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Studio. Plus many are calling it a Seismic Shift fulfill the promise announces a Game Changing Distribution Plan for 2021 us fans for joy sing but fear to owners down in the dumps. Because you have you with us lawmakers in the u. S. Congress are preparing to block president Donald Trumps order to withdraw u. S. Troops from germany its a rare instance off the democratic and republican parties working together to pass legislation the final version of the annual defense bill which still needs to be voted on his support for the continued presence of u. S. Forces in germany and it would require an Impact Assessment before any troops are removed in july this year the pentagon announced it would withdraw about a 3rd of the 36000. 00 u. S. Troops based here. So how likely is it that u. S. Troops will not be withdrawn from germany washington correspondent stephanie this is. Actually it is very likely that there wont be any withdrawal at least not under the reigns of this administration of the triumvirate ministration as you pointed out the budget Defense Budget package which is 4500. 00 pages that is a double whopper theyre. Saying that they 1st Want Congress senate and house of representatives want to hear from the defense secretary in a report about if this really makes sense if this is not harming National Security and only after this report comes in and only then congress will give its ok or not and no more than 120. 00 days after this report arrives is any troop reduction possible and now you do the math this administration and as president of the United States will be 50 more days in power and then it will be joe biden and his administration and there is expectation by many many experience and most observers see and by anybody in washington d. C. Political washington d. C. That he will revoke this plan to pull or pull american troops out of germany stefans he wants in washington joining me now from brussels is all nato correspondent Terry Schultz terry it was just a meeting of Foreign Ministers of nato what did you hear about this decision that. Well gary hart this didnt come up publicly at this Foreign Ministers meeting and part of the reason for that is because the u. S. Actually has the right to make this decision on its own as President Trump announced in the summer what was disturbing for nato at the time in addition to the fact that it of course does not want to see any u. S. Troops removed from europe is that there was no consultation given the German Government wasnt warned nato secretarygeneral stoltenberg wasnt warned so there was more concern about how this was done than perhaps what the actual eventual movements might be but as stephan just explained there may be bureaucratic reasons why it doesnt happen at all and we got some hints about that earlier this week ahead of the nato minister ariel from the u. S. Ambassador Kay Bailey Hutchison she said that she expects this decision to be made by the Incoming Administration and thats not all she told us about what the plans may be lets hear from her i want to say that the announcement about troops in germany was also an announcement that the troops all the troops that were there before would be in europe its just whether or not they stay in germany or whether they are moved to other places in certain instances so but has there been a will is use been put forward but it certainly will be open for another administration to look at where it is at the time that they take over so in fact when President Trump made this announcement he said very clearly that he thought he made the bringing troops home from europe out of europe back to the United States and that is not what the ambassador is saying now at the time he said he may put some of them in poland in italy here in belgium and now shes saying that there will not be a reduction even in these paper plans that may never come to be that the u. S. Troop presence in europe would be reduced so thats very important for europeans to hear the allies will be very interested to hear that but as as again as stephan mentioned the fact that this will be pushed to the biden ministration even by bureaucratic hurdles makes it much more likely we will not be seeing a movement of troops out of germany at all. Teri schultz than brussels thank you well coming change in u. S. President s could also entails significant changes in u. S. Foreign policy just as tensions are spiking in the middle east that has many in israel worried today the country has warned its citizens against travel in the gulf region as iran is seething over the assassination of its Top Nuclear Scientist blaming the killing on israel with its staunch ally live in the white house the jewish state could face tough times its been for good years for israeli conservatives with a u. S. President who often gave them what they wanted. I repeat i just want to say thank you for everything you stated was you. Been the greatest group. In the oil. One of the trumpet ministrations 1st Foreign Policy moves was to recognize jerusalem as israels capital like many actions to come it was controversial palestinians consider East Jerusalem the capital of a future state the trumpet ministration also recognized israeli sovereignty over the contested Golan Heights region captured by israel in 1967 from syria you cant stand here and there out and whats across the border and tonight i the central thing the President Trump recognized that previous president s had refused to do this is a part of israel the central part of israel. Under tromping israel aggressively expanded its settlements in occupied palestinian territory on the west bank the u. S. Has taken steps to legitimize those settlements as israeli land one wine maker in a contested settlement was so happy he named a wine after pump a 0. U. S. Diplomacy also cleared the way for agreements between israel and longtime foes the United Arab Emirates and bahrain they came together over a