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A place of meaning again. For our fight and to show that democracy is what we all truly want. Its not a violent protest nor does it cause harm to anyone weve come here peacefully. Earlier scuffles broke out between protesters and supporters of the monarchy thailands royal family is backed by the military and still enjoys support from many but the king is less popular than his father who died in 2016. On tuesday during commemorations of the death of the former monarch the kings motorcade was met with chants and the 3 finger salute the gesture has become a prodemocracy symbol borrowed from the hunger games film series about a dystopian totalitarian regime. Demanding a reform of the monarchy would have been unheard of just a few years ago but many now question the kings extravagant lifestyle he has been absent for most of the Coronavirus Crisis spending months in a german alpine retreat. With an entourage of 20 women criticizing the royals has been off limits in thailand due to harsh defamation laws now a new generation of young protesters are breaking to be. The concerns growing over the failure of a ceasefire to stop the fighting between armenian and his very forces in the disputed enclave of nagornokarabakh russia is urging both sides observe the chosen and the long running conflict through to diplomacy the 2 former soviet republics a blame each other for breaking an armistice that came into force at the weekend. The cathedral of stepan accurate a place of worship no longer its roof ripped open and its interior in ruins the church has fallen victim to a conflict that has cost hundreds of lives since it erupted last month the congregation and i praise in a makeshift shelter but they cannot escape the war. Of or ceasefire was supposed to come into effect last sunday but the shelling continues destruction and death a constant companions empty streets after thousands fled stepanek at the capital of a selfproclaimed republic within azerbaijans far more borders. 32 after its be elderly in wheelchairs who have stayed. Its scary and you can even imagine that whenever the shell flies we dont know who its going to hit but we tremble in a basement what if it hits here again every day we live with this fear in the 4th life from it was you. On the other side of the frontlines our tele fire is also raining down in the town of terror to raise it into have sought safety in their cellars. Oh. What can you do we have no choice the armenian guns and cannons made us come here we run we fall down we stand up again we get injured and now were here hiding we fall down again and then we hate again what can we do i got injured here here here. I mean yes Prime Minister nico blames azerbaijans ally turkey for the field cease fire he says ankara is looking to expand its influence in the region how much of of that. Im convinced that for as long as turkeys position remains unchanged as a by young will not stop fighting. Rather mark long will for. Turkey for its part has called on armenia to withdraw from azerbaijani territory it currently holds so far the International Community has been unable to broker peace talks. With the 2 sage refusing to come to the table peace remains a distant prospect for the people here. And activists from congo has been fined 2000 euros by a french court for trying to steal an african artifact from a museum in paris was delivered via bands that live streams attempt to remove a 19th century relic he accuses france and other European Countries of plundering the countries they colonized and says they should return the objects they took. Many would call this their ft but this activists hes only getting back what was taken away from his people i came to reclaim goods that were stolen from africa during colonization of this video of us live streamed on facebook back in june or west. And for other activists were trying to steal a funerary post from carol nima see him in paris he failed but managed to draw attention to a topic that has recently triggered a heated debate should african art looted during colonialism be returned and if so how and when the congolese burn activists action is needed now on the do you never ask a thief for permission to get back what is still from you and thats what we did we have the right to defend ourselves because we were robbed the fact that our works are on display here means to theft continues to be our sport yes you. Also caused a stir when he tried to steal a piece of art from a dutch museum as well as in the french city of must say some say these acts have to be considered as performances not just theft. Its a different way of saying things that have already been said in many forms for a long time since african countries gained independence on a diplomatic level in a dialogue between museums and international corporation. In a report commissioned by french president emmanuel and that crawl the art historian so ward said looted art has to be given back and that up to 90 percent of african art works are located outside of the continent the caper lima c. M. Alone has more than 60000 objects taken from africa but according to this lawyer an art lover not all of them are looted he recently published a book on the topic yet. Some objects have obviously been taken away european states have to give back what was taken in wars but there are also other aspects of africans themselves are to european. Banks and his fellow activists its not only about bringing heritage spec home as he calls it he also wants european societies to face the realities of their colonial past it is our own goal to reach the biggest possible audience on the one hand and people in africa but also people in europe and the world. Says says he does not fear possible fines not even prison sentences in his eyes this is about a lot more