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Coming up. Priceline. Support in a key swing state donald trump has tapped into a narrative that appeals to floridas cuban americans could lead tetovo be the decider in this years u. S. Election plus another vibrant tradition falls victim to the coronavirus mexicos day of the dead parades and parties were massively slimmed down this year leaving many to remember their lost loved ones in isolation. Im sorry kelly its great to have you with us a number of European Countries are reimposing coronavirus restrictions as they struggle to stay ahead of the pandemics 2nd wave our coverage begins in germany which from today is back under a partial lockdown until the end of november social gatherings are limited to 2 households ours restaurants and Sports Centers and Entertainment Venues have to remain close. And hotels are perhaps added from providing rooms to tourists the measures are in response to what is being called an exponential rise in infections. One more round before not sunday was the last chance for germans to visit boz and restaurants before an unforced month long closure its a heavy blow to businesses still struggling to recover from the 1st lockdown in the spring. Of the shaab the economic damage can no longer be measured you can just to get this whole year right this year off. This year isnt about making money anymore its just about survival and saving jobs lets do it this between. The German Government has announced up to 10000000000 euros of aid for businesses in the south employed it says the new measures are necessary to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed there are still enough intensive care beds available but some areas of facing shortages of medical stuff to care for rising numbers of coronavirus patients. Im so the government is desperate to avoid shutting schools and childcare centers. Instead the focus is on recreation the fresh closures and tightened restrictions on socializing come after low infection numbers over the summer allowed to return to relative normality on sunday evening some took that chance for one must blow out despite politicians pleas to stay home Johnson America once again appealed to the public in her weekend video podcast. Even that google. D. S. Is an artist we must do everything in our power to get the numbers infections under control we must face this test together and understand together in so many. Unspoken promises the prospect of family get togethers at christmas but if infection rates dont fall and extended lockdown cant be ruled out. And lets get more on the situation were joined by Political Correspondent tom sparrow standing by for us in berlin thomas how is the Health System coping with this rising infections of this point the Health System is still coping experts are pointed to the fact that intensive care beds are Still Available ventilators as well but they have also pointed to the fact that this could quickly change if coronavirus cases continue to grow in the speed up to speed as weve seen in the last few days and weeks this is the absolute key point to understand why germany is now facing this lockdown the speed at which the corona virus is spreading and those same experts are saying that if it continues this way in 2 or 3 weeks the public Health System will have reached its limit and that is again the reason why were seeing these restrictions as of today and for the whole of november which includes obviously closing bars restaurants and so on but at the same time keeping schools and many shops open and we have heard once again from the german chancellor a plead for the nation she says stand together in this crisis thomas are people obeying the measures from the government are they following them. I think there is an understanding at least by a majority of germans that these measures were necessary to reduce that speed in which the virus is spreading even if even if that came at a particular cost namely fewer freedoms when i just mentioned a 2nd ago the closing of bars restaurants and so on but at the same time and this is particularly important i also think criticism has been growing both on the street but also politically we saw for example last week in the German Parliament a very big debates on whether these measures are actually going to be effective and what the right course of action is for germany on there is a very evident coronavirus fatigue and i would say that thats a coronavirus atiq that were not only seeing here in germany but in other countries as well and that explains also why the challenge now is a particularly big challenge for german officials and that explains why anglo mccoll repeatedly has been telling citizens that this is a very important moment that it comes down to everyones responsibility theyre trying to get the cases under control if that does not happen could we see the lockdown extended could we see tougher measures the key element here in this particular point is in 2 weeks time the regional leaders of germany 16 federal states will meet again to assess whether the measures so far have been effective or whether further measures will be needed but german officials have stressed on various occasions that they want to avoid a full lockdown they want to avoid comprehensive restrictions and thats why so far this lockdown now these restrictions now have been described as a sort of lockdown light where schools and shops can remain open but the focus as we saw in our report is on Closing Everything that has to do with entertainment thomas farah with the few from berlin thank you. Lets get the view now from broader europe where cases are also rising sharply we have our Team Standing