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1000000 blue kroft welcome to the program its been over 24 hours since voting ended in the u. S. President ial election there remains no clear winner democratic challenger joe biden and President Donald Trump along with america and the rest of the world are waiting for results as ballot counting continues in a few key battleground states this election is demanding patience and calm from everyone but the president is not on board with that hes already claimed victory and hes alleging voter fraud without any evidence for that joe biden meanwhile has called for patience but his supporters are confident that hes on track to win. So heres a look at the results with one significant change that weve added recently our figures show biden currently on to 64 to the president s 214 electoral votes puts joe biden just 6 Electoral College votes away from that magic 270 needed to win the presidency now in the state of michigan the counting is over and biden has won that state getting its 16 electoral votes and it was a close victory there the win in michigan puts him just 6 electoral votes shy because if you look at neighboring state wisconsin our figures also show that hes won that state and its 10 electoral votes thin margin there as well going out west nevada earlier biden needs just those 6 votes which nevada can give him if biden maintains his lead in nevada which is very very narrow that would give him enough Electoral College votes to become the next president of the United States but counting is still going on there and also in arizona right next door the data showing biden ahead but it is a very tight race there is much more counting left to do and lets take it back over to the east coast georgia in the southeast its 16 electoral votes or going towards trump but that margin is narrowing ever so slightly the Trump Campaign has filed a lawsuit alleging that in eligible late absentee ballots may have been added to the count again with very questionable evidence if any at all the counting is still ongoing but the path to victory appears to have narrowed significantly for donald trump. Lets get borne all of them with stacy bivins my colleague here in the studio we just heard all of these numbers you know last night things were not looking so good for joe biden now things are looking a little more hopeful for him why that change well this is the result of those mail and votes being finally counted and their earlier book early voter ballots being taken into account but when you look at this a little bit deeper it also is the result of this strong 4 ground swell of people who have been working on the get out the vote and one of the people who is really responsible for that in the state of georgia is stacy abrams who was the 1st africanamerican woman to be a nominee for a gubernatorial ticket and a lot of people believe that she did not win because it was clear because it was a result of Voter Suppression so there was this groundswell of people and on the ground activity i say that because this shows how the democrats are lacking in a ground game now theyre able to benefit because of what stacy abrams said not so much about what theyve done on the ground and theyve been suffering a little bit with the africanamerican vote which has always been a stronghold and it still is i mean thats why were seeing so many votes come in and support of joe biden but heres the thing. If youre africanamerican and you voted for the democrats your entire life you start to wonder what are you getting out of it and is there any difference between a party that tries to suppress your vote and a party that lives or exaggerates to get your vote and so if you feel like both parties are the same or poor people are more willing to give the Republican Party a try and thats why even though its ever so slight this is why donald trump overall has more of an africanamerican following its not major but its something that democrats have to look at you have to as my grandfather say dance with the person who brought you you have to show loyalty to the group thats always been there for you and of joe biden gets into office this is what he has to consider sounds like a wise man and those those slight margins is really all it takes sometimes if that election after the elections and you know donald trump is really evidence of that you know hes been unpopular low favor ability ratings and yet still he performed very strongly in this election what explains that theres several reasons 1st i believe that there are certain people who are as i would say cynical enough to be able to overlook the racism and massage any because they benefit from the tax cuts and its all about the bottom line and when you look at the even jellicoe some a lot of them are one issue voters and so theyre happy with his stance on abortion and there are other people no matter how vile a lot of democrats find his language they really are. And like him because it resonates with them they have somebody who speaks to their voice and this just goes to show how deeply divided the country is and its not a huge divide its almost 5050. 