than just his own destiny. Well report was produced by de w. s Marina Strauss in brussels she joins me now. Welcome to followers and youre a fine sounds like a life sentence for this sort of fast. Usually if you walk answer care brawny museum which is very well known museum in paris you know cafe is up to 10 years in prison or a fine of 150000 euro so yes its definitely a mild fine and it also shows that the court didnt really consider this activism as theft i also talked to mr. Earlier today its just after the verdict and he said that the court said the judge said that this was meant as a deterrent so other people dont copy what he did and he also said that the church considered this as a radical act of activism. A french president tomorrow marco has said that hes going to look into the restitution of african Cultural Treasures that if he actually been done. France has a very special relationship with its former colonies there are still very close economic and political ties and in Monroe Mccraw when he came to power in 2017 his said that has to change actually travel to were going to go and book you know he held a speech in front of students who said we have to give looted arts back to africa but that was 3 years ago or since then so much has happened but its also difficult because 1st the legal or illegal hurdles and also is quite difficult in some cases to find out who was the actual owner but were seeing some movement there are for example the French National simply really simply that some 30 artifacts will be given back to binny ok what about other European Countries whats the situation like that process actually taking a leading role here in this in this topic but were also seeing some change in other European Countries for example and then theres that was the special committee that just a few days ago said they recommend that the also the netherlands that had a huge colonial empire have to give back looted art and so were also looking at germany that had some problem the use some centuries ago and this here does in germany the discussion is also a big one some artifacts have been given back but not so many and there was also a big discussion has been going on last couple of years because of the museum that is going to open up soon in berlin the humble farm that will actually put on this play this kind of art weve been talking about. This obviously draws a lot of criticism. But in a structure in brussels thank you. This is day w coming up next a new years asia well look at the backlash by a jewelry out in india lots of people think is problem for muslim conspiracy. A concern for civilian security in afghanistan as u. S. Troops start to withdraw into islamist militias attempting to come back. From where the covert put in hong kong has cultural life on hold before was a saying that often that livelihoods slicko. Responders able laugh those stories are more. Asia in just a moment ill be back at the top off the top with the offertory so for. Others always the website of course p. W. Dot com im going to. Come up. With. Germanys business in the middle. Its going well but how much longer. China as a trading partner is becoming in radio. Free Market Access is becoming more difficult intellectual property theft humans rights violations. How business is contained. In germany. 62 w. One people looking for coverage. There are many answers. There are many resumes. And there are many alternatives. To. Make up your own mind. Made for minds. This. Rice farmer from thailand. Has problems. No chemical. Step. Students are. Training successful. Starts october 16th. This is. Coming up today. The ad featuring an interfaith. Conspiracy. Is different. Enough not just for civilian security as the. Withdrawal from the country. And the culture of life. Slipping away with. Welcome to d. Day. Its good to have you with us and indian jewelry brand has pulled in about this month featuring an interfaith family off of a massive backlash on social media the advertisement shows a muslim mother in law organizing a baby shower for daughter. All opponents to the advertisement accuse the brand of promoting socalled love jihad it is a term used by right wing hindu groups in india who believe there is a conspiracy to convert hindu women to islam to marriage or try to use a tweeted this video of the advertisement before it was pulled. Down. To just sit on. The. You. Know. Who will sit down with. Us. Now they have not just been triggered shop responses on twitter like from this user who asked the company if it was promoting love jihad dare you to do an ad of muslim daughter in law with hindu family use or went on to say famous bollywood actress going out on alts treated that as hindus we need to be absolutely conscious of what these creative terrorists are injecting into us a conscience saying father it was the only way to save our civilization our colleague actress a sort of pasco to lament of the withdrawal of the advertisement by the company accusing it of a sad lack of spine and conviction numerous women and men get Death Threats and social media on a daily basis they stand up to it she said and indeed politician and author tweeted if hindu muslim got from them so much why dont they buy called the longest surviving symbol of hindu muslim unity in the world india is hindi for unity and was the name of the jewelry line from the company. Im due to record one of my doctoral degrees on the story for us youre going on from delhi where you dont want so much our own crew over the simple advertisement well this is a question that many are asking why such an outrage with this act the ad offensive the shores of pregnant and the woman being escorted to a hindu style beamish are said to me by her muslim mother in law which essentially indicates that the in the woman is mad it into a muslim family the tagline of the