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Hours. Half of all hospitals are reported to be stretched to capacity. Germany was able to boost its number of intensive care beds during the 1st wave, but as we report, trained nurses are increasingly insured. Supply in the shell is an intensive care nurse. She finished her Specialist Training at the end of october. Now shes caring for a coronavirus patient in intensive care at disorder of c university hospital. Having at the embassy, weve moved him around so that he lies in different positions and dont get bedsores. My colleagues will take some blood for a blood gas analysis, which will tell us how to adjust the ventilator things that the 30 year old nurse cannot yet do alone. Having passed the state exam and completed 3 years of training for 2 years, she assisted on the ward with supervision. Then after 2 more training years, she became a Specialist Nurse for intensive care and anesthesia. Thats all about ventilation. What to consider when ventilating which settings are there and also types of surgery in more detail. You also get a deeper insight into anesthesia, the sequence of operations the job is medically technically and personally challenging. Thats why nurses cannot simply start working in i. C. U. After their basic training. Louisiana in is 25. 00 and just completed her 1st year of Specialist Training. 8 months of it during the pandemic. Together with a colleague, she cares for a seriously ill coronavirus patient. After one more year, she will be able to do this on her own with their patients who should have one on one care. And of course we try to provide it. But sometimes it doesnt work out because we dont have enough staff if that even though the job pays well after training german nurses earn an average of 3500. 00 euros per month before tax. And those doing shift work in i. C. U. Receive additional bonuses. But high stress levels, big responsibilities, weekend shifts and a lack of recognition are all deterrents plucked them and ive gotten past sure. Raising the wage could be an incentive for staying in the job. And it could attract others to choose this line of work and death. I dont think we could be paid more life considering the work we have to do for the crown. And im glad that this is currently being discussed more at my memphis, but i have calmed and so the coronavirus pandemic may even bring about change. But doesnt think was our point then we were just taken for granted. The issue wasnt addressed the last few years. Many people dont know what nurses have to deal with on a daily basis, especially intensive care nurses. And why not just anyone can do it via louisiana and wants to finish her Specialist Training despite and because of covert 19, these nurses know the coming weeks will be tough, but saying they will somehow manage lets bring in your political correspondent, thomas sparrow. In our parliamentary studio, thomas, germany is still recording high numbers of new infections. How long can the Health System carry the load . Germany is indeed recording very high infection numbers. In fact, in the last 24 hours, it recorded yet another daily coronavirus record with over 23000 cases. And just to give you a bit of context, it is the 17th consecutive day that germany registers more than 12000. 00 cases. If numbers continue like that, then certainly one hospitals will be overwhelmed. In fact, many are already overwhelmed. Stressing that the situation is worse than, for example, during the 1st wave of the pandemic in april. And that is something that certainly does. Although at the same time, they have quick to point out that germany still has around 20 percent of free i. C. U. Beds, so around 6500 free i. C. U. Beds nationwide. So those 2 asian is such a really very difficult, very serious. But that doesnt mean that every single job and hospital is now overwhelmed. All that authorities are not coping with the coronavirus pandemic, right . Thomas . As you know, germany introduced a limited restrictions at the start of november. Not everyone likes the measures, but a new in for a test poll suggests that most germans actually support the governments coronavirus policy while a little over a quarter of germans think the measures go too far. Majority of 54 percent of people in the country think theyre appropriate and 18 percent even say the measures do not go far enough. So thomas, a question is, why is there such overwhelming support for these measures . Because there is an understanding that new measures were necessary given those very high numbers, even if that came hand in hand with people having fewer freedoms. If that came hand in hand with people not being able to go to a restaurant or to a bar. So there is a certain understanding that those measures were actually necessary, although its important to stress at the same time. That criticism seems to be growing in germany and not only on the streets, but also in the german parliament. And that there is a very evident coronavirus fatigue among many german thats also something very clear to see. So on the one hand, you can say that there is an understanding. On the other hand, im pretty sure the German Authorities are very much aware that criticism is growing in that