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Months. This vaccine uses a new technology called messenger r. N. A. Technology i wonder if you could explain to us a simple. Yes so what you tell you do not take the virus on and the journey and you take messenger r. N. A. From the end of jan of the virus and inject it to the body and the immune system cells are taking this messenger r. N. A. Inside of the cell and then producing the antigen on the surface of the cell and by that attacking the virus so this is a very neat way of of a vaccine important also is that a very different ways of that since currently produced so if this is not working for everyone then maybe the other ones are working for those in which this vaccine is not working. Maxines often take upwards of 10 years to be developed yet here we are not even a year into this pandemic what will have what cause will have been caught what will not to be done that usually gets done to get a vaccine this far this fast. Yes go with 19 is new but the coronavirus isnt so this is not like we developing a drug or with absolutely no information before so there have been some work before and that was the reason why the companies are able now and so fast to actually find a potential solution to produce a vaccine so what we have to follow is really to see whats happening on the population level is that really as a fact that there isnt a trials and order side the facts are not so odd that concerns about potential adverse long term reactions to the. Drugs being developed just because. This Development Process has been so contracted. I think that everyones working very carefully and specifically we are concerned about safety and so this is really this information is when it collected very carefully we also know from other vaccines that they are no major side of the facts and the long term consequences obviously we know in a couple of years but taken together all the information from an out of work since i do not expect any major consequences in particular now what we know from the from the trial short term side effects are not expected so given what weve heard and i appreciate you saying it was a press release this is a vaccine you would take i would take this vaccine if offered to me and again i would like to see the data before but this data will be released im sure and the officials in the United States as well as in europe are very carefully looking at this data before its actually released to the public so many many people are looking at this very carefully and no one has an interest that something is released which will cause side effects only issues we hope to solve the issue of kobe to solve the issue of the fundamental and hopefully that we are slowly getting back to to a life that maybe not but we used to live but certainly without the fear of a massive pandemic wave good talking to you thank you for joining us dr to be a skirt from berlin shiny. Thank you for having me but it looks like someone might be about to make a lot of money lets get the license from our financial correspondent in new york yes corso welcome yes i have investors reacted to this announcement. Well there is a huge increase in the stock market tier on monday at some point up by almost 1500 points a good 5 percent were trading a bit lower than that but still more than 1000 points in the Dow Jones Industrial average that is clearly a mess its also oil prices up by almost 10 percent so there is this hope that this was seen eventually is the key to really reopen not just the u. S. But of the Global Economy and you have stocks especially from the travel area for instance was increases of 102030 percent chilled tell chains movie theaters cruise lines all of those stocks are up tremendously and then clearly also if the stock price off of pfizer and to be on take are among the bigger winners this is the 1st day of trading since joe biden became president elect and we see by balance yes i mean that also is pushing the market what joe biden eventually eventually means for their stock market remains to be seen lets say we might get higher texas we might get more regulation so we could see a different effect on wall street joe we also should be aware that we have to wait till it generally 5th before we know how the senate race actually plays out when we have to those 2 decisive vote in the state of georgia goings of it is a general fifths we have to mark that because what democrats can and cannot do will basically also depend if we will have a split senate or not but for the moment i think everybody is just happy that this Turbulent Times that this election days that were so crazy here in the United States that thats over people are hoping for some normalcy and to together was this his senior was some of the stock market clearly is on fire here on monday. Quarter in new york thank you. Well take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world starting in italy which is one of the country struggling to cope with a 2nd wave of the pandemic long lines of cars are formed Testing Centers for some people so short of breath they had to be given oxygen while still in the. Ukraines president vladimir the landscapes become the latest National Leaders to test positive for coronaviruses office and care. That says that the landscape seen here last month is feeding well despite the diagnosis and will carry on working while isolating. Because of those former president. Cathy has that denied accusations war crimes for a special court in the hague the judges go back to kosovo as the conflict with serbia in the 1990 s. He has stepped down as president last week you know to face the claims at the hague. Thank you well leaders of congratulated joe biden on the u. S. Election victory 2 prominent exceptions china is using painted Russias Vladimir Putin a kremlin spokesman said congratulations were not appropriate before official results and. Well president elect of biden is losing no time in shaping his administration before he takes office in january hes made tackling the pandemic is a top priority and named members of his Coronavirus Task force staying clued immunologist who was sacked for criticizing the federal governments response to the crisis under President Trump other biden concerns include the economy tapping racism and Climate Change which means rejoining the paris climate agreement President Trump yet to config concede defeat and his lawyers say theyll be launching more legal challenges. Greeted by chance of losing. The u. S. President ial motorcade weaves its way to Trump National golf course for the 2nd day in a row. Donald trump taking a shot at forgetting and alexion loss. He spent the morning in stubborn denial of his defeat refusing to concede to Democrat Joe Biden and giving air to disproven theories of Election Fraud several prominent republicans in congress have