Joe biden has been forecast to win at the presidency become the 46 the president of the United States after winning at the key state of pennsylvania we are now also seeing projections from a. P. That joe biden has also won at nevada that was also one that was on the table and has been closely watched over the last few days but sumi i want to come back to you again and pick up on this because you say joe biden has promised to reengage essentially the United States with the world to rejoin things like the Paris Climate Accord will he be able to do that without a democratic majority in the senate. With the Paris Climate Accord yes he will be able to do so and the rest of the moves that i have mentioned are also within his power and as the president or president elect lets say now. To do so but where he will need more support from a divided congress so right now the democrats and said dont have a majority in the senate is some of those big domestic policy issues where its going to be a real struggle for joe biden its important that we point that out that you just pointed that out claire is maybe internationally it will be easier for joe biden to again underscore the importance of working with allies of working together with nato of course and the importance of nato and he will be able to rejoin the Paris Climate Accord as well but he will be so consumed claire with some of these domestic issues that are really warning the country right now from the pandemic to the economic crisis that the country is in right now and it does its not clear yet for example whether they will be able to pass and never another covert 19 relief package here in the u. S. And the reason thats important for the rest of the world is because these are the 1st orders of priority for a new president for the president elect joe biden and that they might take a lot of his attention and time that he might not have much attention for some of the global issues that are dominating of the global stage at the moment right sumi thank you very much stacy back over to you do you think with what sumi has just said about those domestic issues and how difficult it might be to get some of those big picture items across in a continuing continuously divided American Country do you think that this presidency is going to be an effective one simply put is joe biden really just a placeholder to return to normal to see and so we get the next person and a more United Country or are we expecting to see big things from him wow thats a very good question i think that people who voted for joe biden are expecting big things. And it can be done there are some things that can be done and theres some things that must be done he has to address the pandemic what we saw. Under the Trump Presidency is just shunning responsibility and passing it off to the states and having them compete against each other for p. P. Is not an effective way to govern so hes going to have to lead on that and that and he has been saying along with the democratic supporters that you cant really address the economy and to get covert under control so those are things that have to matter and lets look at the map when you look at milwaukee and wisconsin philly philadelphia and pennsylvania. A lot of these counties in georgia. Biden has won because he secured a lot of the black vote as well so you cant have black people brown people and their allies marching in the streets for months and not address these racial issues i think it can be done. If you like i said reach across the aisle and then also focus on your base what donald trump was able to do during his presidency was focus on the needs of the people that voted for him his base and i think that in part while biden needs to manage both he does need to focus on the people who got him there especially if he wants to be reelected or if he wants the past the man off to Camila Harris thats right and black voters did go overwhelmingly in favor of joe biden particularly black women its a really you could say the backbone absolutely and i would say that absolutely that was so why do you think that they went so strongly for joe biden part of it is that it was very clear that President Donald Trump did not care about black issues. He did a lot of window dressing having some black conservative men come and speak at the Republican National convention he did release some people from prison but when you look at overall Prison Reform or social justice he did very little in fact he rolled back a lot of the things that president obama and Vice President biden did in order to bring more social justice to more people so i think that black women voters especially they vote for their own interests and their interests is to have a president who actually listens to what they say they need they need social justice and then not just dealing with police but in education they need justice in health care black women die at extremely high rates 3 times more than white women in the United States and in developed country how do you explain that it has to be addressed thats right of course its important to remember this that. This election was taking place against the backdrop of Racial Justice protests across the United States sparked again by the killing of black men and women at the hands of police most notably george floyd that one reached across the atlantic and around the world so let me ask you a harder question i suppose most you know most black voters went overwhelmingly in favor for joe biden what about the ones who didnt who are these who are these black voters who did vote for donald trump well black voters are not a monolith so people vote for different people for Different Reasons but base of people that ive spoken to or felt following social media part of the reason why donald trump was able to get some of the black vote is that black people have not felt like enough of their concerns have been addressed throughout so you have certain people who say well look donald trump might say racist things the democrats say nice things however my situation has not changed the poverty graph gap has not changed the educational gap has not changed the Health