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Boiling point. The t p l f. Defied obvious decision to postpone national polls. Juta the coronavirus pandemic. In september they went ahead with elections and to grow, which they control. Not only the stability of ethiopia is a stake in this conflict. The country with its population of 110000000 is pivotal to the stability of the horn of africa as a whole. In 2019 he won a Nobel Peace Prize for his sweeping political reforms. And his role in brokering peace with eritrea after a bloody border war. But so far hes failed to heed the calls of the un and the African Union for a cease fire in the conflict. Lets go live to the european capital, addis ababa, where journalist summer is standing by. The un is now calling for a full inquiry into possible war crimes. What has been confirmed so far, what has been confirmed is that people are indeed dying in to great with little attention given by us. Because we cant even go and report from the site and ethiopians are happy that the un and Even Amnesty International is coming up. And telling us exactly what weve been hearing for a long, long time. And the un human rights commissioner is no stranger to having be schiz from chile, grew up in the pinochet era a. She knows exactly what work looks like. This is what looks like to us so that there are also reports that Ethiopian Police gave the order of identifying ethnic to grants from all Government Agencies and n. G. O. S. Does that mean that this is turning into an ethnic conflict . That hasnt been confirmed so far . Weve heard rumors, were checking, i know reuters did report on it and the government is denying that thats whats happening. But we have to check, we have to make sure that thats exactly whats happening. But we also have to know this ethnic conflicts in ethiopia is nothing new. You know, minorities have been attacked in the last since a year ago. And even under sea international, this is a 2nd report that it released within the month of november saying that minorities are being attacked not just integrate, but in many, many regions all across the country. This looks like at ethnic were fair from, from what, from, from what i see and what i hear it within living in ethiopia, and many civilians in the area are already relying on aid. How badly could they be a fact affected by this . Well, you have to know that the 2 grey region horse race fijis from eritrea. The state is a dependent. Its an area where he cant even farm because its, you know, its a land that cant be farmed. So it relies on aid for many, many of a good percentage of its population. So we can only speculate in terms of the kinds of people that are being affected. Even transportation, taking food from other parts of ethiopia and going to take rights not allowed. So im sure people are suffering and famine is closer to a reality. This is an area where suffered because of famine some 30 years ago. And this is like, reliving what ethiopia experienced a long time ago, is there also a risk . You think that since this is turning into an ethnic kind of conflict that other countries will be drawn into it . Well, as ive been saying, if youre present important nation within the region. So what happens in ethiopia is certainly going to spill over to neighboring countries. South sudan, being one of them, a country that has only known war since the day it got it to its independence some 9 years ago in sudan. So what happens in ethiopia . A small chance, what happens in sudan spills over to both countries. So this isnt just an ethiopian problem, it might even extend to europe, was all this migrants heading to european nations. So its going to be a huge disaster, not just for the african continent, but for the world. And thats why these to be taken really seriously. So i mean, i get it, you and others are. Thank you very much for your input. Thank you. Thank you. Lets have a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world. French forces in mali have reportedly killed a senior g hardest leda links to several attacks. The French Defense minister hailed the operation against bach, mussa, the military leader of al qaeda as north africa wing. France has deployed thousands of troops in mali and across the region to counter islamist militants. Close interims president is calling for calm mass protests escalate over the abrupt of the countrys former leader martin. Manual merino took office on tuesday after congress voted to remove his purposes so over bribery, allegations marinus and sworn in his new cabinet filling most positions with 10 police in the philippines. Say the death toll from typhoon risen to more than 40 us floodwaters recede. And the cleanup gets underway. Massive stall, the 3rd in as many weeks brought some of the worst flooding in years to the capital manila and nearby provinces. Paris is marking the 5th anniversary of its deadliest sermon has been held in the french capital and attendees. And to the mayor of paris and the french Prime Minister of pay tribute to the victims of sites around the city where your tax took place. 