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Confirmation in the senate, where republicans still hold a narrow majority. For now, at least with the transition poses officially under way, some of the uncertainty and turbulence of the past weeks seems to be settling down. Peter joins with the studio now for some analysis, peter, after 3 weeks, this transition is can finally begin about time. Its a big a big deal. Is this right on a normal set circumstances . This would not be a big deal. I mean, this is something that usually goes very smoothly in the mallets, you know, just days after the election, we see the, the 2 teams come together and start the transition. But in this case, it is a big deal for exactly the reasons that were 3 weeks in. Were looking at competing crises, we have a pandemic. Theres an economic crisis and experts are really said, you know, if every day that this transition is delayed, means that more american americans could be dying from the co bit because the governments are just not ready to handle the price and tackle the crisis the way they should be, as he set, were now 3 weeks after the election and every 2nd counts. So it is very good news that this transition is now officially kicked off. That means that biden has access to federal agencies, access to the same intelligence that the trumpet instruction has, means that they can begin background checks, meaning that bidens team will be ready to work on day one. And that is really important because the by government will really have to hit the ground running. There was a tweet today, but president hasnt really conceded. Yes, he still wants to keep, keep fighting in the courts. What are his chances . Well, theyre not looking great. I mean theyve, theyve staged legal challenges in several states, and most of them have been dismissed. Hes demanded a recount and in georgia, friends. And thats unlikely to go anywhere. So its not looking good for trumps chances of, you know, affecting the outcome of the election. Any anyway, and i think really what were seeing here is, is trump, on the one hand, showing his base that hes not going down without a fight, but at the same time see some ground and signaling to, you know, more established republicans that he is beginning to get out of the way and that were looking at a more orderly transition. Maybe going ahead. Lets just have a look at the president elect joe biden as dogs. Its a naming of his, his cabinets. It looks very diverse. What else is unusual about . Well, i think what struck me the most about this, about these announcements are that they sensually, i mean, this is the antitrust government, you know, unlike a lot of president trumps picks, that were from the Business World that had no political experience were looking out whats essentially would be a technocratic government, almost. Were looking at people like the secretary of state and the blinken, if hes confirmed with more than 4 decades, almost in washington, we are looking at the u. S. Ambassador to the u. N. , linda thomas greenfield, who also has about 4 decades in foreign service. So you know, all these picks mark a very strong departure from trumps america 1st doctrine. And i mean, just look at this week from secretary former secretary of state john kerry, who will become the new climate czar. He says it will be an honor to work with our allies and partners alongside ricing Young Leaders in the Climate Movement to tackle the Climate Crisis with the seriousness. Urgency disserves. I mean, thats words that we havent heard from the trumpet instruction in 4 years, and it marks a very strong return to the international stage. And i think for a lot of people, especially here in europe, thats going to be music to their ears. Certainly thank you very much for that analysis. Well, how easily joe biden can push through his agenda as president could come down to the us state of georgia to runoff elections in january. That will decide if the democrats or the republicans get control of the u. S. Senate ws Washington Bureau chief in this poll visited one small town in georgia to examine the political divide there more closely in the heart of one of the most divided counties in georgia. Lysa town minutes with half of its population is white and 48 percent. Disaffection. American, in an antique shop in downtown, we find many items that reflect the time when milledgeville was george, just the state capital. That was during the civil war when the confederacy, including george, are fought to keep slavery. Some elements of that time still seem relevant to shop owner larry hughson, who seems to be stuck in the past. There is never, never going to be equality in race. He has a grim take on the current political situation. And i dont think the republicans and the democrats are going to maybe own level play and fail. Floyd griffin has been doing his bit to level georgia as political Playing Field for decades. He was the 1st democrat to have been elected from this area to the Georgia Senate and also served as milage rules. Mayor. The bottom line is ratios on here in an american president , majority White Community are going to be in a minority here pretty soon. And they are that the black and brown people are going to take over. The divisions here in milledgeville, broadly reflect those of the