The name is eddie micah jr. Youre welcome to the program. The theme for this year as well. Aids day is hiv aids, epidemic resilience on the impact. Now, while theres been great progress in tackling the virus in recent, yes, the global aids hiv epidemic is far from over. Especially in africa. South africa is a country where one in 5 people are living with the virus. Our correspondents reports from cape town. For almost 2 decades, the Nonprofit Organization hope has been an important point of contact for those living with hiv. Like here in the cape town township of delft. 30 years ago, luis morris worked in a textile factory, but then her life took a difficult situation, and accident left her unable to work out the whole problems followed. And then she became infected with hiv. But my family didnt want to have anything to do with me. After my hiv diagnosis, they cut off contact. And even now if my neighbors knew that i had a hiv, they would only say hi from a distance. They wouldnt invite me to their homes. It means i also keep my distance, its not easy being a hiv positive, you have to somehow accept that people behave in a certain way towards you. Find it sad. Dr. Hughes on rainy, couldnt, is used to hearing similar stories. At least hoffa of the community has a Family Member that somebody that they know that they can be positive, but its but its so common here. But people dont speak about it. They are definitely not open about it. They might speak to us about it and i might speak to the Service Providers about it, but they will, they finitely not speak. They, theyre not open about their status. They worried about discrimination. Although stigma still a massive problem in many communities, south africa has made mess of progress in the fight against hiv aids. Over the past years, most people, the vast majority of those living with hiv, know their status and are on medication. And just recently, researchers announced possibly for the good news. The preventative drug prep has been available for several years around 90000, South Africans protect themselves against h. P. V. Infection by taking a daily tablet. Now a study into a similar preventative drug that needs to only be injected every 8 weeks, has found it to be even more efficient. Women particularly have challenges with taking a pill a day, issues of their habits of taking a pill, but also people experience a lot of social pressures. So women are judged as living with hiv. If theyre taking pills that look like antiretrovirals, they may have judgments about their Sexual Activity and partners may feel that they are wanting to be unfaithful. So there are many barriers to taking a pill a day. And what the injections were able to do is overcome some of those challenges by being discreet and convenient. Independent researchers also see the injection as an important development, but for the research is necessary to find other options to prevent hiv in women. Young women are the hardest hit group in south africa, and do you really want to harm in some kind of you know, so now were hopefully in cape town also believes the injection could be a great help, but it may not be available for a number of years in the meantime, more argent issues remain due to the covered spend their make fewer hiv patients are going to kleenex. As a result, the number of new infections, a new born says on the rice, a worrying trend. After all, the hard work to stop the spread of the virus from on the, our joint from johannesburg by shes a mouse and archer, person of the Treatment Action Campaign. Great to have you on d. W. News, africa. Now the Treatment Action Campaign has been out of forefront of fighting hiv aids for decades. And now virus. Hows that affecting life for People Living with hiv in south africa . Because i think that because we have seen as destruction of faith, its pushing the in focusing also we have seen god to fight and we have seen people who and what i think that meant what i could because if i said he is the way out and i could go and chess with 10 men and sometimes they would have to do that and maybe patient over this then. And sometimes they have to wait outside the realm. Not i was in understandable but up one ship. So those are the challenges that one of that makes up one sense that things have been in south africa. Ok. Now i met all these challenges and the reports we had about a new prepped treatment. Not a web full suite is not a game changer that can change. And maybe you know, based on the report that you suck up to. So we have that 2400 so that is a concern number of young people. So we think that this is the thing which is that i asked him a hiv infection in the country. Ok. Now overall bill, this is not often come making enough progress in terms of stage i. V. Treatment and prevention as it went. But im not going to say yes, because what i would say the number of people with hiv, no one. So if you can have it was at 2400 each agent, we have left him and left and effectively a 2nd young boy not me that i was not talking to what i am free for all people under from me. So as much as we have crap, we have discussed and we need to map it out. So i want to show thoughts on this. Isnt it fascinating that in less than a year, will most obvious rock scene folk of a 19 by best still no sign of one for each i. V. Aids in decades to this day, any hope for that . He had no recollection. So thats