by francisco a bone got i is in italy we have bats riegert in brussels and matthew de is joining us from warsaw and francisco id like to begin with you because we all recall that italy had one of the highest covert 19 death rates back in the spring hows it doing now well the situation is pretty bad everywhere now going towards the very dozen cases today which is a big number were now waiting to see what is going to happen today todays a routine. Points in the fight against different men make in this country because Prime Minister called and they will be in parliament in about to. Probably proclaiming a curfew a National Care few 9 pm were just talking about rumors but we dont really know exactly what is going to up and what the reaction will be from people we had riots in the squares in all the time in c. D. s against the closure of the businesses so we ought to see what are the cabinet will be able to cope with dot au will give in on something to the population which is ive been for some warm im on thats and its not. Its better than before we have to see what is going to offer thank you so much francisco back over to you now standing by in belgium which has one of the highest death rates of any country in this pandemic band is there any sign of things improving. But the mortality rate in belgium is not comparable to that situation in april right now 100. 00 people a day are dying this is much lower than it was but experts one that this mortality rate can go up following the hot hospital 10 days ation of people which is going up quickly hospital beds filling up 2 thirds of the intensive care units are now filled with covert patients but you have to keep in mind that belgium only has 2000 intensive care beds which is much less than in other countries for example in germany the government is responding with very strict measures as contact through private citizens is no more or less forbidden youre only allowed to have one cool full contact say say in flemish one person you can hug or kiss and receive in your private home and these measures will be in place for 6 weeks and done your due crew the Prime Minister of belgium said this is our last chance to get the virus under control and to have Something Like a normal Christmas Eve thank you so much bant mathew heading to you in poland where theres a massive surge in covert 1000 cases posing huge problems to the countrys Health System how is the government responding there. Be introducing various restrictions it stops short of a full looked it doesnt introduce any could if used but for example has closed restrooms courage people try to stay at home. Schooling is done online and they have opened up with an opening field hospitals in warsaw now the National Football stadium is being converted into a hospital and the government is very eager to say we do we have beds we have. Spare response but the big problem for the politicians because system it is a lack of doctors and nurses it is. A serious issue and people are saying in a case great to have beds that hes going to come after the people in the beds here from poland there italy belgium Francisco Banga banga regards matthew day thank you so much to all of you for your reporting. And lets get a look now at some other stories that have been making news around the world more anti france protests have been taking place across the muslim world in pakistan demonstrators burned in effigy of president Emanuel Mccraw the protesters come after mccrone defended the right to Free Expression in the wake of the suspected islamist killing of a teacher who had shown cartoons of the muslim prophet muhammad. Rescuers in the philippines have freed hundreds of people trapped by flood waters after typhoon need pounded islands in the country south at least 16 people were killed as the storm destroyed homes and triggered deadly landslides it comes just a week after another deadly typhoon struck the region. And millions of census takers have begun knocking on doors across china for a once a decade head count for the 1st time they are using a mobile app to log the numbers that will be used to understand the size and structure of the Worlds Largest population china has around 1400000000 people. U. S. President donald trump and his democratic rival joe biden are making their final pitches to voters said head of tuesdays election trump is holding Campaign Rallies in 5 battleground states meanwhile joe biden focusing on the key state of pennsylvania most major polling shows that biden is ahead in critical battleground states needed to win but trump believes that he can defy the polls once again and pull off a shock victory in. The final downs before the big election day on tuesday. U. S. President donald trump addressed for now take fans in 5 different swing states on sunday with his usual self confidence we are going to win 4 more years in that very beautiful white house. With your vote we will continue to cut your taxes cut regulations and ensure that your products are made raised and grown in the usa. With only a couple of days left to complain trump focused on crucial swing states like michigan and iowa before heading to georgia and florida. Despite that lead rising coronavirus cases in the u. S. Supporters packed into the rallies most of them. Not adhering to social distancing rules or wearing masks. That were very different scenes at joe bidens complain of rallies in pennsylvania most supporters stayed in their cars at the Democratic Candidates and welcome them president droppers terrified of what will happen to the president you know if the people president get that other say if you have your say he doesnt stand a chance biden also blasted trump for dividing the