they have to explain very clearly why these measures are necessary and also what the coming steps will be. In fact, next monday german chancellor Angela Merkel will be meeting once again with germany 16 regional leaders to try and determine on the one hand whether the current partial lockdown has been working on. Then obviously what the measures will be in the next few weeks if there will be any easing of restrictions if they have to be tightened again. So all these things will be discussed next week. Its a very important moment for germany and also one where people have on the 100 standing. But on the other hand, theres also criticism, thomas sparrow. Thank you so much sport now. And as the German National Football Team focuses on ukraine for a Nations League match up on saturday, we want to look at the increased diversity in the german teams current composition. Its difficult to imagine the roster without players like serge kanada. Antonio ruediger, sunday, more than 4 decades ago, it was quite a different picture until a player named irwin costa entered the scene. He became the 1st black german to represent the country, but his path was quite different than those who continue his legacy in 2020. It was a true trailblazer today, he says, he never thought hed see the day that germany would feel so many black players. Harrington, recently paid concert, a visit 974, a black man playing for germany, was a global sensation. All eyes were given cost on the telephone. A prolific striker in his heyday even cost that is historic achievement for west germany was shortly before well, in the bundesliga, the lone pioneer had to endure some domestic hatred in the form of unthinkable things. When i got off the bus, they yelled. Gazin one n. Word and said look, all right guys on the last board, a couple of goals with color. Strange though costa, this is he also got a cold reception from his countrymen when he broke germanys color line in the seventys. Well not everyone like i noticed that and then you dont get as many balls as a center forward. You have to get ball. It was like that. I knew some of them were racist. I saw it in their behavior. Yes. And only when i went to the showers, then theyd look what is this black guy doing on our team cos that his International Career only lasted 3 matches. Peace is in large part to pressure. Ready i had everything better of in my neighbor in my comrades who were white. And if i made a mistake, everything was twice or 3 times as bad. With on the field, i could hear fans shouting, take the blank, i am i play for a long time, but in germany i could have made more out of it with everything faltering inside it held me back. I couldnt show my football skills. Cost of i thought circumstances for black footballers would never change since the seventys team germany has progressed slowly. In the early 2000 came the 1st black, german to feature in a world cup. And in 2014, jerome boa tank became the 1st black player in germany to win a world cup. At present, a handful of black footballers represent germany and never imagined this would happen. They have all the selfconfidence they need today. The players, the black players, they are my brothers. There have so much selfconfidence that i could have never imagined having at the right. Despite the changing demographics, cost of the believe, some things will never change. But here comes, it will always be the case that the player in germany with the black man, the black man, is always 2nd choice. Looking at recent lineups, one could argue, some black players on team germany are 2nd to none. And you can watch that report in full online at www dot com as well as on the job, use twitter and facebook pages. Youre watching news coming up next in d, w. News asia, the new show about a Ladies Detective Agency that censors in pakistan dont want people to see beijings night life in the year 2020. Coronavirus fears have almost disappeared, and people in chinas capital are proud and ready to party plus the lockdown hobby. Thats driving up sales and theft of household plants in the philippines. Next up news asia with melissa chan. Remember, you can get all the latest news in information around the clock on our website at www dot com. Michael okun for me and the entire news team here in berlin. Thanks for watching. Theres more news just around the corner. One click and suddenly theres light. All of indias villages are connected to the power grid, but that still does not guarantee electricity. This summer lamp can close the gap and why not life exists on every roof is affordable. Housing in the morning according to minutes on t. W. A massive drama competition rival marketing numbers. Atmosphere help fight at sac intuition. Love hate money. Millionaires fans, crime spiral spam and friends told to go off on you tube. Join us, give us your country on the make you rich people will provide you with jobs. The oil will take good care of you less each and the big, clean up oil for told on the west coast is coming up in 2007. Investors make big promises, but years later, reality looks really just the churches, the Drinking Water shortage. Hi. If youre going to work coal oil reserves starts december. Youre watching news asia coming up today, a feminist