not, thats where most people were as communities as that was to come up with facts that they did the question. Well, i guess i thought that that quick meant in a question says, i think thats including people who, you know, i powered with my own. Make sure that something coming up this intervention coming up. That if we could be like that for a child, be as much as and sets of what i can was. He also cannot afford to fight me to see if you can not be too can take up issues all throughout its because that is why we have seen thrown under the bus and its id. People. We would need to see if we can have a bus and thats with us and i would think i was good because i know i dont have to take any pain. I dont have to watch about god and all those things. But this is the position that if you up with nothing but that i have my mind or ya teach them everything with simone g. D. By law. Thank you for your time. The u. N. Refugee agency has 96000 refugees in the region possible food shortage after reports of attacks on forced the nearly war has displaced thousands of people into neighboring countries like africa correspondent traveled to the region and sent us this report. They were lucky after crossing the border from ethiopia to sudan, and her family found refuge in this home. The nearby campus already overcrowded. There they would have had to sleep outside on the ground. And i thank the owner of this house so much because she doesnt know us. She doesnt know anything about us. But because we were neighbors across the border, she took us in more than 50 people. Shell never forget the moment she realized she and her 9 children had to flee their hometown and to cry we cried, and our children cried with us. They wept in front of us. The shooting started while we were eating and we just had to leave 6 families live here together. That is more than 50 people in one house. Among them, a tourist. He and her husband. When the fighting in started, they tried to bring the children to safety. When the shooting started, i gave my children to our neighbors who had a car to take them with them. Since then she hasnt heard anything from them because of a Communications Blackout and to get i, she cant call the neighbors or people in her village. My children are always on my mind. Whenever i close my eyes, i see them the owner of the house a study day by him. Its not the 1st time that she has welcomed refugees in her, home. In the 1960 s. , she house people who fled the war in these people came to us and those all, we dont have much money, but they are our neighbors. So we had to hurt them. Many residents of this already poor region have again welcomed. If you have been refugees in their homes, some of us shelter, only others provide food and water. However, the influx of people here has resulted in instant price hikes. Residents tell us vegetables, fruit means anything. Water has become much more expensive. Still they try to help as much as they can for its the 2nd time that she had to flee her home. She doesnt want the same for her children. I hope my children will have a better life will not become like us. I wish theyd go to school and study, do their jobs, and stay away from politics. Elizabeth fareed abraham says her guests can stay as long as they need thats it for now you can find more stories on d. W. Dot com slash africa all on our facebook and twitter pages. We leave you with some aids activism in south africa, produced by grassroots organizations on to the next time by for now and they say passionate drama, competition wife, marketing numbers that was here at the time. And to mission money, millionaire fans primes 5 stamps. Because we love to go off on you tube, join us, happiness fears for everyone. Schuman penises are very different from primates. You know, we have a totally ridiculous size view nature. And this is Climate Change, brags that sex happiness in books. You get smarter for free. Books are new music from israeli singer liras cha, whose latest album which is causing controversy because shes collaboration with a rainy and musicians which hasnt pleased the iran and you know, for a tease ill be talking to her in a minute. Also coming out today, one to look out for it works by british kenyan artist Michael Armitage, confect 6 figure songs, i dont ship and if you cant visit your local bookstore right now, heres a Coffee Table Book featuring some of the worlds most beautiful bookshops. Iranians are not meant to have prearranged contact with israelis. Nevertheless theyre as charlie israeli singer and actress with jewish uranian roots has recorded an album together with musicians from iran. Theyve done it secretly. Swapping files online. Zan which means woman is an album of many contrasts musically and culturally ill be talking to in a minute. But 1st lets find out more about her and her music player is china. He feared for the lives of the iranian artists she collaborated with on her new album sound. So they want to secret, and she doesnt use their real names. The project gave her months of sleepless nights. But the israeli actress and singer of persian heritage refuses to let politicians tell her who had enemies on this album as her School Parents emigrated from iran to israel in 1070 and china. He was born there in 1978 on her 1st 2 albums. She sang in hebrew, you know, and iran was a country she was barred from visiting. Yet she grew up between israeli and