made supportive statements saying the elections not over yet. Theres a lot of shenanigans going on here if our President Trump i would take all this to court fight back and from a Republican Point of view mellon balloting is a nightmare for us the post office is now the new Election Center now more than all the republicans have expressed more confidence in the electoral process while saying trumps legacy will endure. He is without question the most powerful voice in our party. He will have an enormous impact on our party going forward. I believe the great majority of people who voted for donald trump want to make sure that his principles and his policies are pursued. With the Trump Administration planning multiple legal challenges over the voting process a concession speech still seems far off so how is joe bidens election victory being seen around the world will be w reporters have been asking people for their views about it. I think its a great release a cleanout to have a leader in the west that. Somehow is. Right for some of the things that make me to hear what im going on he should really i hope biden will be a more serious and reliable partner for turkey but i hope he thinks more globally farkle and not just america. Saw the job and preaching. In this country 80 percent are for trump because they consider it important what he did for israel and no its for us its not so important what he does in the internal affairs in america dont have too much to cause ive heard this last speeches and he said that he doesnt have to be a jewel to be is i going to see out. But im not from greece nonsense i dont need a control remember there was before biting there was one of the african soil president obama what different to deport to africa so i dont see but it can also have a different or so its just neutral im happy the badal on because hopefully well have less of that racial bias offset meaning by us im all for what youre going to find in his victory will benefit mexico in many ways the economy and migration policy economical stay political they mean its young regardless of republican or democratic policies what you want is a leader whose morals and ethics resemble your own and that was certainly joe biden and not donald trump so im very happy. Oh that said show up so they have more here at the top of the hour i did the news that covered special news of the day. The fight against the corona virus pandemic. Has the rate of infection been developing what does the latest research say. Information and contacts the coronavirus update nineteens. On t w. The Saddam International i mean i as Game Changers or dealing with any and i think i killed many civilians i mean the irish coming in committing my father was such i was a student i wanted to build a life for myself let these to a sudden my life became mellish kind of sob. Providing insights global news that matters g. W. Made for mines. The race for a vaccine that continues. At the speed of that race is worrying some. Survey shows 83 percent of americans would have safety concerns if a Coronavirus Vaccine were approved too quickly. Of course the Research Needs to be done but others are totally against vaccines. Experts blame that on rampant misinformation and the fact that many people dont understand the Science Behind preventive medicine. Its exactly why scientists are taking to social media to explain the complex but lifesaving roles they play. Because our lives are on the line. Well instead of preparing samples and analyzing data researchers are trying to demystify trades by using to talk. Kind of like he says its a new frontier for them but they came to get across their message that vaccines are extremely valuable even though theyre not the sole solution to this crisis ill talk to an er in a moment 1st incredible progress scientists are making on the back same front in this pandemic us pharma pfizer and germanys beyond tech are the 1st to show successful data from a large scale Clinical Trial of a corona virus vaccine they say its more than 90 percent effective public ologist say the vaccine needs to be stored of mine is 80 degrees celsius that could create major listicle challenges for mass treatment outside major urban areas and in low war middle Income Countries but they say the breakthrough is a. If hugely positive and very encouraging to say we need to wait for the final results but that this could be a watershed moment its hard that is. Millions of doses could be ready by the end of the year still the experimental vaccine is not the only one being developed there are about 200. 00 of them around 40 are in Clinical Trials and there are different methods being used to make them. Various kinds of vaccine for corona virus are in Development One kind is an inactivated virus vaccine that uses proteins from the virus to create the vaccine viruses 1st stop to be broken down into parts and their infectivity has to be destroyed so its no longer dangerous. But it still has to provoke an immune response in the recipient so that the immune system develops antibodies to it. So what are the advantages and disadvantages. Of this approach is well established. Companies that develop and manufacture vaccines are familiar with it. And the production processes have been perfected. But certainly an advantage. Or disadvantage is that it takes time to grow the underlying virus in large amounts. Of viral vector vaccine uses a harmless live virus of a different kind as a carrier to transport genes from the dangerous virus into cells in the recipients body. A protein gene from the virus is 1st added to the benign one in the case of the Novel Coronavirus its a spike protein gene. Modified virus that resembles sars kovi 2 in one key respect immune system to tax the offending protein and creates antibodies in response. To the safety requirements for growing the virus not as strict as within activated whole virus vaccines of. Disadvantages are that it takes a lot of time and you have to choose vectors that are not affected by any preexisting immune response capability. And. Then there are vaccines that use messenger. Or an egg for the Novel Coronavirus it is m. R. And a with instructions for making it spiked proteins. Such vaccines prompt cells in the recipient to make such proteins themselves which in turn provoke an immune response although these proteins are not dangerous they are still identified as enemies by the immune system which then creates antibodies and thus community. For. One advantage is that the safety requirements are much less stringent. Another is that you can modify the are in a quite quickly money factor was that within a short period of time perhaps 6 weeks are in a vaccines can be produced in very large volumes millions of units you cant match that with vector whole virus or other kinds of vaccine stuff least. So each of these approaches has upsides and