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Finished were going to see a runoff in particular there in the state of georgia thats right all of our salary pouring for us from wilmington delaware thank you so much. Back here to europe where many leaders are hoping joe biden will help repair transatlantic ties that have been strained under the presidency germanys foreign minister today hails bidens election victory as a chance for a new start so what would a biden presidency look like for europe. He says he views you rope as a park now 1st resort and has pledged to work more with allies joe biden and leader with long standing ties to europe here in brussels e. U. Officials are hoping that joe biden the will rebuild Transatlantic Relations and restore trust. Trust they are expecting a friendlier tone towards europe but will there be real change in terms of substance fabrice put on the. Official is skeptical he believes its keno to focus on issues important to both i think its more about finding those global issues that where really the e. U. And the u. S. Media each other and one is of use its climate President Biden committed to rejoin the paris climate agreement and hear us need each other but generally biden is likely to focus on domestic issues taking on the pandemic helping the economy recover and protecting u. S. Workers a power struggle with china is also expected to dominate his presidency biden will call on the europe for support ceci accokeek a guard senior fellow with the German Marshall Fund clearly europe is going to be a much more valued ally because of the u. S. Rivalry with china but also put your are going to position to ask for Something Else something in return if you like. And trade is clearly an area where i think there is a lot of opportunity that everything will change and by and president many here believe that american demands for greater European Defense spending and burden sharing will continue the u. S. Is pivoting to asia and other parts of the world and less and less willing to patrol europes neighborhood in the last 4 years you are peons learn the hard way what you asked disengagement really means it was done armstrong who forced them to think about more autonomy analysts shaddai islam says the you cannot go back to the old today. Whats important for us here in europe is to stay our course and to continue on this path of progress towards a certain degree of autonomy i am a great believer in europes independent autonomy role in the war so in the years to come the question may be not how to restore Transatlantic Relations to their pre trump condition but rather how to create a new vision for the future in partnership with joe biden. Lets cross over to brussels i am joined by David Osullivan a former e. U. Ambassador to the United States mr assad and president elect joe biden is that good news for europe. Broadly speaking yes i think it is i think we have had a very difficult Transatlantic Relationship for the last 4 years. Future President Biden is clearly very committed to europe be very proud of his irish origins if i may say so but he also has a long history of commitment to nato to the European Union and to good relations between the United States and the European Union but of course we need to understand as several of your commentators have already said that he faces a very challenging situation in the United States so we are not going to see a return to what some people might have sold of as the golden era of Transatlantic Relations perhaps at the end of the dredges century or in the early part of the 21st century where were going to have to reinvent this Transatlantic Relationship to the new realities of american politics i say we need to reinvent the Transatlantic Relationship how exactly do you see europe going ahead with that. Well i look i think we need to recognize 2 fundamental things the 1st is that this relationship is essential for europe it is our most important relationship were not neutral between the United States and china or russia america is still our partner of most important partner of 1st resort on the other hand we need to do more ourselves and we need to take more responsibility for our own defense our own security we need to find accommodations with the United States on some of those difficult trade issues the digital issue digital taxation Data Transfer errors and we need to find a new accommodation on how to deal with china which is probably the single most important question for both of us in the 21st century we dont want to follow the trump e. N. Approach of confrontation and decoupling with china but we do share many of the u. S. Has concerns about chinas practices particularly the economic area but we also need engagement with china so i think these are the issues where we need to sit down with you administration and redefine a Transatlantic Partnership where america is still a hugely important partner for europe but where we in europe are much more willing to do more on our own and take more responsibilities for our own issues they play to china in particular as an area where your other can chart its own course what do you expect to see from president elect joe biden when it comes to relations with china. Well i hope that he will be more new laws than President Trump has been i think President Trump has sought to chart a course of exclusively by law to relations between the u. S. And china doing deals which are frankly not weedy been terribly effective and at the same time pushing almost for a decoupling of china from the International Trading system this is not going to work with so we need a really a an approach which is much more sophisticated and much more nuanced where we join forces with the United States with like minded countries like china and south korea to push china on the issues where we are not happy with their behavior but we also engage with china on issues like Climate Change or the Iran Nuclear Deal where china has actually played a very constructive approach so we need a much more sophisticated and nuanced approach in trying to address the issue of chinas important rise in this century and you touched on this briefly already but how important is it really then to have a good relation between the United States and europe if that youre up its own path should also look to engage china on these issues that it is a big partner when dealing with Foreign Policy you know in a byte in a presidency how close do you think that relationship will continue to be. I i i hope it will continue to be extremely important