country and thats exactly what trump for trying to do for her to get a divided america very strong on race religion gender National Origin its wrong its not who we are biden has a Comfortable Lead in most of the polls but he knows that election day turnout will be crucial in deciding the new president of the United States. And a lot of eyes will be on those swing states especially the biggest swing state of them all florida the past 2 elections have seen a way for thin margin between the winner and a loser President Trump is banking on the support of one of the states main voting blocks the latino vote and he did because carolina chinmoy has been to find out how the republicans under President Trump have tapped into a narrative that is found appeal among floridas cuban americans. They want to see donald trump stay in the white house and they are determined to deliver florida for him its a must win state for the presidency even at this scale back democrat rally in orlando the trump voters are far louder. Trump has strong support from a large part of the Latino Community here in florida this despite things which would seem almost ezine. To put latinos off like the harsh words he has used to describe immigrants im here to find out why the hispanic vote leans more republican here in florida nearly a 3rd of the latino voters in florida have cuban roots including. Morris had of latinos for trump in orlando she was 15 when her family fled cuba after losing everything to the government of female cust they just knock one day at the door and they said this is ours now we had lost everything you know we had lost our beautiful home. The ranch the chauffeur but we had a different life and you adopt. Thats why voting is so important to me because its the gift that this country has given me that i didnt have they took away. One of her biggest fears like many other cuban americans is the idea that the system they fled could be adopted in the United States no i dont think joe biden is a socialist or a communist but i do believe the people around him are and they have the same socialist ideas i lived through in cuba and ive seen in venezuela so yes i do believe that hes surrounded with that and a leader is as good as the people around them being pro trump is slowly becoming something to president s supporters keep to themselves because there can be consequences my plumber is also a devoted trump support i have received you will say i have 000 right for. Porting our press you know unless you have a list of what i was this is you not appropriate person wrong word because you dont want to do the job you were trying so its already provided through just to do the job thats a really good word. Its not just a fear of socialism driving support for trump. Many latino voters are catholic and support the republican position against abortion and it may seem counter intuitive but many also supports trumps hard line on immigration even from latin american countries. Trump tells the truth i dont want other hispanics to come into the u. S. Even if they are from my country peru if they dont pay taxes that is not fair so if more hispanics come and dump a taxes they seal and live off the money they get from the government then im a racist too and i also say get out its not fair that those that come through the border illegally painted for you already 10000 dollars to come here and we dont know where they are they could be rate based here in florida support for President Trump and the republicans steeply emotional if that support is reflected at the ballot box it could decide the election. And u. S. Voters heading to the polls tomorrow we are joined here in the studio by william who crossed from our us Election Team how important is the latino vote i mean theyre important but a lot of groups are important you know they make up 17 percent of floridas electorate 2 and a half 1000000 registered latino voters most them it should be said are democrat or not affiliated or not affiliated voters across all groups are leaning biden these or so called independent voters they are the largest voting minority now in the United States more than 13 percent across the country are latino voters as more of them than black American Voters but we sure we we need to make very very clear there is no such thing as a latina voter group these are people from dozens of countries with hundreds of personal experiences many of them are by now full fledged americans they have been here have been been in the United States for generations this is not the stereotypical immigrant story that we hear so often about so they are very important theyve been important for decades now at least you know going back to the 2000 election remember how much it was talked about the cuban vote in florida but many other retired retired communities older people you know rule white noncollege educated lots of groups are important which was decisive is what were going to find out this week the candidates have been on the campaign trail just walk us through where they have been in the past couple of days and what that tells us about where the critical areas are likely to be the swing states right pennsylvania wisconsin michigan obama is stumping for biden in florida in georgia florida we as weve seen so important georgia of traditionally republican state that they might be able to pick off so obviously theyre hitting the states that especially pennsylvania wisconsin michigan traditionally leaning democrat trump won them by a razor thin margin were talking about 80000. 