5 years ago, 2015130 people were killed when socalled Islamic State militants launched multiple attacks in the french capital, suicide bombs and guns, and carried out a 4 hour killing spree, which also injured one please. No, they dont use lisa lewis is standing by outside. One of the sites where an attack took place, tell us about todays commemorations. It was a ceremony where delegation of people went from site to site of this horrible attack. They went to the site, read out the names of the people who were killed and put down some flyers and held a minute of silence. It was reduced to a ceremony. So to say, because the number of people admitted were it was very limited. Only a few ministers, the mayor of paris and 2 representatives of the victims and survivors of the attack that was very difficult to take in for some of the survivors and the families. Because you know, this is the yearly ceremony is a very important project for them. Their reconstruction process, and ive talked to one of the survivors this around his very young way of dealing with the trauma music as therapy. It got said, she threw the worst time of his life. He started writing songs shortly before the battle can attack more. I was terrified after the attack, i was afraid to leave the house to cycle through the city. I felt i had become a target. Music helped me get through this. It was my way to express my feelings and what ive experienced when you go through an event like this, precisely because i managed to get out of there shortly after the attack had started. You think i scape death by a few minutes . Life grinds to a halt, but then it continues and you think i need to live life to the fullest. Saturday had gone to the concert with a few friends. They all managed to escape a life minutes before the 1st shots were fired. Savage took this video. When he understood what was happening, his survival instincts kicked in there were little flashes of light on the war that were moving towards the stage and then the sound of firecrackers. I mediately understood that something was wrong and that those were just firecrackers. All i could think about was i had to get out of there, but then the 1000. 00 concert goes all through themselves to the ground. And i got stuck beneath them. But i managed to free myself and make it out of that door. This is the 1st time since the attack that santa has returned to the batter clan. Its bringing back his trauma, which is still deeply affecting him. Its stressing me out to be here. Im quite anxious now. Even nowadays, when i go to the cinema or restaurant, im concerned about my safety and where the next emergency exit is as to what to do until the 13th of november 25th teen. I thought i lived in a safe country. Now i dont believe that anymore. Or security, do you really abuse . The music is helping to heal his wounds. But for sadness its also an affirmation of life form. There was a radical islamists would like to see a society in which we can draw, make music or sing. They believe that only the prophet has the right to do that. So this is a way of saying, no, i exist, im alive, and i want to continue doing what im free to do in my country. But with a spate of recent terror attacks and measures to combat the corona pandemic pressure on those freedoms is mounting. The local police are 5 years after those attacks. The Terror Threat has once again been raised to its highest level. What was the mood like there in france . Well, the people ive been talking to today have all told me, you know, were really shocked. Even 5 years on from these horrible events. These terror attacks really have marked france at the time when i talked to young mother of a young child. She told me these terror attacks have brought world home for a whole generation. And many people still remember them. The government is trying to protect the country against 3 new terror attacks. Theyve pushed the anti terror plot to its highest level 2 weeks ago after a horrible attack in nice, where a young radical islamist killed 3 people at a basilica that many people here feel today that other attacks could be coming to what is france turning the doing of the fight against rather causation, and the islamist terrorists where the government has come up with new measures to crack down on radical islam is and they closed down a mosque where they thought radical preachers were moms were preaching. Theyve also come up with new legislation to crackdown on hate speech on the internet, and they want to better control. Radicalized people here in the country and those who might be coming to france. But again, this is really a very difficult undertaking. Secret service here in the, in the country. Now believe that the main france is not a coordinated because had such as the one that happened in november 25th in here the battle plan and other location. But mainly that the main threat comes from lone wolves. People who will attack on their own with a knife or a gun. And thats obviously very difficult is to prevent from happening because there are many, many possible targets across the country. Its a lose from all sides. The budget plan in this. Thank you very much. China congratulated joe biden on as u. S. Election. Victory. Foreign Ministry Spokesman said beijing respected the choice of the american people. This statement comes nearly a week after joe biden, and his running mates, carla harris were declared to have won the white house. President donald trump has so far, refused to concede u. S. Relations with china, hit his story close under the chamber, ministration with disputes over trades technology and increasingly over taiwan. For more this are not joined by our correspondent, but he has been in a beijing what he has almost every other country in the world. Ask congress to lead to the president elect. What took china so long . But its a very good question. The only explanation china has offered so far was that this was in line with international practice, which is obviously debatable in 2016. They were much quicker to congress today. Donald trump, on his election victory. It involves a lot of guessing. We dont know the real reason, but the best guess is probably that they wanted to be absolutely sure that nothing can happen because they would not have wanted to work with the trump administration. Having congratulated biden thinking that trump might take this badly there another reason or maybe a side effect was that