t. V. Series shatters to have those in pakistan and sparks a conservative backlash follows a ladies detective, agency exacting revenge on cheating, husbands, conservatives slam the series as immoral, but the series creators say pakistan is a Country Living in denial, and then night clubs are packed, the party is on. This is 2020 in beijing. Coronavirus fears have largely subsided in chinas capital instead, and theres every reason to celebrate plus lockdown. Boredom in the philippines grows, demand for house plants, creating a new cash crop for vendors. And im melissa chan. Welcome to news asia. Thank you for joining us. A hot new Television Series filmed in pakistan has upset conservatives sensitive topics like forced marriage abuse and homosexuality feature prominently into the plot lines. Well talk to our correspondent about how producers bypassed censors to get their Creative Vision to audiences. But 1st, heres a look at the show. You wont see on pakistani airwaves for women and an underground Detective Agency that catches cheating husbands. This new feminist drama has sparked outrage in conservative pakistan means which is in a male dominated society. Not every woman would dare to be one, says some watching lanny who played the main role in the series. As it is another main actress took her role in the series because the story is in line with her beliefs. In addition to its depiction of independent women, the series also explores other undiscussed problems in pakistan, such as gave relationships and sexual exploitation, taboo topics. Or wanted to just hold a mirror up to be honest, i wanted to be able to give what i will, boyce i could give to a voices i had not heard before. Which is could only be released because it was being streamed on an international on demand video platform. Even so, authorities managed to censor the show by asking the platform to take it down for pakistani audiences. The series was only restored following much criticism of the ban. Gilani says the drama just reflects the countrys reality to be able to tell the truth and not a lot of people are comfortable with that. If you put it up in front of them, of their society. Because now theyve done it getting to the root of problems and breaking the taboo with the series and jelani are determined to stand up for those who dare to be true. Rails joining us being ish. How are pakistanis watching the series . Because it looks like the Television Authority got involved, but the show is on an indian streaming platform. Hi melissa. So the show is being shown on an indian online streaming rep site, the 5 and the 5 actually claims. Pakistani authorities asked them to take the show off if a pakistani vs a little bit from negotiations the show was made available again. But it seems like a likely that pakistanis would be it would be difficult for pakistanis to continue watch this show. As just recently, the state bank of pakistan has issued an order to all banks in pakistan, asking them to halt all trade, got payments to all online indian streaming, replicate, including the fife. Now what the government be able to stop production of the Program Since its filmed in pakistan, its difficult to stop the production of the program because its not produced for pakistani t. V. Channels nor week with this. Online cities would have strict fences ship rules that exist in pakistan for broadcast on pakistani t. V. Channels. I think the bigger problem here is the censorship pakistan is becoming a heavily censored society, especially under the leadership of back a sense, Prime Minister imran hond. Theres, theres a ben perception that theres this culture of pushing for strict cultural religious values. And theres this against any, any content that the government of pakistan finds at bentley, indecent or in water, they try to ban it by that its banning of talk for some time last month or banning of dating websites and back is done. So tell us more about what makes this show controversial. So melissa, go short, dutch is mad, it told rape incest, different fiction, orientations, forced marriages. All of these issues, i think its in pakistan. And by this it is a fight the find. It really difficult and very uncomfortable talking about such issues. But i think that the shore has also become more controversial because it shows Strong Female characters, powerful women who came across such abusive situations. But instead of coming to the pressure and instead of becoming victims, fight back and they get themselves out of these abusive situations. So i think sure its become controversial not only because of the taboo topics it is talking about, but also how women that able to fight and get out of these kind of situations and fight the patriotic of system and to fight the male dominance that exists in pakistan very quickly, whats your take on the show as part of women . So there are different. Got it does. For instance, theres a woman whos been shorn as someone who drinks, who smokes, and who was abusive. Language store billy. Opposite of how bach is on the woman i portrayed in t. V. Dramas. But the reality is that these kind of them in existence, pakistan, theres also a story of a young woman from slums of good archie who aspires to become a boxer who also