France marks the 5th anniversary of one of the worst terrorist atrocities in its history. When islamist militants killed 130 people and injured many in a series of coordinated attacks in pakistan, plus on the plate and underappreciated nurses, especially those working in intensive care units, are carrying a great burden. As the pandemic pushes hospitals around the globe to their lives. Thanks for joining us. Fears a growing of ethnic conflict in ethiopia after Amnesty International reports that scores and possibly hundreds of civilians were stopped 2 and hacked to death in the Northern Region of to cry. Witnesses say local forces fighting Government Troops in the region are to blame for the killings in macabre, but they so far deny carrying out the attacks. The Reuters News Agency is reporting that Ethiopian Police in the neighboring. Im hari asian are asking International Agencies for lists of ethnic to gras and start off United Nations human rights chief is calling for an inquiry and full accountability. Saying friday, if confirmed as having been deliberately carried out by a party to the current fighting. These killings of civilians would, of course, amount to walk ups also since flared last week after the government accused Peoples Liberation front of attacking a Government Military camp. As we reported, the stability of the whole region is said to be at stake. This is a country sliding into civil war. These ethiopians have come not to enjoy themselves, but to give blood for their soldiers fighting in tikrit stays. The main aim of the Blood Donation program is express. Our affair for our out of the conflict is not with this, not with people, not with bravery. Its rather with who attacked our army in f. L. Form way. And the conflict erupted in early november. The government said troops into the region after an alleged attack by local forces on a federal army base in te, grays capital. The federal government. How to give the right to the proof in the Security Forces in the use force in order to operate in. Those implicated in must equal russian grows human rights violations. Relations between the ethiopian Prime Minister and the te, great Peoples Liberation front have long been tense. For nearly 30 years, the t p l. F was dominant in ethiopia, politics, but are be curbed the partys influence after coming to power in 2018. Its leaders say they have been unfairly targeted. A constitutional dispute raised tensions to boiling point. The t p l. F defied obvious decision to postpone national polls. Juta the coronavirus pandemic. In september they went ahead with elections and to grow, which they control. Not only the stability of ethiopia is at stake in this conflict. The country with its population of 110000000. 00 is pivotal to the stability of the horn of africa as a whole. In 2019 would be one and Nobel Peace Prize for his sweeping political reforms. And his role in brokering peace with eritrea after a bloody border war. But so far hes failed to heed the calls of the un and the African Union for a cease fire in the conflict. Earlier i spoke to some doubling from Amnesty International. Their report brought this matter to light and i asked them how they verify their information and when they 1st learned of the killings, we 1st became aware of this massacre in south in the southwest zone of to grow region. 2 days ago. We started looking into images and eventually videos that started appearing on social media. Took this very seriously. As you rightly say, its been very hard to communicate with the region. So any information that has been coming out of the region needs to be very carefully and very slowly checked. We spent a good amount of time going through these videos, going through these both photographs, making sure that they were, they were taken captured recently, making sure that they werent from previous events from, from the region to, to really, you know, verified and to make sure we know what, what had happened to me, khadra and we coupled that with with interviews of witnesses and people had spoken to eyewitnesses from the meat cutter region. So were very confident when were saying that several 100 to civilians were stabbed or hacked to death in the counter who did this, where were unsure of the people have told us that its members of the to grab Peoples Liberation front. Although we cannot independently confirm, lets go live to the ethiopian capital, addis ababa, where journalists, some will have to do is standing by the u. N. Is now calling for a full inquiry into possible war crimes. What has been confirmed so far . What has been confirmed is that people are indeed dying in to grey with little attention given by us, because we cant even go and report from the site. And ethiopians are happy that the un and even Amnesty International is coming abroad. And telling us exactly what weve been hearing for a long, long time. And the un human rights commissioner is no stranger to theo, people having be schiz from chile, grew up in the pinochet era. And she knows exactly what were crimes. Looks like this is what looks like to us. So there are also reports that Ethiopian Police gave the order of identifying ethnic to grants from all Government Agencies and n. G. O. S. Does that mean that this is turning into an ethnic conflict . That hasnt been confirmed so far . Weve heard rumors, were checking, i know reuters did report on it and the government is denying that thats whats happening. But we have to check, we have to make sure that thats exactly whats happening. But we also have to know this ethnic conflicts in ethiopia is nothing new. You know, minorities have been attacked in the last since a year ago. And even unless international, this is a 