Here we tried to get tickets for a long time but they were always sold out. Is that we thought we would never be able to make this trip a long way that its moving. Its just before 6 pm for khan and his son meet their fellow students and grows old Railway Station the 6 friends are studying at the university here and are about to graduate before they start professional life they want to take one last trip together aboard the doe who express young turks have discovered the Old Fashioned train can also be a party on wheels. And it will take time for ourselves and for our friendship. That we have a 24 hour journey ahead of us and another 24 hours to come back itll be a great trip for the 1st set of. The 30. I cant get up here by myself can you manage. Who say and is the conductor for sleeping car number 11 where the group and their compartment will be how are you genghis. Was up. Husseins shift begins shortly after departure one of his tasks is to hand out the bedding for the night. We have another question. I want to ask you something could you give us 2 extra pillows and ill see if there are still enough theres a limited number of the ok ill get. It but i have a look and bring it to the whistle ok. Well put it. On the sleeping cars with 2. 00 and 4. 00 bed compartments are at the rear of the train each passenger receives a sheet a blanket and a pillow or 2 if they ask nicely. Here are the 2 extra pillows ok. The. One in every. One of. Their 3 kewl lessons ive been away from home for 4 days now have a family children god forbid if something happens to them im sure i cant be there for them right away and that is the downside of this job and. The dont who express begins its journey in ankara passes through 7 provinces and terminates in cars on the Armenian Border the train travels at an average of 70 Kilometers Per Hour and takes 24 hours to cover 1310 kilometers. The bottom line is a lawyer who lives on the aegean coast in western turkey his fiance meir vi is a lecturer in the turkish capital they dont see each other very often when a friend invited at allied to his wedding in cars they chose the longest and slowest route this way they can spend more time together. Gotten to the bottom of the real america lives and unfair and i live in s. Korea to them if i could both of got straight there and it wouldnt have taken long but i came to take the trail. So we could travel together but this is a special experience for us a really nice experience but its a new. Push we dont see each other often just a few days a month we think the longer the trip takes the longer we get to be together thats why we like to do many vacations like that that believe that. In the evening things slowly quiet down on the train but not in car number 11 among young turks theres a tough competition to find out whos throwing the best party on the go who express. Its an online competition they decorate the compartments and share photos of them on instagram the picture with the most likes wins. Yet this report card enough all our tasks are complete the ballots are trying to do something all right youll be surprised if you go there. You get and resume our agricultural science students during their studies they have often traveled across turkey with their friends to see the country but also to be seen young not that its coming on the while yet. And you enjoy the moment but on the other hand we dont neglect instagram so if you fall i take pictures and try to post them whenever we have an Internet Connection or human and we want people to see us because its fun. Its a fault that were really only here to take pictures. Finally the friends can raise a toast to their journey to get tickets for the do who express they sacrificed a lot of time and energy. For budding archeologist his son it came at the cost of his relationship collections and if one is a bit hobbit my girlfriend said where are you going and that is not did you ask me if ill let you out of the unit so i said i dont have to ask you for permission and didnt get then and now after all of my friends are with me and i wont swap them for anything event on that its just because then we had a huge argument that i will. Let them. Know that if i had a boyfriend he would never let me go on this trip. My attitudes have always been very jealous and possessive i think they attract these types of men but that they can only hear it. As the young people celebrate its time for the last prayer of the day. Ahmed has been visiting an old friend and is now returning home this year there he takes the dog who express because he has room to pray here at the church here terry its not easy to determine the direction towards mecca on the moving train the staff help him. To develop muslim knows that he does not have to obey all the commandments when hes traveling but he wants to. Use. People who are away from home are freed from many religious duties. So if. You not give us the book functional in our religion is there a traveler if you go more than 90 kilometers and dont plan to stay longer than 15 days even if you end up being there longer. Beeld the also said if you plan to stay away for more than 15 days youre not a traveler you think of. The train reaches kaisers rate after midnight its one of the largest industrial cities in turkey factory workers from the surrounding provinces often commute by train. But. Theres no defense that cheerful about lets take a picture here to. Me a lot of. The van express and express routes across the kaiser a station. One train goes to the Iranian Border and the other to the border with syria and iraq. While the parents of the students dont mind that their daughters and sons travel together and spend the night in a single compartment conservative families dont like it when unmarried couples spend the night alone. And never and until i bought tickets for the seating compartment for several reasons. Do you want to read yes a bit. Economy which they call financially speaking the seating compartment is the better choice for us and its significantly cheaper than the sleeping compartment. And you can also take 2 compartments but thats expensive we will and we would have to separate it bed time i dont dock and hear all that were together with my choice. Each carriage has its own conductor who say in chair lake is responsible for number 11 even if he does get a rest hes there for his guests 24 hours a day you can knock on his door any time the conductor has been with the railway for 32 years he earns around 700. 