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To agree on new restrictions under whats been dubbed a lock down lights and that strategy would basically work with 2 tools one would be to continue to have strict lock downs in districts where of the infection rates are skyrocketing currently in germany we have 2 districts in the various that are experiencing that life standing still that because of high infection rates and to nationwide some new restrictions would be implemented in concrete terms pubs and restaurants will close again much like in the spring events would be canceled and Opening Times for shops will be limited the government has so far always said that theyre going to try and avoid to close schools and kindergartens at all cost but of course that remains to be seen as theyre already closed in those 2. 00 districts in bavaria and of course pub and Restaurant Owners are already warning that many of them wont survive in the long term if they have to close now and they say that their hygiene concept working they should be punished is going to be a very tough meeting thats also what the bavarian state premier mike was there to has that. Portie thank you was a tickle look now at some other stories making news around the world. Thousands have rallied in bangladesh in the biggest anti france should demonstrations his presence michael defended her tuesday pic ting the Prophet Muhammad mccord spoke out after the murder of a french teacher who showed the sketches in class many reasons around the world have condemned his remarks. A bomb has ripped through an islamic seminary in northwest pakistan killing at least 7 students and injuring dozens more police say the device went off during a visit by a prominent religious scholar no group has yet claimed responsibility. Opposition lawmakers in poland have disrupted proceedings in parliament in protest at tighter abortion laws members waved placards backing a womans right to choose prochoice activists have also taken to the streets to oppose a court ruling amounting to a near total ban on abortion. The confirmation of amy kone barretts to the u. S. Supreme court has ushered in a conservative majority for years to come the Senate Approve the nomination by 52 votes to 48 barretts appointment was strongly opposed by democrats. After a month in the spotlight she finally got to say these words. Amy carney barrack is heading to the u. S. Supreme court. Its a privilege to be asked to serve my country and this office and i stand here tonight truly honored and humbled. President donald trump was on hand to celebrate one of his signature achievements locking in a conservative majority on the Supreme Court for many years to come. This is a momentous day for america for the United States constitution and for the fair and impartial rule of law. Tony barrack took her with the white house after the majority Republican Controlled Senate confirmed turn on the nation one republican voted against the senators and. Democrats strongly opposed the confirmation saying a Supreme Court justice shouldnt be appointed this close to an election thats gone. Mr king let the record show that tonight the Republican Senate majority decided to thwart the will of the people and confirm a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court in the middle of the president ial election. Opponents of kone barretts nomination say it paves the way for conservative rulings on abortion Rights Health care and l g b t q writes. Tony barrett vowed that she will remain independent. The oath that i have silently taken tonight means at its core that i will do my job without any fear or favor and that i will do so independently of both the political branches and of my own preferences. Shell take the 2nd of her 2 oaths on tuesday had a private ceremony which will allow her to begin official duties at the Supreme Court. We want to turn now to a u. S. Conspiracy theory that has found Fertile Ground right here in germany the socalled q one on movement its central and false theory is that u. S. President trump is battling a global cobol of paedophiles but in germany the movement has evolved to draw in the mix of french thinkers as well as ordinary Citizens Opposed to coronavirus restrictions and there is growing alarm now that the q. And a on conspiracy could be a boon to the far right. This apartment block in berlin is supposedly where one of germanys leading figures in the queue anon Conspiracy Theory Movement Lives hes a programmer who calls himself resignation anon online a german news crew came here to ask him why he spreads the theories but over the building intercom he tells them theyve got the wrong person later however he posts several of the news crews messages saying theyve written to me yet again its not proof but evidence of his identity. Has based on his resignation and on as an account that was involved in the germans seeking movement from day one and created the technical basis for its operation set up its infrastructure and translated the information from english into german that means that working in his background is actually rather pivotal in keeping the Movement Alive and maintaining the flow of information. Resignation and makes the conspiracy messages easily accessible to his 130000. 