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Out on Donald Trumps presidency he sees order to reduce troop numbers here. And many are calling it a Seismic Shift for phil Warner Brothers is a Game Changing Distribution Plan for 2021 that has found its rejoicing and sit down in the dumps. Im from ghana welcome to the program and as well holes parliamentary elections on sunday but the opposition is boycotting it cold but boycotting the vote called by president doro Opposition Leader im head of the National Assembly line quite claims the polls have been rigged in the president s favor in order to strengthen maduna script on power and his followers years of turmoil that have seen venice when they become increasingly isolated and desperate. An epic predawn line for gasoline in venezuela shortages widespread hunger broken down institutions all made worse by International Sanctions yet despite it all president Nicolas Maduro has clung to power his nemesis speaker of the assembly and selfproclaimed president one guy you know now working from home 37 years old hes made a career out of denouncing maduros policies hes organized the National Referendum after the vote and invalidating the upcoming elections. It was a. Section called by the dictatorship will be held without any of the necessary conditions theres no right to elect and be elected no independent arbitrator no possibility of free participation by Political Parties a little bit on the government of the openly people. But his call for a referendum has split in the already weakened opposition as it did not but if not participating in these elections is not only suicide but also an irresponsible attitude to the suffering of the venezuelan people and i doubt it is nothing to decide because all the competitors were chosen by the regime. So who are you going to elaborate. Venezuela has been in political crisis since the disputed election in 2018 thats on Nicolas Maduro win by a wide margin most of the International Community including the u. S. And the European Union said the election was not free or fair they took quite a side as Assembly Speaker he was next in line to be president under the venezuelan constitution for the standoff followed quite oh held mass rallies and attracted International Backing but he failed to convince the military and the deros stayed on. Since then maduro has consolidated power sidelining the National Assembly and installing a parallel legislative house filled by loyalists. Meanwhile why does popularity and influence have shrunk dramatically some coming election is likely his last stand up big win by my dear rose ruling party which is almost guaranteed. Is no longer speaker that will leave my dear old without any serious competition. For us where lawmakers in congress are preparing to block president ordered to withdraw u. S. Troops from germany in july the pentagon announced they would withdraw about a 3rd of the 36000 u. S. Troops based here but in a rare example of bipartisanship the final version of the annual defense bill support see continued presence of u. S. Forces in germany and requires a full Impact Assessment to be carried out before the removal of any u. S. Troops a package of measures still has to be voted on. For now it looks like all 34. 00 and a half 1000 u. S. Troops in germany will be staying put for a while longer the defense bill before the u. S. Congress puts a 4 month hold on plans to withdraw American Forces news that was welcomed in berlin. It was so well but this is im glad that there appears to be agreement between republicans and democrats in washington on revisiting this decision we will certainly discuss this with the new American Administration in jew course. But in the meantime were going to show the patient. President donald trump announced the surprise withdrawal in july a punitive measure against germany who the president clients is delinquent in its nato payments. Hes plan to reduce American Forces stationed in germany 12000. 00 troops beyond that the details are unclear. Its just whether or not they stay in germany or whether they are moved to other places in certain instances so that has been well it has been put forward but it certainly will be open for another administration to look at the president Analysts Expect president elect joe biden to reverse all or at least part of trumps plans u. S. Lawmakers are also wary of the impact on already strained u. S. German taz. Yet were now seeing Congress Taking up the matter and questioning the purpose of that would draw the u. S. Wants to define its National Interests but it also wants to keep germany as a strong nato papa. And the cost and logistical complexity of relocating thousands of u. S. Troops may also persuade washington to leave them where they are. Let me tell you about 2 top story which concerns of venezuela is Holding Parliamentary Elections on sunday but the opposition. Is calling for a boycott thats showing d. W. Correspondent to Johan Ramirez who resigned about latin america correspond he joins us from bogota a welcome johan to one quite those that claim that the election is going to be rigged to those claims have any merit. Look feel lets see just the facts. They were chosen the dates of this election he chose the electoral authorities he chose the candidates because theyre political practice of the opposition they are participating in this election yes that because and they got his mother a new leaders of this Political Parties and thats why these opposition parties are in this election so he shoots all of this elements and even the press had been facing limitations i was supposed to be in caracas right now and hours before taking my flight i was informed that my press accreditation was denied so they maybe they dont want the international and free press to see and to show what is going to happen on this week and so on these circumstances he choose candidates to choose the referee is going count hes going to count the votes they are forcing the people to vote this week the us out of a of the 2nd money should be small he said that those who want both