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Melissa chan. Welcome to news asia. Thank you for joining us. Hong kongs legislature now has effectively no opposition. Prodemocracy lawmakers have announced they will all resign. Its to protest against beijings new bill passed today. Wednesday, the law would allow the Hong Kong Government to expel legislators without due process. And as soon as that law went into effect, the executive expelled for lawmakers. The opposition called the act quote, ruthless and said it quote, sounded the death knell of the citys democracy fight. Joining us is holmes chan. A political journalist in hong kong holmes. Im a little curious this decision from beijing did that come as a surprise . Now the decision actually came as a result of chinas top law making Body National Peoples Congress standing committee. And the reason why i came as such a big surprise to people in hong kong was because this was not announced on the agenda beforehand. It was announced very rapidly and passed very quickly and taking effect immediately in hong kong. And also the disqualification of the for prodemocracy law makers also was a sign. It seems that beijing was lacking patience and hong kong. Just a few months ago, the election for the legislature was delayed because of call it 19. And at the time, beijing allowed these democrats to extend their term by one year. So people at home who are thinking maybe beijing had some room for leniency, letting these democrats continue. However, thats not the case today. Now, this group has decided to resign on mass, and that essentially means that theres no voice of opposition in the legislature. How critically important is that it really comes to a decision of whether, what is the room for meaningful resistance or meaningful opposition . Whats in the system . And what we see today, which is a general resignation by the entire prodemocracy. It goes to show that the democrats have completely lost faith in the system, believing that rather than at legitimacy to a system. They were rather show to, to use this as a gesture of defiance and to show that they will take their advocacy elsewhere and civil society, perhaps homes can thank you for speaking with us. As things are developing india is playing a key role in the race to find a corona virus vaccine, as the number of infections crosses 15000000 worldwide. Multiple phase 2 and phase 3. Human trials are underway in the country with intense interest. Where in the world is vaccines might sell to the Worlds Largest producer of vaccines in india is ramping up production to churn out, covert vaccines in the millions. As soon as they are approved. The mission gys will reports on indias massive vaccine bid. Service has always been important enough from donating blood since a young age to holding treats on the graves. He was disappointed when he couldnt join the indian army to serve the country. But then another opportunity in his north Indian Students only came along. He volunteered for the Clinical Trials of over a covert vaccine been developed in india. Its people told me it was risky, but for me it was an opportunity to be of service. Im happy to dedicate my body to my country, my fellow countryman, the, whenever i needed good, ill be there. It was this enthusiasm to volunteer for the covert vaccine trials that stood out for dr. Somewhat of a in previous Clinical Trials talked about. Mark has led it to much more convincing to find volunteers. For this one, she had hundreds calling in within days. So many people came forward because they wanted to do a good coffee is one only within 3 or 4 days. We had to have people in with us. Im just isnt just individuals in india who are trying to play their part to help diva dishpan demick. 1400 kilometers of the western city of pawnee is home to the Worlds Largest back seemed to do so. The sediment stewart of india produces over 1500000000 vaccine dogs every year for use in 170 countries. Now it is poised to play a crucial role in the global bid for the dont know why this laxity already this facility is producing 30000000 dollars. This is all fuel for a vaccine every month. It is set to stop by a 300000000. 00. This is by the end of the u. We rejigged out capacities sacrificed a lot of products that we were going to launch in europe us. And thats why we were able to have that much Spare Capacity available for making these 45. 00 different covert vaccines and only at a low cost of a few 100. 00 rupees. Just the 45 year olds with the help of the gates foundation, the institute is investing to provide vaccines to over 91000000 combine trees at an affordable cost. For other back seats at different stages of trials are also being produced to. None of these have been a food yet, but the companys c. E. O. Or other novella is confident that stopping production already with the support of the indian government. Is that a if and when the vaccine is licensed, we have a lot of product that we can distribute. Of course, its a risk of the product for whatever reason feels of the last minute which no, let me say, looks very unlikely. Now things are looking far better, at least for the oxford astra. Zeneca vaccine, with one of our law expects emergency approvals for the oxford vaccine to come through early next year back and draw back now of need will still be coming in for, for their tests. Next year, but check how well he is doing with the vaccine. And he will not be alone. While his father was at 1st voted for the safety of his son. He has now been sweed by love needs enthusiasm. And one of the soviet who is now of vaccine trial volunteer as well and proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with his son in what he sees as a service to the country and to the world. Joining us is ellen end to end, the director of medicines, law and policy. Ellen earlier this week, weve had the big news from pfizer, about its stock scene, and that its 90 percent effective. Can you put this in context with the efforts were seeing in india . Well, 1st of all, i think we have to be a bit cautious still because weve had crash releases from pfizer, but no one has seen to date and the studies have not been published in Peer Reviewed scientific journals. And its happened and of course, the regulatory agencies will need to look at it suggests that food and Drug Administration and european medicines agency, they need to assess the data to determine whether inspection is needed as a factor. And whether it is whether it is safe. There are a number of issues that have already come to light. For example, the fact that the vaccine, the pfizer oxy requires a very severe cold chain of minus 70 degrees celsius. That is, that is very, very deep freeze, so to speak. And that is, that is going to pose challenges. There are others, a dentist as one people who are local for, of course are looking out because how is a vaccine that is going to be rolled out in a lower middle income in india is also as the report just showed, producing 30000000. 