00 followers on the Messenger Service telegram and his website the movement was spawned in a dark corner of the internet its core theories claims that the political elite and Jewish Business owners kidnapped children so they can drink their blood and secretly rule the world believers say only u. S. President donald trump can stop the plot throughout the president ial Campaign Trump followers have openly admitted to being part of q one and in germany the Coronavirus Crisis and protest against restrictions appear to be behind the movements popularity. Ive been sitter the q. And on movement to be extremely dangerous because it links together so many branches of Conspiracy Theory myths and so many different groups who otherwise would never have anything to do with each other which have q. And on and anti semitism as a bond which is absolutely subversive and dangerous starts 5 should be fairly said the deadly conflict. Answers which conspiracy theories can have could be seen in the attack on a synagogue in the german city of hama a year ago in which 2 people were shot dead or in the town of hono in february where 10 people were killed in both the attackers believed in conspiracy theories germanys Intelligence Services say theyre looking into whether q and ons activities are criminal its not clear how many followers q. And on has in germany but alongside right wing extremists it also influences people who otherwise dont have radical views. Lets find out more about this im now joined by jacob gould a senior fellow at the london based institute for Strategic Dialogue who researches extremism magicka good to have you here with us by some estimates of germany is home to the largest cuaron a community outside the English Speaking world why is that and how did we get here. So for over 3 years now different figures on the german farai that have been talking about your own conspiracy theories but it started off quite small weve been at the institute for Strategic Dialogue weve been monitoring this phenomenon over a few years but really it earlier this year after the introduction of the lockdown measures into 2 months after that membership really grow in this edition coincided with a planned nato maneuver that was called off and that by q and on was interpreted. Definite at the end demick was intact until america to essentially safe didnt it nato from liberating germany and germany from democracy so enabled to draw on sort of like Previous Next existing conspiracy theories and enemies of to fall arrived to really match this into a career a narrative so he is so i mean that that also explains partially why members of q and on regularly show up and demonstrations here against coronavirus restrictions so do you feel that in this context in this country the virus is the driver for the popularity of he went on among a certain segment of the population. Yes and it generally we can monitor through our research to spin and increasing interest in conspiracy theories and. Foremost among them since the beginning of the condemning and you really have to ask a sense of whats the function that these kinds of conspiracy theories fulfill and the crisis in detroit introduction of the lockdown measures has really led to a loss of control for many people significant changes to their everyday lives and conspiracy theories provide very easy explanations for why this happened im so they named clear scapegoats what it means bill gates but it being engine america and jeff what it also is and these are just very easy solutions you need to really get rid of these people you need to sort of uncover their wrongdoings and bring them to justice that really simplifies the process you dont have to think about looking for a vaccine anymore you dont have to think about the difficult tradeoffs you have to be discussed in terms of the Public Health situation so much becomes a much simpler story and therefore these conspiracy fused like youre not going to have a really empowering function in a moment where people feel or a loss of control right so in terms of as a phenomenon put this in perspective for us i imagine and you know our fear is overblown when it comes to cure not here in germany. Some think we have to look at the different frets emanating from these kind of movements so in the u. S. The f. B. I. Has designated cure known as a domestic terrorism risk because to have been a few instances in which supporters of the movement have committed acts of violence odor step kind of risk coming from a time and as a Public Health risk because of distance omission Conspiracy Theory spread by the movement and then lastly does obviously at an off neglected impact that this can have on the actually important work of anti child Trafficking Services were now being overwhelmed with fault false claims but youre not going to. Take a senior fellow at the london based institute for Strategic Dialogue researching extremism thank you for sharing your expertise with us on this. And thats all from us thank you so much for watching. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour carona updates. With 19 special next on d w d 2 you know that 77 percent. Are younger than 6 oclock. Thats me and me and you. And you know what its time all voices. On the 77 percent speech issue. This is where it was. 77 percent this weekend on t w. Coronavirus pandemic has spawned its own epidemic of dissent from asian social media is awash with it emanating from the political fringes and even from those at the center of power to turn this all the coverage of the demagogue over job because. You know why the judge talk everybody out of voting people arent buying it dumb bastard said ah. But. The business of many governments and medical organizations are waging a secondary war against misinformation and to deliberate decision from ation. But some countries are using claims of dissent from ation as an excuse for suppressing legitimate reporting and to suppress the spread of Accurate Information domestically and abroad. They using the pandemic. To ramp up censorship and secrecy legislation thats having a Chilling Effect on journalists and the spread of information and accurate timely information is essential to saving lives. But come to our colleague 19 special here in the daily news i want to johnsonville in good to have you with us it is the job of journalists to uncover facts and share them with a pop leg but what are those facts support of the official line a democracy should be able to handle that but now during the pandemic some governments think otherwise and thats often puts journalists and Public Health at risk. Behind the mask of coronavirus censorship spreads journalists around the world have come under attack for reporting on the pandemic it started in china where citizen journalists dared to deviate from the official narrative. Chain shish where shared images of overstretched hospitals in which american viruses right in front of me are chinas criminal prosecutors are behind me im not afraid of death do you think im afraid if you come in this party of china or pas gold. Chain she should wear disappeared in february and was only seen again by friends in september. Fung been another reporter remains missing he had released secret videos of corona virus victims. She. Reporters without borders has documented coronavirus coverage restrictions in nearly half of all u. N. Member states those who are jailed are at risk of infection. Al jazeera journalist mohammad more near died in july from coronavirus after being arrested in egypt as did reporters. Jailed for documenting corruption in saudi arabia the deliberate targeting of the press has worried the United Nations Human Rights Commission on across the world cup in 1000 is also being instrumental eyes to limit peoples rights to speak to express opinion and to participate in making decisions that affect their lives in the Russian Federation china course of many other countries i know it reports of threats and intimidation against journalist brokers and civic activist particularly at the local level with the apparent aim of this courage in criticism of the author of this response is to call it 19. At a time when information can save lives press repression can fuel the pandemic. Im joined now by ali funk a Senior Research analyst for technology and democracy at Freedom House good to have you with us your freedom on the edge report states that the pandemic is fuelling digital repression worldwide how does that work. Hi thank you so much for having me so freedom has found that 2020 was the 10th Consecutive Year of decline in Internet Freedom and this is that a time would have been dramatic has really accelerated our reliance on Digital Technologies so what we found is that governments around the world have imposed broader share chance to express and access to information political leaders are using the pandemic to scapegoat ethnic and religious groups sincere and favorable news and arrest critics so you know in at least 45. 00 of the countries that we study we found that activists journalists and members of the public were arrested or charged with criminal offenses for their speech relating to the 19 and then we found the governments and at least 28. 00 countries censored websites or social media posts to the press and favor hurl helston that mistakes and corruption allegations and then we also found that theres been increased surveillance around the world theyve been using the pandemic as a cover to expand Data Collection i mean we also on the other side seen a lot of protests small more protest against corona virus pandemic a mischievous i mean how do you differentiate between authorities using covert 9000 to curb freedom of speech and those genuinely trying to flatten the code of. Its a great question i mean during times of crisis certain restrictions to freedoms can be justified these restrictions just need to be grounded and laws they have to be the least intrusive as possible and include independent oversight but restrictions to press freedom and Free Expression really only undermine governments ability contain the virus as weve mentioned you know information can be the difference between life and death restrictions to free speech limit peoples ability to access Accurate Information and keep themselves safe and then in order for people to be willing to take these drastic measures such as closing their shop staying at home not going to school its really important that they trust their elected leaders and government officials can only gain this trust by being transparent and keeping our free and open information environment right and of course what you mentioned very important Accurate Information of the internet social media suddenly is sadly a perfect breeding ground for fake news and conspiracy theories especially now during the pandemic weve seen that how can journalists help expose of those lies without putting themselves at risk. Our research has shown that theres been a concerted strategy by state officials and their supporters to promote these conspiracy theories pseudo science and that really aligns with their nationalistic or distant