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A new terrorist World Leaders to address the Climate Emergency in what he says would be the defining task of the 21st century a new report on wednesday found 2020 is on track to be the 2nd hottest year on record. The United Nations has reached an agreement with ethiopia to allow aid into government controlled areas of the t. Grier region for weeks the un has been warning of a possible humanitarian crisis due to the conflict between at a sabah and t. Grab rebel forces tens of thousands of civilians of ready fled the fighting into neighboring sudan. This is the news from berlin follow us on twitter and instagram at the top news of visit our website t w dot com. As the world enters what is predicted to be a long pin dimmick winter there is a deadly disconnect the euphoria over a Coronavirus Vaccine although no vaccine has been delivered yet see the u. K. And the exploding death toll from coburg 19 people losing their lives by the thousands see the United States 2 parallel tracks and there is no guarantee that the vaccines will in this pandemic if we had behaved differently this year the guarantee would have been fewer deaths the guaranteed tonight would be fewer people into care fewer people. About to die i bring coffin berlin this is the day. This is a monument with its noodles its going to be a proxy its what the seas im questionably good news its very very. But were now it picks the closest to the end of the time look but it is by no means the end of the story it is not the end of our National Struggle against drug addiction scrutinized there is no. Compromise if the safety of the scene and the safety of the public will always come 1st. Also coming up one of the saddest days yet in hong kongs descent of democracy 3 prominent activists have been sentenced to prison their crime having the old the asadi to stand up to china face and never stop me from activism and thinking critically but no matter what happens if im right assume it right its essential to restart them all to see generation and the generation following us. To our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and to our viewers all around the world welcome we begin the day with the british cry heard round the world today the vaccines are coming the u. K. Today gave emergency authorization to the Coronavirus Vaccine developed by pfizer and by on tech it is the 1st western country ahead of the u. S. Or the European Union to allow Mass Evacuations in the fight against a pandemic that has claimed almost one and a half 1000000 lives the fact that the u. K. Was 1st to approve use of a vaccine that was developed. By u. S. And german researchers will no doubt raise eyebrows and i or it will also increase pressure on regulatory agencies on both sides of the atlantic to give the green light for using the vaccines and it did not go unnoticed today that the u. K. With just weeks until its breaks it transition out of the European Union and is about to administer a wife saving bank seen being made as we speak inside the European Union heres u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson the u. K. Was the 1st country in the world to preorder supplies of this Pfizer Vaccine securing 40000000 doses through a week to plan the n. H. S. Has been preparing for the Biggest Program of mass specs a nation in the history of the u. K. Thats going to begin next week. The u. K. Was able to approve the vaccine 1st today because it acted independently if it were still a member of the European Union it would be balanced by e. U. Rules and procedures a bright sit bonus some have said today but not the German Health minister he said the vaccine is a triumph of european cooperation. And to my british friends a few remarks on bricks that some bricks. By one take is a European Development from the e. U. The fact that this e. U. Product is so good that britain approved it so quickly shows that in this crisis european and International Cooperation of the best way forward so in the internets united says im about this well the head of the German Company by own tank which develops the vaccine with the u. S. Pharmaceutical finds are today said deploying the vaccine in the u. K. Marks the beginning of the end of the pandemic however by on text chief Business Officer added that being 1st to approve the vaccine has no influence on how much of the bank scene will be delivered to the u. K. We set out at the beginning to and to live for this vaccine to the world and that means fair allocations across 2 countries that wish to use on how the vaccine so you know all of that is that we produce go to the u. K. You cake at like a free country a fair proportion. Well joining me tonight is dr David Heymann with the center on Global Health security at Chatham House in london dr heymann has worked for the c. D. C. And the World Health Organization for which he headed the Global Response to the sars outbreak dr heymann its good to have you on the day lets start if we could with the sheer speed that we are witnessing Vaccine Development and now vaccine approval when the news of the u. K. Approving the pfizer buy on take back seen when many were astonished are you worried that this is all moving too quickly well i think that theres been enough were with the regulatory agencies during the studies to understand what the vaccine can do cant do and any of the immediate risks so i think its been regulated in a way that takes into account all of this and it will be safe to use but there will be an important factor and that is to make sure that theres post vaccination surveillance looking for any of those rare side effects that medicare occur from a vaccine that wouldnt be noticed in the immediate short term the Media Attention to the brutal process here in europe and in the u. S. Is unprecedented are we desperate for a vaccine because