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Hello im terry martin good to have you with us lawmakers in u. S. Congress have moved to block president Donald Trumps order to withdraw u. S. Troops from germany its a rare instance of the democratic and republican parties working together these days to pass legislation the final version of the annual defense bill which still needs to be voted on boyces support for the continued presence of u. S. Forces in germany and it would require an Impact Assessment before any troops are pulled out in july the pentagon announced it would withdraw about a 3rd of the 36000. 00 troops based in germany. Well Stefan Simmons is standing by for us in washington stephanie how likely is it that u. S. Troops will not be droll withdrawing from germany no. I think the likelihood just increased actually it is very likely that there wont be any withdrawal at least not on the reins of this administration of the trumpet ministration as you pointed out the budget Defense Budget package which is 4500 pages that is a double whopper theyre. Saying that they 1st Want Congress senate and house of representatives want to hear from the defense secretary in a report about if this really makes sense if this is not harming National Security and only after this report comes in and only then congress will give its ok or not and no more than 120. 00 days after this report arrives is any troop reduction possible and now you do the math this administration and as president of the United States will be 50 more days in power and then it will be joe biden and his administration and there is expectation by many many experience and most observers see and by anybody in washington d. C. Political washington d. C. That he will revoke this this plan to pull out pull american troops out of germany ok this is a massive bill it contains lots of data and lots of steps that donald trump may or may not approve of could he be to build. Yeah actually already said he will veto this bill but not for that reason not because congress is putting it on the obstacle for his plans to reduce troops out of germany or out of europe in front of him he wants to veto is because he wants to have a law in this package which has nothing to do with military budgets at all which regulates Online Platforms like Twitter Facebook google and so on because the president feels that they need to be now head liable for full want for treating him and concerned if issues unfairly and this is why he threatened to veto this bill 7 things thanks very much for filling us in there that was our correspondent stephanie months in washington. Say look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world today in peru at least one person has been killed during protests by farm workers demanding better wages and working conditions protesters blocked highways and clashed with police attempting to arrest them Agricultural Workers have been on strike since monday protests have spread northwards to regions known for growing grapes and rains and blueberry. Israel is urging its citizens to avoid travel to the gulf region saying that iran may be planning to attack israeli targets advisory comes a week after reds top Nuclear Scientists was killed in an ambush outside tehran iran has blamed israel for the attack and has about retaliation. 3 egyptian human rights activists who were detained last month on terrorism related charges have been released from jail thats according to their organization the Egyptian Initiative for personal rights the mens arrest in november sparked an International Outcry its not yet clear if charges against the activists have been dropped. Kogut 19 on the road to recovery is the focus of a special session of the Un General Assembly almost 100. 00 World Leaders are taking part today meeting coincides with the release of a u. N. Study that shows that more than 1000000000 people could be living in extreme poverty by 2030 due to the long Term Economic impact from the pandemic. German chancellor Angela Merkel addressed the assembly via video link she stressed the need for Global Cooperation to ensure equal access to vaccines around the world through great 200 mi foghat we must never forget that the pandemic can only be truly beaten in the long term when everyone in the world has fat access to effective vaccines. Not hard to overcoming the pandemic in the long term also means doing everything we can to a much stronger with regards to future challenges and crises to this and we need cosa International Cooperation above all with strong the International Organizations then we can succeed acanthus getting. As many countries around the world remain in crisis mode china blue boasts a study record of success in curbing covert 19 authorities there reported less than 20 new cases of the coronavirus in the last 24 hours thats according to local media no new deaths were reported on thursday morning a why china is reporting such low coronavirus figures across the board its in china signs of the coronavirus pandemic are hardly noticeable Authorities Say there are only a couple 100 active cases and next to no new delhi consensus. We have no evidence right now that the situation in china is anything other than extremely low levels of the virus which a very aggressive response to any upsurge is part of learning the moment some individuals test positive the authorities react by doing mass testing in the area thats why recently in the port city of camden 2300000 inhabitants were tested before that nearly 5000000 in cash car and in the city of qingdao Authorities Say more than 10000000 people were tested in just a few days. Its a big effort and in the end a few dozen people are found who test positive and are immediately isolated furthermore china has strict entry rules foreigners can only enter an exceptional cases and anyone who does must get tested and cornered for 14 days. Beijings head of epidemiology says the priorities for