Some of the stories that well be looking at today. Here about a simple environment cards example teams having a big effect in ghana. We will meet a scientist in germany looking to replant land devastated by the oil mining. And will soon be doing so in egypt are returning from war Sustainable Way of life. But we begin in rhonda where the prolonged use of illegal on regulated fishing gear has day to the collapse of fish stocks a number of lakes have been left severely understocked and that has they to an increase in money tradition among the local population prices on the local market are also raised and over the last 2. 00 decades and that trend is expected to continue if fish production is not stimulated so rhonda has embarked on a vast operation to restock its 24 lex we went to see how things are coming along. To wonder on the Eastern Shore of lake hugo it may look idyllic but the fishes of finding more and more difficult to scrape by lake is severely overfished his are some of the nearly 2 dozen lakes in the country. Mainly contains the danes in various types of tilapia official figures see almost 19000 tons of fish record in its waters in 2018 who. Accounted for 70 percent of wonders entire fish haul but stalks a dwindling. In previous years a fisherman could catch between 3 to 4 kilograms a day but it is you can spend a week on the lake and need to build 2 kilograms. That are going to give. The fish market. Because fully grown fish are increasingly scarce juvenile fish are also on sale even though it is against the law and the shortage is also leading to spiralling prices. To the press of fish has increased a lot whenever the catch is poor the price picky low goes up our business is in danger because the prices depend on the fish that is available to us. The drilling fish stocks are also adversely affecting lake hughes eco systems this scientist is monitoring the Water Quality in guyton city their fish feed of is their numbers declined the alga is able to grow and that its a vicious circle. Quantity of that will create. A shadow on water on the top of the water which. Prevents oxygen to into the poor and the organism will begin to die eventually the rundown government aims to tackle the problem with an Ambitious Program to boost fish stocks. And. We are currently in the process of restocking to. Move and other declining few species across the lakes in rwanda. To love here reproduce in the shallows close to the shore. And that makes them highly vulnerable to illegal fishermen old fish. One hatchery is in gambia in the south of the country it breeds types of fish found in lead. Across wonder this tilapia is protecting its freshly hatched all spring in its mouth. We select a good sample of the fish from our lakes and rivers in bring them to these points to re your tongue. To cause it to the when they reach reproduction age we collect their eggs in the hay cherry dont know how to. 2 corrupt. Eggs are being removed from this catfish the process does not harm the female. So a sprint is added to the eggs taken into the incubation pool which is heated to the ideal temperature of 30 degrees celsius so the tiny catfish image it lake magus around just south east of the capital kigali is one of the 1st place where the specially bred strike as being released catfish along with virus types of 2 up here. Twice a year that is a 2 month old legs to allow the stocks to cover. Bet it will fish as are also hoping that the fish stocks here will be replenished these also some knowledge into the problems are partly homegrown that is not all fishermen abide by the rules some usenets with a mesh size so find they can be used for mosquito nets the trip everything they come across is a problem but i also think purities have some responsibility they should impose stricter sanctions which are but penalizing the fish porches will not be enough to ensure that lake he will recover is there has to be a change in overall awareness if the fish populations be caped stable. All children to come to terms. One joint problems and will erupt in on it as she will be curious. To. Hear exactly. How will Climate Change affect us and our children. E. W. Dot com slash water. To europe now where the lettuce report from the was made to logical going is a sin says the 2020 is said to be one of the shortest he is. Rising temperatures are causing ice in the pool of riches to melt and signals to rise threatening to wipe entire areas off the map. Thats right sondra and its happening at an alarming rate its all down to Global Warming caused by rising Greenhouse Gas emissions worldwide there are many strategies aimed at reducing Carbon Dioxide levels in the atmosphere planting trees is one of them but modern Technology Allows for other creative options to next report from iceland shows. What better place to save the planet from Global Warming than iceland it has energy to spare everywhere the ground is in motion scientists call it an act of volcanic area. Iceland herself long realized that the countrys hot springs can serve as more than tourist attractions. A half hours drive east of the