the pandemic exhausted us or are we desperate because we never exhausted our means in fighting and controlling the virus. Well i think its a bit of both were very happy to have a vaccine and this will have a great emphasis to the other tools that we already have to fight this pandemic but many scientists believe that this disease will become endemic like the 4 other human coronaviruses and if that does occur then it will be very important to have a vaccine along with other therapeutic agents to treat people who become sick because we know that everyone will not take the vaccine or cannot be vaccinated especially in countries outside of europe in north america where hopefully there will be an equitable distribution of vaccine but where there are other tools that are also equally as effective in dealing with the very time and there is this great disconnect when we talk about the pandemic and vaccines i mean we have so many vaccines ready to go because of operation warp speed which the trumpet ministry she launched back in may and yet President Trump refused to heed the warnings from Public Health officials about the virus i mean do you agree that there is this disconnect here in the public arena. You know in many european inner and in north america in the u. S. In particular there have been very difficult discussions between the Public Health leaders and the political leaders and many times the political leaders wanted to just make a promise of a vaccine in the problem would be over whereas the Public Health leaders clearly understood that a vaccine is just one tool against this pandemic and we have many good diagnostic tests we have some therapeutics and drugs which are coming along including monoclonal antibodies and theres a whole war chest that will be available shortly to deal with this pandemic as it probably becomes endemic in human populations in the United States the death toll could double between now and march thats what the latest models are forecasting but we have to remind ourselves that it doesnt have to be this deadly doesnt have to be this way does it know in models are really the final solution models are just estimating what might happen but what needs to happen now is that countries need to follow some of the examples for example that germany has put up with its excellent Contact Tracing or where Asian Countries have actually done much much more and avoided these blunt lock downs the European Countries have done and have caused the economy so much so there are many things to learn from many countries around the world and hopefully all that can be assimilated into a good response in all countries you have dealt with outbreaks in pandemics before and you know how quickly the world can forget what needs to happen in your opinion to ensure that we are prepared for the next pandemic and what can be done to make us not forget this pandemic as soon as we get that vaccine injection. Well one of the 1st things and needs to be done is the political leaders need to understand that Health Security is not just stopping diseases and borders Health Security means good healthy populations because if you look at this pandemic its those populations that have become morbidity is their greatest risk of serious illness so we need to make sure that Health Security includes Health Promotion for Healthy Lifestyles and also that it includes resilience in our Health Care System so that theres access to health care by all people who need it so broadening the politicians understanding of how security is one way to move ahead another way is to make sure that they understand that security is not just arms its also Public Health dr David Heymann center on Global Health security at Chatham House in london there for him and we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you thank you well still to come on the day a call from the u. N. To she manage the we have to end our war on nature before its too late. 2020 is on track to be one of the city warmest years on record globally to put it simply the state of the planet is broken. When you look back on the recent history of hong kong and its struggle to resist beijings ever tightening political news what happened today well it seems inevitable almost unavoidable a Hong Kong Court has sentenced a leading prodemocracy activists joshua walang to more than a year in prison for charges related to last years antigovernment protests whang into brother prodemocracy protesters pleaded guilty to charges including inciting and illegal assembly. We are with you supporters of hong kongs prodemocracy movement turned out to cheer as buses took just one fellow activists agnes chow and i didnt allow him to prison there was criticism for wednesday sentences from young and old. Going sentences to hush say its not right for the court to hand down such sentences to young people with their futures ahead of them a 3rd i. D. Inning and then. On july 2020 things went from bad to worse the prodemocracy activists china passed a new security law for hong kong that made wongs dema sister Party Illegal the party disbanded and one went to trial for his activities in last years protests. Undeterred he told t. W. In a recent interview that he would not back down. Grayson boss never stopped me from activism and thinking critically even is such difficult timing what then and i wasnt all of us were arrest this is last summer and 2000 people including me were prosecute it is still important for us to stay and fight off the wednesday sentencing wong one small renewed his commitment to the cools in a statement on twitter released by his lawyers he vowed that this was not the end of the fight for democracy and freedom in Hong Kong Well our next guest is a member of the Hong Kong Protest Movement he has asked us not to reveal his identity or his location so we are calling him conor tonight conor