want to eat country not he said those who want votes will go on a hunger quote and thank you now you know a politician saying that right now so on their decision circumstances is that a Fair Election i think he would have the answer feel ok so why do has called for the election to be boycotted and hes organized his own referendum instead in order to achieve what. He wants to ask people if they won the mother or to get out of power if they recognize or not the election off next sunday and if the people want one by the on the opposition to us how to International Community to get out to get rid of nicoles mother i mean questions that he has already asked i think that he wants to legitimize hes his period us president of the National Assembly its a very complicated a moment for the opposition because from sunday on they want be impractical that this legally they want be in power but actually in practical terms is one change anything because look feel a sense of 5 years in 2002051 these are some National Assembly was elected the Justice System of Nicolas Maduro to go away all the far worse off this i simply sell for 5 years they havent. Legislate day having to create a how they create laws so in practical terms nothing is going to change the opposition is not going to run anything because actually they have already lost everything so it was a given that then if mature a texan opossum this a election under boycotts it then how does he lead how does he lead in a position without a place within the legislature. I think that one way though counts still with the support of the International Community and that is very important if another leader take the view that the leadership of the opposition it would imply that they fell into the International Community all of these more than 50 countries the had support to one by the on the on the recognized by the us president often as well that will well have to recognize the new either and eat the along a difficult process maybe the most intelligent for the opposition in this a very complicated moment is to keep one by the us leave their opposition Johan Ramirez thank you for that. Now lets take a look at some of the other making headlines around the world china has released images of its National Flag being unfurled on the moon just before its manned spacecraft and lifted off carrying samples of lunar rocks to study on earth the mission is the latest in a series of increasingly ambitious Space Exploration as beijing seeks to catch up with the u. S. And russia. And started to move the hinge refugees to a new offshore camp around 1600 muslims who had to fled minbar were ferried to the previously uninhabited island aboard navy vessels the u. N. Says the refugees should be allowed to decide for themselves whether to bring ok and currently hosts more than a 1000000 brigette mostly in overcrowded refugee camps. On the edge and rebirth of a nightclub that was forced to close because of the corona virus pandemic has opened as a coffee at 90 test center kickout was a popular venue for swingers and fetishists the club has advised its new visitors coming for a rapid virus test arrived closed and not happy to kasi. Its being called the paradigm shift for the Entertainment Industry Warner Brothers studios says that next year it will simple tennessee debut all of its movies and cinemas and on its new streaming service h. B. O. Racks traditionally Movies Private 1st 3 months exclusively in cinemas studio executives say the strategy will be in place for a year and will only apply to the u. S. Market but she has already struggling cinema operates just how nosedives. So lets get more on this from scott rocks for from the dove new culture welcome scott so one presumes that this is a reaction to the pandemic how big a deal is the actual move itself its credible i dont think anyone and dissipated this its such a radical radical shift basically what water is doing for their customers in the u. S. Is saying for 15. 00 a month you can see big big movies essential for free so from for wonder woman doomed to make tricks for basically going to be giving them away for free with these subscriptions and this huge push to get people to sign up for a for h. B. O. Max and this interest because one of them was the one studio that since corona started since the pandemic hit brought out a big movie they released 10 it worldwide but obviously people want to crunch the numbers in the u. S. On that film and found it didnt make the money that they wanted to and so theyre taking it theyre weighing the risks and saying instead of releasing these big movies in the u. S. Were going to wait until we make sure that the cinemas are going to be open again that will go back to normal will be full again before we bring out our big movies there until that time were just going to put them out online so what about the cinemas and already forced to close because of covert best theres less for them to look forward to opening for now yeah and i think its a disaster for the cinemas they seem to be quite caught off guard here apparently some of the bigger senate chains only knew a couple of hours before warren. Also this if they were going to do this already there are some the bigger chains are talking about renegotiating their agreements with warners because they say if wonder woman is going to be coming out online and instead of the same time in the us were not going to charge 1516. 