Chinese State media house portrayed this u. S. Election as chaotic as unreliable as democracy as an unreliable chaotic system. And of course, not congratulating allowed them to explore this narrative a few days longer. Here does this delay tell us anything else about the future relations between the 2 countries . It definitely tells us that china is not betting on better relations with the biden administration. This, of course not how you build the best relationship with the future administration. I would think that biden would not take this as badly as trump would have, and that it would not maybe have that bad effect from the side of the u. S. Administration. But it seems very clear that china is where e off the next administration, and it is not expecting things to change back to what they were before donald trump. But he has been in beijing. Thank you very much. To the pandemic now. And here in germany, there been a Record Number of new cases with nearly 24000 actions registered in the last 24 hours or hospitals are reported to be stretched to capacity. Germany was able to boost its number of intensive care beds during the 1st wave, but as we report, trained nurses are increasingly in short supply initially is an intensive care nurse. She finished her Specialist Training at the end of october. Now shes caring for a coronavirus patient in intensive care at Dusseldorf University hospital. How many of them seem to have a weve moved him around so that he lines in different positions and on get bedsores. My colleagues will take some blood for a blood gas analysis, which will tell us how to adjust the ventilator and things that a 30 year old nurse cannot yet do alone. Having passed the state exam and completed 3 years of training for 2 years, she assisted on the ward with supervision. Then after 2 more training years, she became a Specialist Nurse for intensive care and anaesthesia. I thought about ventilation, what to consider when ventilating which settings are there, and also types of surgery in more detail. You also get a deeper insight into anaesthesia. The sequence of operations appears. The job is medically technically and personally challenging. Thats why nurses cannot simply start working in i. C. U. After their basic training. Louisianans in is 25 and just completed her 1st year of Specialist Training. 8 months of it during the pandemic. Together with a colleague, she cares for a seriously ill coronavirus patient. After one more year, she will be able to do this on her own with their patients who should have one on one care. And of course we try to provide it. But sometimes it doesnt work out because we dont have enough staff if that even though the job pays well after training german nurses earn an average of 3500. 00 euros per month before tax. And those doing shift work in i. C. U. Receive additional bonuses. But high stress levels, big responsibilities, weekend shifts and a lack of recognition are all deterrents plucked them and us go ahead and pass. Sure, raising the wage could be an incentive for staying in the job. And it could attract others to choose this line of work. And death. I dont think we could be paid more life considering the work we have to do and defend. And im glad that this is currently being discussed more that demand for cash, but i have calmed and so the coronavirus pandemic may even bring about change. Doesnt think was our point then we were just taken for granted. The issue wasnt addressed the last few years. Many people dont know what nurses have to deal with on a daily basis, especially intensive care nurses. And why not just anyone can do it at louisiana and wants to finish her Specialist Training despite and because of covert 19, these nurses know the coming weeks will be tough, but saying they will somehow manage as a look now at some of the other developments in the pandemic deleon is reporting 104. 00 coronavirus deaths in the past 24 hours. Thats a record high for the indian capital. Many hospitals say theyve run out of intensive care beds. South korea has begun fining people for not Wearing Masks in public places. Israel has signed a deal with the drug maker pfizer and bio on text to receive 8000000 doses of its frona virus vaccine. Next year. And new zealand has reopened downtown auckland, after tracing a new coronavirus case to a known cluster. But here in germany, not everyone agrees with the measures being taken to curb the spread of corona virus. But a new poll suggests most germans actually support the governments policy. It shows that although 26 percent of germans think the measures go too far, 54 percent of people in the country think theyre appropriate and 18 percent it even say the measures do not go far enough. Earlier we spoke to run out shrink, and hes the managing director of in front has d. M. Up, which conducted that poll. He told us what impact coronavirus policy is having on the German Governments approval ratings. C. D. U. With the christian democratic party, Americas Party goes up and up and up. She has an approval rate now of 3 quarters of the population of the government has the proven rate of 2 thirds of the population. Something we never have seen in the last 30 years. The approval rate for the measures for the grown emitters are in principle quite high it but below was the lowest appreciation rates were out there for the closure of restaurants. Only half of the population agreed to that and our relation only agreed to the fact that its no longer allowed there. If youre tourist, you can spend a night or some nights in a hotel. Theres a lot of positivity received, but overall we have an exemption. This rate of nearly 80 percent in germany. Im staying in germany. This is a time when normally in a country. So world famous Christmas Markets will be preparing to open for the holiday season, but most have been canceled because author and now dont want innkeeper. Bavaria is keeping the traditional live, but ill have to buckle up to visit. For the half larry, a fake snow welcomes visitors to this atypical german Christmas Market. In line with the times a dry 3, a one with many Christmas Markets in germany, canceled this year because of the coronavirus pandemic. The organizer of this one had to come up with a new way to bring about the christmas spirit. The staples of the classic german Christmas Market are all their sweets, armins, and cotton candy. But for the visitors, what really counts is the atmosphere . I heard Christmas Carols for the 1st time and im slowly getting into the mood. But to get into a Real Christmas mood will take time. Normally, more than 2500. 