00 euros a month plus bonuses its a good sound really in turkey. As a Civil Servant he had the option to retire after 25 years. Sure there are theres yourself as you do up for last say you are allowed to work until youre 65 you weigh up whats possible. The balance between what you earn and what you spend has to be right on most of it is richer since i have small children so i think ill continue to work. Passengers often choose the seating compartment because its cheaper the ticket price for these seats is 6 year olds most of the passengers are on their way home to work to visit family or to see a doctor in the next big city. Although they celebrated late into the night for con Haasan Ismail and marriage are already busy planning their breakfast we better not said anything about a fire yeah be careful with those flames. It was. Cooking on a train is mens work the women admire the best views on the route the world famous kamal gorge through which the Euphrates River flows. Haasan and vulcan were responsible for groceries they did some shopping before the trip and also brought a hot plate and dishes theyre allowed to cook food in the compartment for breakfast theres with aches. But somethings missing. May i have sixtys please so i think. Thats our take alter is very important to us its a tradition that were up. We enjoy drinking tea as well do now for breakfast. So i thought. 2 all of these have breakfast like this every morning its normal for us. Using the kitchen normally. The boys did the cooking and who does the cleaning up. The girls i know much else being a macho would mean treating women badly but we turkish men dont always means these or dont let other cultures even when we arent hungry we think of food we live for food i. Mean as in trance and later well call the restaurant in as little new order kababs. I dont know how many everyone will eat before we left some said 3 others and 5 i think will take one or 2 each in the order some i just enjoy but. This is a tradition on the dover express for sure. Surely is a teacher in carse she was in ankara for a few days for a Training Course her daughters and sister came with her her husband stayed home because of work for the trip home she had the choice between the train and the bus which would have been quicker but she chose the train so the girls could play. Chess a sad little one was sleep a little and the older one can do some learning with me then well call dad and say were coming he is used to the 3 of us often being away and always welcomes us with guests and flowers lets see what surprises he has in store for us this time. The train stops in is in china. Like many Railway Stations it has a fountain guests can perform religious on blue sions freshen up or have a drink. Ft. Doesnt it felt good to wash my face the city of paris and john is known for its cold spring water. I washed the childrens hands and now they can have the ice cream i promised than it actually has a. Larger stations have small kiosks where you can stock up on essential except liquor because the sale of alcohol is prohibited. Soon after the dough who express departs most of the passengers call the cave bob restaurant in is a room province 4 hours away. They order the famous chuck about to be delivered directly to the train. Com placed our order but to be honest were a little worried that the train only stops for a short time lets see if they can get our food ready and bring it to us hopefully theyll find us. In rural areas children approach the door who express because passengers throw them gifts and sweets from the moving train. Ride but. Well im glad they got the books. Right. That this. Was. Going. On with. The students bought books for the children and put banknotes between the pages. In the Late Afternoon the train arrives in as a room where the food will hopefully be waiting for the passengers. To. Move and volcom have only 10 minutes to find the delivery man get the k. Box and pay for them. It was agreed that their order would be brought to cora levon but no one has shown up. Lots of deliveries. People wander through the station and it can be difficult to find the right one. But they spot him in the end. There are. Hundreds of kid bobs are delivered directly to the door who express every day. Will. Feel the listener so much better than we expected really tasty yet and still hot this is how we imagine them and they didnt disappoint us physically but. On the journey from central to eastern anatolia the landscape changes as does the temperature the snow capped mountains of cars province are 20 degrees celsius colder than anchorage. Never and to lie or planning their future together where will they live and work after their wedding in izmir ankara or somewhere in the east of turkey like you. Get in the us too you will know i cannot imagine living here even though the scenery is beautiful but with this about us to make a choice my father was an official with the Turkish Railways and arrows and John Robinson on the way been longer than you lived there for 10 years and i went to an Elementary School there. He also doubtless wasnt done but the Living Conditions in the east are