00 whatever the normal prices for a theater ticket what people can get it for free at home so will be an interesting procedure now to see how cinemas negotiate with with the warners side and maybe get different different price structures but. For a lot of people are saying now that the cinemas it this could be the last blow for some cinema change in the us theyve been hard hit theyve been losing money this entire year if they dont have any movies to look forward to that they can have exclusively to draw people back in it might take even longer for them to get back on their feet so the studios like to follow this lead i think are both going to be looking at this to see how warner does. You could see a company like disney take this approach they already have a big streaming Service Disney plus theyve done this with a couple of their films brought them out online although disney is always charged extra for the films they release exclusively on un disney plus if this works for warner i think you could see some of the studios copy it the thing is though this is going to be a loss leader for want of this is a big big movies theyve cost a lot of money to make they cant really make that money back alone with their h. B. O. Max streaming service so itll be interesting to see if in the end it works out for them that they grow their service big enough that they can get enough revenue to make up for the losses if that works then i think this could be a paradigm shift and you could see other studios follow their lead. From data and culture thank you so much for that. Essential to date ill have more fear of the top of the hour day w. s coffin 19 special is next for the day. The fight against the corona virus pandemic. Has the rate of infection been developing what does the latest research say. Information and contacts the coronavirus update 19 specials. On t w 2 2 2 2. The corona virus pandemic is shutting the stores in new york city but the artists are moving in the bad news can seem endless but amidst the depression people are trying to find solace in. August there are not only for us to show people see. Means to see if they can still say you can use to celebrate this space with all the soul or just the changes you move. But it also brings foot traffic to the area it helps a rounding stores that are struggling to make rent payments it is a. Arts and business together theyre coping with bad news in a city that desperately needs good news especially now people seen it looks good it is in. Its Natural Beauty is still here still fighting. For. The collaboration of landmarks businesses an artist in new york shows how important it is to cling to positive things especially in times of crisis. Alone welcome to our good night in special here and g. W. News im good to have you with us how do you feel today well these days its not easy to find that Silver Lining on the horizon right especially when you get bombarded with bad news day in day out its time for the media to do better india and there are Record Number of new coronavirus cases on sunday hundreds of elephants. In recent months being described as nonstop bad news is the world really in such a thoroughly terrible state for countries in the region. That of course the current coronavirus pandemic is indeed an extraordinary global crisis. But if you take a longer term view you see there have been many positive trends infant mortality has never been lower. And the number of People Killed in natural disasters has been averaging downwards on top still we often get the impression things are just getting worse and worse myself included even though as a journalist i dont just consume news but also help shape it. Why are we more sensitive to bad news doesnt have something to do with the brain im on my way to see neuroscientist martin. She has researched precisely these questions. That him all right. The brain processes negative news faster better and more intensively than positive or neutral news or to us we also remember it better in terms of evolutionary biology and processing negative information better than positive information has been helpful was it because in the age of the saber check tiger and woolly mammoth missing a piece of bad news might well mean thats it for you how. Studies have shown that test subjects from different parts of the world became more excited and healthier as soon as they were shown bad news regardless of their location and culture. Many Media Outlets use this effect to their advantage negative headlines sell more copies and get more clicks. Studies show that the media are publishing more and more of that news especially online. Just about how is it a problem if the media revel in bad news. And absolutely its worst and foremost it makes us all have negative expectations so we go through life with the worldview in which we assume the world is worse than it really is. To us. Was the impact of media reports can be extremely strong take the Boston Marathon vomit tack and 2013 for example some people who followed the news obsessive for more stressed and frightened than others who had been physically present. So what does this mean as it was elsas us most 1st of all it makes people less likely to take action you might think the realisation that we all have a worldview thats too negative would actually prompt people to become more active but many psychological studies have shown that that is precisely not the case on the right side just whats more it can promote chronic stress we know that chronic stress can be a factor in many diseases including diaby. Cardiovascular diseases have Mental Illnesses such as depression how can be depressed when you doubt it then. The coronavirus pandemic is a good example after months of bad news many people have grown weary of the crisis they feel helpless and wish things would go back to normal. As a journalist i have to consider whether i might be contributing to other people having a misguided bew of the world what can the media do better. Well thats the big question lets bring in all make haga rope founder and c. E. O. Of the Constructive Institute in journalism for tomorrow in denmark good to have you with us how do you cope with all the bad news. Bites riots. In the world and my news with both sides both looking for the problems but also feel that you are. The problem and the way forward. Not everybody is capable of doing it and we certainly learned that bad news sell better than good news it seems in the media then its all down to profit what course prompted Media Outlets to take a different approach here. Just a standard that is a big misunderstanding the american courts the 5th fleet at leats it turns out not to be true ask people on the street in berlin or elsewhere in the world do you need more news you