has feelings for a young man which is completely unacceptable to her guns of a defiant but she stands for this and there are different stories such as if a gay man whos a panicky and a happy marriage, but god be who he is because its not acceptable in pakistan. So it is these kind of da picks, for instance. Theres also a woman who murders her husband because he tries to rape his own daughter. So these are difficult topics, complicated issues and suburb called them exaggerated and gettysburg, the existence, pakistan banished javid. Thank you so much for speaking with us. Youre welcome. Thank you for a lot of us here in germany and elsewhere, life has been pretty different in 2020 and covert numbers continue to either rise or stay pretty high around the world, which means a tough winter ahead for many except for a few standout countries. Earlier this week, we looked at democratic taiwan. This time we look at authoritarian china. Its where the coronavirus emerged, but you wouldnt know it, judging by, well, how normal life is there . Its the weekend. And people are flocking to beijings Party District most to put the pandemic behind them. And mask wearing has never been out of the ordinary. Here. We head to a busy beijing club and inside its packed among the clubbers, just one person is wearing a mask. And theres no sign of any one social distancing. Thats because the city of 20000000 recorded its last infection 14 weeks ago. And because back then everyone followed the rules out of respect, but also fear of the author, terry, and regime. Chinese government. I think theres a good or bad they can, they cant troll armor. Many people say you dont go out our way. Dont go out. But in germany they say you dont go out or you dont listen. Because you think you have the freedom, right . Theres a problem the vast majority of chinese didnt question the governments orders, and now theres some pride that their country is fairing so well. The weekend is over and its 6 oclock in the morning. The chen family has invited us to breakfast. They didnt step outside their property during the 1st 7 weeks of the pandemic. Not because they werent allowed to, but because they felt safer staying inside, just like most beijing residents. These are the videos. The mother sent us of homeschooling, which lasted from the end of january until the end of august. Her son didnt go to school for 8 months, shrunk, shrunk. Chen is now taking 8 year old dzhokhar to school. She tells us that he didnt complain. Once during his time at home and that she looks back on that time fondly on you and i sure didnt think it was a lovely time of year. I could see what he was learning, and i had the chance to check up and see where his weaknesses lay joke, i will keep his mask on the whole day outside in the playground and in the classroom. Part of the battle against the pandemic includes the constant checking of data. Some phones are traced and health apps like this one have become a fact of life without the official ok, youre not allowed in. And when you do get in, you still have to get your temperature taken here. Additional surveillance is the price of the return to normality. The new normal elsewhere around the world means lots more people at home with time on their hands. Do you know anyone who has gotten into gardening ever since the pandemic . I do, and its a global phenomenon. Many people under lockdown has discovered this new hobby. Take the philippines, for instance, get them while you can because green is to new black in the philippines. Over a socalled planned make has swept a country. As coronavirus restrictions have confined many to their homes. You know that you would be going to be because i want your plans as part of my daily routine in the morning rocket and among our own about its a stress relief when you see new reefs strutting among the might of us about the garden increase started when beautiful pictures of backyards and balconies full of delicate plants flooded social media. But the sudden demand has raised concerns over planned poaching. Protected species have been stolen and posted for sale. Online. Authorities have now started to protrude later reserves to stop the fs. Legitimate sellers say demand for even commonplace plants has soared that ive been asked all planned prices have skyrocketed, itself 4. 00 to 5. 00 times higher. Now during the pandemic, that doesnt seem to bore the potential customers for them. These pretty stressed killers are worth every penny. Thats it. For now, we leave you now with a look at life in places across china these days. Thank you for watching. Have a good weekend and goodbye. The fight against the corona virus pandemic has the rate of infection been developing. What does the latest research say . Information and context, the coronavirus update on t w d t, you know that 77 percent are younger than 30. Thats me and me and you and you know what . Its time old boy says what part of the 77 percent issue. This is where 77 percent this weekend on d. W. 10 kuroda. Vaccine candidates are now in late stage trials. The world is celebrating. What could be the breakthrough in fighting covert 19. Pharmaceutical companies are also cheering. The Public Sector is invested billions more in development. But its the private sector that will rake in the cash. Under existing agreements, they control the price and get the profits from a firm say, thats fair, development is expensive and time consuming and results are not guaranteed. Its a gamble for governments to which are reserving millions of doses of vaccine they hope will work. Still, other coronaviruses could come along. Vaccines could become big farmers, new cash cow. Well, of the 20 largest pharmaceutical companies, only 4 had special vaccine units last year. Now everyone is getting in on the act, which is great, but they using our money and can charge what they want. 1. 