00 vote difference thats what gave trump the presidency in 2680000 votes in those 3 states if i think when those votes back this is bidens win big picture this is most certainly an election like no other not least because of the pandemic what is. America bracing for over the next week and beyond uncertainty you know every state decides for itself how it counted votes and when it counts its votes sometimes even down to the town or the county. So some have to have their votes counted by election day some can still be voting for several days afterward so or god knows how both campaigns and especially trump because he said it is on the record for wanting to spin the Election Results in their favor just the pure math means we will not know many states officially which way theyve gone there could be a biden favorite one direction a trump favor in another direction early on that could swap by the end we really have to be patient until voting counts are in and are fully in at county and state levels to really know whos won this election its probably not going to happen tuesday night we wont know until we know from our u. S. Election team thank you thanks. Well now we have to mexico where the day of the dead festival is normally calls for National Celebration and remembrance but the country is reeling from more than 90000. 00 coronavirus deaths this year the usually vibrant parades have been canceled or made virtual and cemeteries have been told to shut down many people what is usually a communal event has become a lonely experience. For maria del Rosario Martinez this day of the day is especially poignant her husband a doctor who cared for some of mexicos poorest died at the height of the countrys pandemic falling victim himself. In keeping with tradition maria decorate a note with some of his favorite things. In a cup and say you know i never thought i would have to place only to fill my husband. So were less but according to traditions and beliefs hes going to come hes going to be here with us. Hes going to be happy. To give us that. Shot when president Lopez Obrador dedicated the festival to the victims of corporate 19 there was none of the lavish parades and pot Public Events normally a short sheeted with a holiday. It set the tone for a nation grieving in isolation. Gonzalez among them her family has been devastated by the virus. And you know this here in one look at my only issue i decided to get involved in making the altar for 3 very special people. Merely started with my grandmother who was the one who taught us this tradition. My brother and lastly from my father with me. There where some call me to celebrations in the capitals worst hit district performers danced under a fool moon well families paid tribute to their dad. And let 2300. 00 candles one for each of covert nineteens victims. Well now to some German Bundesliga football and unbeaten leave occurrence and travel to freiburg knowing that a win with leave them just 3 points off the top of the league freiburg meanwhile were looking to address an alarming slump in form they were without a victory in their last 4 games going into this. It was a sopping wet day in the black forest yet leverkusen coach peter bose and friedberg counterpart christian were all smiles in the rain despite the contrasting fortunes of their teams. Struggling freiburg took a surprise lead on 3 minutes to lucas who looked but for a book had thrown away leads in their last 2 games and their fragility showed again after 20 minutes because a lot of you punished a shocking but from nicholas who flew. Up the argentine 2nd shortly after put leaver cruz and she warmed up at the break. Into the 2nd half and not merely seem to kill the game with this cracker on 64 minutes. Before news pages and dragged tribe work back into the game. Militant restored lever couzens to lead 40 minutes from time that proved the last goal of a frantic 90 minutes live a can extend their unbeaten run to 6 games and move within 3 points of leaders by a well frog burks measurable run goes on. And Lewis Hamilton has moved one step closer to winning his 7th world title victory in the m. L. Iana run manya grand prix in italy the win extended his record to 93. 00 formula one victories. That wasnt the best start for Lewis Hamilton who began the race in 2nd behind mercedes teammate of all terry porter ass and slipped to 3rd in the opening up but he soon recovered to take the lead. Read goals marks 1st up and who held on and 3rd managed to jump past boss with 20 laps remaining proves to be short lived. Ri took 2nd run for stop and he kept up the pressure crashed out after suffering what looked like tire failure the a. Perfect broken. A car. Packed house couldnt regain the top spot where Lewis Hamilton men tanked his lead on the briton held on to pick up a record extending 93rd career when a stray and Danielle Ricardo finished 3rd from random. People watching me maybe think were used to this but it just always feels like the 1st edition and i think thats the spirit and so im forever forever grateful to everyone. With a team or so days finishing 1st and 2nd and i mean theyve clinched a record 7 straight constructors talking to take. A quick reminder now the top stories were following for you here on news germany has gone back into partial lockdown with bars restaurants and jams and other public venues staying shut for a month to schools in kindergartens for may know that the restrictions come as the country sees that on precedented number of new coronavirus sections. Up next it is Business News with my colleague monica jones and if you want more go to our web site t w dot com you can also follow us on twitter and instagram i did at the news im sarah kelly in for lent thank you so much for watching take care in 60. And. How high up above the glittering skyline of singapore. Are vegetables. The megacity have been importing tons of food from abroad but no more and more it is to be self produced. Singapore a high tech metropolis into an agricultural nation both recounts. In 60 minutes on. This president ial election is a crucial widely not just for the United States but for the world leading the race in americas polarized politics streets you will be right here for you and well tell you everything you need to know as america decides who bring you the number of issues the background as it happens and until the last vote is counted join us for special live coverage from bringing the u. S. Election november 4th on top of. It was the 1st International Tribunal in history. The nurnberg trials. 