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An outgoing administration. But of course, you know, a symbolic president and the line to know whats admissible in international law. Courts, there was a quite a close relationship between the Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu, outgoing president , donald trump. What is the feeling about joe biden . Well, i think you have to see it on different levels. President elect, joe biden is known in israel for many years. He himself describes himself as a friend of his well yes, met every Prime Minister. Since 90 seventys, he still speaks about his meeting. This golda meir, one of the Prime Ministers then, but it will be a different relationship. I mean its no secret to say that the current israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu had a very close relationship with u. S. President trump. He always said, you know, he had the doors to the white house, but there is a major concern here now, especially among the right wing. You know, what will happen to all the policies and the power meters, the Trump Administration has set. Will there be a review . Will there be a reversal when it comes to the withdrawal of the u. S. Destroyer from the Iran Nuclear Deal . And also, of course, the power me to set when it comes to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. For example. The move of the u. S. Embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem, the cutting of funds for the palestinian and so on and so on. So a general feeling is both ministrations will work together. But this is the main concern. You know what Foreign Policy will look like, and also how high on the agenda this region will be for the new administration. In jerusalem, thank you. Now well take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. Members of australias special forces for they killed 39. 00 afghan civilians and prisoners according to a damning new report, internal investigation into military misconduct, evidence of summary executions in afghanistan during initiation rituals. The chief of the Australian Defense force has apologized in the cases being referred to a war crimes prosecutor. In uganda, at least 16 people have been killed and 350. 00 arrested in 2 days ago by special security forces. Authorities aim to end riots sparked by the arrest of president ial candidate bobby wine. The pop star turned lawmaker is seen as the leading challenger to president yoweri museveni. In januarys election, thailands Prime Minister is threatening a tough response to protesters demanding reforms, including his own movie, bangkok, a scene another night of mass protest with activists marching on pleas headquarters. Dozens have been injured as they demand changes to the constitution and to the monarchy. Japanese lawmakers have declared a Climate Emergency and a symbolic vote by parliaments powerful dollar chamber. This follows last months commitment to a by the country to aim to cut Greenhouse Gas emissions to net 0 by 2050. Lawmakers nonbinding declaration cites unprecedented damage from hurricanes flooding and forest fires exacerbated by climate change. If you look behind me, very looks like flowers, but theyre actually little white flags, each of which represents a u. S. Citizen who died of carpet 19. The u. S. Death toll has now topped a quarter of a 1000000 the highest in the world. The installation designed by visual artist, suzanne brennan, fist and back, is in a park in washington d. C. , and is dedicated to people who died in the pandemic. Many state governors and mayors are preparing to impose stricter measures before next weeks thanksgiving holiday. But with infections soaring to new highs as little relief for hard pressed health workers. Another day on the front line, doctors and nurses are doing all they can to help the growing number of covert 1000 patients. But the death toll keeps rising. 250000 americans lost to the pandemic. That exceeds predictions by the countrys top just and experts say hundreds of thousands more could die in the coming months. Health care workers are pleading with people to take the virus seriously understaffed. We have some much on our plate, is nurses. Theres not enough. We have and one of those is just a place where man has, the pandemic keep sweeping. The u. S. , the midwest has become the latest hot spot. The dakotas and neighboring states have some of the highest per capita death tolls. But every state in the contiguous us is seeing rising numbers. Some are blaming the lack of a national strategy. Cities and states have their own response plans in new York City Schools closed again on wednesday, just 8 weeks after reopening. California is considering a curfew. Other places have introduced mass mandates. President elect joe biden has called for a strong federal response, and he has warned even more people could die if President Trump continues to refuse to share crucial information with the incoming administration. On wednesday biden held a Virtual Meeting with frontline workers who told him about chronic shortages. They still suffer under tell me a look at the camera. I misdoubt this hell have held that he had the guy in patients who are crying out for their family that they cant see you know, we nursed us. We know that we are immense death and suffering in the coming