Hours Adult Children at the workplace and in school im talking about games in play all you might say such a waste of time but wait wait youre wrong because its important for us to keep trains the brain of Senior Citizens and its good for children too because it forms their behavior and the character and its a lot of fun. Too engrossed to go to sleep. Too absorbed to do admin or clean or. If youre busy playing a game time with this by. Youre in a world of youre wrong for hours on end not doing anything thats obviously useful. It can be intense and taken very serious. Playing looks like the very opposite of a fish in action yet everybody doesnt. Animals also like to play. Apparently it helps to train the skills needed to survive and thrive. Its important to be flexible and able to respond to new situations play teaches us just that from an early age. The more intelligent an animal the more it plays. Little animals and little humans seem eerily similar when theyre horsing around. From the very start baby humans learn about how the world works through play in all cultures. They grasp objects taste them listen attentively to the sounds of their world. Its all very new and interesting. When children reach the age of one or so play becomes more purposeful sorting objects or building a tower. Of course is that its a big plane im on the pilot. For a 2 year old a tower can be a plane all you need is a bit of imagination. Slipping into different roles starts at around age 3. Wont play is great fun. Young primates like to monkey around to be it in simpler fashion. Children process their experiences to role play. Now theyre in charge they set the rules play by them or youre out. By the time they start school most children have understood the importance of rules and not just in games. Around this time more games become an object of interest how i when im home. In Early Childhood we learn all the fundamental forms of play. Im mama which in your system which. Children play similar kinds of games all over the world just the tools very youngsters love repurposing everyday objects they find at home or outdoors. It can be hard to roam free and play in big cities. And having too many manufactured toys can backfire playing with them can curtail the imagination and ultimately be a waste of time. Play helps children to develop a sense of self and of other people and learn about boundaries and empathy. You have to say sorry. Playing with others children develop Emotional Intelligence feelings are allowed free rein most of the time. In the United States a study of play behavior among Prison Inmates found that many violent offenders had rarely played with others as children and so never mind to regulate their emotions. The author concluded that a propensity to violence can result from a lack of play. When adults play that can cause consternation if it becomes compulsive. Grownups who play more than usual and are often considered weird that might not be fair playing is not just for kids. Throughout our lives its a way to negotiate and renegotiate the rules of the game. Its an essential element of human culture. Some people argue that were not for childrens Building Blocks there would be no architecture. And were it not for the experimentation central to play there would be no progress no science or arts or society ready. When we talked about games and playing we talked about building blogs check balls and card games but. Times have changed talking about gaming today means computers and phones and its is good for children well were not sure about this but recent studies may suggest that playing games and sitting in front of a computer for kids might be good especially in times of corona because it calms them down and its not only good for children it can be good for adults too because you can learn a lot of play it starts off like a suspense novel but its actually a german course from the girl to institute the idea instead of painstakingly memorizing vocabulary and grammar students investigate a crime as part of a fictional detective story and learn the language almost without even trying learning apps like this are indeed peoples instinctive way to solve the case the players have to master sentence construction and vocabulary the key elements of learning a language gamification are learning more playing inspires high hopes in the education sector. In order to win again people often do things for which they would otherwise struggle to motivate themselves. To follow on from and the Students Experience this is highly motivating they dont just feel like theyre doing this as part of a dull learning process but theyre actually having fun a lot of people dont necessarily play because they want to learn german a bit because the game is fun thats the essence of game if occasion. A game if occasional all smart the concept of game of the haitian works. As seen in the impressive example of the piano stairs in sweden. To motivate people to make the healthier choice between using an escalator and climbing stairs the steps were turned into piano keys. That result 66 percent of escalator users were tempted at least temper. Rarely to use the piano stares. At gamification during a conference on how learning while playing actually works experts agree that learning games can succeed if they spark peoples instinct to play the. Game if occasion cation is focused on inspiring intrinsic motivation we know that when people say i want to do this its always more effective than when someone else tells them to its easier for our brains to learn while playing games than in a classroom. But gamification not only instigate thats wanting to learn good games also improve our ability to concentrate and according to many of the experts here this in turn makes it easier to remember what we just learned. Our lesson that. We know this from classical education to we try to get away from undocking this frontal instruction through workshops and find out for yourselves as a group or whatever when you internalize something interact with it maybe even derive it yourself then you lead yourself you get an effect yourself i say life is able to affect playful interaction instead of teacher centered classes shona the scientist so much that she even uses the go to institutes app in her free time thats never happened to her with an ordinary vocabulary list. You can assume im good i always think its good to learn not only from books but also by using various materials its an alternative to of the smartphone games if im sitting in a subway or a taxi or whatever. Taxi it is all will gamification be the key to learning in the future. Educational scientist mark fabiani book these the advantages