00 of our guests this week said some developers promise to only charge the cost price. It could even be cheaper than the flu vaccine. Lets see what happens. Its a race Everyone Wants to win. Whoever makes the 1st successful covert 1000. 00 vaccine also stands to make a fortune or potentially blockbuster product. We are talking billions of dollars in revenue. Part of the funding for the Vaccine Research is public money, but the profit stay in private hands. If the companies can secure exclusive licenses to a vaccine and ultimately decide on a price because they have a monopoly on the pavement. The race to find a vaccine is in full swing and 2 German Companies are among the leaders in the field, cure or vaccine tubingen. Biotech in minds which this week announced promising early results from its phase 3 clinical trial. Both are working on back scenes, using messenger r. N. A. , m r n a vaccine stake a snippet of the coronaviruses genome to begin a defensive response without exposing it to the actual virus. And more n a essentially teaches the body to fight a dummy of the virus to help make it immune research into this technology to mean going on for 20 years and involve billions in public money and private investment. But developing vaccines is highly risky. An active ingredient or vaccine candidate can fail at any stage in Clinical Trials because of a lack of efficacy or safety issues. That means developing treatments has Major Development and Financial Risks which is why Pharma Companies turn to public funding. This is then distributed by groups like the coalition for epidemic preparedness innovations, safety, which is co Funding Development of several covert 900. 00 vaccine candidates. But the main focus of this cooperation with safety is to produce a vaccine as quickly as possible and get it to the people. The hope for us is on the commercial side. A secondary for now, the interest of intrigue long. Although Vaccine Development has cofounded companies on licenses and distribution based on this, they relax the rules that would have ensured that safety retains intellectual property rights, uninsured. A vaccine that is affordable for everyone, and widely accessible of militias. The pharmaceutical Companies Stand to make huge profits if they succeed in coming up with a vaccine. Based product successfully comes onto the market, opens the door to a flood of similar vaccines and active ingredients. Great opportunities to see a course in such awesome public funding could earn billions for private firms. The fear is Biotech Companies can name their price for access to this powerful pandemic fighting weapon. A professor of public economics, Massimo Florio joins us. Do you have a problem with public funds being used to develop a vaccine for this corona virus . In the, in the current emergency over more care of any problem . I think there is absolutely no alternative to disburse such france or new hold. Their governments would be able to negotiate on prices and the conditions, but they dont think there are alternatives in the issue is what we are going to do. The next time the governments are in a bad negotiating position. Are they . I mean, theyre giving these big Pharma Companies free rein. They, they can do what they want to when they do develop a vaccine and their price. This is why i say that this is important for the future, not not to be stuck in the negotiating position. And they have the governments possibly by a coalition of go, its the research and Development Capacity in these private firms, of course, are about making a buck. But is that one of the reasons why we want ready for this outbreak . Yes, i think so. The problem is that governments have to entirely didnt need to. And the private pharma industry, the reserves envelopment of the gains that jensen or is easiest here to reason in risk of disconnection of misalignment between the Public Health agenda and the trying to if you are a Pharma Company and manager or a Pharma Company, you have Investors Financial in versus you are is the stock is changing. Im sure your results in the short so you are less interested in the, in the longer term and less profitable than the others. I think we need Something Else or to protect ourselves in the future. So is that disconnect with us and with our health . Is that way . A doctor who developed a vaccine for size they year after the pandemic, which was caused by a strain of corona virus, didnt get the funding for Clinical Trials. Yes, there is a testimony of professor of this u. S. Congress rather revealing example about the fact that after the 1st there actually are pieces of