its good to have you on the program your reaction to the news of this 13 in a half month prison sentence for joshua wall right i think the sentence was quite harsh but for the court system in hong kong this has become the new norm. Obviously hospice and insists have been the should have been dished out to many other less and 9 protest is not under the limelight that thousands of them names that on on the Mainstream Media and. Yet. Along with the beijing crackdown very recently sorry. So along with the beijing crackdowns recently that i think this kind of sentencing will only go on so that. These sentences were certainly meant to send a message how worried are you as a protester yourself about your own safety moving forward well i think its not just anyone else living in this new atmosphere at home culch. Protest is x. Especially the ones that. It is smith and being freud fearing for their lives and this is hindering their movement of it. But that said we still have to move on the especially for the comrades that have already been captured and put behind boss not only people like joshua wall right aside from them there are still the 12 detainees in china that were trying to. Arrested in the open seas so people like them and they are the reason why we moved forward i spoke with joshua was sometime last year and he said to me that he was hoping that germany and the United States would come to the aid of the prodemocracy movement in hong kong and that has not happened yet so how do you think it will be possible then moving forward to continue fighting for democracy in hong kong. Well this has become a thank you for your question so this has. Very right in saying that and that that has that statement its only become more true estonia as time has passed so emphasis on the International Stage and how International Actors will act as a more significant problem as the one compel them becomes an International Problem so that while im saying this is. Firstly ask how can i stop being exiled from their home. And and it and it looked and continue to move this movement and they will have to seek help in other countries in the west melt where they can continue to fight thats the 1st thing and another thing is some countries around the world suffer and countries western countries they have to stand strong and to resist this chinese expansion this is to protect your own sovereignty is the best way to help hong kong in protecting hong kongs as well i think its not about assisting them time now we appreciate you taking the time to talk with us tonight and we certainly wish you all the best thank you thank you so much thank you. To put it simply the state of the planet is broken the friends you many theists waging war on nature the zs suicidal nature always types back and hes already doing so were going force and feuding hes starting to freak the greens which we have a chance not simply to reset the World Economy but it sounds for me well that was the un secretary general antonio good terrorists today urging World Leaders to make the fight against Global Warming a priority in 2021 the data from 2020 is already alarming to major you read reports published today say this year is on track to be one of the hottest ever recorded and they say human caused Greenhouse Gases are to blame now there is some progress 127. 00 countries are considering or have adopted net 0 emissions targets but the un says too many governments are still expanding their fossil fuel industries. Are for more now lets cross over to stanford in california and bring in noah different whos a climate scientist at stanford now its good to have you on the program the words today from antonia good to have us assume will sidle war on nature of the some of the strongest language that we have ever heard from a you when leader is this sense of urgency is it being matched in policy. Well that the core of the climate challenges really that. You know the Climate Change is a side effect of Energy Consumption. Fossil fuel Energy Consumption and you know that that Energy Consumption is really critical for him and well being and the reality is we dont supply as much energy as we need to globally right now so the the real challenge is how to ensure that all people on earth have access to the energy thats necessary for a well being while simultaneously stabilizing the climate system and in order to stabilize the climate system you know we will have to reach net 0 emissions thats just the fundamental physics of planet earth the rhetoric the spin coming from the incoming Joe Biden Administration sounds good hes hes even avoiding to john kerry to be the special envoy for the climate. Isnt the u. S. Though too far behind here to play catch up. Well you know the the whats key about about Global Warming and Climate Change is the really you know that cumulative total emissions of the Global Warming that we get are sent sensually proportional to the total global emissions the u. S. Has been around a quarter around 25 percent of Greenhouse Gas emissions historically the largest single contributor to the total Global Warming to date. And the u. S. Has also been a driver of innovation california for example where i live has you know has has been a real leader in being a test bed for Climate Policies for technologies for showing that its possible to decrease Greenhouse Gas emissions well also continuing to have Economic Growth to have have a vibrant economy we have a lot a long way to go here in california to continue to address inequality but thats something that has been prioritized in the latest state Climate Policy so within the u. S. And and with even within the federal government there is a lot of leadership and you know theres potential to continue to accelerate that leadership in the years ahead. We know that this is one of the hottest years on record and im sure where you are