geranium culture. So she moved to los angeles as an actor where she enjoys a successful career. And most recent role was as a mossad spy, in an israeli made series called terror on and its official. It was in the United States that she began to explore her passion, background, discovering and falling in love with iranian pope, from the 1970 s. The albums on which translates as women is the 2nd one she sings on in farsi. It was partly inspired by videos on social media of women dancing to her sons and their own web. Public dancing is prohibited women brave enough to take risks, much like herself. Thrilled to welcome on law. Im from tel aviv. Thanks for joining us. You said its technically very difficult situation on the stand over to do online, but emotionally much more difficult. Yes. Were pretty much a challenge because you know, us, israel and iran are both very complex have actually but i dont like the sentence not moving piece because we do love each other very much. And i love my writing in israel and we want to say, so we had everything we had very, very difficult question to stand that we cannot speak freely or create an album. And we did it that, you know, there is a way, but there was, there was a very challenging line that we got lots of bad messages from our media that were doing are doing something wrong. And we should not do what were doing. And i was really afraid for the lives of the people on iran that you were. But you get, you go to a lot of great messages on you tube from iranians. But what about in israel because you a singing in farsi, which is the persian language. How did it go down with your fans and you have well established that to go down with your israeli facts . A very good question. First of all, ask them only my team and my friends. Thought i clip on los angeles, there are lots of charms or leniency prerevolution music from iran. And i decided to see if i see it. It was, it was strange for that, but in their act, my shows and danced with their, with their eye and moves. So its very natural, and its natural for me or for the people who are hearing the sirens, and they love you mention you being in los angeles, you are actually an established actress and youre appearing right now in an apple t. V. Series called tehran playing a must soft spot agent is not a base ironic. Its very ironic. Listen. Yeah, i have. And myself, we are both very layered and complex characters. And we always ask the question, and i think many people recognize me this place and who are you know, i am for israeli, or a site we can call and meet me and still we are happy that nasser and where you feel later, this is what it was frankly because they thought i should be serious. I was already written saying that feeling they were very right there as thanks so much for being with us. Good luck with the album there are here. And the album is available all the usual streaming services to a real rising star of the art scene. Now british kenyan artist michael lama, tige, we used multiple narratives in his paintings, mixing current and historical events with his personal memories. As a child in kenya. Hes now based in london and pop culture. Internet gossip influence his canvases as well. Its a successful combination with some of his works frenching over a 1000000. 00 or the man runs off his feet in flames. Pascale times in his arms his prize. A triumphant look on his face. A fiery creature seems to kind of take his heels. To painting the chicken thief by Michael Armitage. Bursts with energy and color. Is it a street scene or an allegory . I mean, it just is what it is. Its a good cigar, you start in the chick if hes off kind of being, being followed by this kind of monkey. If hes offered this chick, hes going to look at the comedies, his paintings show people in turmoil. Sometimes the faces are just splashes of color. Sometimes only a grimace can be made out, sometimes an individual angry demonstrations, explosive, extreme states. Only the animals seem impassive to his compositions hinted at europes old masters. Armitage plays with history. The painter was born in nairobi in 1904. His father was british, his mother, a kenyan. He studied art in london, but finds his subject matter in east africa a whole who is the, is the place that shaped me shaped my imagination. It shaped the sort of stories that im interested in. And i want to tell that its also a place thats massively representatives within the history of god and with the narratives in stories that come from somewhere like like his canvases have holes and stitches and then theyre made of tree bark. Blue go and material that he integrates into his narrative. Armitage discovered the bark off in 2011, and a tourist market in kenya. It comes from uganda where its often used for ceremonial purposes such as funerals. In the static of painting it sun, even though seems like a wound or a hot summer for the work exorcism, the artist cant be borat, the color scheme from the naze painting. Music is a way of kind of equates to a very different song. The song, they have the world as material to any matter. Brutal convoluted and sometimes i wrongly Michael Armitage doesnt shrink from confronting the viewer with cliche of africa, of wilderness, of unbridled sexuality, a focal images that contained suffering in pain, but also dr. None the less now i love browsing through bookshops something which isnt easy to do