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Plans to fill critical. To the program we begin with breaking News Pharmaceuticals giant pfizer has announced that its Coronavirus Vaccine developed in partnership with German Company built on tech is 98 percent effective 2 companies are the 1st to show successful data from a trial such a vaccine. Found no serious safety concerns and expect to see. Emergency use in the United States this month. So lets explore this with to be a support an epidemiologist a. Hospital welcome to you how significant do you feel this news is. Well i think this is a significant step and we know that several companies are working on that since and were hoping to hear this news. Soon and so today we heard the news however we have to understand this is an interim analysis so does this not the end of the trial that is currently still ongoing and its a press release so we have not seen the data in detail but we have very. Positive that this data hold true and that a lot of people who are vaccinated are protected from getting corona so are you able to see from the details that have been released so far be able to see what it is 90 percent effective at doing and for how long. As far as i understand they were too lax in nations and necessary and after these 2 vaccinations a certain number of people still got 6 or 90 percent doesnt mean that everyone is protected but from the people who are participating in the trial 90 percent did not get it after 2 vaccinations but again this is an interim analysis and more data coming in right field results are saying these are results from trials so what now has to happen successfully before any vaccine can be rolled out. Well we need to wait until the closure of the trial we also need to follow very say a very carefully the Safety Information which you already mentioned so far there do not seem to be concerns about safety and then we have to see when the vaccine is rolled out that we follow people who have been vaccinated to really see whether any issues occur and we also have to understand that when the drug is released to the market that not suddenly the problem is solved because people need to get x. Unaided and not everyone will have the vaccination in the 1st days or weeks or potentially even months. Actually uses a new technology called messenger r. N. A. Technology i wonder if you could explain that to us a simple. Yes so what you tell you do not take the virus on and jane and you take messenger r. N. A. From the end of jan after a virus and inject that to the body and the immune system cells are taking this messenger r. N. A. Inside of the cell and then producing the antigen on the surface of the cell in baghdad attacking the virus so this is a very neat way of of a vaccine important also is that a very different ways of that since conley produced so if this is not working for everyone then maybe the other ones are working for those in which this vaccine is not working. Maxines often take upwards of 10 years to be developed yet here we are not even a year into this pandemic what will have what color is will have been caught what will not to be done that usually gets done to get a vaccine this far this fast. Yes go with 19 is new but the coronavirus isnt so this is not like we developing a drug care with absolutely no information before so there have been some work before and that was the reason why the companies are able now so fast to actually find a potential solution to produce a vaccine so what we have to follow is really to see whats happening on the population level is that really as a fact that there isnt a trials and or decide the facts are not so are there concerns about potential adverse long term reactions to the. Drugs being developed just because. This Development Process has been so contracted. I think that everyone is working very carefully and specifically we are concerned about safety and so at this is really this information is going to collect it very carefully we also know from other that scenes that they are no major side effects and the long term consequences obviously we know in a couple of years but taken together all the information from a lot of work since i do not expect any major consequences in particular now what we know from the from the trial short term side effects are not expected so given what weve heard and i appreciate you saying it was a press release this is about him you would take i would take this vaccine if offered to me and again i would like to see the data before but this data will be released im sure and the officials in the United States as well as in europe are very carefully looking at this data before its actually released to the public so many many people are looking at this very carefully and no one has an interest that something is released which will cause side effects and issues we hope to solve the issue of kobe to solve the issue of the fund them make and hopefully that we are slowly getting back to a life that maybe not what we used to live but certainly without the fear of the message and then make way for good talking to you thank you for joining us dr to be your skirt from the Balance Sheet to a hospital thank you for having me. Policymakers in germany are already grappling with who will be 1st in line for a successful vaccine that wont initially be enough to inoculate the population of more than 80000000 Health Minister is calling for a rigorous public debate. For 60 years us milk whats important whats also important to me personally is that this debate is not only a Parliamentary Political and not only a scientific one but that we take this discussion to every lunch table 23 workplace to every call our friends and acquaintances and that it is discussed in germany in the end it needs a high level of acceptance acceptance lets bring in the doubly Political Correspondent nina. This. Needed im here you are right there i hear you but i dont see yours ok so one of the recommendations that the Health Minister is considering but as we heard and with todays news obviously its looking increasingly likely that germany. As to vic vaccine against this sort of corona virus pretty soon the government is actually hoping maybe end of the year or spring next year