2nd report that it released within the month of november saying that minorities are being attacked not just integrate, but in many, many regions all across the country. This looks like at ethnic warfare from, from what, from, from what i see and what i hear it within living in ethiopia, and many civilians in the area are already relying on aid. How badly could they be a fact affected by this . Well, you have to know that the 2 gray region horse, race fijis, from eritrea. The state is a dependent. Its an area where you cant even farm because, you know, its a land that cant be farmed. So it relies on aid for many, many or a good percentage of its population. So we can only speculate in terms of the kinds of people that are being affected. Even transportation, taking food from other parts of ethiopia and going to take rights not allowed. So im sure people are suffering and famine is closer to a reality. This is an area where suffered because of famine some 30 years ago. And this is like, reliving what ethiopia experienced a long time ago, is there also a risk . You think that since this is turning into an ethnic kind of conflict that other countries will be drawn into it . Well, as ive been saying, if your present important nation within the region. So what happens in ethiopia is certainly going to spill over to neighboring countries. South sudan, being one of them, a country that has only known war since the day it got it to its, its independence, some 9 years ago in sudan. So what happens in ethiopia . A small chance, what happens in sudan spills over to both countries. So this isnt just an ethiopian problem, it might even extend to europe, was all this migrants heading to european nations. So its going to be a huge disaster, not just for the african continent, but for the world. And thats why it needs to be taken really seriously. So i mean, i get it. You and others are. Thank you very much for your input. Thank you. Thank you. Paris is marking the 5th anniversary of its deadliest ceremonies have been held in the french capital and decent to the mayor of paris. And the french Prime Minister paid tribute to the victims sites around the city where the attacks took place. 5 years and 2015130 people were killed when socalled Islamic State militants launched multiple times in the french government, killing spree, which also injured hundreds. Lewis is standing by outside. One of the sides took place. Tell us about todays commemorations. It was a ceremony where delegation of people went from site to site of this horrible attack. They went to the site, read out the names of the people who were killed and put down some flowers and held a minute of silence. It was reduced to a ceremony, so to say, because the number of people admitted were it was very limited. Only a few ministers, the mayor of paris and through representatives of the victims and survivors of the attack that was very difficult to take in for some of the survivors and the families. Because you know, this is the yearly ceremony, is a very important part for them. Of their reconstruction process, and ive talked to one of the survivors of his very own way of dealing with the trauma music as therapy she, through the worst time of his life, he started writing songs shortly before the battle counterattack. I was terrified after the attack and i was afraid to leave the house to cycle through the city. I felt i had big how much target music helped me get through this. It was my way to express my feelings and what ive experienced when you go through an event like this, precisely because i managed to get out of there shortly after the attack had started. You think i skate death by a few minutes. Life grinds to a halt, but then it continues and you think, well, i need to live life to the fullest. I will settle, had gone to the concert with a few friends. They all managed to escape a life minutes before the 1st shots were fired. To this video, when he understood what was happening, his survival instincts kicked in there were little flashes of light on the war that were moving towards the stage and then the sound of firecrackers. I needed to understood that something was wrong and that those werent just firecrackers. All i could think about was i have to get out of there. But then the 1000. 00 concert goes all threw themselves to the ground, and i got stuck beneath them. But i managed to free myself and make it out of that door is was his Lucky Bastard ball. This is the 1st time since the attack that santos has returned to the battle plan. Its bringing back his trauma, which is still deeply affecting him. Its stressing me out to be here. Im quite anxious now. Even nowadays when i go to the cinema or restaurant, im concerned about my safety and where the next emergency exit is as good as to what to do until the 13th of november 25th teen. I thought i lived in a safe country. Now i dont believe that anymore. Or security really boosts the music is helping to heal his wounds. But for sadness, its also an affirmation of life form. Just as there was a radical islamists would like to see a society in which we can draw, make music or sing. They believe that only the prophet has the right to do that. So this is a way of saying, no, i exist, im alive, and i want to continue doing what im free to do in my country. I do feel that with the spate of recent terror attacks and measures to combat the corona pandemic pressure on those freedoms is mounting the urkel. 