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Have not yet been completed his teachers and social with was among the 1st to receive the shot. Clashes have broken out in paris between police and protesters demonstrating what they say i was singing Economic Conditions and deteriorating social rights and freedoms in france the parties come says president no Government Faces heavy criticism for trying to push through a new controversy over security to. The 6 years and 6000000000 kilometers a japanese space capsule has touched down in these trailing outback with samples from a distant asteroid that could provide clues to the origin of the solar system and life on our planet its round trip journey took 6 he. This is the news from berlin you can follow us on twitter and instagram the handle is at de w. News website to be found at dega dot com. This week on world stories. In hungary a Radio Station critical of the government is fighting for its survival armenians are mourning the loss of an old monastery in nickel and we start in germany the federal Public Prosecutor general in concert is examining a lawsuit against syrias assad regime its concerns the use of chemical weapons against civilians the evidence is overwhelming. The screams of frictions who died in the searing gas attack in ghouta to this day still echo in the ears of syrian nurse. She wants nothing more than syrian president bashar assad and the perpetrators of the attack to be charged she and her husband while im at our witnesses of a criminal complaint filed in germany by human Rights Groups they wish to remain anonymous because they fear for their familys safety. Or what it was i fear for my mother and my sisters who are still living in syria and the whole because the regime is my rule and unjust and it has no mercy if it had a conscience it wouldnt have done these things. On august 21st 2013 at least 4 rockets loaded with sarin gas warheads struck rebel held parts of Eastern Ghouta i was more than a 1000 people were killed many of them children among them was imminent eldest son they too were exposed to serin and were unconscious for days to this day the Syrian Regime denies any responsibility for the attack if i hope that one day i can stand before a judge and tell them what these chemical attack did to us on the everything came out that it was an arab thing that i cannot describe to you give people relying on the ground like ants being killed by bug spray these images never leave my mind. Hardly a cut it was convinced that the Syrian Regime was behind the attack for years his organization the syrian archives along with 2 other human Rights Groups have meticulously analyzed the attack from the suspected launch sites to the rockets used therefore also documented undisclosed chemical weapons facilities including west air and was hidden after 2013 we think from our investigation that most probably 450. A network of different entities that are responsible for the coordination. Execution of these attacks the w. s Investigative Team along with german news magazine der spiegel was given exclusive access to parts of the criminal complaint it includes testimonies from 50 defectors with firsthand knowledge of the Chemical Weapons Program and names suspected perpetrators such as bashar assad and his younger brother my hair. We have one witness who has described the request for the use of sarin gas comes from mar all saw and then is communicated to the president ial palace where it is approved we believe it is approved or ordered by. The criminal complaint was filed in october with the chief federal prosecutor consul well while crimes unit has been investigating atrocities in syria for years. Eman was traumatized by the events she suffers from depression and needs medication to make it through the day. But the investigation in germany has given her strength and hope that the people responsible for all the suffering will finally be helped to look out. The true patio station is one of hungarys announced critical voices in the media landscape and the government is doing everything in its power to silence it now its broadcasting license is about to expire. I. Pulled out the latest news in 3 minutes clip radio is a popular station in budapest and one of only a few Media Outlets that are critical of the government but their license expires in 3 months and the authorities have so far refused to extend it. Though to the vast majority of the hungary and media slave usually follow the was of the government. For a lot of hungary and its the only side of the argument that they hear clap radio does not communicate like this we are so to speak an obstacle to the complete domination of the hungary and mind. They called us. And their voices seem to be needed now more than ever with the coronavirus pandemic raging through the country hungry as Prime Minister viktor orban is using the crisis to seize more power his critics say daniel works with a hung jury on Civil Liberties union the n. G. O. Recently published a report showing how theyre condemning has led to more corruption in the country one example is the purchase of ventilators by the Foreign Ministry menu shakedown ventilators were purchased in huge quantities and