As. Good ones over just. Because. Hello im christine 1 dollar welcome to the program protesters in nigerias most populous city lagos all back on the streets to demonstrate against Police Brutality thats in spite of the government could if you imposed off approach has turned violent on tuesday Security Forces opened fire Rights Group Amnesty International said several people were killed and many others injured the incident has sparked global outrage and ignited fresh anger among a growing movement the young nigerians. That came out in defiance of a curfew and after dusk the trouble. That. Many green uniforms was seen setting up areas surrounding the area and eyewitnesses saw c. C. T. V. Cameras and Street Lighting being disabled god then suddenly gunshots. I grew up with im sure those thank you all some syringe people outside the tollgate started taking cover now down sit down thank you thank you rob thank. You i d w news crew who were on the scene were forced to take shelter next to their vehicle. I. Think. The army has denied responsibility claiming reports of soldiers being involved were fake news but footage of the shooting quickly made its way on to social media. Please tell people please tell people people are going to run theyre shooting at them and theyre like you told. Me the day after the shooting and nigeria is in shock the government has promised an investigation into what happened but protesters dont have too much trust in authorities at the moment. As we mentioned in that report a. T. W. News team was caught up in last nights events and had to take cover when the shooting began his funny for a child was there and she told us of their experiences everything started as usual for the past 2 weeks of this particular site here in the tory island very close to our studio Peaceful Protesters chanting that they want an end to Police Brutality they were chanting that theyre going to defy the curfew that was just in place for 24 hours but what happened next the dynamic started to change thats when people dressed in camouflage go in there and on clear by the military or what kind of ledger and Security Forces entered this side in this started to shoot. The shooting continued for quite some time my team and me found a way to hunker down and thats where we stood for thats were reeling down for at least an hour and we could witness from that situation from that point of the size what was going on on around us and that was chaos that was panic it was a huge mass. So how did things all began at the start of this month when a video went viral on social media allegedly showing an officer from the police unit saw us all special anti robbery squad image of the killing a man in the southern delta state now the size unit that has long faced accusations of brutality and the video treated critics in delta state that soon spread to the commercial capital lagos now on up to a protest as in lagos camped outside the citys Government House overnight 2 days later a protester was shot dead by police and all youll state on the same day police violently dispersed protest is in the capital of. By now nigerians who are protesting all over the country and of the rallying cry in sauce the same hash tag trending on global twitter on october 11th president Mohamed Juba Hari announced the disbanding off the police unit size but that wasnt enough to call the outrage and people continue to protest. Lets go over to deeds of use west africa correspondent fred move on you he is in lagos hi fred these protests began over Police Brutality but its about more than back now isnt it. Yeah youre right christine there are protests as you mentioned they started when protesters were demanding the state to disband this police unit and the government did just that and then they went ahead to demand the form of the. Whole port in general and the government promised that theyre going to look into this but then a christian out there is a problem of the mistrust because the protesters are saying that we have been asking these changes for so many hours and the government didnt do anything and thats why the protest was going to need to be on the streets demanding more but also if you really want to look at nigeria. With this current is there is more problems than just these. Police there is corruption in security agencies these unemployment and. This this point of time young people are so angry and they want to see things changing right so what have you heard from the protest as they did it continued demonstrating you know somewhere outside day. Christine this is like forget about what happened last night where Security Forces opened fire. And several people injured there are reports that others have been killed. Theyre not willing to stand there have been a couple of protests in the mainland of course where protesters there have been running battles between the Security Forces and protesters and this is happening at the time the government has imposed a curfew so they are not willing to stop protesting until the government meets their demand. Ok and very quickly fred have we heard any reaction from regional bodies ecowas the a you on the developments. Thats a good question there have been nothing nothing completely we have heard from international we have heard from Human Rights Watch we have heard from either you commenting on the on these issues in nigeria we