Im Claire Richard sennett welcome to the show democratic candidate joe biden has won at the u. S. President ial election after sealing victory in the battleground state of pennsylvania of the 99 percent of votes counted in pennsylvania biden has won 49. 7 percent at his up against trump 49. 2 percent now the 20 electoral votes of biden won in this state allowed him to surpass the 270 needed to win the election according to projections by the Associated Press who was also picked up 6 in nevada giving him a total of 290 electoral votes to republican president Donald Trumps 214. Well democratic supporters across the country have been reacting to the news of president elect bidens a success from fill it. Black lives matters plaza in washington to new yorks times square people showed signs of relief and excitement here are some of those reactions now. To me that everything my mother is a disabled woman before security and medicaid and medicare and so you know. How to you can no longer mess with those programs if. We was there was never a call at all that was really the art that writing was best for the United States are going to theres 3 come are there are we after her murder here are very thankful for the work. Was done by the one. Who work. Well joining me now in the studio is stacy givens from the d. W. Us Election Team stacy now its official joseph biden next president of the United States how did we come to this result it was a long long long road a record vote the record turnout in voting on both sides and i believe that gunnell trump is to thank for that he really worked to push his voters to come out in support of him and conversely democrats were like oh no no weve got to come out and turn out the vote so we saw record numbers on both sides democracy at work still the the president is unwilling to concede. And as i said earlier maya angelou says when somebody shows you who they are believe them and he has never been a conventional candidate he wasnt a conventional conventional president and he is not a conventional looser usually at this point a president prepares to concede and now hes living lawsuits and undermining the process now this is perhaps not surprising because we have heard trump use that kind of rhetoric in the months leading up to the election and in the last days as weve been waiting for. For the votes to be tallied to suggest well actually to launch legal action in several states where the voting is still underway either to stop the vote counts or it to challenge them on different grounds so i guess the question is with the trump refusing to concede but the Associated Press and the networks which usually call these elections saying that biden looks like the next president of the United States doesnt this just speak to how deeply divided the United States is as a country if in what is this normally fairly straightforward process of electing a president is something thats even come into question i dont know this is a reflection of the country or the a reflection of the president in the United States has been deeply divided for a while but whats new is the tone of the person in charge and thats the president usually i mean people become hurt and angry when theyre when theyre losing an election but usually people are able to pull themselves together and leave graciously and he like he is not going to go anywhere with these lawsuits that are pending costly sending out certain surrogates like his lawyer Rudy Giuliani to undermine what and cast aspersions on the election accusing the democrats of finding votes from out of the ether this is problematic but at the same time we have to take a moment to acknowledge where we are in the United States has made history the oldest president elected and the very 1st woman and shes black and shes south asian and shes representing a whole group of people who really get to see themselves represented lets talk about come on harrison for a 2nd of the new the 1st female Vice President elect as you say how significant is that really especially after the disappointment of women after Hillary Clintons losing bid for the presidency in 2016 like i said Representation Matters and theres a whole crop of women who look like me who grew up in similar circumstances or even different who you know are told you can be whoever you want to be in the but in the back of our im. We know that there are limitations that our value as black women or as brown women is not worth as much as white women in the United States at least thats the projection and so when you see somebody who has done all the right things whos gone to university who has you know focused on career who has been a Public Servant who is now broken this barrier of being the 1st woman to make it to the white house its special all right lets bring in now our correspondent susan was gone there who is standing by watching this for us unfold in washington d. C. Sumi lets talk more about harris aside from the representation value of having her in this high seat of office what more can we expect her to bring to the biden team. Well shes extremely qualified for this position claire we have to say you know she has a record as a senator in the state of california a strong record long record as a Public Prosecutor also in california so she brings a lot to the team though she is going to be an important support for joe biden because as stacy also mentioned already joe biden enters the office as the oldest president now is going to be the oldest president to take office in the white house and so come what harris