00 so this is what the democrats have to kind of accept that this wasnt going to this isnt the referendum on donald trump that they thought it was going to be and this is worth many people are so depressed because they thought oh this is going to be a landslide hes on all of these things all these policies that we dont agree with on the climate he said so many things on race but at the end of the day its still a tight race right and we saw that with the polls again showing much more favorable for biden then then actually came out to be said to stacy bivins for from our u. S. Election team thanks very much for those thoughts pleasurable. And just a short while ago joe biden expressed confidence about the state of the race to see address supporters from his home state of delaware. And now after a long night of county its clear that were one you know states to reach 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency im not here to clear that weve won but i am here to report the count is finished we believe we will be the winners almost counted. We have won wisconsin 520000 votes virtually the same margin the President Trump won that state 4 years ago in michigan lead by over 35000 votes and its growing substantially bigger margin the president won michigan 2016 michigan will complete his vote soon maybe as early as the day and i feel very good about pennsylvania. Virtually all the remaining ballots to be counted are cast by mail and weve been winning 78 percent of the votes by mail in pennsylvania we flipped arizona and the 2nd district of nebraska of special significance to me is that weve won with the majority of the American People and every indication is that that majority will grow of the popular vote lead of nearly 3000000 votes and every indication is that will grow as well indeed senator harris and i are on track to win more votes than any ticket in the history of this country that ever won the presidency and vice presidency over 70000000 votes. And with donald trump seeking to launch legal challenges to the results the issue of a legit vote rigging may play a role in deciding who will become president regardless of the lack of evidence our reporter michelle elocutionary spoke with the head of the o. S. C. E. Election Observer Mission to the United States or so the gut check who said trumps allegations are undermine public trust in the electoral process and best i got say the president is alleging that ballots are being found all over the place to help do biden win these elections when you look at states like pennsylvania where its coming down to the wire any of these allegations found this in what you found ive not come across even. A particular singular incident in pennsylvania we have come across one incident of a postal worker dumping a bag of post including ballots on their way to voters but what is important we have not found evidence of systemic wrongdoing in the processing of postal ballots now in your statement you are also criticizing the president for undermining democracy undermining the faith in the institutions so come on say that donald trump harmed american democracy in this election thats a very far reaching statement but he he he in his statements he has undermined the voters confidence in the electoral process that is a fact we have that on record and the challenges that are faced here in the United States is rebuilding that trust in the system hopefully the work that weve been doing here very fact base will also serve in some measure to reassure people that how this election actually was conducted and that we did not find systemic evidence of wrongdoing do you believe that we will find out the result through actual resign. Its been declared in the american courtrooms that i have no idea. However however this princess promises will be followed through to explain what his vote counting look like on the ground we have stuff and simons in philadelphia to tell us more about that stuff on tell us more 1st where you are. In the middle of philadelphia i am at the city hole right there and right behind it is actually the Convention Center the philadelphia or the pennsylvania Convention Center where the vote count actually happens those vote counts is the mail in ballots we were ballots we were talking about it but you can see here National Guard troops as well as vehicles behind me police was here because that was also the scene year earlier today of protests of pro count the vote protest a lot of people out here saying like hey lets not have President Trump all the administration or anybody else say lets stop the vote count those votes are in there theyre cast they now have to be voted and this what they were demonstrating for so here is where the rubber meets the road where the tight spot here is where donald trump wants the vote count to stop for obvious reasons because he thinks thats maybe maybe the possibility is there that joe biden will have the majority of those already cast mail in ballots for him and that could endanger his lead here in pennsylvania which is certainly what joe biden has said and deftly why he wants those folks to keep getting counted so how do officials there ensure that the vote count is complete and fair and transparent. Well transparency is key of course fairness is key also and house is scared to eat well checking double checking and checking again and counting and having people who are doing this not for the 1st time really being involved in this i mean vote counting for the United States one of the biggest democracy in the world is not a new thing they dont have to really learn number one number 2 both parties have have observers present in the Convention Center and looking at this so they claim of the Trump Administration and going to courts and say like all just please stop this theres not enough unity for us to observe and to control if this is really done accurately is actually false. And be fighting this for nothing so lets zoom out give us the big picture why is pennsylvania so important for both campaigns but especially donald trump. Well