because of the pandemic. So heres an alternative or a friedrichs book, cold simply bookstore photographs by horst, a free drinks. They give us a unique insight into a magical world. The worlds loveliest. Ringback and most interesting bookstores, now theyve been published in a collection every bookstore you enter is the ultimate feeling of books on shelves. But i wanted to show the shops that distinguish themselves from the rest, either through their selection or their concept and concept. In his adopted city of london, friedrich has captured images of speciality bookshops, such as max brothers founded in 853. Its one of the worlds oldest antiquarian bookseller. The most valuable item currently in stock, to pages from a 670 year old manuscript about the travels of explorer, marco polo the asking price, 200000 euros. The shop window of books is one of the most colorful ones of all. And thats a testament to the shops concept where the books dont appear to be sorted in any particular way. Even though the owner can locate every single book, converse, least some people purposely leave a book behind when they visit the floating bookshop word on the water on londons regent can now, the old barge is a popular motif on instagram. And its also one of hosty friedrichs favorite haunts. His book presents photos of 47 books. And his coauthor tells their stories like the history of the boat candle domini, canon, a bookshop in mass, in the netherlands, located in a gothic Dominican Church dating from the 13th century. The lolo bookstore in Porto Portugal is said to have inspired harry possum novels. Shops will always exist simply because books are so important, like the air that we breathe without books, there would be no civilization close to a friedrich speeches are a hymn to polks and took silence. Great, a number of those bookshops definitely go on my to do this. As over this edition of arts and culture, i leave you with a bit of christmas cheer in these gloomy times like projections in the nato to region of northern italy. By in a stunning upset for the lead media failed to become a drug into the position in the industry. Turbulent toxic shock lead the club remains at the bottom of the table after another stinging defeat to bloodbath. The team in the uk bloodlines us is on its way to bring you more conservation law. How do mixed signals, greener . How can we protect habitants . We can make a difference. Globally, genius fundamental series, a global suppose on g. W. And all mine has a virus spread. Why do we panic . And when will all this . Just 3 of the topics covered in a weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like. And the information on the crown of maurice or any other science topic, you should really check out our podcast. So you can get it wherever you get your podcast. You can also find us at science go to cut, go to bobby was pop star chris against come up, shut up despite coming from a poor family. Loves to become president. And he challenges are those kids credible story of bob, you want to start december 10th on t. W. Place the book this is due to be news live from panic in the german city of tear as a car, plows through a pedestrian zone at high speed killing at least 2 people, one of them a young child, police have been questioning the suspect, a 51 year old local matt. Well bring you the latest. Also coming up a warning on a world aids day, almost 40000000, people are living with hiv, but could progress against the aids pandemic be undone by the plague on my lark, thank you so much for your company. Everyone where we begin this broadcast with developments out of to clear at least 2 people have been killed in that german city. After a car pull out is through a pedestrian zone there. Up to 15 other people were injured, some of them critically. Police have been questioning the driver a 51 year old local man and are expected to offer more details at a press conference taking place momentarily. Or when you more on that when we have it the 1st. This look at how the incident unfolded. Police in the Fire Department received the emergency call around noon on tuesday. Police were not, immediately able to say whether the car an s. U. V. , had deliberately targeted the busy pedestrian zone intriguer. The regional premier said a baby was among the victims. The driver of the s. U. V. Was stopped by an Unmarked Police car and is said to have resisted arrest. The driver is a 51 year old man, a german national, who is from tree or suburb district. A lot of Police Forces and rescue services were quickly on the scene. As to the mans motive, we cant see anything yet more sargon according to the police, it is an isolated incident, and the danger is over. Police sealed off the area earlier and urged people to stay away from the city center. While chief Political Correspondent on the crane is on the story, melinda, what do we know . Well, we have just heard from the local authorities and regional authorities who are giving a press conference at this hour. That the, it seems that the police are reporting that 4 people were killed in this rampage through the pedestrian area of the city of tree or, and a number more wounded. Weve heard reports of up to 15 people, some of them very seriously wounded and apparently among the victims is also a small child or baby. What we also know is that the driver of the vehicle was 51 year is 51 years of age. He is