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The infection rate is too high to consider lifting the lockdown of the restrictions will stay in place until january 2000. And a dial warning for up. Hes waging war on nature easy sweet. Natured always strikes back and hes already doing so with going forth and future un chief until a new terrorist urges World Leaders to make 2021 the year they commit to fighting Climate Change. Im told me a lot of the its good to have you with us the u. K. Has become the 1st country in the world to approve a covert 1000 vaccine jointly produced by the German Company biotech and u. S. Drugmaker fires a british Prime Minister boris john. Has hailed the authorization as fantastic news saying it will allow the british people to reclaim their lives the vaccine got the green light after just 10 months of Fast Track Research and development and is also awaiting approval in many other countries. But trial participant is given the biotech finds a coded 19 vaccine in the german city of minds hes just one of thousands whos been part of large scale Clinical Trials that have already proved the vaccine is 95 percent effective in preventing the disease. Now germanys biotech and u. S. Pharma giant pfizer have been given approval for their vaccine in the u. K. Making it a world 1st. Begin to be made available across the u. K. From next week i strongly urge people to take up the vaccine but it is no part of our culture our ambition in this country to make vaccines mandatory thats not how we do things there are challenges though the vaccine has to be stored at minus 70 degrees but the British Government says its Health Service is prepared the vaccine which uses novel emma and a technology is still awaiting regulator ie approval across the rest of the wild he will thirtys say it could be authorized within weeks meanwhile to other western Drug Companies astra zeneca and madonna have also reported trial success for their vaccines. And inoculations developed by chinese and russian researches have also shown positive results some of already been approved for emergency use. The u. K. Was the 1st country to reach an agreement with bae on tech and pfizer for the supply of vaccines its already ordered 40000000. 00 doses with several 1000000 expected to arrive before the end of the year in germany the tough restrictions to tackle the pandemic will remain in place until at least january in a Video Conference on wednesday chancellor Angela Merkel and state premiers agreed to extend the measures raechel said the infection rate was still too high to soften the restrictions. In germany to situation looks bleak with regards to the pandemic after a month of the socalled lights lock down. In the c. U. We still have to go to go back to a 7 day incidence rate of under 50 cases per 100000 inhabitants and on average were very far from it. The 5 is a blue slump the question is whether we leave the country in this state of half sleep or if we decide at some point to introduce significantly tougher measures with see how efficient the measures currently in place are if youve looked. Into heart of belin hi chad plats is usually betting was visitors at this time of the year they come from all over the world to enjoy mulled wine a sausage at one of germanys 3 towers and Christmas Markets but to me depend they make little from the magical atmosphere of christmas remained here. One with which we need to ask ourselves what to do we dont know what will happen its not really a Christmas Market just a few stands. I was there last year before i flew back to the to the it was wonderful i think its a real shame that theres nothing to see here im really sorry. That their live restaurants and bars had to close when the lights lockdown was introduced but some now resort to take away orders and survive thanks to regular and loyal customers. It is a bit difficult to moment of course but were doing our best we open for takeaways was new office and no regular customers support we see how long it last i heard the situation and soon from of a long as her short for us. Chancellor Angela Merkel had warned time and again that germans would face a long and difficult winter and we saw the uncertainty that winter has arrived. United nations is urging World Leaders to make 2021 a year they commit to fighting Climate Change it comes as new reports highlight this years record breaking weather and failures to curb Global Warming the u. N. Says the coronavirus pandemic now presents a chance to hit the reset button and do the work needed to save the planet. Heatwaves droughts. Wildfires. And flooding 2020 has been yet another year of extreme weather. Ecosystems like the Great Barrier reef in australia. For Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in mexico are under threat this year is on course to become the 2nd toughest on record after 2016 and the u. N. Secretary general sent out a dire warning you many think hes waging war on nature the zs suicidal nature always strikes back and hes already doing so were going force and feuding. Biodiversity is collapsing 1000000 species on its risk of extinction eco systems are these are beating before our eyes deserts are spreading wetlands are being lost every year we lost 10000000 eggs and forests oceans are overfished and shocking with plastic waste. According to the World Meteorological organization Greenhouse Gas concentrations climbed to a new record in 2019 have risen so far this year despite an expected drop in emissions she took over 1000. 