with the total vote count now for trump after michigan wisconsin arizona was called and into the corner of joe bidens campaign and into his vote d count pennsylvania its critical for ford for the president to get injuries going this is 18 votes here this is a lot of a lot of mileage in his count so he has to he has to secure the lead here. However possible to get those on this and then of course as you all know as we all know hes trying they will see Court Decisions in terms of arizona recount nevada recount maybe michigan wisconsin recounts and so on this will be this will be the ground 0 here for for the truck and train and for his presidency and hes keenly aware of this and simon is there in philadelphia watching the vote counting in pennsylvania there 20 electoral votes thank you very much. Youre watching your news next any junior with do you have you news africa for more always check our website you have your dot com and instagram and twitter if you know you news way of the craft thanks for your. Skin thats. Not hot and in the end its a me youre not allowed to listen to that. Are you familiar with this. New smugglers with my own sense of the whats your story. d d as women especially of victims of violence. Part and send us your story try to always and this is a new culture. You want to become citizens. In full migrants your platform for reliable information. On their Natural Habitats keep shrinking as we chop down more forests and despite the threat of extinction they often end up on our dinner plates the rarer the better for some the higher the price for poaches. But dining on endangered species can cost you a health. Zoonotic diseases aids ebola and then you corona virus they all jumped from wild animals to us. And ill do it again. Of a 19 broke out at a wild animal market in china there were International Calls for the closure of such markets but experts warn a band could drive the trade underground on its changing its hygiene ill talk to an expert about that in a moment 1st some more background. What ours zoonotic diseases their diseases caused by pathogens carried by nonhuman animals that spread to people 6 out of every 10 Infectious Diseases are believed to be zoonotic. The pathogens can be where iris is a bacteria parasites or funky. Many of the diseases they cause in people are mild but some are serious and even deadly. The bubonic plague tuberculosis malaria and ebola are zoonotic diseases that have killed countless millions of people. Mosquitoes and bats but also cats and dogs and many other species carry pathogens that can make people sick. But often they dont make the animals that host them sick transmission can occur via bite or through eating the flesh of a carrier or contact with its blood or feces. Zoonotic diseases can spread fast and far if the pathogens adapt to be transmitted from person to person thats the case with the Novel Coronavirus. One hypothesis is that penguins were the intermediaries that transported the Novel Coronavirus from its natural host bats to humans which markets where a lot of wild animals are sold are considered a potential site of transmission of zoonotic disease pathogens some have been closed for that reason. Infectious diseases from animals are a growing problem that probably has to do with humans encroaching on animal habitats forests are cleared for timber or to make space for farms or towns humans and animal species are no longer far apart this offers opportunities for pathogens to make the leap. There are more than 200. 00 known zoonotic diseases but there are countless germs out there to which humans have no immunity are new devastating diseases lurking to prevent them making the jump to humans we need to protect wild animals and their habitats. Colas how to louis is deputy head of the institute of epidemiology at germanys great place enough to institute also a veterinary epidemiologist just how dangerous odd zoonotic diseases. Well soon adjectives these are sort of in in our human nature already for many many years of many centuries because were going to diseases as i. Have heard the church and humans anything intimate and do you just think pattis that about 60 percent of all human Infectious Diseases they reach in age from animals they come from animals and over the last few years a new emerging diseases its actually 75 things are all there you look at an incentive thats quite a lot of 10 knots or another has a chance to reach out there champ between animals and humans and it is not surprising because the early humans get out of the Animal Kingdom so they are for all the peasants and the challenge of viruses bacteria and so on they dont distinguish between animals and humans and there is no special area between animals and so is your noses are we actually to most of the scenes that speech. And a lot of this will noses like we be now think arcs and scott comes to hona and then dad of other cases where there was this which we have already complex and men have to take measures against like rabies or to look in arms is to say there was this all there was a time when animals is all those diseases were around there all this that was at the once which will cheer in the match 2 years. Spirit who was blind and she will begin to see him be evil are they all are each going to from animals so what do you say when will we now sharing a lot more of those diseases with the Animal Kingdom. Yes you all this she had a lot of interrupt. And now our reasoning is that we have more to believe all of this is because 1st of all the other war you can take to the animals its much more you also go into the pain of trade