downsides nonetheless theyre all considered worth pursuing it is likely that we need more than one vaccine. And bioengineering joins us from london whats the problem here and are if if we totally rely on one or more vaccines coming along to solve this crisis. Yes so really you know we have a lot of different tools that we can use to fight this pandemic so you know if you were being approached by a swarm a mosquito those and you had the choice to use that fly swatter and bug spray or something you wouldnt choose to use just one of them so in addition to vaccines and the many different vaccines that we might have available you want to also be using mass and Public Health measures like social distancing as well it even if we do get a vaccine or more vaccines at some stage soon i hope its not going to be an immediate fixes it. No no definitely not so it will take some time to roll it out to the population but even when you receive a back scene depending on the type of vaccine it can take anywhere from 2 just 6 weeks to induce immunity so theres still a little bit of a lag time i know there are a lot of people out there who are going to want to take that vaccine all those vaccines how has misinformation on back scenes made your job difficult. Yes so we often view it as people that are provaccine are anti vaccine and i really think its kind of a great area in between so im part of a new team called teen halo which is an initiative to connect scientists working on coding 1000 axioms directly to the public and we do this through tick tock so were able to make videos about how we make vaccines how we test them and be there to answer any questions that people have so its a really great way to connect with people who are skeptical or critical and you know i dont really think thats a bad thing as scientists were taught to be critical until we see the data and often the public isnt you know proxy to that data but data doesnt know how to interpret it and so its great to be able to get connected and have actual conversations with people you know making all of this process transparent which is important id like to know where all the misinformation on vaccines actually comes from. I think just in general you know there might not be a lot of people that are educated on vaccines or how they work and so when stuff starts to kind of just stew in the internet there are a lot of rumors fly around and you know sometimes people just dont know what to trust anymore so were there to kind of improve that trust and just be a direct source where you can ask questions and get an autist answer from a scientist and all of us lee can you answer this one to try to answer this last question once we get consensus once we do have vaccines and people taking them when could things start returning to normal. Yeah thats a really hard question to answer so i think based off of some of the trials that are really in kind of the final phases in phase 3 of their Clinical Trials right now those are looking promising so i think we might actually have facts eans possibly by the end of this year or early next year. Its really hard to say worldwide how it will be able to distribute those and kind of return to a normal society so yeah im hoping for early next year but im also just cautiously optimistic has crossed bioengineer at a blakeney thank you very much thank you. Your questions now on the coronavirus keep sending them into our you tube channel and d. W. Science correspondent Eric Williams will take care of the rest. Can you tell us more about the b. C. G. Vaccine Clinical Trial thats currently underway. Well there are a few studies looking at this but i think the one that youre talking about which has received the most Media Coverage is called the brace trial and its being conducted in several countries across the globe it involves around 10000. 00 volunteers and many of the Health Care Workers but before we go any further i need to provide a little more background the b. C. G. Vaccine which has been around for close to a century is usually associated with tuberculosis prevention though it also appears to help prevent or at least reduce the deadliness of a range of other infections the theory is that the b. C. G. Vaccine is sort of a generalist vaccine that helps strengthen the immune response to many respiratory diseases by enhanced saying your Innate Immunity however its no longer widely given in countries where tb has grown rare but in countries where its still endemic and the b. C. G. Vaccine is still common there are lots of studies showing that it impacts things like Child Mortality rates and and many of those same countries also appear to have lower mortality rates in the cove in 1000 pandemic the problem is is that its hard to show that the b. C. G. Vaccine is maybe one reason why because a lot of other factors could also be playing a role its kind of hard to filter out all of the noise and thats what the brace trial is trying to do in a systematic way and if we dont have a more specific targeted at 19 vaccine. Soon and the study shows that the b. C. G. Vaccine does indeed help lower a covert 19 transmission or severity that could one day be seen as a kind of a stopgap tool in the pandemic but but thats still a big if. And finally in the philippines a plant dimmick is taking root the stress of lockdown and financial pressure caused by the pandemic have prompted and the filipinos to seek comfort in their gardens and themselves the nicknames toss and plant uncles and aunties demand for greenery has blossomed amid the coronavirus restrictions and business of plant markets is booming social media platforms are full of photos of flowers from foliage carefully tended in backyards and on balcony says house bound filipinos turn to nature to relieve stress and boredom. Ive been following for any other developments of ours go to our website at the w dot com slash covert. See you again here very soon but left. In the height of Climate Change. Conference most of. Whats in store. For the future. Comes from the major cities to go to the site. Im sure. It was the 1st International Tribunal in history. The number of trials. 75 years ago a high ranking officers of the nazi regime warned dunja by the allied forces. They were the 1st war criminals to be held accountable for their crimes. In our 2 part series right in the dog starts nov 12th on d w. This is date every news africa coming up on the program the escalating conflict in ethiopia Prime Minister made ses theres no need for concern as he steps up a ministry offensive in the countrys mold then region off to grab the back of the country be headed to a civil war. And as joe biden and calm the harrisburg faces take over the white house many African Leaders have san juans wishes so what can the continent expect from abideth administration

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