have even had the reaction from the un secretarygeneral but we havent had anything from a you from a cause and some people have been on. More king the president of ghana who is the current chair of course saying that during the protests. After the killing of george freud the guy named president was one of the people that went out there to condemn the killing of george freud and also to create the records martyr but this moment theres nothing from african board these condemning what is happening in nigeria ok ok thats great moving in lagos thank you for it. And for even more on this story im joined by Alan Nathan John he is a nigerian although welcome to the deadly news Africa Nathan what do you make of what weve been witnessing in your country over the last few weeks. Thank you over the last few weeks weve seen a trust deficit people going to an open confrontation with nigerian Security Forces unable by the prominence of lagos as the epicenter of this latest unleashing of violence by the Nigerian Military unfortunately this is straight out of the playbook of the and i joined Security Forces we know that this is a pattern in 1909 they opened fire on dozens of people in all the bael side they did the savings actually and away in 2014 they killed 33 shiites in zaria city and killed 347 between december 12 and 14 in 2015 and bury them in mosque rapes now. They have they must be shocked to see this kind of reaction because they did not expect that it would go this Viral International routes like they were emboldened to do what they did because theyve done this not once not twice and you say this is a normal standard operation for the niger and Security Forces alan nathan this was initially about Police Reform and as our correspondent made was saying there are more issues here beyond the Police Reform what kind of reform does your country meet. Trust the social contract if there ever was one is broken and this would be a great place to start treaty formulas elevate the none just to ship will parts of the nigerian constitution which specify the basic objectives of government and elevates the something beyond the mere suggestion which does not nigerians mustnt be also with the largest structural issues around trying to live and its limits should states for example have a state police is Community Policing better be able to kind of help provide more accountability around policing and all of that can the gov the government be pushed to invest more in education and can and can the states take a greater role in educating providing qualitative education right way to citizens and very importantly can we begin to stem this this rampant corruption that allows. Stealing of resources that should go to for example making our police have good salaries and nathan and thats interactive because i only have time for one mall but very quickly that this Mass Mobilization of young people its a 1st for nigeria in modern history how powerful do you reckon this movement is. I think its very powerful because especially because this is happening in places like lagos and which usually is not the case weve had people mobilize for Different Reasons we had the occupy niger protests we had the protests that followed the cancellation of Peaceful Elections in like 92 but this is the 1st time in the commercial capital young people have. You know theyre armed with resources and eyes ational skills and connections to the outside world and we can record all of these things as they are happening i make and have responses i think this is a beginning and i use have tasted what it means to be able to hold the government to account and its right if for nothing this concept atone for. Holding government to account to account and pushing for greater and greater reform because it is possible it is possible to shine a light in this in this matter right thats all nathan john thank you for that my pleasure. And that is it for now be sure to check out how other stories on forward slash africa were also on facebook and on twitter have today will leave you with images of the demonstrations in nigeria so brutally suppressed see you next time about. The for. Every day. For us and for our pleasure. The ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation. How do we make cities scream or how can we protect animals and their habitats what to do with the waste. We can make a difference by choosing reforestation over deforestation recycling or disposable Smart New Solutions oberstein said in our. News truly unique and we know that uniqueness is what allows us to live and survive. Why do you oppose the Environmental Issues soon global 3000 on g. W. And on. Welcome to news from the world of art and culture over 60 priceless artworks and ancient artifacts have been damaged here in berlin in a number of museums more all my story in just a minute also coming out today. A german short film the beauty is. This Years International student. Animation. And in meet the germans today rachael stood tells us about some surprising things that im not allowed here in germany. But we begin with the extraordinary news that nearly 3 weeks ago on october the. German unification Public Holiday a large number of artworks were deliberately damaged in museums here in berlin however this was kept secret until a National Newspaper got wind of it on changed weve been down to the citys Museum Island to investigate. Some of the damage is clearly visible like on these egyptian site coffer guy on the 3rd of october a total of 63. 