weeks and we will be there. But we need to act now. Im sorry, im so emotional. Because in many places the morgues are filling up again. In texas. Prisoners are helping move the deceased to refrigerated trucks. A quarter of a 1000000 dead is a bleak milestone. And even with hopes of a vaccine on the horizon, the disarray and hurt is far from over. And here in germany, the Disease Control institute is warning that the National Rate of corona virus infections is still too high. More than 22000, new cases have been recorded in a single day, but there are signs that the latest restrictions are working as numbers begin to plateau, where the head of the robert costa institute says the situation is still very serious. Because of the overall case, numbers are much too high. The number of severe cases and the number of patients in intensive care are also on the rise. The number of deaths is also still very high. As we know, theres a certain language in severe cases and deaths, to get more on this from d. W. Political correspondent Leoni Van Hammerstein welcome. Given that warning from the robert cocky institute is germany likely to see a tougher restrictions . Well, its definitely going to see the measures being on the table again next week when im going to meets with the 16 state premiers. And firstly, theyre probably very likely to discuss an extension off the current measures beyond the month of november. Because as you mentioned, the case numbers are still too high for the Health System to be able to cope in the midterm. And theyre probably also going to discuss for the tightening of measures and one topic that is likely to come up our schools. Because germanys schools are still open, but a lot of people are arguing in favor off or sort of partial lockdown. So a hybrid model that would mean that half of the students are being taught in the classroom while the other half is learning from home. And then they switch in order to reduce the social contacts. Now we saw thousands of people demonstrating outside the borders yesterday. Is the government losing public support . No, its not. These angry protesters are definitely in the minority. 24 percent of germans only think that the current measures are going too far and the government is enjoying support off 2 thirds of the german population. And out of those 20 percent, almost 20 percent even say they would like to see a further increase in the restrictions so further restrictions put in place. So we can see that there is a very broad support of the government action, and that has been consistent for months. Now weve heard some very promising announcements about vaccines are the last week or so whats the german governments vaccination strategy . The vaccination strategy is still being discussed, but what we know so far is that germany is planning to roll out. Mass vaccination and banning Vaccination Center is every federal state will be responsible for that. Here in berlin, they Just Announced that they will have 6 Vaccination Center is ready by mid december. What we also know is that the federal government government will cover costs for the vaccination that risk groups are supposed to be vaccinated 1st, including medical personnel. And very importantly, that the vaccination against over 1000 will be voluntary. And studies suggest that 2 thirds of germans are actually willing to get such a vaccine, which would be enough to achieve that socalled hurt immunity. The only fun hummus time. Thank you so much for that is germanys infection increase. Hospitals are having to handle more and more critically ill, coughing, 19 patients. Although the Health Sector is well equipped, a lack of qualified staff means hospitals are looking for volunteers to fill the gaps. Germanys parliament zuzana has been working here for 18 years, but she has another job too. When the corona pandemic hit germany, she volunteered to work part time as an intensive care nurse in berlin hospital. Just finished a 9 hour shift taking care of patients. Now shes come back into the office to finish off some work for her full time job commitment. I cant stay at home with, a clear conscience if my colleagues are slaving away in the i. C. U. , i have the training and can help. So i help. Theres no question about it. Im german hospitals are in dire need of help and later enough beds, enough masks and gowns and gloves. But were worried that all the beds cant be used because we dont have enough personnel for it to deal with this. The shock you have launched a campaign to rehire former Health Care Workers like susan, have you got she trained to be a nurse over 25 years ago, but decided to move into a different profession. In this all hands on deck situation. Its people like her that are needed now in the i. C. U. Use are running at full capacity. If one person is taking care of 3 or 4 covert patients, thats rough. You have very little time. After work, i leave the hospital with a sad feeling because they couldnt give the patients the attention that they deserve. Despite rising corona numbers, Germanys Health care system has not crashed yet. But hospitals were already understaffed, and the workload was too high before the pandemic. Despite all the problems, zona has rediscovered her passion for nursing care. She couldnt even imagine quitting her job in the blender stock. What