00 Christmas Markets welcome visitors in germany each year. The hope is that theyll be operational again, next year with the my biggest Christmas Wish is that the corona virus is finally brought under control. And the next year is halfway normal. Again. I wish shared by many across germany and the world next to a lesson in sportsmanship, or rather a lack of it on the professional tennis circuit at the mens tournament in sofia, the top seed is on the far court tennis vala smashing his racket after losing a key point in the 2nd set, 21 year old is one of the worlds top players, but not when it comes to holding this temper, his sections snap struck. It was on match point in the last 2 and conceded that a fine reprimand for the canadian its likely to remodel the top stories were following for you on this is a National Says a large number of civilians have been killed in the northern ethiopia region of witnesses are saying local forces fighting Government Troops in the region are to blame for the massacre of the un. That has warned that the situation is spiraling out of control up next, its always a National Debate sold to the point. Thats it. From me. The news teams on all be back with an update at the top of the aisle thats watched the ball through the point. Strong opinions, clear positions of international perspectives. The past is not really settled on americas president ial election, but one thing, it seems to me if and when joe biden enters the white house, hes going to adopt a very new and very different Foreign Policy. Find out move on to the point shortly. To this point, throw up next to the comedy w. What keeps us in shape . What makes us see and how do we stay conscious of my name is dr. Carlson because i talk to a medical expert, watch them at work, and they discuss what you can do to improve your head. Stay tuned and lets all try to stay in 66. W. From the get go to parliament. Youre going to notice, bobby was the pop star, rails against corruption, violence continue to cause despite coming from a poor family loves to become president and challenges and god knows incredible story of bobby wind starts december 10th on g. W. America remains tense and fiercely divided with donald trump still claiming to have won the recent president ial election. Meanwhile, joe biden is preparing to enter the white house as his nations 46 president , his promise to reconcile and reunite america. Thats whats really different style of politics from donald trump. Hes also promising a different approach to foreign relations, and senior european leaders say theyre looking forward to working with joe biden in a new spirit of cooperation. At the point diplomacy will joe biden makes the world a better place. Thanks so much for being with us and my guests here in the studio, stacy burns from d. W. U. S. Election team, who says joe biden must realize that americas allies are looking for a team player. A north team leader. Also with us is jami floyd from the german marshall fund, a former advisor on Foreign Policy to president george w. Bush, who argues that america will remain divided undistracted under President Biden. And that will harm its ability to partner with allies and a very Diplomatic Correspondent to the berlin daily times. He argues that under President Biden, relations with germany and europe might be a little less abrasive for greater commitment from brussels. Well thank you all 3 for being here today. Theres plenty to talk about, so lets get going. Stacie. Is there any doubt in your mind that joe biden has won the president ial election . The numbers are just not fair. And i think that when somebody shows you who they are and he was a leader and now he is an extremely sore loser. Who is essentially spitting in the soup as hes leaving the numbers just dont support him still being in office. And what hes doing is potentially detrimental. Ok, jamie, you are well connected in republican circles. How would you gauge the mood among the Party Faithful . I think its a mixed right now because we obviously have a republican president who is not refusing to leave yet he doesnt have to leave office until january 20th, but hes indicating that he perhaps thinks that he is going to serve another 4 years. So thats obviously very concerning. I think even so many Congressional Republicans on the flip side, this is a president who did much better than anticipated and brought more than 72000000 americans out. So vote for him. And honestly has charted, i think, a path forward for the republican party, even in 4 years in terms of some electoral gains in key constituencies. And so people, thats why i think you see many Congressional Republicans reluctant to push him out because they think that donald trump is going to be part of the conversation for the next 4 years. Ok, christopher christopher, emotional. How much of a fresh start . Do you expect from washington, do you expect a transition . Will something much more profound . A transformation . Well, i am at the moment confident joe biden will be inaugurated as the 46. 