The turkish grand prix where Lewis Hamilton has equalled Michael Schumacher all time formula. One record of 7 world titles on nick spicer. Welcome to the program and we start in peru where interim president men will marry. No one has announced he is stepping down less than a week into the job. Protesters in the capital lima are out on the streets, celebrating the resignation, which comes after violent mass demonstrations in which 2 people died from gunshot wounds. But we know it took over the top job after parliament voted to oust president martin over corruption allegations. The protesters say the move amounts to a coup by parliament. Lets get the latest now from correspondent you had a mirror as who is in your hand. Interim president marino has resigned. What reason did he give in addressing the nation . He said he wanted to avoid the only ability in the concrete to bring back peace to these nations after a week of may very value on the path of the one person that lasted until 2000. That is where one of the young men last night a died of the cross off of the Police Repression. People are gathering around and you can see how the people in the other side are calling me this name either you need not environment here right now. The atmosphere at the celebration, everybody assumed money was announced. His resignation. Everybody went out to the streets. Cars were clocks, i mean, as i tell you, this is like a big party in there right now. After a presence resignation. Its a party youre saying, is there a chance of any more violence or the demonstrations or clashes with police, or do you think the mood has changed for the better . Now, it is very unpredictable right now. Its very peaceful, but we already, we have already seen the same story of the last days last thursday, yesterday, massive on peaceful protests and then the Police Repression in the night. So is not easy to say what is going to happen . What is certain, is that in a couple of hours, i think congress are going to need to decide who is going to be the next president of the congress. And then these person should take the president see off the country will be the next president to replace. And the question is, who won in this moment in these huge drug who wants to take the charge . The president , the presidency of the world is as a human being bold position. Whoever takes office what are the big economic and political challenges the country is facing. 2 2 the challenges are out there right now we cannot forget that these. 2 prices. 2 are. 2 just. 2 political crisis in a moment here with. 2 the rules goes. 2 all of us there, west of the world go through at pinedale right now. If were dont have a president , there were those who are at risk. I was there no one else would overly not. 2 right now. 2 on the kind of anything. 2 going now so. 2 take the knowledge or the citizens of this country. No one is doing that and it doesnt look like turn on in the media. At least it is going to be better. So the situation is very uncertain on whether we can see about politics right now is on somebody to either. And thats the word to describe how is the road going through this crisis right now. On civility, correspondent, johan ramirez, reporting from lima. Lets now take a look at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. Germany is warning that coronavirus restrictions could continue for up to 5 more months. The countrys economy minister said that the nationwide code 19 infection rate is still far too high. Dashing hopes of an end to the partial lockdown imposed earlier this month. Germany is one of many European Countries posting record high infection rates. Police in belarus have fired tear gas to Disperse Protesters in the capital. Minsk reports say dozens of people were arrested demonstrations against longtime leader. Alexander lukashenko, have seen a larger turnout recently following the death of a protester who was severely beaten by security forces. Turkish firefighters have extinguished a blaze that in the autumn, an air of mosque. In istanbul, the coast guard assisted in the operation, the wooden van accord mosque was built in the 17th century along the bosphorus strait. Authorities have launched an inquiry to determine the cause of the fire. N. G. O. S are sounding the alarm on a worsening emergency, playing out in the Central Mediterranean. More than 100 migrants have died at sea in 4 separate incidents. In the past week. The International Organization for migration says nearly 700 people have died, attempting to cross from libya to europe. This year, move harrowing scenes see these to teach released by the italian coast guard. She has to do not take rescue of the 30 people on saturday night. The banks capsized some 5 kilometers off the island of lampedusa. These migrants didnt make it not follow. They would think came within an inch of their lives, but theyre the lucky ones. At least 74. 