brand also one of the would you suggested that they wanted to celebrate what they call the confluence between 2 different religions to culture then traditions but theres been a massive backlash to this and critics actually viewed this outreach to what they say is a deep seated intolerance towards anything which towards interfaith how many over the past you use for the overarching idea is that any content or any agenda which talks which is liberal in a secular and talks about how many is basically done at the expense of the sentiments of the hindu the majority of the country and people who are against this ad who have been sending boycott tonnage which is the brand name on social media saying that this ad notifies what because i love. What does this term love jihad that keeps coming up in some of the tweets that we have also shown to our viewers it is that across social media what exactly is it what is its geneticists. Love jihad basically the understood to be a hindu fundamentalist Conspiracy Theory in which the rich adage is that muslim men out of gage into this conspiracy of converting hindu women to islam by madding them so certain cases in the past over many years have been big up by sometimes strange elements of local Political Parties or even media to portray the mask he says i love jihad but they have been groups into this case as well in which interfaith managers have been probed and agencies have found absolutely no evidence of love to heart in which hindu women are being understood to be being maltreated or suffered in these manages but from everything that youre seeing many of our it sounds like there is a religious divide in india how deep is the. Weather here in the Muslim Divide and the tension which follow on nothing new to india we have seen these issues springing up over the past many a different times in different reads but critics say that this deep seated it all in a stewards anything which promotes the hindu muslim harmony has faced a lot of opposition especially under the Current Ruling Party which even though the ruling establishment i mean leadership light has never said so in so many words but that has been an understanding that the ruling party slants more toward the majority didnt you of the country i critics say that this idea of intolerance has been played up by playing on the sense of feeling the injustice as if feel that their interests have to lead a 2nd fiddle to those of muslims especially under the previous governments so then does that mean that this is the end of this particular control received permission to visit voters. It doesnt look like because the brand has taken down the advertisement they have even published a statement that why they had to take down the advertisement and also there have been used reports off the shelves of these but in this particular bradley i pad in different parts of the country so clearly the social media outrage has followed this advertisement over the past couple of days did push the brand to take this new just step of actually pulling down the advertisement and shutting the statement out in that we leave it there for the time being but thank you so much for joining us when youre a child 3 from delhi. More than 30000 civilians in southern afghanistan are fleeing their homes following days of fighting between taliban militants and Government Troops residents of the city of los kogo in Helmand Province began fleeing of the polygon militants launched attacks on the city over the weekend afghan troops are fighting back supported by u. S. Airstrikes. On the assault of the city comes even as Afghan Government to go shia to talk with taliban representatives in dog the talks went ahead following an assurance by the us of a complete troop withdrawal from the country a prospect that has many of the country wanted about their security. One god had province afghanistan religious go about their daily life but something has changed many of them dont feel safe anymore there is now finally on them probably since the americans left we cannot go to school outside at night anymore we worry that the taliban will i say spoken again and we keep guard during the night. The u. S. Military set up bases here after Islamic State militants seized large parts of the province and 2015. Terrorizing the local population and destroying Health Centers and schools u. S. Forces helped to put a stop to that using their military might to drive jihadists from the area. But in july this year they left handing over this and other military bases to Afghan Soldiers and with it the responsibility to keep the local population say. Its a huge task some fear to shoot. And recent months militants have reappeared in the area and afghan troops say they dont have the resources they need to fight them. I suppose on the American Forces have modern equipment like drones they were controlling the whole area from the air so the unfortunately we dont have such equipment since the u. S. Left militant activity has increased by 10 percent or that and sometimes the taliban are attacking our forces. The return of islamist militants is many peoples Worst Nightmare here. And Afghan Forces will have no choice but to work with what little theyve got to prevent it from becoming a reality. In hong kong in the performing Arts Community has faced a big hit due to the corona about its bundaberg theaters are empty and stage lights left cold and there is little hope on the Horizon Movement as Entertainment Venues begin to. All the worlds a stage for ballerina irene load. A breezy pong or even her living room. But that smile masks her desperation as a freelancer you have no show you have no taking you pretty much thats your own money i have been going for the past 6 was that. If i dont teach i dont have no income at all serial. Life has become a lonely routine for brock fang his