75 years ago high ranking officers of the nazi regime for years issac by the allied forces. Were the 1st war criminals to be held accountable for their crimes. Count them on. Going throughout. The years right. Our 2 part series the 3rd reich the dog starts nov 12th on d w. Global stocks are getting a boost as chinas economy bounces back factory to vittie and the worlds 2nd largest economy accelerated at the fastest pace in nearly a decade despite the coronavirus endemic also coming up 4 years of dominance trump in office has left their mark on the Global Economy a day before the election we take stock of u. S. A german business time. And just when australia needs it tweets from a start harvesting bumper crop with wheat exports forecast to almost double this year. Im monica jones and this is d. W. Business welcome we begin with china where manufacturing continues to recover a key measure the purchasing Managers Index reached the highest level in october since january 2011 its just the latest sign of a recovering economy in the asian powerhouse another well the return of business in war on the central chinese city where the outbreak began take a look. At the social distancing rules are out clubbing back here. To move or move on streets also optimistic. About. There are no more problems in rouhani everythings under control. The message beijing is eager to spread especially as europe locks down in cases rise again in the u. S. New figures increasingly support that message the chinese economy is growing again exports are rising and domestic consumption is trying to pick up the slack in overseas demand. Businesses say theyre seeing the revival firsthand to home owns one of the citys most popular restaurants. The super bowl chairs. We started to ease the lockdown on april 8th but the customers werent there should not say it was only in may will. One was tested people and families started going out because everyone was reassured. That are still sort of selfish but chinas approach is hardly duplicable beijings one party rule and its massive mobilization make it an anomaly amongst large economies even if its rebound is enviable. Well for more im joined by our financial correspondent in frankfurt at the data from china certainly is going down well after a dismal week isnt it. Absolutely monica after the german index tax lost nearly 10 percent in the course of the month of october this data from china is really taken by investors as an injection of optimism i would say its really causing a rebound on the market here but at the same time you know as all over europe you lockdowns at least partial lockdown being introduced theres also a lot of discussion on the Trading Floor how good is it and how long can germanys a commie continue to rely so much on china so a little bit of optimism there from china but the focus this week certainly isnt on china. Absolutely the number one topic this week also on the european Trading Floors is the election in the United States generally speaking investors at the moment really dont want to have too many risky trades open they prefer to stay on the sidelines sit on the fan fence and as donald trump would say see what happens and not only to where the you know this election in the u. S. Is going to be one of the most contested ones ever its going to take a while until markets can concentrate on the economic aspects of whats going on in america now i come up with an inference that thank you so much. Well clearly this is the week that will determine the shape of global trade for the coming years a Record Number of registered voters have already cast their ballots in the race between donald trump and joe biden millions more will go out and vote tomorrow on election day after 4 years of donald trump in office lets take a look at how significant this election could be for the german economy. Machines cars and parts from suppliers those are germanys top sellers in the u. S. And apparently a thriving business even during Donald Trumps presidency. Herman come. We sold 107000000000 euros worth of goods in the u. S. In the year Trump Took Office an amount that continued to climb this makes the u. S. The single biggest buyer of german exports. And the u. S. Has sold more goods to germany each year since Trump Took Office so does this mean that trade relations are running smoothly between the u. S. And germany not at all according to storm aeonic a millionaire from the federation of german industries. And if we really reach the low point during the Trump Administration we have several new trade conflicts steel and aluminum tariffs for one thing but also the conflict over subsidies in the aviation sector for example airbus boeing and the threat of Motor Vehicle tariffs is unfortunately still on the table and yes it is not complex have increased dramatically like the one in 11. 