00 artworks and artifacts in 4 museums were vandalized with an oily liquid investigations are still ongoing and the extent of the damage remains far from clear police only said the liquid was transparent and not corrosive Authorities Say theyre at a loss as to how when by whom and why the crimes were committed the museums do have security cameras but. If somebody doesnt say fire a water pistol and you see it but instead they smear something in a concealed way then you might not see on the camera that theres liquid on the floor or in the object. Of. This police informed the public more than 2 weeks after the incident and only after media reports broke on tuesday as part of their search for witnesses they have now written emails to more than 600 Ticket Holders but at least 3000 people visited Museum Island on that day and there is no confession note speculation quickly focused on a Group Supporting germanys most notorious conspiracy theorist a man has previously said calls for attacks on the museums because of what he calls satanist artifacts there the museums distance themselves this summer with corresponding flags still flying. We dont want to participate in such speculation were investigating in every regard all directions. Museum island is considered one of the most presses art collections in europe that directors say the security concept is currently being reviewed. For more on that story my colleague Adrian Kennedy is here now what do we know agent about the extent of this damage where as we heard over 60 exhibit free museums have been named the al turn thats now calorie the noir museum the Pergamon Museum these are all on balance famous Museum Island on sambal which is a World Heritage site just how serious the damage is is not 100 percent clear the damage is visible and of course a 200 year old painting is very sensitive indeed. This all happened on or so the 3rd very important day here in germany is german unity day but it has come out through the press there was no statement by the police 3 weeks ago or nearly 3 weeks so thats why the police say they kept it under wraps in order not to jeopardize the investigation the National Newspaper broke the story it seems that they probably got wind of the story when investigators started trying to Contact People who had been at the museum on the day in question now as we heard in the reports from the press have started to link the attack to this guy attila his man hes a well known controversial figure here in germany but tell us a bit more about him yes he is very controversial this is a huge man a celebrity chef and offer a vacant cookbook so its been a prominent 19 denier and it has organized demonstrations against covert restrictions some of these protests took place on the steps of the outer museum just around the corner prompting the foundation to distance itself from. And with that statement against and he said it isnt one of the many wild conspiracy theories hilda math is that this Pergamon Museum is the center of a satanist cult hes also recently posted a rants on the Telegram Messenger service where he has 100000. 00 followers making a bizarre claim about the german chancellor and human sacrifices that were taking place at one of the closing time completely unfounded completely untrue and as you say extremely bizarre but hes not yet been named as a suspect no absolute no this is just press speculation the police have only said that they are investigating all possibilities they say they havent mentioned motive of course most attacks like this are carried out by people with psychological problems or by criminals demanding ransom political actions are usually accompanied by a claim of responsibility that wasnt the case here but of course this all races very serious questions about security at new scenes that museums in germany after multi 1000000. 00 theft in the green vote last year and in 27. 00 saying at the botha museum right there on Museum Island in 2017 ok adrian thank you for that round up over 60 artworks vandalised smeared with some sort of oil in 3 major berlin museums are on german you see date well keep you up to date with that this is obviously were going to find out a lot more about that right the most significant prizes for young filmmakers around the world the student oscars have just been awarded in los angeles in of course a virtual ceremony the International Student oscar for animation has been won by director pascal she believed from the. Barden verdun back film academy not the schools 1st oscar indeed it is considered a real Talent Factory for special effects the short film the beauty is certainly very topical. To beauty takes us on a journey into the depths of the ocean to get to watch a little longer. And you realize its no documentary but a parable piece for about pollution. Charged starring characters made of Plastic Waste dunces. A basic concept was to tell a story poetically and with irony. All the videos you see featuring distressed whales and turtles are so shocking and somebody i have the feeling weve become emotionally immune. Filming and post production took a year and a half. Of. The characters like the pufferfish made of bubble wrap. Of the school of fish made of flip flops where digitally animated