegally without anyone saying anything about it the time against it. Ive had enough and the state is corrupt we are no less and less money and have hardly any right. After the mass protests russian president putin responded to the allegations of corruption. Thats. What was shown in the video as you my property belongs to or has ever belonged to me or my close relatives never. In. The activist anastas yeah but that is not convinced by putin statement she and her friend could Greater Trust in opposition figures such as not only. After 20 years of putins ear demanding a change in russias leadership. Im a Younger Generation putin ive never known anything else some people joke that ill die with peyton still in power that is rather strange after all were not living in the age of the kids are where the real estate empowered to the end of their day is we want our country to be rewarded in the future by politicians who are elected by the people. But she said this until 3 in Fair Elections are held in russia she is prepared to continue her process to an issue russia without fear. With. This beverage as well something of a National Treasure in turkey no its not more its rocky and its flavored spirit that has been distilled for centuries but lately iraq has become a luxury item for many turks due to an increase in alcohol tax prices have skyrocketed and more and more turks are turning to look from the black market this can be deadly among the many fatalities is the daughter of. Her death is the result of structureless criminals. Who groom is still just the way it was when jerry i left it last october even today the place is still where she. Goes to remember his daughter and her death at the age of 24 dariya died after drinking adulterated bootleg alcohol. Some friends and one of them had bought alcohol. It was illegal adulterated whole when she began to feel unwell the next day she went to the local hospital. From there they took her to the nearest University Clinic which was an intensive care for 7 days but. They couldnt save her. Time is just one of nearly 100 people who died after drinking adulterated alcohol in turkey in just 3 months. From going to Turkish Police raid in a legal distillery operations like these are now routine here gangs of bootleggers put bottles of fake labels into circulation it could be whisky vodka and especially rocky the popular and hes flavored turkish liquor because the alcohol is often being improperly distilled the bottles can contain toxic methyl alcohol rather than the ethanol found in beverages. Opposition politician here has accused the government of driving customers into the arms of bootleggers he says selling alcohol illegally such as in this shop hes intentionally being made more and more expensive by regular tax hikes the tax on rocky alone has gone up by 440 percent in the last 10 years taxes account for 70 percent of the sales price alcohol in turkey is more expensive than anywhere else in europe. Some of the other when you pour yourself 4 shots of rocky today the state gets to drink 3 and you get just one. Percentage. This bottle of racket has doubled in the last year it now cost over 18. 00 euro. With minimum monthly wages in turkey at around 250. 00 euros some people prefer to buy cheaper adulterated alcohol in the black market even when this can be deadly the opposition suspects the governments tax increases are ideologically motivated you. Know the ones who view Drinking Alcohol is a sin people who still like to drink to pay a high the right these are citizens arent just paying the price with money but are also more and more off paying with their lives so theres some level where they know them in their net. Turkish president aragon has never made a secret of his aversion to Drinking Alcohol he repeatedly warns youngsters citing religious grounds. Do you stay away from alcohol here why should you do if i was Drinking Alcohol is a sin for pious young people i. But these pension is in a garden near the town of yellow say rocky is part of the turkish dining culture just like fresh record fish even though theyre muslims they still want to enjoy the milky annis flavored drink. But they can rarely afford to get rocky from a shop thats why a friend gives them some of these homemade tipple but they always test it to ensure its free of toxic methanol shipped. Had my doubts at the beginning. Of my worries are gone because were testing it to be safe. Now were quite relaxed about drinking the homemade stuff which weve never had any problem. Whether its be you wine or vodka homemade alcohol is booming in turkey. More and more people are making their own supplies in the cellar or the bath tub that troubles these old people in yellow. Scots have their whiskey the french their wine the greeks. And here in turkey we have rocky. The recognized part of our culture to be for that if some people want to more or less get rid of this cultural asset well. Whats good about that. But. Shaaban all time keeps asking himself a similar question whats so good about constantly rising prices driving young people like his daughter to full victim to ruthless bootleggers hes bitter remember she was a happy young woman always ready for a laugh and popular. More than 100 young people came to her funeral. Or friends and acquaintances. I think if the traces for all the whole had been more moderate her death could have been prevented. Some in turkey say Drinking Alcohol is a sin for others he can end in death. Right now being outdoors is in walking hiking simply getting out of ones own 4 walls because the ceiling is closing in on you due to luck to kais a runner from sweden regularly gather some family and camping gear to find relaxation and recharge your batteries in the Great Outdoors there are 2 things she cant be without on her trip so though weatherproof clothing and the trendy item of the corona. By the f. B. I. Here look at the needles if they look like this remember its a juniper this is real hands on learning keiser anna has taken her 3 children to color and luster into the forest and out of their apartment in stockholm. Many city dwellers in sweden a doing the same especially on weekends cold temperatures and light gray one stop anyone here. Really interested if its a nice to get out and get the man especially now when relieved in a relatively restrictive life and not meeting very many people spending the day in the office. Like many swedes have rediscovered a love of nature as the corona crisis dragged on its not about covering long distances but about gathering the strength from nature to face the long days indoors. A highlight of every hike is cooking together in the open air doesnt take much some chopped vegetables instant noodles and a little camping stove here in sweden its called a storm cooker the burner the pots and the windshield are all packed quite practically so they fit in almost any backpack for keiser into kids its nothing special but youre in the pandemic camping stoves like these have been selling like hotcakes i. Think youre going to have little if a little funny weve been using this old thing for decades so its great to see that it is growing in popularity its really become a trend that many people are discovering the fun of being outdoors and its really a great piece of equipment its incredibly easy to cook a little meal with that. The idea to cook food on little gas cookers outdoors 1st took hold over 50 years ago in the land in central sweden near the norwegian border. The vast forests rugged mountains in countless lakes make the region an outdoor paradise so its no coincidence that camping stoves have been manufactured here in the small town of tones vacant since the late 1950 s. This swedish Family Business specializes in cooking equipment for nature lovers the old press still works the spirit burner was originally designed for longer excursions but demand is coming from leisure time high kids as well now trying to make some 250000 stoves a year the Family Business can barely keep up. With. All were working in 3 shifts and also at the weekend so we can achieve maximum production big warburton moxon with demand for Outdoor Products soaring the Swedish Retail Institute named storm cookers as the holiday gift of the year. The title is taken quite seriously since the late 1980 s. A Market Research company has analyzed which products are trending well in sweden to see up and how not to stand. In the back and see this new trend towards nature shops selling sporting and outdoor gana during business at a time when many others are doing far worse its symbolic of the times were living in yet until then we have. Kaiser and her 3 children have decided to get outdoors whenever they can this winter it doesnt matter whether they prepare the food at home or out in the open air they tell us but somehow it tastes especially good when made on that little stove and that helps them get through this difficult time with a smile. Its been 2 decades since the cost of a conflict though it remains open

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