significantly overpriced only some of them are likely to be used in. Of care and protection against the epidemic and thats another course on top of the fact that they were wired at an inflated price in the us or youre. Just because. This mans mission is to uncover corruption at the highest level and to call it out because had has he is an independent member of the hunger in parliament he tells me that all banks government is plagued by corruption and that its high time for the you to take action. While im here mordaunt somehow this has to be resolved the government cannot continue to steal or spend your funds uncontrolled all one uses this money to pay his people this is how he maintains this fraudulent system. But the victor all band of flex and criticism and is challenging the use plans to tie funding to respect for the rule of law we wanted to speak about this with his spokesperson but he canceled the interview at short notice. The journalist said club radio hoping for International Support and they are determined to continue their work if necessary both streaming their shows via the internet that however would mean a much smaller audience. Despite major advancements in aids treatments being a chinese pandemic is still far from under control especially in africa in south africa alone nearly 8000000 people live with the virus. For almost 2 decades the Nonprofit Organization hope has been an important point of contact for those living with hiv like here in the cape town township of guilt. Trip 2 years ago luis morris worked in a Textile Factory but then her life took a difficult turn an accident left her unable to work out problems followed and then she became infected with h i feed. My family didnt want to have anything to do with me after my h. I. V. Diagnosis. They cut off contact and even now if my neighbors knew that i have a chevy they would only say hi from a distance they wouldnt invite me to their homes. Doctor isnt raining is used to hearing similar stories. At least hoffa of the community has a Family Member or somebody that they know that they can be positive but its but its so common here but people dont speak about it. They people are basically not open about it they might speak to us about it the mad speak to the Service Providers about it but they will they finitely not speak theyre not open about the status they worried about discrimination the preventative drug prep has been available for several years around 90000. 00 South Africans protect themselves against hiv infection by taking a daily tablet now a study into a similar preventative drug that needs to only be injected every 8 weeks has found it to be even more efficient. So women are judged as living with hiv if theyre taking pills that look like antiretrovirals they may have judgments about their Sexual Activity and partners may feel that they are wanting to be unfaithful so there are many barriers to taking a pill a day and what the injections were able to do is overcome some of those challenges by of being discreet and coming and independent researchers also see the injection as an Important Development but further research is necessary to find other actions to prevent hiv in women young women are the hardest hit group in south africa hopeful in cape town and also believes the injection could be a great help but it may not be available for a number of years. After the Peace Agreement from the go on air travel back came into effect as a pie journey troops advanced into territories inhabited by a 1000000 years and now have to say well today all the time. All old. Prayer for what is lost oh so. Armenians are saying goodbye to the daddy bank monastery the house of worship is in one of several regions being handed over to azerbaijan after a peace deal. Says such a priest here says he can only hope believers will still be able to reach this holy site from armenia well look. We know that the negotiations about the road leading here are still ongoing but weve been assured that the church will remain ours this road should stay in service. We worship here why should we priests leave the church theres no reason for us to leave. Monastery is ancient most likely dates from the 9th century for days armenians have been coming here to take a final look the mood is a mix of grief and defiance now we came to say good bye we probably wont be able to come here any more more of abortion euthanasia but. I hope this wont be a final farewell to monastery we will come here again i know that russian peacekeepers have been stationed here to guard the monastery some of the armenian visitors bring them sweets to thank them. Already the monastery stands in the landscape like a bastion the village around it is deserted. For days many locals in the area have been burning their own houses leaving only scorched earth behind for us or by john the owner of this house was already gone when we arrived. In nearby villages people tell us theyre still unsure which areas will ultimately be under control for now. Is staying with relatives in the village of it in which will stay armenian she says shes waiting to find out the fate of her town the mountains of. May now be peaceful but many of the Ethnic Armenians leaving say they