common enemy. Iran which has long been considered an axis special threat by israeli governments the trump era saw the us walk away from the Iran Nuclear Deal which was meant to relieve sanctions on tehran in exchange for strict controls on its Nuclear Program but netanyahu bitterly opposed it saying it would allow tehran to build Nuclear Weapons without interference. Last week a Senior Iranian Nuclear Scientist was killed in an ambush on a rainy and territory tehran has blamed israel and the us. Protests in iran followed with tensions so high it may be more difficult for the incoming u. S. Administration to react or the nuclear deal. As an end to the trump era that would sit some on the israeli right justified. Well joining me now the studio is german our soccer off israels ambassador to berlin thank you very much for coming in today my pleasure u. S. President elect joe biden he said he wants to reenter the Iran Nuclear Deal thats a deal that is supported by germany as well as the e. U. Russia and china but opposed by israel so what is israel going to do about this i think one of the most important things is to recall what he said yesterday evening about the bottom line being to stop iran getting a Nuclear Weapon and that has always been a goal i think its always been germanys goal and its always been the goal of the p 5 plus one and the Nuclear Agreement the question is how do you achieve it and one thing weve seen over the last months is very clear string of raney and violations of the chase if you weigh whether in terms of the amount of enrich uranium the level of enrich uranium the use of advanced centrifuges so whole string of violations alongside a very energetic and active Missile Program as well as a continued destabilizing activity in the middle east in general so you saying that the the nuclear deal is not the right instruments to achieve that goal im saying that its been seen that the nuclear deal as it was drafted in 215 has been shown to have. Which need to be addressed and clearly the the steps taken by the iranian government to find the. To destabilize the middle. Least in general continue their Missile Program and violate the actual clear terms of the Nuclear Agreement provide us with no confidence that the agreement is working what would what would provide you with confidence that well i think 1st of all look lets be the just ourselves to the present situation theres or there will be theres a transition in washington and obviously im a new American Administration will have to address this it will take time to point the teams and the policies to have consultations with partners like with europe and also i would imagine also with israel so i think itll still take a bit of time to come and put the policy actual policy together so the deal is not that you say i am look we need to have an effective diplomacy which prevents iran to getting a Nuclear Weapon and that in my view is very much dependent on these consultations that will happen in the not in the weeks and months ahead to put together an effective and vibrant policy that will secure that goal but this week a top iranian Nuclear Scientist was assassinated tehran blames the attack on israel was your comment. Look you know iran blames israel for virtually every ill in the middle east and and from that point of view i think its more important to keep an eye on what iran is doing and again youre not denying it but youre not confirming it im not relating to it at all they might have their speculations and you know weve seen a number of times where theyve said things that are proven to be untrue particularly in terms of what they are supposed to be doing in terms of complying with the nuclear deal but its a clear setback for iran when their top scientists is no longer around so a lot of benefits for a setback for rahm when he continues to pursue a Nuclear Weapons. Activity when he continues to pursue Missile Development and when he can. When used to interfere in the politics of lebanon syria iraq yemen that is the case the thing that i think is the key thing we need to keep an eye on well just today israel has won its citizens in the in the region of an increased threat from iran after this attack so what intelligence is that warning based on 1st of all id remind our viewers that about 3 weeks ago the iranians placed. Improvised elects explosive devices on our border on the Golan Heights in the southern part of the Golan Heights and we identified this and we responded so this is a very ongoing problem that we face viz of iran we face irans involvement in syria we face it its also in lebanon its support of his beloved providing his blog a very extensive weaponry so you know this is you know this is an on going. Problem that we have an ongoing threat which is not just an abstract thing it happens on the ground so i mean obviously at this time were taking every precaution possible. In every possible way and this is this is something that we have been very clear as an ambassador to germany can germany and the e. U. Help maintain stability in the middle east and with regard to iran especially. Well 1st of all i think they can and i think its been very interesting that the 1st 2 visits of the Israeli Foreign minister Gabi Ashkenazi were brought after the new government was established was to germany was to berlin the 1st to meet with high commodities counterpart who we see is a great friend of israel and who just also recently improved them his voting record in the u. N. He also met at the same time with 26 other Foreign Ministers of europe and the 2nd time he came in met with his u. A. E. Counterpart for the 1st bilateral trilateral meeting between between us so i think this was this was a very clear example of how germany can contribute to the new paradigm shift the process of normalization of peace in the middle east which is happening as opposed to the more negative threats that weve discussed before germanys our growth israels ambassador to germany thank you very much for joining us here on news today thank you very much. Time now to take a look at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world today torrential rains have killed at least 2 people and flooded nearly 3000 homes in indonesias northern sumatra province local Authorities Say several people are still missing the areas power and Water Supplies have been cut off after floodwaters reached as high as 5 meters. In peru at least one person has been killed during protests by farm workers demanding better wages and working conditions protesters blocked highways and clashed with police attempting to disperse them are a Cultural Workers have been on strike since monday protests have spread northwards to regions known for growing grapes tangerines and looters. Bangladesh has started moving river into refugees to new or. Around 1600. 