00 knockdowns. Tourism Hunting Fishing and livestock grazing are playing a role in the crisis. Less visible was an increase in marine heat to record levels more than 80 percent of the worlds oceans experienced a heatwave. Shrinking of the ice caps and bleaching of carl reefs are just some of the impacts. The changes it is what. A gram of system just you know for instance is worth. So if you think changes. There is a glimmer of hope though more than 100 countries have promised up 52050000 Carbon Neutral and new targets are being proposed for a un conference next year. Lets take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world lawmakers in israel have passed a preliminary bill to dissolve parliament bring in the country closer to its 4th National Election in 2 years Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called for unity with his governing partner benny gantz who supports the bill. In germany a man is being investigated on 5 counts of murder and 18 counts of attempted murder after he drove his car into pedestrians in the city of clear residents have been paying their respects at the landmark city gate no motive for the attack has yet been established. The son of legendary ferrari driver Michael Schumacher will make his formula one debut next season make sure marco will race for the us own team has after signing a multiyear contract. Mc is set to make his formula one debut next season exactly 30 years after his father Michael Schumacher made here is back in 1901 the 21 year old german a product of a racing family security deal with the us own team hans its really when youre in the im always dreaming and now its finally come true some really really happy interest. Im really looking forward to. For the great messages and support mechanic shown signs of promise in 2016 he started racing in formula 3 in one of the divisions European Championship 2 years later that success helped me move up the formula to where he is currently leading the championship by 14 points. But formula one is a whole different ball game a ball game his father michael managed to dominate for many years michael is a legend in the sport with 91 wins in 7 World Championships sadly the german great has been in a coma since 2013 after a skiing accident mick knows he wont be able to escape the comparisons to his father for now hes just happy he can test his wheels on the big stage of formula one former french president valery shes got a star has died aged 94 his foundation says that he died from complications linked to cope at 19 he was in office from 1904 until 981 and was best known for his efforts to modernize French Society he also fought for the unification of europe and a close Franco German friendship. Joining me for more on the life and times of valerie just got this is Katie Stevens i was a. Kid tell us more about scotus tones contribution to unified europe as well as this Franco German special relationship right well he was a european through and through he was actually born here in germany in the city of co bends and as a member of the French Resistance during the 2nd world war he took part in the liberation of paris from the not to help the patient so he really believed in the european project he was a very Ardent Supporter of european integration and he so i to i with the german chancellor at the time of his presidency had it and they worked together really forging the foundations for the European Union as we know it today including setting up the european Monetary System which was the precursor to the euro which we have today so thats a huge part of his legacy and he remained an ardent believe in european integration until the end of his life. From skee was known to have pushed for modernizing French Society thats right he was only 48 when he was elected president which at the time was really quite young and he was elected as a modernizer a reformer somebody who shook up the sort of stuff he could conservative tradition in postwar funds and one example of this he spontaneously when Christmas Morning invited for passing garbagemen to breakfast that is a palace but it was also reflected in his policies and i think what a lot of french people will remember him for is for legalizing abortion he will say lower the voting age to 18 and. Gave prove all for divorce by Mutual Consent so a lot of liberal social policies also Infrastructure Projects he was a modernizer there as well he leads to action of the high speed t. G. V. Train and committed fronts Nuclear Power so he really did shake up fronts and said i mean you path the country you know today his legacy overall how would that be seen well there were some scandals that time as his legacy he was actually denied a 2nd term as president but he remained active in politics for most of his life he found some. Activities within the European Union and he also remained a well loved figure in regional politics so i think that well there were some aspects which ties his legacy including a Sexual Harassment accusation 2018 