Of militia and special forces had surrendered. This follows accusations that the tea growing Hughson Group killed at least 600. 00 people in a rampage. Earlier this month, a Turkish Court has handed down life sentences for 300 instead. 37 people accused of an attempted coup in 2016. Many of the defendants are former Army Commanders and pilots. They were convicted of crimes including murder and attempting to overthrow the government. This is g. W. News from berlin. Follow us on twitter and instagram. D. W. News or visit our website, w dot com. Americans are gathering today for things giving is this a super spreader of it in the making will know when a few weeks in the United States and here in europe, the coronavirus pandemic is now at a perilous point. New infections and coated 1000 deaths are swelling just as the holidays begin. Germany plans to ease its lockdown in december in time for christmas. What will that mean for january . A new year of hope, or a new year of record hospitalizations, i bring gulf of berlin. This is the day off. It warms your heart, we called it a mark of salt. 4000, were a defeat for the dow, the me and my crew. We werent costly at it. And so i wanted to come by and see them that thanksgiving to thank you. Why do you think there is something that covert 19 at all . I dont think of as a real thing a matter just be unsafe and playing a smart. We both have had to live it. So theres, you know, you know, so it just really is real to work that in your hand. You think its good to know that its now the couple days as if you had somebody playing and will be we will sleep well at night knowing that we help people also coming up, stopping the pandemic, the challenges of vaccinating everyone everywhere. 10000000000 doses of vaccine is based on a World Population of 7800000000 people. So its a great challenge for everyone involved and to our viewers on p. B. S. In the United States and to all of you around the world. Welcome, we begin the day struggling to control the coronavirus. Yet again, germany started its nationwide partial walked on the 2nd because the virus was spreading like wildfire almost 4 weeks later. Exponential growth in new infections has been stopped, but the virus has not. Late on wednesday, german chancellor Angela Merkel announced plans to tighten and extend the walk down until december 20th. In order to allow families and friends to observe christmas together. The want to move be eased until the start of the new year, provided the pandemic is under control. If not, fear of the virus will mean for christmas. What it has meant for most days this year. Another day spent avoiding people another day spent of warding the boy chancellor Angela Merkel explained the governments decision to extend the current partial lockdown and partly tighten it up to the german parliament. Its no secret that the chancellor would have liked to see stricter measures taken to fight the pandemic. But because of the federalist system, she had to find Common Ground with state leaders that sniff that the worst has been avoided. Our Health System hasnt been overwhelmed. And so far, when people inflated the resulting economic, social, and ethical consequences, thats the 1st success. But its by no means a lasting one. The far right opposition party, a f. D. Alternative for germany objected, saying the restrictions were damaging to both society and the constitution. You just wish that you caused the most damage to our economy, ordinary people, and their Constitutional Rights through the socalled Civil Protection act. In record time, youve written yourself a blank check for disregarding fundamental rights of purpose. While you are making noise, were looking for solutions. We are problem solvers and various roles and functions. And thats the point to find solutions to keep this country pulling together in the same direction. And thats what distinguishes us from you. The current measures helped to significantly reduce contact between people and slowed growth of infections. But social contacts will be further tightened until december 20th. The hope is that staying a part now well allow families to come together over christmas and the new year surveys show most people understand. I know 100 not what can we do . No matter what the government says, there are always be people who are against it because its pretty hard and i think its very sensible to be honest. I think the measure should be tougher to get out of a foothold after 3 that you will, i trust the government to make clever decisions. Im happy that theyve consulted scientist and an ethical commission. And i hope that means that the best possible decisions will be taken up, become depressed. Chancellor merkel acknowledged that the coming months will be difficult, but she said working together, germany would get through this crisis. By the time christmas arrives, germany will know more about the impact of a major holiday on controlling the virus. Thanks to what is happening now in the United States today is thanksgiving. One of the most important us holidays, the day before thanksgiving is the most heavily traveled day of the year in america. But this year, Public Health officials advised people to stay home or risk creating a super spreader event. Or not everyone heeded that warning after more than 8 months of social distancing. Many are simply eager to see family and friends again. 50000000 people are expected to drive or fly by this coming sunday. 