a german, he is a resident of the city of tree, or he was driving a very fast through the pedestrian area for up to one kilometer. And although we have corona restrictions here in germany that pedestrian area was not empty. It seems that there were a number of people there and because he was going very fast, that accounts for the seriously wounded victims. As there says at a local hospital, have reported, do we know melinda, about a possible motive . And if this was an intentional act, the police apparently have said, and as i said, there is an ongoing press conference, so perhaps we will hear more shortly. But the Police Reported in the past few minutes that there is no evidence at yet as yet of the political motivation apparently of this man, the driver was also not on the local lists of people viewed as being of risk of a terrorist or right wing attack that said so far, there has been no information either about his condition or about his intentions. Perhaps we will know more shortly since the police have been questioning him for the past couple of hours to do that crane. Thank you so much. And as melinda referenced more on the developments in tree or later on in the show, because right now the local police are holding a press conference and covert. 19 next has dominated headlines this year. But there is another pandemic that still affects and kills millions of people around the world. United nations figures now show that 38000000 people are living with hiv last year, and nearly 700000 have died as a result of their hiv infection. But prevention and treatment measures are showing promise. In the last decade, the number of new infections has decreased. Look at that, its a dow words, a slope there for you. And so as the number of people whose death was caused directly by aids or factors related to the immune deficiency syndrome, it experts predict that trend will reverse this year because of the covert, 19 pandemic, and lock downs, causing a shortage of hiv medication. Its estimated there could be an additional 1400000. 00, deaths caused by hiv. As a result, drugs are essential to manage hiv and they have helped many people live life to the full, but stigma still prevails. Our next report takes you to real crain where 3 hiv positive people told you every news, how the virus has affected their lives. Ive had a lot of nos in my life because of my h. I. V. Status without a doubt about it. I thought hiv was something that only affected prostitutes and drug addicts and that if you were quote normal, nothing bad could happen. But i think well go, it will never tell anyone about this. That was my 1st reaction to major positive test results. Ive had a chinese since i was born. My dad died of aids when i was 7. A year later, my mum told me i had a child. As a kid, you dont get what everyone else is thinking, but your life is over, that youre going to die. My mum told me id have to take pills and that was it. It was border going to cause my heart became seriously ill and the doctors didnt have a clue. One day, the man i was dating decided to tick off the condom without telling me a month or so. Later i had tonsilitis and a rash. I just remember thinking, i know what this is. The pitiful i chatted enough of keep it secret. So i decided to tell my classmates at college. Yes, im a child be positive. I ended up telling everyone. Maybe i was just lucky but the reactions were great. And i ended up going out with the prettiest girl in the group, which creates a group of us that challenge. But im telling what, whats the one in the 21st century age . Doesnt have to be a game changer. If everyone has access to testing in treatment, this disease is manageable problem with these visits, even i get messages from other people with hiv, thanking me for speaking out about my status. Theyll tell you that theyve had hiv for 10 years, but only their mothers know what. So many people are giving up on themselves and their lives. Theyre convinced that theyll never have a serious relationship or a decent job. And they just end up cutting themselves off from everything. I try to show them that its not the ha, the status thats doing that to their lives. Its their fears that are the problem with it. Theres no reason to give up. Now to the mystery surrounding a metal monolith in the us state of utah, the alien looking object was discovered in the desert there 2 weeks ago by a helicopter crew who were counting sheep. But now it has suddenly vanished leaving some wondering if it was put there and removed by other worldly visitors. Like something from another wild, a metal monolith hidden away in utahs red rock desert, and landscape that resembles that of planet mas k. A. V. And for a pretty explorers go down to investigate the alien life form. It was spotted by a helicopter crew from the Utah Department of public safety, which was conducting an animal count. Some might suggest that discovering this 3 metre high structure was a welcome distraction from counting sheep. Its certainly got people talking and investigating, even though local authorities had tried to keep its location secret. So is it solid . Not solid. It sounds a little bit like a cardboard box. Sigh, find q. C. s, have linked the object to the film 2000. Im gonna say so to see in that 968 Stanley Kubrick movie and alien monolith becomes a recurring symbol that ive heard everything from did this fall from the sky, you