00 muslims who had fled last sailed on board navy ships to the island which was previously uninhabited the un says the refugees should decide freely whether to relocate them on the dish currently holds small than a 1000000 britons a month mostly in overcrowded refugee camps. Have a look now at some of the other developments in the corona virus pandemic joe biden says hell ask americans to wear masks for 100 days once he becomes u. S. President this south korean capital seoul is imposing a 9 pm curfew on most establishment stats after the city reported nearly 300 new cases of the virus in one day and germany has reported more than 23000 new infections thats one of the largest daily increases in europe just after russia and italy Germanys Health minister is calling for tighter measures in areas with the highest spikes. And that certainly would put a damper on an already muted Holiday Season here in germany a new poll shows the publics view of government restrictions for christmas and new years eve you hit the streets of berlin for a follow up from city dwellers along great with. Germany is a month into a partial lockdown that hasnt managed to significantly reduce coby 19 infections and was a Record Number of their some thursday to countries queuing up for a low key christmas and new years eve. According to a new study a quarter of germans think there is trick sions being taken by the government go too far but over half of them think that they are appropriate a 5th would welcome even tougher measures. Despite blatter we need infection rates most state authorities still plan on losing restrictions for the Festive Season to a low chairmans together with up to 10 family members to news is being met with caution half of germans welcome to christmas measures but only a 3rd of them approve of the relaxing of restrictions for new years eve in berlin the 7 day incidence rate is still too high so authorities there have already announced there will be no easing of restrictions and while most people understand not everyone is happy about it. Because it is on the one hand i find it right on the other i dont think its feasible because christmas is a very important celebration for people so i dont think theyll stick to the rules at least not in the way it would like im skeptical of a descriptor. But i dont think christmas is so important. I have taken part in the festivities for the most 20 years its so so really nice but its difficult. Is this is the spirit its probably necessary but difficult its in the name of the family celebrations and 5 adults is not a lot for. It will be hard to implement and only a few people will stick to do is take. A vaccine may be inside soon but for now the long and hard winter predicted by Angela Merkel is unfolding. As all of this season approaches many countries way how best to allow full festivities just of its use but reduce the spread of the coronavirus we asked some of our correspondents around the world whats happening there where they are. Cape town is a popular christmas destinations for travelers running away from the cold in their home countries normally it is very difficult to find a hotel during this time of the year but this year things are going to be different although south africa opened its borders for International Tourists with the negative comments test results only if you are coming in to be very different. But if you find it was going to be that business would be the same people do. Their job in a team has affected my Mental Health. So usually when i go home for christmas and we cheer the end of the bubbly one but now. Im taking a cloud of sadness home that is not necessary the monkey people getting together. Dividing us because its a bad thing. But everybody not just for show but all families. Sisters and brothers. In a smallish cove due to the pandemic the number of new covered infections is rather low for now but on the rise again epidemiologists want of a spike in cases because of the christmas celebrations most events year well already cancels the good news for those already here if youre looking for silence and contemplation on a lonely beach your chances are quite good this year it doesnt get much more christmassy than londons oxford streets usually buzzing with Holiday Shopping but this years standing around in big crowds isnt top of anybodys christmas lists the u. K. Is still under strict restrictions bought from the 23rd until the 27th of december theyll be a brief relaxation of the rules up to 3 households will be allowed to. Meet in sunnys thats when many of this is the 1st time well have seen families indoors since march but as Prime Minister Boris Johnson president tis the season to be jolly it is also a season to be jolly cattle and there are concerns we risk undoing the gains made in theyve been busy lockdown so for some the question this christmas is not can we meet loved ones it should we. I think people deserve a bit of a break i mean i understand the implication but i know given the citizens of this country there would be or they would do it anyway so the government its about growth i am spending it just in my point. And its