00 president , but we are not yet out of the woods. And i think its extremely now the extreme, but it is somehow concerning and even dangerous that president , trump is not giving and not admitting. And that sets a very bad example. It undermines institution, you say dangerous. So normal things should be, as we have seen, for example, the transition from george w. Bush to obama, from obama to donald trump that wins the election result is clear. You invite your successor to come to the white house to discuss what is from your point of view, the situation and the most important problems. You allow your future companions to get c. S. You could serve us 3 things to be informed. So you try to have a smooth transition in order to secure security of the United States and in a broader sense, the democratic world and that is missing. That is why it is dangerous, and that is just the side that this transition doesnt have. But he also does damage to the institutions because half of the population in the United States or at least half of the voters, might believe that he considers himself to still be the elected president. And that undermines our belief in the democratic process in the state of law and the division of power, which is a set. What is different in our countries, western countries from dictatorships. Ok, thats the mood in washington at the moment for his part presidency like to joe biden has already been speaking to some world leaders. His message is unequivocal. Were going to number one, ive had the opportunity to speak with 6 world leaders. And the response has been very fulsome energetic, and theyre all looking forward to being able to from Great Britain, france, germany, canada, etc. So i feel good about the ability to america is back, says joe biden. Its not a boast, a stretch or a rallying call. It kind of amazing me when Michael Jordan returned to basketball, im from so and so you know, he was the best player in the league and, you know, people admired his leadership and his fight. And when he came back to the team, people were a little bit weary. Things had moved on. He was gone for a bit, playing baseball, and the team shifted. Some people had gone away. Some people had taken more of a leadership role. And all of a sudden this great player says her little boy is already outdated, that he hasnt even not saying hes outdated. What im saying is that the make up of the landscape has changed. And so he wants to come back and be at the head of the table. Thats what he said. But when you listen to uncle americal saying that she wants germany and europe to work side by side with the United States and European Commission, president ursula burns alliance. Saying that she wants that europe should take more initiative. I dont think that europe now the European Union wants to be the robin to americas batman. I think they want to be an equal partner in helping to reshape the world in order to try to shake off some of this. Trump ism, thats made its way overseas and to try to strengthen the importance of multilateralism. And these Democratic Institutions that the United States once supported, christopher, he, joe biden chose to speak to americas best friends. Transatlantic partners in these, these early conversations that joe biden has been having. Is that, how should we say hes not playing it safe . Well, it is a very different set of friends. If i take a Great Britain which the united kingdom, which means boris johnson, he runs up the reelection of donald trump and hope for a good traits of court. And now he has to change to flip sides very quickly and say, you know, joe biden, im on your side. I want to be a good ally. Thats very different position from, lets say france or germany who rather had a reluctant relationship with President Trump and were very much hoping that there comes a change in the United States. If i look at my country germany, i think the biggest danger seeds of the biggest mistake would be that we again hope that the president changes and everything will be fine. We just cant continue with our set of policies, and this would be a huge mistake. We of course, we expect that there comes change from washington, but we also have to give some change from berlin to make it work. And if we just think the change should come from washington, we dont have to adapt or change. Then we run into deep disappointment in if in a few months. So i hope that the German Government has a plan what to offer to President Biden in order also to ask for some changes on the u. S. Side. Ok, well find out a little bit more about the plan in just a 2nd. We just mentioned chancellor Angela Merkel and she this week reiterated the Transatlantic Partnership between the u. S. And europe is irreplaceable. She also listed the challenges that the partnership is facing and we can i need to study the United States of america in germany as part of the European Union must stand together to meet the great challenges of our time side by side in the severe test of the coronavirus pandemic side by side in the fight against Global Warming and its global repercussions in the fight against terrorism. Side by side for an open World Economy and free trade. Because these are the foundations of our prosperity on both sides of the atlantic. Prosperity on both sides of the atlantic. But lets be honest, america is frustrated with germany. Just hearing tell us about the frustration and well see what you know germany can possibly do. I think the one last thing, the legacy of the trump ministration, when it comes to germany, will be that he has shifted the us conversation about what is expected of allies and germany has