f. O. B. Goals so what journalists can do its more important ever that we expose the to these distant from asian campaigns including where theyre coming from to do to stay safe really they can use encrypted Communications Platforms such as signal to stay safe from you know government censorship Virtual Private Networks are going to be really important to be able to continue their reporting and its really through this reporting now more than ever journalists and their work are more important its a life and death issue. You mentioned in one of your previous answers and many studies suddenly agree with you in any that 19 is pushing Digital Technologies ai the internet what needs to be done to use this development to promote freedom of speech and democracy. So youre right were really sleepwalking into the world in which our most sensitive personal and biometric data our face our fingerprints are going to be at the mercy of private companies and state agencies so thats why Freedom House is actually calling for a freeze on the use of biometric surveillance such as spatial recognize facial recognition until we know how these new technologies really a strap to human rights and democracy any new surveillance programs are encoding 1000 also need strict safeguards we need to prove 1st that there you know if active in limiting disease spread and then if public expert Public Health experts agree that they are we need to ensure that data is deleted after the pandemic there is independent oversight and also that any program is transparent and thats really the only way and its going to take collective Global Action to ensure that the pandemic doesnt create a long term deterioration and Internet Freedom of the human rights of privacy and great expression and the funk there from the Freedom House joining us in new york thank you so much. Thanks for having me. Well sometimes even the experts dont agree and thats making it harder for us laymen to grasp complex issues luckily we have our very unscientific correspondent to turn to time to ask garrick. What are the risks of the focused protection of price point out in the Great Barrington declaration. Since the very earliest days of this pandemic there have been those who believe that our responses to cope at 19 so the lockdowns and all the other measures that they have actually caused more damage than the disease itself and they believe that we need to look for other options even without access to a vaccine since really wide scale infection would be at least theoretically a pathway to what we want which is herd immunity the concepts laid out in the highly controversial declaration that you mention was proposed several weeks ago by 3 scientists from the u. S. And britain and its been signed by others it says that we need to only focus on protecting groups that it classifies as vulnerable especially the elderly and that urges a return to normal life immediately for everyone else that means basically not trying to limit infections among those that it says are at minimal risk of death so what would be the dangers of going down that path there are some pretty major ones and the big flaw in the declarations reasoning a lot of experts say is the fundamental assumption that that people who appear to gain at least some immunity after surviving that disease will keep that immunity for extended periods weve already seen some cases of people who. Have gotten tobit 19 a 2nd time though those so far theyve thankfully been few and far between them still the coming months could see many many more another big question how exactly would you go about protecting vulnerable populations effectively in societies where the virus is basically raging unchecked is that even possible and in aspects that the declaration doesnt address at all is the potential long term damage that coke at 19 could do to many younger people even those who survive then of course at least some people who arent classified as vulnerable will turn out to be very vulnerable took over 1000. 00 after all and theyll die from it potentially even millions of people worldwide and people who wouldnt have died if social distancing measures remained in force until effective vaccines are available. Well Derek Williams there on spring one of your questions and hell be back again tomorrow so keep posting your questions on our you tube channel and if youd like to keep up with the latest developments on the coronavirus to subscribe to our newsletter just log on to the dot com slash corona dash this letter. And i was 19 special for today for me and the team in berlin thanks for giving us company stay safe and healthy. Happiness is for everyone shimming penises are very different from primates we have a totally ridiculous a man sized view of nature and their favorite and this is Climate Change crisis sex how freeness improves books you get smarter for free did always works. Were all set. To go beyond obvious. To live. As we take on the world. Were all about the stories that matter to you country. What ever it tastes not running now from nothing. Nothing. You made for mines. This is state of the news africa coming up on the program alleged killings on a crackdown on the opposition stands and he ends brace for president ial elections on wednesday so one does not speak 1st and so i go fully 6 me election does your position have a chance well hear more from our reports are also coming out. Good soffit call

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