To wall street chinese mobility giant is planning a listing in hong kong instead all of its rising chinese american tensions. And tunisian glass blowers in move around know who are struggling to weather the coronavirus pandemic. But come to me a business i want to johnsonville and good to have you with us. The head of the bank of england 100 bailey has painted a dreary picture of britains economy which shrunk by 20 percent in the 3 months to june now thats the biggest fall of any large advanced economy in the u. Of the coronavirus pandemic betty is warning the u. K. Faces an unprecedented level of Economic Uncertainty and things could get even worse should there be no deal breaks it talks between london and the e. U. Are stalled and with a transition period ending on the 31st of december the clock is yet again taking a lot is at stake almost half of all British Imports come from the e. U. And around 46 percent of all british exports go to the e. U. Making the e. U. Britains most important trading partner but thats all gone if theres no trade deal in place by january 1st spoke to did a lot parts in london and with businesses already weighed down by the coronavirus pandemic i asked her what the mood was among companies right now. Well business says he absolutely alarmed by the prospect of a possible no deal at the end of the year and they are already saying they that they have so much to prepare even if there was a trade deal in place so they are urging the government to be serious in these negotiations and in the end now find a very comprehensive trade deal that would help them as you said British Business is already struggling from the corona virus pandemic and from the subsequent lockdown in the spring and now they are facing this triple threat in this upcoming winter the resurgence of the virus then Strict Lockdown rules throughout the country and on top of that the prospect of brechts it or of a possible no deal bricks that at the end of the year so right the British Chamber of commerce was not very impressed with the governments handling of the situation and said it was posturing of the government that they should stop with the deadlines and that they should really urgently pursue a trade deal now the government on the other hand says that business really urgently should prepare for the possibility of a no deal breaks and what exactly are businesses supposed to do. Well the government is launching a huge complain this week time is running out explaining the new customs rules to British Business and what they need to prepare for now this is only part of the deal this would be if a trade deal was in place because of course there will be significant changes even with that at the end of the year the u. K. Is leaving the Single Market and the Customs Union now on top with the no deal breaks they would have to prepare for tariffs and quotas they would have to prepare for disruptions possible disruptions at the border some of some businesses would have to stockpile what they are selling the imports ai guessing so really a lot to prepare for and half of British Businesses say they are definitely not prepared for it at the moment and of course the government blames the e. U. For that situation lets just listen in to what cabinet minister michael gove just in parliament yesterday. We have to conclude account of the Free Trade Agreement before the transition period ends on the 30th of december this year but as things stand. Not happen we remain absolutely committed to security. But there does need to be a fundamental change in approach from the e. U. If the process is to get back on track. So shall the ports in london and no deal breaks it is likely but a deal is still possible and we only have 8 months to go before the transition period ends whats a business rooting for whats the most likely outcome. Why exactly 2 and a half months to go and of course British Business wished there was no bricks said or that there was a an extension through the transition period set and said the end of the year but all of that is Wishful Thinking they know and i think the reality has sunk in that this is going to happen with a trade deal with it and i think British Business leaders have been saying here is that they need clarity right away what they need to be prepared for especially Small Businesses already hit hard from the pen demick dont know how to prepare at this point and just dont have the resources so they urgently need clarity and help from the u. K. Government to prepare for the end of the year all right shall approach the reporting from london for us thank you so much. Its a big snot for wall street chinese right hailing for. Is considering going public in hong kong an i. P. O. Said to raise of a 60000000000. 00 plan for the 1st half of 2021 and it would replace a plant listing in new york amid rising sign to u. S. Tensions d. D. Is backed by Technology Investment giants a soft bank. And 10 cent. So a Chinese Tech Company there snubbing wall street is this just an isolated case or perhaps a trend lets bring in mike curley hes the Portfolio Manager Janice Henderson investors and an expert on asian equities good to have you with us mike please tell us how significant is this shift from an i. P. O. In the york to one in hong kong. Well i think these are these ongoing spat between the chinese and the americans. Always the start of the trade is now more on Financial Instruments and the restrictions that the u. S. Put on trying to companies in their listings in the u. S. Made it somewhat inevitable a lot of these companies at least in 80 awful would now come back to hong kong and to be