for that she says. Hospital working conditions would need to improve on. Lets take a look at some of the other developments in this pandemic of africa now house more than 2000000 confirmed coronavirus cases. Officials that are warning of an impending a 2nd wave of japan has seen a record daily high of more than 2000 infections. The Prime Minister has urged maximum caution, but stopped short of calling for new restrictions. And china says nearly a 1000000 essential workers have been given doses of an experimental vaccine. And no serious Adverse Reactions have been reported. A move, an 8000 migrants arrived on Spains Canary islands by boat from africa last month open to reach europe. Human Rights Groups say they are being held in dire conditions, while local officials admit to being simply overwhelmed. The journey across choppy waters to the spanish. I have been treacherous. He w. s young. Philip seans has been to gran canaria to see what is waiting for them from here, journalists can go no further. Some 2000 african migrants are being housed in this camp in the port of morganton going to 5 times as many as was expected to aid groups have spoken of squalid conditions, but its impossible for the w. News to find out. Jamison town now works for the islands refugee council. His colleagues have been inside the camp but another minute or so when everyone sleeps on the floor, some intensity in the openness of those who have been criticizing this from day one. But we didnt think it would get this bad news of the 2300 people in the camp, and their numbers are growing every day. Its in the only 2000 migrants arrived in the canary islands. Last weekend alone. The crossing is dangerous, but the coronavirus pandemic has cut off about migration routes. The government has started to housing new arrivals and hotels near the camp. Human rights activists say they are not getting a fair shot at the asylum system. These migrants from san diego feel that they will soon be deported. So dont believe the fact that theyre out there all by journalists are not welcome here. Either. D. W. New assist told to leave than that conversation may know is angry at the Spanish Government, but also feels abandoned by the european union. I dont know how is that. Im disappointed with spain and with europe, but this is shameful. A lot of politicians and representatives have come here recently, but we have no clue what the governments strategy is to deal with the migration crisis on the canary islands. But there will be money buying it. And let me get out. Spains government refuses to relocate the migrants to the mainland. Critics say this has turned the island into a prison. For months, the trend of increasing migration numbers has been visible here on the canary islands. Nevertheless, everyone involved seems overwhelmed by the current situation. Valuable preparation time has been lost. Instead, the islands government, the Central Government and the european union, starting to shift responsibility for the situation to one another. The Spanish Government has now started to procure for of accommodation for the migrants. Many fear that this housing will fill up before long. Have you ever used to where up press apple maybe even a dating app on your phone . Probably be surprised to learn that information mapping your movements may have ended up in the hands of the military. Well, thats exactly what investigation found out this week. Just think about that for a moment. Ok, the, the blues publisher has been following this story. A welcome in which apps were talking about. This come about, well 1st and foremost, this is mainly talking about mainly muslim users. And in fact in this investigation, one of them is muslim pro. Now thats an app that uses your Location Information to tell you when to pray and what direction to face when you are praying. And when youre praying towards mecca, of course, and then also another up which is geared towards muslims, which is muslim, mingle. Now thats a dating app, but theres also up like you mentioned before, piers 2 of us in this investigation, which is actually one for predicting storms. Now whats happened is that none of these apps essentially have any disclaimer saying that their data thats used is going to be passed on and end up in the hands of the military. But what the investigation has found was that this date, this Location Services data, which often youll see in loads of up stuff, give you the option of turning them off, only having them on when youre using the app or having them on all the time. Now i always pick the one in the middle just to be safe, and often you actually need it in order to use the app. And that whats happened is that this data ended up in the hands of sort of brokers, and those brokers then sold the data on. And it ended up in the hands of the military in the united states. And its not really clear exactly what that data is being used, but obviously its caused a lot of concern mainly because of the fact that were dealing with 2 apps in particular which are geared towards people of the muslim faith. So that, im guess that this is not a unique occurrence. Tell us about the other examples of what its a buddys doing this. Its definitely not the 1st time Government Agencies have used. You know this data from your to find out exactly where you are