i think to really be remembered for what he achieved as french president and then for his father contributions to european integration in his later life. Casey stevens thank you for that giving us the life and times of the late look we just all of our french president. And that is it for now youre up to date youre watching news doc film is up next and remember you can get all the latest news and information or all the talk about a website called im told a lot of all for me and the team thanks for joining us. By telling me oh and im game you know that 17 trillion land are killed worldwide but its not just the animals of all suffering its to morrow if you want to know the old ways lift up the priests and the cultures change just as anything to listen to our podcast on the plane. In nov 29th teen hundreds of thousands of people spontaneously took to the streets in iran sanaa just cities men and women blocks traffic and trampled on poor traits of the countrys leaders. The crowds were upset about a huge increase in gasoline prices following months of fuel rationing. Since 2018 iran has been hit hard by new u. S. Economic sanctions on the government has taken a hard line against the protests. After the 1st demonstrations still sorority. Blocks Internet Access nationwide for several days to keep people from posting reports about the protests several 100 people were killed in the clashes and at least 7000 were arrested. I irans leaders blamed the demonstrations on its enemies. I mean. This your gnocchi. Who. Have just read the book. And as youve been seeing. Fake i think if you go all in force i bet if you pay those are. In america if i see the matter of doom. No. Was. The u. S. Has applied maximum economic and political pressure on iran to try to get the countrys leaders to approve a new agreement on the Nuclear Program. Many western experts see iran as a threat to political stability in the middle east iran has staged provocations in the persian gulf and its allies are playing an active role in conflicts in syria yemen and iraq. But the sanctions really having any impact on irans foreign and domestic policy some western experts believe they have actually helped to keep the countrys islamic governments in power but what is clear is the devastating impact they have hands on ordinary iranians. At 1st glance the sanctions appear to have had little effect on the capital tehran. But a closer look shows that these measures have hit the middle and lower classes hard inflation and unemployment are high. Chrome lost her job at a factory cheering the 1st wave of u. S. Sanctions in 2010 shes a single parent and now works as a seamstress every day life is hard. The sanctions make our lives really difficult every day. We can barely make ends meet. Theres a lot less work right now compared to 3 or 4 years ago. Because we used to get orders from everywhere the business is very slow right now so the work shop often has to shut down. Because towns like us anymore dont earn enough money to pay the rent or tuition fees for our children or medical care. Callum and others at the local than into i suffer from back pain and i shouldnt be working. But i have to so that i can earn at least a little money from this job as im good at finance. And crime supports herself and her son on the equivalent of just 60 euros a month. Going to be much of everything is very expensive and if i want to buy rice i have to ask a Charity Organization for help. I dont even have enough money to buy a simple bag of rice. Or what company is the same with beans or lentils i cant afford to buy the mill and then. Another you are bison cheese now and then. It used to cost a 1000. 00 but now for the other today its 10000. 00. Dollars or they were on a tour that. Is a virgin and forget about meat its just too expensive i fantasize. About the person up i can you please scan everything slowly i cant spend more than 100000 so. Whats the total 54000. 00. There are plenty of goods in the shops but because of soaring inflation field by the sanctions most people cant afford to buy them the government provide small cash subsidies to some people. Place help me with this will you thanks. Akram 17 year old son loves to play soccer but he had to quit so he could take part time jobs to pay his school face. Its hard for young people to find work especially if youve got a College Degree a lot of those people are unemployed and the politicians have to do something so that we dont end up like that. Because. You know what happens and. The west is trying to get us to take to the streets to protest against down government they want us to believe that the state is trying to keep us down and doesnt care about us they want us to rebel against the government. And push on with their plans havent worked and if we stick together they never will. That. Was a. Government sponsored propaganda praises the countrys economic independence despite western sanctions. For 4 decades irans conservative islamic government has adopted policies that have isolated the country and raise tensions with the United States. Tatty in the hall between yes the sanctions have had an impact but we can deal with it surely we share a border with 15 countries you can always get around an embargo. Schick us that there are cracks in the wall of sanctions the u. S. Is gradually losing international support. Well just continue to focus on our Domestic Production capability. Since ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini came to power in 1979 the us has imposed sanctions on iran several times the 1st of these measures was ordered by president jimmy carter after University Students seized the u. S. Embassy in november 1979 and held 52 diplomats and civilian workers hostage. Who the united. You the hostages were held for 444 days until january 981 relations between irans new government and the United States could not have got off to a worse start. The u. S. Soon froze about 12000000000. 