honest you know what the chinese or the shawnees one. Big Name Companies listed in local markets and hong kong hes considered to be a local market so i think these guys will so so basically what youre saying there is a trend i mean ali babas and financial has also decided against new york chose hong kong and shanghai for a plan to make the i. P. O. Potentially coming up rather soon. So equity markets are going the way that u. S. China trade is right now. Yes i dont think so i think i think you know the relationship between the u. S. And im sure its going to be fooled for a number of years and its going to be its going to cause almost a different areas Financial Instruments and the way people are getting this in those Financial Issues and whether this is going to change karl over the next 5 years so if you will meaning the there is going the way of china trading in the fact there wont be much room between the 2 countries then there are 2 groups. Joining or one group its Financial Markets its major Companies Listed look really big is a way to achieve that and how about the other way around i mean if Chinese Companies not getting listed. Not the United States do we see some similar moves the other way around. I i well i dont know a difficult not again i think its a p. R. Company by company basis but some of the companies that are listed in hong kong mostly actual companies this in hong kong which operate in china. This is theres a lot of reason for doing that. Firstly you get access to the market by financially and obviously you will seem to be slowly great to try it out by having financially seeing locally. I think its going to be some way off before we start seeing u. S. Companies this is in the local markets shanghai changing for example but it is more of also maybe in this environment i dont think this course d of the by the u. S. Government role or regulators this point you know again i may be wrong. Hopefully not like it kelly there from my jennas hand is an investor thank you so much for your time and your expertise. The coronavirus is threatening life the hoods in venice is famed center of glass blowing lorando the island in the Venice Lagoon depends on tourism but the pandemic has put a stop to that the artisans there are now hoping they can hold out until the crisis ends. These days only one furnace is still blazing in the vineyard glassworks in murano alice summer of the tolleson his apprentice are addicts in the art of glass blowing normally tourists flock to morano to watch these blobs of molten glass being transformed into pictures and vases but with the coronavirus few are coming to buy the creations. I would normally wed have 252300 visitors a day at this time of year so look at it now this practically no one walk yet with the flu were not used to the silence its frightening but were told. Before the pandemic there were 8 workers that each furnace but since march the companys earnings have fallen by 80 percent keeping a furnace going costs 10000. 00 euros a month during italys lockdown more honest workers got state aid but now most of them are on reduced hours and theyre worried things will get worse because they dont think if this doesnt get solved quickly many of us will have to leave forever we hope theyll be a solution soon for us all by price. Morano a series of islands in the Venice Lagoon is famed for its glass blowing today its done by around 250 workshops some of the may have to shut down tourist numbers have plummeted and residents fear for the future. Morano is perishing. If i was white so the words right out of my mouth is that the man he was a master glassblower for 40 years and this was a happy island and around one user in africa. I think a solution would be to pay subsidies to the glass blowers you know what it is is a Cultural Heritage that we need to maintain but the moment we do alec about one thing all. d nation glassblowers have passed on the secrets of their forms and colors from generation to generation for centuries d now those secrets are in danger of disappearing in the store the loss of the outsourcing on the Current Situation is that an art with a nearly 1000 year history is slowly vanishing unfortunately it costs money to keep the tradition alive. More on those glass blowers are trying to hold out until the crisis and continuing to form their molten glass has lived done for centuries. Theres a branding is everything when it comes to attracting investment and thats why one town in canada decided to change its name the town of asbestos was the named after the Worlds Largest mine of the material once it was found that it was highly carcinogenic the mine closed down leaving the town as a name that kept business away and now some 7000 people took part in a vote the new name the charming sounding valid a sauce or valley of the springs much nicer. Thats all from me and the Business Team here in berlin thanks for watching. Combating the corona pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and news. Hour carona update. 