with her youth and with what she brings to the office in her experience as well is going to be crucial for joe biden weve seen that time and again that they really have worked together as a team on this campaign trail as theyve crisscrossed the country in a way looking to gain voters and it is her messaging not only of representation but in her message and what she hopes to represent in the white house bringing decency bringing compassion bringing a message of unity back to the white house that a lot of people have been looking to her as well so as you said quote its not just representation its a record that you bring to the office for own time as a lawmaker and Public Prosecutor and also a lot of dynamism that shell bring to support joe biden as he faces the many challenges d that are going to be facing him as he enters office now and thats something that both of them have been very clear about that they know they are taking over a divided country one where they will have to appeal to people who are beyond just their supporters and thats going to be a difficult task but that is something called harris and joe biden have stressed time and again that theyre now looking to do as they as they move into office. Youve also been attracting the movements of President Donald Trump who has refused to concede at this election do we have anything else from him or from his administration on this call. Yeah its remarkable to you know he was out he left the white house this morning to go to a golf course in virginia and there are some pretty remarkable shots that have been taken as the announcement was made the call was made by the Major Networks here in the u. S. President trump was golfing there and this was the 1st time that we saw him since he spoke at the white house on thursday while he was out golfing in virginia and when the news broke that the networks had called this election for joe biden and now he is on his way back to the white house he is currently traveling in the motorcade back to the white house we should see him any moment entering the white house there is no indication that he is ready to accept this outcome that has been called by the networks and been called so far in fact we saw a statement earlier that we had talked about a little bit earlier as well where he said that joe biden is rushing to falsely pose as the winner and his media allies are trying to help them they dont want the truth to be exposed in this statement president troubles who talked about the fact that he is planning to launch further legal challenges this is what we can expect from the president especially on monday he said he will start further legal challenges but from all of the legal analysts ive seen covering this here claire the consensus is that the president doesnt really have a basis to work from the legal challenges he has launched in key battleground states to this point in pennsylvania in michigan in georgia have not proven to be fruitful for the president because they have launched lawsuits before having the evidence the legal basis to actually back them up and that doesnt look good right now for the president for president trying brother and so that is what we are expecting to see from him as he comes back to the white house it might be that he tries to speak to the public were not sure yet but he should be arriving there any moment during the trip on his way back to the white house we will of course be covering that for you live with our special coverage on. Stacy lets throw it back over to you and talk about donald trump again the term presidency has in many ways been defined by lies the Washington Post is keeping. And of the lies hes made over the last 4 years they say there have been 22000. 00 of them in total does a truth have every any meaning in the United States today in 2020 as we stand here and look at this election well youd have to say yes or at least you hope that it does because joe biden is has been elected and he ran on character on conviction on the belief that you have to work with your your allies as well as with people who disagree with you and he was truthful in where we stand or the u. S. Stands with the coronavirus and thats something that donald trump was not able to do he has a very hard time with the true picture that he functions more with index just function and within chaos and with innuendo and so now the United States it seems is going in another direction where character matters where truth matters and where science matters. Well what about all the 10s of millions of people who do love donald trump and voted for him in historic numbers in this election you know are they still going to be looking to trump for leadership even after he leaves the white house to thank probably i mean he has social media and just because hes no longer in the white house doesnt mean he can no longer tweet about it im pretty sure that that he will do that and it will be incumbent on republican lawmakers to try to reach out to them now will they try to expand the base will they try to reach out to the better virtues of the base or will they decide trump has a big following i want to be the person who is now in charge of that following well have to see all right stephen thank you very much lets cross over now to our Washington Bureau chief who is standing by for us in washington d. C. Outside of the white house what does it joe biden stand for at this moment of american history. Many people are relieved saying that now the United States can come bank of what it used to be kind of a reliable country a