whole of the usa. Bringing together people who feel as differently as floyd, griffin, and, and teak shop owner. Larry used to do is a major challenge, but they need to Work Together on the many problems in the country and in the town. Stephen hall was or has some ideas. He is the director of the local library and helps organize the initiative on the table. It brings people together to discuss local issues in a constructive way. He approaches low drama and encourages everyone to get involved. I think the Biggest Issue for us is what is america . Weve had a lot of changes in the last couple years and a lot of the norms that weve had for better or for worse have gone away. And i think were looking at a future of what is our value . What are our ideas of how we should behave toward each other and what is the common purpose that we have . I think weve lost a little track of that. And id love to see that come together in the future. Or that americans have to start listening to one another and stop shouting over each other in a sport of reporting. And thats a look at some of the other stories making headlines this hour. The u. N. Has expressed concern over the safety of civilians in ethiopias to cry region as thousands continue to flee the area after 3 weeks of intense fighting. Ethiopian military and civilian forces have both fronts. Advances in the prostate is not yet been possible to verify the sites claims. Police in paris have allegedly used tear gas to dismantle a makeshift migrant camp. The compound been erected to house hundreds of people left homeless after another one was cleared last week. Frances interior minister, he has said images of the incident are shocking and called for details. Australia as large as the alan quantas has suggested, it could make a coronavirus vaccination, a requirement for International Air travelers. Its c. E. O. Says quantas would implement the measures as soon as a vaccine was made available. He thought the rule could become common practice. Among elements. Germanys government is optimistic that the country might begin vaccinating people before the end of this year. But in the meantime, leaders are eyeing an extension of the current partial shutdown case numbers have plateaued since a limited lockdown began, but remain high. Rising by more than 13000 in the past 24 hours. Following a meeting of the leaders of germanys 16 states, a draft proposal suggest its pending current restrictions until at least december 20 with a potential relaxation over the Christmas Holiday period. A final decision will be made at a meeting with chancellor merkel on wednesday. Lets bring in the obvious Political Correspondent, i want to, emma lots of good news on the vaccine front. What sort of strategy is germanys government preparing . Well, thats a moment. Vaccination centers are being set up all around to counter you, but 1st there wont be no facts scenes for everyone, but the supply will of course, increase over time as production increases as a 2 phase industry t. G. During their 1st phase Vulnerable People will be prioritized. Im thinking about the elderly, the 1st responders and vaccinations will take place in does centers and through mobile teams. Then there will be a 2nd phase, was the vaccine will be more broadly available, and then the general public will have access to 8. And a vaccine will also be available not only in those centers, but does so have medical practices just like any other vaccine ministers will meet every 2 weeks not to discuss the measures, but christmas is just around the corner. Has there been any news on restrictions over the holiday period . Yes, a prime is agreed on monday evening to extend the current measures and to december 28th. Im going to america have to say that if it were up to her to measures would already be much stricter, but she has to find a come on line with the state premiers as well. Now on wednesday, we could see tougher measures being adopted for the coming months, such as more restrictions when it comes to socializing. Up until christmas, the number of people allowed to meet will be reduced from 10 people to 5, but there will be an exception for christmas, where up to 10 people will be allowed to meet us. So churches will be allowed to conduct religious services and people will be encouraged to self isolate those before and after disintegrations and keeping schools in cuba, gods own seems to be a priority at the moment. Whys that . Well, the government made clear very early on the dream days pounding that he wanted schools to remain open when possible, but on the same time they reason need to reduce infection, waits within the younger population as well. And the discussion around stricter rules is very much on the social distancing mosque crowding out. Schools quarantine that, for example, a mandatory mosques in schools and hospitals. Very controversial measures so far. We could see becoming a rule, you know, we as was more than 50 cases, 500000 inhabitants of homeschooling. For example, this is something that will be decided on a local level by each state. So we can really see how controversial the school topic is here in germany. Thank you very much of a Political Correspondent warning of a difficult winter and the mood among the German Companies already darkened in november as the country remains in a partial lockdown. A closely watched survey from the institute showed companies grew significantly more pessimistic about the future. Germany closed bars and restaurants and introduced new contact restrictions 3 weeks ago. To combat surging coronavirus cases, the new Restrictions Mean germanys unlikely to maintain the rebound in growth. In the 3rd quarter, which the government on tuesday revised upwards to 8. 