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Merkel defending the decision to start a nationwide pandemic walk but the opposition in Parliament Says the restrictions go too far plus we are on the ground in search of clues with a distinguished detective hes pakistans answer to Sherlock Holmes and hes tracking footprint strong run down cattle rustler. Im burnt off to our viewers watching on p. B. S. In the United States and to all of you around the world welcome french president emmanuel macro has issued a call for unity after another deadly attack that police are calling islam is terror a man armed with a knife killed 3 people inside a church in the Southern City of nice today police say the suspect is a. 21 year old tunisians who arrived in europe last month this is the 3rd such attack in france in 2 months being blamed on muslim extremists make wrong says the country will not give any ground to terrorists. Police storming nieces not tradition basilica with too late to stop the bloodshed and by the time they saw an injured the attacker 3 people had been fatally wounded one of them was a church official. Believe go one weve just learned from the television that hasek wriston has been assassinated its a huge shock to get there financially he was that all day long he wasnt somebody who would drop in and go again he was always there. The church is just a kilometer from the scene of a deadly truck attack which killed dozens and 2016 and he says mayor says the assailant shouted. God is great is as he was detained. President my call was at the scene within hours calling for national unity. The new sums that the king if we feel an attack to get in its because of our values our belief in freedom to believe freely and not to give in to terror was the quiet. Let me say this very clearly that we will never give in to the big book we cut in fall because of the money said by the french president has angered many in the muslim world by refusing to condemn cut tunes of the Prophet Muhammad and. Its a long standing debate in france freakin knighted by the murder of schoolteacher somewhere earlier this month he was beheaded after showing the tunes of muhammad in a class on free speech now france has 3 more. Reasons to mourn the National Assembly held a minutes silence for the victims those in power face some uncomfortable questions in the days ahead many in this strictly secular country may ask if the official approach is the right one and by that they should fame or lone wolf attacks. Art im joined now by our correspondent lisa lewis she is in the french city of nice good evening to you lisa we understand that there is new information about the suspect what have you learned. Well we do we are hearing that the suspect apparently was 21 years old and a tunisian who had come to the island of lampedusa in italy and then come to france in very recently just a few weeks back we understand that the police didnt know him before hand this information is yet to be confirmed by the prosecutor that is to speak at this very moment actual in the coming minutes in the belgian. Leached there its only been a few hours since that attack would be what are you hearing from people there. What ive been talking to people here who have come to this location to gather and to pay their respects to the victims the muslim people whove been saying you know were really afraid this is a point of no return that france is reaching really will feel targeted because people think that every muslims all the muslims are the same but we are on this person who attacked this morning was a madman and just a short while ago there were hundreds of. Activists from the far right have marched down this road this street and stopped in front of the cathedral they were singing the National Anthem being the hitler salute and then yelling fire so its quite a divided country tonight and seems more more polarized here in france and we understand there was another attack today in of the your own were there any connections that what we saw happening in the church. Is not its pretty early to say if there was a real connection but we believe that that person in his thirtys also belong to a far right group here chaps a merchant of north african descent and this is traced to what extend really france is split into 2 groups or maybe more groups by this deeply divided really and that muslims might be right to feel that they might be targeted by other people at least those from. Right through clearly pointing their fingers tonight at muslims and the country france is still reeling from the recent murder of the School Teacher that hasnt even been 2 weeks ago is there an answer to the question why so many of these attacks are happening in france. Its not yet clear if all these attacks are actually linked to each other but the timing seems hardly to be a incidence you know just a few weeks back as you sat the 725 the 47 year old teacher sami. A 37 year old teacher was beheaded by it and islamist because he had to say a cat to know of the Prophet Muhammad in class few weeks before that there was a knife attack in front of the home offices of the citric a magazine sally have you know this is taking place by a court case is ongoing on the attack on sally of bill which was attacked in 10 to 2015 because the magazine had published cartoons of the prophet mohammed so it seems like this court case thats going on that this very moment seems to release stoking all this hate for us hated all these extreme and maces that then late attacks across france. Are correspondent lisa lu is with the latest tonight from the french city of nice lisa thank you. And to put this story in a bigger context im joined now by young son pierre hes a counterterrorism advisor and a security expert john its good to have you on the program you know this attack today comes less than 2 weeks after that horrifying attack that we saw against a french School Teachers. I was surprised to learn that the