to reste relief to do a corner vibrance. That a vaccine was neither. He and his team were working on. They have the data stream and they, they see that or the have never been able to get funding for that because the coronavirus and in general, all of the research on the viruses and to be able to exercise. Hes shortsword the dodgems resistance, blood to be artists is not really the focus of the, of the movie tron. So we need Something Else. We need a mechanism to imagine is not these on the priorities of financial mess. We need a mechanism. These are the only priorities of the public at we need a long run perspective. Just summing up really briefly. Obviously didnt change anything. Will this al break change something . Well, i think so because the, the, our, and their swear, theyre even 20 years. A group, for some reason, the, in their homage to the epitome is where, in certain places and not such a Global Global factors. So i do think that there are, there will be a change the European Union step in the areas, some pagans that you can try instead in because unfortunately, the extra consensus is that this is not going to be the last time that we experience these kind of problems important point to finish on some of the audio. Thank you very much for joining us. Thank you very much. And if youve got a question about vaccines or anything related to the coronavirus right channel to help his science correspondent Eric Williams will look into it. How could we solve the issue of a messenger r. N. A. Vaccine, cold chain at a reasonable cost . I heard it was made to give 80 degrees celsius. If the interim results on a ficus, e from the candidate vaccine made by biotech and pfizer, hold up to scrutiny and, and if it clears hurdles involving safety by the end of november as hoat, those are our 2 big then some countries could approve it quickly. Maybe even by the end of the year, by then the Companies Say they have already produced enough doses to vaccinate between 15 and 20000000 people and they should have Production Capacity for over a 1000000000 more in 2021. Manufacturing infrastructure has been set up in parallel with the trials to speed, the whole process up. But as you say, theres a big hurdle to overcome with this particular vaccine, which is that it has to be kept in extremely cold temperatures. Under minus 70 degrees celsius to remain stable for any length of time and, and that will be expensive. The logistics of it was always going to be a nightmare. I mean, every step of the cold chain and the delivery process has to be as full proof, as you can make it and you have to train people to work with stuff at temperatures that im fazer has even been building special containers or for keeping its nose is that cold . The good news is that they dont spoil instantly after throwing, but they also keyed at normal refrigerator temperatures for around 5 days, which makes the task maybe slightly less impossible. But dont forget, there are many other vaccines going through late stage trials that might also prove safe and effective. And some of them are based on other platforms with, with formulations that dont have to be kept at temperatures that low or anywhere close to it. Them with luck, one or more of them will prove safe and effective too, and can be used in places that dont have high tech cold chain infrastructure. Derrick williams, there ive been physical and that rubs up a full week of coverage on a possible vaccine. Also the week that we saw the 1st big breakthrough in developing one for any other developments on the virus go to our web site, e, w dot com slash code 90. About the books called one click and suddenly theres light. All of indias religions are connected to the power grid, but that still does not guarantee electricity. This summer lamp can close the gap and lighting up life. It seems on every roof is affordable. Housing. In order for it to go into the 30 minutes, im on t. W. Belonging to an official estimates more than 1200000, venezuelans live in colombia, legally, and illegally. Already i call them why were trying to pass way law to visit friends just i dont think id ever go back there to live. You know, when i lived there again, i dont know. So im not sure bearing witness. Global news that matters. The dog made for minds of the one out of 8 people suffering from hunger. The world called program is fighting hunger. Join the fight in the height of Climate Change conference. Whats in store for the future . E. W. Dot com. Were going to go city hall to get inside clear picture of how the virus spread. Why do we panic . And just 3 of the topics covered in the weekly radio show is called spectrum. If you would like and new information on the coronavirus or any other science topic, you should really check out our podcast. You can get it wherever you get your podcast. You can also find us at science this is g w. News live from berlin, and the u. N. Says the situation in ethiopia could be spiraling out of control of civilians who fled to neighboring sudan say they were bombed by government forces. Ethiopia says its troops have made games in the countrys northern to grave region. Sears are growing of a prolonged conflict. Also coming up

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