00 in iranian assets and american sanctions made it difficult for iran to buy food spare parts and medical products overseas in 1905 president clinton impose new sanctions and these were a new job by the Bush Administration. Washington accused iran of using the revolutionary guard corps to promote terrorism in the middle east the u. S. Said the guard supplied weapons to and training for hezbollah militants in lebanon and various Palestinian Resistance movements. President george w. Bush was also concerned about irans alleged efforts to build Nuclear Weapons. The United States of america will not permit the worlds most dangerous regimes to threaten us with the worlds most destructive weapons. In 2000 to push described iran as part of an international axis of evil in 2010 president barack obama announced new sanctions as iran continued to defy international demands to change course on its Nuclear Program similar calls came from the European Union and the u. N. Security council. But irans new president Mahmoud Ahmadinejads promise that the country would push ahead with its Nuclear Program. During the Bush Administration and certainly during the Obama Administration sanctions were intended to be leverage for diplomatic success that was the point that you were going to apply pressure so that you could take it away as part of a negotiated agreement to deal with the Nuclear Issue obama would not have been sad if the regime had ended your transformed its you know a true democracy emerging inside of iran i think would be something that would be appreciated by countries around the world but obama explicitly said that iran discover meant as irans government and that you know we respect the sovereignty of the Islamic Republic of iran so he was not looking to change the regime in iran. Washingtons new efforts to bring iran to the negotiating table page 25th enough to several years of talks iran agreed to strict conditions and transparency controls on its Nuclear Program in return for an easing of International Sanctions the 5 permanent members of the u. N. Security council plus germany played a key role in the negotiations. This nuclear deal meets the National Security interests of the United States and our allies it prevents the most serious threat. Of turning a Nuclear Weapon which would only make the other problems that may cause even worse. Thats why this deal makes our country and the world safer and more secure obama looked at the middle east as a region that had always complicated u. S. Foreign policies and he was looking to try and find a way of getting us out of the middle east quagmire that he saw it with whether its with iraq or whether its with afghanistan or the broader regional conflict and i think he thought that trying to get a resolution of the Nuclear Issue and other regional issues with iran would be one step towards doing that it didnt mean that he thought that that would transform the middle east or that he was trying to handle iran control of the middle east as some of his opponents have said but i think obama believes that a Nuclear Agreement would be one of the 1st steps towards a different u. S. Relationship and u. S. Set of interests in the middle east than what it had been over the course last 20 or 30 years. You know that i mean the iranians never said that theyd change their policies toward syria iraq and yemen after theyd signed the agreement thats not what the trees he was a bounty and you know the agreement was not perfect but it did create conditions that would depending on which clause you look at that prevent iran from using euclid power if a military purposes for the next 1015 or 20 is goes under the supervision of the International Atomic energy agency. Suitable cool. Nobody will get all day will. Get all we want to the United States didnt get what they want to french germany britain even china russia didnt get to understand the nature of this type of negotiations i wouldnt accuse anybody of being soft its shows a process of negotiation. Vienna agree. Aminta gave new hope to the people of iran to look forward to an easing of sanctions. And it was a success for irans new president Hassan Rouhani and foreign minister mohammad several. Of the clogged it will do it was a victory for the moderates and it had the support of the supreme leader. But that support was calculated so to speak and it was not comprehensive. He still rouhani and his people could never have gone as far as they did in the negotiations if i come in they hadnt given them the green light

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