security alert in france was not at its highest level until after the attack today in nice have french intelligence or Security Forces have they been sleeping at the wheel here. You know thats one of the easy conclusions to come to because it is the 3rd attack in roughly 6 weeks under similar circumstances in different areas of the country the thing is the overall circumstances to be the polarized nation surrounding free speech the divisions which in your colleague alluded to between you know muslims and other communities in france is creating an effect where more and more people also calise by more recent terrorist tactics feel compelled to act more on their own d that doesnt mean that they act alone that they commit the attack per se on their own feel the need to do something to act and what this creates is that there are bigger more more and more threats the threat level is increasing however the resources to properly assess it are arent there and so it creates to mesh up the net simply become larger these come through but doesnt mean that the overall assessment is bad but of course of the current circumstances if it doesnt work with the french authorities and we know this comes as Islamic State know it no longer has a territorial footprint but at the same time it seems to be gaining influence how would you recommend the french government tackle this type of cigarette since were talking about individuals curing these attacks out. Well there the 1st aspect is really to focus on prior to the attacks and i mean by that it is and we saw it it was very interesting today to see numerous numerous muslim associations in france really come out and strongly condemn the attack including an organization by custody which was disbanded officially or requested to be disbanded yesterday by by and is Security Council and friends to the idea to start really isolating extremist behavior within communities that needs to be the emphasis theres no way under the current circumstances and within the polarized world we live in to be able to prevent every attack but if actors that are borderline if theres a way to isolate them and create a set of having a that these attacks become normal that we can still create and make sure that they remain an exception that will already be a win so getting everybody on board to try to isolate the potential extremists is the way to go but reacting for that governments and their authority is need the proper tools france has a long history of these type of extremist attacks and today we heard many many people asking why france why does it seem to always happen in france do you have announce. Well i have an informed idea of it of course that french history in terms of its relation with its Muslim Community in this context is very peculiar of course relations through to colonialism Northern Africa in particular but what really separates it is that france has had a very hard time coming to terms with its past and a lot of the grievances the longstanding grievances in certain communities are being catalyzed right now would be the prevailing mood and comparatively to germany or to the u. K. These grievances havent been addressed and the fact that france is isnt really keen on looking to expand is acknowledging that is creating problems and makes it rather an exception compared to the rest of the. Counterterrorism advisor and security expert don we appreciate your valuable insights tonight thank you. Thank you. But before todays attack french president was already facing a backlash across the muslim world for his recent comments about islam of that anger which was sparked by his defense of cartoons mocking the muslim Prophet Muhammad today there were fresh for him just in several countries against the french president. It should be a day of celebration but this year the prophet mohammeds birthday was of a shattered by anger feeling lucky to even in the midst of celebrations held to commemorate the birth of the prophet peace be upon him every muslim must express their disdain and condemn what the evil man mccrone has done. He has insulted the prophet and insulted what we consider a holy and sacred of this earth in our hotel not in a. From iran to mali to pakistan muslims around the world took part in demonstrations against the french president many cold for a man who am a crown to retract recent statements while others demanded an immediate boycott of anything to do with france. We should boycott everything from france the french ambassador should be expelled from pakistan and the latest should recall the pakistani ambassador to france all relations with france should end. The protests was sparked by macross defense of a french teacher who was murdered after showing controversial cartoons of the prophet to his students mccrone called islam a religion in crisis. Why that about the wisdom of democracy is respecting the opinion of the other person without offending him as for france which claims democracy and claims that it has carried out a revolution of to get rid of injustice and terror in it we want to tell you that your statements are offensive to every muslim arab and to the whole wont get out of where despite widespread condemnation in the muslim world the french government has defended free speech and insists it will not ban caricature of the prophet. Are lets take a look now at some of the other stories that are making headlines around the world at least 8 prisoners have been killed and 12 wounded in a prison riot in afghanistan Officials Say violence erupted in the city of herat after guards began collecting what they called quote a necessary items in the possession of inmates at least 140. 