to habitats over before they can be tested the animals while everyone for whatever so our politic possibilities between animals and humans match has been dave and he has gathered in addition to also have the trade and our travels all of the of like the contrary there to feel like were all now we dont like to live the way that it was in one day and all different weaknesses so theyre going to credit check cause ability is much higher than it was ever before so what do we need to do what do we need to do to prevent zoonosis i think the year when you dont give a living that its almost as i think you have to and as you say we have to try to prevent them and i think one key measure its really cheating and i messed up so i work in the whole interval they call it. As a critique its a replies to you really have to. Know that they dont have such direct contact or close to take what i specially is keeps out of there is actually missed debt per episode quite a lot its just making our problems chile theres a lot more we need to do to be proactive before these diseases jump from animal to human though i mean whats the solution on that front theres that mean less factory farming does it mean chopping down list jungles and forests. Well you could mean almost its needed. Less and less for us but it also could mean being quote more ive been able to see that we can bring it into the season. Being our best and europe. Can from other ecosystems be out there in my brain in viruses. That might is an issue or at present just the of manliness and sort of like treating ourselves up to its like being in pain just sort of like our candy you can keep. The farm type you can try. If possible to be more sustainable want to go to areas. Where its exciting and so on but surely there are more proactive measures that we can take i mean what do you tell someone who who needs to venture out who needs to eat bushmeat. Basically to survive someone in the democratic republic of congo say in a small village who doesnt see the danger in catching as there were no seats. They might not see the danger of that its still a matter of abandonment so there is one possibility death you cant make that o. B. L. Is the one that and if they are high achieving missions which they can take just to prevent those who knows its going on what form animals to humans so in terms of if you can try to raise at the end of this if you can also and then thats what science and politics are trying to look is trying to find out what wireless is in the archive in the bush we need into our inbox why risk the density as a threat to ask like water and so this is also one Health Principle we have the hells animals humans and the environment is sort of looked at elliptic and i think thats the way to go in your future you see what what is the health and how do they interact with each other and i see dave when we can future some solutions there from colin as well to louis deputy head of the institute of it could give me all the g. And germanys people nothing institute thank you. Now its your turn to ask the questions is there. Will other countries do their own challenge trials now that the u. K. Has announced its doing so. Challenge trials involve intentionally infecting organisms with a pathogen to find out how well vaccines or medications work at stopping that pathogen there are thousands track method for determining safety and efficacy and we conduct them all the time usually on animals especially primates but in ethical terms suman challenge studies like the one proposed in britain can be pretty charged if the plans are approved starting this january researchers there will be going to liberate li infecting Young Healthy volunteers with sars cove to initially to find out how much of the pathogen it takes to make them sick once the scientists have determined that they can begin giving other volunteers that scenes then subsequently challenging their immune system with that preset dose of corona virus to see how effective the vaccines are doing things this way can provide precise data quickly so it can really speed up the Development Process thats because instead of just giving a late stage vaccine candidate to thousands of volunteers and the placebo to thousands of others and then basically waiting to see what happens researchers have a lot more control over the entire process but they dont have control in one key area because we still dont have a sure fire therapies to treat someone if an induced covert 19 infection turns severe the possibility that a human challenge trial could cause of volunteer long term damage or even kill them that cant be ruled out despite those risks britain is apparently not the only cunts. Re to consider conducting human challenge trials according to the science journal nature at least some exploratory planning has commenced in belgium and the us as well. For more on the corona virus go to our website w dot com slash of 95. Its the title fight for the heavyweight championship. The challenger rising star with a huge ego. The reigning champ. Established successful and competent. Tesla vs the german Car Manufacturers to show down to the future of mobile. Engine. Next on d w. Enters the conflict zone with Sarah Charlie my guest this week is in buffalo as minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade cboe see so much as a former army chief us also the face of the military coup that propels and 9 ball but the palace. Zimbabwe deal seems changed the political and economic reforms. Conflict. 