need faster news they would most like you said no im drumming it but i need something i need something to trust i do need journalism but i knew you needed need journalism that is passionate but also give me a full picture of the world that is what people want they want not more information but they need navigation stories about where we are what we come from but especially moving ahead so the idea that its only fear that we should took tap into it that weve been doing in the news industry for years with telling people of the shield breaking news here something bad might happen here an appalling screening reship everything is going to help watch here that has been our strategy and it has turned out that people turn their back on us they are overwhelmed and they dont want to pay for it so if we think about it we should know and listen to psychologists who say yes fear is very strong and as you said it comes down from the stone age but hope you speak it and thats the reason why people get up and you know we still think and we remiss not to look into that absent a bit but we still have to obviously its a journalists job to report the truth and the truth isnt always beautiful yes and sadly a lot of bad things happen in the world so how can you as a responsible journalist strike the right balance reporting the truth but not adding to peoples anxiety. Yeah and we should not we should not give people false hope we will our job is not to put a smile on peoples faces we have the information to trust and we should remember that but we should we should see both the problems and then we should take one step further instead of just just looking for another story another problem we cant tap people on skilled is it you also have to watch this this could also be dangerous we should stick to the problem and ask the constructive questions pointing to the future asking now what and how if we have a problem what have other countries done that we can learn from and that such things as the come to say on things its a Perspective Office aleutians give people a helping hand and with half a minute to go is there anything positive in this Current Crisis the pandemic that we as dennis can take away from theres a lot one of them for me i dont have should spend 2 days going to billin to talk to you for 5 minutes i could stay here we had learned more and more to do that also in meeting in the Business World we have learned a lot of things in denmark for instance we should know and but people dont know that less people have died in denmark in 2020 then in the last 10 years every year why because people dont get the flu all right well thats thats in good news indeed only god are all there founder and c. E. O. Of the Constructive Institute generalism for tomorrow thank you so much youre welcome. Let time now for your questions over to a science correspondent eric williams. How are we supposed to deal with coronavirus fatigue when restrictions are being reimposed. This isnt a science question its a personal one but pandemic fatigue is affecting so many people all over the world but i wanted to spend a couple of minutes sharing my own thoughts on it here in germany where it gets dark and cold in the winter a lot of people are really dreading the next few months even though compared to many other European Countries things are fractionally going pretty well here so far but it feels like theyre balanced on the edge of a knife and it wouldnt take much to to tip the scales and slide the country into some some pretty Dark Territory so for me at least in addition to just being hedley sick of pandemic restrictions theres also an underlying layer of fear that never really goes away and getting through the next few months will be easier if i can lessen that. What helps me personally keep my fear somewhat at bay is is this focusing on the science which it is not to say that it provides Crystal Clear answers all the time science is messy and what it seems to be saying can often change over time just look at what it now says about man squaring for example compared to a year ago but the fact that ideas can change based on new have that evidence is not a weakness its actually science has great strains and look at how far its brought us less than a year after the 1st reported cases of the sometimes deadly fast spreading disease what weve learned about treating it has steadily lower if atallah the rates among those who catch it and and theres a good possibility well see large scale vaccination against cove at 19 next year and thats amazing because it shows we arent helpless even if we are afraid and exhausted by the whole pandemic thing i at least and now hopeful that if we can only hold out for a few more months things will look different in 2020 more in a nutshell i battle my own pandemic fatigue by reminding myself of how far weve already calm and with hope for where i think were going to be in the not too distant future. Im at sit stay safe and positive. Eco freaks. They have a Bad Reputation but they play a key role in the ecosystem. Which is a very much important in cleaning up the environment we call them nature has undertaken many species are endangered the project to kenya seeks to protect the unloved scavengers that. Means of talking to local people in africa. Next on t. W. The other one into an official estimates more than 1200000 venezuelans have been colombia legally and illegally. Why return to the fast lane. To visit friends is that i dont think id ever go back there to live you know what i live there again i dont know so im not sure. Witness global news that matters. Made for mines. Whats the secret behind this classic. Visit to south. Sudanese you hear beethoven lose your mind. Or the story behind the music. For the ages reduced. The. Last. Beethovens 9th symphony for the world starts to simmer down on g. W. Hello and welcome to eco africa on todays show we will talk about the problem of Plastic Waste all the waste and the impact that could be night in condemning is having on the environmentalists im now its a

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