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Chancellor Angela Merkel wants tougher restrictions saying the ones in place now will not get the country through the winter and flashbacks and sleepless nights the trauma suffered by members of hong kongs protest movement in the aftermath of a Violent Police crackdown as they struggle to come to terms with their experiences one artist is helping them find a voice. To our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and to all of you around the world welcome tonight time is quickly running out to make a post breaks a trade deal a reality british and european negotiators have once again been locked in talks for hours today with no sign of a. Now british Prime Minister Boris Johnson is set to head to brussels for a last ditch attempt to reach an agreement the e. U. Seems to get a sheet of Michel Barnier is downbeat about the chances of an agreement saying key sticking points remain just like growing fears of economic chaos if britain leaves the e. U. Without a trade deal london has said it will not stand the good she actions. Are in for more now we want to bring in our correspondent in brussels barbara of a saw in charlottesville some fill in london good evening to both of you barbara let me start with you lets start with brussels here what is happening right now in brussels absolutely nothing because another day has come and gone without results Boris Johnson and also funded line the e. U. Commission chief had a phone call a lengthy phone call this evening after an hour and a half they gave threw up their hands and said were getting nowhere they must have been Better Rating each other without really being able to move anything now the negotiators are supposed to take stock of the remaining as it is grave divergences and then Boris Johnson will be heading to brussels now there is a nice opportunity for him on thursday because thats the day when the e. U. Leaders have this summit planned anyway bopped on the other side they may not want to receive him and they may in the end sort of relegate the these talks to a slough underlying the commission chief and then he will have to talk through her and then back to the Member States so we will see how this plays out obviously there is political will needed now at the very top to sort of figure out whether this will be a no or yes in charlotte we have seen this many times before are we now finally reaching in game. Thats right we can tick count on on many hands the amount of times that weve talked about deadlines that is come and gone for a resolution to these trade and security negotiations now it appears another one now earlier in the day chief negotiator for the e. U. Michel barnier had said earth to talk to continue until wednesday and no further will be remains to be seen now whether or not at that meeting in brussels will be beyond wednesday whether that is in fact the final deal in fact downing street a short time ago here in the u. K. Hand said that they will continue talking until the last minute while they still think a deal can be achieved indeed both sides have said in various points that they will they will keep talking as long as it takes while they think that that can be done in the meantime the people here in the u. K. Watching these negotiations some with the spat others fatigue as they see yet another deadline come and go these negotiations in some form or another for the u. K. At the bracks that have been going on for years now take a listen to what some people as in the streets in the u. K. If i had to say im not worried about it we need to get something so detailed. We need to make it do. They dont have to give in to what we should what they want it feels like to be buried in the public to know about this and whats going on but you carried him on lockdown pandemic virus and that hes coming to a 5050 state dont know how many people realize or break a meeting or so to your means this is what i would want to know your situation and i dont like the fact that the government does the now you dont know what they promised i think its very unfair. People seem crazy i mean 2016 we voted in 4 years later and i have but i think if i didnt progress at all to be honest with you personally i think i would be over is probably better than a fair deal which is what the reason why you said all along you know who knows whats going to happen but i think even though you know to be honest with you. Now some optimists might say that this is all part of the drama what you might expect with the end of these negotiations both sides showing that they are fighting as hard as possible for their respective audiences but the fact is now we are just a this 3 weeks away from the end of the transition period thats the period which on december 31st the u. K. Finally cut ties with the with the European Union based sides have said of course they would like a deal but they wouldnt like a deal at any cost and barbara what happens if he comes to december 31st and they havent reached a deal what happens then on the business side of things they call this armageddon day what will happen is that 40 years of cooperation of the free Flow Movement of goods People Services money between the 2 sides across the channel will end all of a sudden overnight and cracks will stack up to the rising and supposedly tears will flow all right barbara basically in brussels in charlotte just until in london so both of you thank you. The European Union and the United States say they will not recognize the results of venezuelas parliamentary election the vote handed president Nicolas Maduro control of the National Assembly and it cemented his position in power dear old socialist won almost 70 percent of the vote but turnout was just 31 percent after opposition parties boycotted the election. 