would rather keep fighting than lose so much of their homeland. Once the secret passage. To sound. Or the story behind the music i. Just. Leave the tobins nights for the world starts to simmer not on g. W. Why are people forced to hide in trucks. Led. To such places cancer was was and there are many stories was. Playing make up your. Place. Made for mines. In november 2900 hundreds of thousands of people spontaneously took to the streets in iran soon are just cities men and women blocks traffic and trampled on portray hts of the countrys leaders. The crowds who are upset about a huge increase in gasoline prices following months of fuel rationing. Since 2018 iran has been hit hard by new u. S. Economic sanctions and the government has taken a hard line against the protests. After the 1st demonstrations blocks Internet Access nationwide for several days to keep people from posting reports about the protests several 100 people were killed in the clashes and at least 7000 were arrested. I irans leaders blamed the demonstrations on its enemies. I mean. This youre ok nor can. You. Have just read the book. As youve been seeing. Trick i think if youre. You know having. The see the matter. Know. That. The u. S. Has applied maximum economic and political pressure on iran to try to get the countrys leaders to approve a new agreement on their Nuclear Program. Many western experts see iran as a threat to political stability in the middle east iran has staged provocations in the persian gulf and its allies are playing an active role in conflicts in syria yemen and iraq. But the sanctions really having any impact on irans foreign and domestic policy some western experts believe they have actually helps to keep the countrys islamic government in power but what is clear is the devastating impact they have had on ordinary iranians. At 1st glance the sanctions appear to have had little effect on the capital tehran. But a closer look shows that these measures have hit the middle and lower classes hard inflation and unemployment are high. Lost her job at a factory cheering the 1st wave of u. S. Sanctions in 2010 shes a single parent and now works as a seamstress every day life is hard. The sanctions make our lives really difficult every day. We can barely make ends meet some of us thought theres a lot less work right now compared to 3 or 4 years ago so well call me over the because we used to get orders from everywhere the business is very slow right now so the workshop often has to shut down. Town so theres anymore because we dont earn enough money to pay the rent or tuition fees for our children or medical care. Callum and others at that that the caller called in him to i had to call and i suffer from back pain and i shouldnt be working. But i have to so that i can earn at least a little money from this job as im getting and us. Supports herself and her son on the equivalent of just 60 euros a month. Going to the mother stuff everything is very expensive and if i want to buy rice i have to ask a Charity Organization for help. I dont even have enough money to buy a simple bag of rice at the opinion that when a farmer. Or what company is the same with beans or lentils. I cant afford to buy them. Another yard bison cheese now and then. It used to cost a 1000. 00. Now put out today its 10000. 00. And forget about me its just too expensive. Can you please scan everything slowly i cant spend more than 100000 so. Whats the total 54000. 00. There are plenty of goods in the shops but because of soaring inflation fuelled by the sanctions most people cant afford to buy them the government provide small cash subsidies to some people. Place help me with this will you thanks. Akram 17 year old son loves to play soccer but he had to quit so he could take part time jobs to pay his school face. Was. Lousy for your loss i thought its hard for young people to find work especially if youve got a College Degree a lot of those people are unemployed and the politicians have to do something so that we dont end up like that. Because. I had one chance and one time the west is trying to get us to take to the streets to protest against down government they want us to believe that the state is trying to keep us down and doesnt care about us they want us to rebel against the government. And push on with their plans havent worked and if we stick together they never will. That. Was. The. Government sponsored propaganda praises the countrys economic independence despite western sanctions. For 4 decades irans conservative islamic government has adopted policies that have isolated the country and raise tensions with the United States. Tatty in the hot bed yes the sanctions have had an impact but we can deal with it sean we share a border with 15 countries you can always get around an embargo. Sure there are cracks in the wall of sanctions the u. S. Is gradually losing International Support. Well just continue to focus on our Domestic Production capability. Since ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini came to power in 1979 the us has imposed sanctions on iran several times the 1st of these measures was ordered by president jimmy carter after University Students seized the u. S. Embassy in november 1979 and held 52 diplomats and civilian workers hostage. Who the united. You the hostages were held for 444 days until january 981 relations between irans new government and the United States could not have got off to a worst start. The u. S. Soon froze about 12000000000. 