hip hop gigs have come to a full stop. Though hong kong prides itself on being one of asias Top Performing arts cities hes ineligible for virus relief schemes because hes a freelancer. Countries may have some very good subsidies but im not really envious of them i just feel really disappointed by the Hong Kong Government so i can only rely on myself. And dreams of the limelight have dimmed. The aspiring actress graduated from Theatre School in may right into the midst of a pandemic. Yes i have a big vision and how is studying i hope for i hope that after i graduate i will have jobs our even going to like going to a Theater Company to work for them for years as a full time job but no war dish ins and no call backs she works at a liquor store to make ends meet. The choice now for many hong kong artists whether to abandon hold fast to their craft. Every day the pandemic lingers time is running out to stage a comeback. And thats if i got all the stories on dot com forward slash on facebook and twitter really even now with these images from india of preparations for the. First of. All this begins in a little over a week from now these are pictures of. I have loads for the 1st of all. The back one of the same family. The. Pandemic. Where does research stand. What are scientists learning. Background information and. Special next on d. W. Past drama competitions live marketing numbers happens here by time and. Money. Problems lifespan. Because we need. To go off on you tube joining us. A double epidemic is coming as coated cases rise and influenza wave is heading to the Northern Hemisphere what if you get both at the same time. The coronavirus is already New Territory its a combination with him so when equally unknown. Winter will be a challenge. The big problem were facing is that cove it can look a lot like flu thats going to create a lot of problems for. It so one of the most important things we can do is to prevent flu in our community and what the most important tools we have is the flu vaccine whether it impacts the behavior of the coronavirus is another thing but a flu vaccination could narrow the diagnostic options when flu like symptoms occur. And doctors say its more important than ever to get your flu shot this year facebook has launched a Vaccine Information campaign its also banning ads that discourage people from getting the jab as the reportedly only 100 stein found out demand is surging experts say is could be a test run for an eventual coronavirus vaccine. A little pinprick that protects against the flu and helps make sure the Health System wont be overwhelmed doctors are worried about a widespread flu outbreak alongside a new wave of covert 19. D. The demand for flu vaccinations is higher this year than usual people are a bit alarmed and scared and that means that they are much more willing to get vaccinated. A flu jab is usually recommended for the. Over 60 pregnant women people with preexisting conditions and medical workers but this year the vaccination is available to everyone who wants one. German Health Minister says anyone who wants to have themselves and their children vaccinated should and can do so but if everyone in germany decides to get a flu jab there wont be enough of the vaccine to go round. If we just vaccinate anyone who once its done its quite possible that the people who really need it may not be able to get a vaccine at all in the end would be ethically and medically wrong. To avoid that outcome the Vaccination Commission recommends that high risk patients be vaccinated 1st then the rest of the population germany has never used up all its available vaccines nevertheless this year the flu vaccination will serve as a test run for an eventual corona vaccination. Learn how a covert 1000. 00 Vaccination Program might work from how influenza vaccinations go this year well probably vaccinate the same risk groups 1st will have much less of the vaccine at 1st compared to the influenza vaccine so well probably have to vaccinate gradually starting with those who need it most in this respect you can see the flu vaccine as a kind of test for the population for people for. The state and the medical profession are hoping to learn valuable lessons from this years flu season and how to prioritize future vaccinations. Joins us from italys National Institute for infectious diseases. I got my flu shot last week was that a good idea. That was somebody very good idea i did the same just 10 days ago and was also vaccinated against the no infection this is a very with a deal because we have decrease the number of flu cases. Firstly because. The infection that should be prevented the for its complications secondly because we have to avoid pressure during the winter season or in the hospital for a good system. But tell me this there are studies that show that it could actually protect me against the corona virus is is that can you substantiate that. There is no evidence that. The vaccine national gas flu can protect the and against south cyclone alive still that different viruses and they belong to different families there is no interaction between the 2 viruses and the facts of National Case flu does not protect against the corona virus there is scope due to be back sedated to avoid that another important the ceasing the risk into the system that can get can worsen the course of that it could infection with coffee or will increase the pressure in their hosking does so on the mission and intensive care mechanical ventilation cases but what if i do get the flu and corona at the same time. We dont have a boxing day sykora how. About have also fun so for your question and no. Reply i just can say that if we have all the votes. Come in the same time think could be done maybe next year when in. All the box you know. About it will need to be done to get it new zealand has a 99. 