country just as stacey said which believes in scions a country where the truth matters a country of people. From all around the world i mean you have to keep in mind this is a country of immigrants besides the native americans everybody comes from somewhere and this is the big hope here in front of the white house its a super die worse crowd i was here its people younger younger americans Older Americans Asian Americans every kid americans women wearing head scarves. I mean its just like what what america can look like when it once to come together so this is the big hope at the moment we also actually see a lot of energy b g q flags because the Gay Community wasnt threatened so much by trump himself but by the judges he appointed to the Supreme Court so many of the gay can Community Fear that the achievements. They kind of the competition over the last 10 years when it comes to gay marriage for example or adoption rights that they would have been taken away again if donald trump would have been reelected and possibly also kept owning the senate is so huge moment of relieved and the big Party Celebration mood here out in front of the white house as he has in very enthusiastic supporters passing behind you there in as and the mood it certainly looks a jubilant to say these people are relieved especially the l. G. B. T. Q. Community see a rainbow flag there in the background behind you but what about trumps appointment of just as 80. Any battle has now been confirmed should the Supreme Court and you think that this is going too well will this impede of bidens ability to bring these people who are celebrating behind you what they want to see. Right you know we have to keep in mind the Supreme Court justices are 0. 84 lifetime so thats the reason why i dont know drawn been the Republican Party rushed that through because they knew that they might lose this election and they just wanted to secure this seat she stands for in many ways for a very conservative. America she is absolutely against abortion and thats a reason for or lets say yeah a reason for Many Americans why they voted for donald trump actually its like 25 of the sorry 25 percent of the voters of the whole of voto body is our single issue woes. One to abortion rights to to be gun so this is kind of what Justice Barrett stands for we shall see how far she takes it in the Supreme Court by this is a big fear here in the United States that now with such a salute leader of the rather conservative judges. Joe biden might own the white house but if he doesnt win the senate he isnt so strong in changing a really to musta messing politics here in the United States for our International Audience though its interesting to know that when it comes to Foreign Policy the white house has a lot of power and thats also i think what all were present and howard sorry our chancellor Angela Merkel pointed out when she congratulated. Europe germany they are looking forwards to a more reliable and. Doable president in the United States when it comes to drones for example to the drones atlantic relationship or also to nato its all right as paul thank you very much to come back into the studio now with Stacey Bivins from our u. S. Election team you know is there mentioning americas allies in that they might be happy to see presidency of joe biden ahead what do you think the mood is here in germany which is heard from chancellor Angela Merkel as she said but what do germans make of this whole thing well i think that germans were kind of confused by the election of donald trump in the 1st place he was so polarizing and then i think they were. Concerned about his movements withdrawing from different organizations criticizing nato reaching out more to their shared enemies as opposed to trying to reach out to the to the allies so i think that in germany there is more of a sense of relief and more of a resemblance of what of the United States that they remember and i will lets throw this ahead as well President Trump we now know he is on his way back to the white house after his round of golf and he has said that he will not concede up to this point how can we expect the next weeks and months to pan out with that. Well if i knew that i would not resetting here with you in the studio well i think that well like my angelou said the civil rights activist and author when somebody shows you who they are then you have to believe them he says that hes not going to concede i think that the biden harris duo is just going to have to push on so go ahead and you know thank their supporters reassure people who did not vote for them and then go its business as usual and there are enough institutions within the United States where things will not fall apart just because donald trump is having a temper tantrum so there i dont think theres going to be so much chaos but well have to see assuming. And there have been a lot of these court cases that have been in the battleground states and hes failed so far the president to to see any kind of Major Movement there when one of the lawsuits had to do with. Republicans being able to move 3 feet so it wasnt even had didnt have anything to do with the ballot it was more of a procedural type thing. But anyway i think we can expect more of the same from donald trump a defiance not believing reality and the rest of the world just having to push on and leave him in this corner where its a judging donald trump by his record you would say i want to turn now and bring in our correspondent sumi das gondor whos been following this whole thing for us