in using games for learning. But warn sick. Relying on them alone. I think game of occasion is more promising for continuing education and training because here its about learning in addition to what we already know we generally have specialists who have completed Vocational Training or a College Degree or both in schools certain forms can be practiced however game of occasion should not be upper hand but rather remain one of the many teaching approaches. For schoolchildren and College Students poring over books will not become all fun and games any time soon but gamification can be used effectively to train working adults. Apart from finding the most suitable application the success of the game a fight learning depends on how well it is designed for target audiences there is no one fits all solution. In an overall theres Great Potential for a game of occasion in very limited settings but not in others you cant replace lessons with a game of occasion people who say you can somehow play your way to a High School Diploma or the like are underestimating the educational process considerably. The language students at the go to institute have come a step closer to solving the crime and have learned their new Vocabulary Words almost effortlessly above all theyve had fun while learning. And. People want to know everything this is why they study the subject of games to called dollar gee what is new dodgy this is what medical peter will talk about with you. Or that all of us today i get to play on it im at the institute for a dollar gee in berlin and with me is professor. No head of a sense. So what is lead ology what do you do all day long to think of dark wouldnt you donna g. Is the science of game playing we study the widest range of games there are explorative games that we can look at spontaneous free play fantasy games role playing and building games and then all the regular ones like board games card games phone and Computer Games that. You know or why study them once we want to identify player motives and also look at the crossover with other areas like health games for example management and Software Development game full design those are the buzzwords. Games help to train our minds and develop social skills to how does that work. Games allow us to step out of reality and enter a kind of magic circle and within that circle a whole other realm of experience opens up there we can reflect on our behavior and seek new ways of doing things for example change our behavior so that the next time were in the same situation we hopefully respond better with games and just about passing the time what other functions do they have. They involve a lot more than that they develop our personalities sharpening individual characteristics how open we are whether we stand by our word how easy we are to get along with how emotionally stable those are all components that we learn and train indirectly through games and if you say adults should play to why were here obviously everyone has their own personal experiences of games and games have changed over the years i wouldnt say everyone should always play the same thing these days there are so many different games that provide just the right challenges for adults too and we adults are constantly in different roles anyway we play a particular role in our jobs every day we also have to deal with various conflicts around us and games are a way of getting into conversation about those conflicts in society kings organized dialogue. And online games of the subject of heated debate people say game is isolated they may become aggressive or develop Mental Health issues what does science have to say about that. So on the 1st issue of isolation today online games are mainly Multiplayer Games so they actually bring people together from different cultures. You get to know each other and communicate with others beyond your National Borders then theres the issue of addiction studies have shown that Computer Games are no more addictive than other things that we enjoy doing on a daily basis. We can become addicted to many things or use them even though we believe them to be unhealthy and thats where parents are needed or people around you who can say what are you doing there. Do you enjoy games. Of course its part of my job and thats how i got into this field in the 1st place i started out with board games in my job and i still enjoy analog games to this day but i also play computer. Or end smartphone games Computer Games but how about ludo or parcheesi. Yes this is a classic board game that can help train emotional stability in children and young people. Its a game that helps us to try to deal with setbacks in life so that we can enter a peaceful paradise or nirvana at some stage which is the name of the game. And im going to fancy a game sure if ill start the interviews over now we can finally play youre. Only a 34. This is going to take a while back to the show. In good shape your Weekly Health program on d w covers many aspects of health care if we look at whats new in medical treatment nutrition fitness and beauty. We talk about these topics in depth with the experts and give you the chance to pose your own questions so to get in touch. There are diseases ive never heard of before the show take. For instance this is the fear of a bad breath even though the breath is clean and very fresh and there is no phobia which is a fear of about breath even if your doctor tells you that your breath is fine and there is healing ptosis this is a bad breath but you can do a lot of things against it. Bad breath can be very unpleasant both for the person who has it and the person that. Many people think the putrid smell comes from the stomach but thats very rarely the case usually the cause of bad press can be found in the mouse. Food that smelled delicious at the table like garlic or onions can lead to bad rest later. The bad smell usually dissipates off to 2 days its really transients but chronic bad breath known as hallett ptosis is different it has to be treated. This isnt because usually lies in the oral cavity. The salmonella when a patient comes complaining of bad breath or when we notice it during an examination i always look to see if there are bacteria are there any noakes where they might be hiding is the patient good about oral hygiene are there any food particles crowns bridges in the plants can also be the cause not known as. Food stuck between the teeth gets attacks and eaten by an aerobic bacteria. Jaring that digestion process strong smelling sulfur rich gases develop the how to meet a can detect and quantify those gases released by bacteria in the mouth through. Careful oral hygiene is essential