Care Gap has not really changed so im choosing between a party who says awful things about me and im choosing as a party for another party who says nice things about me but does look very little to help me and i think that was the case thats why i said its very important as my grandfather always said dance with the man who brought you. Joe biden is going to have to see who supported him who helped carry him over the finish line stacy abrams did it practically singlehandedly in georgia we can talk about that later but to galvanize the black vote there georgia should not be in play in any other reality but in 2020 because she was able to galvanize so much of the black vote and get people yet to actually say ok im not giving up on this process im going to fight more for democracy this is this put him in play same in arizona nevada with other with not only black voters but also brown voters and voters prop. Also seeing him as the Vice President of barack obama and his historic presidency and i continuation of that continuation of what they knew from that and you think bringing Camila Harris on to the ticket did speak to both black voters and south asian voters in the way that they hoped it would i think also the fact that shes a woman. Yes i mean if we can just stop to think about it for a 2nd its 2020 we have never had a woman and such a powerful position before i think that that did speak to a lot of people Representation Matters right stacy doesnt thank you very much i want to cross now which you are chorused our correspondent stephanus simons who is of course in that state pennsylvania that has pushed things over the edge for joe biden youre standing there looks like the crowds are developing what can you tell us. Where the other side of the Convention Center to see this is who are the last 2 days in. Higher number now why didnt this perimeter area basically protecting a name tiny ball not you know not really big crowd of term supporters. Here on this side of let me take you are forgetting. What do you think of a body being cold i think is voter fraud and we need a recount every vote by hand yet our paper ballots from the very amicable machine with i. D. You are right now take it to the other side. In all fairness the story over the improve our fear this is the crowd here. Which is celebrating that joe biden was called as president elect. Where we go back here to the middle you see this like there pinned against each other overseas to each other police making sure that nothing happens here. Then again voting continues all the more as all the celebration on this side all the dissatisfaction on that side that set aside voting count still ongoing in this building more batches of counted mail in ballots will be released. Which will statistically not do anything because joe biden already clinched. The presidency by getting over the top over 270 electoral votes work well call it roll up. Dark. Souls hold roll more roll counter more common more celebration are still louder honking on people celebrating dancing on the obvious art for old europe a gentleman saying that he wants a poll recount of personally everything. Turned up at ministration at the Trump Campaign has scheduled a protest in hers for a couple of probes already know. But im not sure not even sure of this materialize because again this came about 2 or 3 minutes before this was supposed to start we got producer in the room for president elect biden will be actually the president elect bob it was called so this could be all boards heres where its at right now personal earlier most people here are very different products city very democratic county very very proud of her so were into a port joe biden over the top i went what a visual representation that is where you are stuff and simons of a divided country people on both sides of the aisle some celebrating and some demanding justice for what they see without base as fraud thank you very much jeff on this cross back over to us stacey what do you expect that were going to see from the Biden Campaign essentially from president elect bidens team when it comes to the big hot topic issues in the United StatesLike Health Care and immigration i think that its going to be will be sol how he was part of the obama legacy and so i think hes going to try to broaden health care more and thats important especially now in the middle of a pandemic and with immigration i think that hes going to really work 1st to try to unify the 545 children that were snatched from their parents under this has become president. In trying to reunite them thats right that that particular that particular occurrence of my grandchildren being separated from their parents at the u. S. Mexican border was really one that i think cut across political lines you saw also republican outrage over this story particularly from women who you know felt felt terribly for these children as well as democrats it was a rare instance where you did see the country united on not favoring a back kind of policy and i would ask the same question to you sue me what what do you think the highlights are going to be in terms of policy when were looking at questions oh excuse me we actually dont have the recent scandal with us right now so bring the rest of them stacy. Well look. I think with immigration thats also one that gets put on the back burner quite a lot of us lee ran his entire campaign and then his entire presidency was based on you know say that he would get tough on immigrants coming into the country do you think that were going to see a change in that with joe biden obviously there is going to be a shift there will not be any more talk about building the wall in order to set an immigration policy do you think hell take that wall down. I dont know if hell take the wall it may mean theyll use some kind of technology in order to monitor the wall but thats just window dressing we need a comprehensive immigration plan and i think that the democrats and joe biden will focus on that eventually as we were talking about the pandemic the economy and Race Relations are kind of the top 3 but i think that when were to when you do you know peel back