00 doses of the Oxford Astra Zeneca vaccine every month. That is also still in trials. So with the visor in years, does that change anything for astra zeneca progress . No, i dont think so. I think oxford that services have a vaccine which was originally developed by r. For university is really is, you know, also one of the runners up and it is that model is quite different because, well, aster seneca is doing is it is working with producers in the carbon country countries such as india, brazil, other places sort of acting can be produced locally and at low cost and at very, very high volume. So that is a very interesting model and very important. Additionally, as far as i am understand, the asters anika vaccine does not require a very deep freeze call chain. It will have to be refrigerated, but it doesnt need minus 70 degree. So, rolling out assay globally at a very large scale, that one is potentially very, very interesting. Just because pfizer put out these very optimistic, presleys doesnt all mean that now they are Vaccine Development projects should come to a halt. Well, probably multiple of accedes. We need to continue to invest and carry out this research because you are often the 1st generation parts are not necessarily the best. So great to continue to focus on the innovation is, is very, very informed and honest. Ellen government, seeing this. Oh, yeah, i think i want to get in there and ask, so the big question is, who gets the vaccine . And you talk about astra zeneca model, but what is likely going to happen there . Well, the Pfizer Vaccine has been the 1st batches have been blocked for United States. The u. S. Has ordered 600. 00 those as the e. U. Is negotiating for 300. 00. I believe the u. K. Has placed an order of 90000000. 00. That leaves only 200 lath for this 1st batch that there are producing for the, for the rest of the world. So, box needs to happen is really in International Agreements about how this vaccine this is, is being distributed. How many vaccines being distributed . Because one is to happen is that the most vulnerable and people are in the front line of Health Care Health care workers, for example, are prioritized. It would be ludicrous if someone at a low risk in high Income Countries or just as france or United States will get the vaccine before a nurse in south africa, the us that is that you got 3 were wrong. So that is something that needs to be tackled. The other issue is of course price. This vaccine, we know the price that the u. S. Government is paying, which is 39. 00 for a comfort to doses. That is a very high price for a vaccine and makes it puts it out of reach there. Well talk about differential pricing. Prices have not been disclosed so that us and other aspects at least to be tackled in addition to the production capacity. Thats definitely going to be an issue, the price ellen at the end. Thank you so much for your time. Youre welcome. Thank you. Thats it for now we leave you with pictures from china where november 11th is 1111111, what they call single day a day of Online Shopping deals. We tell therapy if youre not in a relationship translates to big bucks. Thanks for watching. Well see you next time and to buy the phone against the coronavirus pandemic has the rate of infection been developing. What does the latest research say . The information and context, the coronavirus update. On t w. How does a virus spread . Why do we panic . And when well just through the topics of a weekly radio show, its called spectrum. If you like, and the information on the coronavirus or any other science topic, you should really check out our podcast. You can get it wherever you get your part cast. You can also find us at science the race for a Coronavirus Vaccine is not just a matter of saving lives. Its also a matter of saving face for some world leaders. As news broke this week, that 2 vaccines have reached 90 percent. If i can see the incentive to speed up trials is growing. Russia and rolling out their back scenes to the public level of side effects is acceptable separating fact from fiction challenging. Its becoming like a bidding war 1st. Its excess of 90 percent reporting the same figure for its 1st candidate that was monday. Then the percent effective, protecting people from cover it. Its raising eyebrows among skeptics. But its also will have a vaccine by the end of the year. And the president Vladimir Putin says russia is registering its 3rd vaccine against the coronavirus and insists all of them are effective. The Scientific Community doesnt agree and believes starting mass in occupations is risky. The cameras are waiting. Theyve been promised a celebrity whos ready to be filmed, being given the russian vaccine. Sputnik 5 enter, blogger and bodybuilder, Alexander Spock. The eccentric social media star takes one last selfie before hes injected with a dose of the still unproven vaccine. And you can hear no one had to talk me into doing it. Its always good to be the 1st at something. I always have the negative view of vaccinations, but this is different for the doctors will keep an eye on alexander for the next 6 months to observe the effects of sputnik 5 russian bloggers enthusiastic to be part of the program. And like so many other people, he just wants life to get back to how it was. Even on a ship or just normally i travel a lot. I want to work normally to move around. Normally. I dont like the masks. Now i can get all the medical treatments and be one of the 1st to be really free. When washed off international criticism, russia rushed forward in the global race for a Coronavirus Vaccine. Back in august, sputnik 5 became the worlds 1st registered vaccine. But critically, that was before the results of the all important phase 3 trials, republished president , Vladimir Putin is eager to be the man who presents the world with an effective vaccine that would come with guaranteed prestige. And of course profit. In mid october, he made another announcement that the novosibirsk base Vector Center has registered a 2nd russian corona virus vaccine, epi vaca rhona. It without doubt. Its an important success that you, dear friends, have achieved, was issued in the meanwhile, Alexander Spock waits to hear whether sputnik 5 has provided him with antibodies or, not. Joins us from the f. A. , the association of Research Based pharmaceutical companies. All of these vaccines or many of them now are sounding more and more promising. So when final testing is over, when or how does production go ahead . Well, the production has already started. Most companies have produced components of facts and already at least one Company House also reported that they have at least one better, ready for delivery. And with the components the other companies will be able to have finished product soon. As soon as i have an approval, well ready for delivery, so hopes are high, but of course we have to see the final tests a top army general behind the u. S. Vaccine initiative, intice a pates the 1st americans could also start receiving over 1000. 