know, did it, and kind of implant itself there . Is it otherworldly, you know, without looking at a close and seeing that there are in fact human made rivets that are used to gather you could definitely let your imagination for a while. Imagination said, definitely running wild now, after news that the monolith has disappeared altogether. The work of extra terrestrials mom. Lets just say its been taken by an unknown party. All i want to take you back now to our top story in tree are where a car plowed through a pedestrian zone at high speed. A d. W. Reporter who was sanders is in the tree and we can go to him right now. Youve just arrived there, a louis. As were able to listen to the police, a briefing thats underway right now. And there were a few details that have just recently come out. The mayor of tree are said, this is a dark day for the city that many of the witnesses of the lets say, deliberate incident, were traumatized by what they saw. And he also authorities also confirmed during the press conference that the 9 month old baby was among the victims. Indeed, as the mayor said, it is a dark day for this city. I just want to confirm, so the mayor just declared that this was a deliberate action, an intentional act. Well, authorities are working under the auspices that this was an intentional act. Exactly. Theyre not going as far to call it a, in an attack or, and theyve also warned the general public to stray away or stay away from you know, just trying, trying to come up with a motive. They have yet to figure out what the motive is and they do not want people speculating at this moment. Right now you have been, you are in a trailer, give us a sense of what its like there right now and, and what twitter is like in general, for people who dont know well, tria is a small city in the moselle wine region. Its considered one of the oldest cities in germany. Its famous for the one of its ancient gates, which was constructed during the roman times. But tonight, people are sad. People are distraught, theyre sorrowful, they cant imagine that this would happen in their city. As i was walking here to the outhouse to the where the press conference is being given, i saw all the parts of the street lined with candles. People dont, dont know what to think, you know its, its hit them right in their home. So at the time that this incident took place, what it would have been, what would it have been like in the street where this incident took place . Well, its, we can say that its the beginning of the holiday season, despite the coronavirus pandemic. You know, there would be shoppers trying to make some, some, do some shopping, some Christmas Shopping for their families in the run up to christmas. Of course theres extra precautions, but there are a lot of people, there is the time of this. So this act, this incident happened in a, at a very terse location at the, near the ancient gate of the city. And so, so that there were a lot of people and there were at least 4 people confirmed dead. As we noted earlier, but also several injured more than a dozen injured. And so this is what authorities are investigating. Theyve started questioning the man, but again, they havent commented on the motive who are sanders are reporting from sheer. Thank you very much. On turning to some sports news now and in formula one, Lewis Hamilton will miss this weekends a secure accompli and beheading after testing positive for the coronavirus. Hamilton claimed a record equalling 7th world title just last month with 3 ways. His despair, well, his Mercedes Team says the brit is doing well despite showing my symptoms and his self isolating well, the pandemic might have forced the delay of the tokyo olympics, but organizers are already hoping to get locals in the mood for them next year while the giant Olympic Rings are back on display in tokyo bay after undergoing months of maintenance. They were in show that lump it colors during the day while lighting up the sky at night. The games are scheduled to open on july 23rd, 2021. That doesnt. Right. Thank you. So much for spending is quite a few days in this state alone. Im not nothing out of the germans. And sometimes i am, but less than nothing with even german thinks deep into the german culture of new jersey. Ridiculous drama down to you. Its all down to nothing. Im rachel, join me for me to get the bungee jumping. Course of Climate Change most of us do use today. The future dot com could turn global economies are inching towards recovery, but not everyone is recovering at the same pace secluding to the o. E. C. D. Well hear from the organizations chief economist, also coming up african trade as a preparing for the launch of a gigantic free trade area covering most of the continent to be the winners and do when it takes effect in the new year. And what happens when one of the worlds most Innovative Companies meets germanys strictly controlled labor system. Well look at tesla in turn that this is due to be business, our robots in berlin, welcome to the program. The Global Economy is moving towards a recovery from a coronavirus pandemic, but an even one thats the conclusion of a new report from the organization for Economic Cooperation and development. A number of factors are helping economies like vaccine development, improved treatment for covered 19 patients. An unprecedented levels of government and Central Bank Action to stabilize