19 special next on d w. How does a virus spread. Why do we panic and when well all. Just through the tax from cover and the weekly radio show is called spectrum if you would like any information on the clone of virus or any other science topic you should really check out our podcast you can get it wherever you get your podcast you can also find us at dot com slash science. The coronavirus pandemic has exposed the divisions in our societies. Time and again we see that economic background affects the likelihood of one catching cold 19 people from less wealthy communities are more likely to have jobs that put them in harms way. Working from home meanwhile is mostly the preserve of white collar employees or members of society to the face more risk of exposure living in tight quarters and finding distance a luxury. Existing Health Problems also make the coronavirus more dangerous to the poorer parts of society. So what can be done to close the gap how can we ensure that everyone has the same chance of escaping the virus. Welcome to the edge of ellis cose in 1000 special im Stephen Beardsley in berlin good to have you with us work housing preexisting Health Conditions all play a role in our exposure to the corona virus as well as our vulnerability to the illness that develops from it thats what experts say thats also the lived experience of many in the pandemics hardest hit neighborhoods take a look. At been watching his friend are looking for a grave the one that belongs to their friend danny he may have died of corona virus has gets doesnt know for certain but downey is one of 41 friends that hes lost in the past 6 months all except one are black. And this really makes for worried because you know ive got children ive got friends that got children and were close to me pesca is a popular figure in the north london borough of herring the 62 year old pensioner worked as a lecturer at the nearby university and does volunteer work where he can for example at a food charity for those in need he says hes seen how the black asian minority ethnic or being community has been especially affected by the pandemic. You know the being community should be. Disproportionately in terms of numbers and thats why you get. A report in june by Britains Department of Health Reasons for the many deaths among ethnic minorities as in the sponsible workers and hospitals food markets are taxi drivers theyre more exposed to the virus also Housing Conditions are often cramped risk factors such as diabetes or being overweight are also more widespread the chairman of the council of the British Medical Association is familiar with what has this experiencing and warns that the deaths will continue with the 2nd wave. Is that any government in any nation to protect its population protect those that work lack of any action plan the lack of any implementation of clear recommendations that were made. Is extremely concerning. Cant find his friends grave only close family members are allowed to attend his funeral has kept hasnt been able to say goodbye to any of his 41 friends whove died. Now that report mentioned some of the risk factors facing poor communities during the pandemic tighter quarters preexisting Health Conditions and front line jobs a closer look at that last factor jobs fiza breakdown of job categories by the percentage of employees who can work remotely based on a study from the o. E. C. D. At the top Business Administration with a whopping 3 quarters of workers able to stay home roughly in the middle teaching professionals and down at the very bottom mostly jobs that are considered low skilled like sanitation and cleaning they are a mere one percent of workers able to do it from home and even thats hard to imagine. And im joined now by ricardo a spinoza hes a policy analyst at the o. E. C. D. Center for skills and paris carlos good to have you with us is it fair to say that the better educated you are the more likely you are to be off the front lines you know absolutely so where we found that theres a lot of evidence showing that when it comes to tell america the range of those who are but theres a higher level of skills say for example those who have a Tertiary Education degree tomorrow are much more likely to be able to tell it where were from so after we are there we see sort of Risk Research about these issues and not only that we also try to how kind of trees to all repair these difficult. There are the skills divide between those who can afford to stay home those who can perhaps theres already a skills divide before the pandemic wasnt there. Absolutely so weve been hearing about the risk of automation were a long time right so people are going to gradually be machines now the problem is that this and then they might you know not accept or a district so you think of companies up to this and they dont try to automate as many dollars in order to protect themselves. Against prices like this or a potential outer and then in the future so many but context it is very likely that those jobs or are currently performed by people who as a lower level skills are likely to be automated 1st so in that sense i think that you have to map it and then it most people will probably. Occur even much more than those this is higher in the skills so widening the gap between higher. Still with what is the potential for retraining those who might be replaced by automated workers as you said. Yeah absolutely so i think this is going to be a center agent so i think they have to distinguish between the long term and the short term i think the short term theres the scope of governance or colonies to implement certain policies 1st of all to retain as many jobs possible but also. To promote example. In managerial practices to share in the i dont see it Management Practices you know to allow workers to work from home but it does so in the long term this will not be possible without thinking of a strategy to abseil and risky all the opposition so thats why strengthening our learning system in general will be at the center of the debate and countries are working on and passing these large recovery bills right now have you seen any effort to already begin this conversation at least in the funding for some of this retraining or is it too