00 migrants have drowned off the coast of senegal thats according to the uns Migration Agency the europe balland boat called fire and capsized several hours after leaving the town of him before navy vessels from senegal and spain rescued 60 other people going before the former british Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn has been suspended from the labor party after an inquiry into alleged antisemitism a report found unlawful harassment and discrimination took place during his time in charge the u. K. s human rights watchdog identified serious failings within the party. Here in germany chancellor Angela Merkel is defending the latest round of coronavirus restrictions as the country prepares to go back into a limited lockdown addressing Parliament Today merkel said that its currently impossible to trace the origin of all new infections hampering efforts to contain the virus she faced frequent interruptions in parliament and the opposition have called the measures excessive and inappropriate. Empty restaurants and bars no museums no theaters these images are actually from the 1st wave of the pandemic but in november germans will have to get used to the macon as coronavirus cases rise chancellor Angela Merkel announced sweeping new restrictions the main difference this time is that schools and many shops will remain open on thursday merkel defended the new policy in a key speech before the german parliament. Thank you the problem here is a newsman demick throws the spotlight on a word which is part of our most essential vocabulary freedom the meaning of this word is now very concrete because the measures agreed by the government and federal states in the spring and yesterday restrict our freedom. Actually the same time we can understand that freedom does not mean everybody does what they want especially now freedom means responsibility and for going to said thank you if i list possibility for ourselves our families our colleagues and for all of us. Merkel was constantly interrupted. And the Parliament Speaker saw himself forced to call for order the biggest a Position Party in the bundestag the far right if he was quick to slam the measures in europe we consider the paralysis of the cultural industry the Hospitality Industry and practically the entire social life as an out by mrs merkel to be excessive and inappropriate. Now one of the Big Questions is the Financial Impact of these restrictions the German Government has promised economic support for businesses that are particularly hard hit. The companies concerned that i would be entitled to a lump sum over the front. Of. Their costs and this is an important step to make it possible for most for all of any majority of the companies concerned to so wife. And theres also the issue with the citizens will actually comply with these new measures. So i know its probably on the one hand its sad i almost have tears in my eyes but on the other hand i think the measure is correct i can only support it you know here i dont think its going to be that i do think if you hate its necessary and i have no problem with it unfortunate but yeah i just did the role of government is to protect our lives not the hardware people so i think so i think i agree yeah. So far the German Government has enjoyed high levels of support during the pandemic but now the question is whether coronavirus fitty will set in with a passion lockdown. All right in the talk more about this im joined tonight by old or he is a judge here in berlin and hes cofounder of the freedom Rights Society thats an organization that focuses on german and european constitutional law its good to have you on the program mr provider let me ask you i mean weve heard that this walking on this partial lockdown is inappropriate are there any questions to the legality of these restrictions. Yes let me just clarify that im not currently a judge on the bench so used to serve at Berlin District Court for more than 10 years but im currently in the because otherwise they would be obvious incompatibilities between my different functions in terms of the legality of the measures that you just mentioned the society for civil rights looks very catholic if these measures are still proportionate because that is the basic principle of german constitutional law measures that the government takes and that infringe on civil rights has to be proportionate to the goal is that the government wants to achieve but and when it comes to anti corona measures then of course they go thats a very important because its about saving lives and keeping people from 40 ill but on the other hand you have to take into consideration that these measures are going to hit us large branches of the German Economy and german social life very hard and so we think that these measures trading go to the absolute limits of what is permissible under the german constitution and what about enforcing these restrictions so i mean beginning next monday for example no meetings or more than 2 households will be allowed unnecessary travel has been forbidden i mean how are you going to enforce this you really cant. Well it depends on the creativity really of the Police Forces also the local authorities in order to enforce these rules but its also up to every german citizen to all have to behave responsibly in this very critical moment because i understand that the government wants to limit contact between people because contact between people is what spreads the virus and absolutely have to reduce the number of transmissions of this in this because of the ways it is it is foreseeable that german intensive care units are going to be overwhelmed you say that these restrictions go to the limit of what is legal under german law are you saying then that we are flirting with or moving towards an area where restrictions would become unconstitutional. Well i think as i said these these limits really touch their the limits of what is possible and the reason for this Pretty Simple measures steps and thats try to curb the pandemic have to be based on Scientific Evidence so we basically have to look where do transmissions take place where are people getting the the virus well people are getting infected and do have numbers but these numbers only come about 