i mean i still think that the Transatlantic Relationship notwithstanding all the tensions and all the difficulties which have been identified by some of the people youre had on earlier it is still the single most important relationship in the world for us that we are not neutral is of a china or his or b. Russia is a media United States we share the values we share the commitment to democracy to human rights to the rule of law and we have our differences but this is still a hugely important relationship but we need to understand that america is probably not going to play the same leading role in the next few years that it has in the past and that requires us in europe to take more responsibility for our own future and for our own behavior and we need to be more willing to take responsibility for our own defense for our own economic and social behavior and our leadership role in multilateralism and in taking for the Climate Change agenda with many partners across the world so its a question of striking that balance but i still think the Transatlantic Relationship will be a very important point of reference for europe for many years to come david have salad and brussels thank you so much thank you. Well staying and brussels and lets bring in d. W. Correspondent Marina Strauss from a standing by with more for us on the last summer Ina Joe Biden has won the president ial election what is the reaction when you are standing. Clare its not a surprise that if they had had the possibility most europeans of People Living in europe and also most european leaders would have clearly wotan for biden so if you look on european twitter today or if you look what your leaders had state and government have been to using since this the election of biden was announced almost im out poor chore you could describe it so some leaders have been a bit more reluctant but there has been like that all stressed theyre looking forward to work with with president elect biden many said theyre hoping for a new start Transatlantic Relations some also said something about reconsideration so very strong words used here french president kroll said that a lot still has to be done too because overcome tellers just so you can see that for years of President Trump have not left european u. S. Relations without marks right an outpouring of support from european leaders but do you think having biden as president elect will really be able to repair some of the damage that has been done to the Transatlantic Relationship as they see it. Also commentators city leaders are expecting at least something and thats a change of tone because rio know that relations between especially the European Union as an institution and the u. S. Under President Donald Trump have not been very friendly i mean the trump or the sort of friendly relationship with some countries in the east of the European Union for example poland or slovakia but mostly it was not very friendly for example with Angela Merkel he didnt have a very Good Relationship yes in criticizing her a lot for example for migration policies so this is like european leaders are expecting that president elect biden will it lead struck will try to find some Common Ground will try to talk will try to have a friendlier tolan there and listen also. President elect biden also already said that he will probably read saw in of the u. S. Will rejoin International Institution with him being the president of the United States for example the paris agreements and Climate Change policies that are something that is very important for the European Union but also for many european leaders but its also clear that not everything will be undone under a president elect joe biden for example its likely that joe biden will put pressure on european states to spend more money on defense as president also did and were also looking at an interesting point because donald trump has been sort of anime for the European Union i mean the relations havent been good but this forced the European Union to really look for a future for itself like independent of the United States and they have like the e. U. And. For years has been thinking about a new just strategic role there and we have seen some commenters saying maybe so we bided it will clip these away things of the European Union with see what how what how this. New us relationship where it will go in the future and if that you will still. Put such a big importance on its own cheers strategic role or free of will keep relying on the u. S. Thats the one that does resonate with what we just heard from David Osullivan the former ambassador to the us here in us trousers thank you very much for your reporting from brussels. There joe bidens victory crowns a long career in politics one that includes 2 previous failed president ial beds and 8 years in office as Barack Obamas 2nd in command heres a closer look at the man who will be in charge of the white house for the next 4 years it began half a century ago 29. 00 joseph biden was one of the youngest candidates ever elected to the u. S. Senate his success though laced with sadness when just weeks later his wife and daughter died in a car accident he remarried and made his 1st president ial bid in 1008 and again 20 years later my grandmother would yell out spread the faith. He was chosen to be Barack Obamas running mate. The best buys president barack has ever had mr joe biden. Resigning to never quite reaching the Nations Highest Office until donald trump came along thats why the game analyse my curacy president of the United States. That we have to with this decades of experience biden said he was the man to restore americas standing in the world but he was the man for the moment. Ill be a president will stand with our allies and friends and make it clear to our adversaries the days of cozying up to dictators is over he promised a sure leadership in the midst of the coronavirus condemning. Its estimated that nearly another 210000 americans could lose their lives by the end of the year im enough no more lets just set partisanship aside lets end the politics and follow the signs. Ultimately the voters agreed and made joseph biden the 46. 00 president of the United States of america. Time lucky. As the news broke of joe bidens victory president and donald trump was out getting some practice in on the golf course trump left the white house early on saturday as votes were still being counted he was at the National Golf course in Sterling Virginia as bidens win in pennsylvania was

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