tough its not for us. To get out in the mud or. To turkey has the highest per. Senator of people who use instagram worldwide some 58 percent of its citizens have an account. Everything that. You want to take pictures of each other here we have to take a lot of photos that we can post on instagram getting here and its like proof we were here. To give them up i hope we can find enough interesting poses will also change and swap our close. The deal to express has to pass through nearly 200 tunnels on its long journey most of them were carved into the mountains 100 years ago and provide in a style sheet backdrop for striking instagram photos. And while the head conductor allows the young people to take photos in the freight wagon he wont allow them to put themselves in danger youre welcome to take photos here but no crazy poses dont lean out of the train. Can we stand here sure. But keep the door shut thats not allowed im responsible for you. Its only a few kilometers to the final destination in cars. Nothing. Will live on that. Its not sheila has everything packed and is ready after days apart she will soon see her husband again hello yes will be there soon well its ok to neva use that. As a working mother surely has to combine work and family in turkey its expected that family members support. Each other in childcare shoeless sister accompanies her on trips as a babysitter. The dont who express arrives in cars almost 2 hours late. Is already on the platform waiting. For dinner. At a lot of. The students will spend the night in a hotel before the return trip but 1st they visit a caucasian restaurant. Cars the next morning at 8 am the train departs for the return journey to ankara the students would have liked to see the historical town but they have to head back because lectures are starting again. On the way back who say angelic is once again the conductor for car number 11. Welcome hope you have a great journey massier tickets. Dont i know you from somewhere. The same ticket again was the careful ill take my bitter revenge you said. Your public good that you like to have fun with the young people and join in their jokes they dont annoy me its a long journey 3 days and whether we like it or not we do it together so i want the trip to go well for all of us and thats only possible if you get along with the guests yes. Funny videos from the da who express are especially popular on social media like parodies of popular songs. The syriac guys are close imo such i say i was up. My. The luxury compartments are 2 cars further along the train. Equipped with a kitchenette and fridge they are particularly popular with couples as well as foreigners. Swiss social workers michelle and us ophelia have taken a break from work and are on their way home from tehran. As the togo express is one of the most wonderful experiences weve had especially with this private 2 person compartment. Doesnt see the full meat on the house its a nice enough to love our goal was to travel home from tehran by land. And im going to say we immediately thought of taking this train as its low enough that you can really take in a lot of the landscape of food from the love chuffed with because. Theres some is looking for someone to break her hair in the do who express it goes without saying that you can ask fellow travelers for help can i ask you something could you braid my hair. Sure how. Maybe start in the middle. Its been smooth. Or done whats your name stepped up pleased to meet you subbed out im using we got on in cars. I study English Literature and cars while im doing agricultural science. Son is a successful archaeology student who doesnt have to worry about his professional future but he is concerned about his private life. Joining us. On the bridge ive been mulling this over its really i had an argument with my girlfriend before leaving she wanted me to choose between her and the door express that i decided to travel to but wonder back and im going to all wait with flowers in front of her door until she forgives me the other words when im in the city. On their last evening aboard the doe who express the students stage a spontaneous concert in the buffet car. Much to the joy of the fellow travelers. Was that. I. Was on. The train arrives back in ankara at 8 30 in the morning. Its never good to go to just all of your saddle the journey is over theyve got to get it but we are agreed during the trip that we have to do to get his book movies he called all that was our 1st time on the dole express definitely not the last or stewardess. Due to its popularity the Turkish Railway has decided that the girl who express will now make its way across turkey twice a day. Treasure lies hidden deep under the earths surface. One that is vital for human. Groundwater. Much to scientists know about it. And is our most important cooking water resource in danger. We get to the bottom of the source. In 30 minutes on d w. M a. M i suppose and one. Day i want to find out why the result is one of the most beautiful river states in germany so im also right along a part of the result psychopath. The beautiful landscape is certainly confirms here. This bike tour is for connoisseurs. Chick to. Him 60 minutes on d w. Happiness is for everyone schumann penises are very different from primates you know we have a totally ridiculous man sized view of nature and their favorite this is Climate Change regular sex happiness in the books you get smarter for free t. W. Books on. And you hear me know years and years we can hear you and how last years german chancellor when you bring your uncle our mascot and youve never cartel before surprise yourself with what is possible who is magical really what moves back and what also who talk to people who follows her along the way i admire. And critics alike how is the worlds most powerful woman shaping