actually going to be a nice change whenever one gets together that usually a recipe for disaster i dont have any plans. On for a job waiting to be invited to. The corona virus has also prompted a major rethink from Warner Brothers for next year. Just. After the studio said it was. All of its films next year both in cinemas and on its new streaming service for now this policy applies only to the us market its a plot twist that many in the Film Industry say they didnt see coming. Unprecedented times call for Creative Solutions that was how Warner Brothers executives described their historic gamble. Revealing that they would be releasing their 2021 blockbuster movies in theaters and online a similar tediously in a major shake up for the entertainment industry. For the way here it is the latest salvo in the streaming wars which pits warners video on demand service h. B. O. Mox launched in may. Rival netflix. Plus. Film fans welcomed the news h. B. O. Is a Great Company have always liked that. I think thats a great idea for their Profit Margins i guess so i dont have anything against it i think its good. Living doing. Studio executives said the strategy would be in place for just one year offering a glimmer of hope that lucrative Box Office Revenues will return shares an already hard hit Cinema Companies plunged you know what it comes back i think people are going to be looking for that kind of a theater experience because quite frankly they already got enough of the home theater experience you know to. The Warner Brothers bit marks the beginning of a new chapter for hollywood the question is will it change habits forever. On this president s. Department how big of a deal is this for the movies. Its ideas catastrophic the theaters are. In shock most of them only found out about this maybe an hour or so before warner announced that. They were really hoping and counting on these films and particularly as one of those films is a big movie is a dune the matrix for these are huge films theyre really counting on them to to sort of revive to bounce back back recover what they had lost lost all through this year in box office the fact that these films will be released simultaneously in the u. S. In theaters and on this h. B. O. Max streaming service means potentially you know a loss of hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue for them and could mean the difference between staying afloat or going bust well the whole Film Industry that includes the production side but also the distribution side the theaters has been hit extremely hard of course by covert 19 how desperate they are i mean absolutely desperate i mean its its really a question now to see if the industry as we know it can survive or if maybe these movements by warners and some of the other studios. Are signs of desperation or maybe an attempt to move into some other Business Model or could that be it will be interesting to see i mean the water now theyre taking these films that they probably wouldve made billions worth at the box office the putting them on streaming services thats there im sure the calendar lose going to lose hundreds of millions of dollars i dont think theres any kind of money that they probably wont make that back on h. B. O. Max so you could maybe argue its an investment in the future i think its more just these are sunk costs theyve invested this money in this produce these productions theyve theyve spent it already this is just an attempt to get Something Back and then see if maybe its a Business Model that they can use a mixed model maybe that they can use a poster on a way to sort of bridge the gap until we have a proper vaccine until until we can go back somewhat normal until we can fill theaters again so probably being this will be closely watched by their competitors will you think other studios will follow briefly if you can i think some. Will probably or in some more way weve already seen disney try out similar models they probably get in deeper and thats probably others do as well try as well but not all of them have the infrastructure in place like one of others those with h. B. O. Max or disney has with disney plus a platform that they can take international this years they dont have that will have a lot more trouble building that sort of thing up on the fly do you think that going to the cinema will be a thing of the past. I desperately hope not i mean this its been a big corba experience of by identity for for my entire life almost and i think this for a lot of people and i also think that youre not going to get the same type of cultural experience sitting at home on your sofa watching a movie as you get in a huge theater scene in a dark with a bunch of strangers i dont think that is experienced is going to go away but it could it could change radically in the near future scott ross works for from austin cause of the bomb and thank you. Youre watching the news from berlin coming up next on news show in good shape a look at the value of play in allah some forms coming up out the top all the alan jones gadget get all the latest news on information around the clock on the web site in such languages thats t w dot com the other new seeming number length press which. Boy. Oh boy. Its going to. Come. Up in good shape for people who dont claim has nothing to offer a balance its important for us to keep trains from the brain of Senior Citizens. Its good for children to cause the forms of a havior and its a lot of fun as our nerves of the blade come from cams while a little bit of fun is much more than just a child is past time good shoes. Next to our tumbler a. Good use crime fighters are back africas most successful radio drama series continues this season the stories focus on hate speech color of the mention of sustainable chocolate production all of a soda are Available Online and of course you can share and discuss on africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms. Crime fighters to noone else. In the far north. Its