00 in iranian assets and american sanctions made it difficult for iran to buy food spare parts and medical products overseas in 1995 president clinton impose new sanctions and these were a new job by the Bush Administration. Washington accused iran of using the revolutionary guard corps to promote terrorism in the middle east the u. S. Said the guard supplied weapons to and training for hezbollah militants in lebanon and various Palestinian Resistance movements. President george w. Bush was also concerned about irans alleged efforts to build Nuclear Weapons. The United States of america will not permit the worlds most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the worlds most destructive weapons. In 2002 bush described iran as part of an international axis of evil in 2010 president barack obama announced new sanctions as iran continued to defy international demands to change course on its Nuclear Program similar calls came from the European Union and the u. N. Security council. But irans new president Mahmoud Ahmadinejads promised that the country would push ahead with its Nuclear Program. During the Bush Administration and certainly during the Obama Administration sanctions were intended to be leverage for diplomatic success that was the point that you were going to apply pressure so that you could take it away as part of a negotiated agreement to deal with the Nuclear Issue obama would not have been sad if the regime had transformed itself you know a true democracy emerging inside of iran i think would be something that would be appreciated by countries around the world but obama explicitly said that iran does government is irans government and that you know we respect the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of iran so he was not looking to change the regime in iran. Washingtons new efforts to bring iran to the negotiating table page 25th enough to several years of talks iran agreed to strict conditions and transparency controls on its Nuclear Program in return for an easing of International Sanctions the 5 permanent members of the u. N. Security council plus germany played a key role in the negotiations. This nuclear deal meets the National Security interests of the United States and our allies it prevents the most serious threat. Of telling a Nuclear Weapon which would only make the other problems that may cause even worse. Thats why this deal makes our country and the world safer and more secure obama looked at the middle east as a region that had always complicated u. S. Foreign policies and he was looking to try and find a way of getting us out of the middle east quagmire that he saw it with whether its with iraq or whether its with afghanistan or the broader regional conflict and i think he thought that trying to get a resolution the Nuclear Issue and other regional issues with iran would be one step towards doing that they didnt mean that he thought that that would transform the middle east or that he was trying to handle iran control of the middle east as some of his opponents have said but i think obama believed that a Nuclear Agreement would be one of the 1st steps towards a different u. S. Relationship and u. S. Set of interests in the middle east than what it had been over the course last 20 or 30 years. You know that i mean the iranians never said that theyd change their policies toward syria iraq and yemen after theyd signed the agreement thats not what the trees he was about and you know was not perfect but it did create conditions that would depending on which close you look at it that prevent iran from using Nuclear Power if a military purposes for the next 1015 or 20 is under the supervision of the International Atomic energy agency. Suitable cool. Nobody will get all they want we didnt get all we wanted the United States didnt get what they wanted french germany britain even china russia didnt get to nature of this type of negotiations i wouldnt accuse anybody of being soft its just a process of negotiation. And vienna agreeing. And gave new hope to the people of iran who looked forward to an easing of sanctions. And it was a success for irans new president Hassan Rouhani and foreign minister mohammed said. You. Know the. It was a victory for the moderates and it had the support of the supreme leader. But that support was calculated so to speak and it was not comprehensive. Rouhani and his people could never have gone as far as they did in the negotiations and they hadnt given them the green light and as we know hes not exactly a moderate like the one were dealing. Among the 1st to and to the new market to a big era pay in companies that build aircraft and automobiles or develop oil and gas Fields Company executives signed contracts with Senior Iranian officials tehran hope that these agreements would help to boost the economy. In 2017 to toggle frances Largest Energy company agreed to buy 150000 barrels of oil per day from iran and to develop a