huddling could join us from eccles last stop. This president ial election is a crucial wide not just for the United States but for the world whos leading the race in americas full rise cohen says the streets will be right here for you and well tell you everything you need to know as america decides to bring you the numbers issues the background as it happens and until the last vote is counted join us for special live coverage from berlin the u. S. Election november 4th on details of. This is the w. News live from perth the final push 2 days before the u. S. Election donald trump and joe biden hit the campaign trail in key battleground bus candidates holding a flurry of rallies across several swing states well see where theyre focusing their efforts as the nation is election day also coming up. Not backing down thousands of protesters in the bellaver sea and capitol place warning shots and stun grenades as they are new day demands for president lukashenko to step aside if the 12th straight weekend of protests following his disputed election victory. And in formula one the us hamilton wins again this time in italy to extend his record breaking number of victories to 93. Im asking how it works im u. S. President donald trump and his democratic rival joe biden are making their final pitches to voters ahead of tuesdays election trump is holding Campaign Rallies in 5 battleground states on sunday including michigan North Carolina georgia and florida biden is focusing his attention on the pivotal state of pennsylvania a record 19000000. 00 early votes have already been cast as the contest heads towards the biggest turnout in at least a century. A report of a key member of the u. S. Election team here. What is to be gained one day at the slight stage of bon storming the states was he trump especially is hoping to repeat his late surge of 2016 where essentially came from behind in over till kill or clinton it was states like michigan pennsylvania florida where he won by fairly slim margins that helped you know carry into the white house but also keep in mind Hillary Clinton was a very unpopular candidate many people voted for obama in 2008 in 2012 and turned around in 2016 and went for trump biden is not Hillary Clinton who is a much more popular candidate is actually in the rust belt states where a lot of people seem as a much more relatable candidate a working class candidate who helped save the Auto Industry during the financial crisis which is one of the Key Industries in that area more disapprove of trump. Then approve or disapprove of truck that approve of him you know he is highly unpopular president which also plays to in bidens favor specially trucks handling of the endemic over Race Relations and that means that by now even has a shot at winning you know traditionally conservative states like georgia like North Carolina part of the. That is because demographics have changed but also because of the pandemic black lives matter protests for young voters voters of color. You know we are seeing some late polls suggesting that bidens lead is narrowing in states like florida North Carolina so theres still room for some surprise but but its looking. Very cautiously. Good. We constantly reference the margin of error but the polling does show biden currently leading in all the critical battleground states i wonder what difference is it going to make if any. These last minute blitz in those days with on the side of the right i think thats actually the big question right in 2016 we saw undecided voters make up about 13 percent of the electorate thats obviously more than enough to swing a race and we saw that in several states but by most metrics 2020 is not 2016 voters have a much clearer picture of the candidates the political divide has in a sense also really helped cement partisanship and so you know polls suggest that some 95 percent of americans have made up their minds in a new survey also showed that new voters overwhelmingly backed by. Young nonwhite voters who are getting into this election not so much to vote in biden asked to vote out yeah and in addition one more asterix if we needed that is that the Record Number of people have already cast their ballots you know over 90000000 people i think almost 92. Have already voted thats 2 thirds of the people who cast their ballots 2016 so its less likely that the undecided voters are going to have asked big of an influence on the the final result obviously wont know until the final result comes in but by this path to victory definitely looks a lot wider than it did you know with Hillary Clinton hes been outperforming Hillary Clinton in the polls in virtually every state that she won so he can just hold on to those states flip a couple like. Michigan like wisconsin he could basically selling the white house. And this is really the point where people usually go but you know should we trust the polls or what about 2016 and while that is true and trump still could win the polls would have to be a lot more wrong a lot more off than the word choices to many long days ahead for you had a real adult thank you so much taking place in bella versified warning shots and used stun grenades in an attempt to disperse tens of thousands of protesters marching in central minsk dozens of demonstrators have been a restaurant everest a day when mass protests demanding the resignation of longtime president Alexander Lukashenko are now in their 12th straight wake. Undeterred by threats of Police Violence thousands of protesters marched through the streets of minsk their destination a wooded area on the citys outskirts once used as an execution site by Stalin Secret police. But to get there theyd have to make it past look a shame because police on this 12th weekend of protest against his rule Security Forces once again deploying familiar