00 arm. Even so u. S. Companies continue to invest heavily in germany about 13000000000 euros last year in return German Companies invested about 34000000000 euros in projects in the u. S. And 2019 alone. Frank supporter laurie of the American Chamber of commerce in berlin reports positive experiences despite disagreements between berlin and washington most recently during his visits to georgia kentucky and indiana these are states that when a german he says hey i want to come and know of. Germany go all we dont want on a country and you know full well whether he says i want to invest in germany theres a 1000000 programs here theres all kinds of investment banks in every state the interest. Is big. But much needs to be done to lead trade relations back to calmer waters once again. First of all trust needs to be rebuilt at all levels not just on the executive or leadership level but also all the way down to the workers level. Than on guns but that means the dialogue that we always used to have but that was suspended under the Trump Administration would have to be reactivated we havent had a talk. With that. Sources but just how willing both parties will be to engage in dialogue depends on the Election Results. While talking of trade fishing and a level Playing Field those are the main sticking points in the seemingly never ending post breaks its trade negotiations between britain and the e. U. Or right now it looks unlikely that a deal can be reached before the end of the transition period and that means British Companies will have to deal with tons of red tape at the border if they want to sell into the worlds biggest trading block the European Union come january the 1st. Port operations of dover run like clockwork up to 10000. 00 trucks pass through the busiest british seaport every day the vast majority of freight almost 99 percent is trade within the e. U. Meaning its not subject to customs checks thats all about to change outside the Block Companies will have to complete a lot of paperwork for the drivers heres a glimpse. A Movement Reference Number is generated by a transit accompanying document and exit summary declaration and should be lodged with the Goods Vehicle Movement service this then generate take Goods Movement reference which is given to the driver before i cant access a permit is secured to enter the county of kent where dover lives. Should the driver lack one of the papers he can face a 300 pounds fine and could be sent back. Their Customs Declarations that is he said this with your Story Experience we can read about 5000. Agents in the u. K. We get any closer to 50000 agents. At this stage we have no one idea that the speed of which that is growing in the rock is a recent issue change is very just for the people who are his crew the Biggest Challenges many predict chaos even the British Government has said 7000 trucks could be held in 100 kilometer queues in cant the garden of england could turn into the maori park of england to avoid chaos construction workers are busily creating a customs clearance depo with room for up to 2000 trucks. Here at the port of hole in Northern England the situation is even worse than in dover construction workers not yet started on the required infrastructure its not even clear where the new facilities are actually going to be but the port is also vital to the british economy all consumers would notice if something happened in the humble ports the biggest example of that would be in terms of energy so about 10 percent of all of the u. K. s Energy Supplied by materials that come through the humber ports but also in terms of vehicles about 25 percent of all of you case fuel for its vehicles comes through the humber ports well so if we were not open you would notice it very quickly and by a very quickly it could be a mere 2 or 3 weeks before the nation begins to feel the pinch. The u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson often calls for an a straight style deal well the e. U. Under strain are still negotiating a trade agreement so maybe we have to brace for yet more talks between britain and the e. U. Meanwhile in australia which fungus are recording a bumper harvest its the 1st positive news for grain fondness following 2 seasons of drought that has choked output and export markets are already waiting for the crop. Fields and fields of gold and wheat to mow for farmers like Alexander Madden it might as well be money. Say whats in front of you and. Knowing whats in a sod. You know which way to bank so safe. Place and its not a house if you cross a good strong early rains help this years wheat crop australia is forecasting a whopping 29000000 tonnes of the grain its the 3rd largest harvest in 30 years if forecasts hold. Exports are expected to climb dramatically as well not just because theres more wheat and australian silos but other major we producers around the world are seeing poor harvest the season. Australian wheat farmers have also had fortune in not being targeted by chinese trade tariffs barley farmers by comparison have been singled out in the diplomatic term trade dispute between the 2 nations theres still challenges ahead whether it could still limit harvesting days or even lower the quality of the wheat it self. But early signs are promising wheat deliveries in the nearby town of mora are piling up. And farmers like madden are optimistic his harvest is already coming in suggesting more stress free days ahead. And heres a reminder of the top story this hour. Chinas Manufacturing Index reached the highest level in october in almost 10 years its another sign that she cannot make it to the ts normalise after the asian powerhouse launching managed to contain the coronavirus crisps. And thats your update here pointed out the business for more to check out at u. W. Dot com slash business upon us on social media for me and the team in berlin as always thanks for keeping us company. What secrets lie behind. Discover new adventures in 360 degree. And explore fascinating World Heritage sites. World heritage 360. 