16. Beethoven is for me and beethoven is for a new. Beethoven is for help. Beethoven is for. Beethoven is for the. Beethoven destroyed. Brito for is for. Beethoven 2020 but 250th anniversary here on. Its been said that vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others and a great deal of progress is indeed driven by visionaries people like ilan musk who dream of colonizing another planet or zipping around in shoes like the jetsons but his dreams are paying off musk is a very successful businessman one of the worlds richest people hes also the c. E. O. And product architect of tesla known for its sleek electric cars but are those cutting edge cars everything they said to be tesla whats behind the hype thats our topic today on mate although he didnt stop the company the name most closely associated with tesla is of course it all must himself invested millions in his business is before becoming its c. E. O. And although tesla has experienced its share of ups and downs over the years best is love him despite his success and numerous ventures apparently its not money that interests mr musk he wants to save the world. A rocket to mars traveling through a tube mind reading who could be behind these projects. Musk entrepreneur billionaire inventor. What sets him apart is his willingness to take risks and that he uses his own money. His experience as a serial entrepreneur gives an easy access to Venture Capital in the u. S. Thats obviously a huge advantage and that combination makes him dangerous to establish players like say the german auto industry. Started tesla without any industry experience at 1st it met with derision as almost everything went wrong but eventually it evolved into a very serious rival to prestigious german carmakers. When theres something he cant do or something thats not working like in his car Manufacturing Processes he hires people or teams to fix it. Before he acquires companies and integrates them into teslas Manufacturing Processes. And now they no longer have as many problems as they had in 2015. Musk is celebrated as a visionary nowadays and is emblazoned on t. Shirt his fans seem to think their idol can solve the worlds problems. Musk is even said to have inspired movie heroes he even featured briefly in a film. Some of this is definitely down to his personality extrovert always forging ahead maybe even managers and i dont know. He also. Likes to indulge his own myth. When he visited germany there was a lot of showmanship. He cultivates the myth him self i think for the. Last was born in Pretoria South Africa in 1971 the son of a model and an engineer he devoured books at an early age was fascinated by technology and even as a child was already interested in rockets. He says he used to be bullied at school. He and his brothers set up a company as teenagers and even made money with its. Most studied physics and economics in canada. Then he moved to the usa and got rich one of the startups he was involved with was the forerunner of the Payment Service pay pal. He started a ph d. At stanford but soon dropped out. Mind reading is one of his dreams so he started by having chips inserted into pigs brains but his mind reading a good idea. How do People Living near his factories feel. And how does tesla treat its workers just as real and thats a difficult issue because these serial entrepreneurs like say steve jobs arent always the nicest people and theyre usually quite a mix theyre often fascinating but they also put people under pressure and expect a lot from them. Who are lost. With hard work and probably a lot of pressure some of must. Seemingly crazy ideas have become Successful Companies space x. For example may not be taking tourists to mars yet but it is working with nasa. Innovation and learning fast go together hes adopted the principle fail fast learn fast from american startup culture. When you see how big his companies have become it looks like thats something hes passed on to his employees. The question is what idea will come up with next to change the world. In the meantime a prolific innovator is busy getting a huge manufacturing plant built close to berlin that will produce batteries and power trains for use in tesla vehicles some of which will also be assembled there construction started even before final planning permission was granted a politicians are excited about all the new jobs being created especially in a part of germany that structurally weak not everyones rolling out the red carpet however many locals have serious concerns about the impact the production side will have on the environment. Haida is a Small Community just outside battling with less than 9000. 00 residents. City dwellers come here on the weekends to stroll. This is a Water Conservation area and home to over 100 birds varieties. And it seemed to be home to europes biggest factory full electric cars work on the new test of plant is underway although a regional forest chase have not yet granted final planning permission stephan show and his colleagues are dead set against the factory and say approval should not be granted they say the forests and freshwater ecosystem are at risk section 8 a of the federal emission protection act allowed tesla to make an early start. Theyre just hoping nothing gets in their way with the huge and nobody knows what the impact below the surface will be its environmental russian roulette. That. These opponents of the factory often meet here in the woods a couple of kilometers from the construction site they say the location is entirely unsuited to this kind of development. As a bee the freshwater ecosystem here is complex and so far its been protected from industrial development. We now suddenly mr musk