5 years after those attacks, the Terror Threat has once again been raised to its highest level. What was the mood like there and france . Well, the people ive been talking to today have all told me, you know, were really shocked. Even 5 years on from these horrible events. These terror attacks really have marked france at the time when i talk to young mother of a young child. She told me these terror attacks have brought world for a whole generation. And many people still remember them. The government is trying to protect the country against 3 new terror attacks. Theyve pushed the anti terrible on to its highest level 2 weeks ago after a horrible attack. A nice where a young radical islamist killed 3 people out of brazil that many people here feel today that other attacks could be coming to what is france turning the doing of the fight against rather causation, and the islamist terrorists where the government has come up with new measures to crack down on radical islam is, and they closed down a mosque where they fought. Radical preachers in moms were preaching. Theyve also come up with new legislation to crack down on hate speech on the internet, and they want to better control. Radicalized people here in the country and those who might be coming to france. But again, this is really a very difficult undertaking. Secret service here in the, in the country. Now believe that the main threat is not a coordinated because had such as the one that happened in november 25th here at the vatican and at other location. But maybe that the main threat comes from lone wolves. People who will attack on their own with a knife or a gun, and thats obviously very difficult to prevent from happening because there are many, many possible targets across the country. Lisa lewis from all sides. Thank you very much, mr. Thats a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. French forces in mali, africa, order they killed a senior jihad is linked to several attacks. The French Defense minister hailed the operation against the military leader of al qaeda as north africa with francis deployed thousands of troops in mali and across the region to counter islamist militants. China is the latest country to congress later, joe biden, for his u. S. Election victory. Foreign Ministry Spokesman says beijing respects the choice of the american people. President obama has so far refused to concede the police in the philippines say the death toll from typhoon vanco as risen. To more than 40 as floodwaters recede and the cleanup gets underway. A massive storm. The 3rd in as many weeks brought some of the worst flood flooding in years to the capital manila and nearby pulled throws interim president is calling for calm. A sport has escalated over the abrupt ouster of the countrys former leader martin is funny, or marino took office on tuesday after congress voted to remove his predecessor over bribery allegations arena. Has since sworn in his new cabinet filling most positions with technocrats to the crown, a pandemic. Now, here in germany, there have been a Record Number of new cases with nearly 24000 infections registered in the last 24 hours. Half of all spittles are reported to be stretched to capacity. Germany was able to boost its number of intensive care beds during the 1st wave. But as we reported, trained nurses are increasingly in short supply. Inshalla is an intensive care nurse. She can issue Specialist Training at the end of october. Now shes caring for a coronavirus patient in intensive care at disability university hospital. Having f. M. S. Interest, weve moved him around so that he lives in different position. And on get bedsores, my colleagues will take some blood for a blood gas analysis, which will tell us how to adjust the ventilator things that a 30 year old nurse cannot yet do alone. Having passed the state exam and completed 3 years of training for 2 years, she assisted on the ward with supervision. Then after 2 more training years, she became a Specialist Nurse for intensive care and anaesthesia. Thats all about ventilation. What to consider when ventilating which settings are there and also types of surgery in more detail. You also get a deeper insight into anaesthesia the sequence of operations the job is medically technically and personally challenging. Thats why nurses cannot simply start working in i. C. U. After their basic training. Louisiana in is 25 and just completed her 1st year of Specialist Training. 8 months of it during the pandemic. Together with a colleague, she cares for a seriously ill coronavirus patient. After one more year, she will be able to do this on her own with their patients who should have one on one care. And of course we try to provide it. But sometimes it doesnt work out because we dont have enough staff to do that for me. If that even though the job pays well after training, german nurses earn an average of 3500. 00 euros per month before tax and those doing shift work in i. C. U. Receive additional bonuses. But high stress levels, big responsibilities, weekend shifts and a lack of recognition are all deterrents pluck them out of god and path . Sure, raising the wage could be an incentive for staying in the job. And it could attract others to choose this line of work and death. I dont think we could be paid more life considering the work we have to do for you friend. And im glad that this is currently being discussed more that im a man fish, but i have calmed and so the coronavirus pandemic may even bring about change. But it doesnt think i was up and then we were just taken for granted. The issue wasnt addressed. The last few years, many people dont know what nurses have to deal with on a daily basis, especially intensive care nurses. And why not just anyone can do it at louisiana and wants to finish her Specialist Training despite and because of covert 19, these nurses know the coming weeks will be tough, but saying they will somehow manage some on this story. Lets bring in