capital reykjavik lies the hip to shady power station its been generating electricity and heat from steam since 2006. Its become one of the worlds biggest Geothermal Power plants but theres another reason why scientists entrepreneurs and reporters are now fucking here. They want to meet with out a doctor the c. E. O. Of a Company Called carb fix its working to reverse the greenhouse effect albeit on a small scale basically whats happening is that were stuck in the office fair through this machine and the c o 2 sticks to a specific can become a within. This unit and so what comes out the back is so much cleaner office chair for. But lets go see it that. They began using this kind of vacuum cleaner for Carbon Dioxide a few years ago in one of the pumping stations and our daughter explains what happens to the c o 2 to nearby have our underground pipes transform. This year to that was captured after kupchak want and it is all the water and this is then what we inject into the subsurface 700 meters underground the c o 2 then reacts with the bass all drowned and is stored there permanently its a method that works especially well in the volcanic rock here. This is a piece of yourself the core to see the c o 2 both feeling base within the within the process of the factors but also on the force so gradually this all of these these simple and poors could fill up with mineral lists you to depending on how much reenter. The technology is still very expensive it also consumes a lot of water and can only be used in specific terrain still carved pictures convinced that this technology will eventually help to reduce the amount of c o 2 in the atmosphere worldwide few countries in the world are feeling the effects of Climate Change as acutely as iceland its once mighty glaciers are shrinking continually icelands environment minister is taking action the icelandic government aims to make the country c o 2 neutral by 2040 to do this theyre relying on new technologies and a belief in ancient sagas we have these stories and i some thought trolls became stones when they if they were exposed to sun. We could save us 3 are trying to. Turn c o 2 into a stone where us troll swear. For instance a straw man but not the son. Iceland or snow they cant save the planet on their own but theyre developing technologies that other countries can also employ in the future and the idea that believing in elves and trolls can also help does not bother anyone here. Im back to africa now when young people get hold of a good idea and start putting it into action they can be unstoppable and when others see that its making a difference words that gets around and the next thing you know they are on the africa doing your bit segment take a look at our heroes this week in gaza. These plastic bottles 5000 an old used to look to the streets of. Now theyre part of an effort to inspire peoples at the team a International School to join the recycling revolution the un usual trash Collection Center was set up by full school girls there was a lot of classic school is what suits are on this school. Looking as it should be looking so you enter to find. In this school and. The girl spent 3 months collecting trash with the help of their fellow pupils from the streets to the beaches and in streams after being cleaned and saw the bottles and strung together in stack. Recycling training consultant mccaffrey i would has been providing assistance. Very disappointed when you see the plastics because we showed that there are people who are. Citizens of why this is horrible and why its hitting our environment the collected waste is sold to recycling companies with the proceeds helping to fund the new environment projects at the school. Then how about you if youre also doing your bit tell us about it visit our website or send us a tweet. Ashtray doing your bit. We share your story. The number of corn about most cases in egypt has gone down significantly since the summer but the countrys Tourism Industry is yet to recover thats affected many bad things in particular who work asked for guides or take jobs in hotels and shops in the resorts along the red sea many of them decided to go back to their families and communities in the mountains often seeing all time to the upside to these radical changes that they have returned to their traditional way of life in harmony with nature and the environment. In st catherine home of the job of the a bedouin covered 90 has brought tourism to a complete halt. Those walking in the industry have been left without income many jabaliya have been sent to a more traditional way of life some have gardens that are a 1000 years old so you had new somehow made this revive his family got into a groove. And if it didnt any more than half the job aaliyah here in st catherine working truism. So there are a few other jobs or ways to earn an income. So ive begun to live as our fathers and grandfathers did from our own gardens in the hallways and. Grows various vegetables he also has some grafted trees a technique used widely here. But this is a grafted tree we took a bitter almond tree