00 vaccines next month. What do you think about that . Well, the one company that have was the 1st to report positive efficacy results. They said that they now have to wait full some days to complete the collection of safety data. They need safety data from at least 2 months after the last shot from all the participants. When they can have them in their application is complete. Then the f. D. A. In the us and europe can start evaluating the facts. And when they have a positive opinion about it, and when there is an approval like unsolved. Yes, there is a chance to have approval in december. We rob them all were expected in early january. And as far as production goes, how sufficient would you say the Global Production capacity actually is . Well, some months ago the house being an estimate that there is a Global Production capacity of something between 2 and 4000000000 doses of covert 19 vaccines that could be produced. Thats quite a lot, obviously its we need even mall. So companies have solved it to find more contract manufacturers that produce components for them. And they have also find other companies where they can license the vax into so that they can produce it as well. And australia and south africa and japan and so on. So most likely during 2021, the capacity will even increase. What about the infrastructure . Some of these vaccines have to be stored. It is extremely cold temperatures. Well, some vaccines indeed need minus 70 degrees. But fortunately, some others that are also very fall in their development, they only need enough rich or 8 or so we hope to hear elf positive. I think its a date in the next weeks. And then this could buy the situation a bit easier for those who have to organize all the delivery of things. And the w h o has organized the kovacs facility as like call it, thats a kind of an organisation that buys from companies and then distributes the doses they buy between various countries that have signed in. And they make sure that a lot goes to middle and low, low and middle Income Countries. So, you know, i think those developing countries will be left at the back of the queue at the moment. It seems that the industrialized nations will most likely be quick with having enough for the population. But on the other hand, we also have mechanisms that make sure that the low and middle Income Countries will get there at an increasing share. And for example, companies in india have licenses to mass produce faxon and they have huge capacities when they can deliver. And theyve announced that they will deliver it particularly to low and middle Income Countries, that they will also have the facts in the need. And also, could you give us an idea of how much vaccine is actually going to cost . Well, some companies have mentioned prices, some have already stated that they will have differential prices. So high a price industrial in industrialized countries and a lower price and low and middle Income Countries for germany at the pills. That vaccination will be cheaper than the all the narry influenza vaccination that people have every year. So the prices are really oriented at the low and some companies have stated that they will orient their prices at their at cost really at their own manufacturing cost while impressive stuff. I think i thank you very much for joining us today. From the time to ask derek what he thinks about the latest developments as always, our science correspondent is standing by to field your questions on the coronavirus here in south africa. Some of us who had covered 9000 have experienced memory loss. Is there any research on the cognitive dysfunction . Is one of the symptoms on the long list of those associated with covert 19 that i think a lot of people really worry about in some patients. Infection with the virus can have affects on, on cognition, as well as on the sensory systems that are tied to it, such as the sense of smell, some experience delirium or say they still feel a general sense of confusion or, or find it difficult to focus. Even long after other people who caught the disease might have recovered from it. The range of symptoms even has a name. People are calling it a covert brain fog and, and memory loss is being regularly reported by people who experience it. A major recent study from the u. K. That looked at the coronavirus and cognition, including some aspects of short term memory. It was pretty disquieting though its one that i hasten to add has not yet been through peer review. The scientists behind it compared the results of over 80000, british participants in a nationwide intelligence test. And they correlated that with data on their coded 19 status. So whether theyve been infected and this so how severe it was. And the researchers found among 1000. 00 patients, significant cognitive deficits, including even months later, especially among those who were hospitalized. But even among those who had muddled their cases, the, however, theres still that those deficits wont prove last. It convinces all of us here to mark the big female a boost in new single fixing games instead of throwing them away with subsidies instead of pressure to remove books and sustainably. This is what germanys featured should look like the binding up instead of lagging behind, made in germany, going to become an w d q. You know that 77 percent of black are younger than 60 fox. Thats me. And me and you and you know what . Its time all voices on the 77 percent. Be talking about the issues. Stop talking to you. This is where you can keep the 77 percent this weekend on d w. All of the morning. I cannot sleep because you know, for years and love the endless war to smolder who knows . Lol good news, mostly snow shoes. No love for the wicked goes under your workers in a hurry cant sleep. Couldnt sleep during school. In the climate change, the specific instance people want to use today their future dot com just click to play this is the news live from all of prodemocracy legislators resign all nuts that way. It took me 15 lawmakers after 4, calling for new legislation to be threats to national security. Also on the program, europe buys 300000000 doses of, a new vaccine developed in germany. And the u. S. , the head of the Commission Says it is the most promising results so far. U. S. President

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