the w. Political correspondent, thomas thomas. Germany is a record high numbers of new infections. How long can the Health System carry the load . It depends how those numbers develop in the next few days. And in the next few weeks, the government has indicated that it is unlikely that restrictions will be changed. For now, germany still continues to register wreck or daily cases. For example, in the last 24 hours over 23000 cases, this is the 17th consecutive day with over 12000 cases. So if this pattern continues, and although some government officials have indicated that there are initial indications that could be flattened, then germany will certainly see many hospitals overwhelmed and big problems. Also, in that sector, some hospitals are already stressing the fact that the situation there is even worse than in april. For example, during the 1st wave of the pandemic. Although it is also important to stress that germany still has over 20 percent of free i. C. U. Beds night nationwide. So just around 6500 beds. So the situation certainly get hot is very serious. Thats something that authorities are very much aware of. At the same time, there are cautiously optimistic, as we heard yesterday from germanys Public Health institute, that measures are going in the right direction. Germany has introduced those measures limited restrictions at the start of november. Not everyone likes them bought new in for test polls suggest that most germans actually support the governments coronavirus policy. While a little over a quarter of germans think the measures go too far in the george c. Of 54 percent of people in the country think theyre appropriate and 18 percent even if the measures do not go far enough. Thomas, why is there such overwhelming support for these measures of germans just acting out of fear . I think germans understand that there is a need for these further measures, especially when you look at those stats. When you look at these daily record cases, although i myself saw that when reporting here in berlin for example, and thats something that other colleagues have also seen a certain degree of coronavirus fatigue. So on the 100, obviously you do see that understanding that many germans have for the need to have these new restrictions of the restrictions that were introduced at the beginning of the month. At the same time, many germans are also critical of what of the course of the government has been going on. The fact that this is going on for a very long time now. But in general, you can say that germans are in favor of the way the government has been handling the coronavirus pandemic. And many germans are also particularly in favor of chancellor merkel herself Angela Merkel having very high Approval Rating as well. According to this poll, tamas, briefly, please do you think that this will stay that way the support will stay that way. If the measures go into december, it is still unclear whether the measures will go into december, but the government has clearly indicated that they do not see any grounds at least now, to change those restrictions, at least to ease those restrictions. That is something that government officials, both in a regional, at the federal level will be discussing exactly next week. Thomas, thank you very much. And staying here in germany, this is the time when normally the countries world famous Christmas Markets will be preparing to open for the holiday season, but most have been canceled because you guessed it was a pandemic. Now although one in people in bavaria is keeping the tradition alive, so have to buckle up to visit a flurry of fake snow welcomes visitors to this atypical german Christmas Market. In line with the times a drive through one. With many Christmas Markets in germany, canceled this year because of the coronavirus pandemic. The organizer of this one had to come up with a new way to bring about the christmas spirit. The staples of the classic german Christmas Market are all their sweets grosset, all mens and cotton candy. But for the visitors. What really counts is the atmosphere . I heard Christmas Carols for the 1st time and im slowly getting into the mood. But to get into a Real Christmas mood will take time. Normally, more than 2500 Christmas Markets, welcome visitors in germany each year. The hope is that theyll all be operational again, next year with about my biggest Christmas Wish is that the corona virus is finally brought under control. And the next year is halfway normal. Again. I wish shared by many across germany and the world. Youre watching news. Heres a reminder of the top stories were following for you today. Amnesty International Says a large number of civilians have been killed in the northern ethiopian region. They called witnesses for saying local forces fighting Government Troops in the region are to blame for the massacre. The un has warned that the situation risks spiraling out of control. Paris is marking the 5th anniversary of its deadliest terror attacks ever since ceremonies have been taking place across the french capital, the mayor of paris and the french Prime Minister. A paid tribute to the victims of sites around the city where the attacks took place. But thats it for me and the news seems so ill have an update after the top of the hour, stay tuned for help show in good shape. So all thats just thanks what keeps us in shape . What makes us see and how do we stay calm for my name is dr. Carlson, the i talk to medical experts, watch them at work and then discuss what you can do to improve your health staterooms. And lets all try to stay good. Shut up next. Give us your country, eat a little will make you rich. Oil will provide you with jobs. The oil will take good care