00 the gap now. Against the coronavirus pandemic. Is the rate of infection been developing. Measures or. What does the latest research say. Information and context. The coronavirus update the coded special monday to friday on t. W. This week on the world stories. The u. S. Wants a reformed police force Mikhail Gorbachevs life as a player. But 1st we start in azerbaijan the car cation country is at war with its neighbor armenia more and more civilians are being killed in the process the warring parties blame each other for this. If you go far as the live shows us where he used to live until very recently. To see a rocket hit his house in early october he says. So. I think both right off base sure that. His home for 35 years burned down to the walls. Never worked up the whole family was sitting here watching t. V. And suddenly there was an explosion in the backyard everything started burning we ran outside and called the firefighters but when they arrived it was already too late sharif. And memories. To go for as early as is convinced that armenia is responsible for the attack the neighboring country deliberately bombed many civilian targets in the area he. Says. We cant independently verify this we are not allowed to move freely near the front line we are only allowed to film with the as of a john eales or a tease let us film. This school and barred out for example even if it looks like it the children here are not students. They are refugees this has been in emergency shelters since the fighting started a month ago. Right at the entrance a memorial for a fallen azerbaijanis soldier everyone here is convinced that their army is fighting for a just cause the School Vice Principal doesnt believe that their votes have been attacks on armenian civilians. And laughed at us and then. I dont know much about whats happening on the armenian side i only know what i see on t. V. Here but i can say that the armenians are losing and must retreat so they dont have any other options we are not trying to take armenian territory we are fighting for what belongs to us tentacle. That. Has been at the school for a few weeks now with his wife and 3 granddaughters they are from tire to our right on the border with nagornokarabakh lately the clashes there have intensified. That. I am worried about the girls they are just kids they were so scared of the fighting how are they supposed to know what explosions off they should go to school and study but they shouldnt have to learn what bombs and missiles sound like lets do that when in that. At the moment the children see safely it is about 20 kilometers from the frontline but nobody knows when they will be able to return home or whether it will soon become too dangerous here tonight. Police officers are still suspected of being racists in many parts of the United States a fundamental reform aims to change that observations from the city of minneapolis i minneapolis may 28th the 3rd precinct building of the Minneapolis Police Department Said the place during protests against the death of george floyd in police custody. The Burning Police station becomes a symbol for the protest of fury for their demands for an end of Police Racism and patel its. 5 months later abandoned boarded up and secured with cement barriers precinct 3 still a symbol now signifying the citys struggle to make the changes the protesters demand to the local Police Department and how policing is done there is definitely a breakdown in terms of trust between our elected officials and their constituents as well as between their constituents and our Law Enforcement Community Volunteers from here cop a moment prepared to patrol the neighborhood then the 9th ward of minneapolis where george floyd got christian and local level and grow. In the numbers we just thank you for your blessings that she to watch over us as we walk the streets when the group recently recognized and supported by the city is filling the gap created by the collapse of trust between police and the black community with Police Patrols largely absent from this part of town they have taken on the task of proactively protecting the community from rising crime we want to have selected police in our community who knows who live in our community who look like a community and then that be a better place where like how we can wreck talk to him and how we communicate to each other Minneapolis Police recognize the need for urgent and fundamental change says deputy chief eric force he sees new recruiting strategies this critical for any Real Progress one of the best things you can you can have as a department thats as reflective of your community as you can get it especially people from the community and thats really what were pushing for after hours of patrolling the neighborhood be a godly men decide to go home theyll be back tomorrow night and tonight after that the changes they were pushing for you know its kind of more of a generational change you know because we want to make it better for our children their children and this is this is this is like our starting block right here you know as were trying to pave the way for them. With a spectacular campaign a congolese man in france has drawn attention to an old problem the organized that of african art during the colonial era he symbolically became a thief himself many would call this theft but this activist says hes only getting back what was taken away from his people i came to reclaim goods that were stolen from africa during cold and he say she saw this video of