and look at immigration policy the wall is not the thing right you have to figure out what to do with people who came in legally illegally but have been in the country for a while and working and paying taxes or people who are hiding in the shadows and being mistreated because they are you know working illegally and theyre afraid they feel like they dont have the right. There are things that we have to look at at us as a nation right stacy bevins in the studio with me thank you very much if you are just joining us now you will be getting the news that joe biden has won the u. S. President ial election after winning the battleground state of pennsylvania going to cross now to our correspondents all over again to get the latest from a wilmington delaware all over have we now heard an update from a team by then were now hearing that joe biden is supposed to speak at 8 pm eastern time so thats in a couple of hours from now this evening with a big victory speech and a celebration of course people have been waiting here all all of these recent days for this victory for this very moment today theres a lot of celebration already in the making were going to see a fireworks display later tonight a big victory speech of course where again hes going to be outlining his policy goals for his next year but above and beyond everything is most important aspect will be of course bringing the nation together after years of division and hatred. Right over from where you stand have you been able to talk to people about their reactions to all of this. Well people a very happy and very emotional its really a moment they have been waiting for and a lot of people told me that they are so happy that these 4 years over well they felt the United States were ever drifting more apart and they really believe that joe biden can be the man to unite the country 1st that in his recent speech in his addresses that he gave the sound of unifying a really rather than someone who is sowing more division in all aspects that weve seen over recent years and they just broken about it with stacy about migration and about all these policies that donald trump has put forward with his hard and harsh rhetoric of course this will certainly come to an end there will be challenges dull for the biden come pain and we cant stress this often enough its not going to be easy for him to undo all the time policies if he doesnt win the senate so we will have to see but theres still the opportunity that he will govern with executive orders and undo certain. Uncertain certain policies that the Trump Administration put in place and specifically with regard. To immigration and all of as weve said we are expecting u. S. President elect joe biden it to address the nation after 8 pm on a saturday night according to one of his Campaign Aides to give a sense of what else he might address in this victory speech. Well 1st of all he will try to sound like the unifier he ran for he will say that the these years of division are over he also published a statement a little bit early yes it is time to heal to it put anger aside to come together as a nation put on the harsh rhetoric aside thats a statement that he just published a little earlier so were going to hear more of that we will certainly also going to hear about his policy goals he has a lot of plans in introducing a minimum salary of 15. 00 paul if he wants to look at health care of course. College tuition for. Low income families gun control and of course also improving the transatlantic relationship with germany and other countries that the u. S. Has suffered from under the under donald trump and in the administration we all remember the spat with nato but again he will not under everything there are certain aspects that will stay the way they are and he will certainly also have a tough position on nato when it comes to the military spending for instance why all of a zealot thank you so much for your reporting from wilmington delaware but across back now over to our other g. W. Correspondent who is standing by for us in pennsylvania thats the state might have those thats been pushed over the edge to make joe biden and the president elect the state where theyve been counting the ballots mostly provisional ballots and from overseas that have pushed those numbers up toward the democrats stuff on whats it like there where you are now. All still have a convention so the philadelphia and something what we call a press. Call the police set up a perimeter here and you see all the press it also serves of course as a separation between this from supporters going in and out here still going for the cause calling for a recount i think we should talk to somebody for the source circulars you could question sold by an older person the next morning. Of course out there are you telling me that Mainstream Media c. N. N. Or innocent b c or the a. P. Can show me who the president is is that what youre standing on nothing ok sylvette so of course not you know you use ink or you cant tell me who the president is vacationing tell me who the president is he cant tell me the president or the president can still turn this around the right going on right now to lead a leader who just said yesterday that even when provisional ballots they came in here we separated we counted not things like that. Thats done and in in in peace be alone this report me down donald Trump Campaign they be putting 2 different along on this lawsuit you have you think you could turn around apparently saving lives settled you didnt people there let the news keep telling that to the president the news cant get the dues told me down on it i think its actually on the ballot count over there but anyway you know im a piece of the right vote for my thinking so maybe a decent. Ballot. Jurors have to do that next month if they cant thank you sir all right so that is that is the one opinion legitimate opinion i have to respect this now lets let me take you over to the other side walk a little bit this a little thank you it is still so well you know thats the other side those other guys are. More than happy right now and very satisfied with what they heard on all u. S. Networks and from a piano that they put because of the last release of the best of both counts of mail in ballots were counted right in this building those 3000. 