tactics arrests stun grenades and warning shots. Head of sundays march lucas chink i met with Law Enforcement and had this warning for protesters you can do it and we will take no prisoners if someone touches the servicemen and ive spoken to the generals they should leave without their hands at the very least. Hes not backing down but neither are his opponents not until they get what they want a Fair Election and a fresh start for about leverages. Lets take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. Ivory coasts later. Has taken an early lead in the countrys president ial election hes seeking a 3rd term in an election thats been marred by violence opposition parties who boycott of the vote say several people were killed in clashes on polling day on saturday. Police in quebec city have a wrist of a man dressed in medieval clothing and with a japanese sword on suspicion of killing 2 people and injuring 5 others and an initial investigation indicated the 24 year old suspects motive in the halloween not attack was personal and not terrorism. Rescue workers have pulled a 70 year old man from a collapsed building in western turkey 2 days after a strong earthquake in the genes he struck the region but hopes of finding more survivors of fighting the quake has killed at least 60 people and injured more than 900. French police have made 2 new arrests in a probe into last weeks islamist attack on a church in its the incidents or a knife wielding man killed 3 people at the citys not best silica it was the 3rd attack since controversial cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad were really published by french satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo the magazine was targeted in an islamist attack in 2015 the suspects are now on trial for the attack in paris. Maximum security for all saints day prayers mass at nice cathedral i mean a kilometer from the site if there is days attack soldiers and police own patrol and churches threat the country nice specially protected so were at war against terrorism which can always strike there is no 0 rest in the state is doing everything to protect its people. On sunday additional antiterrorist units arrived near paris since their is de france has been on its highest terror warning level Security Forces are on high alert. You control immigration the french have been expecting attacks for years especially now because the trial of the assassins who attack the satire magazine is underway the danger has not been intensified. 3 days after the nice attack 2 more arrests were made 6 people including the suspected perpetrator are in Police Custody protests continue in several muslim countries in pakistan hundreds rallied in the streets against france and the publication of cartoons of mohammed a Little French president emanuel mccrone addressed muslims in an interview with t. V. Station al jazeera. I understand and respect if someone is shocked by these cartoons but i will never accept that the cartoons justify physical violence and i will always defend the freedom of expression in my country. Did. Schools in france a real printing on monday after the holidays with a minutes silence for the murder teacher. Months after the deadly blast that killed scores of people in beirut life is still a monumental struggle for those living within the blast zone while much of the cleanup has been taking care of many families are unable to afford repairs or reconstruction of the hollands it comes as winter approaches and the pandemic returns to the lebanese capital. Nadine kassab is trying to bring some order back into her home 3 months on from the moment that brought destruction to beirut her flat still lies in complete disrepair with winter fast approaching work needs to be done urgently to fix the damage. Said immediately 3 months have passed since the port explosion we have damaged homes walls have been shattered were feeling calling tried to cover the broken windows that when it rains water pours into our flat but yet we have to carry on with our lives while youre in the bill but you know. Nadines mother has had to move in with them her home is in a neighborhood worst affected by the blast it was damaged so badly that she can no longer live there. An eyelash i lived my whole life in that house. My fun kids got married their 2 girls and 2 boys. And i planted every single tree there myself. That was that all my happiness is connected to that house when i was at those trees every day now ive been forced to leave my home. And the corona pandemic has forced the family to spend even more time indoors nadine son serialist studying from home all his schooling is now online in a country that is technologically far from advanced that can be a challenge. But that ive been on the learning problem is that the internet and havent. Its really slow and my home hasnt been repaired so its hard to study and attend my online classes in peace. But the concept families simply cant afford the repairs and lebanese economy is in dire straits and suffering from huge inflation their situation is echoed all over beirut meaning that destroyed homes and rubble will mark the city for some time to come. The football now and lets take a look at some of the results from the bundesliga so far this weekend will say that freiburg were overpowered by levy queues and on sunday had to berlin and of all spoke drew on satellite buying big cologne. Lost to dortmund gladbach stopped leipzig from taking top spot frankfurt and bremen finished all square had no problems against months on friday shaka and stuttgart squared the points hoffenheim and on your own berlin play on monday to wrap up the match day. Littles hamilton has moved one step closer to winning his 7th world title with a win in the emily of romani wrong prix in italy speaking after the race kind the