been perhaps the leading example of trump rallies, receiving criticism from the president for not spending enough on defense for being a free rider. And i honestly think that thats a good legacy for the relationship. I dont think trump often approached the issue with the right tone. But i think americans given the pressures that existed even prior to the pandemic, want to see allies that are paying their fair share that are stepping up and being partners not just in word, but also in deed. And thats going to be the real, a real test for the, by the ministration they want to repair relations. But i think the biden team also wants to see germany continue to make progress in defense spending on issues like north stream, too, with russia doing more as the u. S. Confronts china. And at some point, if germany doesnt do enough, the by the ministration may end up being critical, just like the trumpet, ministration or not just like the type ministration. Because the Top Administration had no tact, they treat at their end and their friends like they were enemies. And thats a problem. So when youre trying to, he didnt, he had more of an isolationist kind of view of the world. Anyway. And, and i feel just the way he spoke about merkel that he has a problem with strong women. And so sometimes his policies, his rhetoric was more of an attack on her than what the country should be doing. Of course, all partnerships should contribute more. And in the way that the world is now, the United States cant carry the load, but you have to have tact. You have to have diplomat, you have to be diplomatic. You have to be respectful because you need your friends in order to rally in order to move in the world forward. Yeah, but i think we have to seize a situation to give whats happening in germany. And america has been chancellor for many years and she is on the way out next year will have a new coalition. And if you read together the outcome of the american of the u. S. Election and see general election, i think we can expect the next government, which from todays perspective talking is probably green. But black means see Christian Democratic Union was a chance lens, a green party, they will be more critical in the relationship with china and the relationship with with russia, a sudden is a greens are not eager to spend more on defense. But here again, i think the perspective to discuss it as a way, what are the americans expect in france is nazi best way we should say, what is in germanys interest and what is your partners expect . What trump in, not very good terms threatened, and what by probably will ask for is also the hope of france, of poland, of the Baltic States of the netherlands. And our partners in the defense issue of germany is very much isolated. Its not just a u. S. President who is asking germany should shoulder more responsibility. Its also a huge part of our european partners. And i think in order to convince the german public, that is a better way to have to debate it. We shouldnt be in positions where we are close to a minority, and that is, for example, Energy Policy was not stray into the pipeline with russia. It is certainly defense and they are a few other issues and it would be for that reason, it would be rather smart to come up with an offer to come up with. And we want to read stream to make sure that ukraine, poland, they are not well that are not left out of the game. We are willing to do more in defense. We will not do 2 percent in the next year. Certainly not such a clear, but well willing to do more. We on the way we have an offer in china, russia and so on. Germany has indicated that they feel that they agree with you. When you talk European Commission president was talking about europe needs to take more initiative. I think that thats what shes talking about. Bringing more ideas to the, to the table and not just being a passive partner, but at being an active one, youre absolutely right stacey, but it should be more the lip service if i now look how do i make that happen in Coalition Governments . The social democrats, i know, we all know that they are not eager to do that. They are asked to do so as a is the willingness of the thomas law and of c. Minister of defense. She was even more outspoken about same have to make a texan, its not just that you say we are willing, so there is no political will. Let us bring to me because im interested. We, we had the joe biden said america must lead lead in what direction . I think joe biden is, wants to kind of reintegrate america into multilateral institutions. He wants to tackle global issues like climate change. His team also talks about picking up where the trumpet ministration left off on china and working more with allies. So these are all topics which i think theyll be a lot of heads nodding in europe and here in berlin. Support of that sort of agenda. My question about setting aside the tactics where i think President Trump often inserted himself unnecessarily into our allies politics and made it difficult for them to work with us. Joe biden take a different approach, but Americans Still want to see results, and thats the unfortunate we had 8 years of the obama administration. Obama was beloved in berlin, greeted by the crowds of thousands of people at the sago soil, a very close relationship with chancellor merkel. But he still privately criticized germany and other allies as free riders. He was frustrated by the same things the president from was frustrated about President Trump just vocalize those concerns and started to produce some results. And so i think the, the question is going to be after such a change in tone will abide, administration be able to produce results on any number of

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