00 and something which were just released an hour or 2 ago that they put joe biden over the top embezzling us of pennsylvania the state which is responsible for joe biden now being president elect according through all Major Networks the agencies for the sentiments it is right there is no official official results yet this is man this thing even is donald trump and all those people know that. 5060 percent of all not counted votes in the state you still wouldnt make it you still wouldnt get to where joe biden is in the vote count there go he was called as president elect and president next president of the United States so his story. Again for providing our stores are pretty good for philadelphia and you know what one more thing if you watch this crowd. Graham theyre not if theyre not dancing and jumping and raising their own thing jubilation theyre all very much aware that this was his brother election was just a voter turnout was gigantic 14050000000 people went to the to the ballot boxes or sent in. Their votes so massive turnout and there is actually experts say what broke the camels back for trump not that biden won back a lot of some support of the pennsylvania no but he managed to motivate democrats to come out in growth in higher amounts in higher numbers than donald trump there go you have to get you have that result here and throughout the day will expect this crowd to grow. Will see what happens on the other start with trump the borders but this is a day for philadelphia at least in their mind also liberation right steffen signs of for us there in pennsylvania thank you very much as you say voter turnout as johns as a voter turnout was really something that was being so closely watched with the idea that generally when more people vote democrats tend to win and as he said we have seen historic levels of numbers of people coming out to the polls historic popular vote victory by bitin yeah and by trump which is the interesting thing that i wanted to ask you about we saw so many people also come out for donald trump we saw this voter that stephon just spoke to wearing a black for trump a t. Shirt so was it was one of those rare black voters that we talked about here in the us do you exist yet and what did you make of what he had to say and his justification for being there i think that what he had to say really points to the conspiracists thing. Layden theories that really imbue a good chunk of base of trying to base about 35 percent of people they really are believe in conspiracy theories and they disregard science numbers statistics stuff fun with saying intellectual ism and they go with their gut when they go to these rallies and they see thousands of other people supporting trump and having the same views that they have i think that theyve become a little bit insular that they get in a bubble and they believe that in fact trump has had the votes in order to be president again but the fact the matter is the numbers dont agree the math is not there and this is a problem with donald trump because he has sold so many seeds of division and doubt how does he now even if he decided to be a different person how does he now bring all of those people who have these doubts into the fold or misinformation has been a theme of throughout the last years of states begins in the studio thank you so much for your analysis well if youre just joining us now a democratic candidate joe biden has one of the u. S. President ial election after sealing a victory in the battleground state of pennsylvania the 20 electoral votes of biden won in pennsylvania allowed him to serve pass the 270 needed to win the election according to production projections of by the Associated Press and hes also picked up a 6 in nevada giving him a total of 290 aleck toral votes. To republican President Donald Trumps 214 my last question to you there stacy what do you make of that outcome. I think that it shows that democracy is at work that so many people were so engaged in this and this election whether theyre democrat or republican and i think that thats great what has been problematic as president trumps attempt in order to call votes away from people who cast their ballots and good faith but democracy is still at work here as we will see those legal challenges moving through the courts over the days but at this point we can safely say i think the projections show that joe biden will be the president elect. You know coming from berlin from here in a germany do you think that thats going to be. Im just hearing we have to go stacy ok i think you know thank you so much for your analysis if youre absolutely well be back with you for more news at the top of the hour. Described as simple as it seeks. To understand the world better we need to take a closer look at. The experience knowledge to morrow to. Try to dilute. The 10. 00 trip. The drugs sense in it is easy to get but its also highly addictive and in many cases even deadly. Those affected by it can be found on the streets of vancouver the victims life the dealers your life and the survivors another do it again the sentiment of crisis. In city limits on d w. Why did this person loses her place. There are many answers above the many. Players there is a lot that can be done playing. Make up your own mind playing double play. It was the 1st International Tribunal in history. The number of trials. 75 years ago hi regina sisters of the nazi regime were going to buy the allied forces. Were the 1st war criminals to be held accountable for their crime spree. But did not come on. Going rudolph pair new years eve frazier. Our 2 part series for the 3rd reich talk starts november 12th on d w. Place. This is the w. News a live shot from berlin that joe biden is elected a u. S. President after i tend to vote counts a lasting date he secures and not the electoral votes in the crucial state of pennsylvania so when the white house but donald trump is refusing to concede live to washington d. C. For the latest. Plane. Im glad