8 percent reduction in flu cases following its code 90 response it is that because so many people so much more vigilant about washing hands wearing mosques this is a possible x. Than there show the most likely explanation that the mission is to reduce the spread of the current of i can reduce also the spread of flow this is correct and in my view. If we use proper masks wash and sand and we have physical decency we can avoid bot flu and. The fact that. The number of cases of flu is so dramatically decreasing can may be the view. Up to there under it so the people who need to get it measures. Whats your Research Reveal on geographical differences on the spread and sabera he of the flu and covert. The buck flew when cog does the same way it is there is there is the earth all the way to the outlets and the contact that oer cobbett. Bashan cant just meet the infection do or do one called passion 22. 5 persons on average where s. Just b. C. The 4th floor is lower around the one or 1. 5 and the case fatality rate is around 5 percent up to 1520 percent they know people are older than 8 year sold for coffee whereas. For flu and the more case but if youre a lawyer then and one percent and this is the big difference between the 2 of the c. C. C. Terms of. You know patricio thank you very much for joining us today. A brief look at some of the coronavirus stories making news another setback for hopes of a vaccine anytime soon johnson and johnsons Clinical Trial of its code 19 vaccine is on hold after a volunteer came down with an unexplained illness. Nearly has also posed a Clinical Trial of an antibody treatment. 2 Taiwanese Companies have designed a covert rapid test using electronic chips a coating on the biosensor tracks and binds with the are in a of the virus in the flow of electrons through the semiconductor changes showing a negative or positive result in a few minutes. And researchers in japan have used a supercomputer to show how humidity affects the dispersion of corona virus particles the findings suggest contagion risks are high in dry indoor conditions in winter they say humidifiers could help limit infections when window ventilation is not possible. Over to our science correspondent now Derek Williams for another book shelf installment of his q. And a viewers say its. How do you make a vaccine for something that mutates. I get asked this a lot to answer we have to look at the process of evolution not just like with living organisms the genetic code that governs how a virus is made changes from generation to generation sometimes in small ways sometimes in big ones the progeny if they survive eventually will become separate strains that are distinct from their common ancestor their genetic code has changed and and that can change how they look at their structure and also how they interact with potential hosts for example whether they can cause more or less severe illness whats key to creating a vaccine is the speed at which these changes occur in viruses like the ones that cause influenza for example which have genomes that are less stable or the rate of change is so rapid and random that we need a new vaccine to fight them every year we have to play catch up with flu bugs all the time fortunately due to the way that sars cove 2 makes copies of itself its genome remains relatively stable as far as we can tell a worldwide there isnt a lot of genetic variation yet among all the Novel Coronavirus is circulating in different parts of the planet and because those groups are so homogeneous theoretically a vaccine that can prevent one should be able to prevent them all whats interesting and kind of scare. Is that is that when we start to prevent infections with a vaccine will also start forcing sars cove to change in ways that will allow it to get around the vaccine but but thats a different question. Finally the pandemic has been let down for live music lovers many concept holes remain closed to prevent the spread of the virus. So you know members of the new York Philharmonic have decided to take their music to the public now staging performances on the citys streets and in pots the setting is a hot cry from the film on excuse will bail you out it gives the musicians a sense of purpose and is likely to attract new facts and also. Really. Good to have you along for another about coven specials and see if you watch. Germanys business in the middle kingdom is going well but for now much longer. China as a trading partner is becoming infused in radio by free Market Access is becoming more difficult intellectual property. Rights violations. How does ms contin. Made in germany. 36 w. D t you know that 77 percent of lopping are younger than 60 ah. Thats me and me and you. And you know what time of voices was hard on the 77 percent the talk about the issues. From the politics to fashion from housing boom boom town this is where our. Welcome to the 77 percent. This weekend on g. W. Im not laughing at the germans because sometimes i am but mostly im laughing with the. Many things deep into the german culture. Muted seem to think this grandmother they owe to you because its all about who they know im rachel join me to meet the gem of a beat up horse story that people hold on for g. W. On facebook and twitter up to date and untouched. This for me. Is for you to. Be true for. Beethoven. Is for. Beethoven is for us. Is for. Beethoven 2020 the 250th anniversary here on. This is the w. H. Y. From the end fighting the 2nd way if governments across europe tried to turn back photographer coronavirus as the continents records the highest number of new infections since the start of the pandemic also on the program rival demonstrators face off in the thai capital of antigovernment protests some controversial calls for cups of the kings palace

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