from washington d. C. Good to see you there again assuming do we have any updates since we last spoke about trumps where abouts. I havent seen the pictures yet claire of President Trump actually arriving back at the white house if i just knew that i dont have the most current pictures in front of me but he is expected to arrive any minute so this golf course where he was at in virginia is about 1520 minutes away because the motorcade moves so quickly with the president in it so it really should be any moment now and this will be a spectacular sight because as weve seen there are so many people these massive crowds in front of the white house the vast majority of them celebrating the fact that joe biden has been named the president elect and President Trump has refused to concede and his motorcade will be snaking into the white house as they arrive there and we dont yet know how the president is going to approach this i mean its going to be very very interesting to see how the next minutes and hours play out in the white house you know some of our viewers might not be aware around the world of fox news the right wing media outlet here is incredibly influential not only for President Trump supporters but for President Trump himself and even there some of the analysis ive been watching there in the last hour or so or so there is increasingly the consensus there among conservative pundits karl rove who is a political republican strategist who was a Senior Adviser to george w. Bush when he was president has also been saying that the president will have to face the fact that it appears that he has lost this election so i do wonder what were going to see from President Trump who has refused to budge at all in his position that this election its been fraudulent its been rigged against him and again theres been no proof of that so we dont know exactly if the president has arrived back at the white house yet were looking for those pictures but it should be really any minute now. Absolutely sumi i mean we just saw behind you know his poll the scene that was at the white house with trump arriving there and of course its not just the entire nation whos going to be watching this but it is the entire world and particularly americas a european allies including germany we are watching this of course here from berlin what do you think is going to be the reaction from european leaders with regard to the election of president elect joe biden well i think some of the reactions weve already seen you know the typical congratulations from World Leaders like chance and americal from leaders across europe and across the world and youve also seen this kind of sense of relief this idea that there will be a return to us working together with the allies this is something that has been anticipated you know i think was interesting there was a wall street journal article i believe in the summer that when it was announced that the president wanted to withdraw troops u. S. Troops who were stationed in germany from bases there that there wasnt that much of a reaction in germany and it was reported at the time that the German Government had essentially taken a position of lets wait and see what happens in this election now they deny that but what i think is interesting to note is there was a sense in europe that there was no way to improve relations with the Current White House administration and that they were hoping very much so for joe biden to win this election because they had least could be a return to the table of return to working together on key issues the 1st and foremost a pandemic and so that is some of what weve seen reflected today i mean a lot of it is of course ceremonial you will see you would have seen many of these World Leaders congratulate President Trump if he had been reelected as well but i think theres a different note to these congratulations that we have to be aware of right to be so much going to thank you for your reporting on this throughout the week and again today keep on keeping there and we know just a little short while ago it show bidens running mates come alive harris has actually called the president elect to congratulate him on this projection and lets see if we can take a listen to that clip. Oh. Youre. President of the United States. We did it we did it very lovely there in her running clothes and celebrating this moment so as the news of broke of joe bidens victory president almost trump was out getting some practice in on the golf course as we have heard he had left the white house early on saturday while the votes were still being counted and we know that hes been at the National Golf course in Sterling Virginia as bidens win in pennsylvania was called effectively winning him the white house after hearing the news we know that trump a continued golfing but is now on his way back to the white house and we will be following that closely to bring you the latest. Were going to bring in detail you correspondent Stefan Simons in philadelphia which is in pennsylvania that grand prize that has pushed joe biden over the edge to the magic 270. 