20000000 minutes whalens were eligible to vote but most stayed away from the polls with only about one 3rd casting their ballots and the legislative contest for those who did participate they not only disagreed on the candidates but also in the countrys ability to hold a free and fair election. But i have my doubts about the process but my experience tells me that the solution is not to stay at home the solution is go out and participate. As far as im concerned the process is transparent after all everyone is watching us venezuela has been crushed by economic sanctions corruption unemployment and shortages of basic goods. Now the coronavirus has dealt a very heavy blow. Still sundays win by president Nicolas Maduro is Ruling United Socialist Party will likely strengthen his grip on power he already controlled the courts and the military. We have a new National Assembly a product of the popular vote the people have elected their new lawmakers their new deputies and we have a tremendous gigantic electoral victory. For him in the heat. Of victory made possible because opposition leaders including selfproclaimed acting president one guy 80. 00 urge supporters to boycott the vote says materials rule is illegitimate and this election fraudulent. Those who are scared of the people are the ones who commit fraud and his regime have lost the popular vote the majority of us want change in venezuela i dont be surprised if they try to advance their assault in the coming days of december because this election has done them no good. When. Guy 80. 00 is now pushing for a pen and sway lens to vote in an opposition referendum to end what he calls materials usurp shen of the presidency. Our last poll in the w. s oscar flanker he is in caracas with the latest tonight good evening to you heres whats going to happen now one has the backing of the United States and he says hes not going to give up hes not going any way well this is not going was it and you know opposition has launched their own return of where theyre trying to vote in which they are asking those with us to reject yesterdays election this is tricky because many people here dont have access to the internet this is a this complex people will be able to cast their ballots on the 12th. How effective this will be is unpredictable what the opposition is aiming to do is have some kind of tangible evidence that they have the support means more movement because this fellow no longer be known and institution such although that really how much you know with congress and. The military and this is were oscar how you know i need is the opposition in the country. Well uniting the opposition has always been a struggle here in 2015 when they won a majority of the seats in congress it was because they really didnt go. To those elections as a long but really the only thing and many of the opposition have in common is that they want to go out and each Political Movement has their own idea on how to do it when one of them fails that and they disband so its not easy to return and keep them together and we know that voter turnout was very low that does not speak well for mature road and his allies does. 100. 00 governments criticizing the media the claim that 31 percent of voter turn out well the same and remain as reasoned prometrium well actually and nobodys criticizing them but we have to take into account that the credibility behind this election what is very low to start with also there was pressure to vote from the government towards citizens who receive food and know his aides from the state state warriors were also forced to go and see a lot of this voter turnout seemed to many in the opposition much lower than what was officially announced this potus be our count was expecting last month were ballots are supporting his claims and he will do whatever necessary to enforce his hardest part is the gentleman who just an legitimacy over congress ok. D. W. s oscars later with the latest on that election a bit its way look tonight oscar as always thank you. Well heres a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world are remaining in Prime Minister lute of age or bone has resigned from office after his center right party came in 2nd in parliamentary elections the opposition social democrats won the most votes but they have no clear majority and no obvious Coalition Partner link the postelection wrangling to form a new Coalition Government is now expected. Polls have closed in gone as president ial and parliamentary elections its expected to be a tight race between the incumbent nonna khufu oddo and his long time rival John Muhammad gonna is considered one of the most politically stable countries in africa the corona virus pandemic however as plunge the country into economic crisis bob dylans entire catalogue of songs has been balled up by universal music for an undisclosed sum the deal covers the rights to 600. 00 songs composed over 6 decades they include times they are changing knockin on heavens door and like a Rolling Stone reports say the deal was struck directly with dylan himself. German chancellor Angela Merkel has reportedly told members of her party that the current partial lockdown is not sufficient to get the country through the winter the restrictions which are known as lock down light have been in place for more than a month now they have slowed but not stopped the riots in new corona virus infections hospitals in some areas are now working at their limits the german state of bavaria has already opted to tight restrictions beginning wins day bavarians will be asked to stay at home with only a few exceptions. When my next guest predicts the future behavior of outbreaks in pandemics dirac brockman helps construct computer models of Infectious Diseases at the robert Coffee Institute here in berlin mr bachmann its good to have you on the program what are your models telling you what will happen here in germany if we leave things as they are now well it looks like and thats not only our models that tell the story but also models of other people and germany but also. Outside of germany that currently we need to get out of the stable situation where we have a high number of new cases every day and so