us live streamed on facebook back in june west soon a jab yans and 4 other activists were trying to steal a funerary post. From carol lima see him in paris he failed but managed to draw attention to a topic that has recently triggered a heated debate should african art looted during colonialism be returned and if so how and when the congolese burn active assess action is needed now on the demands are met you never ask a thief for permission to get back what is still from you and thats what we did we have the right to defend ourselves because we were robbed the fact that our works are on display here means to theft continues to despoil us you. Are also caused a stir when you try to steal a piece of art from a dutch museum as well as in the french city of must say some say these acts have to be considered as performances not just that. Its a different way of saying things that have already been said in many forms for a long time since african countries gained independence on a diplomatic level in a dialogue between museums and International Corporation something of all in a report commissioned by french president emmanuel and that crawl the art historian so looted art has to be given back and that up to 90 percent of african artworks are located outside of the continent the camper lima c. M. Alone has more than 60000 objects taken from africa but according to this lawyer an art lover not all of them are looted he recently published a book on the topic. Some objects have obviously been taken away european states have to give back what was taken in wars but there are also other aspects that africans themselves all are too european. Fardy advancer and his fellow activists its not only about bringing heritage spec home as he calls it he also wants european societies to face the realities of their. Kolo neil past that it is our goal to reach the biggest possible audience on the one hand our jaspar and people in africa but also people in europe ago yeah dan says says she does not fear possible fines not even prison sentences in his eyes this is about a lot more than just his own destiny. The last head of state of the soviet Union Mikhail gorbachev is considered a hero in the western world but of russia hes highly controversial now his life has been brought to the stage in moscow. Would be if i remember everything. Memories of the life of one of historys greats gorbachev from a balcony seat the 89 year old watched his own life play out on stage at the moscow theater of nations the play that was supposed to be a love story between michelle and his wife raisa became much more its the story of an entire country and the era during which gorbachev was in charge. Of what he would assure hes a visionary politicians none of us can come close to that one day his name will be written in gold lettering. 2 actors a few wigs and dozens of anecdotes from an eventful life together if gaining near enough in choice come a play a couple who from early on dream of a better for your future everything seems to go according to plan the young Party Official hopeful from the countryside is given a post in moscow he rises to the ranks to become head of the communist party and then president of the soviet union. He dares to do what no one has done before reform the soviet union. In 1906 cover chuff began his restructuring his perestroika risking what Many Russians still cant forgive him for today. Of the soviet union. In the play about the statesman who brought freedom to his people there is no reference to todays russia no reference to the terrible disappointment that has still not been forgotten almost 30 years after governor chose resignation. But that was when i was a young woman when perestroika came and back then i was promised a whole new world a world with a functioning freedom of the press freedom of assembly and rights to sexual and gender selfdetermination that the world that was promised to me then has nothing to do with the world today the 3 years it was a chess the comex of the play is the death of Michele Garber chubs wife from cancer and the turning point of his career. The last chapter is called gorbachev and solitude the theater may be filled with enthusiastic applause but in real life things quickly became quite lonely around which i covered chuff and his dream of a better freer russia. How high up above the glittering skyline of singapore and. Our vegetables. The megacity had been importing tons of food from abroad but no more and more is to be self produced singapore a high tech metropolis turns into an agricultural nation culture 8 hours and. 30 minutes strong to double. The india. Of the animals here that experience. Undulate gopalan never leaves their side. Committed Animal Rights activist gives them a safe haven in new delhi. Where their wounds can heal and where the animals can rob julie learn to trust again. 90 minutes w. Him as a whole many portions of lunch are thrown out in the water right now Climate Change different story. Faces wash less leeway from just one week. How much work can really do. We still have time to our ongoing. Success. That subscribed and more likely. The 20 joining us election on the double. For your floor yet to find out why the latino gold leans more republican. But our report today indeed on weenies. I meant to. Play. The ball. Play. The but. This is news live from Berlin Bureau up steps up its fight to slow soaring cases of the coronavirus bars restaurants and other public venues close their doors as germany returns to impartial locked out a number of other countries arent posing their own restrictions but some bringing back home confinement and overnight curfew

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