95 percent of those are expected to travel by car, only 5 percent are flying this year, but that is still 2 and a half 1000000 people. Well, it is a traditional thanksgiving to visit the grandparents, but this year, grandmothers, grandfathers, and many elderly will spend the holiday alone. A washington based Restaurant Owner is trying to combat the loneliness by feeding the stomach and the soul. Thanksgiving celebrations have always been about food. Lots of Food Production of cornbread, stuffing Sweet Potatoes and then of course the turkey they say people game 7 pounds over thanksgiving. This one will probably do it this year though Many Americans will eat alone. Corona has turned cooking and eating with others into a danger, especially for the elderly. This is where mark buker and his team stepped in. We want to make sure that the older population had a thanksgiving meal. Because theres one meal thats really hard to make, but not impossible to make for one person. And thats thanksgiving. So we can make it for them. Marc posted his offer of a free meal for people over 70 on social media. He was expecting about 200 people would reply, but 5000 asked him for dinner. We found a group of our population that starving and they are scared to death to leave their apartments. And as a result, they just dont want thanksgiving dinner. Theyre depending on a thanksgiving dinner. So he called on his restaurant stuff to get it working. The meals are paid by donations, volunteers bringing a sequin of solidarity as well as dinner. Thanks, gary. Thank you. I often went to family or to my friends house for many years. And this year, no wedding cant go anywhere. How do you feel about this . Pretty sad is that, you know, locked in a house for a long time and youre by yourself. But you know, its you in the cat, just me and the cats. So thats how im spending, except now im going to have the meal. Its a very period where when you cant buy food, the way you use to buy food, i just picked in the bag. It looked wonderful. But im a bright moment in hard times and new priorities for a Restaurant Owner. This isnt my job. This is my responsibility. Good news on this thanksgiving. Well, lets take the story now to washington d. C. My colleague, carly did 2 more years she is working on this thanksgiving. Carlina happy thanksgiving to you. Happy thanksgiving to you, friend. We know that fewer people are traveling in america this week, but public killed Officials Say the numbers are still too high to me. I mean, youve been on the belt what have you observed . , and we know that the c. D. C. , the centers for Disease Control and prevention posted already a long delays a week ago, at least of the guidelines for as safely celebrating thanksgiving. This includes of course, wearing a mask, keeping gatherings small and if possible outside. And they also say older adults or a person with sort of medical conditions that they should completely avoid in person gatherings with people who dont do not live in their household. And this makes it, of course, very difficult friend because as you know, things giving is precisely about family and friends. And this includes of course, elderly people. So this day i feel so also a bit sad here in the United States for a lot of families. But their risk is huge, we have to say that the United States has already over 12000000 cases to report and more than 260000 that something really worrying. Yeah, i mean, i speak from personal experience, cant be with my family because of the pandemic this year. What about the nations airports . Are we seeing a lot of people slowing . Well, the c. D. C. Has also recommended against traveling this week and for thanksgiving, especially. But still millions have traveled through the airports in the United States. Enjoy this stage with their families, students, parents, siblings were just families who want to gather as they have always been doing. They dont want to change anything in their lives because of covert 19 and the countrys top in fake Infectious Disease expert. Remember, he said that people in airports that they are going to get the United States into even more trouble than we are right now. Already. We want to yesterday to Dulles International airport in washington, and we talked to some off the travelers. Lets take a look, brant travels great new problems whatsoever. Everybody that ive seen, you know, paying attention to the social, distancing of everything, everybodys wear masks. So there wasnt any problems whatsoever. Trouble was actually a whole lot easier than what i thought it was going to be. Well shes seeing people, some of them feel comfortable and the think it is a brand that traveling seems to be safe, but its not really you dont know who you might be inspecting. Also very important to consider the symptoms after kovac 19. What if someone already have the, this infection, these are also symptoms have to be taken very seriously. And these are things that a lot of people we talked to yesterday at the airport are not considering. You know, its a very good point to make one of the messages that americans are hearing the messages from president president elect on this thanksgiving day. You really could hardly be more different. Youre completely right, brant, but this isnt really surprising. Is it . I mean, donald trump, as we know, has not been taking this pandemic seriously from day number one on. And so by then he called for salutary during a speech yesterday, he was making people feel that he knows how difficult it is to keep that this in, in a day like today that they, that is supposed to be full of hats and gatherings and not really a social distance. All right, to w. s curly major mori. With the latest tonight on this thanksgiving in washington, d. C. Charlie would thank you very much. Have a happy and a healthy thanksgiving. How much of the world is hoping . The Coronavirus Crisis will end when the bank seems announced over the last 2 weeks or finally made available. A number of countries say they expect to start vaccinating the most vulnerable in those Frontline Health care workers next month. No