and grafted a plum tree onto it its doing well. And of. Tending to fruit trees is a longstanding tradition amongst the jabaliya bedouin take a madman today goony owns one of the oldest gardens in the area and has been tending to it for decades. Hes been encouraging other bedouins to return to their roots. Of the modern urban lifestyle does not suit us it does not appeal to our nature our nature is better when we are there we are. Doing challenge the better when facing the garden is the lack of rain. Water is gone. This year winter brings food up the blind eye to act with her but that isnt always the case the people here have to adapt to the water shortages. So i looked at how you could what grows most here are all mens and pomegranate because they tolerate drown out the more you in the water we use is rain water from the wells. Sometimes theres rain sometimes theres none the altitude and weather creates an ideal microclimates for growing trees and vegetables and advantage over other regions in egypt. In drought periods when the wells dont provide an off indication water the better when irrigate from wells high in the mountains. Mahmoud unsuited goony a battle in l. There with a vast knowledge of plants and trees is happy that people have returned to the our gardens going away. If it was some fruit trees and some vegetables like tomatoes zucchinis plus other greens and have some livestock so they can get a bit of milk they dont need anything else from outside. He grows statues and ill move these provide him with a cash crop to generate income. Stache arrows are expensive statutory can yield 15. 00 to 20. 00 kilos so thats good money but the armands are expensive to not spec good money and they grow especially well here in st catherine would love to get into brazil only in lifestyle growing food and keeping food options is part of the jabaliya way of life now in these changed circumstances pulling back on this traditional lifestyle is proving to be a lifesaver. Were off to euro once more to a region in eastern germany where lignite or brown coal sometimes known was mined for decades the mining destroyed habitats leaving behind a desolate landscape look Something Like the surface of the moon. It is a strange sight. And as you can guess nothing grows there at all but the result conservations believe that these devastated areas can be replanted one biologist from the region is very keen to see them destroyed to the way in which a food. Critic aids extracting lignite coal from the open cast mines ensured Energy Supplies and provided jobs in this region in eastern germany but when burned lignite produces huge amounts of c o 2 emissions which makes it incompatible with germanys move towards green energy christina screw up in a village that was destroyed to make way for the mines today the biologist is helping to bring new life to the ravaged landscape this magic show is part of a 1200 hectare Conservation Area where rare plants can grow undisturbed as a platonic as a but miss being here brings tears to my eyes but just warms my heart because its so beautiful 90 percent of this vegetation is on the red list of threatened species and dubbed to the green heart this was the 1st section of the former open cast mind to be restored in 2009 gretz is working in cooperation with a local cult company. I see these former mining landscapes as an opportunity for nature to huge spaces soley for plants and animals without any development. In the future the ecological restoration concept will be carried out in other spaces like solar parks the panels are often installed in fields with little plant variety but here a special blend of regional flowers are blooming not far from the open mine site gretz has a nursery where she and her team raise wild and rare flowers for regional and e. U. Conservation projects here on her companys farm they produce various seed mixes unlike cultivated plants the seeds of the wild varieties arent all ready for harvest at the same time so theyre collected by hand and labor intensive job in the case of the great and now the fields have to be checked every day so as to catch the moment before the wind carries the seeds away. Conservation law in germany requires that only regional seeds be used in such restoration projects. And grant says company is one of the 1st to offer them along with expert advice and plant rescue and anche relocation. Nothing is considered too small. Did its clients that being every little thing nature on this planet in the universe is somehow interconnected we belong together and that includes us humans. And if i lose a part of that. Part of the hall and the good of myself. And thats where i get my motivation what about through an hour. When International Companies set up shop in africa all too often profit takes precedence over human rights and Environmental Concerns one community. Had a particularly traumatic. Experience went to recycling plant opened in the community the company extracted highly toxic lead from old bought treats many in the village became extremely ill as a result local mother and activist. Begun