and later integrated into night action underwater footage. Concept i think the concept only works if it looks realistic if it makes you believe that thats really a more radio made of a car tire that just swam by. Shelbys photo realistic aquatic fantasy invites us to suspend our disbelief and dive into a world in which nature and waste deal with pollution by entering into a supernatural symbiosis but the film doesnt spare us the harsh reality. It ends with a look at the ever growing forest of synthetic refugees thats gradually. Suffocating operations and everything that lives in them. Has rightfully accolades the International Student propels pascoe show billys art School Appeal to save the seeds into the running for the best animated short in the main oscars competition. Now its no secret that the germans like their rules which some of which to be honest can be quite useful at times sometimes not for instance there are times when you cant dance all the lord so wed meet the germans today heres our very own Rachel Stewart to explain a few quirky dos and donts to keep you on the right side of the law. You want to stay on the right side of the door in germany well there were a few things you probably didnt realize and. Every sunday is a quiet day the law states you can only do d. I. Y. If it doesnt involve any drilling hammering or banging so i guess that leaves doing other bit not to do you simply saying that you picked the cyclists laugh and skateboarding noisily residents dont even think about. These rules usually apply on Public Holidays too as well as certain times of the afternoon and evening depending on region. Im for in germany it can really pay to hold your tongue insulting somebody can land you a hefty fine up to one year in jail theres an example from a real court case. You have what is going to. End up the more you earn the more you pay a professional footballer recently received 825000 euro fine for insulting a pensioner in the cup. Germans are extremely m. V. D. And when it comes to Pedestrian Crossing and i wonder walking across the street when the light is red because one you are on the spot fine of 5 to 10 your a new drivers can even have that probation period extended by 2 years for walking and. You know sometimes i think rachels a bit boring wouldnt it be great to be called something cool like princess aspirant oh hold it right there in germany you can only change a name if you have a really really good reason for it like no one can pronounce it or caused you psychological distress when getting married only one partner can take a Double Barrel senate and when they mean no children there are various Legal Precedents to like well the name of the easily recognizable as the 1st now thats why theres not very many baby in one of those not as running around in no names will be harmful to the child anyway fair enough up until 2008 the name also had to make it clear whether the child was made of the male but thats not the case anymore let me say 21st century the titles like lord of princess are still out when i. Step away from. Im not even allowed to watch my own car in front of my own home so it was good for the water good taining debt grease and cleaning chemicals to make its way into the groundwater and eventually into rivers and lakes the south a possible fine of thousands of yours and had her professional car wash up to comply with strict rules when disposing of the water the next time i remember it was out love life. Also episodes of meet the germans on our website d w dot com slash captcha finally british musicians Spencer Davis passed wound choose day aged 81 while being treated for pneumonia in hospital this resonated group was one of the great bands of the sixtys that popularize rhythm and blues hit in europe heres a clip of him on a d. W. Show back in 9908 seeing one of his greatest hits keep on running. Entered the complex fronting the powerful. More than 2 years ago the government in armenia came to power in a socalled velvet revolution with the hope of fundamental democratic reform my guest this week from here obama is armenian foreign minister store of men oxycontin young how much responsibility does armenia that put the conflicts escalate conflict zones. In 30 minutes. Every journey begins with the 1st step and every language the 1st word going to the local nico case in germany to munch on. Why not learn with him farage. To sas its simple mine on your mobile and for e. W z learning course. German made easy. Its the session for spectacular pictures. Its their passion for nature. Its their complete to function. That makes the best wildlife photographer in the world. Testing them to combat a. Confrontational and striking. 5 adventurers. One goal. The preservation of our planet. Its not just an issue of heart trees and saving candace anymore. Its us thats dangerous surat. Passion for china starts november 6th on g. W. This is g. W. News live from berlin tonight the Catholic Church gays and love pope francis says he supports same sex civil unions observers are calling it the clearest woods yet from francis on gay rights also coming up tonight Germanys Health minister has tested positive for coded 19th yen spawn is currently self isolating at home with whats reported to be cold wind symptoms and a promise to preserve its values of secularism

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