huge natural gas fields in the persian gulf. To travel if. The reformers in iran had very concrete expectations just as the europeans and americans did by hopes that iran could rebuild its economy and that this would lead to a more open society iran renounced the use of Nuclear Weapons and expected economic benefits in return they needed Foreign Investment to help them improve living standards. He says you poses a risk. That any move in this direction would cause trouble for the Islamic Revolutionary guard corps their job is to protect irans political system that. They also play an Important Role in irans economy and have actually profited enormously from the sanctions the posture on. Higher g. C. Whatever you like to call them takes advantage of it in in many ways they control all aspects of imports and exports in a situation like this and they operate sort of like. Mafia bosses they control the flow of counterfeit goods. Things like alcohol and cigarettes from from other countries food in this sort of circumstance they really gain and having lived through the previous round of of heavy sanctions in 20122013 the thing that i noticed most acutely was the massive wealth gap that was created you had a whole new class of people a Smaller Group of people who had tons of money limitless money one of the primary opponents to the j. C. B. Away was the Islamic Revolutionary guard corps it signaled a couple of things for them one it signaled a kind of rapprochement with the west to some degree and thats antithetical to their hold on power and the concentration of wealth that they want to for almost going to get an increased economic benefit under the g c p a way it was very clear that they couldnt get that benefit of the i or g. C. Had its tentacles of those companies the u. S. And the European Union were going to maintain significant sanctions on the i or g. C. Even after the the lifting of sanctions on the way and so iran had to get the r. G. C. Out of those companies it was a difficult balancing act not least because the sanctions still in place predicted American Companies from doing business in iran. Are not going to get notified if they will lock down to the market we couldnt use dollars in our transactions with iran and we couldnt employ any american as you know. When i travel to the us i couldnt do any business with iran the framework was rather strict not at the same time the agreement gave us the opportunity to take part in this Huge Development project we knew that doing business with iran was recently but nothing ventured nothing gained it was a gamble of it and we hoped that it would pay off who are. The. Companies that decided to go ahead with projects in iran didnt want to do anything to upset the u. S. Government especially the Treasury Department which in force is the sanctions which specifically prohibits the use of u. S. Dollars in business transactions with iran. In 2014 the French International Banking Group b. N. P. Had to pay nearly 9000000000. 00 in penalties after it pleaded guilty to violating u. S. Sanctions against tehran b m p p continue to engage in this activity even after they were being told by their own lawyers that the conduct was illegal the nature and scope of b n p p s criminal conduct far exceeded that in any previous criminal sanctions case thats been resolved by the department of justice todays nearly 9000000000. 00 penalty represents the staggering total volume of provable criminal conduct on b. N. P. Is part. Of the Iran Nuclear Deal generated a lot of opposition in the us powerful lobbying groups like united against nuclear iran kept trying to block its implementation their primary concern was that iran would use the agreement to secretly develop Nuclear Weapons keeps track of companies that do business with iran and puts pressure on them to stop. I had a theory that we could engage in economic war for. Instead of using soldiers and bullets to try to use pen and ink to convince a regime to shame its be able not only for the benefit of the United States but for france and the iranian people even ive contacted hundreds of French Companies and delegation but ive also sent thousands of letters to a town germans chinese russians americans and look my letter is very simple its basically a similar letter we do very Accurate Research and if if your Television Channel was trying to profit and make money around they would get a letter from me and i would say to your company look youre making a decision to do business with the most oppressive brutal Nuclear Weapons seeking regime in the world i would suggest to you that thats wrong. To me u. S. National security adviser john bolton serves on you and he said fries are a board and just long cold for regime change and. I had said for over 10 years since coming to these events that the declared policy of the United States of america should be the overthrow of the knowledge regime in tehran. Thats what i feel for 29 t. We here will celebrate in tehran thank you man. On january the 20th 2017 dont trump was sworn in as president. Foreign policy hoax rejoiced since trump had often criticised the Iran Nuclear Deal and us now in a position to scrap it. But he had made it very clear that he. He did