but in spawn called the news of pfizer and biotech with their news that the vaccine that theyre developing that it is effective very encouraging but whats already clear is that there will not be enough initially for everybody say to way which is why the government and its agencies are trying to prepare the german population that there will have to be priority groups and in sponsorship a commission to discuss these questions and as we heard he wants this discussion to happen nationwide so that there is maximum consent with the strategy once the vaccine is actually there and the idea is now to set a Vaccination Centers so that local g. P. s dont have to make that decision who do you give the vaccine to and who doesnt get it and 1st the vaccine would be given to people who are who belong to the high risk groups to avoid severe cases of covert 19 and then to people who look after these people like doctors nurses etc and to other people who are exposed to the virus a lot and then to people who work in positions that are vital to maintaining public life like the police etc whats important to add is that the vaccination would not be compulsory it would be voluntary and the Health Minister believes that 2 thirds of germans would need to be vaccinated for the vaccine to be able to stop the dynamic of the virus jason thats thats a conversation that thats been started young sean has also repeated his warning about the need to avoid overwhelming german use the Health System what is the Current Situation in. Well we keep saying record keep seeing record numbers in new infections and when you look at the situation in hospitals experts are saying that the situation is currently even worse than it was during the peak times in spring because there are a lot more covert patients in regular hospital beds and many of them will end up in i. C. U. And it takes 4 weeks for the Current Record numbers in new infections to then translate into much higher numbers in i. C. U. Patients and some hospitals have already exceeded their capacity theyre transferring patients to other clinics of course germany still coping fairly well there are currently some 8400 free i. C. U. Beds nationwide but if the numbers develop in the way they have done over the past weeks this number could window very fast and that is that they can say. I did it because well then you know hasa thank you because this is a big news that everyones looking for at the moment ill just repeat that german the base the Pharmaceutical Company beyond tank says one of the vaccines is developing is more than 90 percent effective against a colleague 19 so has this affecting the markets and chelsea delaneys a financial correspondent in frankfurt welcome chelsea i was a snooze i dont down there. Its been a huge huge boost for markets for in frankfurt the dax is already up about 2 percent on the u. S. Election results but after this news came in from pfizer and beyond tech we saw markets really shoot up the dax is up almost 6 percent right now and were seeing this particularly and the stocks of things Like Airlines and travel companies for example tonnes of the German Airline is up about 20 percent the British Airways and i had she is up about 30 percent so clearly a lot of investors are now betting on some sort of return to normality in the near future and there have been a little bit concerned because some of these trials have been halted for safety concerns that the timeline was going to get pushed further and further out that this is really giving people a lot of hope that perhaps by early next year we could start seeing this vaccine being rolled out still we have some Public Health officials warning that even as even as these that vaccines are approved it likely wont have the full population and so much further out and to next year so a little bit too early to be jumping to these hopes of a new return to normality but you know its delayed me in front what has been a week since so forces here in germany to be imposed restrictions on public life to fight this pandemic schools are still open but bars and hotels being closed and restaurants are all you allowed to take away food west people in the copy of the. Well in the alexanderplatz in the popular areas for shopping in strolling a safe distance is not guaranteed safe politicians. Think. Thats why there are compulsory mosques even outside thats finished its own for i find it terrible why should i put on a mosque out here now when nobodys welcome but i mean you have to be able to bring fresh air im with mine at all no one. I do not find it ok the mosque has to put on in certain places because i mean that its really outdoors what is actually supposed to happen in public buildings im just. Trying everywhere but not here in a Public Square in cuts. To politicians need to explain more clearly what theyre doing to combat the pun then. The can thank him over the whole thing doesnt only depend on the politicians the whole thing is a social g. T. Like many others in a democracy people have to support it in some form or another in the law we will have to live with this far somehow and we actually need a social debate how its going to look exactly if we compare the situation in germany with other countries and then were relatively ok that people care can be true of corruption good time with mobile storage because dont talk so much that something has to be pushed through now because. We can avoid them we have to look at the end of the day to see what happens which indicates that the measures are the right one for what comes out at the end will it go on like this wave get higher and higher and of course one has to ask the question what we still have to do. Not to lose do you forgive moose and were not mom doing even more hardly possible for the restaurants and cafes in the capital. They have to close for a month again. This can be seen almost 5 kilometers away in the tranny district of friedrichs on. There usually hundreds of people in this pub district. Tourists but also learn this. Hyped by lyn needs these security measures to put down the virus and disease cant hide photosynthesis said sen i work in the Hotel Business myself and my hotel is also closed

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