5 percent more on that. Lets bring in claimants fusees. The president of the for institute, who conducts these studies, looking at todays data, is there any chance the German Economy can avoid a contraction in the 4th quarter . Well, it will be close. The incoming data is negative, but its not so negative that we would say a contraction is in there. But of all of the expectation before the lockdown measures was that the economy would grow by Something Like 2 to 3 percent in the 4th quarter. Now with this shutdown we think this is approaching 0, but its not clear if this is becoming a negative charge, America Needs tomorrow with state leaders to discuss extending the lockdown measures. How big of a risk is this to the economy . Well, the risk to the economy is across the infections and it looks like the current shutdown measures are not entirely sufficient to bring down infections as far as, as necessary. So the lock down, of course, does have an impact in particular on restaurants and bars and on the economy about avoiding block down, but would lead to a certain infections and may be, make a harder lockdown necessary later. So yes, this is going to be a problem. Its hard, in particular on restaurants, who hoped for business during the christmas season, but it wouldnt make sense economically to postpone these measures. Those are lots of excitement of the moment in the markets about vaccine prospects. When do you think that well start impacting the economy . Yes, the distribution of the vaccines will take time. Its also not entirely clear to what extent the population will accept of accept this vaccine. Young people have a lower risks, and a new vaccine always brings risks. I would expect that this has an impact on the next autumn and winter, so we would probably avoid a wave of lockdowns in the autumn of 2021 or in the winter 2022. In the past half of the year, the impact of the vaccine will certainly be limited and have a quick look at the german Manufacturing Sector that has been not the notable bright spot for the economy this year. Is that still true . Will that hold . Thats the whole. So the Business Climate in the Manufacturing Sector is even a little better than a month ago. The difference between the shutdown and the shutdown we had in the spring is that we are now not closing borders. We are not interrupting barrier chains and that means industry can continue producing this holds in germany and also in other countries. So the Manufacturing Sector is clearly stabilizing the economy and the moon maybe prevent negative growth in the park wattle, famous, who is the president of the influences . You . Thank you very much for this analysis. Thank you. Hungary and poland, the 2 holdouts in stalled negotiations on an e. U. Budget and a coronavirus Recovery Fund. Both countries object to a plan that would stifle to rule of law criteria. Hungarys prime minister, viktor orban. Call the plan blackmail critics. In hungary allege organs, government is rife with corruption. In some cases involving e. U. Funds. But these dissenting voices, fear they could soon be silence. About the latest news in 3 minutes. Clip radio is a popular station in budapest and one of only a few Media Outlets that are critical of the government. But their license expires in 3 months. And the authorities have so far refused to extend it to the vast majority of the hungary and media slave, usually follow the wards of the government for a lot of hungary. And its the only side of the argument that they hear. Clap radio does not communicate like this. We are so to speak, an obstacle to the complete domination of the hungarian mind, and their voices seem to be needed now more than ever with the coronavirus pandemic raging through the country. Hungry as prime minister, viktor orban, is using the crisis to seize more power. His critics say, daniel worked for the hungry and Civil Liberties union. The n. G. O. Recently published a report showing how theyre condemning, has led to more corruption in the country. One example is the purchase of ventilators by the foreign ministry. Ventilators were purchased in huge quantities and since significantly overpriced, only some of them are likely to be used in intensive care and protection against the epidemic. And thats another concern on top of the fact that they were wired at an inflated price in the us for you. Just because this mans mission is to uncover corruption at the highest level and to call it out. Because had, has he is an independent member of the hunger in parliament. He tells me that all guns government is plagued by corruption and that its high time for the you to take action. Volumnia more dorner or somehow this has to be resolved. The government cannot continue to steal or spend your funds uncontrolled. All one uses this money to pay his people. This is how he maintains this fraudulent system, not toward rent, but viktor