not like anything that. Barack obama had done so one of his major task in life was to destroy the legacy of barack obama and he had already also. Criticized the Nuclear Agreement but i think most of that criticism is to please various pressure groups in the United States rather than. To. Advance the interests of the United States i think if the United States is interested in nonproliferation then it wont get a better deal than the tracy people. Just. Appointed bolton as National Security advisor in march 28th. The stage was now set for the u. S. To clean out as the Nuclear Agreement with iran. The fact is this was a horrible one sided deal that should have never ever been me. It didnt bring calm it didnt bring peace and it never will i am announcing today that the United States will withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal in a few moments i will sign a president ial memorandum to begin reinstating u. S. Nuclear sanctions on the uranium regime. President trump aimed to put what he called maximum pressure on iran this included the toughest economic sanctions imposed so far by the u. S. From said he wanted to try to bring iran to the negotiating table. To negotiate promptly also means secretary of state pompei o then gave iran a list of 12 demands that would serve as preconditions for the talks if you want to negotiate sure you see the condition and i go but those conditions were completely one sided. And so harsh that it would have been suicidal for iran to accept the offer to. Dont go didnt go look on the one hand trump wanted to scrap the original agreement even though iran was playing by its rules at the same time he wanted to negotiate a new deal that would cover not only irans Nuclear Program but also irans policies in the middle east and its arsenal of Ballistic Missiles from completely misread the situation where the office morning. On iraq. So. Far all. Karol motto my. Mil let him on him all gather. In may 2019 the u. S. Tightened the sanctions that cover sales of irans Petroleum Oil exports account for a substantial portion of the countrys income tankas sat idle of. Irans largest commercial ports oil exports soon hit record lows and that hurt the countrys economy even more. In may 2019 several foreign tankers were attacked in the gulf of them on the us suspected iran was behind these incidents but tehran denied any responsibility. Iran also seized a british tanker in the strait of hormuz and in june shot down a u. S. Surveillance drone that provides an Immediate Response from the white house. Trump has been saying things like that for years hes a megalomaniac but all he can do is make threats i get even for the one im on says if iran does this or that we will react what did he do when we shot down that american drone really did nothing but post a few tweets. Iran shifts from what it calls maximum patience to maximum resistance and its their way of saying that look were not going to just sit as this economic pressure mounts and we also havent seen the. Europeans and the the other members of the nuclear deal do what we expect from them in terms of economic normalization that that key bargain in the nuclear deal and so we are going to respond in the ways that we can one is were going to stop complying fully with the g. C. And every 60 days we are going to breach some of the restrictions that the deal has not because we want a Nuclear Weapon but because this is how we can kind of add an impetus to efforts to stabilize the deal that is the rain you know argument what the iranians are trying to do i mean theyre really trying to build leverage not a bomb right now they want to build leverage against the europeans against the u. S. To try to compel some economic assistance and to have something to trade away once they go sheesh and start up again which might be a couple of years down the line. In a round the hope that was generated by the vienna agreement soon gave way to frustration and disappointment there would be no lucrative european contracts and no new jobs western companies simply did not want to risk violating the u. S. Sanctions. System a security its a diabolical system the u. S. President can choose 5 sanctions from a list of 12 but no one knows which 5 some of the mood be deadly for a company like to a town for example trump could ban us from using the American Financial system. He says if an International Company like total cant issue bones denominated in dollars wed be in big trouble. Could also stop americans from buying shares in total right now about 30 percent of our shares are owned by american citizens because these sanctions demonstrate the power of american capitalism because the u. S. Can impose its will on. International companies. Are. Multinational corporations pulled back from contracts theyd signed with iran the sanctions also made life hard for ordinary iranians these measures extended even to imports of medicines and medical equipment. Supplies of pharmaceuticals from europe dropped sharply. To some iranians then when the alternatives. On the market share i need this medicine for my wifes chemotherapy or not well being why have they slapped an embargo on it

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