youve seen or smell the smoke from the California Wildfires this year mean were even talking about heat waves in the oceans now 2020 the warmest oceans have been in recorded history that was part of the report that came out today is it not a source of deep frustration to you that the u. S. At least on a federal level has sat this one al for 4 important year. You know as scientists who are trying to understand the way the world works weve learned a lot about the climate system over the last decade in particular. About how the Global Warming thats already happened is impacting people and ecosystems the wildfires that you mentioned here in california which absolutely have been nearby in the bay area and envelops not just the bay area but but so much of california and the west coast of the United States in smoke you know our our Research Shows that you know california you know is now experiencing about twice as many extreme wild fire weather days as 4 decades ago the area burned in the western United States has increased around 10 fold in the last 4 decades about half of that is attributable to long term Global Warming so we have a much clearer understanding of the impact of Climate Change here and now. Compared with with a decade or 2 ago we also have clear understanding that those impacts will accelerate as Global Warming continues so. Really were in a situation where the more Global Warming we get to the greater the risk the more intense the impacts of reducing the level of Global Warming will reduce that intensification but we already know where were experiencing impacts from the 1. 00 degree celsius of warming weve already had even at 2 degrees of warming or even a one and a half degree of warming will have more more intense fixation of risks relative to today so its its a challenge its a solvable challenge it will require increasing energy access. Decarbonize the Energy System and adapting to Climate Change. Professor Noel Stanford University Professor we appreciate your time and your insights tonight thank you very much thank you. Tonight a german man is in custody suspected of driving his car into a busy shopping street in the western city of tree or police have confirmed that 5 people were killed in tuesdays attack including a baby no motive has yet been established the driver faces charges of attempted murder. Triana the day off to handle some grief as a makeshift memorial under the famous port in the criminal element a sad day in clear today where the city is mourning the 5 victims of tuesdays car rampage including a 9 week old baby and her 45 year old father the babys mother and an 18 month old sibling are injured and currently in hospital hundreds of people have been coming to mourn the victims bringing candles laying down flowers saying a silent prayer many with tears in their eyes. Is to be its painful yesterday i heard about the instant on the radio and fear that something might have happened to my relatives im shocked. As shit out on confidence fast i cant believe what happened tria is such a small city people know each other i would never have thought something so horrible could happen here. If youre caught its a huge blow for the people of china weve never experienced anything like this and now its happened just before christmas and its really hard to stand heart on choose say a 51 year old german man drive an s. U. V. For around one kilometer through the citys pedestrians are hitting people at random. Police arrested him immediately afterwards and hes been remanded in custody investigators say theres no evidence of a political motive the reason behind the attack its still unclear high levels of alcohol were found in the suspects blood while questions about the attack are remain open the city is mourning the victims. The pain of the mother who lost her child and her husband takes my voice away. There will never again be the loft of the father and the childs. Owners the others who have to mourn the dead feel the same way they will never again have their loved ones around them. The city has opened a helpline for the relatives of those killed and the 18 people enjoy it as well as the traumatised eyewitness says. All the day is almost on the conversation continues online and we will see you tomorrow everybody. Should. Enter the conflict zone Team Sebastian coe less than 3 months ago i would say melbourne may collapse from a post poisoning my guest this week almost goes vicious love me can offer a member of president putins posse united russia. For using the bosu speak loudest for the russian opposition from the risk of mortal danger so focusing. On the good. Of. The Trump Administration a composer crushing a new sanctions on iran in a bid to topple the regime. But the strategy hasnt worked and the bahraini people have paid the price. For someone to use the political point of the sanctions and who is benefiting. In barca behind us sanctions. In 45 minutes on t w. Give us your country people will make you rich people will provide you with jobs. Going well take good care of you may sometimes be. Fever took hold on the west coast of qana in 2007 investors made big promises but years later reality looks very different mr. Drinking water shortage i mentioned. Gonna stream of black gold oil as it starts december 4th on d. W. You still think we are inferior why will the contradictory versions were not saints but we definitely decent people is the un also part of the plot just real russia whatever i say it doesnt matter to you you just dont listen less than 3 months ago i looked saying of on me current figurehead of the russian opposition collapse from apparent poisoning on the flight between siberia and moscow german doctors who treated him like a soviet ingested the nerve agent novi check the kremlin has denied any involvement accusing the

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