of us into a big one. Fever, too cold on the west. Come out in 2007, investors make promises. But years later, reality looks very different. I literally teaching i Drinking Water shortage. And i do feel like a cat is a peculiar i mean if you look at trace of chemistry class starts december so i could play the welcome to in good shape coming up veggie. Pills could broccoli protect you from sunburn . Faux tapeworm. How dangerous is this parasite to humans . And shingles . How to treat this painful skin rash . Now heres your host. Hello and welcome to check that you have a good chicken pox and its healed. Well, thats good, but dont need to sure about it. Because 95 percent of the worlds population still carry the virus inside the body. And this can lead to shingles, which can be a dangerous disease. And this is what im going to talk about here at the institute of iraq. Is sure its going to be very painful and came to queens your quality of life. But no, theres effects that can protect you from seeing us. More than 50 percent of the patients who suffer from shingles are over the age of 60, like the patient. Now an extra part of skin is red and inflamed with small blisters. Some of them crossed over intervening has got shingles. 2 days ago she started treatment. Other dermatological clinic, her doctor examines her and checks or pain levels regularly in 08 and 10 is the worst pain you can imagine. At the beginning it was 10 white fire, just like someone was holding a match to my skin. Yesterday it was 10, today, its about 7. C. Its very typical for shingles that only one side of the body is affected and the rash occurs in a localized area. Shingles, also known as herpes zoster, is a viral infection. While the symptoms appear on the skin, the root cause of the illness is deep inside the body. Shingles is triggered by the same virus that causes chicken pox. After a patient recovers from chicken pox, the virus retreats to the nerve tissue near the spinal cord. May then be reactivated when the patient is weakened, causing it to multiply and produce a rash on the skin. In half an hour, the nerves are of course, the pathways along which the virus spreads towards the skin. So these neural pathways are affected too. And thats where you get the pain. That often occurs when the immune system is weakened or the individual is press. T. V. Knickers. Husband is seriously ill. So she has to organize nursing care. But she also recently lost her son. She was planning a trip to thailand to attend his funeral. I had everything organized and thought id managed it. I didnt realize that id actually overdone it. I thought i kept her piece. Zoster is not the same as the more commonly known, oral herpes, which is less serious. Larger tests can show what form of herpes the patient has. The shingles is not treated correctly or in time, it can cause lasting damage. It is another complication, is that shingles may lead to post or protect neuralgia, and that means the infection is over, but the patient continues to suffer pain, which may be considerable. Treatment includes medications, skin creams and painkillers. They reduce the risk of patients suffering from chronic pain. And today, i would have got it totally wrong. I thought you dont take pills for every pain, but that would have been a mistake. She also receives an infusion 3 times a day with antiviral medication. That stops the virus from spreading. In just under a week, her rush begins to heal. The risk of a 2nd outbreak of shingles is relative to slim. So therell be nothing stopping her from flying to thailand, she added. So im going to bury my son now. No matter what happens, im determined to do this, but in future ill take better care of myself. Intervening because back on her feet. But its likely to be a few weeks before she recovers fully. As we just learned that many patients who had an outbreak of shingles are older than 60 years old. But some of them obviously are younger than 60 years old. Are there any reasons that there will be an outbreak of shingles in a patient . Yes, they are especially if the immune system is not working probably for example of transportation of organs, the immune system is suppressed and the virus can reactivate from the nerve cells and can disseminate. And that is a danger. And that can cause severe problems. Could you summarize the main symptoms for the main symptoms . 1st of all paid. Its possible that it comes 1st. Then you have, you know, x. And team or police steers who steals. And then that disappears, but the pain can persist and its causing huge problems in elderly people. And therefore you have to treat those people. Are you as a doctor able to treat pain and what is a problem . And its possible to treat pain, you have trucks, and you have certain tracks that say its weaker than others and you start with weaker trucks. And then if the pain doesnt disappear, then you have Even Stronger trucks that can so yes, theres a scheme that helps you to treat those patients with pain that persists shingles. Very dangerous to the patients. I mean those are blisters, right . Its a painful, but there are some city cases. It depends on the, on the localisation of shingles. If you get in the face for example, then you have problems because that is a situation in which i can be destroyed and that has to be treated and changes can even be life threatening. Can. They can be life threatening. For example, in immunosuppressed people patients, their liver can be affected or the lung can be affected, or even the Central Nervous system that can then destroy those important all guns. And that is a really serious situation. Lets focus a bit on prevention. There are certain vaccines you can give to patients