addressing the issue publicly. Through the courts on the plant closed on competition for local residents africa paid a visit. Every time phyllis or mido turns to a we know who or she gets a heartfelt welcome as people briefly discards the usual coronavirus precaution this. For residents of this informal settlement on the outskirts of mombasa the eco activist is a heroine. Her fight is one that began over 10 years ago behind this wall a factory that recycled old car batteries many of them from western industrialized nations but the ultimate cost was borne by the residents of all we know who their health is where the pollution plant was. That she knew while growing up but you see mitt lead is a heavy metal so its got going youre used to go up and log back into the community. In 2007 she was hired by the factories owners to oversee relations with the local community only to see her 2 year old son fall ill due to lead poisoning other villagers also reported symptoms over 200 of them died more than 30 of them children this is their last modest resting place. We have battered more than children who have already been born lived and died in this area from lead poisoning party children. In this cottage is. This community. Decided to take action and to challenge the corruption injustice and lies her efforts earned her a series of Death Threats but after years of campaigning for the people of a we know she was also rewarded with the closure of the plant in 2014. Progress that came too late to change much for i remember keeney her thyroid gland just still swollen and her blood still contains more than 80 times the amount of lead considered on safe 10 years ago her father and brother worked in the plant extracting lead from the used car batteries when they came back home irene would wash their clothes. Even before the test i suffered a lot. I would get sick with a fever all the time. And sometimes id hallucinate and sometimes my body would shake so hard i was on able to hold anything in my hands and. Then when i received the test results i was told i had 420 micrograms of lead per deciliter in my blood i was so traumatised and i think that anything over 5 micrograms per deciliter is considered high the religulous work of phyllis or mido and her fellow activists brought a further breakthrough in the summer of 2021 they want a class action suit against the factory owners and the kenyan environmental authorities the community was rewarded 1300000000 kenyan shillings or 10000000 euros the compensation is yet to be paid to the residents of a we know who due to an appeal by the defendants remains confident im looking forward to a day when everyone you know little who would be able to receive treatment at. New doctors here. Does in this community. Its sitting the people. Getting the community. Giving it up and giving the children the much needed health care that they need. The judge overseeing the case also ordered the government to remove the lead from the ground and water of a we dont know who or pay the cost 1. 00 day soon the community will hopefully be able to enjoy healthy lives again that is it for todays show hope you enjoyed watching but youve learned something new about environment and why it is so important to take care of eats it is a good buy for me son between o. B. O. Here in council or uganda and of course ill be looking forward to seeing you once again next week. And its goodbye from me to you now boudreau nigeria. If you want to know more or if you have ideas of your own then look us up on social media and rides as a method see you soon and make sure to tune in for the next edition of eco africa. Christmas is canceled so fast. We heat up the office and bake some cookies. To bloggers with this week to invite us into their bakery they share their Favorite Recipes with. Some valuable tips for making traditional christmas cookies. 30 minutes on d w. I am. The center for an african monarch. Was filmed fantasy in a trance. Was. The scene of the oil trade. Secrets the cast starts december 26th. Up. In the far north. Beyond the inhabitable world its lonely. And breathtakingly beautiful. Arctic our full expanse of bitter cold. The sound of Global Warming. May take a journey around the north pole. Profiteers and talk with people experiencing a changing environment or the ice disappears earlier and it keeps retreating its a fierce the last years have been snowing russia. Makes it hard. Our future depends on what happens here in one of the most fragile ecosystems on earth. Northern lights with the Arctic Circle starts december 21st w. D w news live from Berlin Germany under Holiday Season lockdown shops and schools will close private gatherings will be limited no fireworks and no alcohol and Public Places chancellor Angela Merkel and downs the measures after a meeting with regional leaders also coming up. Right there and over time the selfimposed deadline for an agreement expires but brussels and london say theyll keep talking to trying to avert a no trade deal scenario that would hurt both sides

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