markets. Challenges remain though, but over the cd economist predicts that global output will reach preplan demick levels by the end of 2021 with countries like india and china leading that recovery,. When earlier we spoke to Lawrence Boone chief economist at the o. E. C. D. , she told us theres still a lot to be done before the world can get back to normal. The basics of birds have been superglued for helping firms for helping, where carers but they view silly people who are left behind the law, qualified people, and because theyre mostly into the sectors which require contact. There are young people arriving on the labor market. Its super difficult to enter the labor market in the wake of the crisis. We saw that in 2010 with the financial crisis, and those who are the children and from deprived neighborhoods we have seen how much of them did not manage to keep on with the education. Now, trading under the new african Continental Free Trade Area should have begun back in july. But coronavirus got in the way. Now Member States are discussing the final details before the agreement does take effect. Next month. If implemented successfully or create one of the worlds biggest free trade areas covering a market around 1300000000. 00, people with a combined g. D. P. Of 2. 00 trillion dollars. The coronavirus prices in the only reason for the delay countries are also worried about missing out on tower of revenues, alongside knotty issues like how to determine the nationality of a product, as well as making sure the right transportation infrastructure is in place. Now, with trading under the african continent, a free trade area due to begin in the new year, Companies Across the continent are getting for pat for the new roles. Lets speak to our correspondent joy during berra, who joins us from the kenyan capital nairobi joinery, thanks a lot for being with us on the program. Is this something that african firms are looking forward to . Absolutely, african tribes people into this because the african continent, a free trade area is meant to reduce terrorism. Nontariff barriers on the continent means that many all of the businesses, or in this case, life skill companies, are going to have to explore their goods and services across the continent. We now much difficulty is the key moment given the different trade knots that our existence on the african continent. And also the other bigger man beneficiaries will be the Manufacturing Industry for the african countries that have a slanty high and manufacturing capacity. But the start of trading under the agreement wont be the end of the story where there are still a few things that need to be ironed out. They are quite a number of issues to be ironed out. And one of them east ham and eggs, the sion of the treat block sweets are about 5 of them across the african continent. And each of them was signed independently, each of their treaties resigned event in 2. So were talking about the East African Community and the west African Community, as well as the central African Community and south African Community as well. So these are different trade blogs that have undergone different treaties for white and different treaties. And so having to have an eyes, all of this is going to take a while. And so while the continent, a free trade area agreement takes effect january of next year, all of these issues have to be and that is this also the fact that africa is a highly fragmented continent. And so we have the gloves on africa and then we have the front of an africa. All of these have to be have and youve not today is likely to be in realizing the benefits of the continent of free trade. Yeah, we have talked about the beneficiaries if this, but all the money loses from this free trade deal. Not quite because i think just like the European Union took some time, probably decades before it realized how much of a benefit the union was going to be the same thing with the african continent of free trade area. Because if you look at how long its going to take before everything can be put into effect, thats probably going to take 5 to 10 years. But on realizing that i think the biggest losers will have to be thoughtful in our products, into the african continent from that is because the rise of the Manufacturing Industry on the african continent is going to mean that they seem to be less important to africa. Yeah, well plus a benefit they have, there is same story during baron nairobi. Thanks a lot for joining us now to some of the other business stories making the news. The makers of 2 covered 19 vaccines have filed for european approval. The u. S. Drug maker of money was now followed by germanys biotech and its u. S. Bonafied is that they hope to make the Jobs Available by the end of the year. Both are said to be around 95 percent effective Video Conferencing absence. Sumedha seen its revenue more than quadruple in the past quarter. Profits rose to almost 200000000. 00 compared with just 2000000. 00 a year. And a coronavirus pandemic has brought the company explosive growth. But investors worry about its future is back. Seems unable people to get back to work again. You know, he is in berlin to accept a prize for innovation. His latest test lead gigafactory is under construction nearby and while highly anticipated it raises questions for germany, including how americas most forward thinking car company will get along with the countrys tightly regulated labor system. A year ago this was all forest. Now a huge factory is taking shape. An Assembly Hall paint shop and drive unit. Tesla intends to start producing electric cars here as early as next summer. Tesla boss, elon musk is now looking for employees. Hes been on site himself to hold interviews, going straight from the airport to the construction site. Around 8000. 