wants to build here and only here. This was presumably the only site that appealed to him and the powers that be are doing everything in their power to oblige him. The fear is that the enormous new plant will use so much ground water that the lakes and streams will just dry up and that more trees will be cut down to make way for further facilities test and wants to set up an Industrial Park around its plant. Tesla aims to start producing cars here what he calls a gigafactory by summer 2021500000 a year further details are in short supply we asked for an interview with a Company Representative but never got an answer tesla project manager alexander did testify before the Brandenburg State Parliament offering a reg limps into the companys plans. To have cutting edge casting systems an extremely efficient body shop and a next generation paying shop and a 1000000000. 00 term depth and complexity never seen before in volume production cars its just the beginning. Thats its not that im fine many objections have been raised the water issue is one of the most important. According to official filings tesla says that to build 500000 cars itll need 1400000 cubic metres of Drinking Water thats about as much as the town of sirte she 1000 uses in a year. Volkswagen by contrast says it builds 250000 cars a Cheese Factory in sicko in 2018 and used 300000 cubic. Metres of water less than half as much per com than tesla. But there are also people including haida who have big founds of tesla while the company is tight lipped about whats going on at the site these fans have taken to documenting every little development. Today they want to find out what a q. R. Code spotted on a wall is all about. Its nothing special but checklist of course this is all rather nerdy. For them monitoring the site has become a hobby they come here every day and post videos on you tube they find it all very fascinating and are evidently not so troubled by the objections. Because. Its a company that for years has been promoting a radical shift in the energy industry. By its felling 300. 00 hectares of woods is by comparison a minor issue. To want as the land would have been cleared anyway. And just consider what the factory is going to make because cars they dont emit any c o 2. Because i find the ecological argument about the tree as hypocritical because of course at a local level its a pity to see woodland disappear but it really is the lesser of 2 evils this is the climate the new. Placed cook is optimistic that other problems likely to emerge for example Traffic Congestion around the haida can be solved by technical all the just tickled means according to official paperwork tesler expects a maximum of 1200 57. 00 trucks to roll up every day and 6300. 00 of its workers to come by com infrastructure will need to be upgraded to cope with that all takes time. Local people will likely be facing traffic jams and worsening. Pollution. Tesla basilan musk is something of a star in germany. Tesla says it will employ 12000. 00 people at this gigafactory labor unions generally welcome job creation and musk may be a visionary but in the United States tesla is known to play hardball when it comes to workers rights. You know this is a very top down company so what are you on musk want iran mask usually gets and hes been very clear that he does not want does not want a union. Like here in america my hope is that the laws in germany are better or stronger and will out for a better relationship between the unions and castro to keep counsel and check to make sure that theyre following safety protocols and theyre not cheating workers out of wages and Stephen Smith tells me that has a factory in freemont california tested pays workers on the Assembly Line between 15. 00 and 25. 00 an hour whereas other comic has pay 3 times as much whether the fans include high i dont know about that or not theyre certainly impressed by the speed with which the new factory is taking shape. Just 3 months ago the site by this. Testimony is pressing ahead in the hope the state will eventually give the final green light its that paragraph 8 a that lets you get a head start and obtain provisional approval bit by bit if in the end the state says no test will have to knock it all down again and again at the site. Those who opposed the development would be pleased if that was to happen. They say there are 2 big loses in the process the environment alongside democratic procedures and accountability. And the factory is going up and the politicians are all cheering it on the greens the social democrats and the christian democrats. The Planning Authority is under immense pressure and facts are being created on the ground so theres no way that mission will not be granted for a project of the scale its absolutely unacceptable starting construction on smaller slices of the. Under paragraph 8 is making a mockery of our democratic rights. At absolute food they say they dont understand how a company that wants to save the world from Carbon Emissions can be prepared to cause serious damage to the environment. So the project is highly controversial in fact the whole topic of billet he divides opinion here in germany to some iran mask is a crusader a hero challenging german come out of actress to trade in their combustion engines for batteries to others is a false prophet brazenly leading the mobility sector down a dead end. Turtle is the dumbest form of the mobility you could imagine. Is a megalomaniac. Damn part of tesla only image of immobility has been detrimental if not disastrous. For

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