orban deflects and criticism, and is challenging the use plans to tie funding to respect for the rule of law. We wanted to speak about this with his spokesperson, but he canceled the interview at short notice. They have going to government accuses brussels of trying to saying, should it for political reasons. But the countrys Civil Society and opposition hope for the you to stand its ground. They fear, backing down now would embolden big to orbit and encourage other populous in the year out. The journalists at club radio hoping for international support, and they are determined to continue their work, if necessary, by streaming their shows via the internet. That however, would mean a much smaller audience. As brussels correspondent at summer phenomenon filed this report and joins us now from brussels center. Will the e. U. Stand its ground with regards to poland and hungary in this fight . Well, many people i talk to in budapest are certainly hoping that the p. And union will stand its ground. And some you members, countries such as, for example, the neverlands have already announced that its important that they cannot, they cannot back down. Its important now to act. However, we also have to say that for the european union, it is important to, to build a political consensus. There are many areas that require all the e. U. Members to be on board that require unanimous approval when you deal with the budget when you deal with foreign porous policy issues. And actually now all eyes, are on call. Germany holds the European Council president c. , and america will talk to hungry, hungry prime minister, all bantul, his polish colleagues to, to try to solve this crisis. You mentioned the unanimous need for you, none of the decisions could be on the e. U. Member states. Go ahead and at least get the Coronavirus Aid Fund on track by themselves. Yes, actually they could do this according to the e. U. Treaty. Is it possible for a certain number of e. U. Members to say, now we are moving forward by and hands corporation. The best example for that is the euro, the european currency, not every e. U. Member, fulfill state conditions to have the euro. So the new members could say ok, we are going, were moving forward with the Recovery Fund and hungry can think about it and then join us later this hour for diplomacy, isnt it . If the e. U. Reacts to harshly some say to drive into putins arms or do you think well, it is certainly a possibility on the hour hand. We have to say that hungary has been profiting for from its membership has been receiving billions of e. U. Funds. And its of course important to still continue to receive them. So that is why there are more and more voices saying now its important to stand its ground. And its important to take a stand here. Thank you. Asuna phenomena in brussels. Some football news in their Champions League, the top european clubs face off later today among the fix just dortmund takes on bruges. While leipsic are in paris for the 2 german sides and play on tuesday. Youth is taking the spotlight fresh from becoming the bundesliga is youngest, ever player on saturday, used to from a coco faces the prospect of breaking the same record in the Champions League. He only turned 16 on friday and would set a record unlikely ever to be beaten. But speaking on monday, dortmund coach lucien favela refused to be drawn on whether the youngster would make his next record breaking debut in the match against bruges. Its hard to speak about this all to give a straight answer. We will have to see in training. We have so many options up front. So we will have to wait and see for a few years ago like 6, youre not goals, man became the youngest coach in Champions League history. And in coaching terms is still a Spring Chicken at age 33. He too has put faith in youth. Only 2 clubs in the competition have fielded younger teams. The novels munda season. But hes already wary of the pressures of top level football. To cut a few pressure is a lot about whats in the heads of the players before the game and as much discussed and talked about. But once the game starts, it isnt just the pressure that is the deciding factor. Of course, theres always a lot of it in the Champions League as there arent that many matches in the group phase. So every game is crucial. Every game comes with a certain pressure. But it isnt that different to the bundesliga, because leipsic will face a tough task, awaits a paris and noddles money is unlikely to risk starting any debut tomes in this crucial fixture. Youre watching the news. Heres a reminder of the top stories were following for you today. The u. S. Government has agreed to begin the president ial transition for joe biden. The, from the special had delayed the handover process for 3 weeks over allegations of voter fraud. Thats it from me and the news team dont go away. The kickoff is next with a review of those leaders match day time. Galveston and the team thanks, watched tom cox in for the dog. The show defeats hashimi and practically singlehandedly the team top 3 getting mine says step up in the 1st line of the season. On d w. The current foreign talent show up until now the germans have enough cash. Because at 19 is fundamentally changing that. How was it in other european countries, and what are the consequences of this