early. Because the contras are reaching out to the personal to help to help i think the 1st episode help identify those workers and i think research once in that direction its important for us to add it to other workers. High risk you know once were able to identify its a church to target the right incentives right measures were those. So you know this is actually a trend that weve seen over the past month or so countries are wary about this question of very short term theyre looking at retaining as many jobs as possible but once the been any sort of the next i mean well see countries doing more and more to strengthen their out of the system and theyre really worried about this and this is something that should do in the coming years can we say that people will always be needed for those frontline jobs those those working with their hands kind of jobs they cant really be automator telework out of. Yeah absolutely that there will be many jobs that will not be automated right so i think it will be a transitional its a beach county and 1520 years with it which we will need a lot of many of this sort of manager but the question is what do we do with this so i think we have to guarantee that these people are able to return and say we took that replaces but also we need to be able to believe you are able to move to a situation where they can move and so thats why its killing enemies killing iron or grain steels to move to different positions example will be at the center of the debate and press up in 3 countries to to achieve all right a crisis thats still developing right now of course some long term questions require espinosa with o. E. C. D. Breaking down for us thank you very much. Right now its time for your questions the part of the show where our sort of science correspondent Eric Williams and theres the questions you posted to our you tube channel over to you dick. How long is the incubating period folk over at 19. 1 of the reasons this virus turned into such a big problem so quickly was not just that its pretty contagious the corona virus that causes sars for example seems to be just as contagious as sars co 2 with if not even a little more so but that epidemic petered out and the pathogen basically disappeared after around 6 months so so why didnt the same happen with this virus well to answer that we have to look at their respective incubation period stats the amount of time that passes between the moment of infection and the time when a patient begins to show sentence so in other words the moment when you know that person is sick in both Diseases Health Authorities Say the incubation period is similar ranging from between 2. 14 days and with an average of about 5 days the interesting thing though is not the length of the incubation period but what happens during it with sars patients generally hit their peak infectious period after they have begun to show symptoms and they didnt really seem to pass the virus along to others during the incubation period when they were unaware that they were carrying the pathogen so we were able to contain that virus effectively with isolation and quarantine in measures thats a key difference between it and source code to with covert 19 Research Shows that patients are contagious or maybe even most contagious in the last couple of days of their income beijing period so before they begin to show symptoms themselves and experts say those few critical days are one of the big reasons that will be unable to get to over 1800 control without a vaccine. For science correspondent Eric Williams there and dont forget that you can post your questions to derek on our you tube channel and if youd like to keep up with the latest developments on the coronavirus to subscribe to our newsletter just log on to com slash krone newsletter. And finally we we end with some good news rare pink dolphins are making a comeback in the waters between hong kong and macau after Ferry Service was suspended due to the pandemic Scientists Say the dolphins population has fallen by 70 to 80 percent in the past 15 years and one of the worlds most industrialized estuaries this year their numbers a bounce back as the pandemic means less disturbance to their habitat researchers say numbers are up by a 3rd in the area since march. Already ribbit of good news there thank you for watching our covert 1000 special thats it for me and the team here for more content dedicated to the pandemic to check us out dot com slash coronavirus im stephen beard. Thanks as always for watching. Kick off. Still on top. Mike thing wins against alabama and defends their championship mean. To longer at the bottom. So good scores a point against union berlin breaking free from last. 13 shows john w. Americas alexion crisis. Voter suppression of electoral districts manipulation and countless tunisians. Time to come hard fast sinister tools in the fight for power. Is the way out of the election means. Closer. In 90 minutes long d. W. Form. Of the more. Candidates the personal war zone love the cold war. And the swollen swollen. Nose mold birds nose. No lola 4 of them would. Put a bit of. This is t w news fly from her lead european states begin very imposing their toughest restrictions to fight the resurgence of covert 19 curfews and closures spread across the map as case numbers rise Authorities Say that the Health Situation in some states is more than during the pandemics 1st wave well look at for stretches in belgium also coming up in russia they are singing a different tune despite record coppa cases authorities there are doing everything to avoid an

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