brushing your teeth is not enough dental floss should be used every day also to clean the neck of the tooth below the gum line. For. Using and into dental brush is also effective. On the lead and russia tongue too especially the back of it where lots of bacteria luck. Its a mobile flushes the surface of the tongue isnt flat it has little crevices and bacteria can set up shop there they then give off sulphurous fumes which smell bad suns and up to here. So dont forget to brush the back of your tongue caffie. Another way to combat bad breath is by drinking lots of water the most alive we produce the easier it is for the mouse to flush away the food. A healthy natural diet also helps avoid too much protein and processed foods. Chewing rosemary parsley or cloves can improve your breath cause moment cloves even have antibacterial properties. Boiled pulling is often said to reduce bad breath bacteria in the mouth for 10 minutes a day before you brush your teeth you can swish Vegetable Oil back and forth in your mouth between the teeth and then spit it out. Chewing gum and hard candy can mask bad breath but only briefly the most important thing is oral hygiene flossing and brushing your tongue should become part of the daily routine alongside brushing your teeth and dont forget to drink lots of water. And bad press good press. People have been trying to spice up their love life with a lot of every x. Like these mushrooms and plants mouths excrements grains of cats and donkeys. Pubic hair and sweat and blood i asked mr peter to try out some of them but he refused so we have to watch this report instead. Look into inject some fresh energy into your love life perhaps having the right menu could add a spark to that candlelit dinner. The 1st ingredient you might want to consider is fairly common. Tomatoes. Surely theyre not called love apples for nothing. But other vegetables are also said to have an aphrodisiac effect celery contains a naturally occurring steroid thought to boost sexual attraction. And there must be a reason why. Inexpensive spice like saffron has been prized for millennia its used for seasoning rice everywhere from india to spain. Strawberries champagne and oysters are all considered aphrodisiacs. But before you all rush out to invest time and money in your love menu do these promises actually hold true. Food scientist and doctor named dean battling is skeptical. Doesnt shaft now fire control studies have not been able to scientifically prove the effects of most foods and how. Its your if there is an effect youd need to eat the kind of amounts every day that normal people wouldnt manage tax. For the hormone like substances and tomatoes to work as an aphrodisiac you would need to eat and in 10 minutes 2 to 3 kilos every day. Fortunately our expert does know of a few other candidates that are more effective as an aperitif she recommends making tea out of a rather modest looking plant called damiana thats native to the americas. Divison heart. We now know that they spawn contains special essential oils tannins and gleick hosted a compound that increases the abdominal organs and that can indeed have a positive effect on your love life after steve is slim and 5. For a starter we suggest a tomato salad and a celery smoothie but not for any aphrodesiac effect. On. Fresh fruit and vegetables contain fly. Benoits which are thought to reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction theyre also likely to make you feel more energetic which can surely only help with romantic post me electives so a healthy diet is a good Long Term Strategy all around. For a more immediate effect dr banning all mon turns to what she calls her drugs proper. Saffron is a spice that comes from the filaments inside a certain variety of progress its only used in miniscule amounts in cooking. And just today indian go backs and the saffron crocus belongs to a family of plants that is quite potent shrink says the strands of sash on the powerful even in tiny amounts on sex from definitely affects you sure and contractions and you certainly shouldnt consume more than 1. 5 grams a day. Or tack definitive x. Marks in my eyes come off from comms afghans who say seem. To be safe were only going to use one small bag around half a gram soaked in a little white wine for our main course of todd lee attempt with sack on. The heart of the chili the greater the boost to your circulation than your sex drive. After wiping the sweat off your brow from the main course a dessert of strawberries bonilla ice cream and chocolate would not go amiss right. Well better not. To assume otherwise you could argue all that good work by a cord so hard to hide the high sugar content in the high fat content in a dessert like that does give you a brief energy boost by down off it then off to about 15 to 20 minutes youre more likely to feel it once and feel the need to go to sleep instead of just producing a hot shot from. Eat the strawberries on their own for dessert and another tip offering to clean up the kitchen can also help improve your partners news but of course that can wait till the morning. Well be back in one week see you then indulge in the nuts all try to stay in good shape. After. Meals new high tech flagship and indeed. Its all read on is now available as a plug in hybrid. Electric motors. Born into climate family below fig leaf tested out. Red. 30. W. Whats the secret behind this classic. Visit to sound. As soon as you hear beethoven lose your mind. Or the story behind the music. Was a hit for the ages greatest. Cause. Beethovens 9th symphony for the world starts to simmer down on t. W. In the far north. Beyond the inhabitable world its lonely. And breathtakingly beautiful. Arctic our full expanse of bitter cold. The sound of global warming. Temperatures around the north pole. Profiteers and talk with people experiencing a changing environment the ice disappears earlier and it keeps retreating ha heres the last years have been smelling rough. Makes it hard wish they should. Our future depends on what happens here in one of the most fragile ecosystems on earth. Northern lights with the Arctic Circle starts december 21st w. W news live from berlin and then as well as vote for a new parliament known as the National Assembly of the opposition is boycotting the election alleging its rigged in favor of the Ruling Socialist Party president Nicolas Maduro used the opportunity to type in his grip on power also on the show i have a way to find to remember england is think of football the top 2 teams in the league go the distance we tell you who came out on top its a life in and reigning champion fire munich

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