Development Card to cope with 19 cash in 16 years on d. W. Ws crime fighters are back africas most successful radio drama series continues this season. The stories focus on hate speech prevention and sustainable charcoal production. All of his those are available online. And of course you can share and discuss on africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms, crime fighters to noone else. Some people could afford to see the funny side. While for others it was the same tragic story. For some, it was back to business as usual. And it was also the dawn of it new teen sensation. There were some nasty surprises in store for of all people byron. While the coach of Germanys National side already knows, there will be no turning around their anything but happy ending to the year. Dimanche, up to recorded their heaviest defeat in almost 90 years. Surely for byron, thered be no more clowning around this time. Not for manual noir, and at least it wasnt as farcical a show for him this time around. As for the rest of the circus, among the top teen slots again showed theyre not that comfortable on the road. While leverkusen now seem capable of prevailing in games, that pose a challenge. As for dortmund nuff said, would begin with the Biggest Surprise of the weekend, which left thomas millar, unusually quiet. Finds germany internationals looked anything but jaded following this threshing by spain in the nations league. Maybe because it was back to the bundesliga an arena where they used to be boss and football and braman are traditionally a fun teams of play against manuel neuer was perhaps the only one looking tense after the slaughter in seville for him. An unprecedented exercise in picking the ball out of the net mans noire will soon feeling the heat a quarter of an hour in. He has to be at his best to deny the visitors a double chance of going in front. But at least the brain coach florian could tell, unlike by an tansey flick the team had yet to threaten and on the stroke of half time job charging cowed into the books to set up the shock opener noir with a sense of deja vu about his defense but in looks bewildered, this was braman off the rule. It seemed that beats him to 19 bundesliga outings in succession. Things didnt look much better for the hosts after the break. Either. Costa did at least test the brain and crossbar, but otherwise, tame that change just after the hour mark when kingsley commands the school with a header from the most common copy of each Champions League, winner of its current century man. Perhaps now the point machine would get into gear. On the contrary with sergeant turning the home defense inside out, it will strike a little gorecki coming to the rescue. While the other end, next in cheapo motoring, missed his chance of winning the match could have gone either way. And in the dying minutes, just sergeant had the weight of on his full bellies. The same noise a waltz was, would have been a historic win for the visits of any comic to hear it in a creator enough. Chances were used to having shots and double figures today only on their head of 5 or 6. And thats not normal for us. Highly deserved point for bremen, though an undefeated 7 of course, would take a point. Its never easy, especially i mean, i think we could have winning the game, but i guess well take the point. If i may have been a bit disappointed because there was more in it for a period showing from brian roberts, leventhal city was conspicuous by his lack of presence in the game. One team who did not disappoint with dortmund. And a big part of that was the suffering on of a striker who is still the start of his career. Thanks. When boys become men, yusuf from akoko becomes the bundesliga youngest ever player. One day after turning 16, we are witnessing history being made yusuf mukoko thinks hes going to sleep. Replacing them out of the monuments, it smashes the bonus, legal record for the youngest ever player. Previously, by do it when snow is showing its quite amazing and easily said he has a big, big future ahead of him and, you know, we look at coco made history against terror soberly and even if it was a teammate who got most of the headlines dont have one of the leagues most exciting squads. The inconsistency has foiled recent attempts to defund byron. Pitts might finally be day. You think its a merry band of youngsters hall and leading the way the 20 old has just been named europes golden boy. Best young players, newly rich hosts have to have spent over 140000000 euros on players. In the last 2 seasons. They clearly gunning to be in the title race too. And they came out looking strong with dodi, luka back, you know, one of their top attackers firing just over after a few minutes while fellow big money man made hay a string of open the scoring kenyas been on fire storing in 3 games straights. Have to have the quality to play with the big boys. Those saints who have been inconsistent with just 2 wins this season. With a strong showing from the hosts or dortmund trailing at the break. Its exactly at moments like these that lucy and father scored usually crumble under the pressure. But this time was well difference. No one came out guns blazing off from our 5 pm holland, finished off team playing one all with 57 minutes playing 2 minutes later, a beautiful pass from