on the shock of the day when the briton said there were no guarantees hed be staying in formula one next season. It wasnt the best start for Lewis Hamilton who began the race in 2nd behind mercedes teammate of all Terry Porter Goss and slipped to 3rd in the opening up but he soon recovered to take the lead. Red bulls mark 1st up and who had held on in 3rd managed to jump os boss with 20 laps remaining but it was to be short lived. Ri took 2nd for stop and who kept up the pressure crashed right after suffering what looked like tire failure. To broke up the car. Couldnt regain the top spot while Lewis Hamilton men tangs his lead britain held on to pick up a record extending 93rd career when the strain and Daniel Ricardo finished 3rd for. People watching maybe think theyre used to this but it just always feels like the 1st with this team and i think this is the spirit and so im very grateful to everyone. With a team or surveys finishing 1st and 2nd in the media romagna clinched a record 7th straight constructors talked. To. It watching t. W. News up next reporter with all of the man who helps terminally ill people make their last wishes come true after that with more headlines coming up in 45 minutes with clear richardson if you want more before then they w dot com is there for you and by this news and information around the clock and if you dont already dont forget to follow us on instagram and twitter handle there on social issues at the deadly news thats it for now from in the team here in berlin. Thanks for watching. The crime fighters are back at the most successful radio drama series continues in the whole episode so are Available Online of course you can share and discuss on w africas Facebook Page and other social media platforms crime fighters tune in now. Beethoven is for me. Is for. Me to open is for him. And beethoven is for. Beethoven is for covering on. Beethoven 2020 vision the 50th anniversary here on d w. This will be annoying mans last wish is to go out for just one more ride in the car front vents low wants to make her wish come true as hes already done for so many terminally ill people. Theres a lighthouse in the background. One more trip to the beach the movies or back home from fence low cost them stand and fight in. Soft or hard Mission Today is to take out hostages but theres no answers on this encounter to sayings like. Frank van slow and his assistants are ready whenever a terminally ill person in northern lower saxony would like to go for a ride the tours are free of charge the staff volunteers he has his own specially fitted ambulances they call the tours shannon fatten or make a wish trips today then slow and his team are picking up someone very special the woman is the daughter of his 1st passenger from 6 years ago this trip is an easy 5 and slow. Was our days since then we have flown ways can be 10 times. Thats why for me the story goes sort of relatively close to the batter and its not going to shake it up. Saw. This ill be annoying man has been in hospice for a few weeks the 55 year old is in the final stages of terminal cancer. The doctors say her tumor is in operable because its located just behind her spine today she would like to return together with her son and his fiance to the town were still be a grew up with her grandparents from the van slow has organized the trip. With us as. The happiest time in your lives and then its just nice to be back there again. And to be quiet. Just debris to feel. Well manage why dont. You feel the annoying man doesnt want to go far the town is only half an hour away then slow trains paramedics for a living he tries to fulfill his passengers each and every wish. Easy even driven all the way to north cape with them were going to rock concerts. Zille be a new man is unable to travel far before they set off she was given morphine for severe pain. Trying to hear some of the song to me. Does not feel. Yes thats a line i really think it helps with the pressure and. Then slow and his colleagues head out up to 2 times a week some of the passengers regret their choice because once theyve seen what theyre leaving saying goodbye is too hard for them to bare. Their muscles or going to take it as an economy and then you can handle things quite well right. To say thats just the wound im song 100 now things which is calm van dongen it up there and not just people guy that if i certainly hope so they arrive in her hometown baton. He is here its just the way it was back then. The silliest chose in the church as her 1st stop the attendance must roll the stretcher carefully over the cobbles every bump this painful for the terminally ill woman. This ill feel went to church here when she was a little girl later on she didnt go very often but on this day the memory of the services prayers and hymns is somehow comforting. Yeah i have my health and yes ive decided that id like to be buried here as well after. Getting. Sylvia wants to take one more stroll around the cemetery with her son this will be her resting place. For many relatives a last journey like this is even tougher to bear than it is for the dying person themselves zildjian oilman son wants to get married in a week and hopes his mother will still be there to see it at 1st he says he feared the emotional stress of a trip like this but now hes happy hes here. To now for. Now i understand what this is doing for him and how valuable these moments are and that in the next days maybe weeks ill have a much time shes gone laughed show draw strength from it is enough and thats important and beautiful in. The trip continues on a ferry across the vais a river facility its another childhood memory. She wants to see the waters of this mighty river one more time. Trying to bend slow reserved a special place with a view for her. Look theres a lighthouse in the Background