apparently the measure was that were put in place reduced contex in germany only about 40 percent and you know in other countries that effectively stopped the 2nd wave of this was up at 60 percent also in germany during the 1st wave in the spring so we have to do more in germany they call the current measures walked white do you think we need Something Like a lock down heavy. It looks like we do need Something Like this and in fact like many of the models that try to estimate the effects of these lockdown measures show that intense and short. Lock downs but very intense ones are more effective in reducing the case comes substantially and we have seen this also in countries like ireland and belgium where the situation was very severe and then very Strict Lockdown measures were effective and reduced the case come very quickly yeah thats right we dance Success Stories across europe but here in germany when weve tried to apply those same restrictive measures there hasnt been the desired outcome why is that. Well it seems like the situation is very complicated so bottom line is the virus feeds on our contacts and there are various ways of reducing these contacts and obviously if everyone had no contacts for some time the virus could not spread but so the choices and also the political decision that has to be made is what context will be reduced and thats. You know based on Scientific Evidence and also other factors and it seems like the context that substantially would reduce. You know the or would be most effective are not. Effective at the moment so we have to do more and you know go out of the soft lockdown into something that is. More effective it sounds like if im understanding you right mr brockman that youre saying that what were seeing starting in bavaria this week these tighter restrictions that that is a model that maybe should be applied to all of germany if we want to see significant improvements. Yes so all the contacts that are still happening you know we have to reduce them and so we have to look at the places that have not been under the umbrella of the soft lockdown and so we have to reduce group size we tension we have to the christmas is coming up and so we have to potentially think about you know sort of carotene you know before the holiday stot we have to think about schools and you know and you know all the public transport shopping all of these things that apparently still drive the pandemic you mr brightman do you think that considering how bad the numbers are going to great now is it still an option for people to visit their family for christmas this year or do we have to say maybe this year we have to not do that so that we can hopefully be able to do that in future years you know well that is certainly an option so everyone who can make that decision and make that sacrifice thats thats a good choice and in cases where its not possible because theyre also personal. You know relations that play a role you know has to grandparents one nevertheless you know potentially just not have any contacts 10 days prior to the holy days and then make sure that you know no infection is being carried. Across these visits or rights or we certainly appreciate your time in your insights tonight thank you very much and stay healthy for thank you. Political upheaval in hong kong has kicked off a Mental Health crisis in the city thats according to a recent survey they are Mental Health professionals point to the crackdown on prodemocracy protests as a major trigger some hong kong or as have reported crippling symptoms that make daily life a struggle in w. News met with one protester who asked that we not use his real name out of fear of repercussions from authorities 22 year old protest ahead restruck always whenever he passes by a Police Station in hong kong it was in just such a station that he experienced Police Brutality firsthand. One day when i went out 9 Undercover Police officers took me in a car to the Police Station and the Interrogation Room and i tried to force a confession they took out their buttons they hit me they pulled my is and pushed me against the wall but i asked if i thought anyone had ever died in the Police Station and threatened me if i didnt sign a statement i was so scared at the time that i signed 3 weeks after his release he was diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder and depression every time i see a police car or an officer outside i tremble and feel the urge to hide i cant sleep at night because of the flashbacks and sometimes i cry all night i used to be a very cheerful person but everything has changed. Henry is not alone in this spot so with Mental Health since the start of the Antigovernment Movement not share one in 3 hong kong has displaced same time stop posttraumatic stress disorder. Followed a degree of foul and sustained much lower wide range of protests in hong kong compared to war so most studies have found that the long lasting political turmoil is causing a high degree of stress you know go away in a situation where traumatic experiences have not yet resolved ill come to it and the situation is quite different because the stresses ever present longstanding exposed to such stress so this is more like create to put the deal was changes in the brain subsequently will make this for us as a step or just days old. To address the collective trauma local artists reckon luke turns stories of Police Brutality into illustrations that book us in this exhibition describe the experiences of 100 protesters and citizens he and his team talked with. Me being the mayor the heart is so powerful its not going to change much in reality but at least people feel they are heard and we are all walking together you feel slightly better knowing youre not alone and this process itself is very important this small space is the only place they can find for the exhibition many found he was turned down that display in fear of possible political consequences and the stripping National Security law imposed by beijing