union brands and one snag. The 2nd was the price for the norwegian after just 4 minutes so far was sure to spread his praise around he has fantastic heart. He has a fantastic but he gets past his to score the goals he gets passes. The passes are also fantastic. Both 15 minutes later it was one of hatters defenders that did the passing goal. 3 of the night for holland who left burlingtons back line in the dust was catto were in freefall. Rafael guerrero made it in paris, sing for one in the 70th minute. Cats are nothing exactly like a side that has invested 120000000 in their attack, and about 20 in their defense. But say its killing your coolie slots at home. A light penalty after 6 feet kill the season junior might be good. But theres a clear gulf in class between these 2 sides exhibited by yelling hall and full goal. Thats right, full call and might just be the best strike in europe at the moment. Ive been his legal record with 23 goals in 22 matches and as if top one didnt already have enough highly skilled youngsters. The historic moment finally came 16 year old you shuffle, mukoko made his debut, giving holland a wrist to coco didnt do much, but still made history well call unschooled, so many goals. His coach couldnt keep track after the game. He asked me how many of us need to do score 3 no 4, only 4 because he was suddenly out. So. So im a bit mad at him right now, but thats an insanely entertaining match. Ended 5 too far. His team have made a statement, and now they just one point behind by and consistency has long been an issue. But tonight shows just how talented they all. Especially this guy. Its been a very good im smiling a little bit knowing if theyre going to beat by and they could all come down to superstar yelling hall and thank you and its no wonder this amazing norwegian is also our hero of the match day. And my charming to the cause in 7th of the season, incredibly, his 1st i was feeling hot the trucks, thanks to Susan Collins and sleeves in the films, at least. Oh, its another mr. Collins in behind the right to go into complete is the true nature of the 1st year to all but one truly the good ship sailing slips through for you just to keep this tense goalie in just a get a busy could take a breath is quite the goal scoring a muffin. Hes doing a good job. Hes not perfect yet, but well get him there. But now to a club that lost its super heroes before the season. Heading into the season prospects for labor couzin looked grim. They had the unpleasant task of replacing departing stars. Kyle harvey, thats who joined chelsea for 80000000. 00 euros. And kevin foley, who is now at monaco. The dual combined for 30 goals in all competitions. Last season. Still, leverkusen are one of the teams quietly breathing down by and snack they headed into their match against bielefeld as one of just 2 on beacon sides in the league. How have a top boshes boys manage such unexpected success . Red hot lucas alario with 7 goals in 6 league games has been picking up the productive slack and just 27 minutes into the match. Laver couzens often kicked into gear leon bailey, combined with 17 year old sensation flying on via out simply open the scoring thank you. Thank you. Karen. 6 says 4th, assist helps fill half their says creative boots, while bailey, returning to his excellent form of 28000 is massive for labor comes and just 3 minutes later. And bill a fellow had every right to be frustrated not to get a penalty call. And when it came to creating their own chances, bill fell didnt exactly look deadly. Leverkusen looked to be in Cruise Control in the 2nd half when they hit a speed bump, defender spend bendo was injured in the 46th minute and things immediately got worse. Mitchie visor passed back to his keeper, everything seemed fine. And then howler for the ages from lucas right at skate. Suddenly bielefeld head equalized without managing a shot on goal. This doesnt look like the stuff of champions. But laver couzin didnt fold the match wasnt always pretty, but they brought a grit and determination there. Often highly technical side has usually lacked a key new element for bushs team. Though it might have gone too far tired spotted at a time lucky to avoid a red in the 57th minute. As bailey led the laver, whos in charge to retake the lead main man, a latino was struggling to conjure his ruthless finishing of the last 2 weeks. But one of labor coups in strengths is that practically the whole team is dangerous to 2 minutes left. A bit of a slap stick felt that aleksandra drive of each with the ball in the box. The leverkusen please there are 9 pollstar maybe just a game league game that was enough for laver kids and theyve shown the toughness and scoring depth that they once lacked to make the day even more special. It was a tough day for the bobby byrd team and today did the victory was supporting my continued support then he got it. So i wish him a very good night after this and hopefully can enjoy would decide maybe because they are just one point behind biron and if they can stay consistent, maybe they can even catch them. Sometimes its not the goalie who has a gripe with their defense under a little bit of pressure from safe routes to redemption, sliced into. He said that while lucas should actually

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