00 Electoral College votes that he needs jeff i understand youve been speaking to some Trump Supporters and some biden supporters there. All told you. This side of the street here is keenly aware of. The philadelphia on pencilling that did it. That they pushed joe biden over the top. Prompting all the networks agencies to. Call joe biden called a mess the next 46 president of the United States president elect so to speak now whats going on between those 2 groups here so ill shout 1st singing contest sometimes in a dance off to all of us. If you have all viewers maybe you will see. All the loss of form here in a few days ago or even today that misuse changing a little bit its not all happy anymore its were getting a little bit more press than a bit more tense nothing really dangerous but also. A little bit more unpleasant so those 2 sides and im asking my cameras to turn around to see this like the almost like a boreman compared to what you saw behind me before doormen saw articles chom supporters are they diminish also in numbers there were more years a small half an hour ago maybe its dinner time or something for some of those guys but behind me this crowd here is not letting up they are rubbing it into this side now with nevada also being called for the president for president elect biden as a winner. They are where they are proud of philadelphia pennsylvania pushing them over theres a lot of young people here. And there is very very interesting maybe you could talk to one of those young who are because i dont know some of their voters the most you something. That you vote. For this is a very young voter were going to vote for yes i know and i know i dont want to. Go there in your argument for a lot of young voters who you are a person the statistics of their work force to actually fight over the folks that make the difference explain to me why that is i think it is our decision to vote for a body of your young person who depending on all of our rights especially as a College Student as a woman im not going to go over trump a stupid doesnt make any sense. From you know since you were young person for him or. Protect. For your. Own what. I think to see a woman get in there is maybe wrong but i mean really i love life and in support of. Any. Term for president now starting a less than 47. 00 monday. Battle in the courts was going to go to the courts and i worry about trying do you worry about not worry about trying to these everybody just wait wait it has no base its just malveaux you does it like its hot talk talk talk talk a waste peoples money is going to the courts trying to come back to your party result for what you know folks are well no sorry no no not at all hes a good or loser and not going to get anywhere in the door to the store loser unless 1st sold for younger people on the other side you think. Thats fine as an American Public as you. Can leave thank you stand a little smaller with freeness america of course very well robert i think youre right. Yes its not an issue of what evolution is the actual morals they have different world and i dont know yet and you can see the amount of young people on this side versus the number on our side every astronomical word we have a number. Of us. Missing thank you for your stuff and you guys respond i have cited some of the people that i know and im not a young person i have a 24 year old son im where i grew up i was always the my i was the black girl i was everybodys black friend i can tell you right now but count of bucks county bucks county turned blue however the number steady job damn better very big issue and they will not change their ways and i have tried the top of the only way they know how to communicate is a vulgar language be willing to act if they dont know 7 how to have a conversation and so for that thats why i mean it if its not its not worth. Very much. Oh well there you go its not as easy its kind of complex and complicated and it will be the next 4 years of forward here alone belong to a form that. Women man young both as well as forms of communication are listening. But as of today i dont think people are really very yes they just want to settle today did today this girl wants to celebrate. Thing i want to bring it over the day make them feel that for this theyre not ok with the result that there are still taking the talking points of the form of ministration calling the results for all the person no faults unfounded and. All this year microcosmos philadelphia. On the street right in front of the commercial center for come the most of the year the vote count to stone on its not stopping so theres still about 60000. 00 votes to count all over vocal all of the pennsylvania and they will be counted and there will be. Release and then well see. How much even to recover matter anymore joe biden compared to his cool cold here across the room you know. This is going to be probably a very long night and hopefully it stays peaceful everybodys a little bit aware that it could turn quickly and easily but i think everybody at this point is still trying to keep. Assuming all of them saw and go 1st maybe but nothing beyond that right we will be keeping an eye on that situation to see how it develops for now were going to leave you there in a pennsylvania Stephan Simons thank you so much for your reporting. As well german chancellor Angela Merkel has congratulated joe biden and his running mate couple harris after Major Networks declared them of the winners of the u. S. President ial election in a statement posted on twitter she wrote quote i look forward to working with President Biden our transatlantic friendship is indispensable if we are to deal with the major challenges of our time. And for more on the european perspective we are going to bring in our correspondents and jobs who is in a berlin covering the story for us and meanwhile what has the reaction been in germany. Well few moments ago i spoke with some people who are part of the

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