in your location and your movements which causes a lot of concern. People. In fact, in the united states, the inland revenue, the i. R. S. , you know, the tax office will say the u. S. Is used to before to track people, but they actually stopped using a because they felt that it wasnt useful enough. So what sort of reaction has there been to this . Well, as you can imagine, theres been plenty of concern, but actually 1st and foremost, the prayer muslim pro day issued a statement saying that they strongly denied that theyve ever sold data. And they also reminded users that they could use the app anonymously without logging in. And they also said that they decided to end their relationship with those data brokers, such as x. Moat and mediately. Now, obviously then you have users who got to twitter, and as this were people often express their grievances and one user here says that muslim pro, the muslim prayer up with over 98000000 downloads is one of the apps connected to a wide ranging supply chain that sends ordinary peoples personal data to brokers contractors on them in terms of the, you know, shock there. And then another user says, i cant believe muslim pro, selling this like this. And time to start using a stick and checking the shadows to figure its times ok. So check your settings, is the model that that would be it public only have it. Thank you. But to brazil, where one of latin americas largest outdoor museums is offering a visit is a particularly immersive experience. After a months long lockdown, you see which mix is not made structures, but the Natural World has finally reopened. Its director says it offers an alternative to the have a more traditional galleries. She can feel the sun and hear the earth. Nature experienced intensely in a room created by an artist, a shaft, goes down 202 meters. The sounds of the constantly shifting rocks are transported above the glass pavilion focuses the visitors gaze on the surrounding rain forest, its nature as an art object. And at the same time as an all encompassing power from which humankind cannot escape, this constant interplay is the focus of the experience in the, in the Biggest Museum of its kind in the world. Over 300000. 00 square metres, rain forest park landscape and modern art merge to become a complete work. To force you here, its like eyedrops that clean your retina as you go from one artwork to the next. You dont have the kind of havoc that other galleries or Traditional Museum or sometimes organize where you look at so many works of art. You cant take it all in. The classic with the individual narcissus garden, your own image, infinitely multiplied, is driven by the wind through the landscape. Freedom. After months of lockdown, the in whole chain has finally opened again a huge darkness and the ambiance is relaxing. It relieves a bit of our burdens. Its an escape from the chaos of the pandemic. Here you have the feeling that everythings ok, that baby, the destruction of nature, locked up in a glass. Geodesic, dome guns and machetes, plunge into the wax cast of an operative tree, progress, destruction and violence. Coexist in the brazilian rain forest, theyre going to catch, but still, i think a large can be an opportunity for reflection and a mediator in these conflicts. The cultural institutions and museums are working very hard to achieve that. They raise Peoples Awareness and a kind of temple to the guardians of the forest. A Photo Exhibit pays tribute to the culture of the Indigenous Peoples with the yanomami as an example. Numbers instead of names, photos of a Vaccination Campaign to protect against deadly diseases which the intruders brought in when they cut a highway through the rain forest. Images of vulnerability and strength both a hope and a warning. Because the struggle for the survival of the true rulers of the forest continues, our thoughts are up today to more at the top of the hour up next our focus on europe with the german, the meat industry. And you scott in the crosshairs of turkeys secret service kurdish Austrian Green Party member paragon. Aslan doesnt go anywhere anymore without Police Protection history and politician birth to bring attention to Human Rights Violations in turkey. Now her life is in danger. Some goes under up next on d, w from the ghetto to harlem, and everybody go into those bobby why. Despite coming from a coup family, the pop star wants to become president challenges and guns as elite audiences. The credible story of bobby one starts december 10th on d, w. Give us your country in the will make you rich people. Oil will provide you with jobs. The old will take good care of you. Masons and the fever took hold on the west coast of going out in 2007. Investors made big promises, but years later, reality looks very different letters, pages could Drinking Water shortage, high unemployment. But youre gonna stream of black gold oil as it starts december 4th on d. W. Hello and welcome to this weeks edition of focus on europe. Thanks for joining us today. Germany is one of the leading Meat Processing countries in europe, but the sector has been a hot spot for the corona virus. Some of the largest outbreaks have happened in slaughterhouses. Thousands of people have been infected by the virus in germany to companies

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