00 were of their fellow travelers drowned after their boat sank off the libyan coast on thursday. Not to know how after a further 20 people perished in similar circumstances. You know what i think many migrants are so desperate that braving the open seas even with babes in arms is prefer to ensuring the misery at home i am. I may be the woman 6 month old child was later found to have drowned along with 5 gentle travellers. Luckily, the majority of the over 100 people on that boat were rescued by spanish and open arms makes to a transfer to a quarantine vessel off sicily. Rescue charity say there is no end in sight to the numbers of desperate people willing to risk their lives to make it to europe. The current deceptively combe ocean conditions are increasing the pool. As a result, charities are stepping up their efforts. German n. G. O. S cia is adding a further vessel to its fleet. The c. I. For will base the number of charity rescue ships on standby in the Central Mediterranean to 7, but with the ships frequently impounded by italian and european or thirtys. Thats hardly likely to be enough. U. S. President donald trump has apparently acknowledged for the 1st time that his democratic rival, joe biden, won the president ial election earlier this month. Trump tweeted that biden won because the election was rigged and repeated unsubstantiated claims of election fraud. But about an hour later he said he was not conceding the vote, and that the former Vice President , only one in the eyes of what he called the fake news media. And lets get more on all this from g. W. Stephan simons in washington 7. Despite the brief acknowledgement of bidens victory, it appears trump is not ready to officially admit defeat and continues to insist there was widespread voter fraud. Is that right . Thats right, the i wouldnt overrate this tweet where he said joe biden won because as you pointed out, just felt all short while after that he tweeted again, only in the, in the eyes of the fake news as if media would call the shots here in terms of who got elected by the American People. So yeah, i know the president is not, not happy and not willing to concede anything, as also stated in a tweet. And i wouldnt, i would not put money on him being ready to do this in any dignified way, any time soon. And that is, of course, causing a lot of problems. Its causing problems for the transition. And this is, for example, something which wrong claim the future white house chief of staff of cure for joe biden pointed out. Lets have a listen to what he said. But look, if the president s prepared to begin to recognize that reality thats positive, Donald Trumps twitter feed doesnt make joe biden president or not president the American People that joe biden won this election. How much harris will this election . And i think its time for leaders in both parties to get to business this transition to get to business of working together to start to plan out a legislative agenda for next year. Ok, so he spoke of planning a legislative agenda for next year and a lot of work lying ahead are transactions and statements getting in the way of dealing with the big issues facing america, including the worsening current core coronavirus situation. You know, of course, i think thats fair to say, the president stated loud and clear, many times over that he is not willing to and not giving any permission to his agencies to the departments state department interior, department of Homeland Security or any other department to actually start a transition purse to work with the incoming biden people whatsoever. And that is problematic in the sense of covert 19. Dont forget were 10. 910. 9000000 cases here in the United States, almost 250000 dead americans as of today. So yeah, thats a problem. National security, korea, iran, china, when it comes to south china, sea, geo political questions, europe, nato, is that russia, there is, in america policies, something we havent talked for in ages, but, you know, this is, this is policy. This is stuff which has to be looked at, which has to be worked out between those administrations, the outgoing and the incoming. Thats how it is actually is designed to be happening. But yet the president is not willing to concede. And with that, hes also not willing to cooperate to transition and listen, yesterday you covered for us, the rally, the Trump Supporters in washington, did you get the impression that they might one day be ready to, to work with biden side or at least reconciled with his victory, you know, im afraid not. Those crowds yesterday were and i have to say in all fairness, you had the same a week ago on saturday when i was projected to be the president elect of the 46 president of the United States by the National Network c and by news agencies. Then you had the progresses and terrorist biden crowd slash base on the streets celebrating this day yesterday. It was the other way around and those people were clearly not. And are clearly not in any way or form ready to concede like the president , they felt duped of getting another another term of 4 years. And they are hoping that this all ends in front of the supreme court. Ok, thank you. Stephen simmons in washington reporting sports now in formula one british driver Lewis Hamilton made history at the turkish grand prix is when there means he has. He called Michael Schumacher the all time record of 7 world titles. But 1st, he face an uphill task to seal the deal. Lewis hamilton started 6th on the grid. It is timbale park. The mercedes drivers stayed patient in the wet and slippery conditions. Strategy was key. When the chance came, hamilton struck storming past racing points sakyo paris to snatch the lead. He never relinquished it and went on to seal the victory along with this seasons world championship. This means hamilton has now equaled the great Michel