better is an ambitious goal. The logistical challenge of ensuring that everyone gets a shant. It is enormous. How do you vaccinate the whole world against coded 19, up to 10000000000 doses will be needed say logistics experts. So 10000000000 doses of vaccine is based on a World Population of 7800000000, people with the aim of achieving herd immunity of 60 percent. Many vaccinations require 2 shots, so its a great challenge for everyone involved in ocular adding billions of people worldwide requires a gigantic effort. D. H. L. Estimates it will take around 15000 flights and 200000 pallet transports, and several 1000000 individual transports in cold boxes. The vaccine has to be stored at least at fridge temperature. Some of the new vaccines need super cold temperatures. And no interruption of the cold chain is allowed, not sharing transport on the pallets, not jaring temporary storage at airports, and not one being delivered in individual boxes to billions of people worldwide. There are still many problems to be solved. Refrigerated transport in planes for example, is complicated. The world of googling has to be carried out with dry ice, both in the air transport and in express shipments. Dry ice is a hazard in air freight because it sublimes in this place is the air we breathe. So a lot of things need to be considered in detail and how do you access remote regions, those without an airport nearby or roads on which refrigerated trucks can drive and thats why some of the 6 who tried to be as you know, but the best possible so where i think you got to do roles one example, would it make sense for the balls to be used in order to speed up to believe that it all seems anymore to do a case . Yes. But then do we have enough people enough left yet people there, you know, to be able to do have access in a safe way. In the industrialized countries, infrastructure is considered to be well developed in other countries, culture and logistics are more problematic or practically impossible due to heat or poor transportation routes. The vaccine is likely to be delivered 1st to countries with good infrastructure. If you would ask me what im glad my artery bottoms to be, if i would like my head to the bad ones to be on the belt on a developing country, i would definitely like to be in a developed cavity because then they would have a better chance of getting the vaccine type, transporting the vaccine at speed and at the right temperature. Logistics experts say its the challenge of the century. You know, while the questions remain about how to vaccinate the world, my next guest has some answers and solutions. Steve gorani is the chief medical officer and Health Solutions director at esrey. That is the Worlds Largest provider of Geographic Information systems. And she joins me tonight from sacramento, california. Ms. Gorani, welcome to the program and happy thanksgiving to you. We appreciate you joining us on this big holiday. Thank you very much. Im very glad to be here and its an important discussion. A lot of our viewers will be familiar with the Johns Hopkins University Global coded 19 map. Now that map is based on your platform, we all have use the data, especially because it is Real Time Data to do, you know, hit anything like this. Had it been anything like this been done before . Not at this scale, i would say the Johns Hopkins dashboard really took off and actually has its place in history now has the most viral map based application in the world. So i dont think weve seen this level of real time information, global information, and particularly about health information. So its pretty new. Yeah. And so many people have come to rely on it from the beginning of the pandemic all the way up until today. How can this Technology Help get vaccines to everyone around the world quickly . Sure, well at its most basic level, the Johns Hopkins dash board shows you what is happening in the places you care about where you live, where your family lives. In the same way, we take place information and apply it to the problem of vaccine distribution, which as everybody can imagine is a geographically focused kind of event. So understanding what are the facilities that are able to store the vaccine given all the different requirements for cold storage . So some facilities can store the ultra cold, some can store regular refrigerated vaccines. What is the capacity of those facilities . How accessible are they geographically in terms of drive time or walk time, and where are the priority populations . Because, of course, we want to vaccinate everybody, but we need to vaccinate in a particular order in order to enter the pandemic as quickly as possible. These are all geographic questions, and its a good point that you made vaccinating everyone gives coronavirus will be one of the biggest logistical challenges to ever face humanity. Do you have any practical experience with the use of Geographical Information Systems and rolling out vaccination programs . Sure. Weve been doing this kind of work for years, but recent experience, we saw one of the local jurisdictions in the state of minnesota, Carleton County do a drive through flu vaccine clinic as kind of a practice in using our software to make that process more efficient. And they found that they could vaccinate a lot more people when they used mobile applications to do some of the paperwork. And they had dashboards to monitor the times that people went through. We understand that you were a high ranking data official at the California Department of Public Health. So we know if theres anywhere in the world thats ready to use these new technologies that it has to be california. But what about places in the world where the technology and the Data Infrastructure is more of a challenge . What do you do there . Well, i think, you know, what you can do you start where you are. You use different kinds of methods like crowdsourcing. You pull the data that you have, and sometimes maybe rather than having a facility, be able to administer the vaccines, you use a mobile outreach van and you take back scenes to where theyre needed. Theres going to be different strategies all around the world. But im optimistic that its possible and that those different strategies will also apply within the, u. S. Right . Because you have areas that are removed from the grid as much as some places you would think of in other continents. Absolutely, i mean we have a lot of people who live in, as you say, very rural areas. We have our indigenous tribes who will also need access to the next scene. And then there are other kinds of populations that may not be rural, but theyre harder to reach people who may be experiencing homelessness. They will still need to be vaccinated if they choose to be as well. All right, well mr. Ragab, we certainly wish you all the best success with this. Please come back and talk with us again as that. But as we get closer to deploying the vaccine, as the karate from sri in california was brought in. Thank you very much and have a happy and healthy thanksgiving. Thank you so much. Argentina has declared 3 days of mourning for the superstar footballer diego maradona. He died on wednesday at the age of 60 after suffering a heart attack. Tens of thousands of people gathered since were born assad is outside the president ial palace where wives in stay huge crowds are expected to pay their respects over the next 3 days. Passing the wooden casket draped with argentinas flag and jerseys from our donors. Number 10, many considered our donna to be the best player of all ta for more now im joined by diego maradonas, former agent john smith, who joins me from england tonight. Mr. Smith, its good to have you on the program. You represent it. Maradona from 1971990 during the height of his career. Why do you think that he was loved so much . Just not only in argentina, but everywhere. See, you know, sport touches many people and football is, has its roots in tribalism. Its a loss to greet. He was just so good things that other people didnt do and he had an Energy Around him and it was so you know, theres Something Special about some people that have been he believes that he had a he had a divinity subdued, useful way that he did people who were that that convince that theyre on a mission, i think maybe go sprinkles a little bit special dust on them before they come down here. And he could walk into a room that was in restaurants with it in various places that didnt seek you know, what peoples heads would turn just had something he had to possess. So i think he had this immense talent northeast of the world stage. And he never from galts, where it came from and he promoted the unfortunates on this planet. Well, you say that he had this, this divinity about him. We know that his fans wanted a lot from him. Do you think that his decline in the latter part of his life should it maybe serve as a cautionary tale about the values that society places on sports . I mean, should we maybe stop expecting the greats like donna, to be more dolgoff . You know, its not just sportsman and theyre all sportsmen that, that somehow that expectation and its this is, this is, this sort of says, here it happens. I see it happen. Ive been very fortunate my lifes of mingled and represented some geniuses in the sports and its taking a look at characters like john lennon, who wrote some of the greatest music ever. And even he came to different parts of his life where hes head couldnt comprehend any more in a manner that he achieved everything. Unfortunately, unfortunately were out of time on time tonight, but we appreciate you taking the time to share your memories with us. John smith, former agent of the well, the days almost done, the conversation continues online. Youll find us on twitter either g w news. You can follow me and print off t. V. Every member whatever happens between now and then tomorrow is another day. Have a happy and healthy thanksgiving ever entered the conflict zone. Seroquel is in crisis mode after poland and hungary be the glocks, much needed new budget and colonial rivals for coverage fox. My guest this week here at the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum is polish member of the e. U. Parliament which had the good stuff of the law and justice party. And the polish government afford to be at odds with each and its core values conflict. So for good use, crime fighters are back now for those most successful radio drama series continues this season. The stories focus on hate speech, cholera, prevention and sustainable charcoal production. All of a sows are available online. And of course, you can share and discuss on africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms, crime fighters to mindanao. Whats the secret behind this classic music to say . As soon as you hear beethoven lose your mind or the story behind the music. For the ages, british aka beethovens 9th for the morning starts to simmer down on w. No, no, you have fulfilled, you go, you wouldnt want to clear colins name. I dont care who voted Public Perception be you is in crisis mode after poland and hungary veto the blocks much needed, new budget and coronavirus recovery funds over a new rule to make access conditional on upholding core e. U. Values. My guest this week here at the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum is a polish member of the e. U. Parliament. Richard. The good go from the law and justice party. And the polish government afford to be at odds with the e. U. And its core values

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