25 percent of the inspections and these numbers for example illustrates that the it says our restaurants are not responsible about that 75 percent of transmissions that we cant actually trace back to a specific location and this is basically the back to all who will be although the window of opportunity that the government now uses and that makes the measures constitution the commission. Over mire with the freedom rides Society Needs on the legality of this partial lockdown that germany is about to begin mr my reprieve your time your insights and i think. Thanks andy. Well the pandemic has affected all walks of life here and europe for young people its changing the meaning of being young parties are mainly out meetings with friends or strictly regulated sports tournaments class trips have been canceled heres a closer look at how the pandemic is reshaping life for europes young people. Luciano is 16 years old and lives and cynthia spain her life has changed dramatically at her school in Person Learning only takes place in small groups the rest is all mine to say im a hometown up a man we used to meet more people now i just go around in a small group of friends we used to go to the movie assume that we dont do it now because of the risk we used to go everywhere by bus now i only walk everything has changed everythings harder now still she says she understands why the rules are in place but we do have grandparents and older people in the family thats why i dont think the measures go too far there are something. Now lives in the polish capital warsaw the pandemics constant stress and worry as well as social isolation have taken a toll. I suddenly had symptoms of Anxiety Disorders and develop tics and quaint uses have told me that they have psychological problems and anxiety from the constant certainty. Just like you peeking out of. Politics are a big interest last summers president ial race saw not get involved in activism that helped. My sense of activism was removed can because of the pandemic and thats a great thing there were president ial elections during the pandemic and there was so much hatred directed at the people. Tara is 18 and lives in london and is also finishing school she wants to go to a highly selective Theater Academy shes driving the fall and winter months. You cant just meet each other outside anymore because its so much colder and we can go to those houses and i think i really miss seeing my friends. And i know it sounds like. Im not going to be able to see my granny at christmas and my family are going to be able to go visit shes going to be on her own and so its just all these Different Things that just make it such a rubbish thing to do. She says the government doesnt have Young Peoples Mental Health in mind when it makes decisions. You know if the government just the right lets just shut everything off that makes young people and gives them like things to enjoy things to. Just have a bit of fun which is what makes being i think a young person so fun fun parties and ventures simply sitting in a full classroom its own out of reach during this time of isolation with no end in sight yet for young people. He is a detective with a difference a veteran investigators serving the authorities in pakistan tracking down thieves is what makes him tick and his aim is to recover valuables stolen property and it doesnt always come in the form of cash or jewel take a look. He may be a bit unsteady on his feet but his mind is still razor sharp they call him the Sherlock Holmes of pakistan 70 year old is a master at tracking he goes after cattle rustlers in his home village of customer the success rate is over 80 percent. Order tell you everything about it his size his weight how he walks you just have to be able to interpret them and there. Is highly respected in his village 20 years ago the former farm laborer taught himself how to do detective work cattle last night had been getting out of hand and customer since then hes returned hundreds of stolen cattle to their owners even the police regularly call him in to help on their cases. Deals are often a great help to us after all hes been doing it for a long time and pretty well knows all the possible suspects in the area. That im doing it im just like in a crime novel going after thieves and customer can sometimes be dangerous at his age knowledge and no longer takes part in chases nevertheless some of the bad guys still seek revenge. One of the form i helped catch attacked me at home and beat me up badly but. Still that hasnt deterred this sherlock he wants to keep catching crooks and reading footprints at least as long as his own feet can carry him. Well as a short break ill be back to take you through the day stick around well be right back. In mentone push hold lots of us turn out in the morning right now Climate Change to fend off a story. Faces much less away from just one week. How much work can really do. We still have time to an ongoing. Success. That subscribes like this. Its there. Session for spectacular pictures. Its their passion for nature. Its their complete devotion. That makes them the best Wildlife Photographers in the world. Fascinating. And. Confrontational and sturdy. 5 adventures. One goal. The preservation of our planet. Its not just an issue of fighting trees and saving pandas anymore. Its us its danger to survive or not iraq its for people who realize that theres a radically different way of living its for profit. Starts november 6th on t w. Today a man with a knife entered a church in nice france he killed 3 people almost decapitating one of the police say this is the 3rd attack in 2 months carried out by muslim extremists frances security alert is now at its highest level and it comes as the country enters its 2nd coronavirus lockdown tonight france is on guard against 2 threats one that cant be seen the other that cant im bored off in berlin this is the day

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