Schumacher his all time, record of 7 formula. One world titles. The dream to this is this kid has a very young and when i was young only watching the gold this is way way beyond our dreams. And i think its so important for kids out that i hope they see this and know that no ones done this. And to anybody that tells you you cant achieve something, dream, the impossible and speak it into existence and youve got to work for it. You got to chase it and you got to never give up. Lewis hamilton has solidified his place as one of the greatest racing drivers of all time. And he could go on to reach even more milestones. Youre watching t. V. News next up, a sports life with a look at the rocky road to the tokyo olympics. Thanks for watching. W. s crime fighters are back africas most successful radio drama series continues. All of this odes are available online. Course you can share and discuss on w. Africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms. Im fighting to mean, you know. Can you hear me . No, no. Yes. Yes, weve got new and high last years german sauce that were bringing you uncle, a man called as you surprise yourself with what is possible to its medical really what moves. And i want to also talk to people who follow along the way. I admire critics. A lot, how is the worlds most powerful woman shaping her legacy . Joining us from ackles last stop. This is merely because you have it come down the temperature sometime in the last in the best possible, as i dont counsel here. As well as the little social office, with even the forgiveness of a 1st lady, stylize of this kind, 9 to 5 jobs on the food and mountain tongan, suffered from often with some flak. But in figure not in 1st nonspecial bond, even stand by by most fish, right. And pick and more selfish. You get a sure sign and i think you can also become its been so bad. He had enough i thought of iraq to have been invited shouldnt be up to all the fin and me in town stuff as the alpha. Correct. Minus companies from being with up on the smell of it being done by now makes little i found them on the top of the park, but im not going to look now im going on and im pretty much what i think of them. But one time responds and he starts to talk about us and some anonymous is going to be shot in goodhue one by one. I mean you do this, you get to know one of the babies and says, im going to take my turn trickett. I shall go on the whole ship, but its only instinct even what about suing . I young lost a job and going to dust on us a must pass. If us wins on this togs time given that weve begun fixie bits a plan on the some. Oh, so it was a stinking antico view was put in, should be looted when done playing, the wouldnt move off, and this is a must for these get going, this isis loss of a much to quote for by that this is going to testify as to which was the mobile 1st 2 or 2 . Certainly for these are still going to im going to because you go givaudan basis in the give us a faas, a d. Ds problems to barely zooms to stay in. This passage also has a passage on the 4th in the way you did it in because a few 1000000 people. If i start a hint us state, this is me having visions of it come from the suspected desk, but desh up, lets destroy whats it cost him isnt disconsolately sitting on the i talk seed. So i was a study and its a good effort to finish better the reasoning behind you need someone to commit to sean visits in the class. Hes a hoop and kind of on the hip issue, real ones. It was as hard as a vase. Looks like a style was about it and the other comforts of it can be like stuff in fits and starts in that in 1st of all. This is kind of the seeing. This is this. Im going to be real what we want to hold for the rocks or was a dud. So inside the skins, the and i was in the mind of mr. O. And then stay outside and having time on just hard to hear of an investment trying to be done. So to do a lot of special things up the side of the main house i didnt find such was going to come down the only business you just, you can then pick and be negative. I found an old become old yesterday advise a few on the side of the kid. I knew they couldnt. Ok, thank you for instruction. Ok, thank you. Mr. Just sites are going to this because on sublime some of the off on the bus with me still and just because im been the nation doesnt have a, comes out coalesce. So playing with this would be gone for the whole this is this often fall on the tradition is to start from the delightful thing 1st against reality and all and or, and first are going to best thing by meet other special rules group. Thank you. Yeah i this is why they havent even talked for fear that because of my back and i dont see the present episode of the argument about so on to the one thats olympiads up on the road when he gets no media for quite a lot of them to start with, ill buy tickets. So its the i said, marvel often has some form of about all kinds goes wrong. I would touch them, shooting of, i dont know to go. I was disappointed. If you try to throw in some of you forgot something that helped make it yeah. Give each class or the right moment feel about the books and many folks would come from. I felt kind of if you took my stuff, you know, well not so the family via text book called it says in the soft voice, but come for you have any talent for the welcome. I did sides. 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