Department small of water again. In the middle of the waterway the ferries captain turns the boat around a few extra times so sylvia noirmont gets the most of the view. Youre really going to see something. Dance dance and thanks again. Thanks very much. Its time for the last part of the tour. Zele be annoying man was happier living with her grandparents that her parents thats why she wants to take a little stroll around the house where her grandparents once lived. This was grandma and grandpas house grandpa always said when the house is finished the man dies and thats just what happened. Shed like to take one more look inside but the people who live there now arent at home. Thats the way it is. And they go for another walk around the neighborhood they had to push the stretcher along the narrow main street then slow fulfilled this wish is well. What are sylvias thoughts on the coming days. Constant ponting pretty relaxed i think i was back here again and thats really beautiful. And i will look at the pictures again. But theres something more to know my daughter analyst. Here. The tour takes 4 hours then its time to go back to the hospice Frank Winslow hasnt counted how many last wishes hes made reality. He says his guests shouldnt be reduced to numbers or statistics. Then its time to say farewell to the passenger and like every time its goodbye for good even for the young volunteers who go along on the journeys few of their friends understand why they would want to spend their free time looking mortality in the eye. Has her fingers on lots of people say that hats off to you i can get a lot thats when i say no nonsense he says weve got all sorts of people on tearing here and theyre not all working joints that deal with our dad was a thought control no last we still manage it doesnt shuffle boss or and and i think anyone can do it if you just have to give you something a little potion say im going to do it. But doing it even after 6 years from vince a law says is still hard. To produce not good bye and i said you dont see each other here anymore and someplace else what else can you say. Were back outside the associations headquarters. Donations and fees from 1st aid courses that far then slow his colleagues off or pay for everything here. The ambulance is being readied for its next trip from the time a last wish tour is booked every day counts. Just outsourced and we often have a problem that the person whos built the tories in such a rough state that they dined during the planning phase what is going on and its a lot like order was another thing that happens often was that i was sent to go outside i started in ts crossed and the passenger is told that the tour is happening. Justified and without thought in mind isnt he falls asleep and doesnt wake up because i. Just got off oil all the associations vehicles bear the name of van slows late wife elizabeth. 6 years ago when she was dying of cancer she wanted to make one more drive to the north sea but then slow couldnt find an organization that could fulfill this last wish for her because Health Insurers wouldnt pay for it. When they get down to and when our fellow human beings sense of what is a surety that our very end wants to send the dying off with a last bit of humanity or kindness if we dont honor that purely financial reasons then theres something wrong because that was the last straw the pulled. After his experience then slow founded his own taxi service for the terminally ill he regularly invents new things to help passengers get the most of the trip the much flak mopey off for example these are the stuff we get after misuse it is designed for people who dont have to lie down during that taunt he. Says its uncommon as a mirror it enables them to travel across title files on through the water so they can do it once again and. That only works because of these builds and the balloon time reason. Since then many people have imitated van slows concept of helping the terminally ill go out for just one last spin the 59 year old however is turning the operation over to his son bit by bit but the name of stan in fact will always be connected to van slow his very own story and stana the german word for star. In the not as metaphor or strong as on the night my wife died i was standing out in the yard smoking my favorite cigar and looking up into the sky d. But i must have been asked by one some even a lady from the couple next door when i was franz was standing next to me cook mr washy looked at me and settled frank as a star on that shining for you to listen is our band feel now and just like you got it came to mind us we are but we often think of death in relation to the stars they say theyre shining up above now or those left behind for posterity hurdles and thats why the concept Shannon Wagner would have just came to me out of the blue. The treasure lies hidden deep under the earths surface. One that is vital for human groundwater. Much to scientists know about it. And is our most important Drinking Water resource in the internet. We get to the bottom of the source. Next on d w. A man and the bicycle and one. Day i want to find out why the muzzle is one of the most beautiful river states in germany so im also right along a part of the real psychopath. The beautiful land. It is certainly true for here. This bike tour is 1st. Trip to. 30 minutes on d w. Passion drama competition while marketing numbers atmosphere fight at intuition love hate money millionaires fans friends fire spammers and fans all. On you tube joining us. Live. This is who is here so is this. And this. Although in on and above our planet amounts to about 1400000000 cubic kilometers almost all of it more than 97 percent is salty less than 3 percent is fresh water and most of that is in snow and ice

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