as the government has declared certain protests logans illegal curators sending the sad each booklet has to be carefully self censored. Only one voice is allowed and its the governments voice its hard to mourn and address or trauma if we cant even speak about what happened but we should still try because thats the 1st step to healing and. I can raise those suffers from p. T. S. D. And depression but with the help of medication hes gradually returning to normal life im very lucky to have been diagnosed and given professional help early on people have been very supportive but this cause will be there for life and i think i can never go back to who i was its impossible to truly heal unless justice is served for henry and other sufferers the road to healing were not to be easy as long as the political turmoil in hong kong continues or sports news now in germany have been given an easy looking draw in the european qualifiers for the 2022 or cup in qatar romania in iceland are the toughest opponents for germany coach joachim live who is again under pressure after a 6 nil hammering by spain last march. Germany already knew they would be a top seed in world cup qualifying despite some pull results in the last 3 years they probably could not have dreamt of a better draw as they try to reach the 2022 showpiece in qatar unscathed rumania and iceland other main foes in group j along with North Macedonia armenia and tiny little stein other groups look tricky. Age. In his 1st press Conference Since the 6 no humbling by spain last month germany coach you can live said he never fought of resigning and was raring to go for the World Cup Qualifiers even i still have motivation and i believe i never lost it there are always thoughts after a bad game but the next day the motivation is there again if the da in the wake of germanys shock group stage exit is holders at the 2018 world cup lurve decided to axe mainstays mats hummels Thomas Miller and jerome boa tank there is a chance they could be recalled for the 2022 qualifiers starting in march but live said it was unlikely when you see here well if i see that the team needs this or that in order to be successful and we will of course do it at the moment ive said i see no reason to do that. Coronavirus destruction means the World Cup Qualifiers will take place either side of the delayed European Championship in june if we learned survives in the job after the euros his side will need to finish top of the group to guarantee a spot in qatar in november 2022. Or the National Basketball association the n. B. A. Is getting ready for the new season in Training Camps are already underway there was Angeles Lakers are eager to defend their title would superstar Le Bron James just extending his contract last week but preparations have not been as smooth for every in b. Team the portland trail blazers had to close their Training Facility after 3 players tested positive for coke at 19 the new in being season is set to start december 22nd. One of boxings all time greats Floyd Mayweather is stepping back into the ring in february for an exhibition fight against you tube or logan paul the undefeated former World Champion retired in 2017 after beating mixed martial arts champion economy Gregor Mayweather and paul who has 22000000 subscribers on youtube are expected to make millions from the battle exhibition fights between celebrities and former athletes are gaining popularity because they do bring in the can. We here in berlin as in many places live music venues have been shut down because of the pandemic that has made it difficult for performers to earn a living but some are getting around the restrictions bar for performing behind glass in shop windows you see it right there this tiny stage is open to all types of intertainment rap opera cabaret and stand up comedy passers by are encouraged to chip in some change if they like what they see and he. Gets a living art heres a reminder of our top story the latest brights it negotiations between the e. U. And britain have stalled without an agreement fishing rights and trading routes are still proving sticking points as a no deal scenario looks more likely likelier than that. That is when this president Nicolas Maduro has claimed victory in a controversial like should listen a 3rd of eligible voters took part in a poll the opposition is calling a fraud the European Union and the United States say they will not recognize the result of the vote. Youre watching news from berlin after a short break ill be back to take you through the day stick around well be right back. We know that this is a scary time for the coronavirus is changing the world changing our lives so please take care of yourself keep your distance wash your hands if you can stay at how we are do w. For here for we are working so hard to sleep in here with informed on all of our platforms are all in this together run together when they can. Stay safe everybody Stacey Stacey stay safe please stay safe. In the far north. Beyond the inhabitable world. Its lonely. Barren. And breathtakingly beautiful. Arctic. Powerful expanse of bitter cold. And the sound of global warming. We take a journey around the north pole meet profiteers and talk with people experiencing that changing environment. For the ice disappears earlier and it keeps retreating. Our future depends on what happens here in one of the most fragile ecosystems. Northern lights place the Arctic Circle starts december 21st g. W. In just a matter of hours Health Care Workers in britain will begin giving the 1st coded 1000 shots with the goal of vaccinating more than 20000000 people the world is watching closely hoping that this will be a Success Story to emulate its survival however that they want in bavaria germany and in the u. S. State of california they may be worlds apart but tonight people in munich and los angeles have this in common too many Coronavirus Infections and orders to do one thing stay at home i

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