lonely. And breathtakingly beautiful. The arctic im going to take a journey around the north pole meet profiteers and talk with people experiencing a changing environment. The ice disappears earlier and it keeps retreating our future depends on what happens here. Northern whites like within the Arctic Circle stuarts december 21st t. W. Welcome to in good shape coming up. Bad breath how can it be prevent. Recipes for love which foods are aphrodesiac see and why childs play is good for grownups too. L. O. L. Wrote in to in good shape many of us do it every single day for hours and hours Adult Children at the workplace and in school im talking about games in playing all you might say such a waste of time but wait wait youre wrong because its important for us to keep trains the brain of Senior Citizens and its good for children too because it forms the behavior of the character and its a lot of fun. Too engrossed to go to sleep. Too absorbed to do admin or cleanup. If youre busy playing a game time whizzes by. Youre in a world of your own for hours on end not doing anything thats obviously useful. It can be intense and taken very seriously. Playing looks like the very opposite of a fish in action yet everybody does it. Animals also like to play. Apparently it helps to train skills needed to survive and thrive. Its important to be flexible and able to respond to new situations play teaches us just back from an early age. The more intelligent an animal the more it plays. Little animals and little humans seem eerily similar when theyre forcing around. From the very start baby humans learn about how the world works through play in all cultures. They grasp objects taste them listen attentively to the sounds of their world. Its all very new and interesting. When children reach the age of one or so play becomes more purposeful sorting objects or building a tower. Because you find that its a big plane pill and the pile of. Books for me for a 2 year old a tower can be a plane all you need is a bit of imagination to last. Slipping into different roles starts at around age 3. Dont play is great fun. Young primates like to monkey around too albeit in simpler fashion. Children process their experiences to role play now theyre in charge they set the rules play by them or youre out by the time they start school most children have understood the importance of rules and not just in games. Around this time more games become an object of interest how do i when im home. In Early Childhood we learn all the fundamental forms of play. Im a witch in your system which. Children play similar kinds of games all over the world just the tools very youngsters love repurposing everyday objects they find at home or outdoors. It can be hard to roam free and play in big cities. And having too many manufactured toys can backfire playing with them can curtail the imagination and ultimately be a waste of time. Play helps children to develop a sense of self and of other people and learn about boundaries and empathy. You have to say sorry. Playing with others children develop Emotional Intelligence feelings are allowed free rein most of the time. In the United States a study of play behavior among Prison Inmates found that many violent offenders had rarely played with others as children and so never mind to regulate their emotions. The author concluded that a propensity to violence can result from a lack of play. When adults play that can cause consternation if it becomes compulsive. Grownups who play more than usual are often considered weird that might not be fair playing is not just for kids. Throughout our lives its a way to negotiate and renegotiate the rules of the game. Its an essential element of human culture. That. Some people argue that were it not for childrens Building Blocks there would be no architecture. And were it not for the experimentation central to play there would be no progress no science or arts or societies ready. When we talked about games and playing we talked about building blogs check balls and card games but. Times have changed talking about gaming today means computers and our phones and its is good for children well were not sure about this but recent studies may suggest that playing games and sitting in front of a computer for kids might be good especially in times of corona because it calms them down and its not only good for children it can be good for adults too because you can learn a lot while play it starts off like a suspense novel but its actually a german course from the go to institute the idea instead of painstakingly memorizing vocabulary and grammar students investigate a crime as part of a fictional detective story and learn the language almost without even trying learning apps like this are indeed peoples instinct to play to solve the case the players have to master sentence construction and vocabulary the key elements of learning a language gamification or learning more playing inspires high hopes in the education sector. In order to win again people often do things for which they would otherwise struggle to motivate themselves. You have fallen from and the Students Experience this is highly motivating they dont just feel like theyre doing this as part of a dull learning process but are actually having fun a lot of people dont necessarily play because they want to learn german or that because the game is fun thats the essence of game if occasion. Game if occasional all smart the concept of game of haitian works. As seen in the impressive example of the piano stairs in sweden. To motivate people to make the healthier choice between using an escalator and climbing stairs the steps were turned into piano keys. That result 66 percent of escalator users were tempted at least temper. Rarely to use the piano stares. At gamification a conference on how learning while playing actually works experts agree that learning games can succeed if they spark peoples instinct to play. The. Game if occasion even if occasion is focused