curbing the coronavirus are clear kanye. Hiding the pandemic is a war poor hugh have to be quick he thought everyone bands together you can be strong and women and that sense the right strategy and strong leadership healthy. Child need an involved. Everyone is required to download a state sponsored health app only those who show a green light can enter many places are not forthcoming about how accurate the apps are hong kong epidemiologist bank collings has china can use tactics not easily used elsewhere. Is very clear what the cause was of the test in Mainland China a positive case is isolated the house so complex a quarantine everythings done very very strictly and that brings an end to transmission now forced people to stay home if theyre in isolation or quarantine they wont it will be a recommendation it will be an order for chinese authorities every positive coronavirus case is one too many they react quickly and everyone is expected or rather required to cooperate. Is go to beijing work correspondent bowling is standing by for us materials china has reduced Coronavirus Infections to a level other large countries can only dream of but china is not a democracy other nations still learn from it strategy well there are things that other nations can learn from china and the things that other nations would not want to learn from. Remember that the police went within 3 days from denial of evidence that the virus was spreading in the population to a harsh lockdown that was also very harsh on people and also caused a lot of suffering for people because it was not prepared and organized well so these crackdown methods are definitely something that other countries might not want to copy but theres no reason why democracies cannot test more people and we can look around in the region we see taiwan we see south korea that little further South Australia and new zealand were able to keep down their infections or eliminate the virus on their territory and they are democracies so. Highlighting that china is not a democracy is also a lazy excuse for many western politicians the contrast between the numbers in 1000 infection numbers in china and in the us or the e. U. Are striking what it beijing do differently then the us or the e. U. In tackling. I think there are 2 main things that beijing and by the way the other countries i just mentioned did one is they sought to eliminate this spread of the virus and not to keep it under check as for example germany has done which has always target numbers that would still allow the virus to spread but at a slower pace so its not flattening the curve but bringing down the curve for these countries and enforcing corporate sheen rules is also something the country to after. The drop if it is another thing that wasnt before that is also a key to finding the cases in order to isolate them but yes thank you very much now that was course one of the tears pulling up in beijing. We apologize for the poor Audio Quality there now some soccer news and berlins bragging rights are on the line friday evening as how to berlin face capital rivals a union in the bonus league when the teams met last met back in may have to celebrate a thumping 4 nil win over but this time when your own are way ahead of their neighbors in the table and go into the game as slight favorites fans will not be able to attend but thats not prevented tension rising in the days leading up to the match. Its eerily empty round by heads of billions olympian study on these days on friday night the burly dobby will once again take place behind closed doors the hosts have had to get creative in their efforts to generate an atmosphere. You both make these are the reason why we distributed several 10001000 flags around the city in the middle of the might was to create if dobby feverfew the atmosphere. On tuesday but lin is woke up to a city littered with hats of flags like here beneath the westerly icon known as the be a brush. Concerts he thought a good idea was that fans could take the flags home with them and then get into the through with us on friday evening in front of the television. Sure enough the flags were gone by wednesday morning but it wasnt only had to fans who had a hand in their disappearance this new one supporter posted his interpretation of the atmosphere on twitter. Laid off flying high at the moment thanks in large part to this man summer signing max kusa has provided plenty of goals like this one destroy the games frank for last weekend but also plenty of Infectious Energy and confidence even when you and opponents cant help but admire the fine form that the 32 year old has found. Isnt he. As a player who sees himself in every position sometimes up front sometimes in midfield he drops t. He moves out why are you trying to mock him weve just one man would never work. Up to the whole team and much of. The as men can keep clues in check theyll have a solid chance of defending their title the crown of the capital city champions is off the rule currently days to lose but fridays result will determine whose flag flies above. And finally another column caper for those of you keeping track last week a mysterious metal monolith appeared in the utah all desert now another has been spotted on a hiking trail in Southern California local media say that unlike the utah original this one is not bolted to the ground. Which disappeared as mysteriously as it appeared captured the imagination of many with its references to the classic side fi movie 2001 a space holds. And just as mysteriously as it came it has disappeared again. Thats your news update for now stay tuned for Business News with my colleague Stephen Beardsley hell be taking a look at the strong almost like euro in this weeks pressing markets im terry Martin Thanks watch. Why are people forced to hide in trucks. And cuts. There are many reasons. And. There are many answers. And there are

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