00 jobs will need to be filled on teslas website advertisements look tempting, but musk is not a fan of germanys powerful unions and rigid labor laws. What do you want . Secure, surely gets, and hes been very clear that he does not want, does not want a union here in america. My hope is that the laws in germany are better or stronger and will allow for a better relationship between the unions and to keep tesla in check. But this is exactly what Metal Workers union eeg, a metallic is insisting on cooperation between Company Management and employees has a long tradition in germany. Union official. Bergen is skeptical about teslas attitude and you dont hire gay. Can he handle . I log workers in germany have a say in how the company is run. Works councils are mandatory here. We have strong laws, protecting workers rights and health, and we expect that American Companies here in germany will respect and dear to these rules that dan constant. Crist is a businessman himself, and hes hoping tesla will become a customer of his. Hes also the president of the local chamber of commerce. Chris says the wages tesla is offering are about average for the car industry. But theres still a lot for the region likely use these wafers to poach workers from existing companies. Probably seem tempting to people, but they should be aware of the factory will be running at all hours 7 days a week. And thats not the case at other companies. Up to 500000. 00 cars could be rolling off the Assembly Line here every year. Thats a demanding piece of production for the factory. And unions warn for its employees. Next, the sudanese Prime Minister wants Sudan Airways to establish a Strategic Partnership with American Aerospace giant. Boeing by minister abdullah hound dog, made the announcement as he met with boeing representatives in khartoum. On tuesday, sudan has been largely cut off from the International Business community because of its design designation as a supporter of terrorism by the us government. Prime minister hun docks government hopes the u. S. Will remove the blacklisting later this month. And whats being touted as the largest 3 d. Printed residential building in europe is coming together nicely in a small bavarian village. But can the project a nearly 400 square meter Apartment Building hasten the Construction Industries adoption of the Technology Layer by layer. This machine is putting down the concrete walls of what is expected to be europes largest 3 d. Printed residential building. Soon the structure in the very intelligent bolland house and not reach 3 storeys and house 5 apartments. Commons. If thats if you can imagine a sort of piping bag like it used to ice a cake which builds up the layers. The 3 d. Printer is being guided by a computer which directs the mixing and laying of the concrete. Its much faster and more efficient than human workers, according to the buildings contractor form site. And it took 25 hours to print the ground floor and thats with 2 people. And comparison, it usually takes 5 people about 5 days. So when we get a feel from photog, thats good news. He says, because germany is facing a shortage of skilled construction workers. He hopes this Technology Might Help to change that by attracting a new set of workers to the end of story. Moment. At the moment were having problems getting young people and dues to about training and construction. We want to turn that around with this 3 d. Project and say, hey, were making working in construction sexy again. If we do need to succeed, but it wont solve all the Construction Industries was just like with normal building sites, cold Winter Weather could soon be shutting this 3 d. Printer down and just time for a mind of our top story. The o. E. C. D. Club of machinations as the Global Economy is moving toward recovery from the pandemic challenges remain. But o. E. C. D. Economists predict the global out course will reach prepubescent levels by the 2020 want countries like india and china. These are a couple thanks a lot for joining us. Until next time. Good bye. Costs in a stunning upset for dogs. To be coming into the 4th position in the industry, contacts, and tumbling toxic shock. The compliments at the bottom of the table after another stinging defeat to keep going and in 16 w. Every journey begins with the 1st step and every language, but the 1st word, published in the cook is in germany to learn german and why not . With him, its simple online, on your mobile and free shops, d, w, z e learning course. Nikos for german made easy this is coming up on the program, talking a pandemic during, im not a pandemic. 20 percent of South Africans are living with hiv. And its not easy. Toggling its june of covert 19 and damage. But a new preventative treatment to me help stop the spread. Also coming out of the west, forced to flee their country by the need to just to grab egypt. Now when saddam the complete stranger is doing all she can to help themselves

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