on inspiring intrinsic motivation we know that when people say i want to do this its always more effective than when someone else tells them to it gets easier for our brains to learn while playing games than in a classroom. But gamification not only aims to get us wanting to learn good games also improve our ability to concentrate and according to many of the experts here this in turn makes it easier to remember what we just learned. That. We know this from classical education to we try to get away from and out in this frontal instruction through workshops and find out for yourselves as a group or whatever when you internalize something interact with it maybe even derive it yourself then you lead yourself you get an object yourself. Effect playful interaction and stead of teacher centered classes shona like the sign has so much that she even uses the go to institutes app in her free time thats never happened to her with an ordinary vocabulary list. And as im not good i always think its good to learn not only from books but also by using various materials its an old tentative to of the smartphone games if im sitting in a subway or a taxi or whatever. Taxi it is or will gamification be the key to learning in the future. Educational scientist mark fabiani book sees the advantages in using games for learning. But warn sick. Storyline and them alone. I think game of occasion is more promising for continuing education and training because here its about learning in addition to what we already know we generally have specialists who have completed Vocational Training or a College Degree or both in schools certain forms can be practiced however game of occasion should not gain the upper hand but rather remain one of the many teaching approaches. For schoolchildren and College Students poring over books will not become all fun and games any time soon but gamification can be used effectively to train working adults ringback. Apart from finding the most suitable application the success of the game a fight learning depends on how well it is designed for target audiences there is no one fits all solution. Overall there is Great Potential for a game of occasion in very limited settings but not in others you cant replace lessons with a game of occasion people who say you can somehow play your way to a High School Diploma or the like are underestimating the educational process considerably. The language students if they go to institute have come a step closer to solving the crime and have learned their new Vocabulary Words almost effortlessly above all theyve had fun while learning. People want to know everything this is why they study the subject of games to called dollar gee what is. This is what medical peter will talk about with you. Or the government today i get to play on it im at the institute in berlin and with me is professor. Your head of a sense. So what is lead ology what do you do all day the whole thing of the dark donna g. Is the science of game playing we study the widest range of games there are explorative games that we can look at spontaneous free play fantasy games role playing and building games and then all the regular ones like board games card games phone and Computer Games that. You know or why study them we want to identify player motives and also look at the crossover with other areas like health games for example management and Software Development game full design those are the buzzwords. Help to train our minds and develop social skills to how does that work with me to the. Games allow us to step out of reality and enter a kind of magic circle and within that circle a whole other realm of experience opens up there we can reflect on our behavior and seek new ways of doing things for example change our behavior so that the next time were in the same situation we hopefully respond better to move games and just about passing the time what other functions do they have. They involve a lot more than that they develop our personalities sharpening individual characteristics how open we are whether we stand by our word how easy we are to get along with how emotionally stable those are all components that we learn and train indirectly through games when you say adults should play to why were here obviously everyone has their own personal experiences of games and games have changed over the years i wouldnt say everyone should always play the same thing these days there are so many different games that provide just the right challenges for adults too and we adults are constantly in different roles anyway we play a particular role in our jobs every day we also have to deal with various conflicts around us and games are a way of getting into conversation about those conflicts in society kings organized dialogue. And online games are the subject of heated debate people say game is isolated they may become aggressive or develop Mental Health issues what does science have to say about that. So on the 1st issue of isolation today online games are mainly Multiplayer Games so they actually bring people together from different cultures. You get to know each other and communicate with others beyond your National Borders then theres the issue of addiction studies have shown that Computer Games are no more addictive than other things that we enjoy doing on a daily basis. We can become addicted to many things or use them even though we believe them to be unhealthy and thats where parents are needed or people around you who can say what are you doing there. I mean do you enjoy games. Of course its part of my job and thats how i got into this field in the 1st place i started out with board games in my job and i still enjoy analog games to this day but i also play computer. Or end smartphone games Computer Games. How about ludo or parcheesi. Yes this is a classic board game that can help train emotional stability in children and young people. Because its a game that helps us to

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