and that they wont get shingles. Can you give this to the patients who already had shingles . Yes, this is possible, although one has to mention that single, its usually dont. We rarely about 5 percent of patients with shingles. Get a 2nd attack so to speak, but you can immunize those people so you can give them the scene. And that helps to prevent the 2nd attack. Yes, indeed. All his show is seen worldwide, and there are certain countries which dont have it seems against shingles. There any other preventive measures they could take in some countries. There are National Vaccination programs for Young Children because as you know, probably the 1st in call of people with this causes chicken pox. And that is a disease the Young Children get. And later on, the virus persists and later on in older age you get then shingles. So people older than 60 especially. Ok, that was its the same are. So if you see mate, those Young Children, its not a big scene. Its a life scene. But if you vaccine those children say, dont all very rarely get so that its also some kind of measurement to prevent the outbreak of shingles. So its a very good with the Young Children that they dont get changes. And when they get that, you cannot take the vaccine and give it to patients the chicken pox vaccine. The chicken pox vaccine has been tried. I mean there was another vaccine life vaccine. Its called and that was the 1st spect seen available against shingles. It was just a higher dose of that scene that has been all been given to children, but this life scene is not as efficient as the socalled unit vaccine that is now used for. Prevention of shingles is going to only occur on the skin or destroy an eyeball. It can be nearly everywhere in the body. Couldnt that is true. The most frequent localisation is here on the trunk, and you can get, of course, you know, its also nearby the, you know, in the literally and also if youre immunosuppressed, the liver can be affected or the printing can be affected all day long can effect. But usually that is the most frequent you can decision here on the truck and one site, but its not only a disease of the skin and of nerves because its painful. Recent Research Suggests that it can only also increase the risk for getting a stroke or heart attack. This indeed, studies have clearly demonstrated that the risk for stroke all in for auction off the source store shingles. And that is probably due to the fact that wires can multiply in the ball of the vessels, and this is causing inflammation. And therefore, the loon of the vessel, its getting smaller and you get less splat in certain areas of the prey, in all the heart muscle. And that is causing damage. So yes indeed, thats a possibility. She knows, isnt it reactivation of a chicken pox . Infection youre only getting it due to childhood. But even if you didnt have chicken pox during being a child, can you develop shingles as well without chicken pox . There are no shingles, thats not possible, but you can get chicken pox later. Thats adult and this is much more severe as a deceaseds but as i said, it single store stuff without chicken pox is not possible. Thanks so much for this interesting talk. So if you havent been vaccinated against chicken pox or against shingles, you should do so. And in the meantime, write us an email in good shape for your Weekly Health show on t w covers many aspects of health care could look at whats new in medical treatment, nutrition, fitness and beauty. We discuss these topics in depth with specialists and give you the chance to pose your own questions. So do get in touch my most favorite part of the show is not me talking. Its watching the reports, like the next one. Philip needs a crown, a routine dental treatment, but this time its a little different. Phillips crown is being prepared using a special 3 d. Procedure. This is my last look, although this is my 1st crown. And i basically decided to have it made this way because its much quicker. I wont have to wait weeks for it was the 1st step is a dental impression. Usually this is done with a kind of paste that solidifies in the patients mouth. But here the dentist places a camera inside the mouth and takes a digital impression. The computer then makes a 3 d. Model of the teeth and designs a perfectly fitting crown. The patient can have a say in things like color. The computer chooses between various different sizes of ceramic block to make the crown from the block is then inserted into the machine which chisels it down to the custom shape required mostly make crowns 80 percent of what we make or crowns. So we can also use this process to make small dental bridges and fillings that are created externally and inserted was called in lace in lace. It takes no longer than 15 minutes to create the crown. The dentist then checks that it fits and makes a few more small adjustments by hand until its perfect. He then ops the color and place to the crown and prepares it for the final step called firing. The brand new ceramic crown is super heated in a special oven. After about half an hour, its ready to come out and is left to cool enough for even more modern technique is 3 d. Printing a machine built to the crown layer by layer based on digital data. More experience and training is required before the technology can be introduced into the industry. We can reduce really good crowns now with digital technology. Whether we end up using the 3 d. Printer or the milling machine as a whole of the question. But its doable without a doubt as to crown can now be inserted and fixed in place with a speciality sieve. The ceramic material is at least as terrible as a conventional crown

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